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OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, January 14, 2019 3:30 p.m. Conference Room 1st Floor Present: John Thiel, Shannon Cotulla, Julie Ryan, Jim Jones, Nick Exline, Star Glaze
Public: None
TOPICS DISCUSSION 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS. None. 2. CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS a) Plant Emergency Generator Replacement (Cal Electro Inc.)
• The Generator Replacement Project is currently scheduled to be finished by the end of next grading season but there is a weather delay related to the installation of the block for the generator building.
• The block has arrived but the subcontractor is reluctant to perform the installation in the Winter. They would need to put controls in place for the cold weather conditions.
• If they waited to install the block until 5/1 the project would not complete on time and potentially we would go into another Winter without the Emergency Generator being on line.
• The District has had to rent costly portable generators for this Winter and does not want to have do so again if the project is not completed by next Fall.
• The Project Manager has been working with the Contractor to keep them on schedule and is making headway on negotiations including possibly looking for windows of good weather to complete work and/or finding a way to align the remaining work to get multiple portions of the project done simultaneously.
• One piece of the project that was completed successfully was the demolition of the old Breakpoint Chamber. There are no longer any ice or drainage issues in that area.
• Project updates will be provided as they become available.
b) Diamond Valley Ranch (DVR) Irrigation/C Hydro (Thomas Haen Co)
• There are only a few items remaining on the punch list as well as consultant documentation of programming changes and the completion of the asbuilts.
• The project is expected to be mostly done by the end of the fiscal year but Ivo is preparing a Task Order to bring to the Board extending the consultants services to document the programming changes and to cover additional consultant expenses due to the extended contract time. c) Water Meters Phase IV (Vinciguerra)
• Project is in closeout.
d) Marlette Waterline (Thomas Haen Co)
• The project is mainly completed but we still need to relocate 56 service lines from customer’s backyards to the new water line out front.
• Letters will be going out this week notifying customers of the service line relocation requirements and that Thomas Haen Co. will be doing the work on the District’s behalf.
• If the customer chooses to have their own contractor complete the work, the District will reimburse them up to $5,000.00 once documentation has been submitted showing the work is complete.
e) 2018 Water and Sewer Systems Improvements (Thomas Haen Co)
Hydrants, Force Main By-pass, Apache Avenue Sewer
• 16 fire hydrants were installed in Meyers including the replacement of an older hydrant in Tahoe Paradise Park with 2 new hydrants that better match our target spacing.
• The Installation of the bypass stations and one ARV on the Al Tahoe Force Main will facilitate the District’s response to an emergency on that line.
• The Pine Valley PRV portion of the project was partially grant funded. The project includes replacing instrumentation on the pressure reducing valve station that feeds water to 400 District customers. This will add, for the first time, real time data on what is going on with the PRV.
• Another piece of the Pine Valley PRV project is establishing and evaluating an additional pressure management zone that will be used to compile data to extend the life of our assets.
• The Camel Garage extensions are nearly complete. There will be a Change Order prepared for submission to the Board.
• We have also added the 22 Ponderosa Waterline relocations to this project.
• Lastly, we want to do flow testing in the Myers area where the fire hydrants were installed. There were anomalies found in the GIS data for this area. It has since been corrected but we would like to flush the area to find contingencies in the flow and possibly develop a flushing program for that area so that we can improve flows in the future.
• Shannon is also working with the fire department to paint the fire hydrants correctly to identify pressures and flow.
• John thanked Julie and Shannon for coordinating with Cal Trans on the Al Tahoe Force Main cut across Hwy. 50 allowing the District to save money on the project.
a) Rocky Point No. 2 Waterline • The Bid opening was on 1/10/19. Bid and DBE review is currently under way.
• There are SRF funding questions due to the Government shutdown that will need to be addressed. Julie will update the committee when she has more information. b) Groundwater Management Planning
• Ivo is continuing to develop the PCE remediation alternatives plan. He should have the modeling results by the end of January and will share them with the Technical Advisory Committee.
• After further review the State has confirmed that we will remain a Medium Priority Basin.
• We submitted two groundwater management plans in 2016 and expect to receive a response in March of 2019.
• Shannon reported that there is a lot going on with the PCE ground management plan. John will attend the Lahontan meeting next week in Shannon’s absence to get an update.
