HomeMy WebLinkAbout0850FILE: Application 18031 SUBJECT: Correspondence of '13.Ier Ri CLOSING FON "; CR I' ia,2 FOLDERS FOLDTP: Main_ FP0113/Z,8 TO 12/31/76 FOR SUBSEQU17,NT COP7ZE2PONDrwCE SEE FCLD7R: • .Aliclusive dates must also be entered on folder ,STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER. RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD P. O. BOX 100 • SACRAMENTO 95801 (916) 445-0846 EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor NOTICE TO WATER USERS IN THE .LAKE TAHOE AND TRUCKEE RIVER BASINS This is to inform you the United States Supreme Court substantial questions as to the Lake Tahoe and Truckee Basins. that the recent decision of in U. S. v. Cappaert raises long-term water supply to the p3J In U. S. v. Cappaert, the United States Supreme Court reaffirmed the principle that creation of a federal reservation (Devil's Hole, a detached component of Death Valley National Monument) reserves sufficient water to serve the purposes of the reservation as of the time of the creation of such reservation. The effect of the Court's holding was to approve a federal district court order curtailing an existingbeneficial use of water which interfered with the sufficiency othe water supply at Devil's Hole. The existing beneficial use of water which was curtailed consisted of use from aroundwater supply interconnected with the underground pool at Devil's Hole. The Supreme Court's decision in Cappaert also held that balancing of competing interests in a water supply with respect to which a reserved right is asserted is not a test in determining the extent of the federal right. As indicated in a notice from. the State Board dated March 24, 1975, the claims of the federal government, based on the principle reaffirmed in the Cappaert decision, on behalf of the Paiute Indians to waters in the Lake Tahoe and Truckee Basins could reduce or eliminate uses of water based both upon state -issued water right entitlements and upon other claims of right, such as the right of overlying owners to extract groundwater, in those basins. The' State Water Resources Control Board has previously suspended the issuance of new water right permits for these Basins. Additionally, the time within which to complete use of water has expired on the permits shown on the attached sheet. In view of the uncertainty as to water supply and substantial questions as to - public interest in increased use of water in the Lake Tahoe and Truckee Basins, the. State Board will either (1) license the uses under these existing permits based on the amount of water which has been applied to beneficial use, or (2) if petitions for extension of time are filed, hold hearings on the petitions. (over) • • At hearings held on petitions for extension of time, the State Board will consider the public interest in increased use of water in the Lake Tahoe and Truckee Basins. In determining the public interest, the State Board will consider evidence on the uses proposed to be made of an increase in water supply. The State Board will also consider evidence of the environmental impact of such proposed uses. A' detailed description of the issues to be considered will be set forth in the staff summary which will accompany the hearing notices. The.State Board cautions holders of water right permits under which the time to complete use of water has expired and an extension of time has not been obtained against increasing the use of water, or making commitments (such as issuance of will -serve letters) which will result. in increasing the use of water, after the date for completing use of water specified in`such permits. Dated: JUL 151976 Attachment STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD Bill B. Dendy Executive Officer rA • CALIFORNIA WATER RIGHT PERMITS IN NEED OF EXTENSIONS OF TIME LAKE TAHOE AND TRUCKEE RIVER BASINS Permit Application Permittee 679 1379 13525 17139 North Tahoe Public Utility District 15582 17149 15581 17235 6642 11183 12497 19072 Beryl S. Smith 7756 11449 Lake Tahoe Gold Mining Company (construction only) 10067 11993 South Tahoe Public Utility District 9232 14921 12049 18414 Lake Forest Water Company 13527 18030 13528 18031 Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company 13529 18038 13530 18039 14330 18248 Fulton Water Company, Inc. 13531 18283 14334 19111 Tahoe City Public Utility District 14938 18934 Helen T. Alrich 14336 19819 Agate Bay Water Company 14675 19965 Tahoe Paradise Resort 14718 20487 Earl B. Marr 15296 22173 Earl B. and Ethel B. Marr 15241 22640 Lakeside Park Association 15771 22651 U. S. Tahoe Basin Management Unit (construction only) 13815 20443 15695 22573 Truckee Donner Public Utility District 14160 20894 14161 20895 U. S. Tahoe National Forest 15414 22266 Mt. Lola Development Company (over) Permit Application Permittee 14912 22026 Alan E. Bartholemy et al 15905 22822 Trimont Water Conpany et al (construction only)- 15906 22823 County of Placer (construction only) STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES At.,,NCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL. BOARD 2125 — 19TH STREET DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95818 PHONE (916)445-2055 MONTHLY NOTICE OF PETITIONS RECEIVED FIRST MONTHLY LIST PETITIONS WERE RECEIVED FOR THE PROJECTS AS NOTED BELOW. ANY PERSON DESIRING TO PROTEST THE GRANTING OF SUCH A PETITION SHALL WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE FILE A WRITTEN PROTEST WITH THE BOARD ON ITS FORMS AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. A COPY OF THE PROTEST SHALL DE SENT TO THE PETITIONER BY THE PROTESTANT. ANY PROTEST AGAINST AN EXTENSION OF TIME SUBMITTED ON THE BASIS OF PUBLIC INTEREST OR JUNIOR VESTED RIGHTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A STATEMENT OF FACTS RELATING HOW THE PETI— TIONERIS LACK OF DILIGENCE HAS BEEN INJURIOUS TO THE PROTESTANT. N PETITIONS RECEIVED APPLICATION 231 • 01-13-16 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER COMPANY, P 0 BOX 790, ATASCADERO, CALIF 93422 WATER TO BE DIVERTED FROM SALINAS RIVER TRIBUTARY TO PACIFIC OCEAN IN SE1/4 OF SE1/4 SECTION 31 728s R13E MDB&M (SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY) WATER TO DE DIVERTED FROM SALINAS RIVER TRIBUTARY TU PACIFIC OCEAN IN NE1/4 OF 5E1/4 SECTION 10 T28S R12E MOD&M (SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY) WATER TO DE DIVERTED FROM SALINAS RIVER TRIBUTARY 10 PACIFIC OCEAN IN NW1/4 OF SW1/4 SECTION 3 728s R12E MDB&1.1 (SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY) WATER TO BE DIVERTED FROM SALINAS RIVER TRIBUTARY TO FACIFIC OCEAN IN NE1/4 OF SE1 4 SECTION 14 T28S R12E MDF;&M (SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY) AMOUNT 7 CU FT/SEC FOR IRRIGATION, DOMESTIC & MUNICIPAL PURPOSES SEASON JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PERMIT 261 23,000 ACRES APPLICATION 5193 09-08-26 NEVADA IRRIGATION DISTRICT, P 0 BOX 1019, GRASS VALLEY, CALIF 95945 WATER TO BE DIVERTED FRO14 MIDDLE YUDA RIVER TRIBUTARY TO YUBA RIVER THENCE FEATHER RIVER IN SW1/4 OF 5E1/4 SECTION 18 T19N R13E MDB&M (NEVADA COUNTY) WATER TO BE DIVERTED FROM MIDDLE YU13A RIVER TRIBUTARY TO YUBA RIVER THENCE FEATHER RIVER 1N SW1/+ OF SW1/4 SECTION 12 T19N R12E. MDL'&;•i (NEVADA COUNTY) AMOUNT 50,000 AC—FT/ANN FOR IRRIGATION, DOMESTIC & RECREATIONAL PURPOSES SEASON OCTOBER 1 TO DECEMBER 1 AND JANUARY 1 TO JUNE 30 PERMIT 13770 167,789 ACRES 1F 1F IF * * APPLICATION 5648B 07-30-27 JACKSON VALLEY IRRIGATION DIST, ROUTE 1, BOX 235, IONE, CALIF 95640 WATER TO BE DIVERTED FROM MOKELUMNE RIVER TRIBUTARY TO SAN JOAQUIN RIVER 1N 5E1/4 or 14W1/4 SECTION 15 75N R1OE MDB&M (AMADOR COUNTY) AMOUNT 50 CU FT/SEC FOR IRRIGATION DOMESTIC & STOCKWATERING PURPOSES SEASON MARCH 1 TO NOVEMBER 1 (IRRIGATION) JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 (OTHER PURPOSES) PERMIT 12167 8000 ACRES * * * * * APPLICATIOU 16030 03-06-53 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY, P 0 COX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 WATER TO OE DIVERTED FROM UNNAMED STREAM TRIGUTARY TO UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER THENCE LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER IN NW1/4 OF SE1/4 SECTION 30 T121 R18E. .1D0°34 (EL DORADO COUNTY) AMOUNT 3 CU FT/SEC FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES SEASON JANUARY 1 70 DECEMBER 31 PERMIT 13527 LICENSE PETITION TO (1) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE TO INCLUDE SERVICE AREAS OF TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY, AND TAHOE KEYES WATER COMPANY, AND (2) CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT AT LAKE TAHOE., IN SECTION 5, T12N, R16E, MDD&M. APPLICATION 13031 03-06-53 TAHOE PARADISE WATER•& GAS COMPANY, P 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 WATER TO BE DIVERTED FROM UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER TRIBUTARY TO LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER INNE1/4 OF NE1 4 SECTION 31 T12N R18E t4DD2•M (EL DORADO COUNTY) AMOUNT 3 CU FT SEC FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES SEASON JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PERMIT 13528 , LICENSE PETITION TO (1) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE TO INCLUDE SER`/ICE AREAS OF TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY, AND TAHOE KEYES WATER COMPANY, AND (2) CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT AT LAKE TAHOE IN SECTION 5, T12N, R18E, MDD&M. APPLICATION 18038 03-13-58 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY, P 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 WATER TO BE DIVERTED FROM UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER TRIBUTARY TO LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER IN NW1/4 OF SW14 SECTION 8 T11N 1118E MDO&n (EL DORADO COUNTY) AMOUNT 3 CU FT SEC 200 AC-FT/ANN FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES SEASON JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PERMIT 13529 LICENSE PETITION TO (1) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE TO INCLUDE SERVICE AREAS OF TAIIOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY, AND TAHOE KEYES :51ATER COMPANY, AND (2) CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT AT LAKE TAHOE IN SECTION 5, T12N, R18E, MDD&1.1. APPLICATION 18039 03-13-58 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY, P 0 BOX 11117 TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 WATER TO DE DIVERTED FROM UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER TRIBUTARY TO LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER IN Nw1/4 OF SW1 4 SECTION 5 ri1N RISE MDB&i1 (EL DORADO COUNTY) AMOUNT 3, CU f T/EC 200 AC-FT/ANTI FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES SEASON JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PERMIT 13530 LICENSE PETITION TO (1) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USF. TO INCLUDE SERV10E. AREAS OF TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN EATER COMPANY, AND TAIIOE KEYES WATER COMPANY, AND (2) CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT AT LAKE TAHOE IN SECTION 5, T12N, R18E, 14UDpM. -46- FEE32ti 1916 Water Resources Control Board) �tater DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 19th Street, Sacramento, California 95818 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1915 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION 18031 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 (916) 541-2622 Telephone Number (Include Area Code) • If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correctacr - x SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER AMOUNT: 3 cu FT/SEC PURPOSE: DOMESTIC PERMIT: 13528 12-01-70 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES © NO ❑ . I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES ❑ NO ® . Identify any non-compliance by permit term number under "remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 Nineteenth Street, Sacramento, California 95818 THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES ❑ N0 10 . CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES ❑ NO ® . If YES, is construction completed? YES ❑ NO ❑ . 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost. 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion. 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain• USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES ❑ NO EZI Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) ❑ Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) ❑ Stockwatering (f) ❑ Recreational Number of animals Boating, fishing, water contact sports (c) ❑ Industrial (g) ❑ Power generation Nature of Use Installed horsepower capacity (d) D Domestic (h) ❑ Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) ❑ Municipal Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES ❑ NO ❑ If "No", explain on reverse side under "remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES ❑ NO ❑ . Explain on reverse side under "remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES ❑ NO ❑ . If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES ❑ NO ❑ . If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES ❑ NO ❑ . If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated. 23 January 1976 SWRCE-18 (9.75) at Tahoe Pararli as California (Location) Sign here• Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co 1915 (State) mw George C. Baron, Pres. (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) FEB 0 21976WCS pe 4 ea dAioj N� dSO Oj HIS SL -L 596-9IOGS (`s}ea*Jagwnu yoe}}e `slJewaJ Jo; papaau s! aoeds leu a;p •SuT1Utae; EL6I `8T aunt 30 3zsd se panuasaad VIM na us 3e143 puno3 wag ssu 3T sem Auederoo 2uppae uo 'aaAamoti •?iI aaedazd 03 uoTeuaaxa bap oZT paasanbsaz Auudmoo hL6T ,zagwaade (;E *nogs zo uo •euoT3Vz -TIdde 3oargna uo liii us :a1 pzuog Toaauop s3q1411 za3af1 a3e3s wo23 17L6T 3snSnv EZ 3o Ya230T paATaoaz Ausdmoo •pTazl uaaq Sou sae} A3TIT311 plug 33836 naam3nq 2uT3eal s TsuT3 aqa zanamou 'pine; swm :duTzaa&s n•zsuTtITTaau •aauapT uT paz Turgns sip Aoaqoaz o3 pa30nzusuT aaaLt A AC2TTT311 put 3JWT� HIti T i sup cargo. 3ff plug 411Tlekiti � EL6I s c r°,f3i.•uti •aeogs auo cichaSsaed uT p43T0 suoT3T3ad uo -paws Sou psq qg rustzq sr3cpz'F2i xaas ; 0713 ss3 0143 3o uoTsua3xa 103 U013•RIA PIeT3 wa4, za3 duedmo;y ae;a TL6"t ATnf OE uo •Ts3T3uesse psaaaprnuoa sT 3TM2OU aQ3 uT p PePTA pqns Atauasaaa uo pass(' szaasu3eno TeT3UOToed -us:wuoo age 30 asn 0T3sausop 103 xaaum apTeoad • sauoT3T3au plus -uT pawpT3uaas saT3TIT3n iag3o eq g3Tm uoT3s aogetloa -uT pus Gasp oa pas;sTinrtoaos saTpn3s JuTzeaup sua 30 3Tnsaa eq3 azV- eUOT3T3a0 asiasiy • ,,98f 30 a001c1 30 0711W1j.3 zo3 uoT3T3ad„ a piaT3 dIsnoaus3TnwT8 4 b.i pus ;,uoTsaaATii 30 3uTod uT sauecla 103 uoT3T3ad,p. PPT3 Mi duzop eq; OL6t '9 Asp- sip :2u1aMsue 910 not( uo!}sanb ay} Jagwnu J(q a}eu2!sap aseald SMVW3d :pa}eudoJdde 2ulaq }yanos Ja}eM ay} asnai AI}oaJlpu! JO w4e139J 01 axle} ueo Jo `uaaq any 'aJe not sdais }eqM aquosaa •LZ •aquosaa • oN 0 saA 0 isasn le!o!}auaq Jo; Ja}eM ay1 J!ed -w! mom p!qM Jo a;!Ipl!M pue ys!; o} sno!Ja}alap s! punk lei. a}ew °woads J(ue u!e}uoo palJeyos!p 2u!aq Ja}eM !UM Jo saoa •93 •aquosaa ' 0 Jay10 (s) ❑ Iem}Inouay (b) ❑ le!J}snpul (E) 0 led!o!unIN (Z) 0 o!}sawoa (I) • oN ❑ saA 0 isleua}ew a}seM u!e}uoo pa2Je4os!p 8uiaq Ja}eM II!M Jo saoa •5Z •aquosaa • 0 Jay}o (ti) : 0 spuod au!I}}as o}u! paJeps!p (E) : 0 amel Jo weal}s e op! paaleps!p (z) : ❑ J!oAJasai u! paule}ai (i) s! 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Ja}eM Jan!Iap nog( woyM o} 8504} Aq pa}eJaua2 agues •5i iva4M ' 0 ON ❑. S3A isuo!}oauuoo ay} Ja}aw o} ueld not oa 'VI • 0 ON 0 S3A ipaJa}aw Lllenp!n!pu! suo!}oauuoo 041 aJV '£I •asn Iln; Japun suo!}oauuoo ao!nJas ;o Jagwnu pa}ewl}s3 '3I welsh J91BM 041 panJas uo!}elndod Ie}o1 Lapp o} suo!}oauuoo ao!MJas Auew MOH IT AINO S103f0dd NOISIAI08f1S dO `A1INfWW00 lddl3INfIN STATE OF CALIFORNIA AE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL aRD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 Nineteenth Street, Sacramento, California 95818 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1974 THE RESOURCES AGENCY OWNER OF RECORD TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 APPLICATION 18031 (916) 541-2622 Telephone Number (include Area Code) If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct SOURCE: - UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER AMOUNT: 3 CU FT/SEC PURPOSE: DOMESTIC PERMIT: 13528 12-01-70 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES❑x NO❑ I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES ❑ NO ©. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS, 2125 Nineteenth Street, Sacramento, California 95818 THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES ❑ NO Q . CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES ❑ NO ®. If YES, is construction completed? YES ❑ NO O. 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost: 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion: 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done to complete the project? Explain: USE OF WATER N/A 5. Has use ofwater commenced? YES ❑ NO © Check appropriatebox(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) ❑ Irrigation (b) ❑ Stockwatering (c), ❑ Industrial Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (f) ❑ Recreational Number of animals (g) ❑ Recreational Method of water use Nature of Use Nature of use (d) ❑ Domestic. (h) ❑ Power generation Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. Installed horsepower capacity (e) ❑ Municipal (i) ❑ Other Approximate. population 6. What quantity of water was used each month in 1974 under this permit in gallons or acre-feet? (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES ❑ NO ❑ If "No", explain on reverse side under "remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES ❑ NO D. Explain on reverse side under "remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES ❑ NO D. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES ❑ NO D. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you -emptied the reservoir? YES ❑ NO O. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? 1 declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated: 8 February 1975 at SWRCB 15(9/74) Tahoe Paradise, California (location) Sign here' (state) Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co. Permittee By,? Georg C. Baro ,—'resident 1974 (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) FEB 18 1975WCS MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION' PROJECTS ONLY 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use: 13. Are the connections individually metered? YES ❑ NO ❑ . 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES ❑ NO El ° When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines ❑; Seepage pits ❑ ; Central treatment plant ❑ operated by ; Other ❑ (specify under "remarks") PURVEYORS OF WATER ONLY 16. Water service is provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES n NO ❑. 11. Name of area or subdivision so served. 18. State surface area of recreational reservoir(s) at maximum water level referred to in 16 and 17. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir: NOTE: The following questions relate to the Board's continuing responsibility to insure that appropriated water is best developed, conserved, and utilized in the public interest as required by the Water Code. CONSERVATION OF WATER 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program ❑; (2) Lining canals El; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control ❑; (4) Other (describe in "remarks") ❑; 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable ❑; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms ❑; (3) Return flow system areawide El; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use ❑; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands [7; (6) Other (describe in "remarks") ❑; 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use ❑ ; (2) Public education program on water conservation ❑; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use ❑ ; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems ❑ ; (5) Other (describe in "remarks") ❑ . 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system ❑ ; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm 0; (3) Other (describe in "remarks") ❑, WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 23. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 24. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir 0 ; (2) discharged into a stream or lake ❑ ; (3) discharged into settling ponds ❑. (4) Other 0 Describe. 25. Is or will water being discharged contain waste materials? YES 0 NO ❑ . (1) Domestic 0; (2) Municipal ❑; (3) Industrial ❑; (4) Agricultural ❑; (5) Other ❑ Describe: 26. Is or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is -deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? YES ❑ NO ❑.Describe: 27, Describe what steps you are, have been, or can take to reclaim or directly reuse the water sought to be appropriated: REMARKS Please designate by number the question you are answering: On May 6, 1970 the Company filed a "Petition for Change in Point of Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place of Use". These petitions are the result of en_i-e_'�� •' - •,�. .-s1 to dare and ;n Eollaboration with the other utilities mentioned in said"_ petitions. To provide water for domestic luse of the companies' potential customers based on presently subdivided lands the total quantity of water in the permit is considered essential. On 30 July 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as the Water Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one above. On 18 June 1973 a hearing was held at which time both DWR Staff and Utility were in— structed to recheck the data submitted in evidence. A preliminary meeting was held, however the final meeting between Staff and Utility has not been held. Company received letter of 23 August 1974 from State Water Rights Control Board re: an EIR on subject ap,plications,. On or about 30 September 1974 Company requested 120 day extension of time to prepare EIR.- No -answer has been received. However. on '.chec king Company files it has been foitephrtIV41. ETR was Presented as part of the hearing of 18 June 1973.O'�A'€1 "1Ot9 i � t WA o a lt'.5.E Company awaits instructions. Sit 118:. (1f al space is needed for remarks, attach numbered OS TE OF CALIFORNIA — THE RESOURCES AGEN ST WATER RESOURCES CONTROL B D DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1973 OWNER OF RECORD APPLICATION 18031 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 (PD a Telephone Number If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct. CS 7. ."j CO 0 SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER j. AMOUNT: 3 cu FT/SEC PURPOSE: DOMEST I C PERMIT 13528 r.. 1.7 -0 12-01-70 IMPORTANT! Every permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed and am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued. fj Yes n No This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights, Room 1015, Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814. The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of this permit. ❑ Yes ❑x No CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? ❑ Yes x❑ No If yes, is construction completed? ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost. 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion. See remarks 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done to complete the project? Explain. USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? 1-1 Yes n No Explain how water was used under "remarks" on reverse side. 6. What quantity of water was used each month in 1973 under this permit in gallons or acre-feet? Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? ❑ Yes n No 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? © Yes n No Explain on reverse side. under "remarks", 9. Did the source go dry? ❑ Yes (—1 No If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? ❑ Yes n No If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? ❑ Yes ❑ No If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use 13. Are the connections individually metered? ❑ Yes n No 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? (—► Yes ❑ No When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: ❑ Septic tanks and leach lines; ❑ Seepage pits; ❑ Central treatment plant operated by ; ❑ Other (specify under "remarks" on reverse side) I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge add belief. 