HomeMy WebLinkAbout1918DESCRIPTION OF MEYERS WATER CO. PROPOSED SERVICE AREA wda Beginning at the W. t Corner of Section 19, T. 12 N., R. l$ E., M. D. B.'& M.; THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING Easterly one- half mile, more or less, to,'the center,of Section 19; thence ;Southerly one-half°mile, more'or less, to the S..* Corner of Section 19; thence Easterly along theSoutherly edge of, Sections 19.& 20, • one mile, more' or, less, to the 'S. t Corner of Section' 20°; thence Southerly one-quarter mile,' more or less, to the S. W. Corner of 'the N. W. ' of the N. E. t of "Section 29; thence Easterly .one-half mile, more or less, to the S.9'' E. Corner. of, the N. E. * of the. N. E. 4 of Section 29; thence Northerly one quarter mile, more or less, to the N. W. Corner of Section 2a;thence Easterly along the South . erly edge of Section 21, one-half mile, more or less, to the S. 4 • Corner of Section 21;•thence Northerly through the;,center of Section a 21, three' -quarters of a mile,??;ymore or less; to .the S. W. Corner of_ ,the N. W. t' of the N E. t of:Section 21; thence Easterly one-half mile, more or less, to the S . LE. Corner of the N. E.,4' ofth'e N.E. of Section 21; thence Easterly one-quarter mile to -the' center of the N. W. 4 of Section 24 thence Southerly three-quarters,of a mile, more or less, to the S. E. Corner of the S. W. 4 of the S. W. t of Sectioi 22; thence Southerly three-quarters of.a mile, more or less,.• to the center of the S. W. t,lof Section •27;. thence' Westerly one- quarter mile, more or less,'to`the S. W. Corner of the N. W. 4 of the- Si• W. 4 of Section 27; lthenceWesterly one-half mile, -more or less, "to the S. W..Corner of the N. -W. 'of the S. E. , of Section 2$; • • Page 2 thence Southerly one-quarter mile, more or less; to the S. 4 Corner of Section 28; thence Westerly along the Southerly edge of Sections 28 & 29, one mile, 'more or less, to the S. 4 Corner of Section 29; thence Southerly one mile, more or less, ,to •the S. 4 .Corner of •Sec.- x,• tion 32, T. 12 N., R.•• 18 E., N. D. B.'& M.; thence Southerly one mile, more or less, to the S.R Corner of Section 5, T. 11`N., R. 18 E., M. D. B.q& M.; thence Southerly one mile, more or less, to the S. 4 Corner 'of Section $;-thence Easterly one-quarter mile, more or less, to the N. E. ,Corner of the N w �. „f *>10 AT A .. P ;,J- Section 17; thence Southerly one mile,.more or less, 'to the S. E. o. •Corner .of the S. W. of the S. 4 of Section 17; thence South-% -, erly one-quarter mile, more or less; to the center of,the•N. E. k of Section 20; thence Westerly'' three-quarters of'a mile, more or less, to the S. W. Corner,of the N. W. 4 of the N. W. 4 of Section • 20; thence Northerly one and a„ quarter miles, more or less, along the Westerly edge of Sections 20 & 17; to the N. W. Corner of Sec- tion 17, T.'11 N.:R. 18,E.; thence Westerly nne-quar,er mile, more or less, to the S. W. Corner ofthe 'S. ' E. ,4 of the S.. E. 4. •�y • of Section 7'; thence Northerlyone mile,. more, or less, , to the N. W. Corner of the N. E.' 4 of the N. E. 4 of Section 7; thence Northerly. one-half mile, more .or less, to the N. W. Corner of the N. E. 4 of the` S. E. 4 of ,Section 6; thence Westerly one-quarter. mile, more or less, to the center of Section' 6; thence Northerly one-half mile, more or less, to the N. 4 Corner of Section .6, T. 11 N., R. 1$ E., .'1" M. D. B. & M; thence Northerly,one-half mile, more or less, to the b•• • center 'of Section 31, T. -12.N. R. 18 E., M. D. B. & M; thence Westerly one-half mile ___ W 4 Corner 31, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M. D. B.. & M.; thence Westerly one-half mile, • ,,�pk, Page 3 , more or less, to the center of Section 36,' T.', 12 N., R. 17 E., M. D. • B. & M.; thence Northerly one-half p mile, more or less, to the N. 4 • Corner of Section 36; thence•Easterly one-half mile, more or less, along the Northerly edge ,of said Section -°36; to the S. W. Corner of ', Section,30, T. 12 N., R. 18 Eon;` thence Northerly; one-half mile, a more or less, along the Westei.