• John, along with the other water purveyors in the area, will be doing a PCE presentation to the City Council 2/5/19. c) Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Improvements
• We are working on converting the main pump station to electric and at the same time we will look at the need for an integrated pump control system.
• We have saved on construction costs by having the District crews do a lot of the work on the pump station conversions. d) Collection System Assessment
• We were able to TV a great number of lines in preparation for the Prop. 2018 process. There is still about 4 months’ worth of camera footage that needs to be coded and evaluated.
• Since having this work done by an outside consultant saves the District money, we will be moving forward with either an RFP or bid to get a consultant on board to review the data. e) Big 5 Pump Stations • We are in the design phase for the Tahoe Keys and Upper Truckee Pump Station projects.
• During the Capital Budget planning process crews raised concerns about the Bijou Pump Station. We will proceed with the design process for this project so that it is in place if something happens at the pump station prior to construction.
f) DVR Improve- ment Projects • Repairs to the inverted syphon will be done in either the Spring or Fall. We are unable to do the work during the Summer when it is in use.
• We will are looking at doing improvements to the vault at Indian Creek Reservoir.
• We are moving forward with repairs to the Diamond Ditch.
g) Keller-Heavenly Improvements • We have Received 60% of the design and are slated for 2020. We are also on tract for the support needed for funding.
• Part of the design was a rock fall mitigation plan for the slope. We sent the plan out for a third party peer review due to the high cost. We have received the peer review report and it looks like we will be able to scale back the extent of the mitigation from the original design which will cut costs. h) Water Metes Phase V-A • Currently out for bid. Bid opening is on 2/12/19.
i) Heavenly Tank • This project is slated for late this season. The tank services most much of the lower mountain. We want to make sure it is in good working order before proceeding with the Keller-Heavenly improvements.
• We will be reconfiguring the piping, relocating and replacing the meter and doing seismic improvements to the retaining wall. j) Luther Pass Tanks and Valving • Structural improvements and recoating are planned for 2020/2021.
• We are working on a temporary repair for the tank 2 corrosion as well as mitigation plans to extend the life of both tanks.
• A consultant will be brought on board to assist our Part Time Engineer, Marty Rahbeck, with the structural assessment as well as for cathodic coating support.
• Shannon reported that we are in the process of purchasing two 700 hp pumps. Once they are received we will pull one of the old 700 hp pumps to send in for rehabilitation. Running the pumps in different sequences as well as improved monitoring will allow us to be more proactive in the future investment of equipment. k) Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) Energy Audit
• We have developed a final draft of the plan and provided it to the Operators that will be collecting the data to use as a reference. Any tweaking of the plan will occur as data is collected.
• All of the Instruments have been procured and most have been installed. Over the next couple of weeks we will collect the data required to monitor the system for a full year.
• At the end of the year Carollo will provide efficiency recommendations based on the data collected. l) Well and Pump Monitoring • The RFP has been posted with a deadline of 1/31/19 for submission.
• This is the first big step towards an asset management program for the District wells.
• Funding was received for this project from EDCWA for the 2018/2019 fiscal year. m) SCADA Improvement Projects
• The SCADA committee has identified a number of needed improvements but they have been on hold pending the EDCWA MOU.
• We going to move forward with a few of the projects so that constructability and funding are not affected.
• Carollo will resume working on the PRV designs with construction planned for 2020.
• The field communication needs assessment has been resumed and we have a consultant working on reconfiguring the SCADA radios at the Fallen Leaf Lake pump Stations.
• The water efficiency improvements design has also resumed. Once we have the efficiency measures in place we can use Ivo’s project to move forward.
• John said he is cautiously optimistic about resolving the ECWA MOU in the near future. 4. OTHER a. El Dorado County Water Agency
• See above.
b. Sierra Blvd. Project, City of South Lake Tahoe
• Work is set to start in the Spring.
• We are still waiting for confirmation from the City’s contractor that the bid prices are consistent. c. Fallen Leaf Lake Snow Plowing
• Shannon reported that Stanford Sierra Camp has purchased equipment to keep the road open unless there is a big storm event.
• If needed the District will rely on the Tool Cat with tracks and/or the Snow Cat for access. d) Recent Operational Issues
• No Report.
5. ADJOURNMENT Next Ops Mtg. Next Operations Committee Meeting to be held on Tuesday February 19, 2019, 3:30 pm.