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/1/%0 /167-/ - ?/79e 2 V/ 70' J 5!76 u 1-1%;' '5-0 4-f-7,10 -.ea 6' daO . ceO rP onG cr9io pfd 90 /6O Geo d'O /2 07(57© /6'0 sd7,r 6 'O 7 ea Y (Sec PO io ea' /6'0 %6'0 6' o s • 41/ 7.f 2 4,/77 • 41/7,9 41 00/ / 41/ 79 2 4i/ 7/ s� x=°7 � 0 (Sep /d /GO cS'r_ /7 c_re /L5' C14/7 Z2 (1.'O • /Co 6-4,e0 /60 .1`�ceO- /0'O 1 "~ �°!,�•�. >='moi' • L5' c5e'cL./ C5-.f,eo r>> l ^+1?2 4,0 • STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER, 9 23502 M 7, 1970 Application leo.___..__.. Filed at 35yP. (Applicant must not fill in the above blanks.) 0 11 (This application should be typewritten or legibly written in ink.) y f ' Citi Malice of Chimp (Over)SI' VA 0- cs: ,o Gardner Mountain Water Co. x Name of applicant ... r) V P.O. Box 9026, 1030 Industrial Ave., So. Lake Tahoe_, California 9545 _ Address City or Town State Zip Code do hereby make application for a permit to appropriate the following described unappropriated waters of the State of California, SUBJECT TO VESTED RIGHTS: 1. The source of the proposed appropriation is ___. Lake Tahoe_ ------------------- Give name of stream, lake, etc., if named. If unnamed, nature of source and that it is unnamed. located in County, Tributary to 2. The amount of water which applicant desires to appropriate under this application is as follows: cubic feet per second (a) To be directly applied to beneficial use ____________14.33 — ;qR 16,000 gallons per day is approximately 0.025 cubic foot per second. Use gallons per day if leas than 0.025 c.f... to be diverted from January 1st _to December_ 31st of each year. at a TOTAL ANNUAL APPROPRIATION N1� in dE. 8. 4XCEEDS G ire {'PClus'n 7 A�d.te ,m4,7, 30 -do d, 'e 5a',? =85-3 S, f1 (b) To be stored and later applied to beneficial use None acre-feet per annum, to be collected between -___________ ---________ - Beginning date Closing date of each season. If offstream storage is proposed, maximum rate of diversion to storage will be None c.f.s. NOTE.—Neither the amount nor the season may be increased after application is filed. If underground storage is proposed a special supplemental form will be supplied by the State Water Resources Control Board upon request. 3. The use to which the water is to be applied is Domestic purposes. Domestic. irrigation, power, municipal, mining, industrial, recreational, stockwatering, fish culture, etc. Describe more fully in paragraphs 13, 14, I5, 16 and/or 17. 4. The points) of diversion'is (are) to be located as follows: Bearing and distance or coordinate distances from section corner or quarter -section corner 40 -acre subdivision of public land survey or ° proje(cttion thereof Section Town- shipRange Material of construction Base and . Meridian • -..... / Ara- '1/a'' .5 `Y/ . �Lt zi z->-: (1) o _ _ - _ _ • : • - _ ,-/-----i-g,,,, /!1T e.7, -,7 e-,-- iz',� f- (3)• yam- Aof 5/35 O Tyyv5 / C : f / 2 j X /1.9.25 /!//// 'r4 1/4 of c/4 The point (s) of diversion is (are) located in El Dorado 5. The main conduit will terminate in SW'o County. of Sec._ 17 , T• --11N R. 18 M.D. B. & M. State 40 -acre subdivision of U. S. Government surrey or projection thereof. v' Description of Diversion Works NOTE.—An application cannot be approved for an amount grossly in excess of the estimated capacity of the diversion works. 6. Intake or Headworks (complete onlythose blanks which apply) Complete (a) and/or (b) for direct diversion or diversion to offstream storage. (a) Diversion will be made by pumping from Submerged off shore intake structure Sump, offset well, unobstructed channel, etc. (b) Diversion will be by gravity, the diverting dam being None .___feet in height (stream bed to level of overflow), ____ None_ feet long on top, and constructed of Nona ________________—_______—__ Concrete, earth, brush. etc. (c) Complete (c) for storage reservoirs only cc 1. ct-rt.C� /—'41111 Height of dam (streambed to spillway level) Crest length of dam, ft. Freeboard above spillway level, ft. Material of construction (1) Not Applicable - (2) (3)• cc 1. ct-rt.C� /—'41111 7. Storage Reservoir (s) For any reservoir having a capacity of 25 acre-feet or more, complete the following: Name, if any Sections flooded by reservoir. Also name 40 -acre subdivisions unless shown on map Surface area, acres • Capacity