HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 1166 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 52 JmHN ~. WlEIDMAN I=LACERVILLE, CA RES0LUTI,0N NO. A RESOLUTION DETER~tINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LANDS AND RIGHTS OF ENTRY THEREON AND DIRECTING THE FILING OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1967-~D RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that WHEREAS, it is the intention of this Board to construct reconstruct, repair, maintain and operate underground sewer pipelines, and appurtenances and work auxiliary thereto, for the purpose of transporting sewage, under and across the lands here- inafter described, together with the right of vehicular ingress and egress thereon and therefore, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS FOUND, DETERMINED and ORDERED as follows: 1. That the public interest and necessity require the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair, maintenance and operation of underground sewer pipelines, and appurtenances and work auxiliary thereto, for the purpose of transporting sewage, under and across the lands more particularly described in Exhibit A, and attached hereto, and made a part hereof, together with the right of vehicular ingress and egress thereon and therefore, and taking of easements and rights of ways there- fore, is necessary for said improvements. Said parcels of lands are situate in the County of E1 Dorado, State of California. 2. That said proposed acquisition and improvements are planned and located in the manner which will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury, and all of said acquisitions are situated within the County of E1 Dorado, State of California. 3. That John C. W'eidman, Placerville, California, attorney at law, and the firm of Wilson, Jones, Norton & Lynch, 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 51 r!.. WEIDMAN San Mateo, California, who are attorneys for said District, be, and they are hereby directed to institute and conduct to conclusion an action in eminent domain for the acquisition of said easements and rights of way and to take such action as is necessary therein, and they shall be paid a reasonable fee therefor. 4. That an Order for Immediate Possession and Use be obtained in said action, and that a warrant be issued to the County Clerk, E1 Dorado County, California, in the amount determined by the court to be so deposited, as a condition to the right of immediate possession. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District at a duly held regular meeting on September 19, 1968, by the following vote: AYES Directors Fesler, Kortes, Wakeman, Ream and Hegarty NOES: None ABSENT: None Robert W. Fesler, PresideHt of the-Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utilit District ATTEST: David w. Callahan, ~lerk 'of the South ....... Tahoe Public Utility District and ex- officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. (SEAL) i~l,,-,~,R.~ PTION 'FoR :;OUTii TAIiOE PU13LIC UTILITY DISTRICT June ll, 1968 COLLECTION ,1ENI DISTRICT 1967-4D L-145.44 Parcel Iio. 342 (34-432-12) Utility easement to be acquired from: NOll~R, S INGERSOLL, et ux A portion of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 20 located in Sections 19, 30, and 31, T ...... 12 N , R 18 E , M I).M , E1 Dorado County, California. A 10.0 foot wide strip of land lying Northeasterly of and imracdiately adjacent to the following described line: Beginning at the most Westerly corner of Lot 342, Tahoe Paradise Unit Ho. 20 as st~own on that map recorded in Book C of Maps, Page 46, E1 Dorado County Records; thence, from said poi}~t of beginning, along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 342 S. 50002'20" E. 137.73 feet to the most Southerly corner of said Lot 342, the point of te~nination. Thc sideline of said strip of land to be lengthened or shortened to meet adjoining property lines.. Checked: ,y,,l , ......... '. ,.z.~ .... _/ '-" ,yl '__~'1-._- TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June ll, 196~o ,,:,,i~ , COLIJ~.CIICN SYSTEM ASS,,~.