HomeMy WebLinkAbout2120South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150-7401 • Randy Curtis Manager of Field Operations South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 i 410 South Tahoe Public Utility District Randy Curtis Manager of Field Operations Water / Sewer / Equipment Repair 530-543-6251 Cell 530-957-6224 530-544-6359 Fax rcurtis@stpud.dst.ca.us 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150-7401 4%s Linda S. Adams Secretary for Environmental Protection March 2007 State eater Resources Cont Board Division of Water Rights 1001 I Street, 14i° Floor ♦ Sacramento, California 95814 ♦ (916) 341-5300 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2000 ♦ Sacramento, California ♦ 95812-2000 FAX (916) 341-5400 • Web Site Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov Division of Water Rights: hap://www.waterrights.ca.gov 1l vY 117 NOTICE TO WATER RIGHT PERMITTEE rz_V44:., j. The terms of your water right permit,require you to submit a Progress Report by Permittee promptly when requested by the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board), until your license is issued. The State Water Board's Division of Water Rights (Division) uses the Progress Report to (1) update our ownership records, (2) determine if you are in compliance with the terms and conditions of your water right permit, and (3) determine the amount of water beneficially used. The State Water Board requests that you complete and return the enclosed Progress Report for 2006 by May 1, 2007. If your water project is covered by two or more water rights, you should only report your diversion and use of water for the project covered by the water right number printed on the Progress Report form. The total amounts diverted and used under multiple water rights should not be combined and reported on a single form. HOW TO FILE THIS REPORT You can submit the Progress Report form either by mail or fax to: f(: Mail: Division of Water Rights, P.O. Box 2000, Sacramento, CA 95812-2000. Fax: (916) 341-5400.{=; T —, If you fax the Progress Report form, you do not have to mail it. On-line reporting isnot available this. year. REQUIRED NOTIFICATION OF CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP Please review and update the ownership information listed on the Progress Report. For new owners, we need the complete name, mailing address, and phone number. Your county assessor's office or title company does not notify us of any ownership changes. State regulations require that you, as owner of the water right, notify us directly of any changes. Failure to notify us of the ownership change within ten days prior to assessment of annual water right fees may result in your liability to pay annual fees even if you sold the property. PERMITTED PROJECT STATUS You are required to exercise due diligence so that your water right project is completed within the timeline specified in your permit. For your convenience, we have included your completion date on the Progress Report form. If your use of water has not commenced, or is not completed by the completion date, you may request revocation, request licensing for amounts currently used, or file a petition for a time extension. If you decide to petition for an extension of time, you need to (1) show good cause for an extension, (2) submit the appropriate form and associated fees and (3) comply with 4;1 California Environmental Protection Agency • • Notice to Water Right Permittee -2- March 2007 the required environmental regulations. You can report your water right project status by checking one of the boxes on page 1 of the Progress Report form under Item No. 4, REVOCATION, Item No. 5, PROJECT COMPLETE, or Item No. 6, PROJECT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED. Please note that an approval of a time extension (or change) petition is a discretionary action as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and subject to public notice. As the petitioner, you are responsible for all costs related to the environmental evaluation and the. preparation of the CEQA document. Petition forms are available on our web site at www.waterrights.ca.gov/forms, or by writing or calling our office at (916) 341-5300. LICENSING OF PERMITTED PROJECTS Water Code section 1605 requires the State Water Board to conduct a full inspection and examination of the works constructed and the use of water as soon as practicable after receiving notification that a permitted project is completed. Unfortunately, the Division is unable to promptly inspect all projects reported ready for licensing due to limited resources. An inspector from this office will contact you when the Division schedules your project for inspection. To expedite the licensing process, for any permits that authorize diversion of water to a reservoir, you may retain a licensed land surveyor or civil engineer to (1) survey the reservoir and submit the certified survey to the Division with your request for a license inspection and (2) submit any records of diversion or calculations of beneficial use of water under the permit. Whenever possible, the Division will prioritize its field inspections based on the date that the survey and diversion/use information is submitted to the Division. Permittees failing to pay annual fees will not be a high priority for licensing. POTENTIAL CREDITS MUST BE CLAIMED An appropriatiye water right can be reduced or revoked•through five continuous years of nonuse. However, the California Water Code specifies that under certain conditions no reduction or loss of the appropriative water right shall occur due to: (1) water conservation efforts, (2) use of recycled, desalinated, or polluted water, and/or (3) conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water. Any credit claim based on Conservation of Water (Water Code section 1011), Water Quality and Wastewater Reclamation (section 1010), or Conjunctive Use of Surface Water and Groundwater (section 1011.5) must be reported on page 2 of the enclosed Progress Report form. Failure to report the amounts will deprive you of the benefits allowed under the applicable Water Code sections. Please complete and return the Progress Report form by May 1, 2007. