HomeMy WebLinkAbout2537STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY RONALD REAGAN, Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING . 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO 93814 September 16* IWO Placer County Water Agency County Administrative Center Auburn* California 95603 Gentlemen: Your protest received. If a hearing protest, you and place to Application 23502, Gardner Mountain Water Cavany, Like %bee in El Dorado County against thisapplication has been is found necessary to resolve the will be given notice ofthe time enable you to be ,preSent or represented. Sincerely, Lloy D. J• zozi, Senior Ehgimes. Central "Region AAC:pc • WRCB 100 (6-70) 5-70 STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY RONALD REAGAN, Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING • 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO. 95814 SeptetS.ptQr 16, 1970: - Placer County County Administrative Center Auburn, •Califoniiii, 95603 Gentle** Your protest received.. If a hearing protest, you and place to represented. Sincerely, Application 23502, 0ardner Mountain Water Conipan6 lake Tahoe in M. pord4ci County against this application has been is found necessary to resolve the will be given notice of the time enable you to be present or Limy D. Jorioon,, enor Centra]. Begiciat AAC:pc • WRCB 10C (6-70) • - STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY RONALD REAGAN, Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO 95814 September 15,; 1970 y - .5 - o Gardner Mountain, Water Company P. O.. Box 9026 South Lake nhOes C'a1.i torula 95705 Gentlemen: Subject: Application 23502, LaeTahoe in El Dorado. County A protest against the approval of this application has been received, and the protestant states that a copy of the protest has been served upon you. An answer to this and any other protests against the application should be submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board and copies sent to the protestant on or before October 28, 1970. If you believe you can reach agreement with the.protestant which will result in the withdrawal of the protest, the Board, upon yourrequest, will extend the period for answering the protest for a reasonable time to allow. for negotiations toward such agreement. A copy of our regulations pertaining to protests and hearings is enclosed for your information. Sincerely, Lloy D. John$on, Senior Engineer Central R Bion AAC:pc Enclosure WRCB • IOA. (1-69) STATE OF CALIFORNIA -THE RESOURCES AGENCY RONALD REAGAN, Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING . 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO 93814 September 35 1970 Mr. Robert 'd'.° FaiYore,• Jr. Regioia1 Direatox', Region 2 `Bureau' of Reclamation 2800 Pottage` Warr 8afiranto, California 95825 Dear Mr. `Pafford : Your protest received. If a"hearing protest, you and place to represented. Sincerely; App]:icatian 23542 Cerner. Mountain Water Ccuapan r 'hake .Wice', in .E1 •Dorado'County against this.application has, been is found necessary to resolve the will be given notice of'the time enable you to be present.or:, q , D. Jobn1aon, 8errfor Engineer. Centra]. Region AAC:pc • WRCB 10C (6-70) z . -/5-7v • September 17, 9.970 City of South Lade Tahoe:. p:. 0. Banc 1210 South Lece,'ltihoe, California 95705 Attention: ; Mr.. -Gary C.- Chaae,• C.ity-Xenager Applicatic 23502,°, Leke Talioe Dortmio ink; you for our letter of Augu t 2?', 1970,. transmitting a Minute Order by _the City ,Council ' Smith "yak® Ihhot!e.• a pporting water ,r g itw Application 23502. SihCere ,y, Luo I1oy D. Jo on, . Senior Engineer Central. Region cc: Gardner Mountain *ter Ccapetioy' P. 0. ' Bim, 9026 South Lake 131hoei California 95705 AACpc 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS STAFF SUMMARY FOR HEARING APPLICATION 23502 Applicant: Gardner Mountain Water Company Source: Lake Tahoe County: El Dorado Substance of the Application Date filed: May 7, 1970 Source: Lake Tahoe Tributary to: Truckee River Quantity: 14.33 cubic feet per second Season: January 1 to December 31 Purpose: Domestic Point of diversion: Lot 3 of Section 5, T12N, R18E, MDB&M Places of use: Within Section 31, T13N, R18E, MDB&M; Sections 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32, T12N, R18E, MDB&M, and Sections 5, 6, 8, and 17, T11N, R18E, MDB&M Name Placer County Water Agency Placer County U. S. Bureau of ,Reclamation Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Protestants Claim of Right Public interest and decreed Public interest and decreed Old appropriative and decreed Indian Rights Extent of Use or Acreage Scope of the Hearing The decision of the State Water Resources Control Board as to whether or not a permit should be issued must be based upon the record developed at the bearing and Kthe Board's policy for Lake Tahoe and the rest of the Truckee River basin. Applicant and protestants should submit infor- mation responsive to''the issues raised by the application, protests and answers thereto insofar as they relate to matters within the jurisdiction of the Board. Particular consideration should be given to the following items: 1. The existence of unappropriated water available to supply the applicant as to amount and season of occurrence. 2. Anticipated injury, if any, to the protestants and other lawful downstream users should the application be approved, with specific data substantiating such injury. 3. What special terms and conditions, if any, should be included in the permit issued pursuant to the subject application, if approved. 