HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-2020Ae�'9r 1950 ' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director Duane Wallace, Director Nick Exline, Director John Thiel, General Manager Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August 6, 2020 MINUTES The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in a regular session, 2:00 p.m., at the District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Board of Directors: President Vogelgesang, Directors Cefalu, Sheehan, Wallace Via Conference Call: Director Exline Staff: John Thiel, Paul Hughes, Shannon Cotulla, Melonie Guttry, Shelly Thomsen, Jim Hilton, Heidi Baugh, Brian Bartlett, Chris Skelly, IV Jones Via Conference Call: Gary Kvistad, Art Zorio, Tim Bledsoe, Stephen Caswell, No Bergsohn, Jessica Henderson, Jim Kelly, Liz Kauffman, Brent Goligoski, Jason Brand, Trevor Coolidge Guests Via Conference Call: David Peterson, Frankie Vigil It CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR: President Vogelgesang announced that Item 4f - Purchase Thermoplastic Polyurethane Layflat Hose, Real and Reel Stand, is requested to be pulled from Consent and added to Action as Item 6d, with Payment of Claims moving to 6e. CONSENT CALENDAR: Moved Cefalu/Second SheehanlVoAelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to approve the Consent Calendar with changes as presented. a. 2018 WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (Julie Ryan, Engineering Department Manager) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk for the 2018 Water and Sewer Improvements Project. b. 2020 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT HAZARD FUEL MITIGATION PROJECT (Julie Ryan, Engineering Department Manager and Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk for the 2020 Wastewater Treatment Plant Hazard Fuel Mitigation Project. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES August 6, 2020 PAGE - 2 C. GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR TASK LIST (Jim Kelly, Geographic Information Systems Specialist and Steve Caswell, Principal Engineer) 1) Approved the Geographic Information Systems Contractor Task List for the 2020/21 Fiscal Year not to exceed $28,325; and, 2) Authorized the General Manager to execute a Task Order to the Master Services Agreement with Arete Systems. d. WATER MAIN CONDITION MONITORING SOFTWARE CONTRACT (Jim Kelly, Geographic Information Systems Specialist and Steve Caswell, Principal Engineer) Approved the Contract with Baseform for water main condition monitoring software for the remainder of the 2020/21 Fiscal Year which will be paid by El Dorado Water Agency grant funding with no additional cost to the District. e. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF BLOWER NO.2 (Jeff Lee, Manager of Plant Operations and Kyle Schrauben, Heavy Maintenance Supervisor) Approved the repair and rebuild of Blower No. 2 by Unico Mechanical Corporation in the amount of $43,505.02. f. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: July 16, 2020 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Approved July 16, 2020, Minutes ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. 2019 Rocky Point II Waterline Replacement REBID and Large Meters Replacement Project (Adrian Combes, Senior Engineer) - Julie Ryan provided details regarding the 2019 Rocky Point 11 Waterline Replacement REBID and Large Meters Replacement Project and addressed questions from the Board. Moved Cefalu/Second SheehonlVogelgesana Yes/Cefalu Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to approve Change Order No. 1 to Haen Constructors in the amount $150,000. b. Secondary Clarifier No. 3 Rehabilitation Project (Stephen Caswell, Principal Engineer) - Julie Ryan provided details regarding the Second Clarifier No. 3 Rehabilitation Project and addressed questions from the Board. Moved Sheehan/Second DuanelVogelaesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to 1) approve the Proposal from Carollo Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $138,145, for engineering services during construction for the Secondary Clarifier No. 3 Rehabilitation Project; and, 2) authorize the General Manger to execute Task Order No. 20 to the Master Services Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. c. Urban Water Management Plan Update (Chris Stanley, Manager of Field Operations) - Shannon Cotulla provided the Urban Water Management Plan Update and addressed questions from the Board. Moved Sheehan/Second Cefalu/Vogelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to 1) approve Task Order No. 10 to Kennedy Jenks in the amount of $80,997 for the Urban Water Management Plan Update; and, 2) authorize staff to make any immaterial changes to the Task Order as staff deems necessary. Attorney Kvistad commented that the District may become ineligible for grants and loans if the District does not meet the 20% reduction goal outlined in the Plan. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES August 6, 2020 PAGE - 3 CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION/ACTION d. Purchase Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) Layflat Hose, Real and Reel Stand (iv Jones, Underground Repair Sewer Acting Supervisor and Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent) - Held! Baugh provided details regarding the Exception to Bid conditions and specifications and addressed questions from the Board. Shannon Cotulla provided further details regarding the use of this hose. Moved Wallace/Second Cefolu/Vogelaesang YeslCefalu Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exiine Yes to accept the exception to bid conditions and specifications as part of the purchase of TPU Layflat hose, reels and reel stands, as the exceptions do not provide a competition advantage; 2) award the Contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, United Rentals (North America), Inc., to purchase TPU Layflat hose, reels and reel stands in the amount of $85,1 10.48. e. Approve Payment of Claims (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Moved Sheehan/Second Cefalu/Vogelgesang YeslCefalu Yes/Sheehan YeslExline Yes to approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $5,254,126.63. STANDING AND AD -HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS: President Volgel eesang announced he is appointing Director Wallace to replace ❑irector Cefolu on the Ad -Hoc Affordable Housing Committee. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: None EL DORADO WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT: Director Sheehan reported the name has unofficially changed to El Dorado Water Company (EDWA), although will remain El Dorado County Water Agency on all legal documents. Julie Ryan, Iyo Bergsohn and Lynn Nolan will be providing a PowerPoint presentation virtually at the August 12 EDWA Board meeting. John Thiel provided a report for the Financial Framework Committee Meeting he recently attended. Director Wallace requested a report regarding the District's overall costs in implementing the Groundwater Management Plan, which staff will report at a future meeting. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT: John Thiel reported on several items: • The District is evaluating several crew positions for rehire in the near future. • The California Tahoe Alliance, regional lobbying group continues to meet and strategize throughout COVID-19. The group is coordinating a collaborative shovel ready project list of approximately $40 million in total. • The District recently completed 120 acre fuels reduction treatment project with a California Tahoe Conservancy (CTC) grant. The District is working on additional fuels reduction grants at additional District sites in hopes to have fuels reduction complete at all District sites by 2022. • There is an 80-unit affordable housing project planned at the corner of Pioneer Trail and Ski Run. The Ad -Hoc Affordable Housing Committee will meet on Tuesday, August 11, to discuss. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES August 6, 2020 PAGE - 4 There is currently no COVID-19 sickness at the District, although in the past two weeks there have been several potential exposures, and those staff are isolating at home. The District continues to operate at Risk Level 3 for the time being. Paul Hughes reported that on July 2, the delinquency rate was 4.8%, with the last five-year average being 3.8%. Today the delinquency rate is 3.3%, which is below average at this time. Information was emailed last week to the Board including a compilation of what other agencies have done or are doing for relief to their rate payers. Duane Wallace reported the District should offer rate payers a relief program, which should be simple and straight forward. Director Cefalu echoed Director Wallace's comments and wants to see something offered soon, such as a 25% reduction for one billing quarter and then evaluate. Director Wine added that the Board should be very conscience of a systemic shift going forward and to look at a targeted approach. By consensus, the Board wants an Agenda Item including various relief options for rate payers brought forward at the August 20 Board Meeting for consideration. Paul Hughes will also be bringing forward an amended budget, including reductions that have been identified to date due to COVID-19. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS: Shelly Thomsen provided a Water Conservation Update and addressed questions from the Board. John Thiel requested to revisit Item 1 Ob COVID-19 Response and Recovery Update - In particular staff is looking for direction from the Board regarding turning over the annual tax roll to the County for collections. By consensus, and in light of COVID-19, the Board directed staff not to turn the tax roll over to the County at this time. No Berasohn provided some brief history and an update regarding the Stakeholder's Advisory Group, which meets approximately twice per year. BREAK AND ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION: 3:49 p.m. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: a. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation United States District Court, Case No. 2:20-CV-01514-WBS-CKD, Alpine County v. South Tahoe Public Utility District; et al. No reportable Board action ADJOURNMENT: 4:26 p.m. Randy Vogelgesang, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District Melonie Guttry, berk oft e Board South Tahoe Public Utility District