HomeMy WebLinkAbout0835STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD Division of Water Rights Application le, 3L, Permit /3$27 To Water User: Water Code Section 1396 requires an applicant to exercise due diligence in developing a water supply for beneficial use. The State Water Resources Control Board, in considering requests for extension of time for said development, will review the facts presented herein to determine whether there is a showing of good cause upon which to grant a reasonable extension of -time to complete the project. Where diligence in completing the project is not fully substantiated, the Board may set the matter for hearing to determine the facts upon which to' base formal action relating to the permit. Said formal action may, involve: (i) issuing a license for the amount of water heretofore placed to beneficial use under the terms of the permit (2) granting a reasonable extension of time to complete construction work and/or full beneficial use of water (3) ordering revocation of the permit for failure to proceed with due diligence in completing the project. If the full amount of water allowed by the permit has been used, or if you consider the project substantially complete, you should not petition for exten- sion of time, but should request that a license be issued. A license ie the final confirmation of the water right. PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME* If start of construction work has been delayed, complete Items 1, 2, and 3. 1. What has been done since permit was issued toward commencing construction? none 2. Estimated date construction work will begin Fall 1971 3. Reasons why construction work was not begun within the time allowed by the permit Company not -successful in acquiring land at formerly proposed point of diversion., ' ' . There is not enough stream flow at time when maximum demand occurs. *A fee of $5 must accompany this petition. WRCB 20C (Rev. 8-69) - 500 O/c. ,32 9-Y.;i -2- If construction work and/or use of water is proceeding but is not complete, -an extension of time may be petitioned by completing the appropriate items below. Statements must be restricted to construction or use of water under this permit only. 4. A (1 -year), (2 -year), (3 -year) extension of time is requested to complete construction work and/or beneficial use of water. (Indi- cate period of time required.) 2 -year 5. How much water has been used? none AF/year cfs 6. How many acres have been irrigated? none 7. How many houses or people have been served water? none 8. Extent of past use of water for any other purpose none 9. What construction work has been completed during the last extension? none 10. Estimated date construction work will be completed December 31, 1972 11. Estimated year in which water will be fully used 1975 12. Reasons why construction and/or use of water was not completed within time previously allowed:As stated in 3 above- Company is unable to acquire sites as proposed under application and the stream flow is too low to provide full beneficial use when customer demand load is highest. Service area indicates increase of potential customers. The Company now has on file a petition for change in place of use and point of diversion, as shown on the attached map. This point is in Lake Tahoe, thereby eliminating costly storage works and possible algal blooms due to shallow water and nutrient concentration. The Company further has a letter of intent with Angora Water Co. and Tahoe Keys Water Co. for a cooperative agreement on diversion, place of use, pumping and transmission. n 7' £ PAR S 444-7-07e 4(4444 ee, Date 7/.740/7/ Signature 4. 1/.r 4r oBiyT WRCB 20C (Rev. 8-69.) - 500 Met, ovne 21, 1971 G. E. Peterson Applications 18021k 18030p18038p, 1439 and 19629 Stanicay Ittxtla of Angora Water Conpaky visited lam on, June 21p: 19T1, to, be a urea that he is not overlooking any natio g that he should be taking. ffe is cactserned about timing because MSG= %tor Cy as vela '3,radise Water and the others iTiVatied with %hoe .Ctslpany -41,rg are hard preased for addi- UAW. eater supplies. Obtaining those supplies by drilling more veils' ensive argil vould utilize the anemia' mooluves Oil tap vtith ceuld be used to develop their systems for use of to from take %hoe. The vUn have proven to be a costly source or suoly and 9 ourdwater levels are declining. 4pb r STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1969 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION 18030 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 sox 477, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95731 SOURCE: AMOUNT: PURPOSE: If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct UNNAMED STREAM 3 CU FT/SEC DOMESTIC PERMIT 13527 EXPIRATION DATE: 12-01-70 This report is important to you in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights, Room 1140, Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814. Neither the filing of an application nor issuance of a permit in approval thereof constitutes a water right. A water right is established only by beneficial use of water in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This report provides a record of the development of your project. If the project is diligently completed a license will be issued to confirm the right developed by beneficial use. The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of this permit. ❑ Yes 10 No CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? NO 2. Has all construction work been completed? NO If not, give estimated date of completion DECEMBER_ -_31_,___1970 3. State approximate cost of construction work on this project during the past 12 months---NDkljNAL__ENG_t_NEEILLN..G— Describe briefly the portions of the project upon which the above amount was spent ENGINEER 1 NG & PLANNING 4. What construction work remains to be done to complete the project?