HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistrict Board Agenda Packet 06-04-2020 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, June 4, 2020 - 2:00 p.m. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20 the South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors may participate via teleconference. Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director Nick Exline, Director John Thiel, General Manager Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager Public Participation In accordance with Executive Order N-29-20, the District Board Room will be closed to members of the public and all public participation will be handled remotely through the GoToMeeting Conference Call listed below. GoToMeeting Conference South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors Meeting Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/240118973 Access Code: 240-118-973 You can also dial in using your phone United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679 United States: +1 (786) 535-3119 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING – PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (At this time, please silence phones and other electronic devices so as not to disrupt the business of the meeting.) 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on any short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No discussion or action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda, per the Brown Act. Each member of the public who wishes to comment shall be allotted five minutes, and no more than three individuals shall address the same subject.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes of the Brown Act, all Action and Consent items listed give a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed. Recommendations of the staff, as shown, do not prevent the Board from taking other action.) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA – June 4, 2020 PAGE – 2 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request. Comments and questions from members of the public, staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION/ACTION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Board Seat Number 2 Appointment (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Board Clerk) Direct staff b. Groundwater Management Plan Update (Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist) Authorize the District to enter into the Second Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding with the El Dorado County Water Agency to formalize the District’s and El Dorado County Water Agency’s Agreement to continue to cooperatively and sustainably manage groundwater resources within the Tahoe South Subbasin and to jointly implement the Department of Water Resources Approved Alternative in accordance with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. c. Approve Payment of Claims (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $1,405,174.46. 7. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 9. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT 10. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT (Discussion may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. Staffing Update b. COVID -19 Response and Recovery 11. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 12. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS Past Meetings/Events 05/07/2020 – 2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District Future Meetings/Events 06/10/2020 – 10:00 El Dorado County Water Agency Meeting in Placerville 06/11/2020 – 9:00 a.m. Special Board Meeting at the District 06/15/2020 – 3:30 p.m. Operations Committee Meeting at the District 06/17/2020 – 8:00 a.m. Employee Communications Committee Meeting (Vogelgesang) 06/18/2020 – 2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District ADJOURNMENT (The next Regular Board Meeting is Thursday, June 18, 2020, at 2:00 p.m.) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA – June 4, 2020 PAGE – 3 The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete Agenda packet is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after Minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on the Agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified, but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the Agenda will be taken at the same time the Agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written materials presented at the meeting. Comments on items not on the Agenda can be heard during “Comments from the Audience;” however, action cannot be taken on items not on the Agenda. Backup materials relating to an open session item on this Agenda, which are not included with the Board packet, will be made available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed or made available to the Board, and can be viewed at the District office, at the Board meeting and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District’s public meetings. If particular accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530) 544-6474, extension 6203. All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA – June 4, 2020 PAGE – 4 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CONSENT CALENDAR Thursday, June 4, 2020 ITEMS FOR CONSENT a. 2020 ASPHALT PATCHING AND TRENCH PAVING SERVICES (Trevor Coolidge, Senior Engineer and Chris Stanley, Manager of Field Operations) Approve Change Order No. 1 to GB General Engineering Contractor, Inc., to the 2020 Asphalt Patching and Trench Paving Services Contract in the amount of $1,269 Approve Change Order No. 1 to GB General Engineering Contractor, Inc., to the 2020 Asphalt Patching and Trench Paving Services Contract in the amount of $1,269. b. SEWER ENTERPRISE 202/21 APPROPRIATIONS SUBJECT TO LIMITATION (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Adopt Resolution No. 3143-20 setting the limitation on Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2020/21 Adopt Resolution No. 3143-20 setting the limitation on Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2020/21. c. 2020/2021 BULK SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE CONTRACT EXTENSION (Jeff Lee, Manager of Plant Operations and Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent) 1)Authorize exception to District’s Purchasing Policy competitive bidding procedures due to special circumstances created by the COVID-19 Emergency; and, 2) Authorize staff to enter into a one-year Contract extension for bulk sodium hypochlorite supplies for Fiscal Year 2020/2021 with Olin Corporation, dba Olin Chlor-Alkali Products and Vinyls, at $0.809 per gallon, in the estimated amount of $113,320.67.7 d. POLYMER CONTRACT EXTENSION (Jeff Lee, Manager of Plant Operations and Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent) Authorize the Contract extension option with Solenis LLC, for Fiscal Year 2020/21 for K292FL emulsion polymer supplies in the estimated amount of $118,658.61. e. 2019 HEAVENLY TANK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (Adrian Combes, Senior Engineer) Approve Proposal to Bay Area Coating Consultants for coating inspection services in the amount of $12,320.64. f. 2020 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (Chris Stanley, Manager of Field Operations) Authorize staff to publish Request for Proposals for the 2020 Urban Water Management Plan. g. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: May 21, 2020 (Melonie Guttry/Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Approve May 21, 2020, Minutes. Trevor Coolidge Page 2 June 4, 2020 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Trevor Coolidge, Senior Engineer Chris Stanley, Manager of Field Operations MEETING DATE: June 4, 2020 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: 2020 Asphalt Patching and Trench Paving Services REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order No. 1 to GB General Engineering Contractor, Inc., to the 2020 Asphalt Patching and Trench Paving Services Contract in the amount of $1,269. DISCUSSION: The District has completed numerous underground improvements at the Fallen Leaf Lake main sewer station that is located adjacent to the marina and general store over the past several years. The work has resulted in numerous failing patches within the marina parking lot and most recently, in October 2019, the District installed a new wetwell as the last major step toward eliminating the problematic and maintenance-intensive vacuum sewer system at Fallen Leaf Lake. In order to restore the parking lot to a usable condition, significant grading and paving was required to correct past damage and adjust the parking lot and surrounding utility boxes to tie in with the new wetwell hatch. Under the 2020 Asphalt Patching and Trench Paving Services Contract that was competitively bid and awarded to GB General Engineering Contractor, Inc., (GB), paving at Fallen Leaf Lake was included, but the adjustment of four manholes, six utility boxes, and the large wetwell lid was not foreseen or included under Contract at the time of bid. Staff worked with GB to negotiate a change order of $1,269 for the added work. This is comparable to the cost of adjusting a single manhole on recent projects. General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 1 Trevor Coolidge Page 2 June 4, 2020 Staff has reviewed the work with the Fallen Leaf Lake Community Services District (CSD) that owns the marina, and they are highly satisfied with the work completed by GB in advance of the 2020 summer season. Staff recommends that the Board approve Change Order No. 1 to the District’s Contract with GB in the amount of $1,269, bringing the Contract total to $427,687 for the 2020 Asphalt Patching and Trench Paving Services Contract. The Purchasing Agent has reviewed