•ly edge of ,said Section 30, to the • W. 4 Corner'of said Section 30; . thence Westerly three-quarters of a mile, more 'or less, to the a.'. W. ` Corner •of_ the= S.° E. '. of the N. W. of Section 25, T.-12 N .', R. '17 E. oY M. D. B. & M.; thence • Northerly one-half mile, more'or less; .to':,the N. U:. -'Corner, of the • N. E. 4 of the N. W. 4. of said Section 25;-thence.three-quarters of. a mile along the Northerlyi edge of said 'Section' 25, to the S.' W. Corner of Section 19, T. 12 N o'; R..18 E.;. -thence Northerly one-half mile, more or less,` along thejWesterly edge of , Section 19, to the ` °s l, } point of beginning, comprising •5240 Acres,: more, or less • and ,in- cluding the following: , All of the S. W. of Section 19;, °all°_.of. Section 30; the W. i, the S. E. and the S. i 'of the N. E.:of °,Section `29; the W. A, the N. E. and the N. i ofP'the,.S. E. of Section 28; the.S. E. 4. and the S. i of', the N. E. t' ofSection 21; ,the W. i of the S. W. 4.: and the S. W. . of •the N. W. 4; of Section 22; the W. i of the N. W. and the N. W. of .the S. W.. 4 of, Section 27; .the N. and the A. S. E. of Section 31; the W.`§ i of Section '32, 'ail" in 'T. 12 N., . '1 uf R. 18 E., M. D. B. & M. ,, The • N E. 4 -of S ection :36;, the ' N :U E. _:'aind tthe E. i of the z?,r N. W. 4 of Section 25;,,all in T. 3:2 N.:13.. 17 E. 'M. D. B. & M. Page 4 The N. E. 4 %and the E: ' i of the S. E.' 4 of Section 6; the. W. of Section 5; the W. z of Section 8; the E. A of the N. E. and the E. A of the S. E. of Section 7; the W. A, the W. A of the . N . E. 4 and the . W. A of the S.E. 4 of Section 17; the N. i.of the N. W. . and the N. W. 4 of the N. E. 4 of, Section 20; all in T. 11 N., R..1$ E., M. D. B. & M. l4, Harold S. Prescott, Civil Engineer,' R.E. 7400 • • PETITION FOR CHANGE IN PLACE OF USE Attach $3.0.00 filing fee with petitions for changes Application (gO39y _Permit3� 5 3 License State Water Rights Board 1401 - 21st Street Sacramento, California Gentlemen: We 1 hereby request permission to change the place of use as described in the above -numbered filing to a place described as follows and as shown on the map here- with submitted: .- .jt. . �.d P..? • n -w . . a of use seg attachments, Give acreage to be irrigated within each 40 -acre tract) GIVE REASON FOR PROPOSED CHANGE:' Area planned to be subdivided and served has been enlarged. Yes, but old place of use is largely WILL THE OLD PLACE OF USE BE ABANDONED? included in new place of use. Answer 'Yes"or "No") WATER WILL BE USED FOR Domestic We I;control the place of use proposed by virtue of it is within the PURPOSES. • existing or proposed public uo.ility service area. (ownership, Tease, agreement) This change does not involve the introduction of any new source or any in- crease in the amount of the appropriation. The persons affected by or interested in the propooed change are as follows: None 'ebruary 27 1963 - Mate) (Name) (Address) _ Very trulv__vours. er 254, Statutes ci" 1F55 requires a'° 5.w.00 1..1.1 •tng fee -with . .i"•:_c n for Chang _1-605 0, -,24.7r4 -'n .1 q Application_1 S 0 3°i .. License__------------------ a®' , 2 4 . --- 2• �,1 g • Applicant /Z 1Z67:L " �o • 3 1 P 11 I 3 ,v r� 1 sem` 2 1 1. 