4. Intent and ability of applicant to proceed with due diligence to construct the necessary works and to place water' to beneficial use should the application be approved. Documents to be Offered into Evidence The following public documents on file with the State Water Resources Control Board contain information -2- which may be relevant to the matters to be heard and may be offered into evidence at the hearing by reference: 1. Water Right Application 23502 Dated: Sacramento, California STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS As l PROTEST Application 23502 9 20 MI '10 STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL ENTOO Regional Director, Region 2 United States Bureau of Reclamation 2800 Cottage Way, I,S_acramento, California 95825, on behalf of the United States of. America,.__acting through the United, States Bureau of name of protestant xrA_Rec1.amatiQ1L_for___ the. __beneficiary water users have read carefully a copy Post -office address of protestant of, or a notice relative to Application 23502 of Gardner Mountain Water Company State name of applicant to appropriate from_ Lake Tahoe tributary_ to Truckee River___—____________ the sos within Lot 3 Section 5, T.12N., R.18E., MDB&{; Etme Doraurdo County. Describe location of applicant's point of diversion — at a point It is desired to protest against the approval hereof because to the best of our information and belief the The United My or our proposed appropriation will result in injury to _S r a t es -___as follows: By reducing the quantity_ of water Me or va tate the i wh' ill dt y stored in Lake Tahoe thus impairing the water supply anc� yieia o if.a Ce Moe to the United States and water users obtaining their supplies under rights held by the United States. Protestant claims a right to the use of water from the source from which applicant proposes to divert, which right is based upon_Notice posted on May 21_2_1903; United States appropriative rights to P 'or pylic a notice posted or sue begun pri fo Dec."u 19, l91 riparian el 'm, etc. the storage in and use of Lace anhoe waters con irmea by 'see other side) The extent of present and past use of water by protestant or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows: Substantial Quantities are made available by_releases from Lake Tahoe storage State approximate date first use made, amount used, time of year when diversion is made, the use to which water is put for downstream diversion from the Truckee River and beneficial use by beneficiaries of the Truckee Storage, Newlands, and Washoe Projects. Where is your diversion point located? Within NW T. 15N., R. 17E. , MD B. & M. of applicant may be determined %a of NE -------%a of Section -� - — Describe location with sufficient accuracy that position thereof relative 10 that This protest may be disregarded and dismissed if the following condition is included in Stats conditions which will relieve protest any_permit issued on Application 23502: "Permittee is hereby put on notice that because this permit is junior in priority to all other water rights in the Lake Tahoe and Truckee River Basins, including those of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe of Indians, existing as of May 7, 1970 (the date of filing of Application 23502) the water available might be less than the full amount (see other side) A true copy of this protest has been served upon the applicant by registered g�stered mail Personally or by mail AUG2 7 1970 Ae}1nt -Protestant sign here Date egional Director, Region 2, Bureau of Reclamation NOTE.—Protests must be filed within the time allowed by the Board as stated in the published notice relative to ss applic or such further time as may be allowed. WRCB 10 (12.67) (OVER) / / O 16011-957 11.67 5M 0 OSP 9 NOTE A concise and definite statement of the grounds of protest is desired. This statement should take the form indicated un the blanks on the reverse side of this sheet. Additional information may be added below if there is insufficient space in the blanks, or data not pertinent to those blanks, but insofar as practicable it is desired that protests follow the printed form. Decree of June 4, 1915, in the District Court ohpthern e United.Stateg, District of California, Second Division, in the case of The United States of America'v. The Truckee River General E4ctrid Company; and Truckee River Final Decree entered September 8, 1944, in the District Court of the United States in — - - - - - - and for the District of Nevada in the case of United States of America v. Orr Water Ditch Company, et al. stated herein if the allocation of water of the Tahoe Basin of California under California -Nevada Compact or under a.decree.of a court of competent jurisdiction is inadequate to satisfy all rights of senior priority in California." DO NOT WRITE BELOW - • 11:11(19 IN REPLY REFER TO: 2-770 • UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE ! NTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION REGIONAL OFFICE, REGION 2 2800 COTTAGE WAY • SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95825 AUG 2 7 1970 • REGISTERED -RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Gardner Mountain Water. Company P. 0. Box 9026 South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Gentlemen: 'a, 3 „ Co Notice of your Application 23502 for the appropriation of unappropriated water from Lake Tahoe tributary to Truckee River, El Dorado County, has come to our attention.. Our policy is to examine all applications filed with the State Water. Resources Control Board for the appropriation of unappropriated water which could possibly affect our projects. T1. 