acre-feet (1) 13 Storage tanks totaling sheet of operating transmisision (2) (2) 1,669,000 gallons. (2) / 3 4/ (3) (3) 4-_,7' �-- �) , 4 >� o•s / %/T/ For any reservoir having a capacity of 25 acre-feet or more, complete the following: 8. Conduit system (describe main conduits only) (a) Open channel, ditch, flume, canal, etc. (underline appropriate words) Width of topWidth at water line, feet Diameter of outlet pipe, inches Length of outlet pipe, feet Difference in elevation, spillway level to top of outlet pipe in reservoir, feet Fall in outlet pipe, feet (1) Not Applical!le sheet of operating transmisision (2) (2) system pipe lines. (2) / 3 4/ (3) ,,e2 4-_,7' �-- �) , 4 >� o•s 8. Conduit system (describe main conduits only) (a) Open channel, ditch, flume, canal, etc. (underline appropriate words) Width of topWidth at water line, feet at bottom, fees Depth of water, feet Length, feet Grade, feet per 1,000 feet Construction Material: earth, rock, concrete, plastic, etc. (1) See attached sheet of operating transmisision and distribution (2) system pipe lines. (2) / 3 4/ ig 6. ,,e2 4-_,7' (b) Pipeline, tunnel, etc. Diameter, inches Length, feet Pump lift, feet Gravity fall intake to outlet, feet Construction Material: steel, concrete, wood, etc. -14" Divers (1) Conduit on I 2,200 Exhibit A Steel (2) Present Proposed Future Additiona 9. (a) The estimated capacity of pumping plant(s) is (are) (1) 1,1+00 GPM (2) 5,100 GPM Present Proposed Future Additional.. (b) The estimated capacity of the diversion conduit(s) is (are) (1) 3,_000__ lPM. (2) 34500 GPM (c) The estimated total cost of the diversion works proposed is $100, 000.00 Give only cost of intake, or headworks, pumps, storage reservoirs and main conduits described herein. Completion Schedule 10. (a) Construction work will begin on or before November 1, 1970 (b) Construction work will be completed on or before November 1, 1971 (c) Water will be completely applied to the proposed use on or before December 31, 1981 Description of Proposed Use 11. Place of use If area is unsurveyed indicate the location as if lines of the public land survey were projected. If space does not permit listing all 40 -acre tracts, indicate sections, townships, and ranges and show detail on map. 40 -acre tract Section Township Range Base and Meridian If irrigation, show number of acres See attached map - Exhibit A 3 / / 3 4/ ig 6. ,,e2 4-_,7' �-- �) , 4 >� o•s / %/T/ _ /l /1,7 4---> / c1 -,9),;::,,e2,..3!)32. .'-',"6_)1-.., /7 ///G/ / [34 tri- - Does applicant own the land where use of water will be made? No All joint owners should include their names as applicants and sign the application at bottom of page 4. The place of use wIL1__be__the_ omhined__pr_esent__and__pr_opose_d__ser_w' r'e _areas__of _Gardner If applicant does not own land where use of water will be made, give name and address of owner and state what gemeats have been made with him. Mountain, Angora, Tahoe Paradise and Tahoe Keys Water Companies. 2. ,a� General 18. If maps as required by the Regulations are not filed with the application, state the reason (s) for not filing them They are filed. ' I will need ('days) (months) within which to file the required maps because 19. Does the applicant own the land at the proposed point of diversion? No If not, give name and address/ of owner and state what steps have been taken to secure right of access Dillingham Land Corp., P.O. Box 1239, South Lake Tahoe, California under a lease purchase agreement. 20. What is the name of the post office most used by those living near the proposed point of diversion? South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 21. What are the names and addresses of diverters of water from the source of supply below the proposed point of diversion? None 22. (a) Have you investigated the effect of the proposed appropriation on fish and wildlife? Yes, not affect (b) Have you consulted with the California Department of Fish and Game concerning this proposed appropriation? Yes (c) Will your proposed diversion or impoundment of water beneficially or adversely affect fish and wildlife? Neither (d) State all data and information reasonably available to you or that can be obtained from the California Department of Fish and Game concerning the extent, if any, to which fish and