28 January1974 Tahoe Par-. se Water .. Gas Co DatedSign Here B �' —� �' SWRCB-15 (8-73) 1973 Pe tee ge C . Baron, P� s (Report continues on reverse side) .74 ICS.* NOTE: The following questions relate to the Board's continuing responsibility to insure that appropriated water is best developed, conserved, and utilized in the public interest as required by the Water Code. CONSERVATION OF WATER 16. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program ❑ (2) Lining canals ❑; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control ❑; (4) Other (describe in remarks)n. 17. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable ❑ ; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms ❑ ; (3) Return flow system areawide ❑ ; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use ❑ ; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands ❑ ; (6) Other (describe in remarks) ❑ ; 18. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use ❑ ; (2) Public education program on water conservation ❑ ; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use ❑ (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems ❑ ; (5) Other (describe in remarks) E. 19. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system El ; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm n; (3) Other (describe in remarks) E. WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 20. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and'to-prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 21. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir 7; (2) discharged into a stream or lake ❑ ; (3) discharged into settling ponds n ; (4) Other ❑ ; Describe" 22. Is or will water being discharged contain waste materials? ❑ Yes ❑ No (1) Domestic ❑ ; (2) Municipal ❑; (3) Industrial ❑ ; (4) Agricultural ❑ ; (5) Other ❑ ; Describe: 23. Is or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? ❑ Yes ❑ No Describe. 24. `Describe what steps you are, have been, or can take to reclaim or directly reuse the water sought to be appropriated' REMARKS Please designate by number the question you are answering: On May 6, 1970( the Company filed a "Petition for Change in Point of Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place of Use". These petitions are the result of engineering studies accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities mentioned in.said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of the companies' potential customers based on prPsPntly stihcli vi clPcl. 1 and thp' tnfal cp1anti i -y of water in thp p rx it is considered essential. On 30 July 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time_as the Water Rights Branch had not_acted.on petitions cited in paragraph one above. On June 18, 1973 a hearing was held at which time both DWR Staff and Utility were instruct( ed to recheck the data submitted ineevidence. A preliminary meeting was held however the ;�� final meeting between Staff and Utility has net hhPn hPla T1ti1ity awaits instructions_ (If aional space is needed for remark's, attach numbered sts.) JUN 25 1913 Hydraulic Branch Public Utilities Commission California State Building Ban Vrancisco, California 94102 Gentlemen: Applications 18021, 18030, 18031,, 18038, 18039 and 19629, Upper Truckee Rii�gr Wand Tributaries in B1 Dorado County Your File Vo. 699 2 Thank you for your co nmxants • on the above applications which MOTS forwarded to us in Mr. Johnson's letter of June 20. We will continue to send you bearing notices concerning cases in which your Conniss1on may have some interest. In thin manner: we hope to keep you advised of our Board's actions eoncerning proj' acts that are of interest to both agencies; in cases in 'which you have nothing to add to our record -we would anticipate no further action on your part. The hearing discussed in our .letter o June 12 was held as sched' u1ed and the matter was taken under submission by the Board. We will forward copies of the Board's resulting actions when they . are available* . f you desire any further information,. please contact ue. Sincerely, /S/ B. L. Woodward K. L. Woodward, Chief Division of Water Rights WGPettit :mbergmn bcc: R. B. Robie w/copy 6/20 letter .JUN 2 1873 Paradiseter and eau 0v,, P. O. 7 Paradise, Califorata 95705 Attentions Vir.: C. ron. Gentlemon: 4040401;W 140g21, 10030i ate: 198two itTributaries ink _ ,qty Thank you, for t ti s rearding youareiotimated future toter» -41u3S14 ham: ring. M toe diem of the bsori, . , are enolaatav a cam,* . Airobarleo tatoomilAtuato the tiloee datea December III zazaorandunt ;;:.fort Our projeCtilen of future watts petleireiteatO p ! eavered by the nt a and poititiOne., 'r our » j ttc arm 'based Van the Mil zonings for tbo tola Takla elan. Atter you ve had a dome, to rovise our estimates" please ot gir.. t` t .o Eir. Rinehart a our sten co that..o incetine coo bo arm'_ ;:,> Iii reconcile the dittexeaces batmen our projettione., Xt you have any furtherque i to the raeantima, pie do not hesitate e contact our staff. Sincerely, Zrielastue CC: lin Voter w P. 0. Boo.0226 South Iota Tahoe, 95T03 p .Y tt : Ur.Stanley ±n WGPettit :mbergn Files June 19, 19731 1Q,.�y Applications 802 , 18030 189134180380 18039 and 19629 peer Dicke River and Tributaries t. G. Pettit the hearing vas held;on June 18 in accordance vith the Notice of Laing dated • 17, 1973. the bearing panel consisted of Vice Chairman Roble ,an Member Maughan assisted bar staff members Woolley and Pettit. Mir. George Baron of Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company and . Onley Martin of Angora Water Company presented direct testimony con, corning the petitions for extensions of time and change in place of use and point Of diversion. Mr.. ran pruned projections of his anticipated rester needs both for the presently authorised place of use and the proposed place of use. Xnasmuch as his projections differed sit fries those contained in a memo to, t ie files dated Deeember U, 1972 (prepared by Board staff), Pyr. Robie directed that the staff ccrosult further with fir. Baron in an attempt to arrive at a common projection... Consideration of the perm,ttee • a requester vas taken under submission. 0 T 'tab • STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD - Room 1015, Resources Building 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 'In the Matter -sof Permits 13526, 13527, ) '13528, 13529, 13530 and.14335 ) NOTICE OF HEARING Issued on Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039 and 19629 ) Source: Upper Truckee .River •and Tributaries TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY County.: El Dorado Permittee ) NOTICE IS HEREBY .GIVEN that a hearing will be held on Monday, June 18, 1973-, at 10:00. a.m. in Room 1131 of the. Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California. The time allowed.to complete construction work and.to complete application of the water t� the proposed use pursuant to Permits 13526, 13527, 13528, 13529, 13530 and 14335 has expired. Permittee has requested extensions of time. Permittee has also filed peti- tions requesting changes in point of diversion and place of use. The hearing will be held to determine whether (1). extensions of time should be granted and the requested changes in point of diver- sion and place of use approved, (2) a license should be issued for the amount of.water placed to beneficial use under the terms Of Permit 13526, or (3) the permits should be revoked in accordance with Water Code Section 1410, which provides that the Board shall revoke permits after hearing, if the project is not completed as contemplated in the permits. Permittee should be'prepared to show (1) quantity, purpose and season to which water has been placed to beneficial use, (2) what progress has been made toward completion of the projects,' (3) the reason they have not been completed, and (4) the reasons for the proposed changes in point of diversion and place of use. Special attentionis directed to the enclosed copy of information concerning appearance at water right hearings. A copy of the staff summary for the hearing is also enclosed. ' • K. L. Woodward, Chief Division' of Water Rights Enclosures May 17, 1973, LWoh son RECYCLED PAPER STATE .OF SALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENC RONALD REAGAN, Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD • DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1015, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO 95814 INFORMATION CONCERNING APPEARANCE AT WATER RIGHT HEARINGS The regulations of the State Water Resources Control Board were recently amended with regard to exhibits and qualifi- cations of expert witnesses. The Board has directed that the .rovisi•ons of these re•ulations be ri•orousl a..lied. Not later than ten days prior to a hearing, those intending to participate shall submit to the Board in writing the name of each witness who will appear, together with a state- ment of the qualifications of each expert witness, the sub- ject of the proposed testimony, and the estimated time required by the witness to present his direct testimony. Copies of proposed exhibits shall be supplied to adverse ;parties and.: seven copies shall be supplied to the Board not later than ten days prior to the hearing. The exhibits of an applicant, permittee, or licensee shall include any environmental impact statement concerning the proposed project. Failure to submit such exhibits and information before the ten-day deadline may be interpreted by the Board as intent not to appear and may result in cancellation of the hearing and such further action as the Board may consider appropriate under the circumstances. RECYCLED PAPER APR 16 1973 Tahoe Paradise W : ter fit Oaa Company P. 0. Sox 11117 Tahoe Paradise, Ca1iforni:;, 95705 Gentlem n: Permits 13526,. 13527, 13528 1.3525, 1.3530 and 14335 (Applications. 18021, 18030, 1�§i131 1808, 18039 and 19629) Unnamed Creek,, Upper Tkuckee River and Coyote Creek in El Dorado County You have pending before the 80erd,roquests for extensions of tin and petitions to change place of use and points of diver - ion under these Permit. A h axing on, these matters ha w ben tentatively scheduled ed fir June 18, 1973 in S c: _.r: ons. The, staff has reviewed your rests and petitions and is rec- ommending that a; lieens , to thr, =:a tent use has w'tyre4 made of the mater, be is-ued on Permait. 13526. Construction has not commenced on the works required to make us = of water sander the other five permits. The proposed: changes in point of diversion and place of use under these mita appear to represent a sub. stentially new project. e understand that Application 23502 fil d by Angora F4 ater Company also covers the project proposed by the petitions. Therefore, the staff has recommended that these five permits be revoked. After revi .;. wing your water right program you .,ay wish to com- ment on these recommndations. Formal notice of the hearing will be issued mut 30 days prior to Jun 18. Sincerely, /5/ E. Lo Woodward R. L. Woodward, Chief Division of Water Rights LDJohnson : inberg uan STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISOL 9 IOW-TETRN RIGHTS PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1972 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P o Box 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 (916) 541-2622 18031 TELEPHONE NUMBER If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER AMOUNT: 3 cu FT/SEc PURPOSE: DOMEST I C PERMIT 13528 EXPIRATION DATE: 12-01-70 This report is important in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights, Room 1015, Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814. Neither the filing of an application nor issuance of a permit in approval thereof constitutes a water right. A water right is established only by beneficial use of water in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This report provides a record of the development of your project. If the project is diligently completed a license will be issued to confirm the right developed by beneficial use. The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of this permit. '❑ Yes AI No CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? No 2. Has all construction work been completed? If not, describe briefly the portions of the project completed including cost of work done: Nominal Engineering 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion_ See remarks below 4. What construction work remains to be done to complete the project? All USE OF WATER 1. Has use of water commenced? (a) 0 Irrigation_ No It was used for: Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) ;❑ Stockwatering (f) :❑ Recreational Number of animals Method of water use (c) 0 Industrial (g) 0 Recreational___ Nature of use Nature of use (d) .❑ Domestic _____ _ (h) 0 Power generation_ _____________ ____ Number of persons, area of garden. lawn, etc. Installed horsepower capacity (e) 0 Municipal (i) 0 Other Approximate population 2. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? 3. Has location of the intake, place of use or type of use been changed? See remarks 4. Did the source go dry? If so, during what months? 5. What quantity of water was used each month in 1972 under this permit in gallons or acre-feet? (If not known check months water was used.) otal Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY Did your reservoir spill this year? how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? b Have you emptied"the reservoir? If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? REMARKS See--a_tt?om hnien :_ ' — � � 04 (If more space is needed, use reverse side) Tahoe P adise Water and Gas Co. Date 5 March 1973 Sign Here b - 3 C.H.D. WRCB-15 (7.72? 1972 George C. Baron, President /1A6; 95189-999 7-72 5.2000 OBP 1 4 "'`'• .17 -s • A • , On May 6, 1970, the Company filed a "Petition for Change in Point of Diversion", and simult'aneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place of Use". V* t These petitions are the result of engineering studies ,x4A, utilities mentioned in Said petitions accomplished to date and in collaboration, with the other , x „,. ,..f",:4; ,.- •4,,, - To provide water for domestic use of the companies° potential customers based on presently subdivided lands • ,4„ , .z I, the total quantity of water in the permit is considered essential. ' '• !A, — 11 1'1' 1°1S f • ("! rfr4 ° V, On 30 July 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as the Water Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one above. '• 1.1 , r, •s j a ,0v }•: 'State, Mr CW[i5orniaa e r l V•G i^R sora-:n Files tH9 Vbry c? tj a=. ry rr m i:i' inion -of Water Rights The R escr.rc, s Agency. 4 Water Resources Control board Dote December 11, 1972 ...` ::J ::: p- ... _ .. 1.7,,5-.=6, 1 1352273 ,•/' �/ �^.� 1. 335 (Applications _:1b.s21 235 J2, ir' 1,7T. ^rc_e in E_ _-do Ltnsor . .W ter Co. Pending : pplication 23502 is for .14.33 -c°fs 'to -be -diverted _y b•,c I '.c= '±`ahoe by Angora Water Company fo,r he same amount and p1a: of use as under .Ac ilcat ..cn:: 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039 and. 1.9622.9 'whic'h. are collectiu _ ; permitted -for14 33 cis from the Upper T::'uc i e tip er 'a d '.,tit : -,Chs haves be'en"1 i1ed witheach of the companion filings for extn_s-i•on •of time, change in point of diversion'and to ad:. 'to the place of use Tahoe Keys, Gardner Mountain, Arora and. Tahoe Paradise and c,.Qnsol.i.date them into a single enterprise,which is now called Angora Water Company. Wells are presena:1y;used:"to serve ;the entire area with the excep- tion o' 'a supplemental gra,Ti:.y diversion from a spring (A-18021) . Perci.nf, .Aptp11cat.i:on 22502, was filed to consolidate the eriti`re plate of use and; recu' rements of ;later into a single filing. Water requirements have been calculated basad on Prov ieona l 1972 El Dorado County zoning maps for the petitioned and permitted places of use. The permitted area covers 4,884 acres ih'!? will sipiOIt 12, J dwelling units a1Q require 3,610 ,Oj0 afa. The petitioned place of use covers 4,912 acres and will support 17,015 dwelling units for a water requirement of 5,106 SURNAME ::•PPC:; 129 (1::57) a2- • D ce_'ther _ i , o a1 „v: o •=rem rt.r for :,.Waterrequirements- _ hown din. Tas"ile \1 .were determined; !.. D'.. ' _ "i a,:.^.h z1t;PC.area ki.i.t 3r the .oer: itted , • ,�, use as i�-i'7'ral c'.'2is, �vv a. � Cr -'?u place �_ �,�F',�'_.:�: �. �vi'� 1.i t2 Pr �^_. z on i na p . 