HomeMy WebLinkAbout1351EDMUND G. BROWN GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA KENT SILVERTHORNE, CHAIRMAN RALPH J. McGILL. MEMBER W. A. ALEXANDER. MEMBER MAY 2 13 52 THE RESOURCES AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA 'IMIP I.I.O r ti 1fl i ?nark 1401 219T STREET P. O. BOX 1882 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA Subject: Applications Well 1603014 ONSUOISOM WILLIAM E. WARNE ADMINISTRATOR RESOURCES AGENCY LELAND K. HILL EXECUTIVE OFFICER This Board has issued permits in approval of the above -numbered applications. The permits, which are endorsed on the reverse side of the applications, fix a definite time schedule as prescribed by law within which to begin construc- tion, complete construction and make full beneficial use. Extensions of time can be allowed only upon a showing of good cause, and you will observe that the permits provide that unless development proceeds promptly and is prosecuted diligently to completion, the permits may be revoked, Annual reports of progress are required on forms which will be mailed to you on or about October 1, $6 If and when use of water is reported full and com- plete, an engineer of this office will make an inspection of the projects, This Board will subsequently issue licenses to confirm the rights to the amount of water found at the time of inspection to have been beneficially used in ac- cordance with the terms and conditions of the permits. After issuance of the licenses there can be no further increase in the use under these rights. Very truly yours, L. K. Hill Executive Officer Encs, Cert, MAR 2 2 162 L . H. EDMUND G. BROWN GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA KENT SILVERTHORNE. CHAIRMAN RALPH J. MCGILL. MEMBER W. A. ALEXANDER. MEMBER MAY 2 2962 THE RESOURCES AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA 'tali iluttrr MgtIto 3uatri Mr. Joseph V. Flynn Forest Supervisor Eldorado National Forest Placerville) California Subject: Application 1038 Dear Vr. F1yynn: 1401 21ST STREET P. 0. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA WILLIAM E. WARNE ADMINISTRATOR RESOURCES AGENCY LELAND K. HILL EXECUTIVE OFFICER You are advised that the State Water Rights Board under date of APR 241962 9 has granted the above -numbered permit to Meyers eater Courcy for the appropriation of water from Upper Truckee River for domestic purposes, to be, diverted within NA- of Stii of Section 8, T11N, R?.F? , MB&'T Sections 19,20,28,29,30, 31 and32 TUN, El8E, and and to be used within/Sections 25 and 36i, T1 fit R17E and Sections 5 and 6 TUN, R18E, Nn . The terms of the permit are as follows: Amount 3 cubic feet per ccond and. 200 acre-feet per annum Diversion to begin Nttnt of each season, for bathe Construction work to begin on or before • Construction to be completed on or before Water to be applied to use on or before January 1 and end :Murat Very truly yours, L. K. Hill Executive Officer Form 7A mp MAR 2 2 '62 L. ft. Dece fiber 31 July 1, 1962. DeceMber 1, 1968. December 1, 1970. STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA Receipt N? 15738 Date 3Q� 1362 ($ 540 ) Received ($ ) ❑ Cash ❑ Money Order ©t Check (Receipt contingent upon collection) r ' Meyers. Water Cempartr 1018 22nd Street acrrento,. California Re LPFIAIC.01011.1&0 ❑ Deposit Recordation Fee $ Verification—Fee $ Expense $- $- 0 _ ❑ Uncleared Collections ❑ Application • ❑ Proof of Claim ❑ Adjudication Apportionment El Verification Advance ❑ Other FORM 300 47160 11-56 2OM QUIN 0 SPO ❑ Balance ® Full Application No $ Permit Fee Permit Extension Fee $----------- Petition Fee $__ Additional Fee on Charges Certification Fee $ Copying—Comparing $ Proof of Claim Fee $_ Adjudication Apportionment Refund—Verification Other STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD LESLIE C. JOPSON, Chief Engineer By Title EDMUND G. BROWN GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA KENT SILVERTHORNE, CHAIRMAN RALPH J. MCGILL. MEMBER W. A. ALEXANDER. MEMBER APR 2 4 1962 THE RESOURCES AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA tattr. ;:IEJi afrr Eights Bnatat Subject: Applications 10114. 1401 21ST STREET P. 0. BOX 1892 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA WILLIAM E. WARNE ADMINISTRATOR RESOURCES AGENCY This is to inform you that your above -numbered applications have been approved and that permits have been issued. Fees are now due in ac- cordance with the provisions of the Water Code as follows: 4440 You should give this matter immediate attention by .forwarding post office money order or check in the above amount within 10 days if possible. Upon receipt of the fee this office will forward to you copies of your applications with the permits endorsed on the back thereof. Checks are accepted subject to collection. Very truly yours9 L. Ka Hill Executive Officer MAR 2 2 '62 1. pia LELAND K. HILL EXECUTIVE OFFICER APPROVAL FOR SIGNATURE WATER RIGHT PERMIT Application 18038 Permit 13529 Applicant: Meyers Water Company Source: Upper Truckee River in El Dorado County Date application filed: March 13, 1958 Amount: 3 cubic feet per second and 200 acre-feet per annum Season of diversion: January 1 to December 31 for both Purpose of use: Domestic Protested by: Numerous - See Form 0-1 Disposition of protests: All dismissed by decision (D-1056) Remarks: Approved for signature: Date: No prior pending protested applications affected. Form 223-P 2 Senior Hydraulic Engineer