HomeMy WebLinkAbout2205• State Water Resources Control Board , • DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS P.O. BOX 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95810 '�- 901 P ST. SACRAMENTO, CA (916) 324-5626 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1983 I � O4NER OF RECORD: APPLICATION: 019629 TAHOE PARADISE WATER ioXgXZIKy CO., INC. P 0 BOX 11117 TAHOE PARADISE• CA 95708 PERMIT: 014335 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (916 ) 577 — 2622 IF OWNER'S NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NO. IS WRONG OR MISSING, PLEASE CORRECT. SOURCE: COUNTY: COYOTE CREEK EL DORADO PJRPOSE: DOMESTIC DIVERSION/STORAGE SEASON: ACRES/HP: JAN 01 TO DEC 31 /1 OCT 01 TO JUN 01 .0 AC AMOUNT: 2.330 CFS 104.0 AC—FT COMPLETE USE BY : 12/01/1970 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES [ X] NO [ ]. I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ ] NO Pc 1. Identify any noncompliance by permit term.number under r "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ ] NO [X]. CONSTRUCTION WORK .N). 1. Has construction work commenced? YES [ ] NO [X ]. Is construction completed? YES[ ] NO [ 1 '.7 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost: .2 .:u t sem. —.0 U. 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion• 13"'-•4 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain • > rTT," . - —t3 USE OF WATER r_:-. -..: , erD - - n"' a-49 – 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [ ] NO [ X]. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) [ ] Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) [ ] Stockwatering (f) [ ] Recreational Number of animals Boating, fishing, water contact sports (c) [ ] Industrial (g) [ ] Power generation Nature of use Installed horsepower capacity (d) [ ] Domestic (h) [ ] Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) [ ] Municipal Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. •Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If "No", explain in "Remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ ] NO [ ]. Explain in "Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES [ ] NO[ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the wat I t aximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If not, how many feet below spi ly was t drawn down at end of season? VI/R•15 (8.80) 2342 1983 (REPORT CONTINUES ON REV 6tSE SIDE) Z d — 33111W113d A9 1aOd31:I SS3114 �- • sl' (33N9IS3a 801N39V 11O) 31., o1Eg 0 ab.zoa0 yG7� Y iy :away u6ig (a1e1S) DUI ''OD U LYM 4,4 o yd VI Pzu.zogTTe3 ' as-rp2.zed 901.1 L le V861 't149T TT.dV pa/ea •;a!laq pue`a6palMouN Aw;o saq eta of anal s! laodai sly! ul uollewio;u! ayi ley; Aanlaad;o Alleuad aapun aaepap 1 •E abed aaS (•pagoeue aq Aew sa6ed leuoll!ppy `6u!uleldxa aae noA wall 0141 Apluapl) SNHHVW3H 0.i asn of snallo io; lellualod e aIayl sl 'aalenn palnllod .Io 'aalenn pawleloaa aonpoad noA ;1 zspaau ialenn anoA;o lied AIslies'oi iaienn palel.Idoidde ayi 6u!snai ao; lellualod ivaaano a!1 sl leyM zspaau ialeM nnoA;o Lied io lie A;s!les of aalenn palelidondde ayi ;o aoeld ul aalenn palnllod Io,weld luawleail aaleMalseM e won; aaieM pawlepaa 6ulsn io; lellualod luainno no A1lllgeIIene luasaid sl 1egM :aquosap aseald 'sa). ;l •0N [ X] saA [ ] zig61a slyi aapun pale!Jdoidde _lawn NI ;0 Aue 6ulsnaa no 6ulw!epa1 uaaq noA aney ao nnou noA aiv `pasn aaleM pawleloaa ;o siunowe ayi nnoys aseald 'ap00 .IaleM a(4;0 OLOL uo!loaS aapun pawlelo s! aalenn palelndoadde;o Hall ul aaleM palnllod no pawleloaa ;o uolinlllsgns g6noagi lil6la aaleM sly. aapun asn paennoi 1!Pan0 ;I •oN [X ] sa, [ ,] zsasn lep! auaq naylo ao; 1aleM !ons spew Algeuoseaaun 14o114M aai6ap e o1 alseM Aq palnllod 1aleM ao Ailllpe; luawieail aalennalsenn e won; ialeM pawleloaa 6ulsn uaaq noA aney no nnou noA any •££ •ZE •l£ •0£ •gZ •MO138 NOI103S S)IHVLN3H NI Hi3MSNV 3SV3ld 'IIINa3d Ijf10A 01 AlddV SNOI1S3f10 JNIMO11Od 3H1 1N31X3 3H1 01 : aglaosaa 'oN [ ] sa,l [ ] isasn lepl;auaq no; naleM 01.41 iledw! mom yolynn ao a;!IPllnn pue lsl; 01 sno!Jalalap s! yol14M lelnalew of;loads Aue uleiuoo pa6neyoslp 6ulaq Haien !!!nn no 5000 •gZ :eglaosao •[ l aaili0 (9) :[ ] leinllnoli6y (b) '[ ] Ie1a1snpul (£) :[ 1 Iedlo!unlAl (Z) :[ ] 3!lsawo0 (l) 'ON [ ] S3A [ ] tslelia1ew alsenn u!eluoo pa6ieyoslp 6ulaq aaleM IUM ao sao0 `LZ :aglaosa0 [ ) aa9io (b) :[ ] spuod 6ullilas olid pa6aeyoslp (£) :[ ] a>lel .10 weans a ow! pa6aelos!p (Z) :[ ] alonaasai u! pau!elaa (L) s! na1eM 0141 'asn nal;y •gZ :saalenn aoe;ins mu! Ills;o Ailua 891 luanaad of pue uo!soia az!wlu!w of 6ulsn aie noA spoylaw aquosaa •9Z NOIIVWV1331:1 1:31VM31SVM aNv A111VfD 831VM :(•6w no lea; aloe) panaasuoo aalenn;o siunowe ayi Moils aseald LOL U011339 apo nate( aapun pawlelo s! 1.10;1.8 uolleniasuoo a of anp pasn lou aaleM io; llwiad sly! :Iapun naleM ;0 asn lelol;auaq paennol 1!paio 31 •bZ :palnels aney Aew noA s1n0;;a uolleniasuoo ialeM Aue aglaosa0 •£Z •[ ] („svewa8„ ul aq!Josap) .101410 (E) [ ] wie; pea Aq sdoio nolew ao; asn ialeM (Z) :[ ] walsAs aoueAanuoo woi; ales ssoi (L) zuollennasuoo pue asn ialenn uo pau!elu!ew ane spiooai le4M *ZZ ] („s>pewaa„ ul aglnosap) .10910 (g) [ ] swalsAs apAoaI ;o u6lsap ul Aalsnpul 01 aouelslssy (b) :1 1 asn paonpai a6ennooua o1 6ulolid (£) :[ ] uoheniasuoo ialeM uo wei6oid uoileonpa ollgnd (Z) :[ ] asn In;alsenn 1onluoo of suolleln6alj (L) znaleM annasuoo 01 siawnsuoo le!ilsnpu! pue ledlo!unw a6einooua of pasn ane sainseaw 189M • LZ •[ ] („s>pewa}j,, u! aglaosap) .101410 (9) :[ ] spuel pale6lan ;o abeulenp io; sa6ieg0 (g) [ ] asn paonpan a6einooua of 6ulolid aaleM (ti) :[ ] ap!Meaae walsAs M01; urn1a8 (c) :[ ] sum; lenp!n!pu! uo swalsAs nno1; uiniaa (Z) :[ ] algeo11dde aaayM '('ole 'dlap 'napluuds) swaisAs uo!le6linl lua!o!;;a aaow a6einooua 01 wea6oad (L) zasn leinilnola6e u! aaleM anaasuoo 01 siawnsuoo a6einooua of pasn ale sainseaw 1e4M 'CZ •[ ] („svewau„ u! aglnosap) .10410 (b) :[ ] 10alu03 uollela6an ollenbe pue alAydoleaayd (£) :[ ] sleueo 6u!u!l (Z) :[ ] wei6oid uo!loalap ileal .10 a6edaaS (L) zswalsAs aoueAanuoo ul sassol naleM aonpan 01 6u!uueld no 6u!sn noA ane saanseaw 1eyM '6 L :alonaasaa no wep;o aweu Aq (s)eaie ape;ins A;lluapI '9L ul 01 paaia;aa (s)alonnasai leuo!leaioai ul !anal ialeM wnwlxew le ease aoe;nns a1e1S .panics os uoislnlpgns io eaie 40 aweN •8l Ll 1 ION [ 1 S3A :alonaasan leuolleaaoaa a 6ulp1113u1 uols)nlpgns .10 eane ue 01 pap!noad ao!naas aaleM 51 •9L •(„s>iewaH„ .aapun A;loads) [ ] ial10: Aq paleaado [ ] ueld luawleaa1 leilua0 :[ ] slid a6edaaS :[ ] sauli !Deal pue sNue1 olldaS :Aq ;o pasods!p s! ialeM ian1lap noA woynn 01050141 Aq paleaaua6 a6ennaS 9l zua4M •[ 1 ON [ ] 931 Lsuol1oauuoo 841 nalaw 01 ueld noA 00 •17L [ ] ON [ ] S31 :paaalaw Allenpinlpul suolloauuoo a!1 aay '£l :asn lin; napun suolloauuoo ao!naas;0 nagwnu palew!153 7.. walsAs aalenn 81.41 Aq ponies uollelndod 1e101 4alep of suolloauuoo ao!naas Auew nnoH • L L 1:131VM JO NOi1VA1:I3SNO3 AlN0 Sl33fOad NOISIAIQ8f1S 0',kJ JNl1NWO0'1`ddi0INfW '103r01:1d >:Il0A Ol 319VOIlddV ]HV H3IHM M0139 SNOI1S3f O. SOH1 AINO 1.f3MSNV 3SV31d APPLICATION: 019629 PERMIT: 014335 )'RC kES$ RETORT BY PCRMIT'i a; - PAGE 3 REMARKS On May 6, 1970, the Company filed a "Petition for Change in Point of Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Changs of Place LA! Ur:e". These petitions are the result of engineering studieL accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities mentioned in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of the companies' potential customers .based on presently subdivided lands the total quantity of water.in the permit.'is considered essential. On July 30, 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of 'time as the Water Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one on page one. On June 18, 1973, a hearing was held at which time both DWR Staff and Utility were instructed to recheck data submitted in evidence. A preliminary meeting was held, however • the final. meeting .between Staff..and Utility .has .not been held. Company received letter of August 23, 1974, from State Water Rights Control Board re: an EIR on -subject applications. On or about September 30, 1974, Company requested 120 day extension to prepare EIR. However, on checking Company files it has been found.that an EIR was presented as part of June'18, 1973, hearing. 31. Regulations of the State Department of Health Services prohibit use as potable water. Lahontan Water Quality Control Board prohibits use of reclaimed water for irrigation. -32. No possiblity. After use, water goes into South Tahoe Public Utility District's sewage system and cannot be used. •See above. Za' 33. After passing through South Tahoe Public Utility District's f Reclamation Plant, water could be used for recharge if regulations were relaxed.