HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistrict Board Agenda Packet February 18, 2021 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, February 18, 2021 - 2:00 p.m. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California David Peterson, Vice President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, President Chris Cefalu, Director Shane Romsos, Director Nick Exline, Director John Thiel, General Manager Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer Public Participation In accordance with Executive Order N-29-20, the District Board Room will be closed to members of the public and all public participation will be handled remotely through the GoToWebinar listed below: 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING – PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (At this time, please silence phones and other electronic devices so as not to disrupt the business of the meeting.) 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on any short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No discussion or action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda, per the Brown Act. Each member of the public who wishes to comment shall be allotted five minutes, and no more than three individuals shall address the same subject.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes of the Brown Act, all Action and Consent items listed give a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed. Recommendations of the staff, as shown, do not prevent the Board from taking other action.) 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request. Comments and questions from members of the public, staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action.) South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors Meeting Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone: Please register for South Tahoe Public Utility District Board Meeting – February 18, 2021 2:00 PM https://global.gotowebinar.com/join/7095152245523976463 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. You can also dial in using your phone: 1-866-952-8437 Access Code: 630-639-698 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA – February 18, 2021 PAGE – 2 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION/ACTION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Purchase of a 2022 Western Star 4700 Chassis Dump Truck (Cliff Bartlett, Fleet/Equipment Supervisor) 1) Approve exception from formal competitive solicitation based on the District’s Purchasing Policy exemption when using competitively awarded cooperative agreements that leverage the state’s buying power; and, 2) Approve the purchase of one 2022 Western Star 4700 Chassis with a 15 foot/12 yard dump bed from the National Auto Fleet Group in conjunction with the Sourcewell Contract Number 060920-NAF in the estimated amount of $172,523.91. b. Electronic Signature Ordinance (Tim Bledsoe, Manager of Customer Service) Approve Ordinance No. 579-21 to permit the South Tahoe Public Utility District to utilize electronic signatures. c. Approve Payment of Claims (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $1,704,090.44. 7. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEES AND LIAISON REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. Solar Ad-Hoc Committee Appointments 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 9. EL DORADO WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT 10. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT (Discussion may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. Staffing b. COVID-19 c. Connected Communities Grant 11. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. Sewer System Inspection Annual Update (Ryan Lee, Asset Management Analyst) 12. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS Past Meetings/Events 02/04/2021 – 2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District 02/10/2021 – 10:00 a.m. El Dorado Water Agency Meeting in Placerville 02/15/2021 – Presidents’ Day Holiday District Offices Closed 02/16/2021 – 3:30 p.m. Operations Committee Meeting at the District 02/17/2021 – 8:00 a.m. Employee Communications Committee Meeting (Romsos Representing) Future Meetings/Events 03/04/2021 - 2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District ADJOURNMENT (The next Regular Board Meeting is Thursday, March 4, 2021, at 2:00 p.m.) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA – February 18, 2021 PAGE – 3 The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete Agenda packet is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after Minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on the Agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified, but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the Agenda will be taken at the same time the Agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written materials presented at the meeting. Comments on items not on the Agenda can be heard during “Comments from the Audience;” however, action cannot be taken on items not on the Agenda. Backup materials relating to an open session item on this Agenda, which are not included with the Board packet, will be made available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed or made available to the Board, and can be viewed at the District office, at the Board meeting and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District’s public meetings. If particular accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530) 544-6474, extension 6203. All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA – February 18, 2021 PAGE – 4 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CONSENT CALENDAR Thursday, February 18, 2021 ITEMS FOR CONSENT a. RESOLUTION FOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION WATERSMART SMALL-SCALE WATER EFFICIENCY PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2021 GRANT (Lynn Nolan, Grants Coordinator) Adopt Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects Grant Program Resolution No. 3163-21approving grant funding for a pressure reducing valve program. b. UNIFORM AND LINEN SERVICE CONTRACT (Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent) Authorize a 2-year Contract renewal with Aramark Uniform Services, formerly AmeriPride Services, in an estimated amount of $33,000 per year. c. 2020 LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (Brent Goligoski, Associate Engineer) Approve Change Order No. 2 to TNT Industrial Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $30,660.66. d. MIGRATION AND IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES FOR MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 (Chris Skelly, Information Technology Manager and Brian Bartlett, Network/Telecom System Administrator) Authorize staff to enter into a professional services Contract with Communication Square LLC as the responsive, responsible bidder on the Migration and Implementation Services for Microsoft Office 365, not to exceed $35,000. e. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: February 4, 2021 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Approve February 4, 2021, Minutes BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Lynn Nolan, Grants Coordinator MEETING DATE: February 18, 2021 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Resolution for Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects Fiscal Year 2021 Grant REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects Grant Program Resolution No. 3163-21approving grant funding for a pressure reducing valve program. DISCUSSION: South Tahoe Public Utility District staff is requesting approval to submit a grant application to the Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects Grant Program for a pressure reducing valve installation program on the District’s largest water producing infrastructure. The grant is limited to $75,000 with a $75,000 match. The attached Resolution is a requirement of the funding application. SCHEDULE: Final application due March 4, 2021 COSTS: Match costs are associated with this item ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 3163-21 _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 RESOLUTION NO. 3163-21 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BUREAU OF RECLAMATION WaterSMART: SMALL-SCALE WATER EFFICIENCY GRANT FISCAL YEAR 2021 BE IT RESOLVED by the South Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD) Board of Directors that the General Manager, and the Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized and directed to sign and file, for and on behalf of the STPUD, a Financial Assistance Application for a financing agreement from the Bureau of Reclamation for the planning, design, and construction of the following project: Pressure Reducing Valve SCADA Upgrades And; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the STPUD hereby agrees and further does authorize the aforementioned representative or his/her designee to certify that the Agency has and will comply with all applicable state and federal statutory and regulatory requirements related to any financing or financial assistance received from the Bureau of Reclamation; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the STPUD Board of Directors supports the submission of an application under the Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Grant Program and certifies that STPUD is capable of the providing the amount of funding and in-kind contributions specified in the funding application; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that STPUD will work with Reclamation to meet established deadlines for entering into a grant or cooperative agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, THE AGENCY DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, ORDER AND DETERMINE AS FOLLOWS: WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 3163-21 was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting held on the 18th day of February 2021, by the following vote: 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: _____________________________________ Kelly Sheehan, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of a resolution duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the STPUD Board of Directors held on February 18, 2021. _________________________________ Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Resolution No. 3163-21 Page 2 February 18, 2021 3 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: February 18, 2021 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Uniform and Linen Service Contract REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize a 2-year Contract renewal with Aramark Uniform Services, formerly AmeriPride Services, in an estimated amount of $33,000 per year. DISCUSSION: Formal bids were solicited for uniform and linen services in 2016/17. The bid included options to renew the Contract for four additional 2-year terms. Services have been satisfactory with the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, AmeriPride Services. In 2020, AmeriPride Services was purchased by Aramark Uniform Services, who took over the Contract maintaining the same terms. Staff wishes to renew the Contract at this time (second of four, 2-year extensions). Prices will continue at the same rates. SCHEDULE: March 22, 2021 – March 21, 2023 COSTS: $33,000 ACCOUNT NO: Various 4308 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $31,550 (FY 2021/2022) ATTACHMENTS: None ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 4 Brent Goligoski Page 2 February 18, 2021 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Brent Goligoski, Associate Engineer MEETING DATE: February 18, 2021 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: 2020 Luther Pass Pump Station Improvements Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order No. 2 to TNT Industrial Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $30,660.66. DISCUSSION: Change Order No. 2 addresses two extra work items that are for work beyond the scope of the original Contract: A. During the course of the work to install new appurtenances on the B-line, additional work was identified to extend the life of the new assets and allow for easier maintenance. Additional work was directed to purchase and install a picking eye on a 24 inch blind flange, di-electric unions to separate dissimilar metals, and a 2 inch check valve to prevent debris from entering a drain pipe. Also, in preparation for the installation of the new 24 inch isolation valves on the B-line, the contractor has requested compensation for standby time while District staff drained the existing piping. Lump sum cost Proposals were provided by the contractor and the standby time was tracked and results in an increase to the Contract amount by $4,645.08. B. During the replacement of two 12 inch isolation valves which serve the existing B- line surge system, the contractor encountered multiple unanticipated conditions and changes to the scope of this work. An existing flange coupling adaptor needed to be completely replaced as a replacement gasket for the existing hardware could not be purchased. The actuator mechanism on the new District supplied butterfly valve needed to be disassembled and reversed to fit inside the existing valve manhole. A new pipe spool was fabricated and installed to accommodate the lay length of the new valve. An existing concrete slab had General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 5 Brent Goligoski Page 2 February 18, 2021 been cast around the bolts on one of the existing valves and needed to be removed. There was also standby time for the contractor’s crew while District staff brought the piping back on-line. Lump sum cost Proposals were provided by the contractor and the time-and-material for these efforts was tracked and results in an increase to the Contract amount by $26,015.58. Change Order No. 2 increases the Contract Price from $1,853,765.85 to $1,884,426.51. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $30,660.66 (BSURGE) ACCOUNT NO: 10.30.7058 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: <$236,591> ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 6 1 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 02 Project:2020 LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Contractor: TNT INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTORS, INC. Date: 2/18/20 PO #: 2020-974, 2020-1000 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: A. Amend Bid Item 6 by $4,645.08 to reflect actual work performed as directed including adding a picking eye to assist in the installation of a new 24 inch blind flange, adding di-electric unions to separate dissimilar metals, adding a 2 inch check valve to prevent debris from entering a drain pipe, and standby time while District crews drained existing 24” B-line piping, as documented in Time and Materials submission 10, and Contract Change Requests 2, 3, and 4 (attached). There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. TOTAL FOR ITEM A IS $4,645.08 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 1 IS A+B = $30,660.66 Dollar Amounts Contract Time Original Contract $1,829,537.00 189 Calendar Days Previous Change Orders $24,228.85 263 Calendar Days Current Contract $1,853,765.85 452 Calendar Days THIS CHANGE ORDER $30,660.66 0 Calendar Days New Contract Total $1,884,426.51 452 Calendar Days Contractor agrees to make the herein-described changes in accordance with the terms hereof. The change in contract price and/or contract time noted is full settlement for costs incurred as a result of the change(s) described, unless specifically noted in individual description(s). Date:__2/18/2020_________ Authorized By STPUD Board President Date:_____________________ Accepted By Contractor Date:_____________________ Reviewed By 7 2 B. Amend Bid Item 7 by $26,015.58 to reflect actual work performed as directed including reversing the actuator on a District supplied valve, removing an existing unknown concrete slab in the bottom of a manhole in order to replace an existing valve, standby time and excavation and backfill as directed to assist District staff with bringing the piping back into service, replacement of an existing flanged coupling adaptor, and replacement of an existing piping spool to accommodate a new valve installation, as documented in Time and Materials submissions 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, and Contract Change Request 5 (attached). There is no change to the Contract Time related to this change in work. TOTAL FOR ITEM B IS $26,015.58 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER 2 IS A+B = $30,660.66 8 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Chris Skelly, Information Technology Manager Brian Bartlett, Network/Telecom System Administrator MEETING DATE: February 18, 2021 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Migration and Implementation Services for Microsoft Office 365 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to enter into a professional services Contract with Communication Square LLC as the responsive, responsible bidder on the Migration and Implementation Services for Microsoft Office 365, not to exceed $35,000. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Board authorization on November 19, 2020, District staff published a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Migration and Implementation Services for Microsoft Office 365. The District received two valid responses and after an extensive review, staff determined Communication Square LLC is the best value to the District. Comparing both responses, Communication Square LLC provided a more comprehensive and inclusive implementation and migration plan for the Scope of Work outlined in the District’s RFP. While they were not the lowest project cost quoted, it was determined they provided the best value to the District for the services requested and had the lowest risk of additional Change Orders. SCHEDULE: Complete by June 2021 COSTS: Not to exceed $35,000 ACCOUNT NO: 10.56.8183 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $50,000 ATTACHMENTS: Communication Square LLC RFP Response ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 9 Submitted by: South Tahoe Public Utility District- Migration & Implementation Services for Microsoft Office 365 PROPOSAL Communication Square LLC 7108 S Kanner Hwy, Stuart, FL 34997, United States. 10 1 Table of Contents TAB 1 ............................................................................................................................................................. 3 COVER LETTER ........................................................................................................................................... 4 DISTRICT PROVIDED FORMS ..................................................................................................................... 6 Exhibit D - Notice of "No Proposal Submittal" ...................................................................................... 7 Exhibit E – Respondent Signature Page / Proposal Cover Page ............................................................ 8 Exhibit F - Form W-9 Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification ............................................. 9 Exhibit H - Affidavit of Non-Collusion and Non-Discrimination .......................................................... 10 Exhibit I – Certification of Insurability ................................................................................................. 11 Exhibit J – Bidder Disclosure Statements ............................................................................................ 12 Exhibit K – Client References .............................................................................................................. 13 Exhibit L - Deviations and/or Exceptions Form ................................................................................... 14 Exhibit M – Subcontractor Statement ................................................................................................ 15 ADDENDUM ACKNOWLDEGEMENT ........................................................................................................ 16 BUSINESS ORGANIZATION AND CREDENTIALS ....................................................................................... 17 Firms Qualifications and Experience ................................................................................................... 17 Microsoft Partnership Certifications ................................................................................................... 19 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS & QUALIFICATIONS ................................................................................ 20 Microsoft Gold Partner Proof ............................................................................................................. 20 Business License .................................................................................................................................. 22 Financial Statements ........................................................................................................................... 23 Insurance Coverages ........................................................................................................................... 24 TAB 2 .......................................................................................................................................................... 25 PROJECT TEAM DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................. 26 Awais Khalid: Microsoft Technology Associate Transcript ................................................................. 26 Ateeb Fayyaz: Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate Transcript ..................................................... 26 ORGANIZATION CHART ........................................................................................................................... 28 TAB 3 ........................................................................................................................................................... 29 PROPOSED PROJECT PLAN ...................................................................................................................... 30 TAB 4 ........................................................................................................................................................... 43 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................... 44 Out of Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 44 Customer Responsibilities ................................................................................................................... 44 11 2 Customer Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................... 45 Assumptions ........................................................................................................................................ 46 12 3 TAB 1 13 4 COVER LETTER South Tahoe Public Utility District Information Technology Department Dec 15, 2020 Dear Chris Skelly, Project Manager E-mail: cskelly@stpud.dst.ca.us I submit here with the requested Proposal Titled ‘’Migration & Implementation Services for Microsoft Office 365’’ to be performed under my direction and supervision. I guarantee that Communication Square LLC has thoroughly studied and fully understood the Request for Proposal’s criteria and requirements. South Tahoe Public Utility District has requested competitive proposals from qualified companies regularly and continuously engaged in the business of providing Migration & Implementation Services for Microsoft’s Office 365, in accordance with the configuration and migration required to transition from the current environment to a hosted and secure Microsoft Office 365 solution. Communication Square is a Microsoft Gold Partner that helps companies get more productive and secure in the cloud with Microsoft customized cloud solutions. Through our done-for-you managed services and consulting we will help you get a seamless transition and adoption. Our focus lies in helping you in getting the best business value for all the Microsoft technology. To offer you the most effective services we have certified Microsoft consultant experts that let you implement all Microsoft related IT initiatives. We will enable successful completion of the agreed upon tasks and best practices, tailored to meet your unique needs with the sole goal of helping you get the most out of Microsoft requested services. Below is the information you requested, with regards to our social media sites and website. https://www.facebook.com/communicationsquare https://twitter.com/csquarellc https://www.linkedin.com/company/communication-square https://www.communicationsquare.com/ Your consideration of our proposal is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to working with you. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact me anytime. I look forward to having a discussion with you further on this project. 14 5 Sincerely, Favad Qaisar CEO, Communication Square LLC favad@communicationsquare.com 7108 S Kanner Hwy, Stuart, FL 34997, United States +1 772-210-1040 SignNow e-signature ID: fbbe969674... 01/14/202108:29:32 UTC 15 6 DISTRICT PROVIDED FORMS 16 Total Hours Total Price 64 $100.00 118 $100.00 32 $100.00 8 $100.00 8 $100.00 24 $100.00 14 $100.00 12 $100.00 $28,000.00Total Project Cost: Professional Services (See Section 3 - Scope of Work) I. Planning and Preparation II. Migration and Configuration of Exchange Environment VII. Documentation VIII. Training IV. Migration and Configuration of Collaboration Apps (OneDrive, Teams, etc.) V. Configuration, Testing, and Deployment of Private Microsoft App Store VI. Configuration, Testing, and Deployment of Office Suite Deployment Scripts III. Third-party Integrations (KnowBe4, Mimecast, etc.) Project Cost EXHIBIT B - COST PROPOSAL FORM RFP No. 1RFP-20-21-IT01 Title: Migration & Implementation Services for Microsoft Office 365 Cost or price information shall not be included in any other part of the bid proposal unless specifically requested. Enter prices for Migration & Implementation Services for Microsoft Office 365 and other support services. Pricing shall be firm fixed price and shall include all costs in accordance with all contract requirements, including but not limited to fully-burdened labor, payroll and other taxes, fringes, licenses and permits, insurance, workforce productivity, coordination, transportation, field overhead, general and administrative overhead, and profit. The respondent shall submit a cost proposal containing all costs to the District. 17 18 PAGE 28 of 37 Request for Proposal No. RFP-20-21-IT01 EXHIBIT E - RESPONDENT SIGNATURE / COVER PAGE RFP No. RFP-20-21-IT01 Title: Migration & Implementation Services for Microsoft Office 365 1.RESPONDENT Firm Name: Contact Name: Principal Address: Local Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Structure: [ ] Sole Proprietor [ ] Partnership [ ] Corporation [ ] Joint Venture Tax ID No: California Contractor License No: 2. Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) Registration No. Registration Date: Expiration Date: Registration Date: Expiration Date: Registration Date: Expiration Date: Note: Public works contractors are now able to register for one, two, or three fiscal years (July 1-June 30) to ensure there is no period of lapse during project/contract term. 3. Prices: A. Prices shall be F.O.B. Destination or for the service rendered. B. Payment Terms: Net 45 C. Proposers shall honor proposal prices for one hundred twenty (120) days or for the stated contract period whichever is longer. THIS PROPOSAL IS BEING SUBMITTED BY: The undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the goods or services at the price(s) entered herein subject to the terms and conditions attached hereto. I CERTIFY that (1) the proposal document has been read and understood and that all of the conditions contained therein are acceptable, (2) I have thoroughly examined and become familiar with the specifications and/or scope of services outlined in this solicitation and further, to the best of my knowledge the information contained in this bid proposal is accurate and complete and that (3) I have the legal authority to commit this firm to a contractual agreement. Printed Name: Title: Signature: Date: Communication Square LLC - 7108 S Kanner Hwy, Stuart, FL 34997, United States. 35-2536011 Favad@communicationsquare.com Favad Qaisar CEO 12/22/2020 Favad Qaisar +1-213-973-2823 +1-347-823-6223+1-772-210-1040 1267 Willis St., STE 200 Redding , CA 96001 N/A N/A SignNow e-signature ID: 9d77878499... 01/14/202108:15:46 UTC 19 Form W-8BEN (Rev. July 2017) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Individuals) ▶ For use by individuals. Entities must use Form W-8BEN-E. ▶ Go to www.irs.gov/FormW8BEN for instructions and the latest information. ▶ Give this form to the withholding agent or payer. Do not send to the IRS. OMB No. 1545-1621 Do NOT use this form if: Instead, use Form: • You are NOT an individual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W-8BEN-E • You are a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person, including a resident alien individual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W-9 • You are a beneficial owner claiming that income is effectively connected with the conduct of trade or business within the U.S. (other than personal services) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W-8ECI • You are a beneficial owner who is receiving compensation for personal services performed in the United States . . . . . . . 8233 or W-4 • You are a person acting as an intermediary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W-8IMY Note: If you are resident in a FATCA partner jurisdiction (i.e., a Model 1 IGA jurisdiction with reciprocity), certain tax account information may be provided to your jurisdiction of residence. Part I Identification of Beneficial Owner (see instructions) 1 Name of individual who is the beneficial owner 2 Country of citizenship 3 Permanent residence address (street, apt. or suite no., or rural route). Do not use a P.O. box or in-care-of address. City or town, state or province. Include postal code where appropriate. Country 4 Mailing address (if different from above) City or town, state or province. Include postal code where appropriate. Country 5 U.S. taxpayer identification number (SSN or ITIN), if required (see instructions)6 Foreign tax identifying number (see instructions) 7 Reference number(s) (see instructions) 8 Date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY) (see instructions) Part II Claim of Tax Treaty Benefits (for chapter 3 purposes only) (see instructions) 9 I certify that the beneficial owner is a resident of % rate of withholding on (specify type of income): within the meaning of the income tax treaty between the United States and that country. 