HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 939 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 25 26 27 28 29 50 $1 52 J~HN Ct, WEIDMAN RESOLUTION NO. 939 A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION BY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REQUESTING THAT LOCAL AGENCY FOR~iATION COI~ISSION TAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNeXaTION OF TERRITORY TO THE DISTRICT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT {BOHANNON) RESOLVED~ by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, E1 Dorado County, California, that WHEREAS, the District proposes to initiate preliminary proceedings pursuant to the District Reorgani~.ation Act of 1965, Title 6, Division 1, of the Government Code of the State of California {commencing with Section 56000} for annexation of the territory described in EXHIBIT A attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the territory); WHEREAS, the proposed annexation of the territory to South Tahoe Public Utility District will not affect any other District nor any city, but will affect the County of E1 Dorado, State of California; and WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be ~nnexed i$ uninhabited as such term is defined in the Oovernmen~ Cod.e, Section 56045, and a description of the exterior boundaries or the territory is set forth in said EXRIBIT A; and WHEREAS, it is desired to provid ~hat the proposed annexation be subject to the terms and cofiditions described in EXHIBIT B attached hereto ~nd made a part hereof; ~nd WHEREAS, because of the geographical location of the territory ~o be annexed, the District can adequately and econom- ically furnish services which sre urgently needed within said territory, and no other governmental agency is now able to so furnish such services, and there is presently no prospect that any other such agency will be able to so furnish such services 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 $1 52 ,,J~HN I~. WE:IOMAN A'rT[111~NEY AT LAW within the reasonably foreseeable future; and ~HEEEAS, all of the owners of land within the territory have given their written consent to the proposed annexation; NOW, THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY FOUND, DETERMINED AND ORDERED A S FOLLOWS: 1. That ~this resolution of application be, and it is hereby adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and the Local Agency Formation Com~.ission be, and it is hereby requested to take proceedings for the annexation of the territory described in said EXHIBIT A on the terms and conditions stated in said EXHIBIT B, and in the manner provided by the District Reorgani~.ation Act of 1965; 2. That the Local Agency Formation Commission is further requested to approve the proposed annexation without notice and hearing by the Commission and to approve and authoriz the Board of Directors of the District to annex the territory without notice and hearing by the Board of Directors and with- out an election; 3. That the Board of Directors hereby waives mailed notice pursuant to Section 56261 of the Government Code, and hereby consents to the Commission's approval of the annexation without notice or hearing; 4. That the Secretary of the District be, and he is hereby authori~.ed and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the executive officer of the E1 Dorado County Local Agency Formation Commission and to attach thereto proof of the written consent of such annexation of all of the or,nets o£ land within the territory proposed to be annexed, and thaC the District Finance Officer be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay from available funds of the District any fees up to the amount of $500. as established by the E1 Dorado County Local Agency Formation Commission pursuant to Section 56133 of the Government Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a duly held regular meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District on October 19, 1967, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Fesler, Kortes, Wakeman Hegarty and Ream ' NOES: None ABSENT: None ROBERT W. FESL'ER President of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility Distr~ ATTEST: a~y Par~Tey, Assista~ C'le~k of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ( SEA L ) I),:WI]_) D. BC)~izd'~NC)b.~ I-'~5 :,5 (119 Acre Parc'~'l) A port]on of tt ;; South hail c>f tho North !.;,~lf of Soc:tk~n ]0, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., }:'~co~ds; thence alc~:~9 t}~c ~:::;i ].Snc of :~ic] ~ou~l~ea:::~ quarter, S. 0~45'iS'' E., 662.72 half, S. 8Sod~'30'' W., ]323.10 feet tc, the Soutt~wc:;t corner of ti~e No:t!t half of ~:aid Southe~:t qu;~rtcr; t}~ :..c:c o]ono tlr, West li~e of r-;aid North N. 0043'40" V/., 222.48 f,'et; th.'