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions or need assistance with completing the form, please call the Division staff person on phone duty at (916) 341-5300. Sincerely, O'Hagan, Chi Enforcement Section Division of Water Rights Enclosure California Environmental Protection Agency Return completed Report to: STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD • DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS P.O. Box 2000' III I III IIIIIIII IOIUIIII II I IDIII 1111 • SACRAMENTO, CA 95812-2000 9 For assistance completing this Report, call: ,(916):341-5300 FAX X (916) 341-5400 A 0 1 6 2 9% P % 2 0 0 6 PROGRESS REPORT BY °PERMITTEE FOR 2006 OWNER(S) OF RECORD: If the owner information below is wrong or missing, please correct. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT; PRIMARY CONTACT OR AGENT FOR MAIL &REPORTING:: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 MEADOW CREST DR SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 PERMIT SUMMARY NAME(S) OF SOURCESOF WATER (Up to first 4 sources listed) PARCEL NO COYOTE CREEK APPLICATION NO.: A019629 PERMIT NO.: 014335 CONTACT PHONE NO.: (530)544-6474 r-, COUNTY LOCATION El Dorado (71 MAX DIRECT DIVERSION RATE:, 2.33, CFS MAX COLLECTION TO STORAGE AMOUNT: 104 AC -FT [Cubic, feet per second (CFS) or Gallons per day(GPD))- [Total reservoir(s) storage volume in acre-feet (AC=FT)], PERMITTED'USE(S)IOF WATER ACRES DIRECT DIVERSION SEASON COLLECTION -TO STORAGE SEASON (First 4 uses displayed below) (AC) (month/day to month/day) (month/day to month/day) Domestic 0 AC , 01/01 - 12/31 DATE BY WHICH PERMITTEE SHALL COMPLETE THE AUTHORIZED PROJECT, INCLUDING COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PERMIT TERMS AND. CONDITIONS, AND MAKE FULL BENEFICIAL USE OF WATER: 10/01 - 06/01 12/01/1970 11 COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: This Report is important since it provides a record of your actual water use necessary to establish your water right as well as your compliance with the terms and conditionsof your water right permit: The information requested below should be filled out carefully._-T.his.Report:shouldbe.promptly_retumed to the above address. 1. [ ] YES' [ ]` NO I have currently reviewed' my water rightpemiit. 2. [ ] YES [ ] NO I am complying with all terms and conditions listed in the permit. Identify any noncompliance under "Remarks" on the reverse side. 3. [ ] YES [ ] NO I have changed the intake location, type(s) of use, and/or place of use authorized by the permit. If YES, explain under "Remarks" on reverse side. Note:' A Change Petition & associated fees may be required for any significant changes to the permitted project. PERMITTED PROJECT STATUS: California Water Code sections 1396 and 1397 requires a permittee(s) to exercise due diligence in developing an appropriative water right project so that the project is completed within the time "period specified in the permit. CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CONCERNING YOUR WATER RIGHT PROJECT STATUS: 4. [ 1 REVOCATION — The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of the permit. 5. [ ] PROJECT COMPLETE— The project has been completed. l have made full beneficial use of water as to the diversion rate, amount, and season specified in the permit and have complied with all terms and conditions. I am ready for (or have had) a licensing inspection by Division of Water Rights staff and request that a water right license be issued. 6. [ ] PROJECT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED If the, project has not been completed, please answer the following: a. [ ] YES [ ] NO Has construction work commenced? b. [ ] YES [ ] NO Is construction completed? c. [ ] YES [ ] NO Have the permitted beneficial uses of water commenced? d. [ ] YES [ ] NO Will the project be completed within the time period specified in the permit? e. Explain what work remains to be done: f. Give the estimated date of completion of the project, including maximizing beneficial use of water: Note: A time extension petition and associated fees may be required if the project is not completed within the time period specified in the permit. (Continues on reverse) PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — PAGE 1 BENEFICIAL USE(S) OF WATER: (Note: See reverse side for a summary of the beneficial uses of water authorized under your permit.) 7. If your use of water has commenced, check the appropriate boxes below and explain how the water was used: a. [ ] Irrigation b. [ ] Frost Protection c. [ ] Heat Control d. [ ] Industrial e. [ ] Stockwatering Acres Acres Acres • Specify No. &type of animals AMOUNT OF WATER USED: Please report only the amounts diverted and beneficially used under this permit. 8. Amount of water used each month under this permit in [ ] gallons or [ ] acre-feet: f. [ ] Municipal g. [ ] Domestic Approximate population No. of persons, lawn/garden area, etc. h. [ ] Power Generation i. [ ] Recreational j. [ ] Other Installed capacity in kW, MW, or hp Boating, fishing, water contact sports Specify z�Jan� Feb?>.;r:_, r�Mar „,. r�Apr'�� .. � ���Mayc , �'r`Junr _ _ ,rpt" Jul ::w ._ 9 Aug�'� � 1Sep#�%� ��Octa "' Nov , .a � '�; ° a� � Dec. ". - ��,TotalAnnua , . STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY: (Note: Up to 5 reservoirs may be covered under a single permit. Refer to your permit for the actual number covered.) 