1. _ . h _.] States s r divert -r f The rights V1 the United to store water 111 and Ul�'ej.,. VJc�•LL�:� .�L LflL Lake Tahoe was affirmed by (1) Decree of June 4, 1915, in the District Court of the United States, Northern District of California, Second Division, in the case of The United States of America v. The Truckee River General Electric Company, and (2) Truckee River Final Decree' entered September 8, 1944, in the District Court of Nevada in the case of United States of America v. Orr Water Ditch Company, et al. Though we are filing the enclosed protest with the State Water Resources Control Board in keeping with the two above-mentioned court decrees, we nevertheless would be glad to discuss this matter with you at some convenient time. Sincerely, P. E. F. Sullivan Acting Regional Director Enclosure Copy to: (See attached sheet) Copy to: State Water Resources. Control Board Division of Water Rights 1416 Ninth Street, Room 1140 Sacramento, California 95814 (with enclosure) 0 of Dove,) Placer County County STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS PROTEST Application 23502 Auc 1 LI 10 59 AM '70 STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD SACRAMENTO Name of protestant Administrative Center, Auburn,_ California 95603 have read carefully. a notice relative to Application scoffice address a protestant 2350 of Gardner Mountain Water Company_____ to appropriate water from State name of applicant Lake ---T ah -o -a----- --- — Name the source (1) X (We) desire to protest against the approval of the application because to the best of our information and us This app°!re"stion, together witl belief the proposed appropriation will result in injury to as follows• me or us State the injury which will result to you Application. 23323 of the___Cit.y ,f South Lake Tahoe, seP fgr�use in tle South Lake Tahoe area in El Dorado Coun 24s� acre— e.es_px r, tet hic.h__sonstitutes more__ man to California of water from all sources in the Lake Ta leave no water for use in Placer County. k t the right, to_divert y a maximum of th e a n.t.ixa___a_llo c a t i o n oe Basin. This would (2) Applicant's appropriation adversely affect the quality of water protestant uses. (If it will, explain will or will not how and to what extent) - (3) Protestant claims .a right to the use of water from the source from which applicant proposes to divert, which right is based upon the public interest in having a fair apportionment within the entire California' p o r gy`i`aiR'i 'b° n°'t`1~P> =twit 'kb€ "n i 8 `m Alt ``p33ii� `Ite`1'i f o r n i a' s share of the water supply oF—t�iat T in. (4) The extent of present and past use of water by protestant or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows: State approximate date first use made, amount used, time of year when diversion is made, the use to which water is put (S) Protestant diverts water in the 1/4 of 1/4 of Section , T. , Deacribe location with sufficient accuracy that position thereof relative to that R , __--_ : B. & M., which is downstream from tete point of•,diversion proposed by the applicant. of applicant may be determined (6) This protest may be disregarded and dismissed' if the .,amount 'of water allowed to be diverted under this application and 'others for sus:e.•insttlnd l .Oeflernety is reduced to a fair share of -`California's share of 'the''taaters of the Lake Tahoe Basin, after a hearing by the Water Resources Control Board which considers the entire problem of apportioning the limited water supply of this Basin. A true copy of this protest has been served upon the applicant .by mail Personally or by mail Date_ PLACE rotes ant .i7ere Telephone• (916) 885-7711 Noxa.—Protests must be filed within the time allowed by the Board as stated in the published notice relative to an application or such further time as may be allowed. WRCB 10 (10-68) (OVER) 44. 4 Pia. r wcat • /art-v�z,�o r l /J/26M4_999 11-69 114 Q on 71'C I NOTE A concise and definite statement of the grounds of protest may be written here to clarify or elaborate on information given on the reverse side of this sheet. DO NOT WRITE BELOW .11 • STATE OF CALIFORNIA • THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS PROTEST Application 2 3 5 0 2 4s X(Wes) -- Placer County Water Agency '-- of County Administrative Center, Autaurftir r`Valifornia 95603 An 10 10 02 AH '70 STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD SACRAMENTO -i) 2 3 5132 Post office address of protestant have read carefully a notice relative to Application of Gardner Mountain Water Company State name of applicant to appropriate water from Lak.e___TahQa_ Name the iource ;(a) x (We) desire to protest against the approval of the application because to the best of Q r information and m or our belief the proposed appropriation will result in injury to u s as follows This application, together wit h Application 23393 (li the City of South Lake Tahoe,S`aseel ury thcewill regnithytu to divert tor use in the Soufh Lake —ahoe�-reCounty a maxim -tun -u - 24,968 acre-feet per year, which constitutes more than the entire allocation co Californiaa'ter frdmr-a-li sources in the Lake Tahoe Basi-n-:--Ph-Fs would leave no water for use in Placer County. (2) Applicant's appropriation adversely affect the quality of water protestant uses. (If it will, explain will or will not how and to what extent) (3) Protestant claims a right to the use of water from the source from which applicant proposes to divert, which right is based uonGthTpublic interest in having a fair apportionment within the entire aifornia por ��4QntaOnXCp