..~';co ]<avjng f;atdV/cst line, poral]r~] wi'Lb North l~ne of the South haJ[ of tl~c No, ii,east quarter of said Scctf,:,n 10, ~,. 88045'50'' W., 992 22 feet to a poi:t: on the East linc of t]~e'&'cst h:lf of VTez;t h~].f of tl~e So~tLh?.,cs citt(t~tc~r of tl~e Northeast ~iuarter of sa~,t Sect:on 10; tL~:;t-W~:st nj~lsec:tJcm ]~:~c of s~J.~[ ~;~.(:t;~)~! ]0; then(", along f;aiJ ndds(c:tion line, 8. 88~47'05'' W., 2977.a fcct to thc:','/es't quarte~ ,'orner of saJ2 Section 10; thence along tho West lin~ of [~,::id Sec:~on 10, N. 0~38'40'' W., 1323.60 feet to fl~e No~thwc~st corner of the South h~l[ of the No, th half of [;aj~l Sect~.c,n 10; ~hencc along :;aid NoFL}I ]~",ct N. 80°4~'50'' E./ 529].25 feet to the po~:~t of beginning. (:<mt, tt:~Jn(t Il ~ ~c:i,.'::, mot or ](:sf;. 2 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 JI~HN m. W£1DI~AN EXH IBI? B 1. In the event the District sh~ll require ~ny payment of ~ fixed or determinable amount of money,.either as lump sum or in inst~llm, ents, for the acquisition, transfer, use or right of use or any part of the existing property, real or personnl, of the District, such payment will be m~de as follows: (~) If psy~-~ent in a lump sum is required, payment of such sum shall be m~de in c~sh to the District prior to the effective date of such ~nnexation;or (b) If payment in insts!!ments is required, an ~greement providing for such p~y~ent shall be duly executed with t~e District prior to the effective date of such annexation. (c) In lieu of any payment set forth in (~) or (b) above, psy~ent may be m~de through l/ The fOrmation of ~ new improvement district or districts or the annexation or detachment of ~erri~ory to or from any existing improvement district or districts; 2/ fha incurring of new indebtedness or liability b)~ or on behalf of ~11 or any p~rt of ~ny dis~:-rict or of ~ny existing or proposed new improvement district therein; 3/ J.'he issuance and sale of any bonds, including auuhorized but unissued bonds. (d) ~nnexation fees in effect at the time of the filing of a written consent to annexstion of territory to South l~ahoe Public Utility District shall be p~id to the District for those ~ress to be served by the District prior to the tt~e that connection to the District's system is made. (e) ~Phe land to be annexed shall be included in and form a part of ~ny improvement district formed pursuant to Section 16~07 of the Public Utilities Code of ~he State of California, and Division ll, ?~rt 7 and Part 8 of the Water Code of the o~ate of California, and/or a zone forv~ed pursuant to the Public Utilities Code ol the State of California, existing at t~e time of annexation of the territory herein proposed to be annexed or crested after ~nnexation of the territory herein proposed to be annexed w}~ich said improvement district and/or zone provides for sewer service to the s~id lands herein proposed to be annexed. EXHIBI'~ B 1 2 4 5 6 ? 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 24 25 27, 29 50 dI'IHN I~, W£1DMAN A'r"t'~3RNEY AT LAW 2. Upon and after the effective date of said annexation, the territory, ~ll inhabitants within said territory ~nd ali. persor~s entitled to vote by reason of residing or owning land within the territory shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the District, shall have the sa~.e rights ~nd duties as if the territory had been ~ part of the District upon its origina! for~stion, shall be liable for the payment of principal, inter- est, ~nd any other a~ounts w~ich s~all become due on account of any outstanding or then authorized but thereafter issued bonds, ir~cluding revenue bonds, or other contracts or obligations of the District and shall be subject to the levying or fixing and collection of ~.~y and ~ll taxes, assessments, service charges, rentals, or rates as may be necessary to provide for such pay~ent. EXHIBL[~ B 2. 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O Zl 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 51 dEIHN 13. WEIDMAN CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION AYES: NOES: ABSENT: STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. COUNTY OF EL DORADO I, MARY PARSLEY, Assistant Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of E1 Dorado, State of California do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 939 is a true, full and correct copy thereof, and that said Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Said Resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote of the members of the Board of Directors thereof on October 19, t967. Directors Fesler, Kortes, Wakeman, Hegarty and Ream None None Wary P~sley, Assist~ Clerk TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY~DISTRICT of SOUTH