2. Aop+ ,e,} a, dc. elfi;>.unit per ,acre factor from t'p,e land. ,u :eci, SuTrtrria°ry 'in the _,1972 ,General _Plan of TRPA to obtain total,.: dcaell rg:;unit's mor full- development 3. Applied, a unit requirement Of °0`. 3 a f a per DU 265 god per DU per year) as shown as an average -a_nnuai requiremen, in the Report on 1969 use. of water within, Lake, Tahoe, Basin, da l i f 1_rnia' example; Acre x DU- per acre = DU' DU x 3 = a f a requirement Table Suw:lary Shcwirig Zoning, t:crea..ge and Water ...Requirements Tahoe Paradise .Water and Gas Co. Pr..mi:tted. -Area" Z_ nine' _ cA a.ge DU per Acre. DU AFA Requirement LDIR. 1,905 4 7, 620 2,286 1," -.'DR 314 ( '8 2 2 - 82 G' ^.f 11.6 CC ' 214 i ' 1= 3 9705 1,l„�2, L � PS 314 _ .. . RE 1 03 1 103. 103 Rt,C P 19 TO 6 A 9.0. 27 CR - • ` s�-" ;...y.:.)., 12 , `tt!'u -77677,5 Files 7 cr :_ A creat _ DU r er r .e L° > -fir' r. L 'J sol 8 Lit» .217 1 yrvam., GC 187 15 .\.. -1-.0.-%.-; RF 113 1 TC , 14 15. CSR 89 497:2 U 6 1 .2, 805 1.13 2.10 107'-= AFA eRe ;eix e er1t 2,789 401 842 314 63 73,0.15 5,106 Table . A Sums-na:rr Annual limitation of perm is 2,760 afa •Requirement -s, for permitted 'place of use 3,610 Additional amount needed to satisfy requirements d50 for Permitted place of use 'Requirements for petitioned placeof us -e 5, 106 Total additional requirements flog permitted and petitioned place of use 5,106 956 The permitted amount is insufficient therefore reliance on pending Appli_cati on, 23502 will...be -made, and in addition a portion of:water' requirements may be .met by part of the City of South Lake'Tahoe filing_ (pending .Application 23393) which requested 52.5 cfs. It is recommended that an extension of ime and change in point of diversion be granted on the companion filings. The petition for change in place of use must -be denied due to insuf- ficient n of-ficient water. The permits should be amended allowing quantitative limits from all sourcesincluding wells. 3R:lryder STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS CENTRAL REGION PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1971 OWNER OF RECORD: TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P o Box 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 APPLICATION 18031 (916) 541-2622 TELEPHONE NUMBER If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER AMOUNT: 3 Cu FT/SEC PURPOSE: DOMEST I C PERMIT 13528 EXPIRATION DATE: 12-01-70 This report is important in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights, Room 1140, Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814. Neither the filing of an application nor issuance of a permit in approval thereof constitutes a water right. A water right is established only by beneficial use of water in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This report provides a record of the development of your project. If the project is diligently completed a license will be issued to confirm the right developed by beneficial use. The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of this permit. 0 Yes J No CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? No 2. Has all construction work been completed? If not, describe briefly the portions of the project completed including cost of work done: Nominal Engineering 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion See remarks below 4. What construction work remains to be done to complete the project? A 1 1 USE OF WATER 1. Has use of water commenced? No It was used for: (a) 0 Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name crops served and acreage of each (b) ❑ Stockwatering ____________ (f) 0 Mining _ _— Number of animals Method of water use (c) 0 Industrial _____— (g) 0 Recreational Nature of use Nature of use (d) 0 Domestic —_ (h) 0 Power generation Number of persons, Area of garden, lawn, etc. Installed horsepower capacity (e) 0 Municipal-------- ________ ---------______ --------------• (i) 0 Other Approximate population 2. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? 3. Has location of the intake, place of use or type of use been changed? ..See remarks 4. Did the source go dry? If so, during what months? 5. What quantity of water was used each month in 1970 under this permit in gallons or acre-feet? (If not known check months water was used.) Total Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY Did your reservoir spill this year? If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? —_—_—______.Have you emptied the reservoir?____ --_____If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season?______ — REMARKS See attachment --------------------------- (If more space is needed, use reverse aide) 44C• Tahoe Paradise Water & Gas Co. 40, 18 January 1972 Date- --_—_—__—_-- Sign Here b_y Permittee 1971 George C. Baron, President loge WRCB•15 (6.71) 05908.989 8-71 5M 0 OSP On Mav 6, 1970, the Company filed a "Petition for Change in Point of Diversion" and simultaneousl'' filed a "Petition for Change of Place of Use" e These petitions are the result of engineering studio accomplished to date and in collaboration with the othea utilities mentioned in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of the companies' potentional customers based on presently subdivided land the total cruantity of water in the permit is considered essential, on 30 July 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as the Water Rights Branch had not acted on Petitions cited in paragraph one above. The Company is initiating a bacteriological sampling program at the new proposed Point of diversion. .10 APPLICATION: NAME . • ADDRESS SOURCE PT. OF DIV. AMOUNT PURPOSE SEASON PERM IT NO. : STATE OF CALIFORNIA—TTFIE RESOURCES AGENO STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS • REPORT OF' INSPECTION Filing Data . 18031 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS P 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE PARAD .UpP.ER TRUCKEE RIVER TRW NE1/4 OF NE1/4 SECTION 31 3 CU FT/SEC DOMESTIC JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 13528 DATE ISSUED: COMPANY CALIF 95705 TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER COUNTY: EL DORADO 1sEy LAKE T12N FILING DATE: R18E MDB&M 04-24-62 03-06-58 . EXPIRES: 12-01-70 Date of Inspection . June 10.,•• 1971Inspected byBen Rinehart . Accompanied by ... , .. _..P°orce.Baron,...President • ....................... _ ......... Persons intervicwed...p.h19y.Iirart in ........_.. _ .. Reason for inspection Time .expired on License Extension E to Recommendation No action 0 Revoke 0 Changes or corrections None 0 (Indicate by an "X" the items that need change from permit or license and show correctly below) Owner 0 Address 0 Amount 0 Season ri Purpose 0 Point of diversion E Place of use Remarlcs (Explain basis for recommendation) Diversionsystem.has noti5Oeii in6a1.1ed. Petitions for change in point. of diyersion to divert from Lake Tahoe have been submitted, Petitions to change ...the.,placa..0ae to include the entire service area and consolidate with Tahoe, ....Keys,__Angora....Garanar Mountain and Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company water _systems. Source Name Truckee River Who measures flow? USGS Tributary to Lake Tahoe From (c.lirection) . South During what portion of year does minimum Measured or estimated flow at time of •insp Is supply natural flow?__ • Yes • Estimated minimum flow 10 cfS • flow occur? Late summer ection See U.S.G.S. records • • Diversion System Is•point of diversion at location specified in permit, license or order? Not constructed If not, when will petition be submitted? Play 6, 1970 .. • If diversion point has been moved, roughly describe prescnt location with respect to authorized location....._ ... , .. .. • . Plan to divert from Lake hoe Would change cause any injury? No . . • . . Is diversion by gravity or puinping? . Not constructed Is diversion system complete?.... . NO .. Knot, briefly explain what remains to he done has not been made. Alternate water s4pplypresently from wells. Diversion If not complete, does it appear tci have been pursued with, reasonable diligence?. ..No • What is the capacity of the limiting settion?... NA.IIow determined? DIA• • Explain briefly manner of determining .above Not_..constructed.. ..... . . • . • Name of place of use, if commonly known as such Describe briefly any changes from place of use as described in permit, licesise or order. No change at present - petitions have been submitted to tricrea,s.g. .thelAage.of use. • Place of Use (Permit) Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company service area Yes May 6, 1970 • Is petition required? If so, indicate when it will be submitted Is place of use developed to a point where full usc of water May be made? No If not, describe briefly what remains to bc done Use is increasina.rapidly with new construction in the area, Does it appear sthat development has been pursued with due diligence? Yes - entire service area expanaille, Does permittee or licensee own or control all the land originally covered or as covered by change?