HomeMy WebLinkAbout1398KENT SILVERTHORNE. CHAIRMAN W. P. ROWE. MEMBER RALPH J. McGILL. MEMBER March 15, 1961 gtritut3Ai a. Tann Gr nnTBr STATE OF CALIFORNIA I1I° 1� tan. Vnatrh 1401 21ST STREET P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA TO APPLICANTS, PROTESTANTS AND INTERESTED PARTIES: Subject: Applications 17 9, 17149, 17235, 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038,// 18039, 18248, 18283 and 18910 Lake Tahoe Basin, El Dorado and Placer Counties Hearing was held on the above -numbered applications on Septem- ber 13, November 29, 30, and December 1, 1960. The matter was submitted for decision subject to the right of the Nevada Pro- testants, namely, Sierra Pacific Power Company, Truckee -Carson Irrigation District and Washoe County Conservation District, to present additional evidence. By letter of March 10, 1961, the Board was advised that these protestants will not exercise the privilege reserved to them. Accordingly, no further hearing is planned, and the Board will proceed with the preparation of a decision. Very truly yours, L. K. Hill Executive Officer L. K. HILL EXECUTIVE OFFICER KENT SILVEI2THORNE. CHAIRMAN W. P. ROWE. MEMBER RALPH J. McGILL. MEMBER #ttir &;rmu0 (ffi.1rnfirn (o2Cruur STATE OF CALIFORNIA 11 Orr latglIts Blurb 1401 219T STREET P. 0. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA Subject: Affidavits of Posting Notices Applications 18021, 18030, 15031, 18038, 18039 APR• 4 '61 .W. R This is to advise that there have not been filed with this office affidavits of posting of the notices dated relative to your above -numbered applications, copies of which notices were sent to you on said date. L. K. HILL. EXECUTIVE OFFICER The Water Code requires that these notices be posted within fifteen days from the date of the notices and that affidavits of posting be filed within forty days from the date thereof. If the notices have been posted you should immediately file proof by executing and returning the affidavit forms which accompanied the notices. If the notices were not posted, kindly advise and we will forward copies of new notices of a later date. Very truly yours, L. K. Hill Executive Officer 8F P1 14), »evolgio 1 e Avow Maservint4 04.11004/4 Sabijoatt 4 4wati 4 1$620: 1, ale I thoolio* "Oak* teareke Obesigtot tide valta. 4e ' 24-44046 a ** 3.90.0 rite potttitows 159,1$ by i#44;40 . eisgmay. tilft Wst- ' G 'requital. tltato a ,potittoa Aosatowttimitea vatte b t .d. 401100tiou 1901 was set laecluded tho t fid* og vie ae it had ;tot sot Opoot eitoortteed Tottr' f& ' goof a e titi ett ' t lel i[ the a Le*Ut aro oot+ .. Too sity *awed that 34. Ctotroda} a ttAmer- , : I n :. . raved to twit Joy:eoLIOdc 71to golittotiapeStroota t h;,. t Oeesktoo4oa reietved *Woo *d yrs 'petition**to . ,t end r000tottrar "' t `~ ''r JH.~ ... t 's 'iP lowatusik irresivf44 sot s •: Moak yea tot poo tittersol ' tikill.4110144Sity hep fid, Itaosativo'Mom. a avtOloot 1113,11 ilgt *too Isoikod *AA pow 4 Dtt * :. it* timt potopetie ****-roing 'kw 4A1ii4 • , *NA 0410140, Oftlotiolot to O OV v*fwviit TWitima you ter, Von! brmar ray spa► • I,* tri ..4r y x:r letter of Meretvlai 194 0 A. . to t t oirtelpotee to the bring o f