this Agenda Item. SCHEDULE: Upon Board Approval COSTS: $1,269 ACCOUNT NO: 1030-7546 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: <$91,534> 2019/20 ATTACHMENTS: N/A ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 2 . BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager MEETING DATE: June 4, 2020 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Sewer Enterprise 2020/21 Appropriations Subject to Limitation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 3143-20 setting the limitation on Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2020/21. DISCUSSION: This is the District’s annual Resolution called for by Constitutional Amendment XIIIB. The limitation on Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2020/21 is $84,377,441. The Sewer Enterprise fund budget for Fiscal Year 2020/21 appropriates $39,850,605. As such, the District is $44,526,836 below the state mandated spending limit. SCHEDULE: Adopt Resolution No. 3143-20 June 4, 2020 COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 3143-20 and Calculation of the Permitted Appropriation Growth Rate ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 RESOLUTION NO. 3143-20 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADOPTING THE SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND APPROPRIATIONS SUBJECT TO LIMITATION AND PROCEEDS OF TAXES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have elected to approve Constitutional Amendment XIIIB, and the Legislature of the State of California has voted to adopt Senate Bill No. 1352, which implements Constitutional Amendment XIIIB, setting the method of computing annual appropriations subject to limitation of local non- residential construction and population; and, WHEREAS, the Directors selected the change in per capital personal income; and, WHEREAS, such legislation sets the base year for this computation as Fiscal Year 1978/79; and, WHEREAS, such legislation required documentation setting such appropriation limitations shall be available to the public fifteen days prior to the adoption of this Resolution; and, WHEREAS, on May 15, 2020, such documentation was made public: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District does find and declare that the appropriations subject to limitation for Fiscal Year 20120/21 are $39,850,605; and that for Fiscal Year 2020/21, the proceeds of taxes as defined in the enabling statutes are: $8,586,960; and that the increase in proceeds of taxes over the appropriations subject to limitations is: $-0. 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 3143-20 was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting held on the 4th day of June, 2020, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: _____________________________________ Randy Vogelgesang, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: ____________________________ Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Resolution No. 3143-20 Page 2 June 4, 2020 5 6 Jeff Lee Page 2 June 4, 2020 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jeff Lee, Manager of Plant Operations Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: June 4, 2020 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: 2020/2021 Bulk Sodium Hypochlorite Contract Extension REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: 1) Authorize exception to District’s Purchasing Policy competitive bidding procedures due to special circumstances created by the COVID- 19 Emergency; and, 2) Authorize staff to enter into a one-year Contract extension for bulk sodium hypochlorite supplies for Fiscal Year 2020/2021 with Olin Corporation, dba Olin Chlor-Alkali Products and Vinyls, at $0.809 per gallon, in the estimated amount of $113,320.67. DISCUSSION: Sodium hypochlorite is a chemical used for the disinfection of treated wastewater in order to comply with our waste discharge permit requirements. The active disinfection ingredient in sodium hypochlorite is chlorine. In light of the current COVID-19 emergency and market information indicating a shortage of supply for disinfection chemicals in general, the District reached out to our current supplier, (Olin Corporation) to ask if they would be willing to extend our Contract with them for the coming Fiscal Year. Olin responded with a price quotation of $0.809 per gallon, an increase of $0.025, (3.2 percent) over our current Contract price which they were awarded as the result of a competitive bid process last spring. Olin also shared documentation from April 2020 that the company was increasing bulk hypochlorite prices by $0.10 per gallon company-wide. They indicated that they value our long history of working together and were offering us a discount compared to other customers. Staff requests that the Board 1) Authorize exception to competitive bidding procedures due to special circumstances created by the COVID-19 Emergency; and, 2) Authorize staff to enter into a one-year Contract extension for bulk sodium hypochlorite supplies for Fiscal Year 2020/21 with Olin Corporation, dba Olin Chlor-Alkali Products and Vinyls, at $0.809 per gallon, in the estimated total amount of $113,320.67. General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 7 Jeff Lee Page 2 June 4, 2020 The actual quantity and grand total may vary, but unit prices are firm. SCHEDULE: July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 COSTS: Estimated $113,320.67 ACCOUNT NO: 1012-4755 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $121,400 (2020/21) ATTACHMENTS: Olin price quotation ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 8 9 10 Jeff Lee Page 2 June 4, 2020 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jeff Lee, Manager of Plant Operations Heidi Baugh, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: June 4, 2020 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Polymer Contract Extension REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the Contract extension option with Solenis LLC, for Fiscal Year 2020/21 for K292FL emulsion polymer supplies in the estimated amount of $118,658.61. DISCUSSION: Emulsion polymer is an essential chemical used in the dewatering of wastewater biosolids prior to disposal. Periodically, the District conducts a full-scale polymer chemical trial to determine the effective performance of various vendor’s chemical on District biosolids. The effectiveness of the performance is factored with the price per pound to determine the lowest effective chemical cost for the District. Based on that process, the Contract for the prior year was awarded to Solenis LLC (Solenis), for the price of $1.31 per pound. Our Contract allows for extensions from year to year. The District reached out to Solenis for a price quote for the 2020/21 Fiscal Year and they responded with a price of $1.33 per pound, an increase of $0.02 per pound, (1.5 percent). For background, last year this chemical increased by 6.5 percent. Given the current COVID-19 situation and instability in the chemical manufacturing world in general, (including uncertainty of chemical availability and pricing), staff believes the quoted price to be a good value for the District. Solenis’ product performs well and the District has received reliable delivery service. Staff believes it is in the best interest of the District to extend the Contract with Solenis for their K292FL polymer product for the 2020/21 Fiscal Year. The total dollar amount is based upon an estimated quantity that the District will use in the coming Fiscal Year 2020/21. The actual quantity and grand total may vary but unit prices are firm. General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 11 Jeff Lee Page 2 June 4, 2020 SCHEDULE: Fiscal Year 2020/21 COSTS: $118,658.61 ACCOUNT NO: 1012-4720 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $122,500 (2020/21) ATTACHMENTS: N/A ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 12 solenis.com Suzanne Brown Business Support Analyst Tel: +1 302 502 0830 sbbrown@solenis.com May 27, 2020 Mr. Jeff Lee Manager of Plant Operations South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe CA 96150 JLee@stpud.dst.ca.us Re: Polymer Quote In response to your request, Solenis LLC is pleased to provide this quote for polymer for use in wastewater treatment. Effective dates are July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. •Pricing includes delivery •Pricing does NOT include sales tax •Packaging:2,290 lb. tote bin •Delivery:7-10 days after receipt of order •Terms:Net 30 Solenis manufactures among the highest quality, most cost effective polymers in the world and provides reliable technical service and sales support to our customers. Thank you for this opportunity, and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Suzanne Brown Suzanne Brown Solenis LLC ● 2475 Pinnacle Drive ● Wilmington, DE ● 19803 ● solenis.com PRODUCT PRICE Praestol K292 FLX $1.33 / lb. 13 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4e TO: Board of Directors FROM: Adrian Combes, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: June 4, 2020 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: 2019 Heavenly Tank Improvements Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Proposal to Bay Area Coating Consultants for coating inspection services in the amount of $12,320.64. DISCUSSION: Staff is proposing to Contract with Bay Area Coating Consultants (BACC) to provide specialized inspection services for the preparation and recoating of the exterior of the Heavenly Tank. Staff is proposing to have BACC provide the onsite inspection work because coating inspection work is a specialty, and staff recommends the use of a NACE 3 certified inspector from BACC that staff expects will result in a superior coating product. The District has had successful outcomes when using BACC on