____EQ_Mitt_Q0___atat. control byLvirtue of P.U.C. certificate of convenience and ne_O_U.Pity._ Major Use of Water Briefly describe method of applying water to major use_ Use is presently from drilled wells. Does method of use appear to be wasteful, judging from local standards) No Explain answer system is under pressure List units served during maximum. season (if applicable) 1969 Lakd Tahoe Report under all filings is for .6!..!..3 services and. a totale-1L. acre-feet. 40 acre-feet was used under A 18021 from unnamed creek in 1970. The balance of use was from wells. • NO Other Uses Average number of persons served during maximum period Number of housing units Plumbing facilities available Area of garden, lawn, etc., served Area sprinkled to allay dust_ Number of domestic livestock served Other miscellaneous domestic use___ Recreational use Extent of Use of Water Season of use and/or diversion to storageNo use under permit • Bale Average rate of use by direct diversion during maximum period__ Approximate beginning and ending dates of maximum period None ....-- __ _Year of maximum use . Complete the following only if storage is involved Maximum amount diverted to storage in one season_ Year Does the purpose for which water was stored require withdrawal before use? If so, give maximum withdrawal in one season _Year How much water was held over in dead storage? _ For what purpose?.. _ Other Rights A 18021 - Unnamed Creek - inspected 1971 - Recc. license for 0.21 cfs. A 23-6-2---f,ending SWRB 19.2 (2.60) -SOS S-011 311./ OSP • • REMARKS A 18030 P 13527 3 cfs all year A 18031 P 13528 3 cfs all year A 18038 P 13529 3 cfs all year plus 200 AFA storage A 18039 P 13530 3 cfs all year plus 200 AFA storage A 19629 P 14335 2.33 cfs all year plus 104 AFA storage No use of water has been made under these permits. Tahoe Paradise Water and. Gas Company was purchased from Myers Water Company in 1966. Two drilled wells presently provide the additional water requirements of the Company. Use from an unnamed creek (40 AF in 1970) is also used (A 18021). Petitions have been submitted May 6, 1970, requesting change in point of diversion to a proposed pumping plant at Lake Tahoe and change in place of use to consolidate water systems presently served by wells within Upper Truckee River watershed to Tahoe Keys. The entire area is growing rapidly with greater demand for water. Permittee realizes the problem of surface diversion from Upper Truckee River with low summer flows, requirements by Department of Fish and Game and use of water by riparian users. Permittee has considered drilling another well but anticipates a more feasible method to be diversion from the Lake. Hearings are anticipated during 1971 on the_Companies' filings from Upper Truckee Watershed. The total amount under permit is 14.33 cfs and 504 AFA storage. A. 23562 is a pending application for 14.33 cfs::from Lake Tahoe for diversion from the same point of diversion as shown in petition for request for change in point of diversion under the Upper Truckee River permits. The pending application envisions consolidation of the entire place of use of Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas as well as Angora and Tahoe Keys Water Service areas which are presently served by drilled wells. A substantial increase in service area is involved. Permittees esti- mate of the number of parcels to be served within each area is: Angora 4,092 Tahoe Paradise 5,132 Tahoe Kays 2,500 11,724 parcels 11,724 x 0.3 AF/year = 3,517 acre-feet per year requirement. Permittee indicated that the U. S. Eldorado National Forest wants service of water for the Pope Beach, Camp Richardson to Spring Creek Tract. This will require 24,000 feet of 12" pipeline. In addition, permittee stated that a request for service of a 150 site campground near Upper Truckee River and Highway 50 has also been made. Decision 1152 on A 19629 resulted in a change in place of use (total area about 5,000 acres) identical with A 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038 and 18039 with a limitation of 143 acre-feet per month under A-19629. The total limitation under all of the subject Upper Truckee River permits is 345 acre-feet per month and 2,760 acre-feet per year. Ben Rinehart Water Resources Engineering Associate June 25, 1971 RENARICS A 18030 P 135_2 7 3 cfs a_l year A 18031 P 13528 3 cfs all year A 16038 P 13529 3 cfn all year plus 200 /1A ntcrage 16039 P 13530 3 cd c all year pins 200 AFA storage A 19629 P 14335 2.33 efs all year plus 104 AFA storage No use of mater ha made de under these permits.Tahoe Paradise Vater and Cas Company m s purchased from litters Water Company in 1966. Two • drilled wells presently provide the additional muter requirements of the Company. Use from: an unnamed creek (1:0 AP in 1970) is also used (A 18021). Petitions have been submitted Icy 6, 1970, requesting change in point • of diversion to a proposed pumping plant at Lake `1`ahoe and change in place of use to consolidate eater systems presently served by wells within Upper Truckee Pavex watershed to Tahoe Keys. The entire area is growing rapidly= with greater demand for water. Permittee realizes the problem of surface diversion from Upper Truckee River with lou summer ':Lows, requirements 1nts by Department of Fish and Came and use of gated by riparian users. Permittee has considered drilling another well but anticipates a more feasible method to be diversion from the fie. Hearings are anticipated during 1972 on the Companies' fi:l.i.ngs from Upper Truckee Watershed. The tatel.mount under permit 1; .14.33 cfn and 504 AFA storage, A. 23562 is a pending application for 14.33 cfs :from. Lake Tahoe for divers ;can from the sane point of diversion as shorn in petition for request for change in point of diversion under the Upper 'Truckee River permits. 'r. p :nding app3 i ca than envi ions consola dation of the entire piace of` use of Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas an well as Angora and Tahoe Keys Water Service areas which are presently served by drilled wells. A substantial increase in service area is involved. Pernittees esti- nate of the number of parcels to be served within each area io: Angora 14,092 Tahoe Paradise 5,132 Tahoe Keys 2,500 11,724 parcel 11,724. x 0.3 AF/year = 3,517 acre-feet per year requirement. Permittee indicated that the U.. S. Eldorado National Forest wants service of water for the Pope Beach, Camp Richardson to Sprig Creek ` rat.. • This mil require 24,000 feet of 12" pipeline. In addition, permittee stated that a request for service of a 150 site campground near Upper Truckee River and Highway 50 has also been made. Decision 1152 =A 19629 resulted in a change in place of use (total area about 5,000 aces) . identicsl with t. 18021, 1.8030, 18031, . 18038 and 18039 with a limitation of 3.43 acre-feet per month under. A-19629. The tonal limitation under all of the subject Upper Truckee River permits is 3145 eetre=feet per month and 2;760 acre-feet per year. ree Ben Rineha t Water Resources June 25; 1971 el ineering Associate • iw • 1,1 • S • • ' • • USES i'IF iC;1TE s J4LLE I UNIT IJP �•1.7I:;;..,5 VALLEY UNIT "i?.2 I , \ .SCXITHC\i C ;S \:.:t` )\ q ! ..----1 1 r C R SS LAKE r_F.E_K U1:11. Nr 2 1.:'..-s::, Vf E'.\ (r `� \tr. ? 7 / j' tr • LAKE. ?CREEK U!8T, I7?, 1 1 1 .