10 Special rates and conditions (if applicable—see instructions): The beneficial owner is claiming the provisions of Article and paragraph of the treaty identified on line 9 above to claim a . Explain the additional conditions in the Article and paragraph the beneficial owner meets to be eligible for the rate of withholding: Part III Certification Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined the information on this form and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct, and complete. I further certify under penalties of perjury that: •I am the individual that is the beneficial owner (or am authorized to sign for the individual that is the beneficial owner) of all the income to which this form relates or am using this form to document myself for chapter 4 purposes, •The person named on line 1 of this form is not a U.S. person, •The income to which this form relates is: (a) not effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States, (b) effectively connected but is not subject to tax under an applicable income tax treaty, or (c) the partner’s share of a partnership's effectively connected income, •The person named on line 1 of this form is a resident of the treaty country listed on line 9 of the form (if any) within the meaning of the income tax treaty between the United States and that country, and •For broker transactions or barter exchanges, the beneficial owner is an exempt foreign person as defined in the instructions. Furthermore, I authorize this form to be provided to any withholding agent that has control, receipt, or custody of the income of which I am the beneficial owner or any withholding agent that can disburse or make payments of the income of which I am the beneficial owner. I agree that I will submit a new form within 30 days if any certification made on this form becomes incorrect. Sign Here ▲Signature of beneficial owner (or individual authorized to sign for beneficial owner)Date (MM-DD-YYYY) Print name of signer Capacity in which acting (if form is not signed by beneficial owner) For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cat. No. 25047Z Form W-8BEN (Rev. 7-2017) FAVAD QAISAR PAKISTAN 20 ATATRUK AVENUE F6/3 ISLAMABAD 44000 PAKISTAN 30N GOULD ST SHERDIAN, WY, 82801 USA 35-2536011 02-22-1986 4378727-4 COMMUNICATION SQUARE LLC PAKISTAN 12/23/2020 FAVAD QAISAR SignNow e-signature ID: e739473303... 12/23/202007:09:25 UTC 20 21 PAGE 31 of 37 Request for Proposal No. RFP-20-21-IT01 EXHIBIT I CERTIFICATION OF INSURABILITY I hereby swear (or affirm) under the penalty of perjury: As an authorized representative of the proposing company, should our Company be determined to be the Successful Proposer, our Company will promptly provide such proof of insurance to the District within five (5) business days in reply to the Notice of Intent to Award. The DISTRICT will remind the Apparent Successful Proposer in the Notice of Intent to Award letter. Proof of insurance requirements may be submitted electronically to the email address below with the RFP Number and Title referenced in the Subject field: To: cskelly@stpud.us Contracts will not be executed until formal proof of all required insurance(s) pursuant to Exhibit N Master Agreement for Consulting Services for Proposal No. RFP-20-21-IT01 Title: Migration & Implementation Services for Microsoft Office 365 have been received and approved by the DISTRICT. It is agreed that the Apparent Successful Proposer shall maintain in force at all times during the performance of the engagement all policy or policies of insurance. If the DISTRICT requires corrections (i.e., limits, endorsements) the Successful Proposer has five (5) days from such request to complete all corrections. Failure to meet these deadlines will allow the DISTRICT s proposal as non-responsive and proceed to the next finalist. I hereby assure South Tahoe Public Utility District that the company has or is able to procure the insurance coverage(s) required should the Company be awarded the Contract and shall maintain all the insurance requirements by the submission of this offer. Proposer Company Name Signature of Authorized Representative signing on behalf on Proposer Print Name of Authorized Representative of Proposer Company Date Favad Qaisar 12/17/2020 Communication Square LLC SignNow e-signature ID: 65b98d5b64... 01/14/202108:17:54 UTC 22 PAGE 32 of 37 Request for Proposal No. RFP-20-21-IT01 EXHIBIT J - BIDDER DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS The Bidder must provide a declarative (yes/no) answer regarding the following questions. If any answer is affirmative, the Bidder must provide full details about the matter. While not an automatic cause for lity. A performance of the contract, and the best interests of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Within the past five (5) years: ITEM DISCLOSURE STATEMENT YES NO A. Has the Bidder and/or subject company had a contract terminated for default or cause? B. Has the Bidder and/or subject company been assessed any penalties, including liquidated damages, under any of its existing or past contracts with any organization or governmental entity? C. Has the Bidder and/or subject company been the subject of any governmental action limiting the right of the Bidder and/or subject company to do business with that entity or any other governmental entity? D. Has trading in the stock of the subject company ever been suspended? Give date and explanation. E. Has the Bidder and/or subject company previously operated as a like-kind business under any other business name and/or taxpayer identification number? F. Has the Bidder and/or subject company, any company officer, or any owner of a twenty (20%) percent interest or greater in the subject company, filed bankruptcy, reorganization, a debt arrangement, moratorium, or any proceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency law, or any dissolution or liquidation proceeding? G. Has the Bidder and/or subject company, any company officer, or any owner of a twenty (20%) percent interest or greater in the company, been convicted of a felony or is currently under indictment on any felony charge? By the signature affixed to Exhibit E Offer Signature / Cover Page of this Solicitation, Respondent hereby certifies that the above information is true and accurate. This completed form must be returned as part of the bid response. Failure to complete this page may deem your bid not responsive. 23 PAGE 33 of 37 Request for Proposal No. RFP-20-21-IT01 EXHIBIT K CLIENT REFERENCES The following is a list of four (4) references that most closely reflect similar projects to the scope of services/work of the South Tahoe Public Utility District within the past three (3) years. References will be asked to complete a questionnaire and asked to return it to the Information Technology Department directly by a designated date and time Contacts are willing to provide a reference. To expedite the evaluation process the District requests accurate email and/or fax number information be provided. Reference #1 Name of Organization: Address: Email Address: Fax: Telephone: Contact Name: Contact Title: Service Dates: Project Manager: Bid No. (if applicable) Summary of Project: Project Cost: Reference #2 Name of Organization: Address: Email Address: Fax: Telephone: Contact Name: Contact Title: Service Dates: Project Manager: Bid No. (if applicable) Summary of Project: Project Cost: Reynolds Logistics Ltd. Unit D6 Santry Business Park,Swords Road, Dublin D09 V990 bbulawa@reynoldslogistics.ie . +48 536 332 112 Bartosz Bulawa Japhet Martinez Kuester Management Group 705 Griffith St, Davidson, NC 28036, United States Bryan Keuster President Bryan@kuester.com +1-803-578-7725 Operations Support Manager Japhet Martinez N/A N/A Communication Square deployed Microsoft Intune, the best MDM for small business, helping Kuester deal with the security challenges of today’s mobile-first world. Solution: Microsoft Intune and Azure Active Directory. N/A N/A Communication Square Deployed Unified Communication Solutions for Reynolds to transform their Collaboration and Teamwork Processes. Solution: Skype for Business & Phone System. 30,000$ 23000 December 2017 November 2016 $ Department of Corrections & Rehab California 16809 Peoria Flat Rd, Jamestown, CA 95327, United States Devin.Holmes@cdcr.ca.gov N/A +1 209-984-4464 Devin Holmes Section Chief January 2021-2024 $100,000 Microsoft Licensing Solution for Education, Servers and Office Ahmed Saroosh Khan (Government Reference) 24 PAGE 34 of 37 Request for Proposal No. RFP-20-21-IT01 Reference #3 Name of Organization: Address: Email Address: Fax: Telephone: Contact Name: Contact Title: Service Dates: Project Manager: Bid No. (if applicable) Summary of Project: Project Cost: Reference #4 Name of Organization: Address: Email Address: Fax: Telephone: Contact Name: Contact Title: Service Dates: Project Manager: Bid No. (if applicable) Summary of Project: Project Cost: Avella Specialty Pharmacy 24416 N 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85085, United States Mark.cook@Avella.com N/A Mark Cook Unified Communications Engineer Japhet Martinez N/A As support for Exchange 2010 was eradicated in May 2015 there was a need for Avella to upgrade to Exchange 2016 and this proved to be their business’s “wow” factor. Solution: Exchange 2016 +1-602-501-6703 Positive Behavior Support Corporation N/Amnolan@teampbs.com To support the growing needs of PBS, Communication Square fulfilled a PBX to Cloud Migration by initially deploying a Lync Server and later upgrading to Skype for Business. Solution: Skype for Business & Phone System President Michael Nolan 7108 S Kanner Hwy, Stuart, FL 34997, United States 2018 March 2018 28000$ February $35000 Favad Qaisar N/A +1 772-349-6317 25 PAGE 35 of 37 Request for Proposal No. RFP-20-21-IT01 EXHIBIT L - DEVIATIONS and/or EXCEPTIONS FORM [ ] Specifications and/or Requirements [ ] Contract for Services Provisions (No exceptions and/or deviations to insurance requirements allowed) All deviations and/or exceptions to the requirements of this solicitation or provisions in the Master Agreement for Consulting Services must be noted below. The District will consider any deviations and/or exceptions indicated in its award decisions. The District reserves the right to accept or reject any and all responses based on any deviation and/or exception indicated on this form. Respondents are cautioned that by taking any exception they may be materially deviating from the RFP. Please do not attach a company letterhead in lieu of any entry on the section below. In the absence of any entry on the section below, the bidder assures the District of their full compliance with the specification and conditions as listed in this solicitation. The page number, paragraph, and item number should be referenced when deviating from the specification and must be included. The District reserves the right to reject any or all cost proposals as a result of this RFP and to waive any informality or irregularity in any bid proposal received and to be the sole judge of the merits of the respective cost proposals received, and to accept or further negotiate cost, terms, or conditions of any cost proposal determined by the District to be in the best interest of the District even though not the lowest bid. This form may be duplicated if additional pages are needed. Reference No. Description Company Name Printed Name and Title Authorized Signature Communication Square LLC Favad Qaisar-CEO SignNow e-signature ID: b047a211ac... 01/14/202108:21:04 UTC 26 PAGE 36 of 37 Request for Proposal No. RFP-20-21-IT01 EXHIBIT M SUBCONTRACTOR STATEMENT (IMPORTANT NOTE: This form MUST be returned with (This form may be duplicated to provide additional subcontractor information) The Prime Contractor is required to state the name and address of each subcontractor who will perform work in an amount in excess of one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the total contract price and the portion of the work that each subcontractor will do. The undersigned submits herewith this list of subcontractors whom they propose to employ on the work, with the proper firm name and business address of each and a statement of work or proposed item that will be done by each subcontractor. Check if Subcontractor will be used: Yes [ ] No [ ] The following person(s) will be [ ] or [ ] have been contracted to furnish labor and/or materials for this project: Subcontractor Company Name: DIR Contractor Registration Number: Federal ID Number: Street Address: District, State, Zip: Office Phone: Fax Number: Primary Contact & Title: Email Address: Contract Amount: Type of work: [ ] Brickwork / Masonry [ ] Carpentry / Millwork [ ] Concrete [ ] Electrical Access Control [ ] Electrical Fire Alarm [ ] Electrical Telecommunications [ ] Elevator [ ] Excavation Grading [ ] Excavation Grading (Site Utilities) [ ] Fire Protection [ ] Flooring [ ] Heavy Construction [ ] HVAC Controls [ ] HVAC Duckwork [ ] HVAC Hydronic [ ] Landscaping [ ] Painting [ ] Paving [ ] Plumbing [ ] Roofing /Siding/ [ ] Windows / Curtainwall Sheet Metal [ ] Wrecking / Demolition [ ] Material Supplier Only [ ] Other: Specify Comments: Authorized Signature: Printed Name/Title: Check if Subcontractor will be used: Yes [ ] No [ ] Favad Qaisar SignNow e-signature ID: 3f20121c4d... 01/14/202108:22:54 UTC 27 1 ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO MITIGATION & IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES FOR MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 (Solicitation No. RFP-20-21-IT01) South Tahoe Public Utility District South Lake Tahoe, California THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE TO BE MADE TO THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: 1. PROPOSAL DUE DATE AND TIME: A. REPLACE: “December 31, 2020 AT 2:00 p.m. (PST)” on page 1 of 37 WITH: “January 15, 2021 AT 2:00 p.m. (PST)”. 2. PROPOSAL DUE DATE AND TIME: A. REPLACE: “December 31, 2020 AT 2:00 p.m. (PST)” on page 3 of 37 WITH: “January 15, 2021 AT 2:00 p.m. (PST)”. This Addendum No. 1, page 1 shall become part of the Contract and all provisions of the Contract shall apply therein. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT December 23, 2020 Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent Ph. (530) 543-6270 SUBMIT A SIGNED COPY OF THIS ADDENDUM WITH YOUR BID. Signature Signer must be legally authorized to bind bidder Printed Name Firm Favad Qaisar Communication Square LLC SignNow e-signature ID: bb9b255d97... 01/14/202108:25:46 UTC 28 17 BUSINESS ORGANIZATION AND CREDENTIALS Firms Qualifications and Experience Introduction An organization that helps Small and Medium sized Enterprises get more productive & secure in the cloud. Communication Square LLC is a leading Microsoft Partner across the globe. From healthcare companies to telecommunication providers and logistics movers – we help government & businesses utilize the power of world’s No.1 Cloud infrastructure – Microsoft Cloud. Founded in 2015, Communication Square has succeeding in achieving recognition in its early years. A Microsoft Gold Partner for over 5 years, Communication Square takes pride in holding 10 Gold and 12 Silver competencies. We are based in the United States, Europe, and Southeast Asia. Communication Square drives your firm to data-driven horizons. We are trusted to provide cloud users with ready solutions to help manage, migrate, and protect their data. Achievements Communication Square-ranks amongst top 7% of Microsoft Partners worldwide Microsoft has some amazing solutions that protect your data and help use it to become more productive - with the right setup and proper training. Our Microsoft Certified Professionals who have years of market knowledge and understanding complete the process by simplifying Microsoft's solutions and making them available for everyone, and the experience as relevant and seamless as possible. Microsoft Co-Sell Ready Partner As a Microsoft Co-Sell Ready Partner, Microsoft has preferred us as one of the Select Go-to-Partners, not only in USA but worldwide. Microsoft invites us to participate in opportunities identified by their own Sales Team. Microsoft Fast Track Enabled Partner Communication Square was one of the first 200 Partners to be onboarded in the Fast-Track Enabled Category out of more than 500,000 Partners worldwide. Microsoft Fasttrack Team works with selected partners who help customers define their vision for a successful rollout by identifying and prioritizing scenarios. Being a Fast-Track Enabled Partner, Communication Square LLC has direct access to Microsoft Advisory, Planning, and Deployment Team as well as a variety of tools and resources, limited to select partners worldwide. Our Fast-Track Partnership is guaranteed for success. 