past projects. SCHEDULE: The work is expected to begin on June 8, 2020, and be complete on July 7, 2020. COSTS: $12,320.64 ACCOUNT NO: 2030-8930 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $58,971 (2019/20); $155,000 (2020/21) ATTACHMENTS: Consultant Proposal ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 14 Northern California (888)-384-6839 Bakersfield California (661) 873-3601 P.O. Box 867 Denair, Ca. 95316 Reno Nevada (775) 379-2283 Proud Member: SSPC AWWA NACE ASTM API Celebrating Thirty-three Years of Experience & Integrity May 14, 2020 Mr. Adrian Combes, P.E. Senior Engineer South Lake Tahoe Public Utility 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Subject: NACE Coating Inspections; Heavenly Reservoir Exterior Overcoating Project. Bay Area Coating Consultants, Inc. will provide a NACE Certified Coating Inspector for the South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District Heavenly Reservoir exterior recoating project. BACC will be tasked to ensure the surface preparation meets the contract specifications and the linings are applied as per the manufacture’s recommendations. BACC will provide a NACE Certified inspector to observe the mixing, surface preparation, application of the coating system, and finial required testing. BACC will provide daily reports on the surface preparation, testing, coating operations. BACC will follow all SSPC, NACE, ICRI, AWWA, and ASTM current guidelines and standards. All reports will be e-mailed to you for your review. All BACC employees are confined space certified and lead awareness, scaffolding trained, and fit tested. The Contractor shall be responsible for safe entry in confined spaces. Work to be inspected: • Tank Exterior- Estimated: 96.0 hours / Twelve days 15 Northern California (888)-384-6839 Bakersfield California (661) 873-3601 P.O. Box 867 Denair, Ca. 95316 Reno Nevada (775) 379-2283 Proud Member: SSPC AWWA NACE ASTM API Page Two Heavenly Reservoir BUILDING/CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR TESTER GROUP 4 (NACE Certified) Prevailing Wage Billing Rates DIR Public Works Contractor (PWC) Registration #1000005228 Expires 06/30/2021 State of California Small Business (Micro) Public Works Certification No. 2005005 Expires 01/31/2021 NACE Inspector Regular: $118.84 Over Eight Hours/Saturdays: $149.94 Sundays and Holidays: $189.76 Truck-Equipment Charge: $9.50 per/hr. Four Hour Minimum 24 Hour call out notification NACE Inspector Labor-hours Overtime Double time Amount 96.0 Hours 0.0 Hours 0.0 Hours $12,320.64 Please call if you have any questions or, if you want to further discuss the information contained in this proposal. Respectfully Submitted, Ed Darrimon President Bay Area Coating Consultants, Inc. edarrimon@bayareacoating.com www.bayareacoating.com SSPC Certified Inspection Company BACC Safety and Drug Testing Compliance Partners 16 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4f TO: Board of Directors FROM: Chris Stanley, Manager of Field Operations MEETING DATE: June 4, 2020 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: 2020 Urban Water Management Plan REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to publish Request for Proposals for the 2020 Urban Water Management Plan. DISCUSSION: South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) is required by the Department of Water Resources to submit an Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) update every five years. The 2020 UWMP is due July 1, 2021. The El Dorado County Water Agency has budgeted $30,000 as part of the District’s Fiscal Year 2021 cost-share Agreement, which will partially offset the total estimated amount of $60,000 for this update. Staff requests Board approval to publish Request for Proposals. SCHEDULE: Ongoing COSTS: $60,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2020-6650 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: 50/50 Cost share with the El Dorado County Water Agency ATTACHMENTS: UGWMP RFP 2020 ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 17 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director Nick Exline, Director John Thiel, General Manager Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 21, 2020 MINUTES The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in a regular session, 2:00 p.m., at the District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Board of Directors: President Vogelgesang, Directors Cefalu, Sheehan Via Conference Call: Director Exline Staff: John Thiel, Paul Hughes, Melonie Guttry, Julie Ryan, Tim Bledsoe, Brian Bartlett, Marla Sharp Staff via Conference Call: Shannon Cotulla, Gary Kvistad, Chris Skelly, Doug VanGorden, Dan Arce, Liz Kauffman, Jessica Henderson, Brent Goligoski, Shelly Thomsen, Stephen Caswell, Trevor Coolidge, Adrian Combes, Ivo Bergsohn, Jeff Lee, Christine Larrance, Ryan Lee Guests: Nick Haven, Rick Lind, Bob Henderson, CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR: None CONSENT CALENDAR: Moved Cefalu/Second Sheehan/Vogelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. a. 2018 MARLETTE WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT (Julie Ryan, Engineering Department Manager) (1) Approved Change Order No. 2 to Thomas Haen Company, Inc.; and, (2) Approved Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims with Thomas Haen Company, Inc., for the 2018 Marlette Waterline Replacement Project. b. 2020 HEAVENLY TANK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT - SITE USE AGREEMENT (Adrian Combes, Senior Engineer) Approved the Site Use Agreement between The Vail Corporation and South Tahoe Public Utility District. 18 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES May 21, 2020 PAGE – 2 c. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: May 7, 2020 (Marla Sharp, Administrative Assistant/Assistant Clerk of the Board) Approved May 7, 2020, Minutes ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Tribute to Director James Jones (John Thiel, General Manager) – John Thiel presented Resolution No. 3139-2020 in deep appreciation and tribute to Director James Jones for 39 years of service. Moved Vogelgesang/Second Sheehan/Vogelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to adopt Resolution No. 3139-2020 in Tribute of Director James Jones. b. Board Seat Number 2 Appointment (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager, Clerk of the Board) – Melonie Guttry presented the proposed changes to Board Policy Section 2020.80, outlined the Notice of Vacancy, schedule for filling the vacancy and addressed questions from the Board. Moved Sheehan/Second Cefalu/Vogelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to (1) Authorize changes to Board Policy Section 2020.80; (2) Authorize posting Notice of Vacancy for South Tahoe Public Utility District Board Seat Number 2; and (3) Approve the schedule for filling the vacancy. c. Groundwater Management Plan Update (Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist) – President Vogelgesang Opened the Public Hearing at 2:12 p.m. to receive comments regarding the Groundwater Management Plan Update. Ivo Bergsohn provided a PowerPoint Presentation with details regarding the Groundwater Management Plan Update. Attorney Kvistad reported the County Water Agency will be adopting a similar Resolution in June to cover the fringe areas of the basin outside the District’s Service area. An updated Memorandum of Understand will be prepared for the Water Agency to be presented to their Board in June. There were no comments received and the Public Hearing was closed at 2:20 p.m. Moved Vogelgesang/Second Sheehan/Vogelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to adopt Resolution No. 3140-20 establishing the South Tahoe Public Utility District’s intention to draft an update to the 2014 Groundwater Management Plan for the South Tahoe Public Utility District Groundwater Sustainability Agency. d. Fiscal Year 2020/21 Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget (Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer) – Paul Hughes presented information regarding the 2020/21 Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget in the amount of $34,731,115 and addressed questions from the Board. Moved Vogelgesang/Second Sheehan/Vogelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to adopt Resolution No. 3141-20 adopting the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget, and authorize staff to incorporate any adjustments or changes necessary as a result of Board action. e. Fiscal Year 2020/21 Water Enterprise Fund Budget (Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer) – Paul Hughes presented information regarding Fiscal Year 2020/21 Water Enterprise Fund Budget in the amount of $24,163,510 and addressed questions from the Board. Moved Vogelgesang/Second Sheehan/Vogelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to adopt Resolution No. 3142-20 adopting the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Water Enterprise Fund Budget, 19 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES May 21, 2020 PAGE – 3 and authorize staff to incorporate any adjustments or changes necessary as a result of Board action. f. Temporary Engineering Internship (Brent Goligoski, Associate Engineer) – Julie Ryan presented information regarding two temporary Engineering Internships including some history regarding the internship program and addressed questions from the Board. John Thiel commented that the cost of this item has been reduced due to planning. Moved Vogelgesang/Second Sheehan/Vogelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to approve the extension of two existing Engineering Interns through June 30, 2020, in an amount not to exceed $16,857. g. Laboratory Summer Intern (Dan Arce, Laboratory Director) – Dan Arce provided information regarding one temporary Laboratory Intern in the amount of $8,800 and detailed the work that is assigned to interns, while addressing questions from the Board. Moved Vogelgesang/Second Sheehan/Vogelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to approve the hiring of one temporary Laboratory Intern position in an amount not to exceed $8,800. h. Environmental Policy (Shelly Thomsen, Public Affairs and Conservation Manager) – Shelly Thompsen presented information regarding the proposed Environmental Policy. John Thiel provided comments regarding several State Revolving Fund Grants that the District will benefit from with the Environmental Policy in place. Moved Vogelgesang/Second Sheehan/Vogelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to adopt the District’s Environmental Policy with the minor additional, non-substantive changes. i. Approve Payment of Claims (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Moved Sheehan/Second Cefalu/Vogelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Sheehan Yes/Exline Yes to approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $892,958.38. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS: President Vogelgesang opened up discussion regarding committee appointments and the Board agreed to hold off until a new Board Member is appointed. President Vogelgesang reported that he and Director Cefalu, along with staff met with City staff this morning. They discussed COVID-19 and plans for opening the City’s Offices on June 1. Director Cefalu commented that the City wants to continue the spirit of cooperation with the District. John Thiel outlined plans for various City assistance programs including opportunities to stimulate the economy. The City is looking at additional ways to cut costs and the District and the City will work together as much as possible to save money. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Director Exline congratulated to Shelly Thomsen and Brent Goligoski on their 40 Under 40 community award. 20 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES May 21, 2020 PAGE – 4 EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT: Director Sheehan reported she and John Thiel participated in the May meeting via conference call and the District is receiving $360,000 in funding this year. During the meeting, El Dorado County Water Agency mentioned very kind words regarding Director Jim Jones. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT: John Thiel reported on two items: • Provided a staffing update • Provided a COVID-19 update and reported that Barton is planning to reopen for elective surgeries and that they recommend everyone in community be tested for COVID-19. Community testing is being offered at Lake Tahoe Community College. The District’s COVID Planning Team continues to meet daily along with District Wide call-ins for all staff. The District is moving forward with planning to reopen the District, looking for cost cutting measures. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS: None BREAK AND ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION: 3:23 p.m. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: 3:37 p.m. a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2)/Conference with Legal Counsel regarding Significant Exposure to Litigation. No reportable Board action ADJOURNMENT: 3:38 p.m. _______________________________________ Randy Vogelgesang, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District __________________________________ Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District 21 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Board Clerk MEETING DATE: June 4, 2020 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Board Seat Number 2 Appointment REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Board Seat Number 2 became vacant on May 7, 2020, due to the passing of Director James Jones. A Notice of Vacancy was authorized at the May 21, 2020 Regular Board Meeting and was printed in the Tahoe Daily Tribune and online with South Tahoe Now. The Notice of Vacancy was posted in three or more conspicuous places in the District at least 15 days prior to making an appointment. Appointment shall be made by the Board of Directors within 60 days following the effective date of the vacancy and for the specific Seat Number 2, which will be filled until December 4, 2020. Staff emailed a list of potential interview questions to the Board Members for their ranking from 1-3. The top 3 selected questions are proposed to be used during the June 11, 2020, Special Board of Directors Meeting to interview the applicants. Please provide staff direction on question preferences. Once the applicant interviews are complete on June 11, 2020, the appointment to fill the Seat Number 2 vacancy will take place according to the current Board Policy - Section 2020.105, which states that: Each remaining Board member shall receive ballots with the names of each candidate. Each Board member shall vote for one person on the list of candidates. In the event a majority vote is not reached, any candidate who receives zero votes shall not be included on subsequent ballots. Voting will continue until one candidate receives a majority of votes. SCHEDULE: As outlined above COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: General GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 22 Ivo Bergsohn June 4, 2020 Page 2 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist MEETING DATE: June 4, 2020 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Groundwater Management Plan Update REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the District to enter into the Second Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding with the El Dorado County Water Agency to formalize the District’s and El Dorado County Water Agency’s Agreement to continue to cooperatively and sustainably manage groundwater resources within the Tahoe South Subbasin and to jointly implement the Department of Water Resources Approved Alternative in accordance with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. DISCUSSION: On September 15, 2016, the District entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the El Dorado County Water Agency (EDCWA) and, on June 14, 2017, the District entered into an Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understating with the EDCWA to cooperatively manage groundwater resources and to coordinate implementation of the Groundwater Management Act (Act), throughout the Tahoe South Subbasin (TVS Basin). The District prepared and submitted to the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), with the EDCWA’s support, both the District’s 2014 Groundwater Management Plan (2014 GMP) and Alternative Materials and an analysis of basin conditions as alternatives to a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). On July 17, 2019, DWR determined that the 2014 GMP and Alternative Materials satisfied the objectives of the Act and approved it as an existing plan Alternative to a GSP for the TVS Basin (DWR Approved Alternative). The Second Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding acknowledges the DWR Approved Alternative and formalizes the District’s and the EDCWA’s Agreement to continue to cooperatively and sustainably manage groundwater resources within the TVS Basin and to jointly implement the DWR Approved Alternative in accordance with the Act. General Manager John Thiel Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Nick Exline 23 Ivo Bergsohn June 4, 2020 Page 2 Staff and legal counsel recommend that the District and EDCWA enter into the Second Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding for implementation of the DWR Approved Alternative for the TVS Basin. SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: GWMPUP2 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Second Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 24 20957384 SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Second Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is entered into on this 4th day of June, 2020 (“Effective Date”), by and between the South Tahoe Public Utility District (“District”) and the El Dorado County Water Agency (“EDCWA”) (each a “Party” and collectively the “Parties”), at South Lake Tahoe, California, with reference to the following facts and intentions: A. The District is a California public utility district, formed pursuant to the California Public Utility District Act (Cal. Pub Util. Code, § 15501, et seq.) and owns and operates public water and sewer systems and provides water and sewer services to residential and commercial customers situated within the City of South Lake Tahoe and portions of El Dorado County, California; B. The EDCWA is a body politic and corporate pursuant to Water Code, Appendix Section 96-1, et. seq., and performs countywide water planning and participates in statewide water planning; C. Together, the District and the EDCWA overlie the entirety of the Tahoe South Subbasin (designated basin number 6-005.01 in the California Department of Water Resources' Bulletin 118) (“TVS Basin”); D. The District and EDCWA previously entered into a Memorandum of Understanding, dated September 15, 2016 and an Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding, dated June 14, 2017, (collectively “Prior MOUs”) with respect to management of the TVS Basin; E. The District and the EDCWA are committed to the sustainable management of the groundwater resources within the TVS Basin, as shown by, among other actions, their collaborative development and implementation of both the original Groundwater Management Plan for the TVS Basin, adopted in 2000, (“2000 GMP”) and the update to the 2000 GMP in 2014 (“2014 GMP”); F. For many years, the District