-4---C{! UA -i R l ?1 '''.1,01414 DA'..F.:1 K...» �._ , \ Ii 4q PERM1#7-ih , of usE £uiSriiic PL ee Of usA `�- AIDE PA/2_, .n isz. wxrE12, AAJb GAS Co. v �2c,2A - /€o3o. `2o3l-.1$Q,3M-.sSo39- i96a9 Bras i'i i C..a,:,d'toiaars 7-,0 t, iLe a F,Aa DEcisiew op i2. -i9 -c3 rA, " 9+9q A 3 - t - ? 2 Y .3.2_. i5 c ( :�: (, . ff. it .O ti 10 . • . U.S • r' r cc ... p.tO is.* se. 1'd • h • • { d• r f tell 11:; 1 / li,:: : f I /'".$ -' i•` i d 'F! i f ,. k .. i is ., �. i.. .;� �' • \\1• i• p e /WO ' ,y }• l VAiYoE P/' -w4 - _ Csv V .�� G,?S — Co troll /4 (2021 d agos®.."t$o3/ Lc.103g_t8039,. 1' ?ca 'L=.. All u0cite r u.S el / s ./�"�c..e s e,t ,J / -J .6 7%e•�, ��ee_ GU��-.Q f�.c ✓vl�rsh C � �Q . 1002_1.tom; -D ���!i�tl� PLANT i!2 - WATER CONSUMPTION V t'y'� 1970 Month L42 il�c.,t �_.,;�f0.,�� 2,q5 January ?� February 0 ,' March' Z ?.Gy April M a y ___________________________/„9- _f'-- -----------_--------- --- June 3.5-1— July .5 -?-July August 3 '?f September a .",�,r) October 2--47 November 3 • -3 December ' 3•31 Eto,u 5 1971 • _January February March April Water Pumped • 394,507 cu. ft. 514,733 Cu. ft. 417,440 cu. ft. 492,987cu. ft. __563,810 cu. ft.c/21c4' 470,730 cu. ft. 468,570 cu. ft. 509,400 cu. ft. 334,790 cu. ft. 330,630 cu. ft. 458,240 cu. ft. 452,620 cu. It. 270,460 cu. ft. 377,400 cu. ft. 463,280 cu. ft. 453,810 cu. ft. /2.9 5 A F .7. � 0.21 �.-�� Max. moNf�,..�.- 4.22 M , s use t°+10 4a q -'g = !z4►! 4F A Wholly Owned Subsidia y of WHITTINGTON OIL CO., RJC.-('A U/TAH CORPORATION) LISTED ON PACIFIC - (%OAST STOCK EXCFIANGE ; Present Water Use Water use under permit is limited to use under Application 18021 (Permit 13526). Total 1970 use was 124.1 acre-feet from this gravity source. Maximum monthly use was in May which was 12.95 acre-feet which is equivalent to a continuous flow of 0.21 cfs. This permit can be licensed; however, the natter of consolidation of the. place of use must be resolved. The system comingles with the present well . supplies. A petition has been submitted requesting an identical expanded place of use under all six filings. 1969 Use from all Sources within Permitted Place of Use The 1969 Report on Use of Water is based on metered values from the tWo wells and the gravity source as follows: Well No. 1 Well No. 2 Permit 13526 109.9 afa 7.0 afa 72.2 afa 189.1 afa total Existing Zoning in Permitted Place of Use Zoning maps which cover the entire permitted place of use s rere plani- metered. A tabulation was made showing the number of acres within each zone, the acre-feet per acre allowance and the conversion to acre-feet requirements. The unit value for requirements per duelling unit (0.3 AFA per D.U.) is based on the 1969 Report on Use of Water in Lake Tahoe Basin, California. The tabulation is broken down into two parts as follows: (1) Permitted place of use presently served and (2) Permitted place of use for proposed service. A summary of the attached tabulation indicates Acres AFA Requirement Area. (1) Now Served 2671.5 o0ti9 Area (2) Proposed Service 2753.4 5424.9 1262 7351 A separate tabulation was made covering the entire service areas of three other water companies which plan to consolidate with Tahoe Paradise as filed by Gardner Mountain Water Company under pending Application 23502. The water companies are presently served by wells. Petitions and maps have been received to include these areas within the place of use. Additional areas covered by petition are: Water Comnanyr Acres AFA Requirement Tahoe Keyes 1,022 2,263 Angora 1,627 3,929 Angora proposed 1,290 1,037 Gardner Mountain 545 1,766 4,484 8,995 Total acres proposed 5,424 4,484 9;909 Total AFA Requirement 7,351 8,995 16,346 AFA Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Data on Population Density • D.U.vs. AFA Requirements* El Dorado County 17,900 5,370 AFA City of South Lake Tahoe 33,610 10,083 AFA 51,510 15,453 AFA Total Co. Requirement 1969 Use of Water - Metered Water Company AFA Tahoe Keys 374.0 Angora 148.9 Gardner Mountain 68.4 5913 D.U. x 0.3 AF per year (N • ..aUMM R C 0111 / /TO r 77L /../ I 1 • /11T '7.7-7" • . . • .. - • . • - • . - • . •• C C- r2, ,•.:_ ...7 _ _ ....._.. T. . . - .. . -) .„ _ ." -- ....,... ____•_•-•,• 717 17117i ' 6L /) • 33 1 . . . , . . , . 96 155,:, . 7:;/, , 3 '7..< :z,, -z /30 2_ 3 / / t•4 A) • / / 9 70.3 'LS 7 . .•.. - n -1-1,e,cia- 4 190 • .,/.....- , ...,. .,, , I16/ 3T ;76,- -7.9 7 (,_'.---'; . •Z =_---, 7- / ' . 1505- , 51 5 - 34 22 . . 1,610R._ • . • 2 , /-'7: ci. e•-, • 57 . il -.1- ? irp-c; S'347 I 2. . . . '26C, mi. -G 6cf?2_ 71 if/e4 •'. ,• .2/4/;•,/ii.lici:•,-• 8:3- .S-57 ,•-•_-) 5 a 2. 2.2i / tcL- //-:',..iYi • . . --- . (- AA C6 ;10. 121.4, 417_ q 4 - c.. 5:- 994- . 4-3a' - 1 6 ?...)4 •••••01.••••••• ..............m. . . " . . . . • . I The P';141.1.)/A) c./ rat? rO., •n2-41.oeA_ IA) rke_i-,_f__./ ', __o_e_t_/—__. , iv d-ctA• 1, d•C C. A-26 /0._2__Illk...i-4: , •Nr2h-- TQ.uct - • ii P ,_E/lecl S4A.1 4 Ek - .Si4 FA CLEM 1.-E;--. r CIC ic . . • Aost, \IA Ley_ __TP-OLJ . . 7-(A) ik) , I - k • • IA kr ......... , _p s _LC -1/. . • M . ) EA__ . , . . • . • --- . •• . p irs _ i .. , \ ;Te ( E u 1, &4i ZAITS ID oE z /6 •- 72.. t i • s-. z - _F -2T t c cP Iv1 — i-_ Teel?. ee Mp0._ Sr' • 'S.�. 3 �4-, 5 'a 3. . u) a C ,4• s.2 s 3, 0 • — , 3,0 . S+.0 4 - c. 4 ((p, o • '3 ,' • Sac S • zos,o . • rA1•foig-V 1��- T \,\I '17 36-c ,fo7s 4.9 lo.? 1.3 E7-2- Sec, .4- + C - to 262.b 2.4s9.S 2,5".•7.:J. 33.4 .sc 7/ l71v1/..se I e ,prd ' T4; TA L. Acf s S292 /6,9 59,S" 85.5 /3. 10,2-- ').S • l0Z2 ,l frlAc• 1., (, ,0 !. 6 4 , 41 :11. 14(":" 2- oat 2 513 LI . 6J 33-`a I7 L3 • AftoRA \J x)-7-- ' i .., ,SEr \J c 5. . QE, , ... sism....am.. . . . 74 , 4 det4 7 --.. R -I 2ZR,T• 7 ii . A , , c 2i4 , Sec... 1 /1 - . . 7 11111111111 S)'4 8 3e.c, . 7 V /c9 /6o.0 41 4E1 . IA Filli(so,c Al 4 . r /, all • . //. C - . UJ . 3'F; ,. 3 5kA)' S 2 c. /C,IIII ' 2-6.2.2-6.2,2/, . o • /..2 .0 .S�i E ;, ��P, l cF 93 ,- S•Q I ,o Via- 3.3.o. 3 \O I Sec. 2t7 Ille • '/`. .1 • j nimIll 4,5 d::,s E ► SQL. al 4, . Me Yr.1:'s • .7-22_ 77.0. A°/ (!0 3,4- • 2.57; 1q,1 - lnp /5%0 Torn 1..5A,( c. .03 4.S 10 Q•S ' L. "_UTA%- 11f11�%,� 9 2 9 (-61O 2So 3 S a 5 �' �'1 �� (.43 filop 01- pb- Y4.4SCA PYp 7 if3y- • Acres A7 -/4c, AFA 2f, 760-a 62 6 A e 7-4) VIA z =1 Rea ()t r:46/4/5,075 -w. Antv pg �1.0 e 0+0 pP.bisE � + .8z/N62 j ya �, rip= 0- I,� //.'^�� r• ..ea ,ls • /?/ V 6 ti I !'b t/2:f .� ,,-� r 1, • c. / \ e `i �! 4-7F R.-. 1 2 ? r J- , F TA , . 1 V 1)L !O9 1, o.0 ,O 1I , /2. .z - \N' ,. %c.- 21 ;Qc ai=v I ' Y4' \ P /'• 7,3X4 '7 A/.. 1 16' , , 90.6 , / ‘ ,5 �1"'r2- , i- � .5fkilz • '' ,S)(1,-3 /•e ld,9 _.r` . , /3.o 5./ 1.0. 7 • S Z // -71•3 ?_,•S 27./ S!).)1,111 ,, , l bo. o _ 1 'A)0}1,7 3L 1 ,.. - 7/.0 c7 0 ' /� ` ;� 73, �. 7 .9- 12.E 3.S s.2 ly ' ' R 0.0.1 19.2 . .56_ I. a,2 �� � /1- , 4- G 0 � 57.s 7, 7 l 4-, o E Nva, 4 c0 i%:1 2 1.0 i9.2 el ws / ; .r. r • 54.5 :'PEA ii,�,l Dear 7 s 1,1,) )1 y / 2 3. 3 .. f -'J `3 /�, 2 • -71'/t).- err. C � �''Ai • 2 5 . C, C. 16,5 • ; i\1.11-01// c_•3(,,7,5. 04,r Sia 0 `I 4 0 'i,/�L'F 1. . , 2oo3• 138,9 `'2., ji5,9 44,3 213,1 •.2C,i 2..) s.e ?G°7/,s c'ts ° � eras J $ b 6 4,5 I. .03 • G 4.•5 .03 AJ=,l- 36,0'4 5C3 52.2. 26G. L, Il 0 /4-5- --1--, 1,0`49 • • -- sTify ,- fri•-)E-- 2A -i -c?._[-) -D r v , _ /Jen 54 ..,,-.7.7.D A zz, -7-7 0 ) . .,- , ,, n o , fthii77_b eR. • . 1 . 1 ' . . . .............. R- E . . F....-, ..... 1 ' t.....• -...) 1 2.4-.0 • 2.og, 0 . . . 7---(0t-111-. e.:*4 "e • • \IV '/I— . • . . . . . . - ( 1 , W lii,-- 27 . . , ME.) -E• R..`....1 .. ji /1/ 54, 0 . . . A) tijilq 19,2_ . - • /1/4) t)) Ai 2,e( mti.t.„... ,VE lici 2v., . • ..5(1.. z. tic.) im /.-,9•••:::i!). NT:" /q 243 . • • . ... • . /(.,,o . 0 .1 . • / 10 4.1;7Z t44c:.- NE: 1/4/ 5E. 24, -....-). Alt(11// 3/ • -).4 .._ ' 2./ • 2. . .40. .0 . , N W I/ Lb 5 . . i‘7, 0 - . i • 6pp:A 7 aUck: 4:`_ , wVI.- . • , S \ 24. 0 .,. 33,7 \ ..,..., 2 . :•:... - 3?. o • . NE_ 7., . - . -- II • Pl.. .(.., / t.., . \ JO. 0 ii lifo.i.'•-er' A4„-- ili •-(1‘ k.'et7, 4.- L'•....... , . 7 '„..ig . (16, • 3 . 1 • 6. o iL 3 $.e.) , • 1 r N yi '7 .I C, o • o• • . 0 . L• • NE' -. , . . go . o 0 0 . 5 E • 80. o . • 5\AI 1, Th.o . -78-0 , ... , • • N 1/7, 2.0 . . 12 3 • 0 , , . . - ......... . Acres I.G6 , o 39.7 .cto 2047.) , o :.:.,' - 2 753. A A c_ . • /, . , , ?ICI . ...) Z., i 0 / 2 g 2..