9. Complete for long-term storage projects only: a. [ ] YES °[ ] NO Did your reservoir(s) spill this year? If No, how manyfeet below the spillway vertically was the water level(s) at maximum storage? b. [ ] YES [ ] NO Have you emptied the reservoir(s)? If No, how many feet below the spillway vertically was the water level (s) at minimum storage? PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR WATER RIGHT PROJECT. (Please note that future amendments to the claims below will not be accepted.) An appropriative water right can be reduced or revoked through five continuous years of nonuse. However, the California Water Code specifies that under certain conditions no reduction or loss of the appropriative water right shall occur due to: (a) water conservation efforts; (b) use of recycled, desalinated, or polluted water; and/or (c) conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water. You must report the extent and amount of water claimed for credit below. Failure to report the amounts will deprive you of the benefits allowed under the Water Code sections. CONSERVATION OF WATER: (Water Code section 1011) 10. [ ] ,YES [ ] ,NO During the period covered by this Report, were you implementing any water conservation efforts? If YES, please describe: 11. If YES and you want to claim credit for the amount of water conserved towards the water use authorized under your permit as allowed under Water Code section 1011, please show the amount of water conserved below: (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION: (Water Code section 1010) 12. [ ] YES I[ :] NO During the period covered by this Report, did you use reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility, water from a desalination facility, or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects the water for other beneficial uses? 13. If YES and you want to claim credit for the substitution of this reclaimed, desalinated, or polluted water in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit as allowed by Water Code section 1010, please show the amount of reclaimed, desalinated, or polluted water used below: (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. CONJUNCTIVE; USE' OF GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER: (Water Code section 1011.5) 14. [ ] YES [ ] NO During the period covered by this Report, were you using groundwater in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit? 15. If YES and you want to claim credit for the groundwater used in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit as allowed under Water Code section 1011.5, please show the amount of groundwater used below: (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. REMARKS: (Identify the item you are explaining; additional pages may be attached.) I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief: Signature: • 1/2007 PERMITTEE (OR AGENT / DESIGNEE) Date: ROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — PAGE 20 Phone No: ( ) Return completed Report to: STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD 1111 In II 11 111 1111 1 1111 DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS • P.O. Box 2000' SACRAMENTO, CA 95812-2000 For assistance completing this Report, call: (916) 341-5300 FAX (916) 341-5400 A 0 1 8 0 3 0 % P % 2 0 0 PROGRESS REPORT BY 'PERMITTEE FOR OWNER(S). OF RECORD If the owner information' below is wrong or missing_ , please correct. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT; PRIMARY CONTACT OR AGENT FOR MAIL & REPORTING: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 MEADOW CREST DR SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 PERMIT SUMMARY NAME(S) OF SOURCES OF WATER (Up to first 4 sources listed) PARCEL NO Unnamed Stream MAX DIRECT DIVERSION RATE: 3 CFS [Cubic feet per second (CFS) or Gallons per day(GPD)]. PERMITTED USE(S) OF WATER (First 4 uses displayed below) Domestic ACRES (AC) 0 AC 2006 APPLICATION NO.: A018030 PERMIT NO.: 013527 CONTACT PHONE NO.: (530)544-6474 �.a COUNTY LOCATION El Dorado Cf.) MAX COLLECTION TO STORAGE AMOUNT: 0 AC -FT [Total reservoir(s) storage volume in acre-feet (AC -FT)) DIRECT DIVERSION; SEASON (month/day to month/day) 01/01 - 12/31 COLLECTION TO STORAGE SEASON (month/day to month/day) DATE BY WHICH PERMITTEE SHALL COMPLETE THE AUTHORIZED PROJECT, INCLUDING COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND MAKE FULL BENEFICIAL USE OF WATER: 12/01/1970 COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: This Report is important since it provides a record of your actual water use necessary to establish your water right as well as your compliance with the terms and conditions of your water right permit. The information requested below should be filled out carefully. This Report should, be promptly returned to the above address. 1. [ ] YES [ ] NO I have currently reviewed my water right permit. 2. [ ] YES [ ] NO I am complying with all terms and conditions listed in the permit. Identify any noncompliance under "Remarks on the reverse side. 3. [ ] YES [ ] NO I have changed the intake location, type(s) of use, and/or place of use authorized by the permit. If YES, explain under "Remarks" on reverse side. Note: A Change Petition & associated fees may be required for any significant changes to the permitted project. PERMITTED PROJECT STATUS: California Water Code sections 1396 and 1397 requires a permittee(s) to exercise due diligence in developing an appropriative water right project so that the project is completed within the time period specified in the permit. CHECK ONE OF THE, FOLLOWING CONCERNING YOUR WATER RIGHT PROJECT STATUS: 4. [ ] REVOCATION The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of the permit. 5. [ ], PROJECT COMPLETE - The project has been completed. I have made full beneficial use of water as to the diversion rate, amount, and season specified in the permit and have complied with all terms and conditions. I am ready for (or have had) a licensing inspection by Division of Water Rights staff and request that a water right license be issued. e. f. PROJECT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED If the project has not been completed, please answer the following: [ ] YES [ ] NO Has construction work commenced? [ ] YES [ ] NO Is construction completed? [. ] YES [ ] NO Have the permitted beneficial uses of water commenced? [ ] YES [ ] NO Will the project be completed within the time period specified in the permit? Explain what work remains to be done: Give the estimated date of completion,of the project, including maximizing beneficial use of water: Note: A time extension petition and associated fees may required if the project is not completed within the time period specified in the permit. (Continues on reverse) PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE - PAGE 1 BENEFICIAL USE(S) OF WATER: (Note: See reverse side for a summary of the beneficial uses of water authorized under your permit.) 