and the EDCWA have worked collaboratively to sustainably manage the TVS Basin in multiple other ways, including creating and participating in the Stakeholder Advisory Group (“SAG”), dividing monitoring responsibilities for the TVS Basin and sharing the resulting information, and jointly funding and implementing multiple other studies and monitoring program activities; G. In 2014, the California Legislature adopted, and the Governor signed into law, the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act ("Act"), which authorizes local agencies overlying all or a portion of a groundwater basin to manage groundwater in a sustainable manner; H. The District adopted Resolution No. 2986-15 electing to be the Groundwater Sustainability Agency (“GSA”) for the portion of the TVS Basin within its service area boundary on July 16, 2015, submitted its GSA Formation Notification to the Department of Water Resources (“DWR”) on August 12, 2015 (“2015 GSA Formation Notification”), and was 25 20957384 2 recognized as the exclusive GSA for this portion of the TVS Basin on November 17, 2015 (“South Tahoe Public Utility District GSA”); I. Shortly thereafter, the District also adopted Resolution No. 3040-16 electing to be the GSA for the portion of the TVS Basin outside its service area boundary on September 15, 2016, submitted its GSA Formation Notification to DWR on September 16, 2016 (“2016 GSA Formation Notification”), and was recognized as the exclusive GSA for this portion of the TVS Basin on December 28, 2016 (“South Tahoe Public Utility District GSA-2”); J. Subsequent discussions with the State Water Resources Control Board (“SWRCB”) raised concerns about a local agency forming a GSA outside of its service area boundaries. These concerns raised a risk that the 2016 GSA Formation Notification may have been considered invalid and that the TVS Basin could potentially be designated as “probationary” by the SWRCB and be put under the SWRCB management; K. To mitigate this potential risk, and pursuant to discussions between the District and the EDCWA, the EDCWA adopted Resolution No. WA-11-2017 electing to be the GSA for the portion of the TVS Basin outside of the District’s service area boundary on June 14, 2017, submitted its GSA Formation Notification to the DWR on June 15, 2017 (“2017 GSA Formation Notification”), and was recognized as the exclusive GSA for this portion of the TVS Basin on September 13, 2017 (“El Dorado County Water Agency GSA”); L. In anticipation of the EDCWA becoming the El Dorado County Water Agency GSA for the portion of the TVS Basin outside of the District’s service area boundary, the District submitted a notice of intent to withdraw as the South Tahoe Public Utility District GSA-2, which became effective upon the El Dorado County Water Agency GSA being recognized as the exclusive GSA for this area; M. The District and the EDCWA intend to continue to cooperatively manage the TVS Basin and agree to implement the Act in the TVS Basin; N. To this end, the District prepared and submitted to DWR, with the EDCWA’s support, both the 2014 GMP and an analysis of basin conditions as alternatives to a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (“GSP”); O. On July 17, 2019, DWR determined that the 2014 GMP satisfied the objectives of the Act and approved it as an existing plan alternative to a GSP (“DWR Approved Alternative”); and, P. The intent of this MOU is to formalize the District and the EDCWA’s agreement to continue to cooperatively and sustainably manage groundwater resources within the TVS Basin and to jointly implement the DWR Approved Alternative in accordance with the Act. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals, the District and the EDCWA agree as follows: 1. Purpose. This MOU memorializes the intent of the Parties to coordinate and cooperate in the implementation of the Act within their respective jurisdictions of the TVS Basin. This MOU is intended to encourage coordination and cooperation regarding sustainable management of the TVS Basin and to improve and maintain overall communication between the 26 20957384 3 Parties. It is anticipated that coordination and information sharing among the Parties will assist in achieving their respective goals to sustainably manage the TVS Basin. 2. Information Sharing. The District and the EDCWA are both involved in studying and developing information and data regarding water supplies in the TVS Basin and El Dorado County. The District and the EDCWA agree to share all such information and data related to the TVS Basin, particularly as it relates to monitoring information for the TVS Basin. The sharing of this information will assist both the District and the EDCWA to coordinate sustainable management of the TVS Basin and to ensure that the TVS Basin remains in compliance with the Act. 3. Implementation of the Act. The District and the EDCWA agree to implement the Act as follows: 3.1. Revise and update the DWR Approved Alternative (“Updated Alternative”) in accordance with the DWR Recommended Actions as provided in the DWR Sustainable Groundwater Management Program Alternative Assessment Staff Report of the TVS Basin, Dated July 17, 2019 and such other revisions as the District and EDCWA deem necessary or appropriate (“resubmitted Alternative”); 3.2. Adopt the Updated Alternative for implementation in their respective jurisdictional portions of the TVS Basin in accordance with Water Code section 10753, et. seq; 3.3. Adopt new or amended ordinances establishing rules and regulations to implement and enforce the Updated Alternative pursuant to Water Code section 10753.9; 3.4 Resubmit the Updated Alternative to DWR for review and approval no later than January 1, 2022; and, 3.5. Take any actions necessary or appropriate to implement the Updated Alternative, as may be revised or updated in the future, and comply with the Act. 4. Activities. The District and EDCWA agree to perform the activities required to accomplish the purpose of this MOU, and will cooperate to implement activities consistent with the Act in the TVS Basin including, but not limited to: 4.1. Preparing and maintaining a list of interested parties; 4.2. Conducting public outreach and engagement; 4.3. Conducting investigations and analyzing and sharing data; 4.4. Approving and collecting groundwater management fees, as necessary; 4.5. Pursuing financial assistance through grants or similar opportunities; 4.6. Obtaining third-party consultant services for groundwater modeling, data collection, reports, and other related tasks; and, 4.7 Any other activities necessary or appropriate to comply with the Act. 27 20957384 4 5. Costs. The District shall be responsible for the costs of development and implementation of the Updated Alterative, including future revisions and updates, throughout the TVS Basin, including those portions outside of the District’s service area boundary. The EDCWA agrees to provide funding for activities under the Act within the EDCWA’s boundary in accordance with EDCWA’s Cost Share Program, when applicable, or other policies and agreements for cost participation. 6. Term. This MOU shall remain in full force and effect until either the District or the EDCWA terminates this MOU in writing upon 30 days prior written notice to the other Party. 7. Mutual Indemnification and Protection. Except as otherwise described in this MOU, each Party (the "Indemnifying Party") covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other Party and its successors and assigns (the "Indemnified Party") for, from and against any and all third party claims, liabilities and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs, expert witness fees and other litigation-related expenses) which may be claimed or asserted against the Indemnified Party on account of the exercise by the Indemnifying Party of the rights granted to it under this MOU; provided, however, in no event shall the Indemnifying Party be responsible to the Indemnified Party for any claims, liabilities or expenses that may be claimed or asserted against the Indemnified Party relating to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnified Party or any of its employees, directors, officers, trustors, trustees, agents, affiliates, personal representatives, heirs, legatees, successors or assigns. 8. Dispute Resolution. The District and EDCWA agree to meet and confer in good faith for the purposes of resolving any dispute under this MOU prior to bringing any action for enforcement. 9. Points of Contact. 9.1 District/EDCWA. The District shall be the point of contact for DWR for both the District and EDCWA with regards to implementation of the Act within the TVS Basin. The District will provide the specific contact information to DWR. The District will share with EDCWA all information received from DWR. 9.2 DWR. The point of contact information for the SGMA Liaison at the DWR is Department for Water Resources, North Central Region Office, 3500 Industrial Blvd, West Sacramento, CA 95691, with regards to implementation of the Act within the TVS Basin. 10. General Provisions. 10.1 Force and Effect. This MOU shall supersede and replace the Prior MOUs, which shall be of no further force or effect with respect to the management of the TVS Basin. 10.2 Recitals. The recitals stated at the beginning of this MOU of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof and the terms and conditions of the recitals, if any, shall be deemed a part of this MOU. 10.3 Cooperation. The Parties shall, whenever and as often as reasonably requested to do so by the other party, execute, acknowledge and deliver or cause to be executed, acknowledged and delivered any and all documents and instruments as may be necessary, expedient or proper in the reasonable opinion of the requesting party to carry out the 28 20957384 5 intent and purposes of this MOU, provided that the requesting Party shall bear the cost and expense of such further instruments or documents (except that each Party shall bear its own attorneys’ fees). 