_____ALL USE OF WATER 1. Has use of water commenced? NO (a) 0 Irrigation_____ It was used for: Total acres irrigated Name crops served and acreage of each (b) 0 Stockwatering (f) 0 Mining Number of animals Method of water use (c) 0 Industrial (g) 0 Recreational Nature of use Nature of use (d) 0 Domestic (h) 0 Power generation Number of persons, Area of garden, lawn, etc. Installed horsepower capacity (e) ❑ Municipal (i) 0 Other___ Approximate population 2. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? 3. Has location of the intake or place of use been changed? 4. Did the source go dry? If so, during what months? 5. What quantity of water was used each month in 1969 under this permit in gallons or acre-feet? (If not known check months water was used.) .tal Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. MayTune Tuly Aug. Sept. Oct.Occ. Nov, Dec. Annual 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY Did your reservoir spill this year? If not, how many feet below spillway vertically wast the water level at maximum storage? ____________Have you emptied the reservoir?_–_________If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? REMARKS (If more space is needed, use reverse side) Date_______FE�R�II�RY__1.1,_19.74 WRCB 15 (7.69) 'Ai:a. PARADISE WATER "AS co. '-/20/7?, Sign Here George C. :aron;DrriPEeesident 1969 94998-989 7-69 DM 0 OSP ��.' �,���� `�,jD .��-e-� .� � r%d Files February 40 1970 J7. M. Page Applications 18021,. 180300 18031, 180380 18039 and 19629 Mr- Jerry Martin, Supervisor El Dorado County, Was ad- vised that subject filings are 11 in good standing until DeceMber 1, 1970, and that the Board will not take say further ctiou on the until that tine but that progress reports for the year 1.969 are still due and that forms have been forwarded to the company far that purpose but have not been returned to the Board. Jr2:1pb • s STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1968 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION 18030 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY PO BOX)13g21 11117 TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF gkial 95705 If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct SOURCE: UNNAMED STREAM AMOUNT: PURPOSE: 3 cu FT/SEC DOMESTIC PERMIT 13527 This report is important to you in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights, Room 1140, Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814. Neither the filing of an application nor issuance of a permit in approval thereof constitutes a water right. A water right is established only by beneficial use of water in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This report provides a record of the development of your project. If the project is diligently completed a license will be issued to confirm the right developed by beneficial use. 1. Has construction work commenced?__ 2. Has all construction work been completed?_NQ_____If not, give estimated date of completion__De_c___33_Y__191_0_ 3. State approximate cost of construction work on this project during the past 12 months Nonina_L__En ineering Describe briefly the portions of the project upon which the above amount was spent_Pi.anniri_ -D 7er'sj i--- 4. What construction work remains to be done to complete the 5. Has use of water commenced) .N.0_ What was the maximum rate of diversion (if known) 6. What quantity of water was used each month in 1968 under this permit in gallons or acre-feet? (If not known check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total Annual 1 0 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit?_ Jfl.kiiown 8. Has location of the intake or place of use been changed? Nn 9. Did the source go dry?___ O___If so, during what 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? _____ _-.--___If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage?_______- -__—________Have you emptied the reservoir?__=_ -__—If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season) - - - 11. You should keep complete records of- your -use of water -in your own files. Please supply information below concerning your use of water. (a) 0 Irrigation ------------------------------- -------- Total acres irrigated Name crops served and acreage of each (b) 0 Stockwatering_ None • - Number of animals (c) ❑ Industrial______ _ _None - Nature of use (f) ❑ Mining - —I1On --- — -- - -- - — Method of water use (g) 0 Recreational None Nature of use (d) ❑Domestic - - (h) 0 Power Number of persons, Area of garden, lawn, «e. 4:11, Y1 Installed horsepower capacity (e) 0Municipal ____________Nane_ (i)�, ❑ Others _ 11Io"ne Approximate population — - --� qr?'r„, kyld • `.R�jias 12. The project has been abandoned and I'request revocation of this permit.eaatYet a No REMARKS (If more space is needed, use reverse aide) x`1'1 Date______ December 31_1968 WRCB 15 (8-68) S CO. Sign Her Geo ge C. off7 Vice President 1968 24113-983 8-68 SM 0 OSP STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1967 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION 18030 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 477, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95731 If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct SOURCE: (1) UNNAMED STREAM (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) AMOUNT: 3 (CU FT/SEC PURPOSE: DOMESTIC PERMIT 13527 Neither the filing of an application nor issuance of a permit in approval thereof constitutes a water right. A water right is established only by beneficial use of water in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This report provides a record of the development of your project. If the project is diligently completed a license will be issued to confirm the right developed by beneficial use. 1. Has construction work commenced? No 2. Has all construction work been completed?__No________ If not, give estimated date of completion___Dec_-____ 4968 3. State approximate cost of construction work on this project during the past 12 months__ }nal_Eng neer ng Describe briefly the portions of the project upon which the above amount was spent ___ P1a ll�l lg___l}l ys j Gr1 4. What construction work remains to be done to complete the project?__ A11 5. Has use of water commenced? No ____What was the maximum rate of diversion (if known) ? None 6. What quantity of water was used each month in 1967 under this permit in gallons or acre-feet? (If not known check months water was used.) Total Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 to 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? Unknown 8. Has location of the intake or place of use been changed? No 9. Did the source go dry?_______If so, during what months?�____�_� 10. Did your reservoir spill this If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? --- Have you emptied the reservoir?If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? 11. You should keep complete records of your use of water in your own files. Please supply information below concerning your use of water. (a) ❑ Irrigation None Total acres irrigated Name crops served and acreage of each (b) ❑ Stockwatering Do (f) ❑ Mining None Number of animals Method of water use (c) ❑ Industrial Do (g) 0 Recreational D Nature of use (d) ❑ Domestic Do Number of persons, Area of garden, lawn, etc. Nature of use (h) ❑ Power Do • Installed horsepower capacity (e) D Municipal Do(i) ❑ Other Do Approximate population 12. The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of this permit. 0 Yes E No �t�`'�tn",install--�.n---eme�gen,c�---�]]�]]��n (If more space se needed, use reverse' side) rim1.] Date J..an.____1_2_=191.8 CO VII Sign Here_ TAHOE-PARADISE-WATER -ANj __CAS ---ca : ice es. This report is of importance to you in establishing your water right as it will be used as a basis for action by the State Water Rights Board. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the State Water Rights Board, Room 1140, Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814. • SWRB 15 (e-67) 1967 JAII_SEI MA TAHOE PARADISE `PATER AND GAS CO. ..........• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• •• •• •• •• •• •. • • •• • • •• •• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. P. 0. Box 477 Tahoe Paradise California 95731 February 22, 1967 State of California. -Resources Agency State Water Rights Board Resource Building, Room 1140 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 Gentlemen: •• • •• ...... . . . . Phone: South Tahoe 541- 3150 or 541-1930 RE:Applications. , 18030 and 18031 Enclosed are progress report by permittee for the year 1966 on permits no 13527 and 13528. Very truly yours, TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS CO, George C. Baron., Vice President avc�v l l4LO g,LVIF Ay ire stew 2 .o$D �Ee S� 1t oa vW 0 OD ge STATE OF CALIFORNIA—RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD RESOURCES BUILDING, ROOM 1140 1416 NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR THE YEAR 1966 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION 18030 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 477, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95731 SOURCE: (1) (3) (5) (7) If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct UNNAMED STREAM (2) (4) (6) PERMIT 13527 Neither the filing of an application nor issuance of a permit in approval thereof constitutes a water right. A water right is established only by beneficial use of water in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This -report provides a record of the development of your project. If the project is diligently completed a license will be issued to confirm the right developed by beneficial use. 1. Has construction work commenced? No 2. Has all construction work been completed? No if not, give estimated date of completion December 1, 1968 3. State approximate cost of construction work on this project during the past 12 months Nominal -Engineering Describe briefly the portions of the project upon which the above amount was spent Planning- Diversion 4. What construction work remains to be done to complete the project? All 5. Has use of water commenced? No What was the maximum rate of diversion (if known)? None 6. What quantity of water was used each month in 1966 under this permit in gallons or acre-feet? (If not known check months water was used.) Total Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual 1 I 1 I None 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? Unknown 8. Has location of the intake or place of use been changed? No 9. Did the source go dry? No If so, during what months? 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? 11. You should keep complete records of your use of water in your own files. Please supply information below concerning your use of water. (a) ElIrrigation None Total acre, irrigated Name crops served and acreage of each (b) 0 Stockwatering None (f) 0 Mining None Number of animals Method of water use (c) 0 Industrial None (g) 0 Recreational None Nature of use Nature of use (d) ❑ Domestic None (h) ,0 Power None Number of persons, Area of garden, lawn, etc. Installed horsepower capacity (e) 0 Municipal None_ (i) 0 Other None Approximate population 12. The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of this permit. 