29 18 Microsoft Tier-1 Cloud Solutions Provider Communication Square is a Tier 1 Cloud Solution Provider. We work directly with Microsoft as a Distributor and a Solution Provider Our client relationships run even deeper. With greater engagements, and management services – your business is in the palm of success. Seats Sold: 7 Million+ Cloud Ever since we started, we have successfully helped move 7 Million people into Microsoft Cloud worldwide. 30 19 Microsoft Partnership Certifications Certifications Microsoft Gold Partner with 10 Gold & 12 Silver Competencies. We help companies utilize the power of world’s No.1 Cloud infrastructure – Microsoft Cloud Gold Communications (Microsoft Teams) Gold Messaging (Microsoft Exchange) Gold Cloud Productivity (Office 365) Gold Data Platform (SQL) Gold Data Analytics (Power BI) Gold Windows Data Center (Windows Server) Gold Windows and Devices (Windows 10) Gold Data Center Gold Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions Silver Cloud Platform (Azure) Silver Enterprise Mobility Suite (Mobile Device Management & Rights Management) Silver Collaboration and Content (SharePoint) Silver Application Development 31 20 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS & QUALIFICATIONS Microsoft Gold Partner Proof 32 21 33 202035610438 12/16/2020 34 STATE OF WYOMING Office of the Secretary of State I, EDWARD A. BUCHANAN, SECRETARY OF STATE of the STATE OF WYOMING, do hereby certify that according to the records of this office, Communication Square LLC is a Limited Liability Company formed or qualified under the laws of Wyoming did on April 28, 2015, comply with all applicable requirements of this office. Its period of duration is Perpetual. This entity has been assigned entity identification number 2015-000685748. This entity is in existence and in good standing in this office and has filed all annual reports and paid all annual license taxes to date, or is not yet required to file such annual reports; and has not filed Articles of Dissolution. I have affixed hereto the Great Seal of the State of Wyoming and duly generated, executed, authenticated, issued, delivered and communicated this official certificate at Cheyenne, Wyoming on this 29th day of September, 2020 at 3:53 AM. This certificate is assigned ID Number 039359035. Secretary of StateSecretary offfffffffffffffffffffff State Notice: A certificate issued electronically from the Wyoming Secretary of State's web site is immediately valid and effective. The validity of a certificate may be established by viewing the Certificate Confirmation screen of the Secretary of State's website https://wyobiz.wyo.gov and following the instructions displayed under Validate Certificate. 202035610438 35 24 Insurance Coverages Proof of Company’s current insurance coverages and other relevant certificates shall be fully provided in case of Intent to Award by the District. 36 25 TAB 2 37 26 PROJECT TEAM DESCRIPTION All resources at Communication Square are experts and certified by Microsoft in Microosft365 and Azure Cloud. Two of our Microsoft consultants will engage in this project based on the requirements and needs of this project. Based on their deep expertise and services in Microsoft technologies, please find their attached transcripts and resumes below: Adding to this, for successful completion of the tasks, additional resources may also be engaged for training and support engagement. Awais Khalid: Microsoft Technology Associate Transcript Awais Khalid has been working with Communication Square LLC for the past 3 years. 38 27 Ateeb Fayyaz: Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate Transcript Ateeb Fayyaz has been working with Communication Square LLC for the past 5 years 39 28 ORGANIZATION CHART For detailed breakdown of all tasks and time spent on each task, please refer to the project timeline specified in the next tab. In case of Intent to Award, the contractor shall be informed at least 14 days before the commencement of work, for which the tentative date of 1st March 2021 has been set by the District. Management (CEO) Technical Team HR Team Administrative Team 40 29 TAB 3 41 30 PROPOSED PROJECT PLAN The Offeror, Communication Square LLC, hereby offers to furnish to South Tahoe Public Utility District, all goods and/or services pursuant to all requirements, terms, and conditions, in line with the provided breakdown of the project phases as stated in RFP. COLOUR KEY Note: Some tasks are executed parallelly due to dependencies on each other. Multiple Resources are engaged throughout the Project, making sure execution of each task as decided. Index Task Description Task Summary Service Due on or before Estimated Hours Office 365 Azure AD Connect Exchange OneDrive DNS Automation Intune MAM Third Party Integrations Training 42 31 Planning / Preparation a. The Contractor shall provide the District with an Office 365 migration plan. Migration Plan would Include: 1) Precise Steps Sharing for Migration in Hierarchical Order 2) Exact Due Dates would be Shared in the Plan 3) Plan would be Including the Performer of each Step Office 365 March 1, 2021 8 Hours b. The Contractor shall assist District staff in preparing directory synchronization through Active Directory preparation for Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) to authenticate users with Office 365 Accounts using current Active Directory credentials. Use of AD Credentials with Office 365: 1) Planning to Setup Azure AD Connect to fulfill Sync and SSO needs i.e., Checking Pre- Requisites Azure AD Connect March 2, 2021 8 Hours c. The Contractor shall assist District staff in setting up and securely configuring Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS). Use the same AD Credentials for all the apps: 1) Plan to configure SSO using Azure AD Connect 2) Traditional ADFS Server may also be Planned to Setup after Azure AD Connect March 4, 2021 12 Hours 43 32 understanding exact requirements d. The Contractor shall provide DNS / Network / Firewall configuration. Planning for Perfect DNS Setup: 1) DNS for Office 365 and Internal DNS may be setup as per the requirements 2) Making sure any Network / Firewall to configure for setting up the environment as desired i.e., opening specific ports DNS March 10, 2021 8 Hours e. The Contractor shall develop, test, and deploy SPF and DMARC DNS Records/Reports for the two District email domains. Prevent Spams and Clutters: 1) To secure the environment from Spamming and Spoofing, planning and developing records to configure the DNS for our O365. DNS March 10, 2021 4 Hours f. The Contractor will analyze the District’s current Start of Authority DNS providers and recommend a solution to consolidate both internet routable domains to one DNS provider. The contractor will then plan, test, and implement migration of the District’s DNS records to the chosen DNS provider. Having a one Single Domain registrar: 1) Help specifying the required DNS records to be migrated to the DNS March 10, 2021 4 Hours 44 33 finalized chosen DNS Provider to keep every service running as it is. g. The Contractor shall recommend a solid communications and training plan for District users including drafting of email notifications and updates for end-users that the District’s IT staff can distribute. Training Plan to Include: 1) Training Sessions/Guides to be Delivered 2) Due Dates 3) Performer to be chosen (where required) Training March 5, 2021 8 Hours h. The Contractor shall provide compliance search, e-discovery, archive, mailbox quota and retention planning in compliance with the District’s Document Retention Policy. Plan the Compliance and eDiscovery: 1) Planning people for eDiscovery holds 2) Plan to Automate the Notifications workflow 3) Discover the Permissions to be given for eDiscovery i.e., Identifying eDiscovery Managers 4) Discuss to Develop required Retention Policy and the Archives. Exchange March 8, 2021 12 Hours 45 34 Migration / Configuration a. The Contractor shall be responsible for all Office 365 setup and configuration. Deploying Office 365 Environment: 1) Adding Concerning Domains 2) AD Objects Synchronization 3) Licensing 4) DNS Office 365 March 10, 2021 12 Hours b. The Contractor shall configure the District’s new Office 365 environment to report license/usage costs per District Department. Office 365 Billing Information: 1) Filters to Identify different Department Users 2) Subscription Charges for each Department Users Office 365 March 12, 2021 4 Hours c. The Contractor shall configure and deploy a private store for District Approved Microsoft Store Apps. Publish Apps using Intune MAM: 1) Discover the Details for Apps to be Published for the District’s Private Approved App Store 2) Configuring and Publish Apps Intune MAM March 31, 2021 8 Hours 46 35 for the specified Users 3) Automating Processes using Intune Scripting 4) Training to IT Staff for Administering Published App Store Disclaimer: Only Windows 10 devices are compatible with Intune MAM; we need to upgrade all devices to Windows 10 OS d. The Contractor shall provide configuration of SMTP service. Configuring SMTP for Office 365 Accounts: 1) Enable SMTP Tenant Wide 2) Identifying Accounts for the SMTP Configuration 3) Enable SMTP for the Accounts Identified Exchange March 22, 2021 8 Hours e. The Contractor shall provide configuration of outlook web access and exchange ActiveSync. Use Autodiscover and OWA: 1) Enabling Users for Auto Exchange March 19, 2021 2 Hours 47 36 discovery and OWA f. The Contractor shall configure & integrate OneDrive for document collaboration, sharing and train District IT staff how to backup documents stored on OneDrive. OneDrive to Collaborate and Backup User Documents: 1) Enabling the User Profiles for OneDrive for Business 2) Implementing DLP to revoke processing of Social Security Numbers and Credit Card Numbers 3) Provisioning Users for Teams and creating Document Sites as necessary 4) Training Sessions/Guides for Enabling User Profiles Auto Backup via OneDrive for Business Settings / using GPO where applicable OneDrive March 30, 2021 8 Hours g. The Contractor shall assign licenses to users. Enabling Users in Office 365 by Licensing them: 1) Fetching the required details for the Licenses Office 365 March 29, 2021 2 Hours 48 37 for each User to be assigned with 2) Bulk Assignment of Licenses as shared h. The Contractor shall provide migration of retention policies. Have a same set of Retention Policies in Office 365: 1) Gather the current Retention Policies elaborated details 2) Re-configure them in Office 365 to perform as before Exchange March 12, 2021 8 Hours i. The Contractor shall provide migration and synchronization of mailbox data to exchange online. Migrating Mailboxes to Office 365: 1) Setup Exchange Hybrid Connectivity with Office 365 2) Configure Batches for Mailboxes 3) Configure Batches for Shared Mailboxes 4) Running the Batches Exchange March 19, 2021 32 hours 49 38 j. The Contractor shall provide migration of Single Public Folder Database. Move Exchange Public Folders to Office 365: 1) Confirm the Move Pre- Requisites 2) Develop Scripts to move Public Folders to O365 3) Migrate the Public Folders 4) Cutover Exchange March 25, 2021 24 Hours k. The Contractor shall provide migration of ActiveSync devices. ActiveSync Devices to Fetch New Mailbox Location Automatically: 1) Patching the Server with the required CU's to acquire this feature 2) Testing the ActiveSync Devices for the expected behavior Exchange March 15, 2021 8 Hours l. The Contractor shall prepare and test with District IT staff the latest version of Office Suite installer for all District computers including a PowerShell or batch file scripts to deploy the Office Suite using both Group Policy and Windows Deployment Services. Automating the Install of Office Suite using GPO Batch File Scripts: 1) Developing Script to Automate the Process 2) Verifying the Automation Automation April 5, 2021 24 Hours 50 39 3) Delivering the Script and Procedure to use it m. The Contractor shall integrate Office 365 with Dell Rapid Recovery for backup (if not included with Office 365 environment). Integrate Dell Rapid Recovery with O365 to Back up the Environment: 1) Making the Configurations to Integrate Office 365 with the Quest Office 365 Security and Protection Solution (Dell Rapid Recovery) Third Party Integrations April 6, 2021 8 Hours n. The Contractor shall integrate Office 365 with Mimecast for spam/content protection, eDiscovery, and archiving. Integrate Mimecast with O365: 1) Making the Configurations to Integrate Office 365 with the Mimecast Office 365 Cloud Email Solution Third Party Integrations April 7, 2021 8 Hours o. The Contractor shall integrate Office 365 with KnowBe4 for the District’s on-going Cyber Security Training initiatives. Onboarding KnowBe4 with O365 for the IT Staff Trainings: 1) Onboard to have the access for the Knowledgebase of KnowBe4 for Third Party Integrations April 8, 2021 8 Hours 51 40 day-to-day Trainings. p. The Contractor shall integrate Office 365 with the District’s Arctic Wolf Security Operations Center service. Integrate Arctic Wolf with O365 to Secure the Environment: 1) Making the Configurations to Integrate Office 365 with the Arctic Wolf Managed Cloud Monitoring for Office 365 Third Party Integrations April 9, 2021 8 Hours q. The Contractor shall perform post- migration, end-to-end testing of Office 365 messaging services. Verifying the Successful Exchange Migration: 1) Using a Test User Mailbox 2) Verifying the Migrated Content 3) Look for any issues i.e., Auto Discovery Failure, Authentication Fails etc. Exchange March 19, 2021 2 hours r. The Contractor shall provide decommission and cleanup of on- premises Exchange resources and Active Directory records. Decommission Exchange Servers Completely: 1) Post Migration - Break Hybrid Connectivity 2) Remove any Dependencies 3) Decommission the Environment Exchange March 29, 2021 16 Hours 52 41 4) Clean up the Useless Exchange DNS Records s. Contractor will assist in developing, implementing, and training IT staff on Office 365 Environment Configuration. Training IT Staff for Basic Configurations and Administrations: 1) Training Sessions/Guides 2) Demo 3) Q&A Training April 13, 2021 12 hours Documentation a. The Contractor shall provide general end-user documentation on the new Office 365 messaging environment, including OWA, iOS and Android Account Setup, and new tools for collaboration, file sharing and meetings. Complete Office 365 Setup Documentation: 1) A thorough documentation of the O365 Setup 2) O365 Products Information 3) Q&A Training April 14, 2021 12 hours b. The Contractor shall provide general end-user documentation on changes necessary on mobile devices to use ActiveSync in the new messaging environment. Documenting the ActiveSync: 1) Sharing a Guide to setup Outlook on Mobile using ActiveSync Training April 15, 2021 2 Hours 53 42 Total = 280 Hours 54 43 TAB 4 55 44 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Out of Scope Any services not explicitly listed above as “In Scope” shall be considered out of scope for this project. If any of the other items are required for your organization, they can be scoped separately. Customer Responsibilities 1. South Tahoe Public Utility District will make required technical personnel and documentation available on an as-needed basis and will respond in a timely manner to these requests. 2. Provide Domain Admin remote access to the Active Directory & Global Admin access to Microsoft Office 365 environment (where applicable). 