HomeMy WebLinkAbout1477• 'tate STATE OF CALIFORNIA to 11 alu fRtgIti tignarb 1401 21ST STREET P. 0. COX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA ine 27, 1958 Applications 18038,. 18031, 1808 and 14034 POSTMASTER: Meyers, California Dear Sir: Notice is enclosed regarding applications to appropriate water. This office will appreciate your courtesy if you will post this notice in a prominent place in your Post Office. Very truly yours, t, J �� L. K. Hill Executive Officer Enc. REGISTRY R3TURN RECEIPT FILED IN $ PL APPL. # p _ c? LEMsde 'UN 2 7 '52 L.E.M. JUN 2 7 '58 L.W.C. STATE OF AILIFOR .NIA—STATE WATER RIGS BOARD MIEF 1401 21sT STREET P.O. BOX 1892 r SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA NOTICE' OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER Application 18038 NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, THAT Meyers Water Company Meyers' California; haeme has under `the date of March 13, 1958 permit to appropriate unappropriated water, subject to vested rights. Water to be appropriated from In the County of applied to the State Water Rights Board for a Description of Project Upper Truckee River tributary to Lake 'Tahoe. EZ Dorado'. Amounts applied for: 3400 cubic. feet per Second.:by direct diversion and.. `200 acre-feet per annum by.storage .,zfa av'_y l ry ti;; �'�iversionrseflamed''"dix'eetdiyeT8lon .---- y 3 °ap - FACa ,,T'�rai $ l �wr;3 l i,,. a a �afa •t� �e�iei:b@r �;'� each year; Storage January 1 to .December' '31, or each, year., C Water to 113e=used for dourest c purposes s _ A'¢` +• > r„o1.+°+'�i?�i� z' � [. �{l9•r'�"i Point of diversion within "r 1�'g4•> A '�SWlytk codSection 8 , T11N� 148E c:\a ,7_714;1177ssn-ye91 ai L'... SX�r ✓'4 - Place of use des r ; � <<�cribed Domesc,tie'obeing; within 3;,160` acres of Sections i+9DB&M; Sections 25 /and 36, T12N" Bin,! d " ; can_Sections , •19 -ct i- 20 '28;1149¢"3p' 31Y,# asci ,2',32, T12N, 28�;. • R&M as""shown.°on map �1e ,wt b�, ate 'Water, Rights^ Board r:1 ?'417 ?:4-r:Pe ,,c=r1Rtela•tive.,yto4 Protests49 Blanks upon•which to•submit pmtesu will be,supplied<,free upon request. c-17,• 4, Any person, desiring oto -protest againstatheagranting of such permit shall within )t� days from date hereof file with the State, Water` Rights`Board, Sacramento,lcaliforma, a written protest, Such pr st shall clearly set forth protestant'sobjectionsapprovalpp g the'to the of'the a lication and shall contain the following information:, nformation: (1) Statement of the injury which would result to protestant from such appropriation and use. Dated: (2) The basis of protestant's water right. - (3) Protestant's past and present use of water both as to amount used and land irrigated, or use made of water if other than irrigation. (4) The approximate location of protestant's land or place of use and point of diversion of the water. A copy of,the°protestishould be sent, G1i{K.;„ :Ss� n vr� lir7 t5sit, j! T' J Sacramento, California, aUIN) G's' FORM 8-A,• 19 to the applicant and this office notified that the same has been done. a s(Q`; ;Pio, w .•�w fir'` Fu bhCa"j�A rllt� 'F� ° J Executive Officer 72047 3.59 5M Q SPO 11011. 3•21 2111 24;, ar'" s 3� .telure^j °-irrnt,743 4 - - cert Applicant Poa►tmaster, Meyers, California` Cert District Attorney, El Dorado County, Placerliilles Calif Cert. Board -of' Supervisors of El Dorado County, Placerville, Calif. f �wish: nd-� me n �ePt.�•��.� �;b�,:� ,.r�. ! - a- _ � ��� v;5,TFger:rg win? ;pia oco larcsszt,oq tju� �a�� � � liS�--� K• L. tYaltato atim7;ocsr:rO:d OCL inoac2i9uiy2 drug o; brtcg oz,arg uur brrua: o{ ernc_2Iorr bc�-war8� b, tot4zcsxr,?dt Fl actsot! �b na t ms of miarst. Foci.; at 7u onzst Jaz sag prig rtra2Itc;q' ci rag turrqc of LAScc; I.; () jy •.'pS2r2-Ot tlaotcatY 'te ./.4 J,At.e4R g° - - (x) 'atutsolcuv 9 tin ruln1X.,kr,Fe1.9 morrjcj r:BErblg, f,G b1.0.GnUb« ttoYtr ?ncp bb obusr.