wildlife would be affected by the appropriation. (Attach further supplement if necessary.) In verbal discussion with Mr. Bob Reavis of the Water Projects section on 3117/70,, he stated the department would have no objection to our pumping. from the lake. He stated the department policy is to encourage lake pumping rather than river or stream diversion. This type of lake diversion has no affect on fish fife, (e) Describe any measures you propose to take for the protection of fish and wildlife in connection with the appropriation. (Attach further supplement if. necessary.) The intake will be approximately 2,200' from the of__.Lake___TahQ__at__.a.__waier__depth__Q.f___appro imately 40'. The intake opening will be _ s_c_r_ en ad, Signature of applicant(s) (Refer to Section 671 of the Board's regulations) GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER CO. Mr. j:/ti NkxxStanley L. artin, Vice President Mr. Mrs. Miss The complete information needed for preparation of this application may be found in the Regulations and Information Pertaining to Appropriation of Water. If there is insufficient space for answers in the form, attach extra sheets at top of page 3 and cross reference. Send application in duplicate to the State Water Resources Control Board, Room 1140, Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814, and retain one copy for your files. 4. 15567-957 11-67 3M Q OSP Vs - ATTACH EXTRA SHEETS HERE 12. Other Rights. Describe all rights except other applications on file with the State Water Resources Control Board under which water is served to the above-named lands Nature of Right (riparian, appropriative, purchased water, etc.) Year oe first use Use made in recent years including amount, if known Season of use Source of other supply (1) (2) (3) 13. Irrigation Use. The total area to be irrigated is acres. Acreage of crops is as follows: Rice Net acreage acres; alfalfa acres; orchard acres; general crops acres; pasture acres. Care should be taken that the various statements of acreage are consistent with each other, with the statement in Paragraph 11 and with the map. The irrigation season will begin about and end about Beginning date Closing date 14. Power Use. The total fall to be utilized is feet. The maximum amount of water to be used through Difference between nozzle or draft tube water level and first free water surface above. - the penstock is cubic feet per second. The maximum theoretical horsepower capable of being generated by the works is The use to which the power is to be applied is Second feet X fall _ BA For distribution and sale or private use. etc. The nature of the works by means of which power is to be developed is The size Turbine, Pelton wheel, etc. of the nozzle to be used is inches. • will The water will not be returned to in of Name of State 40 -acre subdivision Sec , T , R , B. & M. 15. Municipal Use. This application is made for the purpose of serving Name city or cities, town or towns. Urban areas only. having a present population of The estimated average daily consumption during the month of maximum use at the end of each five-year period until the full amount applied for is put to beneficial use is as follows: 16. Mining Use. The name of the mining property to be served is Name of claim and the nature of the mines is _____ The method of utilizing the water is Gold placer, quartz, etc. It is estimated that the ultimate water requirement for this project will be Cubic feet per second, gallons per minute. State basis of estimate. will The water will not be polluted by chemicals or otherwise Explain nature of pollution, if any. will and it will not be returned to in of Name of stream State 40 -acre subdivision Sec ,T. ,R , B.&M. 17. Other Uses. The nature of the use proposed is Domestic Industrial, recreational, domestic, smekeratering, fish culture, etc. State basis of determination of amount needed The amount is the same as the filing by Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co. in a petition for change in point of diversion. If this petition Number of persons, residences. ores of domestic lawns and gardens, number and kind of stock, type of industrial use, and mit requirements. is approved this application is hereby withdrawn. 3. 0205-09-�y ` - �i - 2IRECEIVED NOTICE Of ASSIGNMEN1 ju