7. If your use of water has commenced, check the appropriate boxes below and explain how the water was used: a. [ ] Irrigation b. [ ] Frost Protection c. [ ] Heat Control d. [ ] Industrial e. [ ] Stockwatering Acres Acres Acres Specify No. & type of animals AMOUNT OF WATER USED: Please report only the amounts diverted and beneficially used under this permit. 8. Amount of water used each month under this permit in [ ] gallons or [ ] acre-feet: f. [ ] Municipal g. [ ] Domestic Approximate population No. of persons, lawn/garden area, etc. h. [ ] Power Generation i. [ ] Recreational j. [ ] Other Installed capacity in kW, MW, or hp Boating, fishing, water contact sports Specify STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY: (Note: Up to 5 reservoirs may be covered under a single permit. Refer to your permit for the actual number covered.) 9. Complete for long-term storage projects only: a. [ ] YES [ ] NO Did your reservoir(s) spill this year? If No, how many feet below the spillway vertically was the water level(s) at maximum storage? b. [ ] YES [ ] NO Have you emptied the reservoir(s)? If No, how many feet below the spillway vertically was the water level (s) at minimum storage? PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR WATER RIGHT PROJECT. (Please note that future amendments to the claims below will not be accepted.) An appropriative water right can be reduced or revoked through five continuous years of nonuse. However, the California Water Code specifies that under certain conditions no reduction or loss of the appropriative water right shall occur due to: (a) water conservation efforts; (b) use of recycled, desalinated, or polluted water; and/or (c) conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water. You must report the extent and amount of water claimed for credit below. Failure to report the amounts will deprive you of the benefits allowed under the Water Code sections. CONSERVATION OF WATER: (Water Code section 1011) 10. 1 1 YES 1 ] NO During the,period covered by this Report, were you implementing any water conservation efforts? If YES, please describe: 11. If YES and you want to claim credit for the amount of water conserved towards the water use authorized under your permit as allowed under Water Code section 1011, please show the amount of water conserved below: (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION: (Water Code section 1010) 12. [ ] YES [ ] NO During the period covered by this Report, did you use reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility, water from a desalination facility, or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects the water for other beneficial uses? 13. If YES and you want to claim credit for the substitution of this reclaimed, desalinated, or polluted water in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit as allowed by Water Code section 1010, please show the amount of reclaimed, desalinated, or polluted water used below. (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. CONJUNCTIVE USE OF GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER: (Water Code section 1011.5) 14. [ 1 YES [ ] NO During the period covered by this Report, were you using groundwater in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit? 15. If YES and you want to claim credit for the groundwater used in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit as allowed under Water Code section 1011.5, please show the amount of groundwater used below: (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. REMARKS: (Identify the item you are explaining; additional pages may be attached.) I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature: Date: Phone No: ( ) PERMITTEE (OR AGENT / DESIGNEE) 1/200t •ROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — PAGE 2• 1F., V '{M �' 'SAprp,� May '*A'Jun;g. lJul "'; Aug; : ,SepR_, VOct��� , A"Noviig.° ' Dec`" `; Z.�Total'Annual 7'71 STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY: (Note: Up to 5 reservoirs may be covered under a single permit. Refer to your permit for the actual number covered.) 9. Complete for long-term storage projects only: a. [ ] YES [ ] NO Did your reservoir(s) spill this year? If No, how many feet below the spillway vertically was the water level(s) at maximum storage? b. [ ] YES [ ] NO Have you emptied the reservoir(s)? If No, how many feet below the spillway vertically was the water level (s) at minimum storage? PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR WATER RIGHT PROJECT. (Please note that future amendments to the claims below will not be accepted.) An appropriative water right can be reduced or revoked through five continuous years of nonuse. However, the California Water Code specifies that under certain conditions no reduction or loss of the appropriative water right shall occur due to: (a) water conservation efforts; (b) use of recycled, desalinated, or polluted water; and/or (c) conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water. You must report the extent and amount of water claimed for credit below. Failure to report the amounts will deprive you of the benefits allowed under the Water Code sections. CONSERVATION OF WATER: (Water Code section 1011) 10. 1 1 YES 1 ] NO During the,period covered by this Report, were you implementing any water conservation efforts? If YES, please describe: 11. If YES and you want to claim credit for the amount of water conserved towards the water use authorized under your permit as allowed under Water Code section 1011, please show the amount of water conserved below: (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION: (Water Code section 1010) 12. [ ] YES [ ] NO During the period covered by this Report, did you use reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility, water from a desalination facility, or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects the water for other beneficial uses? 13. If YES and you want to claim credit for the substitution of this reclaimed, desalinated, or polluted water in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit as allowed by Water Code section 1010, please show the amount of reclaimed, desalinated, or polluted water used below. (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. CONJUNCTIVE USE OF GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER: (Water Code section 1011.5) 14. [ 1 YES [ ] NO During the period covered by this Report, were you using groundwater in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit? 15. If YES and you want to claim credit for the groundwater used in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit as allowed under Water Code section 1011.5, please show the amount of groundwater used below: (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. REMARKS: (Identify the item you are explaining; additional pages may be attached.) I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature: Date: Phone No: ( ) PERMITTEE (OR AGENT / DESIGNEE) 1/200t •ROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — PAGE 2• Return completed Report to: STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF -WATER RIGHTS P.O. Box 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95812-2000 111111111111111 III IIII I I I II I111H11 For assistance completing this Report, call: (916) 341-5300 FAX (916) 341-5400 A 0 1 $ 0 3 1 %P% 2 0 0 6 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR OWNERS) OF RECORD: If the owner information below is wrong or missing, please correct. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT; PRIMARY CONTACT OR AGENT FOR MAIL & REPORTING: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 MEADOW CREST DR SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 PERMIT SUMMARY NAME(S) OF SOURCES OF WATER (Up to first 4 sources listed) PARCEL NO UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER 2006 APPLICATION NO.: A018031 PERMIT NO.: 013528 CONTACT PHONE NO.: (530)544-6474 -,0 7,0 . t 4e COUNTY LOCATION El Dorado G cn MAX DIRECT DIVERSION RATE: 3 CFS MAX COLLECTION TO STORAGE AMOUNT: 0 AC -FT [Cubic feet per second (CFS) or Gallons per day(GPD)1 [Total reservoir(s) storage volume in acre-feet (AC -FT)] PERMITTED USE(S) OF WATER ACRES DIRECT DIVERSION SEASON COLLECTION TO STORAGE SEASON (First 4 uses displayed below) (AC) (month/day to month/day) (month/day to month/day) Domestic 0 AC 01/01 - 12/31 DATE BY WHICH PERMITTEE SHALL COMPLETE THE AUTHORIZED PROJECT, INCLUDING COMPLIANCE, WITH ALL PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND MAKE FULL BENEFICIAL USE OF WATER: 12/01/1970 cry COMPLIANCE WITH. PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: This Report is important since it provides a record of your actual water use necessary to establish your water right as well as your compliance with the terms and conditions of your water right permit. The information requested below should be filled out carefully. This Report should be promptly returned to the above address. 1. •[ ] YES [ ] NO I have currently reviewed my water right permit. 2. [ ] YES [ ] NO I am complying with all terms and conditions listed in the permit. Identify any noncompliance under"Remarks" on the reverse side. 3. [ ] YES [ ] NO I have changed the intake location, type(s) of use, and/or place of use authorized by the permit. If YES, explain under Remarks" on reverse side. Note: A Change Petition &associated fees may be required for any significant changes to the permitted project. PERMITTED PROJECT STATUS: California Water Code sections 1396 and 1397 requires a pernittee(s) to exercise due diligence in developing an appropriative watertight project so•thatthe project is completed within the time period specified in the permit. CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CONCERNING YOUR WATER RIGHT PROJECT STATUS: 4. [ ] REVOCATION — The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of the permit. 5. [ 1 PROJECT COMPLETE — The project has been completed. 1 have made full beneficial use of water as to the diversion rate, amount, and season specified in the permit and have complied with all terms and conditions. I am ready for (or have had) a licensing inspection by Division of Water Rights staff and request that a water right license be issued. 6. [ ] PROJECT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED If the project has not been completed, please answer, the following: a. [ ] YES [ ] NO Has construction work commenced? b. [ ] YES [ ] NO Is construction completed? c. [ ]' YES [ ] NO Have the permitted beneficial uses of water commenced? d. [ ] YES [ ] NO Will the project be completed within the time period specified in the permit? e. Explain what work remains to be done: f. Give the estimated date of completion of the project, including maximizing beneficial use of water: Note: A time extension petition and associated fees may be required if the project is not completed within the time period specked in the permit. (Continues on reverse) PROGRESS REPORT BY'PERMITTEE - PAGE 1 BENEFICIAL USE(S) OF WATER: (Note: See reverse side for a summary of the beneficial uses of water authorized under your permit.) 7. If your use of water has commenced, check the appropriate boxes below and explain how the water was used: a. [ ] Irrigation b. [ ] Frost Protection c. [ ] Heat Control d. [ ] Industrial e. [ ] Stockwatering Acres Acres Acres Specify f. [ ] Municipal g. [ ] Domestic Approximate population No. of persons, lawn/garden area, etc. h. [ ] Power Generation i. [ ] Recreational j. [ ] Other Installed capacity in kW, MW, or hp Boating, fishing, water contact sports No. & type of animals AMOUNT OF WATER USED: Please report only the amounts diverted and beneficially used under this permit. 8. Amount of water used each month under this permit in [ ] gallons or [ ] acre-feet: Specify ' . Janz 1t Feb."`F s ,`=YaMar P'.,r°d,,Apr, _g, May< Fa Jun,. 11 =Jul:1r' ' Aug;e!: 1Sep ,.. >5y.5:Octt ; . Nova: ;Dec >I TotafAnnual , STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY: (Note: Up to 5 reservoirs may be covered under a single permit. Refer to your permit for the actual number covered.) 