b�����mbgsWyfZgaItfzrnfa-`'S-sira r e of the water Supply of__that Basin. (4) The extent of present and past use of water by protestant or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows: State approximate date first use made,amount used, time of year when diversion is made, the use to which water is put (S) Protestant diverts water in the __1/4 of 1/4 of Section , T , Describe location with suueient accuracy that position thereof relative to that R, B. & M., which is downstream from the point of diversion proposed by the applicant. of applicant may be determined (6) This protest may be disregarded and dismissed if the amount of water allowed to be diverted under this application and others for use inscatUpdiaerhaidscureGebmikty is reduced to a fair share of California's share of the waters of the Lake Tahoe Basin, after a hearing by the Water Resources Control Board which considers the entire problem of apportioning the limited water supply of this Basin. A true copy of this protest has been served upon the applicant by mail Date— --YEA By IR: Personally or by mail Ircsiv6 Protestant sign hue Telephone (916) 885-0441 Noce.—Protests must be filed within the time allowed by the Board as stated in the published notice relative to an application or such further time as may be allowed. WRCB 10 (10.68) ✓o s7c (OVER)° i1' 6, 4Z�3 51-68 IM Q OSP J A/I%J 3Uys' Q ccera/ 7`hi s a //A, /new h cr r- c PC NOTE A concise and definite statement of the grounds of protest may be written here to clarify or elaborate on information given on the reverse side of this sheet. -------------- DO NOT WRITE BELOW R : 6 BOARD OF DIRECTORS J. B. PAOLINI Chairman ROBERT P. MAHAN Secretary WM. S. BRINER ROBERT RADOVICH RAY S. THOMPSON JOHN M. BERNARD General Manager • PLACER COUNTY WATER AGENCY COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER AUBURN, CALIFORNIA 95603 TELEPHONE (916) 885-0441 August 18, 1970 File No. -103-8-2 Mr. K. L. Woodward, Chief Division of Water Rights Room 1140, Resources Building 1416 9th Street Sacramento, California 95814 Dear Mr. Woodward: Re: - Application No. 23502,_- Gardner Mountain, Water-- Company Enclosed is a protest to the above water rights application before the Division of Water Rights, said protest being authorized by the Board of Directors of the Placer County Water Agency at their special meeting held on Tuesday, August 18, 1970. Very truly yours PLACER COUNTY WATER, AGENCY Evlyn"Broyer Clerk of said Agency eb Enclosure Certified Mail, - RRR cc: -Applicant w/enc. (Certified mail, RRR) Adolph Moskovitz w -/enc. . Sanford Koretsky w/enc. First County in California to Develop Its Own Water Resources State of California The Resources Agency MEMORANDUM To: Mr. John T. Leggett Executive Officer California Regional WQC Board Lahontan Region 407 West Line Street Bishop, California From: STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS Subject: Application 23502 Source. Lake Tahoe Date: August 7, 1970 AUG 10 1910 County El Dorado Attached is a copy of the formal notice of the subject application. Comments on the following questions will be appreciated. 1. Is this application in an area where a water quality control plan has been established? (If yes, please submit a copy.) 2. If yes, will approval of the application result in water quality being degraded below plan objectives? Yes No 3. If the answer to No. 1 is no, will approval of this application cause any unreasonable* adverse effect on the water supply which may remain in the source? Yes No 4. If the answer to No. 2 or No. 3 is yes, please explain: a. In what manner will the proposed application adversely affect water quality? b. What special conditions should be made a part of the permit or what reasonable changes in the project, if any, could be made to overcome this problem? * Unreasonableness should be determined in the light of various factors to be considered as. enumerated in Section 13000 of the Water Code. WRCB 1G (1-70) Application 23502 - -2- c. If the project cannot be altered to meet water quality objectives, what specific water quality benefits offset the project benefits that would be lost if the project were abandoned? 5. Will waste discharge requirements be necessary in connection with this project? Yes a. If yes, have they been prescribed by the regional board? (If waste discharge requirements have been prescribed, a copy should be submitted.) Yes No b. If no, should action on this application be deferred until waste discharge requirements have been prescribed? Yes No 6. Please provide any additional comments you may have which would be helpful to the State Water Resources Control Board in considering this application. (If additional space is needed, additional pages may be attached.) J. M. Page, Supervisor Central Region Attachment WRCB 1G (1-70) STATE OF CALIFORNIA - RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER APPLICATION 23502 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON MAY 7, 1970 GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY P 0 BOX 9026, SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF 95705 APPLIED TO THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FOR A PERMIT TO APPROPRIATE UNAPPROPRIATED WATER, SUBJECT TO VESTED RIGHTS. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT WATER TO BE APPROPRIATED FROM LAKE TAHOE TRIBUTARY TO TRUCKEE RIVER POINT OF DIVERSION WITHIN LOT 3 SECTION 5 T12N R18E MDB&M IN THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO AMOUNT APPLIED FOR: 14.33 CUBIC FEET PER SECOND BY DIRECT DIVERSION THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT DIVERTED UNDER THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT EXCEED 5,968 ACRE-FEET PER YEAR WATER TO BE USED FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES DIVERSION SEASON NAMED: JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PLACE OF USE DESCRIBED: WITHIN THE SERVICE AREAS OF TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY AND THE TAHOE KEYS WATER COMPANY, BEING WITHIN SECTION 31, T13N, R18E, MDB&M; SECTIONS 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31 AND 32, T12N, R18E, MDB&M; AND SECTIONS 5, 6, 8 AND 17, T11N, R18E, MDB&M, AS SHOWN ON MAP FILED WITH STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD. RELATIVE TO PROTESTS BLANKS UPON WHICH TO SUBMIT PROTESTS WILL BE SUPPLIED FREE UPON REQUEST ANY PERSON DESIRING TO PROTEST THE GRANTING OF SUCH PERMIT SHALL WITHIN 60 DAYS FROM DATE HEREOF (OR WITHIN SUCH FURTHER TIME AS MAY, FOR GOOD CAUSE SHOWN, BE ALLOWED) FILE A WRITTEN PROTEST WITH THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, ROOM 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING, 1416 NINTH STREET, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814. A COPY OF THE PROTEST SHOULD BE SENT TO THE APPLICANT. SUCH PROTEST SHALL CLEARLY SET FORTH THE PROTESTANT'S OBJECTIONS TO THE APPROVAL OF THE APPLICATION AND SHALL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: (1) STATEMENT OF THE INJURY WHICH WOULD RESULT TO PROTESTANT FROM SUCH APPROPRIATION AND USE. (2) THE BASIS OF PROTESTANT'S WATER RIGHT. (3) PROTESTANT'S PAST AND PRESENT USE OF WATER BOTH AS TO AMOUNT USED AND LAND IRRIGATED OR USE MADE OF WATER IF OTHER THAN IRRIGATION. (4) THE APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROTESTANT'S LAND OR PLACE OF USE AND POINT OF DIVERSION OF THE WATER. K. L. WOODWARD, CHIEF DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS DATED: SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 7, 1970 Application 23502,'Iake Tahoe' in El Dorado County The., enclosed notice is of interest to people of Your community. We would appreciate it if you -would post it in a_ prominent place in your post office.• • w AUGUST 7, 1970 GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY P, 0, Box 9026 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA 95705 GENTLEMEN:' APPLICATION 23502, LAKE TAHOE IN EL DORADO COUNTY 74.— 7 O THREE COPIES OF A NOTICE OF YOUR APPLICATION ARE ENCLOSED. A NOTICE SHOULD BE PUBLISHED IN EITHER THE TAHOE SIERRA TRIBUNE ABSO KNOWN AS THE TAHOE DAILY TRIBUNE, OR THE LAKE TAHOE NEWS. THE THIRD COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. PUBLICATION SHOULD BE MADE ONCE A WEEK FOR THREE CONSECUTIVE WEEKS AHD MUST COMMENCE ON OR BEFORE AUGUST 22, 1970. THE EXPENSE OF PUBLICATION SHOULD BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. PROOF OF PUBLICATION BY AFFIDAVIT OF THE PUBLISHERS OR FOREMEN OF THE NEWSPAPERS, WITH COPY or THE NOTICE ATTACHED, SHOULD BE FILED WITH THIS OFFICE ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER 6, 1970. THIS NOTICE IS DESIGNED FOR THE MUTUAL PROTECTION OF APPLICANT AND PRIOR CLAIM.. ANTS. ALTHOUGH VESTED RIGHTS TO THE USE OF WATER CANNOT BE LOST, PREJUDICED OR IMPAIRED BY FAILURE TO PROTEST AGAINST THE APPLICATION, PRIOR CLAIMANTS ARE GIVEN THIS NOTICE SO THAT THEY MAY PROTEST IF THEY BELIEVE THE PROPOSED APPRO. PRIATION WILL RESULT IN INJURY TO THEM.. You WILL BE FURNISHED WITH A COPY OF ANY PROTEST FILED AGAINST THE APPLICATION,. AN ANSWER TO THE PROTEST SHOULD 8E SUBMITTED TO THIS OFFICE AND A COPY SENT TO THE PROTESTANT. THE ANSWER NEED NOT BE IN ANY PRESCRIBED FORM, BUT SHOULD BE BRIEF AND THE CONTENT CONFINED TO FACTS RELATIVE TO THE OBJECTIONS RAISED TO YOUR APPLICATION. SINCERELY, J. M. PAGE, SUPERVISOR CENTRAL REGION ENCLOSURES CERTIFIED AAC:AK 9 • 410 STATE OF CALIFORNIA — RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS Roots 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416'NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER APPLICATION 23502 ,'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON MAY 7, 1970 GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY P 0 BOX 9026, SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF 95705 APPLIED TO THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FOR A PERMIT TO APPROPRIATE UNAPPROPRIATED WATER, SUBJECT TO VESTED RIGHTS. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT WATER TO BE APPROPRIATED FROM LAKE TAHOE TRIBUTARY TO TRUCKEE RIVER POINT OF DIVERSION WITHIN LOT 3 SECTION 5 T12N R18E MOB&M IN THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO AMOUNT APPLIED FOR: 14.33 CUBIC FEET PER SECOND BY DIRECT DIVERSION THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT DIVERTED UNDER THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT EXCEED 5,968 ACRE—FEET PER YEAR WATER TO BE USED FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES DIVERSION SEASON NAMED: JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 h PLACE OF USE DESCRIBED: WITHIN THE SERVICE AREAS OF TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY AND THE TAHOE KEYS WATER COMPANY, BEING WITHIN SECTION 31, T13N, R18E, MOB&M; SECTIONS 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31 AND 32, T12N, R18E, MDB&M; AND SECTIONS 5, 6, 8 AND 17, T11N, R18E, MDB&M, AS SHOWN ON MAP FILED WITH STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD. RELATIVE TO PROTESTS BLANKS UPON WHICH TO SUBMIT PROTESTS WILL BE SUPPLIED FREE UPON REQUEST ANY PERSON DESIRING TO PROTEST THE GRANTING OF SUCH PERMIT SHALL WITHIN 60 DAYS FROM DATE HEREOF (OR WITHIN SUCH FURTHER TIME AS MAY, FOR GOOD CAUSE SHOWN, BE ALLOWED) FILE A WRITTEN PROTEST WITH THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, ROOM 1140, RESOURCES, BUILDING) 1416 NINT;H=STREET, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814. A COPY OF THE PROTEST SHOULD,BE SENT TO THE APPLICANT. SUCH PROTEST SHALL CLEARLY SET FORTH THE PROTESTANT'S OBJECTIONS TO THE APPROVAL OF THE APPLICATION AND SHALL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING,$NFORMATION;' . (1) STATEMENT OF THE INJURY WHICH WOULD RESULT TO PROTESTANT FROM SUCH APPROPRIATION AND USE: (2).