3. Purchase and maintain licensing to support a Microsoft Office 365 environment & Third Part Integrations for the services listed under scope. 4. Provide list of all people who would be working on this Project, with their Contact information and be available for project meetings, as needed to facilitate communication between the organizations. 5. Questionnaires/templates provided by Communication Square LLC to be filled by South Tahoe Public Utility District where needed for gathering the information about current and to provision the required environment of services successfully. 6. Make every effort to meet mutually agreed deadlines listed in Project Plan. In case of more than 2 weeks of delay due to South Tahoe Public Utility District, Project Extension Fee would be applicable which shall be determined by Communication Square LLC. This shall NOT be more than 10% of the total cost of the Non-Licensing portion of the Project. The same shall be submitted through a Change Order which shall need to be processed before resuming work on a later date. 7. The Scope of Work listed down in the Timelines section of this document . If the Project is unilaterally paused OR delayed by South Tahoe Public Utility District until a later date; Resource Reallocation Fee would be applicable which shall be determined by Communication Square LLC. This shall NOT be more than 20% of the total cost of the Non-Licensing portion of the Project. The same shall be submitted through a Change Order which shall need to be processed before resuming work on a later date. 8. Additionally, in case of any unilateral delays any pending Invoices of the work already completed or partially completed based on Timeline shall be submitted for payment. 56 45 Customer Prerequisites Applies where applicable: 1. Global Admin credentials for Office 365 / Domain Registrars 2. On-Premises Environment credentials with below permissions • Domain Administrator Access (for Active Directory, DNS) • SysAdmin Permissions (for SQL Server) • Member of Organizational Management Group (for Exchange Server) • SyncAdmin Permissions (for Active Directory) 3. Create AD user test accounts for Communication Square LLC • These accounts will be used for testing all Microsoft Office 365 functionality for the services under scope. • Two standard user accounts will be required 4. Steps to independently login into Remote environment • Using VPN or RDP or any other method in a clearly documented form 5. List of All Virtual Machines with FQDNs and IP Addresses • List of Domain Controllers • List of Internal DNS Servers • List of Exchange Servers 6. Maintenance window during which Support can perform configuration changes that can potentially cause business impact • 2200 to 0500 hrs. in Customer’s Time Zone • If South Tahoe Public Utility District would like to approve request every time a Support Consultant logs in to your environment, please indicate your preference. USD 1,000/- additional will be billed as Coordination Fee. 7. Provide List of User, Email Addresses, needed in the Template Provided. 8. The licensing and cost attached for all the Office 365 services falling under scope and the Third-Party integrations should be managed by South Tahoe Public Utility District (if and when required). 57 46 Assumptions The Technical Proposal Document and the Pricing Proposal Document are based on the following assumptions. Should any element(s) of these assumptions be lacking during execution of services, additional time and associated fees and expenses may be required to complete this Statement of Work. 1. The proposal is based on assumption that Customer primarily wants to migrate their On-Premises Emails Solution (Exchange Servers) to Cloud (Microsoft Office 365 / Exchange Online). 2. Any limitations included in this proposal are noted and accepted by The South Tahoe Public Utility District Corporation. 3. No changes will be made to the scope of this proposal after acceptance without a Change Order being submitted. 4. Customer will provide detailed and accurate information regarding their current network environment. This information will include the technical configuration of the domain environment. 5. Customer will make the necessary administrative usernames and passwords available to the Communication Square consultants. 6. Customer will provide Communication Square with administrative access to the current environment. 7. Customer will provide the necessary workspace and network access to provide the above services. 8. Customer will provide remote access to building(s) and room(s) as necessary to complete the services described above. (where applicable in case of On-Site service). 9. Customer accepts any limitations included in this proposal are noted and accepted by Customer. 10. Communication Square assumes and recommends that Customer perform a full working backup of any critical data prior to the commencement of services. 11. Communication Square will NOT develop any Custom web applications as a part of this Statement of Work. 12. Customer will provide the necessary hardware to complete the project. All hardware and/or software and licensing required to perform the above services will be provided by and is the responsibility of Customer. All wiring, hardware, and software required to perform the above services are in working order. 13. Customer will provide a technical point of contact during the duration of this project. 58 47 14. Customer will allow Communication Square unattended access to their environment for the duration of the project. 15. Any restrictions or requirements regarding Communication Square use of personal equipment will be stated in advance of the commencement of the project. 16. Personnel have the right to decline a service request if the request falls outside the scope of their experience and expertise. 17. Minimum lead time for scheduling is fourteen (14) business days from our receipt of the signed SOW or fourteen (14) business days from the confirmed start date between South Tahoe Public Utility District and Subcontractor whichever date is later. 18. All parties agree that personnel shall not be asked to perform, nor volunteer to perform, engineering and/or consulting tasks that lie outside the skill sets and experience of personnel. 59 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT David Peterson, Vice President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, President Chris Cefalu, Director Shane Romsos, Director Nick Exline, Director John Thiel, General Manager Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT February 4, 2021 MINUTES The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in a regular session, 2:00 p.m., via GotoWebinar in accordance with Executive Order N-29-20. ROLL CALL: Board of Directors: President Sheehan, Directors Cefalu, Romsos, Peterson, Exline Staff: John Thiel, Paul Hughes, Gary Kvistad, Melonie Guttry, Julie Ryan, Brian Bartlett, Bren Borley, Brent Goligoski, Chris Skelly, Cliff Bartlett, Heidi Baugh, Liz Kauffman, Shelly Thomsen, Star Glaze, Stephen Caswell, Tim Bledsoe, Trevor Coolidge, Dan Arce Guests: Denver Williams, CORE; Andrew Thiel, Rick Lind CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR: None CONSENT CALENDAR: Moved Sheehan/Second Peterson/Sheehan Yes/Cefalu Yes/Romsos Yes/Peterson Yes/Exline Yes to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. a. 2019 ROCKY POINT II WATERLINE REPLACEMENT REBID AND LARGE METERS REPLACEMENT PROJECT (Adrian Combes, Senior Engineer) Authorized staff to file a Partial Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Recorder’s Office for the Large Meter Replacements Portion of the Contract. b. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVES (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Board Clerk) Adopted Resolution No. 3162-21 supporting the appointments of Director Peterson to serve as Purveyor Representative and President Sheehan to serve as alternate. 60 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES February 4, 2021 PAGE – 2 c. DESIGNATION OF ENGINEER OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (Julie Ryan, Engineering Department Manager) (1) Designated Julie H. Ryan, PE, as District Engineer, (2) delegated approval authority to the District Engineer for in-house and consultant designs,(3) designated Julie H. Ryan, PE, as Engineer of Responsible Charge and (4) authorized staff to file the designation with California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists. d. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: January 21, 2021 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Approved January 21, 2021, Minutes. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Generator Brand Standardization (Cliff Bartlett, Fleet/Equipment Supervisor and Brent Goligoski, Associate Engineer) – Cliff Bartlett provided details regarding the generator brand standardization and addressed questions from the Board and staff. Moved Peterson/Second Exline/Sheehan Yes/Cefalu Yes/Romsos Yes/Peterson Yes/Exline Yes to (1) Find that MTU Onsite Generators will be the sole brand for District generators greater than 25 kilowatt and less than 500 kilowatt; and, (2) Find that Caterpillar Inc., will be the sole brand for District generators equal to or greater than 500 kilowatt. b. Aeration Blower System Emergency Power and Secondary Clarifiers No’s. 1 and 2 Project (Brent Goligoski, Associate Engineer Stephen Caswell, Principal Engineer) – Brent Goligoski provided details regarding the project and addressed questions from the Board. Moved Peteron/Second Sheehan/Sheehan Yes/Cefalu Yes/Romsos Yes/Peterson Yes/Exline Yes to (1) approve the list of named products to be listed without alternative in the Contract documents for this Project; and, (2) Waive bidding procedures for the pre-purchase of the generator for the blower system, and authorize staff to negotiate a purchasing contract with Holt of California for the pre-purchase of one new 700 kilowatt diesel engine-driven standby generator. c. Approve Payment of Claims (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Moved Sheehan/Second Romsos/Sheehan Yes/Cefalu Yes/Romsos Yes/Peterson Yes/Exline Yes to approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $1,280,373.12. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEES AND LIAISON REPORTS: Director Romsos reported he attended the Alpine Biomass Committee Meeting on February 2 regarding statewide forest management. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Director Peterson reported he will be attending the Association of California Water Agency virtual conference on February 24, 2021. 61 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES February 4, 2021 PAGE – 3 EL DORADO WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT: Director Peterson reported he had a virtual meeting with El Dorado Water Agency (EDWA) General Manager, Ken Payne, regarding EDWA business and will attend his first regular meeting on February 10, 2021. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT: John Thiel reported on several items: • Provided a staffing update. • Provided a COVID-19 update, no illness at the District and the District remains at Risk Level 3, reviewing local data each week. • The Last Workforce Housing meeting was November 2020, and staff is working on a program to provide excess sewer units for affordable housing projects in order to offset construction costs. Director Peterson recused himself at 2:23 p.m. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT (Continued): • The District is continuing to work with the Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association regarding groundwater contamination issues with their wells. In addition, the District is also assisting the Tahoe Keys with reviewing proposals for engineering services to develop a water supply facilities plan, long term plan and interim emergency plans. Director Peterson returned to the meeting at 2:35 p.m. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS: Julie Ryan provided several financial spreadsheets regarding the SEED Solar Project. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION: 2:41 p.m. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: 3:14 p.m. a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators: Memorandum of Understanding with Stationary Engineers, Local 39. Present at this Closed Session will be Agency Negotiators: John Thiel, General Manager; Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer; and Liz Kauffman, Human Resources Director. No reportable Board action b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators: Memorandum of Understanding with Management Group. Present at this Closed Session will be Agency Negotiators: John Thiel, General Manager; Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer; and Liz Kauffman, Human Resources Director. No reportable Board action c. Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held regarding public employee evaluation for unrepresented employee position - General Manager. 62 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES February 4, 2021 PAGE – 4 No reportable Board action STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS (Continued): Denver Williams provided a brief history of the SEED Solar Project, followed by details regarding the financial spreadsheets distributed by Julie Ryan and addressed questions from the Board and staff. ADJOURNMENT: 4:16 p.m. _______________________________________ Kelly Sheehan, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District _________________________________ Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District 63 Cliff Bartlett Page 2 February 18, 2021 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Cliff Bartlett, Fleet/Equipment Supervisor MEETING DATE: February 18, 2021 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Purchase of a 2022 Western Star 4700 Chassis Dump Truck REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: 1) Approve exception from formal competitive solicitation based on the District’s Purchasing Policy exemption when using competitively awarded cooperative agreements that leverage the state’s buying power; and, 2) Approve the purchase of one 2022 Western Star 4700 Chassis with a 15 foot/12 yard dump bed from the National Auto Fleet Group in conjunction with the Sourcewell Contract Number 060920-NAF in the estimated amount of $172,523.91. DISCUSSION: This vehicle purchase is to replace Vehicle No. 80; which is budgeted for the 20/21 Fiscal Year. Vehicle No. 80 is a 2006 Peterbuilt Model 378, 12 yard dump truck that is used daily in the Water/Sewer Departments. This vehicle has a few years left in compliance for the diesel trucks that fall under the California Air Resources Board (CARB) requirement to be replaced by the year 2023. This truck will be relocated to the Diamond Valley Ranch in Alpine County as replacement of the 1995 dump truck that is out of compliance with CARB. The District intents to purchase this vehicle using the competitively awarded contracts through Sourcewell (formerly the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA), more specifically National Auto Fleet Group (Contract No. 060920-NAF). The District has used NJPA several times in the past very successfully and are able to obtain pricing that matches other government or purchasing coalition contracts, which have been competitively awarded. By doing so, the District meets the competitive solicitation requirements of the District’s Purchasing Policy. District staff researched electrical alternatives for this vehicle through our contacts at Sourcewell and otherwise. While there are electrical trucks of this size in the conceptual stage, staff is not aware of any currently on the