9. Complete for long-term storage projects only: a. [ ] YES [ ] NO Did your reservoir(s) spill this year? If No, how many feet below the spillway vertically was the water level(s) at maximum storage? b. [ ] YES [ ] NO Have you emptied the reservoir(s)? If No, how many feet below the spillway vertically was the water level (s) at minimum storage? PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR WATER RIGHT PROJECT. (Please note that future amendments to the claims below will not be accepted.) An appropriative water right can be reduced or revoked through five continuous years of nonuse. However, the California Water Code specifies that under certain conditions no reduction or loss of the appropriative water right shall occur due to: (a) water conservation efforts; (b) use of recycled, desalinated, or polluted water; and/or (c) conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water. You must report the extent and amount of water claimed for credit below. Failure to report the amounts will deprive you of the benefits allowed under the Water Code sections. CONSERVATION OF WATER: (Water Code section 1011) 10. [ ] YES [ ] NO During the period covered by this Report, were you implementing any water conservation efforts? If YES, please describe: 11. If YES and you want to claim credit for the amount of water conserved towards the water use authorized under your permit as allowed under Water Code section 1011, please show the amount of water conserved below. (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION: (Water Code section 1010) 12. [ ] YES [ ] NO During the period covered by this Report, did you use reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility, water from a desalination facility, or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects the water for other beneficial uses? 13. If YES and you want to claim credit for the substitution of this reclaimed, desalinated, or polluted water in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit as allowed by Water Code section 1010, please show the amount of reclaimed, desalinated, or polluted water used below: (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. CONJUNCTIVE USE OF GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER: (Water Code section 1011.5) 14. [ ] YES [ ] NO During the period covered by this Report, were you using groundwater in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit? 15. If YES and you want to claim credit for the groundwater used in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit as allowed under Water Code section 1011.5, please show the amount of groundwater used below: (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. REMARKS: (Identify the item you are explaining; additional pages may be attached.) I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature: Date: PERMITTEE (OR AGENT / DESIGNEE) PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — PAGE 2 • 1/2001 Phone No: ( ) Return completed Report to: STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS P.O. Box 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95812-2000 0 111111 11 Hill��I For assistance completing this Report, c (916) 341-5300 FAX (916) 341-5400 A 0 1 8 0 3 8% P% 2 0 0 6 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR • OWNER(S) OF RECORD: If the owner information below is wrong -or 'missing'please'correct. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT; PRIMARY CONTACT OR AGENT FOR MAIL &.REPORTING: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 MEADOW CREST DR SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 PERMIT SUMMARY NAME(S) OF SOURCES `OF'WATER,(Up .to first 4 sources listed): PARCEL NO UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER MAX DIRECT DIVERSION RATE: 3 CFS [Cubic feet per second (CFS) or Gallons per day(GPD)1 PERMITTED USE(S) OF WATER (First 4 uses displayed below) Domestic ACRES (AC) 0 AC 2006 APPLICATION NO.: A018038 PERMIT NO.: 013529 CONTACT PHONE NO.: (530)544-6474 COUNTY LOCATION El Dorado C" cf. C MAX COLLECTION TO STORAGE AMOUNT: x200 AC -FT [Total reservoir(s) storage volume in acre-feet (AC -FT)]. DIRECT DIVERSION SEASON COLLECTION TO STORAGE SEASON (month/day to month/day) (month/day to month/day). • 01/01 - 12/31 01/01 - 12/31 DATE BY WHICH PERMITTEE SHALL COMPLETE THE AUTHORIZED PROJECT, INCLUDING COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND MAKE FULL BENEFICIAL USE OF WATER: 12/01/1970 1 COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: This Report is important since it provides a record of your actual water use necessary to establish your water right as well as your compliance with the terms and conditions of your water right permit. The information requested below should be filled out carefully. This Report should be promptly returned to the above address. 1. [ ] YES [ ] NO I have currently reviewed my water right permit. 2. [ ] YES [ ] NO I am complying with all terms and conditions listed in the permit. Identify any; noncompliance under "Remarks"- on the reverse side. 3. [ ] YES [ ] NO I have changed the intake location, type(s) of use, and/or place of use authorized by the permit. If YES, explain under "Remarks" on reverse side. Note: A Change Petition & associated fees may be required for any significant changes to the permitted project. PERMITTED PROJECT STATUS: Califomia Water Code sections 1396 and 1397 requires a permittee(s) to exercise due diligence in developing an appropriative water right project so that the project is completed within the time period specified in the permit. CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CONCERNING YOUR WATER RIGHT PROJECT STATUS: 4. [ ] REVOCATION The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of the permit. 5. [ 1 PROJECT COMPLETE — The project has been completed. I have made full beneficial use of water as to the diversion rate, amount, and season specified in the permit and have complied with all terms and conditions. I am ready for (or have had) a licensing inspection by Division of Water Rights staff and request that a water right license be issued. PROJECT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED If the project has not been completed, please answer the following: [ J YES [ ] NO Has construction work commenced? [ ] YES [ ] NO Is construction completed? [ ] YES [ ] NO Have the permitted beneficial uses of water commenced? [ ] YES [ ] NO Will the project be completed' within the time period specified in the permit? e. Explain what work remains to be done: Give the estimated date of completion of the project, including maximizing beneficial use of water: Note: A time extension petition and associated fees may be required if the project is not completed within the time period specified in the permit. (Continues on reverse) PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — PAGE 1 BENEFICIAL USE(S) OF WATER: (Note: See reverse side for a summary of the beneficial uses of water authorized under your permit.) 