•THE BASIS OF PROTESTANT'S WATER RIGHT. PROTESTANT''S PAST AND PRESENT USE OF WATER BOTH AS TO AMOUNT USED AND, LAND IRRIGATED OR USE MADE OF WATER IF OTHER THAN IRRIGATION. (4)e THE APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROTESTANT'S LAND OR PLACE OF USE AND POINT OF 'DIVERSION OF THE WATER. . K. L. 'WOODWARD4 CHIEF DIVISIONOF WATER RIGHTS DATED: SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA AuGUST 7, 1970 .Reg. Mr. Martin McDonough Attorney at Law 520 Capitol Mall Sacramento, California 95814 _Beg. State Engineer Division of Water Resources 201 S. Fall Street Carson City, Nevada 89701 Reg. County of El Dorado Placerville, California 95667 Reg. Placer County Water Agency 175 Fulweller Auburn, California 95603 Attention: Mr. J. M. Bernard, General Manager • SENDER: Be sure to follow instructions on other tide FURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKLOCK(S) (Additional charges required for these services) ❑Show to whom. date and address where delivered Deliver ONLY 1-1 to addressee RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below REGISTERED N0. • CERTIFIED. NO. INSURED N0. E DELIVERE SIGNATURE 0R NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Malt always los ry11cd tn) �^-�f'�'4 �c� �Gu-zr�G�✓ GNATUREIOF ADDRESSEE'S ESSEE' S AGENT, IF ANY SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (Only If requested, and include ZIP Code) CO6.111 CO E X U.S. POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS 23502 Q' PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE. $300 Postmarkof� j(YPN t Office SENDER INSTR CTI IS -4, 4,.. j 73 Print in the space below your:Arakigadskess.including ZIP Code. ilf• If special services are desired. 1�1�c1c(silbr(gr� • Moisten gummed ends and att4 444 Ot9 State Water Resources Control Board Room 1015, 1416 Ninth Street Samento, California 95814 -L • PLEAM" URNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKF LOCK(S). REQUIRED FEE(S) PAID. ❑Show to whom, date and addressDeliver ONLY where delivered ❑ to addressee RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. 17j173 INSURED NO. DA DELIVERED ?..) SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Mut always be fled in) SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (only if requested) c59-16-71648-1 t 347-198 GPO 1 JI 01. POD Form 3$11 A POST OFFICE DEPARTM OFFICIAL DUSINES PM 11 AUG Application POSTMARK OF DELIVERING OFFICE Print your na , dI dress el4a ou nt to restrict deliver w rfp ave e address of delivery shown on this recei t, check block(s) on other side. Moisten gummed.,ei s �ditt` mh �d"UIs0Eksk of article. 0 "� QONTROL BOlok ) SACRAMENTO State Water Resources Control Room 1140, 1416 Ninth: Street Semento, California 95814 PE A7E USE TV01D® Board ` • PLEASJRNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKE•LOCK(S). REQUIRED FEE(S) PAID. ❑Show to whom, date and address Deliver ONLY where delivered ❑ to addressee RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. INSI!ED NO. SIGNATURE OR NAME 0 • SDR SEE (Must always be filled iii) S NATURE OF ADDRESSEAGEN F ANY DATE DELIVERED SHOW WHERE D IEL VEREDonly if requested) a66-18-71648-11 347-198 GPO c55-16-71&48-11 as 00 00 E a c 0 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL BUSINESS Application 2350g2�7 Aes flSTMC OIbh OFFICE Print your name andad d e s be If you want re ct delivery, or, to have the address of delivery sh og/A 14 ty' a�ppppn{{��) on ocher side. Moisten Ai�r� card to back of article. OARD BACRAMEWTv State Water Resources Control Board •Room 1140. 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento. California 95814 FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID YMENT OF POSTAGE. $300 RETURN TO PLEA' 'URNISH ' SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECK•3LOCK(S). • REQUIRED FEE(S) PAID. ❑Sftow towhom, date and address Deliver ONLY ' where delivered . ❑ to addressee RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO, CERTIFIED NO. I7 /7J INSURED NO. DATE DELIVERED AUG 10 1970 SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always be filled in) •L- L^ SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (0 requested o68-16-71848=11 347-198 GPO POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL BUSINESS Application 23502 �II POD Form 3811 A PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 POS��AR1(,O� DELIVERING US PO Print your AKA ddre b yo ant to restrict delivery, or to have the address of delivery shown on t _r[p(,che4 Gp o side. Moisten gu*IPPff6s;it1[� AttichE eAckof article. CONTROL 8O4 D SACRAMENTO State Water Resources Control Board Room 1140. 