market. General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 64 Cliff Bartlett Page 2 February 18, 2021 This has been reviewed and approved by the District’s Purchasing Agent. SCHEDULE: Upon Board approval COSTS: $172,750.00 ACCOUNT NO: 20.28.8141 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $170,000 ATTACHMENTS: National Auto Fleet Group/D&H Truck Equipment, Inc. Quotes ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 65 66 67 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Tim Bledsoe, Manager of Customer Service MEETING DATE: February 18, 2021 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Electronic Signature Ordinance REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Ordinance No. 579-21 to permit the South Tahoe Public Utility District to utilize electronic signatures. DISCUSSION: The South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) staff is continuing to improve systems to provide easy, fast, reliable, and secure services, many of which depend on corresponding administrative processes. As part of the District’s transition to the digital workplace that includes electronic documents and records, staff sought clarity on the ability to use electronic signatures. By adopting this Ordinance, the District would enable staff to streamline and digitize many operational workflows that today require paper to be printed and routed by staff. Electronic signatures would allow these forms and documents, such as applications, forms and contracts, to be routed entirely electronically. Implementation of electronic signatures will require an investment in technology. With Adobe Sign, the District plans to enroll four users to allow for 600 signatures at a cost of $211.32 per user. Staff anticipates, however, that these costs would be offset by efficiencies in printing costs and staff time now used to manually process documents and records. This also helps the District move towards more sustainable business practices by reducing the amount of printed material it produces. SCHEDULE: Upon Board approval COSTS: $845.28 ACCOUNT NO: 50/50 56.6030 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: Varies by Department ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance No. 579-21 and Adobe Sign Quote ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water/Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu Shane Romsos David Peterson Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 68 22191032.1 ORDINANCE NO. 579-21 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AMENDING SECTION 1 AND ADDING SUBSECTION 2.11 TO SECTION 2 OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE REGARDING ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of El Dorado, State of California, as follows: SECTION I – POLICY AND PURPOSE The purpose of this Ordinance is to adopt certain changes to the Administrative Code to allow South Tahoe Public Utility District to utilize electronic signatures. SECTION II – DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Ordinance, the terms used herein are defined as follows: A. The District. The South Tahoe Public Utility District. B. The Board. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. C. Administrative Code. The compilation and codification of all of the Administrative, Water, Sewer, and Groundwater Management Plan Ordinances of the District, which establish the authority and the principles for decisions of the District, and provide the public with guidelines applicable to District operations. SECTION III – FINDINGS The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of El Dorado, State of California, make the following findings: 1. In 1999, California adopted a version of the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) in Civil Code sections 1633.1-1633.17, giving electronic signatures the same legal effect as manual or “wet” signatures; 2. In 2000, the United States Congress passed the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-SIGN Act), mandating the same treatment of electronic signatures and manual signatures in interstate or foreign commerce (15 U.S.C. 7001); 3. In 1995, before the UETA or the E-SIGN Act, California passed Government Code section 16.5, authorizing public entities to accept “digital signatures” if they complied with stringent verification procedures that involve advanced technologies and likely would be overly burdensome for many individuals and groups that have only occasional interaction with the District. The Secretary of State adopted 69 Ordinance No. 579-21 Electronic Signature Ordinance Page 2 digital signature regulations in 1998, but these regulations have not been updated in almost 20 years (2 C.C.R. 22000 et seq.); 4. Government Code section 16.5 and the Secretary of State’s regulations set requirements for the use of digital signatures, they do not govern or limit the District’s ability to use or accept electronic signatures as a municipal affair; 5. The use of electronic signatures on legally binding documents has become increasingly prevalent in the private sector but has not yet become widespread among public agencies; 6. The benefits of electronic signatures include, but are not limited to, reductions in the paper, time and costs associated with transmitting, approving and executing physical documents; 7. An electronic signature is an electronic symbol affixed to a document that represents an individual’s acceptance or adoption of a statement or transaction; 8. Electronic signature technologies have been developed to address concerns with verifying the identity of the person affixing his or her electronic signature; 9. The proposed Ordinance would provide assurance that electronic signatures meeting certain security criteria would be effective on documents created or accepted by the District, notwithstanding the fact that they do not involve the advanced technologies required in the Secretary of State’s digital signature regulations; 10. The proposed Ordinance would enable the District to use electronic signatures on electronic records provided the electronic signature is in accordance with the UETA; 11. The proposed Ordinance would enable the General Manager to adopt additional policies and procedures to operationalize the use of electronic signatures; 12. The use of electronic signatures will allow the District to collect and preserve signatures on documents quickly and securely, will improve efficiency while saving costs of transmitting documents, and will provide for better management of District records; and 13. The use of electronic signatures will reduce paper document creation and will support the District’s goal of sustainability. 70 Ordinance No. 579-21 Electronic Signature Ordinance Page 3 SECTION IV – AMEND SECTION 1 OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Administrative Code Section 1 shall be amended to add new subsections 1.1.49, 1.1.57, 1.1.58 and 1.1.144, and renumber the existing and subsequent definition sections sequentially, which shall read as follows: 1.1.49. Digital Signature. The term Digital Signature shall have the same meaning as in section 16.5 of the California Government Code. 1.1.57. Electronic Record. The term Electronic Record shall have the same meaning as in section 1633.2 of the California Civil Code. 1.1.58. Electronic Signature. The term Electronic Signature shall have the same meaning as in section 1633.2 of the California Civil Code. 1.1.144. UETA. The term UETA shall mean the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, commencing at section 1633.1 of the California Civil Code. SECTION V – AMEND SECTION 2 OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TO ADD SUBSECTION 2.11 Administrative Code section 2 shall be amended to add subsection 2.11 to read as follows: 2.11 Electronic Signatures and Electronic Records. a) In any written communication or transaction with the District where a signature is required, any party to the communication may use a digital signature, provided that it complies with the requirements of this section. This section is intended to enable the District to use digital signatures to the fullest extent allowed by law, and does not limit the District’s ability to use Electronic Records, Electronic Signatures, or Digital Signatures in anyway. b) In any transaction or communication with the District for which the parties have agreed to conduct the transaction or communication by electronic means, the following provisions apply: (1) When a record is required to be in writing, an Electronic Record satisfies that requirement, if it is in accordance with the UETA. (2) When a signature is required, the parties may agree that either: (i) An Electronic Signature satisfies that requirement, if it is in accordance with the UETA; or (ii) A Digital Signature satisfies that requirement, if it is in accordance with Section 16.5 of the California Government Code. c) This section is intended to enable the District to use Electronic Records, Electronic Signatures, and Digital Signatures to the fullest extent allowed by law, and 71 Ordinance No. 579-21 Electronic Signature Ordinance Page 4 does not limit the District’s ability to use Electronic Records, Electronic Signatures, or Digital Signatures in any way. All use of Electronic Records, Electronic Signatures, and Digital Signatures by the District shall be in accordance with the District’s Administrative Code, policies and procedures, as may be designated and amended from time to time by the General Manager or his or her designee. d) Any use of Electronic Records, Electronic Signatures, and Digital Signatures by the District that is not in accordance with this section and the District’s Administrative Code, policies and procedures, or any unauthorized signing of any contract, record, or other document, shall render such contract, record, or other document invalid as not fully and properly executed by the District. e) Authority to sign or execute contracts, records, or other documents by means of Electronic Signatures or Digital Signatures may be delegated by the General Manager or other District department heads to designated District staff members. The act of delegation of Electronic Signature and Digital Signature authority by the General Manager or other District department head must be memorialized in writing, including, but not limited to, memorandum, District form, e-mail, or delegation process recorded within Electronic Signature or Digital Signature software. f) The General Manager shall determine acceptable technologies and vendors consistent with industry best practices to ensure the security and integrity of the data and the signature. The General Manager shall further determine the documents for which the District will accept electronic signatures. SECTION VI – SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or the Administrative Code. The Board of Directors declares and determines that it would have passed section, subsection subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof of this Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations and the Administrative Code irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases may be determined to be unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION VII – EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance amending the above referenced section to the Administrative Code shall take effect 30 days after its passage. 72 Ordinance No. 579-21 Electronic Signature Ordinance Page 5 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held regular meeting on February 18, 2021 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: __________________________________________ Kelley Sheehan, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: ___________________________ Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board 73 Page 1 of 1 QUOTE CONFIRMATION DEAR CHRIS SKELLY, Thank you for considering CDWG for your computing needs. The details of your quote are below. Click here to convert your quote to an order. QUOTE #QUOTE DATE QUOTE REFERENCE CUSTOMER #GRAND TOTAL LWGN842 1/20/2021 STPUD ADOBE SIGN PERUSER 8040212 $211.32 QUOTE DETAILS ITEM QTY CDW#UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE Adobe Sign for business - Enterprise Licensing Subscription New (monthly) -1 6112424 $211.32 $211.32 Mfg. Part#: 65305608BC09A12 One User Capped at 150 TransactionsElectronic distribution - NO MEDIAContract: California NVP Software (ADSPO16-130652 7-16-70-37) PURCHASER BILLING INFO SUBTOTAL $211.32 Billing Address: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICTACCOUNTS PAYABLE1275 MEADOW CREST DRSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150-7401Phone: (530) 544-6474 Payment Terms: Net 30 Days-Govt State/Local SHIPPING $0.00 SALES TAX $0.00 GRAND TOTAL $211.32 DELIVER TO Please remit payments to: Shipping Address:SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICTCHRIS SKELLY 1275 MEADOW CREST DRSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150-7401Phone: (530) 544-6474 Shipping Method: ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION CDW Government75 Remittance Drive Suite 1515Chicago, IL 60675-1515 Need Assistance? CDWG SALES CONTACT INFORMATION Sean McInerney |(877) 325-6224 |seanm@cdwg.com This quote is subject to CDW’s Terms and Conditions of Sales and Service Projects at http://www.cdwg.com/content/terms-conditions/product-sales.aspxFor more information, contact a CDW account manager ' 2021 CDWG LLC, 200 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Vernon Hills, IL 60061 | 800.808.4239 74 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Payroll 2/9/21 535,582.93 Total Payroll 535,582.93 ADP & Insight eTools 5,159.19 AFLAC/WageWorks claims and fees 929.15 BBVA Compass Bank 575,185.88 Cal Bank & Trust fiscal agent fees 0.00 California SWRCB SRF loan payments 0.00 CDS - health care payments 0.00 Total Vendor EFT 581,274.22 Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund 457,191.01 Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund 121,463.11 Total Accounts Payable Checks 578,654.12 Utility Management Refunds 8,579.17 Total Utility Management Checks 8,579.17 Grand Total 1,704,090.44 Payroll EFTs & Checks 2/9/2021 mdy EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 23,753.41 0.00 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 109,940.09 0.00 EFT CalPERS Contributions 82,125.43 0.00 EFT Empower Retirement-Deferred Comp 25,828.10 0.00 EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,612.29 0.00 EFT CDHP Health Savings (HSA)7,372.42 0.00 EFT Retirement Health Savings 15,319.45 0.00 EFT United Way Contributions 51.00 0.00 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 268,348.59 0.00 CHK Employee Garnishments 232.15 0.00 CHK Employee Paychecks 0.00 0.00 Total 535,582.93 0.00 FOR APPROVAL February 18, 2021 75 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 43721 - ACWA/JPIA 0660454 ACWA Medical/Vision Insurance Payable Paid by Check #106017 01/07/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 245,367.60 Vendor 43721 - ACWA/JPIA Totals Invoices 1 $245,367.60 Vendor 44039 - AFLAC 213604 Insurance Supplement Payable Paid by Check #106018 01/01/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 1,087.20 Vendor 44039 - AFLAC Totals Invoices 1 $1,087.20 Vendor 48684 - ALLIED ELECTRONICS INC 9013828039 Secondary Equipment Paid by Check #106019 01/28/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 80.27 Vendor 48684 - ALLIED ELECTRONICS INC Totals Invoices 1 $80.27 Vendor 43949 - ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE 215001 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check #106020 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 89.00 215002 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check #106020 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 44.25 215159 