7. If your use of water has commenced, check the appropriate boxes below and explain how the water was used: a. [ ] Irrigation b. [ ] Frost Protection c. [ ] Heat Control d. [ ] Industrial e. [ ] Stockwatering Acres Acres Acres Specify f. [ ] Municipal g. [ ] Domestic Approximate population No. of persons, lawn/garden area, etc. h. [ ] Power Generation i. [ ] Recreational Installed capacity in kW, MW, or hp j. [ ] Other Boating, fishing, water contact sports No. & type of animals AMOUNT OF WATER USED: Please report only the amounts diverted and beneficially used under this permit. 8. Amount of water used each month under this permit in [ ] gallons or [ ] acre-feet: Specify Jans+`.. '° Mar. IA. p—i , Mayr -TJui „+r Jul.; ;' NvAugs v $ep 1 t! Oct" ; rNov.�;.' , ;Dec . Total°Annual4a) .` ,..Feb � STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY: (Note: Up to 5 reservoirs may be covered under a single permit. Refer to your permit for the actual number covered.) 9. Complete for long-term storage projects only: a. [ ] YES [ ] NO Did your reservoir(s) spill this year? ` ' If No, how many feet below the spillway vertically was the water level(s) at maximum storage? b. [ ] YES [ ] NO Have you emptied the reservoir(s)? If No, how many feet below the spillway vertically was the water level (s) at minimum storage? PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR WATER RIGHT PROJECT. (Please note that future amendments to the claims below will not be accepted.) An appropriative water right can be reduced' or revoked through five continuous years of nonuse. However, the California Water Code specifies that under certain conditions no reduction or loss of the appropriative water right shall occur due to: (a) water conservation efforts; (b) use of recycled, desalinated, or polluted water; and/or (c) conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water. You must report the extent and amount of water claimed for credit below. Failure to report the amounts will deprive you of the benefits allowed under the Water Code sections. CONSERVATION OF WATER: (Water Code section 1011) 10. [ ] YES [ ,] NO .During the period covered by this Report, were you implementing any water conservation efforts? If YES, please describe: 11. If YES and you want to claim credit for the amount of water conserved towards the water use authorized under your permit as allowed under Water Code section 1011, please show the amount of water conserved below: (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. WATER QUALITY ANDWASTEWATER RECLAMATION: (Water Code section 1010) 12. [ ] YES [ ] NO During the period covered by this Report, did you use reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility, water from a desalination facility, or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects the water for other beneficial uses? 13. If YES and you want to claim credit for the substitution of this reclaimed, desalinated, or polluted water in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit as allowed by Water Code section 1010, please show the amount of reclaimed, desalinated, or polluted water used below: (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. CONJUNCTIVE USE OF GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER: (Water Code section 1011.5) 14. [ ] YES [ ] NO During the period covered by this Report, were you using groundwater in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit? 15. If YES and you want to claim credit for the groundwater used in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit as allowed under Water Code section 1011.5, please show the amount of groundwater used below: (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. REMARKS: (Identify the item you are explaining; additional pages may be attached.) I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature: 1/200i PERMITTEE (OR AGENT Date: Phone No: ( ) ROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE – PAGE 2 • Return completed Report to: STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION,OF WATER RIGHTS P.O. Box 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95812-2000 111 11���� III 111 I I II 1111 e o For assistance completing this Report, call: '(916) 341-5300 FAX (916) 341-5400 - A 0 1 S 0 3 �% % P % 2 0 0 6 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR' 2006 OWNER(S) OF RECORD: If the owner information below is wrong or missing, please correct. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT; PRIMARY CONTACT. OR AGENT FOR MAIL 8 REPORTING: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 MEADOW CREST DR SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 PERMIT SUMMARY NAME(S) OF, SOURCES OF WATER (Up to first 4 sources listed)" PARCEL NO UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER MAX DIRECT DIVERSION RATE: 3 CFS [Cubic feet, per second(CFS)or Gallons per day(GPD)] PERMITTED USE(S)'OF WATER (First 4 uses displayed below) Domestic ACRES (AC) 0 AC APPLICATION NO.: A018039 PERMIT NO.: 013530 CONTACT PHONE NO.: (530)544-6474 COUNTY LOCATION El Dorado MAX COLLECTION TO STORAGE AMOUNT: 200 AC -FT [Total reservoir(s) storage volume in acre-feet (AC -FT)) .DIRECT DIVERSION. SEASON (month/day to month/day) COLLECTION TO STORAGE SEASON (month/day to month/day) 01/01 - 12/31 01/01 - 12/31 DATE BY WHICH PERMITTEE SHALL COMPLETE THE AUTHORIZED PROJECT, INCLUDING COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND MAKE FULL BENEFICIAL USE OF WATER: 12/01/1970 11 COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: This Report is important since it provides a record of your actual water use necessary to establish your water right as well as your compliancewith the, terms and conditions of your water right permit. The information requested belowshould be filled' out carefully. This