1416 Ninth Street • SacramentO, California 95814 • PLEA` URNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECK' 3LOCK(S). ' > REQUIRED FEE(S) PAID. ❑Show to whom, date and address Deliver ONLY where delivered ' ❑ to addressee RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Mutt always be filled in) CERTIFIED NO. t7g17h INSURED NO. DATE DELIVERED AUG 10 1970 SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S ENT, IF ANY SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (only if requested) 035--16-71548-11 347-198 GPO POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL BUSINESS Application 23502 POD Form 3811 Apr.1969 POSTMARK OF DELIVERING OFFICE Print your name and address below. If you restrict delivery, or to have the ad ess&� shown on this recGtpF, ch bl k off Moisten gum RtetLet�d! and�taejh rd t article. L + 1 1 Room :.' •r_ A' •Sacramento. want to delivery ler side. back of IVO Control Board "°Ninth Street California 95814 PLEA-URNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECK4103LOCK(S). , REQUIRED FEE(S) PAID. Show to whom, late•and address Deliver ONLY ❑ ❑ where delivered to addressee RECEIPT Received the number• r ,rticle desrilfid below. �' REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. INSURED O. N SIGNATU E OF haDRES (Must always be filled in) SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY DATE DELIVERED SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (only if requested) AUG IQ 1970 • Y =-_405-18-71548-tt'-S47-108 apo POST OFFICE DEPARTM OFFICIAL BUSINES Applic AUG 10 D AM, t. Ino 2, POSTMARK OF DELIVERING OFFICE OFP 3 'dint y§r 3e �guAd and�lc cess below. If you want to restrict eltvery, or, to heave the address of delivery shown on this receipt, check block(s) on other side. TEI�ptsti l}tlitalSOM attach this card to back of ess RETURN TO SACRAMENTO State Water Resources Control Board Room 1140, 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 PLEASIORNISH SERVICES) INDICATED BY CHECKE..00K(S). REQUIRED FEE(S) PAID. ❑ Show to whom, date and address Deliver ONLY where delivered 1---1 to addressee RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always be filled in) REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. !!\\ INSURED NO. DATE DELIVERED g -/a -7o SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT LOW WHEREtLLIVERED (only if requested) 1 453--18-71848-11 347-198 GPO POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL. BUSINESS 5 Application 23 POD Fore Ts 3811 Apr.196 �r PENALTY,FOR,PRiVATE USEfif0'RVOID A tl f A ,LAYMEM-0FPOSTAGE.=$3O ., T Print Une acT9 a ress below. f you want to restri livery, or to hav cibgss of delivery shown on this rgcc 1 s on other side. MtoCtet e�O nc�[his card to back of SACRA'1411413 State Water Resources Control Board Adtoom 1140. 1416 Ninth Street • aramento, California 95814 RETURN TO PLEASE " "RNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKED OCK(S). REQUIRED FEE(S) PAID. ❑Show to whom, date and address Deliver ONLY where delivered ❑ to addressee RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. i7yrTI INSURED NO. DATE DELIVERED 70 SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always be filled in) ATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (only if reputed) (YIn,-,9,7 .8'9��7f c55 -16-71648-1t 347-188 GPO y PAD Form 3811 Apr.1969 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL BUSINESS Application 23502 OST RK OF DELIVERING OFFICE Ae f�(e PAYME �.11Q 9� 144' Print yoor°cap�eand ddrts�i ou wa�ntntt>>>>,to restrict duvery, or to have the ddlelS of delivery shownSijte ttir livery ipy„.check block(s) on otter side. Moisten g A1idtirSd to back of article. OONTROL 8OAr0 dAORAMENTO State Water Resources Control Board Room 1140, 1416 Ninth Street Sac nento, California 95814 POSTAGE. S t: RETURN TO PLEA' FURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECAIII BLOCK(S). REQUIRED FEE(S) PAID. Mir Show to whom, date and address Deliver ONLY 1--1 where delivered ❑ to addressee RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. 1- I) •a. INSURED NO. DATE DELIVERED (i 4/92 SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always be filled in) CO Ae• S GNATURE OF ADDR E'S AG ' T, IF ANY SHOW WHERE DELIVERS. only if requested) //'/ 4355-16-71548-11 847-198 oro FOD Form 3811 Apr. 196 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL BUSINESS Application 23502 OST ICK oF1�E ty I� Print youtil��me and address below. If you want to restrict delivery, or to .�hhave�, dd.6f delivery shown ot►.�fy � dti 3 blidcle�ilatf5 other side. Moisten eihifrit ete �{tb{Ocard to back of article. A n �� State WaterWu esources Control Board Room 1140, 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95811. • 911 RETURN TO r • STATE OF CALIFORNIA — RESOURCES AGENCY STATE_WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO, CAaL'I FORNA Aa 95814 NOTICE.OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER • APPLICATION 23502 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON MAY 7, 1970 GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY P'0 BOX -9026, SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF 95705 APPLIED TO THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FOR A PERMIT TO APPROPRIATE UNAPPROPRIATED WATER, SUBJECT TO VESTED RIGHTS. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT WATER TO BE APPROPRIATED FROM LAKE TAHOE TRIBUTARY TO TRUCKEE RIVER POINT OF DIVERSION WITHIN LOT 3 SECTION 5 -1-12N. R18E MOB&M IN THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO d 'AMOUNTAPPLIED FOR: 14.33 CUBIC FEET PER SECOND BY DIRECT DIVERSION THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT DIVERTED UNDER THIS APPL.ICAT'ION WILL"NOT„EXCEED 5,968 WATER,T0 BE USED FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES DIVERSION 'SEASON NAMED: JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31z.