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check #106020 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 89.00 215160 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check #106020 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 44.25 Vendor 43949 - ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE Totals Invoices 4 $266.50 Vendor 49337 - AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC. 17V7-VNHQ-C9N4 Safety Equipment - Physicals Paid by Check #106021 01/24/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 430.96 Vendor 49337 - AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC. Totals Invoices 1 $430.96 Vendor 44580 - ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 1102484617 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106022 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 84.67 1102484623 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106022 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 87.19 1102484628 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106022 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 79.44 1102484634 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106022 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 100.51 1102484640 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106022 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 42.02 1102484645 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106022 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 21.17 1102484648 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106022 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 4.49 1102484652 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106022 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 101.71 1102484656 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106022 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 22.63 1102484661 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106022 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 8.36 1102484666 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106022 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 13.34 1102484668 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106022 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 15.14 1102484670 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106022 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 17.98 1102488070 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106023 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 84.67 1102488074 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106023 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 87.19 1102488078 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106023 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 79.44 1102488084 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106023 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 100.51 1102488091 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106023 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 42.02 Run by Theresa Sherman on 02/10/2021 04:15:39 PM Page 1 of 11 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/18/21 - 02/18/21 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 76 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 1102488096 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106023 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 21.17 1102488100 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106023 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 4.49 1102488110 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106023 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 101.71 1102488116 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106023 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 22.63 1102488123 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106023 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 8.36 1102488126 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106023 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 13.34 1102488128 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106023 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 15.14 1102488131 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #106023 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 17.98 Vendor 44580 - ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Totals Invoices 26 $1,197.30 Vendor 40521 - AT&T FEBRUARY2021 TELEPHONE Paid by Check #106024 01/28/2021 02/18/2021 02/18/2021 02/18/2021 80.00 Vendor 40521 - AT&T Totals Invoices 1 $80.00 Vendor 45202 - AT&T MOBILITY FEBRUARY2021 TELEPHONE Paid by Check #106025 01/19/2021 02/18/2021 02/18/2021 02/18/2021 1,345.14 Vendor 45202 - AT&T MOBILITY Totals Invoices 1 $1,345.14 Vendor 48000 - AT&T/CALNET 3 FEBRUARY2021 TELEPHONE Paid by Check #106026 02/01/2021 02/18/2021 02/18/2021 02/18/2021 45.84 Vendor 48000 - AT&T/CALNET 3 Totals Invoices 1 $45.84 Vendor 11800 - BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM 124-82716 Safety Equipment - Physicals Paid by Check #106027 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 75.00 Vendor 11800 - BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM Totals Invoices 1 $75.00 Vendor 49339 - BASEFORM INC 01292021-84 Contractual Services Paid by Check #106028 01/29/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 2,520.00 Vendor 49339 - BASEFORM INC Totals Invoices 1 $2,520.00 Vendor 48292 - BENTLEY SYSTEMS INC 48150070 Contractual Services Paid by Check #106029 12/03/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 11,000.00 Vendor 48292 - BENTLEY SYSTEMS INC Totals Invoices 1 $11,000.00 Vendor 48291 - BEST BEST & KRIEGER LLP 895838 Personnel Legal Paid by Check #106030 01/21/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 4,230.70 Vendor 48291 - BEST BEST & KRIEGER LLP Totals Invoices 1 $4,230.70 Vendor 43828 - BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL 9076 Contractual Services Paid by Check #106031 01/15/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 1,076.80 9077 Contractual Services Paid by Check #106031 01/15/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 1,134.21 9141 Contractual Services Paid by Check #106031 01/22/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 1,107.09 9142 Contractual Services Paid by Check #106031 01/22/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 1,151.40 9201 Contractual Services Paid by Check #106031 01/29/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 687.40 Run by Theresa Sherman on 02/10/2021 04:15:39 PM Page 2 of 11 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/18/21 - 02/18/21 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 77 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 9202 Contractual Services Paid by Check #106031 01/29/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 861.44 9203 Contractual Services Paid by Check #106031 01/29/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 927.99 9204 Contractual Services Paid by Check #106031 01/29/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 353.50 9205 Contractual Services Paid by Check #106031 01/29/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 880.32 Vendor 43828 - BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL Totals Invoices 9 $8,180.15 Vendor 44730 - BSK ASSOCIATES SE00394 Monitoring Paid by Check #106032 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 360.00 Vendor 44730 - BSK ASSOCIATES Totals Invoices 1 $360.00 Vendor 48638 - CALIFORNIA RURAL WATER ASSOC 2021 Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by Check #106033 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 1,367.00 Vendor 48638 - CALIFORNIA RURAL WATER ASSOC Totals Invoices 1 $1,367.00 Vendor 49220 - CAMPORA PROPANE 424149 - 424151 Propane Paid by Check #106034 01/20/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 1,160.63 Vendor 49220 - CAMPORA PROPANE Totals Invoices 1 $1,160.63 Vendor 13230 - CAROLLO ENGINEERS 0194558 Contractual Services, Sewer Flow Meters Paid by Check #106035 01/14/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 12,503.50 Vendor 13230 - CAROLLO ENGINEERS Totals Invoices 1 $12,503.50 Vendor 40176 - CASHMAN EQUIPMENT INPS3278128 Automotive Paid by Check #106036 01/12/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 438.26 INPS3284982 Automotive Paid by Check #106036 01/25/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 1,295.86 Vendor 40176 - CASHMAN EQUIPMENT Totals Invoices 2 $1,734.12 Vendor 42328 - CDW-G CORP 7071729 Service Contracts Paid by Check #106037 01/25/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 5,064.75 7330012 Computer Purchases Paid by Check #106037 01/28/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 2,793.11 Vendor 42328 - CDW-G CORP Totals Invoices 2 $7,857.86 Vendor 40343 - CHEMSEARCH INC 7241634 Service Contracts Paid by Check #106038 01/20/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 356.46 Vendor 40343 - CHEMSEARCH INC Totals Invoices 1 $356.46 Vendor 12535 - CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE AR186865 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by Check #106039 01/21/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 16,008.00 Vendor 12535 - CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE Totals Invoices 1 $16,008.00 Vendor 44779 - CPI INTERNATIONAL 20049872 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check #106040 12/19/2020 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 693.52 Vendor 44779 - CPI INTERNATIONAL Totals Invoices 1 $693.52 Run by Theresa Sherman on 02/10/2021 04:15:39 PM Page 3 of 11 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/18/21 - 02/18/21 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 78 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 48289 - DIY HOME CENTER 7772/21 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #106041 01/22/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 16.65 7825/21 Safety Equipment - Physicals Paid by Check #106041 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 8.72 7841/21 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #106041 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 46.49 7880/21 Shop Supplies - Propane Paid by Check #106041 01/29/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 25.16 7893/21 Pump Stations Paid by Check #106041 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 15.51 7894/21 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #106041 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 37.31 Vendor 48289 - DIY HOME CENTER Totals Invoices 6 $149.84 Vendor 43649 - DOUGLAS DISPOSAL 2229499 Refuse Disposal Paid by Check #106042 02/01/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 20.96 Vendor 43649 - DOUGLAS DISPOSAL Totals Invoices 1 $20.96 Vendor 45227 - EMPIRE SAFETY & SUPPLY 0110025-IN Field, Shop & Safety Supplies Inventory Paid by Check #106043 12/10/2020 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 444.51 0110457-IN Field, Shop & Safety Supplies Inventory Paid by Check #106043 01/25/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 357.49 Vendor 45227 - EMPIRE SAFETY & SUPPLY Totals Invoices 2 $802.00 Vendor 47836 - EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC 904775883 Service Contracts Paid by Check #106044 02/01/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 101.12 Vendor 47836 - EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC Totals Invoices 1 $101.12 Vendor 48551 - EZKEM 5283 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check #106045 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 111.00 Vendor 48551 - EZKEM Totals Invoices 1 $111.00 Vendor 14890 - FEDEX 7-260-60072 Postage Expenses Paid by Check #106046 01/29/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 26.21 7-267-64848 Postage Expenses Paid by Check #106046 02/05/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 76.01 Vendor 14890 - FEDEX Totals Invoices 2 $102.22 Vendor 40252 - FGL ENVIRONMENTAL 015120A Monitoring Paid by Check #106047 01/27/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 429.20 Vendor 40252 - FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Totals Invoices 1 $429.20 Vendor 48402 - FLYERS ENERGY LLC 21-258029 Gasoline Fuel Inventory Paid by Check #106048 01/27/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 1,591.97 21-260551 Diesel Fuel Inventory Paid by Check #106048 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 1,660.76 21-263945 Gasoline Fuel Inventory Paid by Check #106048 02/08/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 2,578.22 Vendor 48402 - FLYERS ENERGY LLC Totals Invoices 3 $5,830.95 Vendor 48288 - FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Run by Theresa Sherman on 02/10/2021 04:15:39 PM Page 4 of 11 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/18/21 - 02/18/21 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 79 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount FEBRUARY2021 TELEPHONE Paid by Check #106049 02/01/2021 02/18/2021 02/18/2021 02/18/2021 759.65 Vendor 48288 - FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Totals Invoices 1 $759.65 Vendor 41531 - GB GENERAL ENG CONTRACTOR INC 21-10R Accrued Construction Retainage Paid by Check #106050 02/18/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 14,695.68 Vendor 41531 - GB GENERAL ENG CONTRACTOR INC Totals Invoices 1 $14,695.68 Vendor 49458 - GEOTAB USA INC IN259021 Service Contracts Paid by Check #106051 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 691.25 Vendor 49458 - GEOTAB USA INC Totals Invoices 1 $691.25 Vendor 44448 - GFOA 2011001 Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by Check #106052 01/12/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 160.00 Vendor 44448 - GFOA Totals Invoices 1 $160.00 Vendor 43111 - GFS CHEMICALS INC CINV-067516 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check #106053 01/27/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 208.76 Vendor 43111 - GFS CHEMICALS INC Totals Invoices 1 $208.76 Vendor 15600 - GRAINGER 9764380839 Field, Shop & Safety Supplies Inventory Paid by Check #106054 01/06/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 185.85 9772389038 Pump Stations Paid by Check #106054 01/13/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 938.45 9772916269 Janitorial Supplies Inventory Paid by Check #106054 01/14/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 705.77 9776101066 Pump Stations Paid by Check #106054 01/18/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 168.95 9776213002 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #106054 01/18/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 395.56 9786332701 Small Tools Paid by Check #106054 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 288.29 Vendor 15600 - GRAINGER Totals Invoices 6 $2,682.87 Vendor 48814 - ANTHONY GREGORICH 811096 Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by Check #106055 03/16/2020 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 301.00 Vendor 48814 - ANTHONY GREGORICH Totals Invoices 1 $301.00 Vendor 49552 - GERMAN HAM 3112312 Customer Rebate Paid by Check #106056 01/25/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 200.00 Vendor 49552 - GERMAN HAM Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 49553 - BRADLEY HARSCH 2375205 Customer Rebate Paid by Check #106057 01/28/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 500.00 Vendor 49553 - BRADLEY HARSCH Totals Invoices 1 $500.00 Vendor 49110 - HATCHBACK CREATIVE 2634 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check #106058 02/04/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 468.75 Run by Theresa Sherman on 02/10/2021 04:15:39 PM Page 5 of 11 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/18/21 - 02/18/21 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 80 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 49110 - HATCHBACK CREATIVE Totals Invoices 1 $468.75 Vendor 48332 - HDR ENGINEERING INC 1200323953 Replace Treatment Plant Generator Paid by Check #106059 02/03/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 6,050.48 Vendor 48332 - HDR ENGINEERING INC Totals Invoices 1 $6,050.48 Vendor 44414 - HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 1726158 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #106060 01/21/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 170.66 Vendor 44414 - HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES Totals Invoices 1 $170.66 Vendor 43208 - IN-SITU INC 00137204 Laboratory Equipment Paid by Check #106061 09/21/2020 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 709.87 Vendor 43208 - IN-SITU INC Totals Invoices 1 $709.87 Vendor 48056 - INFOSEND INC 184774 Office Supplies Paid by Check #106062 01/22/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 42.72 Vendor 48056 - INFOSEND INC Totals Invoices 1 $42.72 Vendor 48683 - J.J. KELLER & ASSOC 9105651806 Service Contracts Paid by Check #106063 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 1,590.00 Vendor 48683 - J.J. KELLER & ASSOC Totals Invoices 1 $1,590.00 Vendor 40821 - KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS INC 144543 Grounds & Maintenance Paid by Check #106064 02/03/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 10,546.90 Vendor 40821 - KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS INC Totals Invoices 1 $10,546.90 Vendor 43694 - KIMBALL MIDWEST 8551643 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #106065 01/25/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 226.40 Vendor 43694 - KIMBALL MIDWEST Totals Invoices 1 $226.40 Vendor 17350 - LAKESIDE NAPA 577106 Automotive Paid by Check #106066 01/13/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 3,590.22 012521 Automotive, Shop Supplies Paid by Check #106066 01/25/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 1,847.39 Vendor 17350 - LAKESIDE NAPA Totals Invoices 2 $5,437.61 Vendor 49438 - BRANDON LEE VSP103120BLEE Vision Insurance Payable Paid by Check #106067 01/28/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 23.66 Vendor 49438 - BRANDON LEE Totals Invoices 1 $23.66 Vendor 45135 - LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER 66100359634 Automotive Paid by Check #106068 01/25/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 706.03 66100359877 Automotive Paid by Check #106068 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 37.00 66100359928 Automotive Paid by Check #106068 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 999.42 66100360241 Automotive Paid by Check #106068 01/28/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 1,624.28 Run by Theresa Sherman on 02/10/2021 04:15:39 PM Page 6 of 11 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/18/21 - 02/18/21 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 81 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 66100360843 Automotive Paid by Check #106068 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 1,354.90 Vendor 45135 - LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER Totals Invoices 5 $4,721.63 Vendor 22550 - LIBERTY UTILITIES FEBRUARY2021 ELECTRICITY Paid by Check #106069 02/04/2021 02/18/2021 02/18/2021 02/18/2021 107,358.82 Vendor 22550 - LIBERTY UTILITIES Totals Invoices 1 $107,358.82 Vendor 17900 - MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO 52405301 Biosolids Equipment - Building Paid by Check #106070 01/29/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 170.72 Vendor 17900 - MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO Totals Invoices 1 $170.72 Vendor 48821 - MCC CONTROLS LLC CD99382349 LPPS Power/Control Upgrade Paid by Check #106071 11/23/2020 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 4,095.55 Vendor 48821 - MCC CONTROLS LLC Totals Invoices 1 $4,095.55 Vendor 43898 - MESA LAB SO-472874 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check #106072 11/19/2020 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 155.57 Vendor 43898 - MESA LAB Totals Invoices 1 $155.57 Vendor 18600 - MOTION INDUSTRIES INC NV25-635951 Pump Stations Paid by Check #106073 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 397.26 Vendor 18600 - MOTION INDUSTRIES INC Totals Invoices 1 $397.26 Vendor 43123 - MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO 50021623 Small Tools Paid by Check #106074 01/22/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 2,033.60 Vendor 43123 - MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO Totals Invoices 1 $2,033.60 Vendor 48655 - REGENTS NEVADA SYS HIGHER EDUCATION CI-06-4626 / 11 Wells Paid by Check #106075 01/22/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 2,873.88 Vendor 48655 - REGENTS NEVADA SYS HIGHER EDUCATION Totals Invoices 1 $2,873.88 Vendor 19355 - NEWARK IN ONE 33435577 Pump Stations Paid by Check #106076 01/20/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 411.55 Vendor 19355 - NEWARK IN ONE Totals Invoices 1 $411.55 Vendor 48813 - NORTH TAHOE PUD 14NTPUDP84 Water Conservation Program, Pass Through Paid by Check #106077 02/05/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 405.00 Vendor 48813 - NORTH TAHOE PUD Totals Invoices 1 $405.00 Vendor 48315 - O'REILLY AUTO PARTS JAN2021 Grounds & Maintenance, Oil & Lubricants Paid by Check #106078 01/28/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 687.23 Vendor 48315 - O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Totals Invoices 1 $687.23 Vendor 44607 - OLIN CORPORATION Run by Theresa Sherman on 02/10/2021 04:15:39 PM Page 7 of 11 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/18/21 - 02/18/21 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 82 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 2923689 Hypochlorite Paid by Check #106079 01/14/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 4,295.72 Vendor 44607 - OLIN CORPORATION Totals Invoices 1 $4,295.72 Vendor 47903 - PRAXAIR 174 61342967 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #106080 01/22/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 239.68 61361024 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #106080 01/22/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 154.85 61448843 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #106080 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 357.23 Vendor 47903 - PRAXAIR 174 Totals Invoices 3 $751.76 Vendor 49554 - PROMINENCE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 56 Dental Self Insurance Paid by Check #106081 01/01/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 665.50 Vendor 49554 - PROMINENCE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Totals Invoices 1 $665.50 Vendor 48144 - RELIANCE STANDARD FEB 21A LTD/Life Management Payable Paid by Check #106082 02/01/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 2,570.19 FEB 21B LTD/Life Insurance Union/Board Payable Paid by Check #106082 02/01/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 3,187.86 Vendor 48144 - RELIANCE STANDARD Totals Invoices 2 $5,758.05 Vendor 44435 - ROOTX 62198 Root Herbicide Paid by Check #106083 12/11/2020 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 8,571.46 Vendor 44435 - ROOTX Totals Invoices 1 $8,571.46 Vendor 48911 - JOHN SHERIDAN SWRCB2021 Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by Check #106084 02/02/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 110.00 Vendor 48911 - JOHN SHERIDAN Totals Invoices 1 $110.00 Vendor 48735 - SILVER STATE ANALYTICAL LAB RN264859 Monitoring Paid by Check #106085 02/04/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 129.00 Vendor 48735 - SILVER STATE ANALYTICAL LAB Totals Invoices 1 $129.00 Vendor 49158 - AARON SMITH 3521309 Customer Rebate Paid by Check #106086 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 193.50 3521309-2 Customer Rebate Paid by Check #106086 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 200.00 Vendor 49158 - AARON SMITH Totals Invoices 2 $393.50 Vendor 44577 - SOUNDPROS INC 210122-55 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check #106087 01/22/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 49.00 Vendor 44577 - SOUNDPROS INC Totals Invoices 1 $49.00 Vendor 47876 - SOUTH TAHOE CHAMBER 2021 Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by Check #106088 12/01/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 75.00 Vendor 47876 - SOUTH TAHOE CHAMBER Totals Invoices 1 $75.00 Run by Theresa Sherman on 02/10/2021 04:15:39 PM Page 8 of 11 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/18/21 - 02/18/21 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 83 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 23450 - SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE 20121 Refuse Disposal Paid by Check #106089 02/01/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 4,250.40 Vendor 23450 - SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE Totals Invoices 1 $4,250.40 Vendor 45168 - SOUTHWEST GAS FEBRUARY2021 NATURAL GAS Paid by Check #106090 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 02/18/2021 02/18/2021 15,335.10 Vendor 45168 - SOUTHWEST GAS Totals Invoices 1 $15,335.10 Vendor 49551 - SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INV-003125 Service Contracts Paid by Check #106091 06/08/2020 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 8,011.50 Vendor 49551 - SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE Totals Invoices 1 $8,011.50 Vendor 48774 - SQUAW VALLEY PUBLIC SER DIST 14SVPSDP84 Water Conservation Program, Pass Through Paid by Check #106092 02/05/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 450.00 Vendor 48774 - SQUAW VALLEY PUBLIC SER DIST Totals Invoices 1 $450.00 Vendor 49064 - Staples Business Advantage 3468323277 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check #106093 01/30/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 381.18 3468323281 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check #106093 01/30/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 3.69 3468323284 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check #106093 01/30/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 138.62 Vendor 49064 - Staples Business Advantage Totals Invoices 3 $523.49 Vendor 48617 - STEEL-TOE-SHOES.COM STP111620 Safety Equipment Paid by Check #106094 01/28/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 193.94 Vendor 48617 - STEEL-TOE-SHOES.COM Totals Invoices 1 $193.94 Vendor 48511 - SWRCB MORS20 Dues - Memberships - Certification Paid by Check #106095 09/01/2020 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 180.00 Vendor 48511 - SWRCB Totals Invoices 1 $180.00 Vendor 24050 - TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE 20121 Biosolid Disposal Costs Paid by Check #106096 02/01/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 14,929.04 Vendor 24050 - TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE Totals Invoices 1 $14,929.04 Vendor 49032 - TAHOE BEACH & SKI CLUB 916664 Standby Accommodations Paid by Check #106097 12/29/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 105.30 Vendor 49032 - TAHOE BEACH & SKI CLUB Totals Invoices 1 $105.30 Vendor 48229 - TAHOE DAILY TRIBUNE 0279076-01312021 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check #106098 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 672.50 Vendor 48229 - TAHOE DAILY TRIBUNE Totals Invoices 1 $672.50 Vendor 47830 - TAHOE RESOURCE CONS DISTRICT Run by Theresa Sherman on 02/10/2021 04:15:39 PM Page 9 of 11 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/18/21 - 02/18/21 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 84 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 14TRCDP84 Water Conservation Program, Pass Through Paid by Check #106099 02/05/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 560.56 Vendor 47830 - TAHOE RESOURCE CONS DISTRICT Totals Invoices 1 $560.56 Vendor 24450 - TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 5103190 Buildings Paid by Check #106100 01/20/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 633.84 Vendor 24450 - TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY Totals Invoices 1 $633.84 Vendor 48927 - TAHOE VALLEY LODGE 1028 Standby Accommodations Paid by Check #106101 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 2,915.00 Vendor 48927 - TAHOE VALLEY LODGE Totals Invoices 1 $2,915.00 Vendor 49343 - THE UNION 0279112-01312021 Ads-Legal Notices, Rocky Point 1 Waterline Paid by Check #106102 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 685.94 Vendor 49343 - THE UNION Totals Invoices 1 $685.94 Vendor 15398 - THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC SLS25751065 Laboratory Equipment Paid by Check #106103 01/15/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 3,365.57 Vendor 15398 - THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC Totals Invoices 1 $3,365.57 Vendor 48747 - TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-328415 Replace ERP System Paid by Check #106104 01/27/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 3,840.00 045-329061 Replace ERP System Paid by Check #106104 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 350.00 Vendor 48747 - TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC Totals Invoices 2 $4,190.00 Vendor 43718 - USA BLUE BOOK 482017 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #106105 01/25/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 1,589.72 482094 Pump Stations Paid by Check #106105 01/25/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 1,704.60 492698 Small Tools Paid by Check #106105 02/03/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 (443.77) Vendor 43718 - USA BLUE BOOK Totals Invoices 3 $2,850.55 Vendor 48405 - WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 79775224 Janitorial Supplies Inventory Paid by Check #106106 01/29/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 356.54 Vendor 48405 - WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY Totals Invoices 1 $356.54 Vendor 25700 - WEDCO INC 668296 Buildings Paid by Check #106107 01/25/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 371.10 668624 Buildings Paid by Check #106107 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 262.07 668625 Buildings Paid by Check #106107 01/26/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 527.68 Vendor 25700 - WEDCO INC Totals Invoices 3 $1,160.85 Vendor 25850 - WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY 18444529 Apache Ave Sewer Replacement Paid by Check #106108 09/14/2020 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 54.22 18517262 Boxes-Lids-Extensions Inventory Paid by Check #106108 10/06/2020 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 1,156.20 Run by Theresa Sherman on 02/10/2021 04:15:39 PM Page 10 of 11 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/18/21 - 02/18/21 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 85 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 18641435 Sewerworks Inventory Paid by Check #106108 01/21/2021 02/18/2021 01/31/2021 02/18/2021 893.25 Vendor 25850 - WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY Totals Invoices 3 $2,103.67 Vendor 48989 - ZIPS AW DIRECT 836985 Safety Equipment - Physicals Paid by Check #106109 02/03/2021 02/18/2021 02/28/2021 02/18/2021 109.23 Vendor 48989 - ZIPS AW DIRECT Totals Invoices 1 $109.23 Grand Totals Invoices 162 $578,654.12 Run by Theresa Sherman on 02/10/2021 04:15:39 PM Page 11 of 11 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 02/18/21 - 02/18/21 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 86