Report should be promptly returned to the above address. - 1. [ YES [' } NO I have currently reviewed my water right permit 2. [ ] YES [ ]' NO I am complying with all terms.and conditions listed in the permit. Identify any noncompliance under Remarks" on the reverse side. 3. [ ] YES [ ] NO 1 have changed the intake location, type(s) of use, and/or place of use authorized by the permit. If YES, explain under "Remarks" on reverse side. Note: A Change Petition & associated fees may be required for any significant changes to the permitted project. PERMITTED. PROJECT STATUS: California Water Code sections 1396 and 1397 requires a permittee(s) to exercise due diligence in developing an appropriative water right project so that the project is completed within the time period specified in the permit. CHECK ONE OF THE FOL_LOWING CONCERNING YOUR WATER RIGHT PROJECT STATUS: 4. [ ] REVOCATION - The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of the permit. 5. 1 ] PROJECT COMPLETE — The project has been completed. I have made full beneficial use of water as to the diversion rate, amount, and season specified in the permit and have complied with all terms and conditions. I am ready for (or have had) a licensing inspection by Division of Water Rights staff and request that a water right license be issued. 6. [ ] PROJECT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED if the project has not been completed, please; answer the following: a. [ ] YES [ 1 NO Has construction work commenced? b. [ ] YES [ ] NO Is construction completed? c. 1'1 YES [. ] NO Have the permitted beneficial uses of water commenced? d. [ ] YES [ ] NO Will the project be completed within the time period specified in the permit? e. Explain what work remains to be done: f. Give the estimated date of completion of the project, including maximizing beneficial use of water: Note: A time extension petition and associated fees may be required if the project is not completed within the time period specified in the permit. (Continues on reverse) 'PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — PAGE 1 BENEFICIAL USE(S) OF WATER: (Note: See reverse side for a summary of the beneficial uses of water authorized under your permit.) 7. If your use of water has commenced, check the appropriate boxes below and explain how the water was used: a. [ ] Irrigation b. [ ] Frost Protection c. [ ] Heat Control d. [ ] Industrial e. [ ] Stockwatering Acres Acres Acres Specify f. [ ] Municipal g. [ ] Domestic Approximate population No. of persons, lawn/garden area, etc. h. [ ] Power Generation i. [ ] Recreational j. [ ] Other Installed capacity in kW, MW, or hp Boating, fishing, water contact sports No. & type of animals AMOUNT OF WATER USED: Please report,only the amounts diverted and beneficially used under this permit. 8. Amount of water used each month under this permit in [ ] gallons or [ ] acre-feet: Specify Jan! , "4 7.4P Feb" ,._r :Mar _at Apr .:IMAM x; #:)un ? a igrauira zt Aug4vx ;At Segia . Oct; a.No"v ' ; Dec .. MTOtalAnntialM STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY: (Note: Up to 5 reservoirs may be covered under a single permit. Refer to your permit for the actual number covered.) 9. Complete for long-term storage projects only: a. [ ] YES [ ] NO Did your reservoir(s) spill this year? If No, how many feet below the spillway vertically was the water level(s) at maximum storage? b. [ ] YES [ ] NO Have you emptied the reservoir(s)? If No, how many feet below the spillway vertically was the water level (s) at minimum storage? PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR WATER RIGHT PROJECT. (Please note that future amendments to the claims below will not be accepted.) An appropriative water right can be reduced or revoked through five continuous years of nonuse. However, the California Water Cade specifies that under certain conditions no reduction or loss of the appropriative water right shall occur due to: (a) water conservation efforts; (b) use of recycled, desalinated, or polluted water; and/or (c) conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water. You must report the extent and amount of water claimed for credit below. Failure to report the amounts will deprive you of the benefits allowed under the Water Code sections. CONSERVATION OF WATER: (Water Code section 1011) 10. [ ] YES [ ] NO During the period covered by this Report, were you implementing any water conservation efforts? If YES, please describe: 11. If YES and you want to claim credit for the amount of water conserved towards the water use authorized under your permit as allowed under Water Code section 1011, please show the amount of water conserved below: (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION: (Water Code section 1010) 12. [ ] YES [ ] NO During the period covered by this Report, did you use reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility, water from a desalination facility, or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects the water for other beneficial uses? • 13. If YES and you want to claim credit for the substitution of this reclaimed, desalinated, or polluted water in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit as allowed by Water Code section 1010, please show the amount of reclaimed, desalinated, or polluted water used below: (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. CONJUNCTIVE USE OF GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER: (Water Code section 1011.5) 14. 1 1 YES [ ] NO During the period covered by this Report, were you using groundwater in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit? 15. If YES and you want to claim credit for the groundwater used in lieu of the surface water authorized under your permit as allowed under Water Code section 1011.5, please show the amount of groundwater used below: (specify the amount in acre-feet or million gallons) Future amendments to this claim will not be accepted. REMARKS: (Identify the item you are explaining; additional pages may be attached.) I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature: Date: Phone No: ( ) PERMITTEE (OR AGENT / DESIGNEE) '1/200'% ROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — PAGE 2•