*ou* seta 32^• rFg b;orc2f:eur 2, Sp?ecrrcu2 :Abtoesj o tpg .abbpc:$t` o suq 2ps1i°'coucm,;r cp.; +ojr.hrng Tovytwuziorn * " r r. Rtr ,' 0M rr•1 s �...Yiv .4 " 7r, :a rte• y7r•nj y A m. oo btort'2t` 2ncta bcc.lCrzi AjBsjj c;c'.'LIk 2gi LoLtp cx t 1 u4 ee C�ra4 i Irrigant oz�_ DetF c •t p— %•cab eo&Gea 4.44 .J6p f: 14,744£1 u .it.'Lgi4p e"rauitt 21pvii t 1 JYS1.' Q~izA Ito.Y (-Inc Fial`lon, Nevada �" At:ter�tigns ?amesW.Johnson,,Jr;.:� pgrovd, cx Washoe County,Wate1y, Q 1terYat orkSl t'ct Room 200,- Title Insurance ' 'Company, Building:- Reno, Nevada ex- .'Sierra,;, Pacific -Power; Co;mpanyr cert.= c/o orricki Dahlqu1st,z Herrington and Sutcliffe ` Attorneys at Law, z A Tenth Floor 40 'gMont oiler Streets311 ' Earl Fifai!icsco, ,California KY p cxGeorge Divore cert. = c/o Sierra Pacific Power Company �;,z � 0 22. �tSouth iVirginia 'Street `Carson City, Nevada cx Hugh A. Shamberger, 4sLate, Engineer c Art a ;0 q taste tor "Nevada - ^ - . -z r , Reno, Nevadan - r ,it..,-.., ,, c, ',, l , (+1,-L-;'� je c cx •Nevada=California -Compact Commission4 . �Y a r ceftz:I"FFO`b�Ttu B: Bond', Acting Secretary P. O. Box 388 Sacramento, California v'3:)dpm.44-.. ishiov "ori: Kot jr9 ire. orary O ' :EA,u0L mo po :tba o4rruccci; ain r' s rx' GRCtibi'aOL' '3 ,.0110 .g bgr:surc ro /bbto6uscg.-uy,sbb :�sf ive uiz.Sm.' t!r;plrct.:.o Lic2tcq ug}rt2• p .• is j:s2 m cisr. tpr6 gasg dist " r gAas10E le I HET X 'eT/LER' ,Lau., '' 'ti ti t - ;° N :1:t6G(4 Skov 9 Ir L :abbilcq to tpc amts IA:a£cz. ;fjgl as beolty E+ . OE VBErICYJSOIA. IC) VtIfO I"W` 1E V IE ' 2J VIE CIL stVC11WIE4.1O car; o vt�d b: o rrox r raag' :.'Cog Al i at.4 aci," - • i 't a fr HENRY HOLSINGER. CHAIRMAN W. P. ROWE. MEMBER RALPH J. McGILL. MEMBER Meyers° Water Company Meyers' California Gentlemen':° GOODWIN J. KNIGHT GOVERNOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA I; I1 • Orr ttg1 to Littre 1401 218T STREET P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA ,June 27, 1958. Application 18038 LELAND K. HILL EXECUTIVE OFFICER There are enclosed three copies of a notice of your application, two of which should be posted as indicated below and the third of which should be returned to this office with attached affidavit. You are directed to post two copies of this notice on or before July 12, ' 1958 in at least two conspicuous places in the locality to be affected by the proposed appropriation. On or before August 6, ' 1958' you should file with this office proof of such posting. IT IS REQUIRED THAT PROOF OF POSTING SHALL CONSIST OF AN AFFIDAVIT EXECUTED ON THE ENCLOSED FORM ATTACHED TO A COPY OF THE NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE. Iri case of inability to post two copies of the notice ,or file proof of posting within the time allowed kindly advise this office immediately and copies of a new notice of a later date:will be forwarded. This notice is designed for the mutual protection of applicant and prior claimants. Although vested rights to the use of water from the source from which the appropriation is sought cannot be lost, prejudiced'or impaired, by failure to protest against the application, prior claimants are given this notice so that they may protest if it is felt the proposed appropriation will result in injury to them. If protests are filed you will be furnished, with copies thereof and you are required to file with this office and with the protestant a brief but complete answer to each protest. There is no prescribed legal form which such answer must take but anything which you may do toward placing this office in possession of all the facts relative to the objections raised to your application will expedite action thereon. Enc. Cert. Very truly yours L. K. HILL, Executive Oficer w 4fiS ? LEM:de FORM BB 710562.00011®SRO rub Of4to to tai$ raqu.nt-; atv d by the *taco .,; . . Abe o � �, ah �# at, Its and o1iffe, Attorosyi at n, st ,cx y :Str et, . Salt l o o L, £al orn :a,. taw: ed. ` our; r+e a to rsoaive° ; e of _application,}: to 4prvpri4te *tax axed , eto.r�foVie. ,ai�O b er aprlioatioaa« r STATE OF �LIFORN1A_STATE WATER RIBS BOARD MEMORANDUM OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER Forest. Supervisor Eldorado Application 18038 National Forest , Placerville, .California This is to advise you that Meyers Water Company has under date of March 13 for a permit to appropriate for Domestic 3.Ocfs 200 AC—PT storage tributary to Lake Tahoe to be located within Eldorado 19 58 , applied to the State Water Rights Board of the waters of Upper Truckee .River purposes The project appears National Forest. Water will be diverted at a point within NA of $W) Section 8,T11N,R18E,MDI33&M. and used within Sections 19, Sections 25 and 36, T12W R18S, MUHL Diversion to begin about Janua 20,. 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32, T12N, 1117E. 'MDB M, and Sections 5,6,7 ry 1 and end about December 31. RISE, i iDI, and 8, T11N, of each year. According to our records the proposed project .*ax) (is not) within a Federal Power Site Withdrawal. Dated: Sacramento, California April 11 , 19 58 T WATER RIG =TS BOARD Leslie C. Jopson Chief Engineer Are there any diversions on this stream, or stream to which it is tributary, below applicant's pro- posed diversion? If so, please give names and post office addresses of the users. No If the proposed project involves right of access to o'r right of way across Forest Service lands, will the necessary easements be granted? Comments 7 e.f Approved_ [DATE FORM 7 (REV.) • Forest Supervisor DATE Forest Ranger 40135 7-36 231 0 BPO r Wpt 3 �; WO AT�! Aqk 30.700 • it 1! • )e - We are- retux ng,hiittetdthr ours protect filed an behalf -af Sierra Pacific power Coap G net the ,ohavtiaL- ,,.*Inibitared,epplioat.tertgpt Myers Water company . hicks transmitted: wlah your 'feature 4E5 •Thu' prop testa :are being returned ine-srnuch as advertiei 'notices. Betting forth . p amt ; mr od k ve .i of _been,^releaeed,-.by thi,e office. l ou ;there. map. be no serioua ,objection to t}ie 'i ing 'ora protest px or to ° o tfioaa an application fiat_ advertised, would prefer that' in a future you' ith 004 protests Binet applications until. ash ti as notices ere released becaeae o#" ;the eda inietrative. proca " Buretinvolved in t►he handling of pxotested ,.a splicationa« , In additi , iaa otmubs filedz :prior a .the tie' notices ;ems` r smut f a.: is sffice are. considered, remature 'since major , saendnten s -often s a fe. to applications before they are ccsipleted, and advirtieedo • ApPil tt9v 115i eottf..2,1h..,14a0 tructse-f.,,orcloo Irrictica sr*o Palo% riovada Avow 11. 8,. IIiehortis CentlemeN; tiefereace cads to oho 4iteuribersed egpli4st.' tions %breve Voter Co2Igany apvrottriQts groin varicose laws6G la al, DeradO a tva Nevada Counties, 'wit4sh. boy. been, prvteeitsll by the iDitosritt elttrauzle siivertiothg hotieen WY* act been reloaded tlif Ude atMice. lathoulh there zay be no serious objectiOn tit)the rilin3 vs rg,rotoSt Otior '40 '010 ti.M 4A1, etZtaidt-atle4 ad- vortiaaat woad., PArekftr that yea% vrithholl protegto anloinst aPPlimotte4231 unuil eteeb. tawei otiltOrot ere i7oLooes4 b(ecouto thp odssini,stelaivo pgveodure invlva3 et° bonattkl Tootaittod cyDplienVtiono.inadditao.nt proteCt* nica. w'or to the tiw itt9ticceD are, aeGt Ora this eViefer are estIci0forsel prat. Eau.tre einee *ajar nmantiattate aro onen mpas to appiloattno bertato thoy aro corkAoted nod afilmetteed., bAite alreadg eeknureUdgett v;rotelata agelett the pAisation 10)6 tbo 4.D* Carom lisolemation, to .4wfm-,71rItt.te, from Pritpzesoe Oreetg tset rt in that particular protest ea filo. ers rst4rninet the remalnin9 proi. teat an4, 'Wad greet4y eAqrecalOts yaur. coogsrotion £t. .n: the sejr-Aosto aceclItoice tho peoeiedwo .r.00ted. Zen" truly yverst is/ L K Rill 2ttostAzivo (0icer• f3tts