3 3 I 1 . dlrlf.o . 1 , 1 / 1 •1 1, L _ I 21 6 I 1 1 1 ;. ' I 1� 1I .. i/ .." ,YYY1"... � IPI,�f 1 I I 1 1 2 7 1 Y, F�k. ,1 r _ ' 1• i 1 1 ,r i -'�-'-L---•- I . I I -.-------------- . -• -r--_--- - .mo : -."„i--..,'........ ' pig I ---- --........ 1 .1. 3 ----•- 1 8 / � t� -_ - ,AI o- ---..--;-<. __----_ . int T ----- --T_----__ 1 6 '....---.0;-f. Y; ------ _, 1 /I/ / p - :• 1 I ; 1 .fit . 1 1 g I 1 State of California -State Water Rights Board 1401 21st Street P. 0. Box 1592 Sacramento 7, California Notice of Petition to Change Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038 and 18039 Notice is hereby given, that Meyers Water Company Meyers California has under the date of December 1, 1960, petitioned the State Water Rights Board, of the State of California, for permission to change the place of use under the above -numbered applications in the county of El Dorado for domestic purposes. Proiect Under. Present Applications Application 0021 for the appropriation of 2.5 cubic feet per second and 6.0 acre-feet per annum from an unnamed stream tribu- tary to Saxon Creek now describes the place of use as follows: Si of Section 19; Si of Section 20; SW4 of Section 28; SW, of Section 29; SW4 of ection 30; Ni of Section 31; and NW4 of Section 32, all in T12N, R18E, MDB&M, and NE4 of Section 25 and NE4 of Section 36, both in T12N, R17E, MDB&M. AP -plication 180.30 for the appropriation of 3 cubic feet per second from an unnamed creek tributary to Upper Truckee River and Application 18031 for the appropriation of 3 cubic feet per second from Upper Truckee River tributaryto Lake Tahoe now describe the place of use as follows: S of Section 19; Si of Section 20; SW4 of Section 28; S, NW4 and Wi of NE4, all. in Section 29; Section 30; Ni and E of SE, -i,, both in Section 31; and WZ of Section 32, all in T12 , R18E, MDB&M, and NE4 of Section 25 and NE4 of Section 36, both in T12N, R17E, MDB&M. Applicatiof18038 for the appropriation of 3 cubic feet per second and 200 acre-feet per annum from Upper Truckee River tributary to Lake Tahoe and Application 18039 for the appro- priation of 3 cubic feet per second and 200 acre-feet per annum from Upper Truckee River tributary to Lake Tahoe now describe the place of use as follows: S1 of Section 19; S of Section 20; SW4 of Section 28; S , NW4 andof NE4, all in ection 29; Section 30; Ni and E of SE1, both in Section 31; and Wz of Section 32, all in T 2N, R18E, MDB&M; NE4 of Section 25 and NE4 of Section 36, both in T12N R17E .�B&M; W4 of NW4 and W4 of SW49 both in Section 5; E of NE4 and EL of SE1 both in Section 6; E1 of NE4 of Sect on 7 and W2 o NK, Section 8, all in T11N, R1SE, MDB&M. Description of Change The petition requests that all applications have a common place of use as follows: SW4 of Section 19; SE4 and Si of NE4, of Section 20; W2 of SW4 and SW4 of NW4 of Section 22; Wi of NW4 and NW4 of SW4 of Section 27; Ni, SW4 and Ni of SE4 of Section 28; Wi, SE4 and Sif NE4 of Section 29; Section 30; Ni, and SE4 of Section 31; and W4 of Section 32, all in T12N, R18E, MDB&M; W of Section 5; NE4 and Ei of SE4 of Section 6; E2 of NE1 and E of SE1 of Section 7; Wi of Section 8; Wi, W2 of NE.. and WZ of SE4 of Section 17; and Ni of NW4 and NW4 of NE1 of Section 20; all in T11N, R18E, MDB&M; S4 of Section 25 and SE4 of Section 36, both in T12N, R17E, MDB&M. Petitioner represents that this change involves no change in source and no increase