~ ......... _ I~,,,);.:ENT D1SiI-,ICI 1967 4D L-145.44 Parcel t~o. 1164 (34-502-07) Utility easement to be acquired from: I.]RNE[;T L. JOIINSON A portion of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 24 located in Section 30 T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M.D.M., E1 Dorado County, California. A 10.0 foot wide str%p of land lying Northwesterly of and inu~ediately adjacent to the following described line: Beginning at the most. Southerly corner of .Lot 1164, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 24 as shown on that map recorded in Book C of Maps, Page 100, E1 Dorado County Records; thence, from said point of beginning, along' the Southeasterly line of said Lot 1164 N. 40° 00'00" E., 85.00 feet to. the most Easterly corner of said Lot 1164, the point of termination. Also a 10.0 foot wide Temporary Working Easement lying Northwesterly of and immediately adjacent to the above described Utility Easement. The sideline of sa~.d strips of ]and to be lengthened or shortened to meet adjoining property lines. E~hiOit A-2 FtEDDING Checked: Di;i;Cl~i !'i'ION FOR SOUTii TAtlOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 11, 1968 SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM Af;SiJSS~iENT DISTRICT 1967-4D L-145.44 Parcel No. 1163 (34-502-06) Utility easement to be acquired from: WiNFIEI,D I3. KINNER A portion of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 24 located in Section 30' T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M.D.bi., E1 Dorado County, California. A 10.0 foot wide strip of land lying Northwesterly of and immediately adjacent to the following described line: N. 40°00'00'' E. , 78.00 feet BeginnJ. ng at the most Southerly corner of Lot 1163, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 24 as shown on that map recorded in Book C of Maps, Page 100, E1 Dorado County Records; thence, from said point of beginning, along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 1163/ to the most Easterly corner of said Lot 1163, the point of termination. Also a 10.0 foot wide Temporary Working Easement lying Northwesterly of and i~]ediately adjacent to the above described Utility Easement. The sideline of said strips of land to'be lengthened or shortened to meet adjoining property lines. Exhibit A-3 REDDING Checked: -, ....... ..... ,,.:_ D~ .... ~,±PTION FOil SOUTH TAIIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 11, 1968 SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM ASSESSNENT DISTRICT 1967-4D L-145.44 Parcel No. 1180 (34-501-08) Utility easement to be acquired from: WINFIELD B. KINNER A portion of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 24 located in Section 30, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M.D.M.,. E1 Dorado County, California. A 10.0 foot wide strip of land lying Northwesterly of and inumediately adjacent to the following described line: Beginning at the most Southerly corner of Lot 1180, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 24 as shown on that map recorded in Book C of Maps, Page ].00, E1 Dorado County Records; thence, from said point of beginning, along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 1180 N. 40000'00'' E., 20.00 feet to the point of termination. Also a 10.0 foot wide Temporary Working Easement lying Northwesterly of and immediately adjacent to the above described Utility Easement. The sideline of said strips of land to end at right angles with the terminal course. Exhibit, A-Iv tq [~ D [~ I N G Checked: ........... (J() N,~t! 1 i1'i N(; -~ · .k~,~ N(;I N 1", t',' ~ ..... Cl,It ~ ION FOR SOUTii TAIIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 11, 1968 .... LAG,~ COLLECTION SYSTEM Aoo].o.,,.IEN~. DISTRICT 1967-4D L-145.44 Parcel No. 1181 (34-501-09) Utility easement to be acquired from: WINFII;LD B. KINNER A portion of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 24 located in Section 30 5'. 12 N., R. 18 E., M.D.M., E1 Dorado County, California. A portion of Lot 1181, more particularly described as follows: The Northeasterly 10.0 feet of Lot 1181, Tahoe Paradise, Unit No. 24, as shown on that map recorded in Book "C" of Maps at Page 100, E1 Dorado County Records. t Also a Temporary Working Easement more particularly described as follows: N. 72°3~0'00'' W., South N. 40°00'00'' E., 13.66 feet; 19.62 feet 20.29 feet Beginning at a point on the Southeasterly line of said Lot 1181, said point being on the Southwesterly line of the above described Northeasterly 10.0 feet; thence, along'said Southwesterly line of said Northeasterly 10.0 foot line thence, leaving said Southwesterly line to a point on the Southeasterly line of said Lot 1181; thence, along said Southeasterly line to the point of beginning, from whence the most Easterly corner of said Lot 1131 bears N. 40~00'00'' E., a distance of 10.83 feet. Ewhibit NA~5 REDDI Checked: ,.,.,~0__m_pb .... t-7>:? .