0 Yes 21 No REMARKS It is planned to install an emergency pumping station at the site_Ji,.n__,1-9.67-J.968 (If more space is needed, use revere aide) ' , C m'7 Pa t',9,LOVIM LED C I� ('r'� DQS Taho Paradise Water and Gas o. DateFebruary 21, 1967 Sign Her _ 2lce. • Georg C. Bar . ,ermine Vice President This report is of importance to you in establishing your water right as it will be used as a basis for action by the State Water Rights Board. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly. SWRB 15 (6.66) YEAR 1966 74197-957 7-66 5500 0 OSP 4 • RESOLUTION AND CERTIFICATE WHEREAS, Meyers Water Co.,"a California Corporation, has caused its name to be changed to Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company by resolution of its Board of Directors and by amendment to its Articles of Incorporation, and WHEREAS, this corporation has on file with the State of California, Resources Agecy, State Water Rights Board, Applications 18021, 18030,n 18031, 18038, 18039 and 19629, Upper Truckee River, El Dorado County, and WHEREAS, this corporation is desirous of naming its authorized agent or agents to represent them in matters pertaining to the above mentioned Applications, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS RESOLVED that the President and/or the Vice President of Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company are hereby authorized to represent the corporation on all matters pertaining to Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039, and 19629 to the State Water Rights Board. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company at a meeting of said Board of Directors on the 3rd day of May, 19650 (Corporate) (Seal) •11'1 1j J 1\0 Secretary February 4, 1966 Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company F. 0. Box 477 Tahoe Paradise, California 95731 Subject: Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039 and. 19629, Upper Truckee River in El Dorado County Gentlemen: The Board's records will be amended to show Tahoe Paradise Water and. Gas Company as the owner of the above -listed applications. Please have the Company submit a resolution authorizing one of their officers to act as agent for the Company in matters pertaining to these applications. Sincerely, L. K. Hill Executive Officer tiTA:nal STATE OF CALIFORNIA—RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD RESOURCES BUILDING, ROOM 1140 1416 — 9TH STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR THE YEAR 1965 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION 18030 Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co., formerly MEYERS WATER COMPANY P 0 Box 477, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95731 SOURCE: (1) (3) (5) (7) If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct UNNAMED STREAM (2) (4) (6) PERMIT 13527 Neither the filing of an application nor issuance of a permit in approval thereof constitutes a water right. A water right is established only by beneficial use of water in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This report provides a record of the development of your project. If the project is diligently completed a license will be issued to confirm the right developed by beneficial use. 1. Has construction work commenced? ND 2. Has all construction work been completed? NQ__If not, give estimated date of completion__DeC.._,_l?___a,g($___ 3. State approximate cost of construction work on this project during the past 12 months Nominal__ Describe briefly the portions of the project upon which the above amount was spent Engineering review and planning_ .see bele___—_—� 4. What construction work remains to be done to complete the project? A.11 5. Has use of water commenced? .N.0 Amount (if known) 6. Has use of water, as to both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? 7. During what months was water used in 1965 under this permit? None 8. Has location of the intake or place of use been changed? No 9. Did the source go dry? If so, during what months? 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? If not, how many feet below crest vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? If not, how many feet below crest vertically was it drawn down at end of season? 11. You should keep complete records of your use of water in your own files. Please supply information below concerning your use of water. (a) ❑ Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name crops served and acreage of each (b) 0 Stockwatering (f) 0 Mining Number of animals Method of water use (c) 0 Industrial (g) ❑ Recreational Nature of use Nature of use Domestic (h) 0 Power____ Number of persons, Area of garden, lawn, etc. Installed horsepower capacity (d) ❑ (e) 0 Municipal (i) 0 Other Approximate population 12. The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of this permit. 0 Yes ® No REMARxs Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co.. has been making._reviews__and+ coordinating various available sources of supply_ Tahoe adise W. ter and Gas DateJanuary 19 , 1966 Sign Here by ' ! l__ e ___�� Georg Baron Vi,cPresidentThiss report is of importance to you in establishing your water ri((G;gfit as tt will be usedsas & basis for action by the State Water Rights Board. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly. YEAR 1965 SWRB 15 (REV. 7.03) 51882-987 7-88 BM CO OSP .