in the amount of appropriation. Relative to Protests Blanks upon which to submit protests will be supplied free upon request. Any person desiring to protest against the granting of such change shall within 40• days from date hereof file with the State Water Rights Board, Sacramento, California, a written protest. Such protest shall clearly set forth the protestant's objections to the change and shall contain the following information: (1) Statement of the injury which would result to protestant from such change. (2) The basis of protestant's water right. (3) Protestant's past and present use of water both as amount used and land irrigated, or use made of water if other than irrigation. (4) The approximate location of protestant's land or place of use and point of diversion of the water. A copy of the protest should be sent to the applicant and this office notified that the same has been done. Only those protests based upon claim of injury due to the proposed chap a cag be considered. L. K. Hill Executive Officer Dated: Sacramento, California -2- STATE:OF OF CALIFORNIA, STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD 1401 21sT STREET P.O.-BOX 11392 SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA ;-t_ 4 st t OTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE `WATER' h Application 18039' NOTICE Is r HERESYy GIVEN, THAT ') er .water' CoDpa T ' l4eyers; California have = ,` has under' the date of , .c 19 permit to appropriate unappropriated water; subject to vested rights. applied to the State Water Rights Board for a Description of _ Project, , Upper '���� River tributary t In the .County of la Dorado. Amount 8applied' for 3OQ eubie 'feet a per` Seeond by ,direct diversion and, 200 acre-feet •per a lnu ,by.storage. .inversion `season earned: di root divots/oft Jun rY' ° 3. `to pace:Aber 31 of each. year; storage -- janutiry° A to December 31 of each :year. ' :Water, to -be, used: for - -dooseit-t -1tarip toesto:. Point of diversion within mit of 8ec!tion 5. T12,119 Place of use described: Dossaiis use .j'. $ 60 acres of Seat +di4�ai; 5 - , 6, 7 and 8; TUN,; E MUM" i ` Sectio�2 , a� 36,�N fli ,; , �, Sections X3.9 �� 28,�9, 3p>< L 32, T�, ��{��i�`i,�. f •: as shown, on ; sip filed . Wih StetG , t4 tsr Rights B ierd. Relative to Protests Blacks upon which to submitprotests will be supplied free upon request:. Po P. Any person desiring to `protest against the granting of such permit shall within days from date hereof filewith the State Water,Rights Board, Sacramento, California, a written protest. Such protest shall clearly sef forth the protestant's objections to the', approval of the application' and shall contain the following, information: • r1 Statement of the injury" `which would: result to protestant froth such appropriation and use. P ( ) (2) The basis of protestant's water right. (3) . Protestant's past and present use of water both as to,amount used and land irrigated, or use madeof water if • other than. irrigation. - (4) The approximate location of protestant's land or place of use and point of diversion of the water: A copy of the protest should be sent to the` applicant, and this office -notified that the same has been done. ,Dated:" Sacramento; California; UM A FORM 8-A'? L. K: HILL . 'Executive Officer t 72847 8.88 514 0.