{2'; :"-"/ Dr. oCt%i P'I'ION FOR SOUTiI TAItOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 10, 1968 SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEbl ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-4D L-].45.44 Parcel No. 857 (33-434-01) Utility easement to be acquired from: ROBERT T. MEYERS A portion of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 22 located in Sections 19 and 30, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M.D.M., E1 Dorado County, California. A 10.0 foot wide strip of land lying Northwesterly of and immediately adjacent to the following describe'd line: N. 40°00'00'' E. 92.50 feet Beginning at the most Southerly corner of Lot 857, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 22 as shown on that map recorded in Book C of Haps, Page 56, E1 Dorado County Records; thence, .from said point of beginning, along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 857 to the most Easterly corner of said Lot 857, the point of termination. Also a 10.0 foot wide Temporary Working Easement lying Northwesterly of an~ immediately adjacent to the above described Utility Easement. The sideline of said str'ips of land to be lengthened or shortened to meet adjoining property lines. it ts a~7~est-d that this description be referred Exhibit ~EDDING Checked: I)],;~;C RI p~i'I 0~ i?OR SOU'IHt TAtIOE I~Ui3LIC UI'ILiTY DISTI¢ICT June 11, ].968 L-145.44 Parcel No. 1162 (34-502-05) Ut~l~.ty easement to be acquired from: OWEN A portion of Tahoe Paradise Unit I~o. 24 located in Section 30, T. 12 N., R. ]8 E., M.D.M., E1 Dorado County, California. A 10.0 foot wide strip of ].and lying Northwesterly of and i~mediately adjacent to the following described line: Beginning at the most Southerly corner of Lot 1162, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 24 as shown on that map recorded in Book C of Maps, Page 100, E1 Dorado County Records; thence, from said point of beginning, along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 1162 N. 40°00'00'' E., 76.00 feet to the most Easterly corner of said Lot 1162, the point of termination. Also a 10.0 foot wide Temporary Working Easement lying Northwesterly of anf immediately adjacent to the above described Utility Easement. The sideline of said strips of land to be lengthened or shortened to meet adjoining property lines. Checked: Traverse ..... ~.,~ I 13a//~"':'-- ~ boY': ' CI AII{ A. t'-IILL & SSOCIATES DESCRIPTION FOR SOUTIi TAIIOE PUBI,IC LtTILITY DISTRICT June 10, 1968 SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSI'EH oL,,.,~,ILNI I.)I,)IRIC~ 1967-4I) L-145.44 Parcel No. 910 (33-424-06) Utility easement to be acquired from: ROBERT E. SIiAW, et ux A portion of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 22 located in Sectiona 19 and 30, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M.D.M., E1 Dorado County, California. A 10.0 foot wide strip of land lying Southerly of and iramediately adjacent to the following described line: East 140.22 feet Beginning at the most Northwesterly corner of Lot 910, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 22 as shown on that map recorded in Book C of Maps, Page 56, E1 Dorado County Records; thence, from said point of beginning, along the Northerly line of said Lot 9].0 to the most Northeasterly corner of said Lot 910, the point of termination. The sideline of said strip of land to be lengthened or shortened to meet adjoining property lines. Exhibit ;%-8 F{E{DDING Checked: -- [------qv ]Dat. DESCRIPTION FOR SOUTiI TAIIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 10, 1968 Si;WAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM ASS/;SSb:ENT DISTRICT 1967-4D L-145.44 Parcel No. 913 (33-424-09) Utility easement to be acquired'from: ROBERT BRUCE TRENHOLM & IIENRY ARCtlIE SCHROEDER, et ux A portion of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 22 located in Sections 19 and 30, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M.D.M., E1 Dorado County, California. A 10.0 foot wide strip of land lying Westerly of and immediately adjacent to the following described line: Beginning at the most Southeasterly corner of Lot 913, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 22 as shown on that map recorded in Book C of Maps, Page 56, E1 Dorado County Records; thence, from said point of beginning, along the Easterly line of said Lot 913 N. 0°18'53'' E. 20.00 feet to the point of termination. Also a 10.0 foot wide Temporary Working Easement .lying Westerly of and i~aediately adjacent to the above'described Utility Easement. The sideline of said strips of land to end at right angles with the terminal course. Checked: ]?'17 D!:L'; CRi t'TION 'FOR SOUTti TAtiOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Si]WAGE COLLECTION SYSTE?.I ASSESS~.iENT DISTRICT 1967-4D' June 11, 1968 L-145.44 Parcel No. 1173 Utility easement to be acquired from: t. iO-WEN YUNG & SIU-WAN YUNG (34-501-01) A portion of Tahoe Paradise'Unit No. 24 located in Section 30, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., I,I.D.M., E1 Dorado County, California. A 10.0 foot wide strip of land lying Northwesterly of and immediately adjacent to the following described line: Beginning at the most Southerly corner · t of Lot 1173, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 24 as shown on that map recorded in Book C of bIaps, Page 100, E1 Dorado County Records; thence, from said point of beginning, along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 1173 N. 40000'00'' E., 20.00 feet to the point of termination. Also a 10.0 foot wide Temporary Working Easement lying Northwesterly of and immediately adjacent to the above described Utility Easement. The s~c.a~ine of said strips of land to end at right angles with the terminal course. Checked: (.._~£) NN L] I/l'i NC; }.!J ,~ (; I ,N I,: t,; 1 (S EXHIBIT "B" SOUT~i TAtlOE PU}~],IC UTII,ITY DISTRICT EL ])()RADO COUNTY, GALIFORNJA -. SL'WAGE COI,I,EGTION SYSTEM ASS},o,)MENI DISTRICT 1967-4I) 1,145.44 June Il, 1968 PlAT NO. (34-432-12) PARCEL NO 342 Utility easement to be acquired from: ROBI;i~T S. INGERSOLL,et ux EXItlBIT "B" 1,145.44 SOUTti' TA}tOE PUBI,IC UTII,ITY DISTRICT EI, ])ORADO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA June 11, 1968 SJNVAGE CO],I,ECTION SYSTEM ASSIiSSMENT DJSTRIGT 1967-4D PlAT NO. (34-502-07) PARCEL NO.' 1164 Utility easement to be acquired from: ERNEST L. JOHNSON 'x N EX}tIBIT "B" L145.44 June 11, 1968 PJAT NO. (34-502-06) PARCEL NO.' 1163 Utility easement to be acquired from: WINFIELD B. KINNER x' / / N \ x / 1/6 1 N \ \ \ \ 'x x, E~hibit N EXIIIBIT "B" oC)t~ 1~ TA~,iOE PUBI,IC UTII,ITY ])}STRICT El, ])C'RADO COUNTy, CAI,IFORNIA L145.44 J, une 11, 1968 S],~VAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM ASSESLiMENT DISTRICT 1967-4D PIAT ?'JO. {34-501-08) Utility easement to be accB~lred from: WINFIELD B. KINNER PARCEL NO.' 1180 tJt 5i°° //, //¢ ¢ /,'77 //72' //7 $ 0 %. Exhibit EXIIIBIT "B" SOIJT~' TAIIOE PUBLIG UTILITY DISTRIGT };I, DOi[AI)O COUNTY, CALIFORNIA L145.. 44 ~June 11, 1968 PI.AT NO. (34-501-09) ARCEL NO. 1181 Utility easement to be acquired from: WINFIELD B. KINNER Exhibit EXHIBIT "B" $OUTtI TA[tOE t'UBI,~C UTILITY DISTRICT EI, I)ORADO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA L145.44 Jtjne 11, 1968 S]~'~ AG}, COI,LEGTION SYSTEM ASf~ESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-4D PJAT NO.~ (33-434-0 !) Utility easement to be acquired £rom: RO2ERT T. MEYERS PARCEl, NO.., 857 j 659 e97 Exhibit. B-6 1,145.44 SOU T~I TA}I OlJ PLt f~]',I C; UTII3 TY ]DISTRIC, T }]I, T)OIb~,I)O C;OUNTY, GAI,t/'Oi'~NJ3t June 11, 1968 S}I'fAGE COI,I,EC;].'ION S'ZL . · ~',~-~M}.]N'I.' ] )/ST}:~ICT 196; -4].) NO. (34-502-05) PARC];L NO. 1162 Utility easement to be acquired 'from: Ri.lEA M. OWEN SOU i'ti TA~IO]; Ptlf',],!G UTI~,!'i'Y I)]S'J'RICT Fl, ] )C)iL%I.)O CC)U ?TY, SJJWf~C4~? C?OJ,LEC:T] Oi< SYS'!'~]M ASf',i;~Sh4~NT ].)IS'~'hiGT 1967--,!D PJA'F NO. (33-424-06) UtlJfty easement to be acquirod from: ROB}iRT E. SItAW, et ux PARC;}]I, NO. 910 1,145.44 June 11, 1968 Exhibit i3-8 EXtlIB]T "B" 1,145,44 'J.'A'[iO]: t'UBI,IC UTII,ITY DISTRICT COUNTY, CAI,I~'O?,NIA June 11, 1968 S]'\lrAC;E COI,I.!;GTION SYSTEM AT;S};SSMENT ])ISTRIGT 1967-4D PJAT NO. (33-424-09) PARCEL NO. 913 Utility easement to be acquired from: ROBERT BRUCE TRENIIOLM AND tIENRY ARCHIE SCtlROEDER, et ux 8So ~J 909 EX}IIP, IT "i~" 1,145 SOi. l'j'!i TAll C)/] PUi;,],IG UTILITY DIS'fRIGT 2;]. ])OiO\i)O COU~.i't'Y, CAI,IFORNJA June 11, 1968 S~R'V/~C;t] COi,IJ]C, TiON SYSTEM ~,.>,-,~ .... ~MENT I)IS'fiUC;T ]967-4J) PlAT NO. (34-501-01) PARCEl, NO. 1173 Utilit7 casement to be acquired from: ,O-WkN YUNG AND SIU-WAN YUNG //7/ !/ ~ '7 //?z/ //7 e //77 //?? ~0 E~hibit B-lO 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 dmHN ~. WEIDMAN pl. ,'ICLE, C TIF, ZCATE 07 . ,ESOLUTIgN STATE OF CALIFORNIAt couN?Y OF EL DORADO) ss, I~ DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, and ex officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 1166 is a true, full and correct copy thereof, and that said Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT at a regular meeting duly held September 19, 1968, and that the original of said resolution is on file in the office of said SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Said resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote of the members of the Board of Directors thereof: AYES: Directors Fesler, Kortes, Wakeman, Ream and Hegarty NOES: None ABSENT: None ( SEA ) DaVid W. llahan, Clerk of th~' Sou~H =-' TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT and ex- officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof.