HomeMy WebLinkAbout1459STATE OF CAIFORNIA—STATE WATER RIGH 1401 21sT STREET P.O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7 PROTEST BOARD to '58. SA��a�1nliTt Application 18038 I, California Department of Fish and Game Name of protestant of 722 kapit9-�Avenue. aaI;r.smento,, California_____ have read carefully a copy Pmt -office address of protestant Q 8 of, or a notice relative to Application 18of eyers WatAr_c_ mpanyi, Meyers, Ca"iiforuia State name of appliant to appropriate from PPr Truckee River tributary to Lake Tahoe Name the sours ata point within I�jWW og SW or_S�ti_on_$,�tjr].11_�_M�ia_ ,.. _ Describe location of applicant'. point of diversion It is desired to protest against the approval thereof because to the best of our information and belief the My or out proposed appropriation will result in' injury to - US__ _as follows: De trliee±ti411 Qf trout and o_kanee Me or us State the injury which will result to you salmon resour es • o.erto , t, = o o tit. a b •e - o o wa e to be diverted will reduce stream flows below that necessary for maintenance of the fisheries resources, and may even eliminate all stream flows at times, Protestant claims a right to the use of water from the source from which applicant proposes to divert, which right is based opment oL_IWtr ala storage at _oug Dardanelles, and Sho1Rer_ Prior application notice posted or use begun prior to December 19, 1914; riparian claim, etc. Lakes for•stream flew -maintenance in the -Upper Truckee River and Section 5937 of the Fish and Game Code (See reverse side). The extent of present and past use of water by protestant or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows Rainbow trout, eastern brook trout, brown trout, kokanee salmon: and other State approximate date first use made. amount used, time of year when diversion is made, the use to which water is put species are present and spawn naturally in Upper Truckee River. Rainbow and cutthroat ,trout are also planted inthe area_proposed for development, Where is your diversion point located? %4 of 1/4 of Section Describe location with sufficient accuracy that position thereot relative to that T , R. __, B. & M. of applicant may be determined This protest may be disregarded and dismissed if Terms 1o__C ismissal olthis protest cannot lava. wbieh will relieve protest be stated until applicant supplies protestant with detailed p"laps anoperating schedules'for its proposed works and until`protestant has had an opportunity to make necessary field investigations and -other studies. A true: copy'of this protest has been served upon the applicant . mail. • Date August 64_-_1958 - Seth Gordon- Director ordonDirector NorE.—Protests must be filed within the time allowed by the Board as stated in the published notice relative to an application or such further time as may be allowed. cc: Applicant — Note to applicant — If -you desire discussion of this protest, please FORM ,legion 2 con' Dept. of Fish and Game, Regiont,.al eM o spo Vandegrift 1001 Jedsmith Drive, Sacramento 19, California. Moskovita Person ' r by mail Peotestant sign hers • NOTE A concise and definite statement of the grounds of protest is desired. This statement should take the form indicated on the blanks on the reverse side of this sheet. Additional information may be added below if there is insufficient space in the blanks, or data not pertinent to those blanks, but insofar as practicable it is desired that protests follow the printed form. Section 5937 of the Fish and Game Code reads in part that:-' "The owner of any dam shall allow wufficient water at all times to •ass t 0 ce of a fishway, allow sufficient water to pass over, around or through the dam, to keep in good condition any fish that may be planted or exist below the dam . ." DO NOT WRITE BELOW fttir tbyers 'Water Coro +a Myers, California dentlemau 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 16I. Orr EigI t i itaril 1401 219T STREET P. 0. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA Juin' 25, 1958 Applications i8021 18030, 18031, 18038 an 18039 Receipt is acknowledged of affidavits in con- nection with notices of the above -numbered applications. Further action will follow in due course. Very truly yours, 44°.d/. )1 -PLP. L. K. Hill Executive Officer =NUS 8E PL. STATE OF CALIFORNIA I; I� 1 Orr CO Its roar' 1401 219T STREET P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA Ju j 23, 1950 APpiitatione 18021, laws,. iM39,_ 18031, Tahoe. County 'aster 0*ngervation Diotriet Room 200, Tttlo Inournme Builan : Reno, Nevada Att. ,nti °n. Chester 0, 77;ylor, a moor -Pan er Gentlemen: 23 Your protest against Application Your above of has Eater '0®mn► has been received and it is noted that a copy thereof has been served upon the applicant. If a hearing is found necessary, you will be given sufficientadvance notice of the time and place. Very truly yours, L. K. Hill Executive Officer 48 DRJ: cs 410 'tatr STATE OF CALIFORNIA I; I; 1 Orr fitiolgs Boar? 1401 21ST STREET P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA July 23 1 58 www.wwrr..rr wrrr irrrg■ r .wW6 volax_mmal.gam Tr ckee=Oar on X i tiw a District I?11on, Mavad4. Your protest against Applications listed cbove of Vapors ter Co any has been received and it is noted that a copy thereof has been served upon the applicant. ° If a hearing is found necessary, you will be given sufficient advance notice of the time and place. Very truly yours, L. K. Hill Executive Officer 48 DRJcs STATE OF •iFORNIA—STATE WATER RiGS- BOARD = 1401 21ST STREET P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7 - AL1 PR O T E Ss .rt WATE Ll•A1sACAiio'�oAiio sir Application 15038 I, The Officers and. Di ree±ors of _jA shoe Gnur,ty eater Conservation ili atri of Name of protestant of 29 past rirst at, Reno, tdavnda� have read carefully a copy Post -office address of protestant of, or a notice relative to Application 1C'038 of T-'iovers !later Comma State name of applicant to appropriate from unnamed CrPnk tri butar. v to ',aka Tahna Name the source at a point MI-, of STA of Sen„ i$, T. 11 C3_ s P _ 1S -R., Describe location of applicant'a point of diversion It is desired to protest against the approval thereof because to the best of__thai 7. _Information and belief the landowners within said District My or our proposed appropriation will result"in injury to __• as follows' - . - , Me or us State the injury which will result to you Said landowners will he donrivrid of thr veA of Sinter vhic'h thav arc. and have harm Continuously since e:rinr to December 1Q5 1Q1J., use of which then Are 1awtelly entitled. n11t.ti n` to hanafir'ial aces ;Ina to t.ha Protestant claims a right to the use of water from the source from which applicant proposes to divert, which • right is based upon use begun prior to December 19, 1_91L.. and continued Without interruntion _ Prior application, notice ported or use begun prior to December 19, 1914; riparian claim, etc. un to And 1 ni+.l Edi nrr the' iso nt. t.itr,P e Ana the fi na1 darraa antrsl the Tui ctri nt (COUTl atli;) OLT Ri l . . OF THIS S; 4yk;T) The extent of present and past use of water by -protestant' or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows' The ripbtn to the -use of wets TL Po—ootah-i i shed axed rim arlsti pad a thra .dnnl.Imen.ts State approximate date first use made, amount used, time of year when diversion is made, the use to which water is put referred to in. the nninnr ranh 1 r 1f nrnr+ori i nn have haax, . r_nl 1sT avanai-cars in all r,atnri s1 resna.nte AR to nnnrrnrirtata clause -_of f;r't- ulna marlay amnio+ ttcarl tiro of Imes when diversions glade, use to which water was and is nut and land irri-gated since prior to December 19`, 191L, continuously urn to and including the present time. Where is your diversion point located? %4 of_ %4 of Section _. — _. , - Describe location with sufficient accuracy that position thereof relative to that T. 'IL _ _ —__, ___ -11.8"L From Lake Tahoe into the Truckee River; and from of applicant may be determines - the Truckee. River into some -30 ditches onto lands ."di -thin the boundaries of said District in 17Ashne County, revada_. This protest may be disregarded and dismissed if this enol i rat; nn ; c clan; ad State conditions which will relieve protest-, A true copy of this protest has been served upon the applicant- 11.1r PIP i 1 - -- Personally or by mail Date July 17, 1951 .1ASHO'I' C U'JTY DATER 4 S� Ful . ION DISTICT L2v-'�i�r�C �� Protestant signhere PRESIDENT Nora.—Protests must be filed within the time allowed by the Board as stated in the published notice relative to an application or such further time as may be allowed. (OVER) FORM 78 612626.576M O SPO NOTE A concise and definite statement of the grounds of protest is desired. This statement should take the form indicated on the blanks on the reverse side of this sheet. .Additional information may be added below if there is insufficient space in the blanks, or data not pertinent to those blanks, but insofar as practicable it is desired that protests follow the printed form. Cort of t.ha ,United- Ste tee i n _and for the P: st.ri et of UPVPaP nn Santamhar g, in the suit entitled The United antes of America vs., Orr Water Ditch -Cmmnanv, et aT ' in Rhnittr, TionVa+. Wn _ Cneirt of t.hc 43; the .Tii anent. a'n[i T1erree n cn1',anod htr +he Pt +rirf • nna for 171,o Von+h..rn ni o+..r; nt. of tti,e suit entitled United States 6f America vs. The Truckee River General. i:ectric Comaany, No. 1L,861, on June L., 1915; and that certain anreemen.t among TTnited States of America, TruClree—Carson Trr, roti on Di Stri Of, WAIShna nonnttr 7m+Pr Conservation District, Sierra Pacific Power Cbinr'anv and others •dated • .Tihl y ,1, 1935, • and known as "The Truckee River Acreement". DO NOT WRITE BELOW STATE OF FORNIA—STATE WATER RIGH BOARD 1401 21sT STREET - P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7 ,Ia': 3 11 35 M1 '5 8 STATE P R O T E ATE .AI.Lri 1t►3rilS BOARD SACRAMENTO Application 18039 Truckee -Carson Irrigation District of Fallon, Churchill County" Nevada _Have read carefully a copy Name of protestant Pon -once address of protestant of, or a notice relative to Application of Meyers Water Company,Meyers, California Upper Truckee River tlen eefmake Tahoe to appropriate from pp ata point In Nwi Secs 8, T 11 N, R 17 E. M. D. M. _ Describe location of applicant's point of diversion Name the sours It is desired to protest against the approval thereof' because to the best of�our=____-_information and belief the M orpor proposed appropriation"will result in injury to__=Us _:as'follows• It will derive us of water that we or uniState the injury which will result to you are now using and have been using .Wirrigation, power generation, domestic use, and other uses since the 21st day of May 1903. Under appropriations made in 1903 and rights acquired by purchase in 1915. Protestant claims a right to the use of water from the source from which applicant proposes to divert, which right is based upon appropriations made and notice posted on the Truckee River the 21st day May- 3, t a 'oa st to be m riot Deem er 19, 1914• stun lajpy et of Ma 1 0 and the const$iiY�1'i'b;r� bi°` gia� a�a�n Pwor`ks a� a cosi of` ,bDD,0O0 to utilize this water ' The `extent of present and past use of water.ly protestant or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows- The water of Lake Tahoe and the. Truckee,._ River. are now being and have been used State approximate date first use made, amount used, time of year when diversion is made, the use to whish water is put for the irrigation.,of 70,000. acres of land, the generation of power by -2 power plants furnishing domestic water for 3 towns and the U.S.N. Fallon Aux. Naval Station located near Fallon, Nevada. Also for the Stillwater Wildlife, an area of 120,000 acres, and the irrigation of 30,000 acres of pasturelands. Where is your diversion point located? %4 of %4 of Section 19 , Describe location with sufficient accuracy that position thercot relative to that T 20 N , R. E , /1,l%_B. & M. of applicant may be determined This protest may be disregarded and dismissed if If it appears there are unappropriated waters on 'the Truckee River and that no permit be stn a condi tion whish will relieve atst granted under �ehis application until an Inter- State Compact may be drawn and approved and it may be shown that there are any unappropriated -waters --in lake -Tahoe -or the Truckee River Basin. By registered mail. - A true copy of this protest has been served upon the applicant - , Personally or by mail Date July 15,.1958 ;%v (2-3, Irrigation Su Protestant sign here NOTE.—Protests must be filed within the time allowed by the Board as stated in the published notice relative to an application or such further time as may be allowed. (OVER) FORM 78 03283 9-57 aM 0 SPO NOTE A concise and definite statement of the grounds of protest is desired. This statement should take the form indicated on the blanks on the reverse side of this sheet. Additional information may be added below if there is insufficient space in the blanks, or data not pertinent to those blanks, but insofar as practicable it is desired that protests follow the printed form. In:1915.the Bureau_of Reclamation as Agent and Trustee of the Truckee -Carson Irrigation District, acquired by condemnation and purchase certain rights, from theTruckee River General Electric Company, predeoerssorsin interest lbf the Sierra Pacific Power Company.' These rights were created under a -franchise granted by the State of 'California tq the Donnercumber and Boon Company in 1874.. Under this franchise a dam and -control works were constructed and put in operation in 1876. Since 1876 and up to theipresent time water has;,been stored'in Lake. Tahoe and ';released'th re -From under these'`rights. A new dam and control works were. built and put in operation in 1915 as part of the Newlands Project. On the 21st day of May, 1903 notices were posted and appropriation made at three places on the Truckee River,'claimiig all unappropriated water of the Truckee River and`Lake Tahoe up to 1500 c.f.s. to provide necessary water for the Newlands'Project. Depending upon these appropriations and the rights acquired by purchase in 1915, the water users of the Newlands Project, constructed irrigation work at a cost of about .six million dollars. This water was first put to benefical use upon completion of the Truckee Canal and Derby Dam in April, 1905. The water users of, the_ Newlands Project maintain that -there are no unappropriated waters in the Truckee. River or the Lake Tahoe Basin. DO NOT WRITE BELOW