RN :es MEMORANDUM` To: Department of Water Resources, Attn: Super -vision of Dams From: State ;Water Rights Board • Date : April :11, 1958 Application 18038 The following information refers to an application to storage dam: appropriate which proposes construction of a Application 18038 Date Filed March 13, 1958 Name of Applicant Meyers Water Company Address of Applicant Meyers, California 7b JTA:cs Amount 200 Ac -Ft. Storage and 3.0 cfs Direct Diversion Source Upper Truckee River County El Dorado Dam Location NWw of SW4 Section 8, T11N, R18E, MDB&M. Height: 25 feet Length: 180 feet Freeboard: 10 feet Construction .Earth Reservoir High Lake Area: 30 .Capacity: 200 acres Construction complete? acre-feet Yes No No indication STATE O.ALIFORNIA—STATE WATER R1TS BOARD MEMORANDUM OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER Application 13038' Forest Supervisor l leioredo National Forest a Placerville, .California This is to advise you that i` oyors Yater Company has under date of march. 13 for a permit to appropriate for Domestic 19 58, applied to the State Water Rights Board 3 .Acfs 200 A0–FT storage of the waters of Upper Truckee River purposes tributary toLkm Tahoe e . The project appears to be located within Eldorado National Forest. Water will be diverted at a point within nit of 81t14 ,Section +1 ,T11N,R18E,MDMIK. and used within Sections 19, 20 28, 2.9, 30, 31 and! 32, T12N, Sections 25 and 36, T12fii:, R17E. t4DB , and Sections 5,6,7 Dl . Diversion to begin about January 1 and end about December 3.1 According to our records the proposed project (is-) (is not) within a Federal Power STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD Dated: Sacramento, California April 11 ,195 R18E, PIDEM, and. 8, T11N , of each year. Site Withdrawal. By — Leslie C. Jopsono Chief Engineer JTA:cs Are there any diversions on this stream,, or stream to which it is tributary, below applicant's pro- posed diversion? If so, please give names and post office addresses of the users. If the proposed project involves right of access to or right of way across Forest Service lands, will the necessary easements be granted? Comments Approved Forest Supervisor DIDATEJJ FORM 7 (REV.) Forest Ranger IDATEJ 40785 7-56 2760 SPO HENRY HOLSINGER. CHAIRMAN JOHN B. EVANS. MEMBER W. P. ROWE. MEMBER 'tate 05oub uin M. lanisht CSnbernnr . • STATE OF CALIFORNIA rr; Orr tt3Ith 3Larb 140121ST STREET P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA March 14, 1958 Application 18038 Meyers Water 'Company Harold ,Prescott ;59li`zMain `Street PlacervilieP,. California. f Dear Sif. . Your application to appropriate from 0pefrTruckee River was received rMarch 13, 1958 and given the number ' 18038 . It will be examined LESLIE C. JOPSON CHIEF ENGINEER LAWRENCE SPENCER APPLICATIONS JOHN PAGE ADJUDICATIONS-RECORDATIONS soon and you will then be informed of further requirements. Very truly yours, STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD Form 19 2/19/57 • STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA Date March 14...1;" eCeiptgilirN9 1807 Received Te and »10/ ,�.-. ..... .. 10.00, ❑ Cash ❑ Money Order ' at Check F Vatt7ree Atter +:o, hamlet 't•tes oto 594 lain St P3J;�earr~e? s,, Cala Re niallGFEE (Receipt contingent upon collection) MAR 1 4 1958 0 Deposit Recordation Fee $____ Verification—Fee $ ❑ Balance 0 Full $038 00 Application No. . • $__10. Permit Fee . . . Permit Extension Fee .' .. . $___ Petition Fee $-- Additional Fee, Fee on Charges Certification Fee Copying—Comparing $__—_—___.__ Proof of Claim Fee Adjudication Apportionment $—____ Refund—Verification $— Other $ Expense $ $— ❑ Uncleared Collections ❑ Application ❑ Proof of Claim ❑ Adjudication Apportionment ❑ Verification Advance ❑ Other FORM 300 47166 11-56 20M OU IN 0 SPO STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD LESLIE C. JOPSON, Chief. Engineer By Title