10.4 Authority. The individuals executing this MOU represent and warrant that they have the authority to enter into this MOU and to perform all acts required by this MOU, and that the consent, approval or execution of or by any third party is not required to legally bind either Party to the terms and conditions of this MOU. 10.5 Construction. The provisions of this MOU should be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes. The language of all parts of this MOU shall be construed simply according to its plain meaning and shall not be construed for or against either Party, as each Party has participated in the drafting of this document and had the opportunity to have their counsel review it. Whenever the context and construction so requires, all words used in the singular shall be deemed to be used in the plural, all masculine shall include the feminine and neuter, and vice versa. 10.6 Successors and Assigns. This MOU shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns. 10.7 Severability. If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this MOU is determined to be unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is the Parties’ intent that the remaining provisions of this MOU shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected, impaired or invalidated by such a determination. 10.8 Counterparts. This MOU may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 10.9 Entire Agreement and Amendment. This MOU contains the entire understanding and agreement of the Parties with respect to the matters considered, and there have been no promises, representations, agreements, warranties or undertakings by any of the Parties, either oral or written, of any character or nature binding except as stated in this MOU. This MOU may be altered, amended or modified only by an instrument in writing, executed by the Parties to this MOU and by no other means. Each Party waives their future right to claim, contest or assert that this MOU was modified, canceled, superseded or changed by any oral agreement, course of conduct, waiver or estoppel. 10.10 Waiver. No waiver of any provision of this MOU or consent to any action shall constitute a waiver of any other provision or consent to any other action, whether or not similar. No waiver or consent shall constitute a continuing waiver or consent or commit a Party to provide a waiver in the future except to the extent specifically stated in writing. Any waiver given by a Party shall be null and void if the Party requesting such waiver has not provided a full and complete disclosure of all material facts relevant to the waiver requested. No waiver shall be binding unless executed in writing by the Party making the waiver. 10.11 Notices. All notices, requests, demands, and other communications required to or permitted to be given under this MOU, shall be in writing and shall be conclusively deemed to have been duly given: (1) when hand delivered to the other Party; or (2) when received by facsimile at the address or number below, provided, however, that notices given by 29 20957384 6 facsimile shall not be effective unless a duplicate copy of such facsimile notice is promptly given by depositing the same in a United States post office with first class postage prepaid and addressed to the Parties as set forth below. To: EDCWA El Dorado County Water Agency 4330 Golden Center Drive, Suite C Placerville, CA 95667 Attn: General Manager With a copy to: DeeAnne M. Gillick Sloan Sakai Yeung & Wong, LLP 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 600 Sacramento, CA 95814 To: District South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, California 96150 Attention: General Manager With a copy to: Gary M. Kvistad Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP 1021 Anacapa Street, Second Floor Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Each Party shall make an ordinary, good faith effort to ensure that it will accept or receive notices that are given in accordance with this paragraph and that any person to be given notice actually receives such notice. A Party may change or supplement the addresses given above, or designate additional addresses, for purposes of this section by giving the other Party written notice of the new address in the manner set forth above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this MOU as of the date first stated above. South Tahoe Public Utility District El Dorado County Water Agency By: __________________________ By: _________________________ Randy Vogelgesang, President Brian K. Veerkamp, Chair ATTEST: ATTEST: By:____________________________ By:____________________________ Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board Julianne van Leeuwen, Clerk of the Board 30 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Payroll 5/19/2020 493,586.16 Total Payroll 493,586.16 ADP & Insight eTools 0.00 AFLAC/WageWorks claims and fees 2,037.31 BBVA Compass Bank 0.00 Cal Bank & Trust fiscal agent fees 0.00 California SWRCB SRF loan payments 0.00 CDS - health care payments 8,343.47 Total Vendor EFT 10,380.78 Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund 416,997.17 Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund 484,210.35 Total Accounts Payable Checks 901,207.52 Grand Total 1,405,174.46 Payroll EFTs & Checks 5/19/2020 mmddyy EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 20,407.98 0.00 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 103,738.76 0.00 EFT CalPERS Contributions 75,462.63 0.00 EFT Empower Retirement-Deferred Comp 24,850.13 0.00 EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,638.55 0.00 EFT CDHP Health Savings (HSA)5,141.60 0.00 EFT Retirement Health Savings 0.00 0.00 EFT United Way Contributions 66.00 0.00 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 260,935.75 0.00 CHK Employee Garnishments 344.76 0.00 CHK Employee Paychecks 0.00 0.00 Total 493,586.16 0.00 FOR APPROVAL June 4, 2020 31 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 48379 - A-L SIERRA WELDING PRODUCTS 60829 Service Contracts Paid by Check #104217 04/30/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 49.50 326073 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #104217 05/08/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 376.08 Vendor 48379 - A-L SIERRA WELDING PRODUCTS Totals Invoices 2 $425.58 Vendor 44039 - AFLAC 897388 Insurance Supplement Payable Paid by Check #104218 05/01/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 1,072.68 Vendor 44039 - AFLAC Totals Invoices 1 $1,072.68 Vendor 43949 - ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE 210267 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check #104219 05/12/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 89.00 210268 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check #104219 05/12/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 44.25 210376 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check #104219 05/19/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 89.00 210377 Office Supply Issues Paid by Check #104219 05/19/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 44.25 Vendor 43949 - ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE Totals Invoices 4 $266.50 Vendor 48073 - AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES 51220 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #104220 05/12/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 606.99 51920 Uniform Payable Paid by Check #104220 05/19/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 607.63 Vendor 48073 - AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES Totals Invoices 2 $1,214.62 Vendor 48000 - AT&T/CALNET 3 MAY2020 TELEPHONE Paid by Check #104221 05/15/2020 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 61.02 Vendor 48000 - AT&T/CALNET 3 Totals Invoices 1 $61.02 Vendor 45009 - BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS 194501 Biosolid Disposal Costs Paid by Check #104222 05/12/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 878.36 Vendor 45009 - BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS Totals Invoices 1 $878.36 Vendor 48291 - BEST BEST & KRIEGER LLP 874631 Legal-Special Projects Paid by Check #104223 04/15/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 2,667.60 876128 Legal-Special Projects Paid by Check #104223 05/07/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 708.91 876129 Personnel Legal Paid by Check #104223 05/07/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 515.20 Vendor 48291 - BEST BEST & KRIEGER LLP Totals Invoices 3 $3,891.71 Vendor 12070 - BING MATERIALS 197337 New Fencing Paid by Check #104224 05/11/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 59.52 Vendor 12070 - BING MATERIALS Totals Invoices 1 $59.52 Vendor 43828 - BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL 6753 Contractual Services Paid by Check #104225 05/08/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 618.66 6763 Contractual Services Paid by Check #104225 05/08/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 325.22 6797 Contractual Services Paid by Check #104225 05/15/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 618.66 6806 Contractual Services Paid by Check #104225 05/15/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 1,169.70 Run by Theresa Sherman on 05/28/2020 11:08:51 AM Page 1 of 8 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 05/22/20 - 06/04/20 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 32 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 6807 Contractual Services Paid by Check #104225 05/15/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 791.84 6808 Contractual Services Paid by Check #104225 05/15/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 2,807.28 6851 Contractual Services Paid by Check #104225 05/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 1,013.74 Vendor 43828 - BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL Totals Invoices 7 $7,345.10 Vendor 42978 - BROWNSTEIN HYATT 800769 Suspense April 2020 Services Paid by EFT #29 04/30/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 28,740.50 Vendor 42978 - BROWNSTEIN HYATT Totals Invoices 1 $28,740.50 Vendor 44730 - BSK ASSOCIATES SD01966 Monitoring Paid by Check #104226 05/19/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 540.00 SD01968 Monitoring Paid by Check #104226 05/19/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 540.00 SD01967 Monitoring Paid by Check #104226 05/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 315.00 Vendor 44730 - BSK ASSOCIATES Totals Invoices 3 $1,395.00 Vendor 42051 - BURDICK EXCAVATING CO 20-01A Santa Fe Property Improvements Paid by Check #104227 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 328,468.51 20-01AR Accrued Construction Retainage Paid by Check #104227 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 (16,423.43) 20-01B Apache Ave Sewer Replacement Paid by Check #104227 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 18,250.00 20-01BR Accrued Construction Retainage Paid by Check #104227 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 (912.50) Vendor 42051 - BURDICK EXCAVATING CO Totals Invoices 4 $329,382.58 Vendor 13230 - CAROLLO ENGINEERS 0185716 Contractual Services Paid by Check #104228 03/24/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 11,026.75 0186312 Contractual Services Paid by Check #104228 04/14/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 5,465.85 Vendor 13230 - CAROLLO ENGINEERS Totals Invoices 2 $16,492.60 Vendor 48014 - CDS GROUP HEALTH JAN20 Dental Self Insurance Paid by Check #104229 01/01/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 660.00 00000253 Dental Self Insurance Paid by Check #104229 04/18/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 695.75 Vendor 48014 - CDS GROUP HEALTH Totals Invoices 2 $1,355.75 Vendor 42328 - CDW-G CORP XSS6157 District Computer Supplies Paid by Check #104230 05/06/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 128.97 XVG8862 District Computer Supplies Paid by Check #104230 05/14/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 682.64 Vendor 42328 - CDW-G CORP Totals Invoices 2 $811.61 Vendor 40512 - CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY S7054364.001 Pump Stations Paid by Check #104231 04/30/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 2,837.85 Vendor 40512 - CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY Totals Invoices 1 $2,837.85 Vendor 48289 - DIY HOME CENTER 2189 Buildings Paid by Check #104232 05/10/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 65.10 Vendor 48289 - DIY HOME CENTER Totals Invoices 1 $65.10 Run by Theresa Sherman on 05/28/2020 11:08:51 AM Page 2 of 8 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 05/22/20 - 06/04/20 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 33 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 14683 - EL DORADO COUNTY 16258 Regulatory Operating Permits Paid by Check #104233 05/06/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 6,763.79 Vendor 14683 - EL DORADO COUNTY Totals Invoices 1 $6,763.79 Vendor 44032 - ENVIRONMENTAL EXPRESS 1000601103 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check #104234 05/08/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 691.33 Vendor 44032 - ENVIRONMENTAL EXPRESS Totals Invoices 1 $691.33 Vendor 14890 - FEDEX 7-000-62720 Postage Expenses Paid by Check #104235 05/01/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 44.36 7-019-04763 Postage Expenses Paid by Check #104235 05/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 66.44 Vendor 14890 - FEDEX Totals Invoices 2 $110.80 Vendor 48402 - FLYERS ENERGY LLC 20-118957 Gasoline Expense Paid by Check #104236 05/19/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 1,832.84 20-119705 Gasoline Fuel Inventory Paid by Check #104236 05/20/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 1,835.96 Vendor 48402 - FLYERS ENERGY LLC Totals Invoices 2 $3,668.80 Vendor 49235 - KIM GARON 052620 Office Supplies Paid by Check #104237 05/26/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 68.35 Vendor 49235 - KIM GARON Totals Invoices 1 $68.35 Vendor 41531 - GB GENERAL ENG CONTRACTOR INC 20-01A FLL Sewer PS 6 Upgrade Paid by Check #104238 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 55,894.00 20-01AR Accrued Construction Retainage Paid by Check #104238 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 (2,794.70) Vendor 41531 - GB GENERAL ENG CONTRACTOR INC Totals Invoices 2 $53,099.30 Vendor 15600 - GRAINGER 9523098458 Buildings Paid by Check #104239 05/05/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 285.32 9530195503 Field, Shop & Safety Supplies Inventory Paid by Check #104239 05/12/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 94.39 9533262250 Buildings Paid by Check #104239 05/14/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 554.71 9533307097 Buildings Paid by Check #104239 05/15/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 853.38 9534462347 Buildings Paid by Check #104239 05/15/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 192.66 Vendor 15600 - GRAINGER Totals Invoices 5 $1,980.46 Vendor 15800 - HACH CO 11956757 Filter Equipment - Building Paid by Check #104240 05/13/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 582.84 11962502 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check #104240 05/18/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 90.72 Vendor 15800 - HACH CO Totals Invoices 2 $673.56 Vendor 49122 - HAEN CONSTRUCTORS 20-04A Replace Treatment Plant Generator Paid by Check #104241 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 1,226.00 20-04AR Accrued Construction Retainage Paid by Check #104241 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 (61.30) Run by Theresa Sherman on 05/28/2020 11:08:51 AM Page 3 of 8 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 05/22/20 - 06/04/20 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 34 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 20-04B Meters Phase 5B Paid by Check #104241 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 1,100.00 20-04BR Accrued Construction Retainage Paid by Check #104241 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 (55.00) 20-04C PRV, Rocky Point Paid by Check #104241 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 1,700.00 20.04CR Accrued Construction Retainage Paid by Check #104241 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 (85.00) Vendor 49122 - HAEN CONSTRUCTORS Totals Invoices 6 $3,824.70 Vendor 48816 - DEBBIE HENDERSON 051520 Office Supplies Paid by Check #104242 05/15/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 68.85 Vendor 48816 - DEBBIE HENDERSON Totals Invoices 1 $68.85 Vendor 10103 - IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP 3064343433 Laboratory Supplies Paid by Check #104243 05/15/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 1,145.43 Vendor 10103 - IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP Totals Invoices 1 $1,145.43 Vendor 48056 - INFOSEND INC 171344 Printing Paid by Check #104244 04/30/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 8,444.83 Vendor 48056 - INFOSEND INC Totals Invoices 1 $8,444.83 Vendor 44110 - J&L PRO KLEEN INC 28424 Janitorial Services Paid by Check #104245 05/15/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 4,242.00 Vendor 44110 - J&L PRO KLEEN INC Totals Invoices 1 $4,242.00 Vendor 49399 - PAUL DAVID JENKINS 2373214 Clothes Washer Rebate Program Paid by Check #104246 02/25/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 200.00 Vendor 49399 - PAUL DAVID JENKINS Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 49396 - K W EMERSON 018122 Fire Hydrant Permits Paid by Check #104247 05/12/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 2,980.56 Vendor 49396 - K W EMERSON Totals Invoices 1 $2,980.56 Vendor 43694 - KIMBALL MIDWEST 7923230 Automotive Paid by Check #104248 05/06/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 924.90 7924928 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #104248 05/07/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 186.46 7925234 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #104248 05/07/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 825.72 Vendor 43694 - KIMBALL MIDWEST Totals Invoices 3 $1,937.08 Vendor 22550 - LIBERTY UTILITIES MAY2020 ELECTRICITY Paid by Check #104249 05/18/2020 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 86,172.07 Vendor 22550 - LIBERTY UTILITIES Totals Invoices 1 $86,172.07 Vendor 49400 - TIMOTHY MAZZONI 16966 Meters Phase 5B Paid by Check #104250 05/20/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 60.31 Vendor 49400 - TIMOTHY MAZZONI Totals Invoices 1 $60.31 Vendor 43889 - MME MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE Run by Theresa Sherman on 05/28/2020 11:08:51 AM Page 4 of 8 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 05/22/20 - 06/04/20 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 35 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount 0148426-IN Automotive Paid by Check #104251 05/01/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 1,226.69 Vendor 43889 - MME MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE Totals Invoices 1 $1,226.69 Vendor 18600 - MOTION INDUSTRIES INC NV25-624804 Primary Equipment Paid by Check #104252 05/07/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 600.84 Vendor 18600 - MOTION INDUSTRIES INC Totals Invoices 1 $600.84 Vendor 48731 - NEENAH FOUNDRY COMPANY 367399 Boxes-Lids-Extensions Inventory Paid by Check #104253 05/05/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 8,200.24 Vendor 48731 - NEENAH FOUNDRY COMPANY Totals Invoices 1 $8,200.24 Vendor 49273 - NEVADA COUNTY PUBLISHING CO 0000241728 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check #104254 04/30/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 125.00 Vendor 49273 - NEVADA COUNTY PUBLISHING CO Totals Invoices 1 $125.00 Vendor 49208 - NEVADA NEWS GROUP 0000239247 Personnel Expense Paid by Check #104255 03/31/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 910.50 Vendor 49208 - NEVADA NEWS GROUP Totals Invoices 1 $910.50 Vendor 20450 - PDM STEEL 415798-01 Mobile Equipment Paid by Check #104256 05/15/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 2,122.84 415799-01 Mobile Equipment Paid by Check #104256 05/15/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 402.49 Vendor 20450 - PDM STEEL Totals Invoices 2 $2,525.33 Vendor 48204 - RF MACDONALD CO 292479 FLL Sewer PS 6 Upgrade Paid by Check #104257 04/27/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 10,284.41 Vendor 48204 - RF MACDONALD CO Totals Invoices 1 $10,284.41 Vendor 49291 - SECURITY PAVING CO 018122 Fire Hydrant Permits Paid by Check #104258 05/11/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 2,990.28 Vendor 49291 - SECURITY PAVING CO Totals Invoices 1 $2,990.28 Vendor 22620 - SIERRA SPRINGS 050920 Supplies Paid by Check #104259 05/09/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 24.78 Vendor 22620 - SIERRA SPRINGS Totals Invoices 1 $24.78 Vendor 48924 - SLAKEY BROTHERS INC 11318596-00 Pump Stations Paid by Check #104260 05/05/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 3,315.76 11318597-00 FLL Sewer PS 6 Upgrade Paid by Check #104260 05/05/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 5,960.56 Vendor 48924 - SLAKEY BROTHERS INC Totals Invoices 2 $9,276.32 Vendor 44594 - SOLENIS LLC 131633465 Polymer Paid by Check #104261 05/18/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 26,253.93 Vendor 44594 - SOLENIS LLC Totals Invoices 1 $26,253.93 Run by Theresa Sherman on 05/28/2020 11:08:51 AM Page 5 of 8 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 05/22/20 - 06/04/20 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 36 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 44577 - SOUNDPROS INC 200422-58 Public Relations Expense Paid by Check #104262 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 49.00 Vendor 44577 - SOUNDPROS INC Totals Invoices 1 $49.00 Vendor 45168 - SOUTHWEST GAS MAY2020 NATURAL GAS Paid by Check #104263 05/19/2020 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 179.69 Vendor 45168 - SOUTHWEST GAS Totals Invoices 1 $179.69 Vendor 48428 - STATE DEPT OF CONSERVATION 2020 Regulatory Operating Permits Paid by Check #104264 05/21/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 147.00 Vendor 48428 - STATE DEPT OF CONSERVATION Totals Invoices 1 $147.00 Vendor 24325 - TAHOE SAND & GRAVEL APRIL20 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by Check #104265 04/30/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 4,100.58 Vendor 24325 - TAHOE SAND & GRAVEL Totals Invoices 1 $4,100.58 Vendor 15750 - THOMAS HAEN CO INC 20-08 Waterline - Marlette Paid by Check #104266 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 105,068.97 20-08R Accrued Construction Retainage Paid by Check #104266 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 49,782.43 Vendor 15750 - THOMAS HAEN CO INC Totals Invoices 2 $154,851.40 Vendor 24676 - TRANSCAT 1628955 Repair - Maintenance Water Tanks Paid by Check #104267 04/27/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 2,266.68 1633719 Repair - Maintenance Water Tanks Paid by Check #104267 05/12/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 6,741.05 Vendor 24676 - TRANSCAT Totals Invoices 2 $9,007.73 Vendor 48747 - TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-300072 Replace ERP System Paid by Check #104268 04/20/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 6,100.00 045-300159 Replace ERP System Paid by Check #104268 04/24/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 3,840.00 Vendor 48747 - TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC Totals Invoices 2 $9,940.00 Vendor 47973 - US BANK CORPORATE ARCE420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 408.17 ASCHENBACH420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 1,876.18 BARTLETTB420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 1,391.49 BARTLETTC420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 511.04 BLEDSOE420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 (975.00) CASWELL420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 129.00 COTULLA420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 (290.00) GLAZE420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 289.20 HENDERSON420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 6.99 HUGHES420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 501.97 Run by Theresa Sherman on 05/28/2020 11:08:51 AM Page 6 of 8 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 05/22/20 - 06/04/20 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 37 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount KAUFFMAN420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 540.25 NOLAN420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 24.08 NUROCK420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 299.00 PRIETO420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 94.33 SHEEHAN420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 (975.00) SKELLY420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 283.45 THIEL420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 21.21 THOMSEN420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 (198.00) VANGORDEN420 April 20 Stmt Paid by Check #104269 04/22/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 10.00 Vendor 47973 - US BANK CORPORATE Totals Invoices 19 $3,948.36 Vendor 49398 - SCOTT VALENTINE 2374516 Clothes Washer Rebate Program Paid by Check #104270 05/08/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 200.00 Vendor 49398 - SCOTT VALENTINE Totals Invoices 1 $200.00 Vendor 49100 - VALLEY EYECARE & EYEWEAR GALLERY 129930066 Safety Equipment - Physicals Paid by Check #104271 05/15/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 309.00 Vendor 49100 - VALLEY EYECARE & EYEWEAR GALLERY Totals Invoices 1 $309.00 Vendor 48794 - VERIZON CONNECT NWF INC OSV000002097306 Service Contracts Paid by Check #104272 05/01/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 703.00 Vendor 48794 - VERIZON CONNECT NWF INC Totals Invoices 1 $703.00 Vendor 49296 - VERIZON WIRELESS MAY2020 TELEPHONE Paid by Check #104273 05/09/2020 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 06/04/2020 38.01 Vendor 49296 - VERIZON WIRELESS Totals Invoices 1 $38.01 Vendor 25700 - WEDCO INC 620407 Pump Stations Paid by Check #104274 05/18/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 382.72 Vendor 25700 - WEDCO INC Totals Invoices 1 $382.72 Vendor 25850 - WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY 38297596 Shop Supplies Paid by Check #104275 04/30/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 8.32 18210240 Water Meters & Parts Paid by Check #104275 05/11/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 162.16 18210243 Meters & Parts Inventory Paid by Check #104275 05/11/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 120.51 18210814A Meters & Parts Inventory Paid by Check #104275 05/11/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 60,473.41 18210814B Water Meters & Parts Paid by Check #104275 05/11/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 15,658.21 18310699 Boxes-Lids-Extensions Inventory Paid by Check #104275 05/11/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 2,457.73 38316334 Grounds & Maintenance Paid by Check #104275 05/13/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 15.66 38318353 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by Check #104275 05/14/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 75.10 18323173 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by Check #104275 05/19/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 1,464.06 18310699-1 Boxes-Lids-Extensions Inventory Paid by Check #104275 05/20/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 650.94 18310963 Pipe - Covers & Manholes Paid by Check #104275 05/20/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 160.16 Run by Theresa Sherman on 05/28/2020 11:08:51 AM Page 7 of 8 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 05/22/20 - 06/04/20 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 38 Invoice Number Invoice Description Status Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date Received Date Payment Date Invoice Net Amount Vendor 25850 - WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY Totals Invoices 11 $81,246.26 Vendor 40298 - WILLIAMS INDUSTRIAL SALES CO 2020-215169-00 Fire Hydrant Paint Paid by Check #104276 05/11/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 909.54 Vendor 40298 - WILLIAMS INDUSTRIAL SALES CO Totals Invoices 1 $909.54 Vendor 49397 - MARK YURECHKO 019788 Utility Billing Suspense Paid by Check #104277 05/11/2020 06/04/2020 05/31/2020 06/04/2020 348.61 Vendor 49397 - MARK YURECHKO Totals Invoices 1 $348.61 Grand Totals Invoices 131 $901,207.52 Run by Theresa Sherman on 05/28/2020 11:08:51 AM Page 8 of 8 Payment of Claims Payment Date Range 05/22/20 - 06/04/20 Report By Vendor - Invoice Summary Listing 39