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• STATE OF CALIFORNIA—STATE WATER -RIGHTS BOARD 1401 219T STREET P. O. BOX 1582 SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER Application 18038 NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, THAT Meyers '*titer Compini3y' Meyers California haeme has under the date of*arch, 13, 1958 permit to appropriate unappropriated water, subject to vested rights. applied to the State Water Rights Board for a Description of Project Water to be appropriated from Tipper Truckee River tributary to, ;take Tahoe. oe . In the County of Et Dorm*,. Amount applied for:' � Pp3.00 alibi© feet' r' second- by direct diversion and 200 acre-teet per annum by storages • Diversion seasons named ' direct diversion Ta r 1 to December 31 or eachyeaer; Storagey - January 1. ttaemi of each Saar. Water to be; used for" doss)-stiej-Ifitir Point of 'diversion within sw el Section 8, T11N, R18E, i . Place of use, described: Do stir use being with 160 acres of Section 5 ;6 7 :8, .?11N, R1 , B&N Sectio &5 ,ate 36, T12N, .R1?E, )0)B&M; and Sections 19 , 20, 2$ 29 30, 31, and 32, T12 ' "E188, as ,sem ,`. on, nap filed. with State. Water Rights Board. Relative to, Protests Blanks upon which to,submit protests will be supplied free upon request. • Any person desiring to protest against the granting of such permit shall within 40 days from date hereof file with the State Water Rights Board, Sacramento, California, a written protest. Such protest shall clearly set forth the protestant's objections to the approval of the application and shall contain the following information: `(1) Statement of "the injury which would result to protestant from -such appropriation and use. (2) The basis of protestant's water right. (3) Protestant's past and present use of water both as to amount used andland'irrigated, or use made of water if other than irrigation. (4) The approximate location of protestant's land or place of use and point of diversion of the water. A copy of the protest should be sent to the applicant and this office notified that the same has been done. Dated: Sacramento, California, 19 %'IMit d V7 FORM 8-A L. K. HILL Executive Officer 72847 7-58 514 ® 830