•8P0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA=STATE' WATER 'RIGHTS, BOARD 1401 21sT STREET, P.v..tiOX'1592 SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA y1`L. NOTICE OF APPLICATION ;TO APPROPRIATES WATER NonCE Is HEREBY'. GIVEN, THAT yersAter .Comm E4e l , f M1 •y y.. Q J�1t or#1 t +IiC ag, ,`has under thedate-ofr rc c,1 ' 9 �. permto it,appropriate unappropriated water, `subject to vested rights. applied to the State`Water'`Rights Board for'a Amount .applied 'for3.00 cubic feet p see 00 acre-feetpint *MU by StOrlitto ion season `named' ' t��:li�e�'f1°�9` Ihvers �, • , l�,�i:3'11i3'" �. � ;��114",jf �.•�+f#' bACliffiZ)i07 aao r; stox .a of eae11. �r�►er,. D - k 'ater to be:usedifor tftime$tii pt rpoaes�; �' Place of'use described �use" .bs - Yt n 3 160 res .ot et onti 6 '7 , '8, TWt,,-; �6- $* Z tto , 2,` , 36 N : Fan* .. ;1g.. 26 28 9 " 30, , �. 32 V N, R.Z ` , ,. ti. s t Stag: Wa►r gid. Blanks upon which to submit protests will be supplied free upon request._ Relative' to Protests Any person:desiring to protest'against the granting of ,such permit'shall within ; -days from date hereof:file with the State Water Rights Board, Sacramento, California, a ' written protest. Such protest shall clearly set forth the - objections approval . . , . application - .. shall information: (1) Statement of the injury which would result to,proiestant from such appropriation and use. (2) The basis of protestant's waterright. (3) -,,Protestant's past and present use of -"water both as to amount ,used and land irrigated, or use made of water if other than irrigation. . . , - (4) ` The approximate location of protestant's land,or place of` use and point of diversion of the water. protestpp - . . copy of the: should be sent to the,a� 'licant' and this office notified; that the same has heen done STATE OF CALIFORNIA—STATE WATER -RIGHTS BOARD 1401 21Rr_ sTSTEET ;; P. :'60X1892 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER Application 18039 NOTICE. Is HEREBY GIVEN, Txnzmow; Water ' Company Meyer oP have has under the date of *rail13* ' - permit, to appropriateunappropriated water,subjeci to vested eights. Water to, be appropriated from In the County of SI Coro. applied to the State Water Rights Board -for a. Description of Project pper Truckee River tributary to Lek Tahoe*. Amount ,,applied fore 3, 00 cubic feet. per ;$eco ,` r -.direct diversion`and, 200 Gere Leet per on= by storage. Diversion :season !named:. 4j e' "' dlv tion - :Tannery .1 .to Decegber - weenx year; storage Januari .1 to Deaembe> ;oar'. each :year. Water to be used for o J$tI : e$11..* Point of diversion within sk of SW4 rof Section , 'o Place of use described $t. a USG beingv j, $ 1,,,acres of $ee 101-18a4t. en anti -__ *A'.. o asp filed with, a gT's 2044° Relative to Protests Blanks upon which to submit protests will be supplied free upon request. An person' desiring "to protest against the, granting of such permit `shall- within ydays from date hereof file with the State Water'FRights:Board, Sacramento, California, a written' protest.; Such protest shall clearly set forth I- - the protestant's 'Objections -to the ,approval of the application and shall contain the following information: (1) Statement of the injury' which would result to protestant from such appropriation and use. (2) The basis of protestant's water right. (3) - past ' present ' water -both ' ig water if 3 Protestant's and resent use of water both. as• to amount Used and `land irrigated, or use made of other than irrigation. -(4) The approximate location of "protestant's land or place of use and point of diversion of the water. A copy of the protest should be sent to the applicant and this office notified that the same has been done. L. K. HILL Executive Officer Dated: Sacramento, California, t4' FORM 8-A 72047 3.50 OM, Q. OPO