- PLACE OF USE DESCRIBED: WITHIN THE SERVICE:ARE'AS OF TAHOE'PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY AND THE TAHOE KEYS WATER COMPANY,aBEING•WITHIN SECTION 31,'T13N, R18E,•MDB&M; SECTIONS 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16,.18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31 ANO 32, T12N, R18E, MOB&M; AND SECTIONS 5, 6,'8 AND°17, T11N, R18E, MOB&M, AS SHOWN=ON MAP FILED WITH STATE WATER RESOURCES • ACRE—FEET PER YEAR .CONTROL BOARD. RELATIVE TO PROTESTS • BLANKS UPON WHICH TO SUBMIT PROTESTS WILL BE SUPPLIED FREE UPON REQUEST ANY PERSON DESIRING TO PROTEST THE GRANTING \OF SUCH PERMIT SHALL WITHIN 60 DAYS.FROM DATE HEREOF (OR WITHIN SUCH FURTHER TIME AS' -MAY, FOR GOOD CAUSE SHOWN, BE ALLOWED) FILE 'A WRITTEN PROTEST WITH THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, ROOM 1140, 'RESOURCESc,BuILDING, 1416 NINTH STREET, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814. A COPY OF THE PROTEST SHOULD BE SENT TO• THE APPLICANT. JSUCH,PROTEST SHALL CLEARLY SET FORTH THE PROTESTANT'S OBJECTIONS.TO THE APPROVAL -OF THE APPLICATION ANO SHALL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION:.. (1) STATEMENT OF_,THE INJURY WHICH WOULD RESULT TO PROTESTANT FROM SUCH APPROPRIATION AND' USE. o .... 7 u (2) THE BASIS OF PROTESTANTIS-WATER RIGHT., (3) PROTESTANT<!S PAST AND PRESENT USE OF WATER BOTH AS TO AMOUNT USED AND LAND IRRIGATED OR USE MADE OF WATER IF OTHER THAN IRRIGATION. a . e (4) THE APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROTESTANT'S LANG OR' PLACE OF USE AND POINT OF 40IVERSION,OF THE WATER.• K. L. WOODWARD, CHIEF DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 'DATED: 'SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA' • AUGUST 7, *1970 ,-Certified Gardner Mountain Water Company P. 0. Box 9026 South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 -Cert. Truckee Donner PUD P. 0. Box 308 Truckee, California fReg. Postmaster, Truckee, California 95734 -Reg. 0-2 Mr. Robert J. Pafford, Jr. Regional Director, Region 2 U. -S. Bureau of Reclamation 2800 Cottage Way Sacramento, California 95825 Reg. CX 95734 U. S. Bureau of Reclamation Lahontan Project P. 0. Box 640 Carson -City, Nevada 89701 tG6ert. EX Truckee Carson I. D. 152 No. Maine St. Failon,'Nevada 89406 --Cert. CX Washoe County Water Conservation District 421 Hill Street, Room 5 Reno, Nevada 89501 Sticker Mr. Chester M. Hart, Chief Water Projects Branch Dept. of Fish and Game 1416 Ninth Street, Room 1206-20 Sacramento, California 95814 Reg. . District Attorney Nevada County Nevada City, California 95959 /Reg. District Attorney Placer County . Auburn, California • ert. CX Sierra Pacific Power Company P. 0. Box 10100 Reno, Nevada 89510 ._-Sticker 95603 Paul Bonderson (Form 1-G to Lahontan Region) ..Reg. District Attorney El Dorado County Placerville, California Sticker K. K. L. Woodward 95667 „Reg. 2 copies California -Nevada Interstate Compact Commission 1320 K Street, Room 452 Sacramento, California Attention: Mr. Robert B. Bond_ ,-Reg. Board of Supervisors Nevada County Nevada City, California 95959 'Reg. Board of Supervisors Placer County Auburn, California 95603 -Reg. Board of Supervisors E1 Dorado County Placerville, California 95667 ..-Sticker Mr. L. W. Carter, Chief Federal -Local Projects Dept. of Water Resources Division of Resources Development 1416 Ninth Street, Room 252-4 Sacramento, California 95814 ert. Murray, Burns & Kienlen 110? Ninth Street, Room 600 Forum Bldg. Sacramento, California 95814 Cert. James Vidovich, Chairman Pyramid Lake Tribal Council Box 64 {Wadsworth, Nevada 89442 ----Cert. Bureau of Indian Affairs Nevada Agency Stewart, Nevada 89437 Reg. Mr. Henry E. Branagh, Forest Supervisor Tahoe National Forest Coyote Street and Highway 49 Nevada,City, California 95959 Reg. Mr. Irvin E. Bosworth, Forest Supervisor E1 Dorado National Forest 100 Forni Road Placerville, California 95667 s Reg. Kronick, Moskovitz, Tiedemann and Girard 520, Capitol Mall Sacramento, California 95814 Sy. GARDNER MOUNTAXN WATER CO. P.O. BOX 9026 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA 95705 July 16, 1970 State Water Resources Control Board Room 1140 Resources Building 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California Attn: Mr. Archie Chesler Re: Application #23502 Gentlemen: 7£ Enclosed please find the revised water richt map with the additional information you requested. I believe we now have submitted every thing necessary in our application. If there is anything further you need from us at this time, please call at once. Thank you for your con- sideration and help. SLM/bg Encl. C` pig. Rr •4 g ago' Very truly yours, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER CO. By aC aq. Stanley L. Ma tin, Vice -Pres. 1uL 11. 1014 00 J STATE WATER RESOURCES TROL BOARD O SACRAMENTO • • DESCRIPTION FOR POINT OF DIVERSION FROM LAKE/TAHOE BY GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY The point of diversion from Lake Tahoe is described as follows: said point is in Section 5, Township 12 North, Range 18 East Mount Diablo Meridian, located in the City of South Lake Tahoe, County of El Dorado, State of California; and is more particularly located from the following description: Commencing at a 214 inch capped iron pipe marking the North meander corner of said Section 5 and Section 6, said pipe also marking the Northwest meander corner of Lot 4 of said Section 5; thence North -870 22' 22" East 1341 .53 feet to a point, said point being Northwest corner of the Lands of Dillingham and the Northwest corner of proposed Tahoe Keys Unit No. 5; thence North 890 35' 00" East 87.50 feet to the Point of Diversion from Lake Tahoe, said point being on the North line of proposed Lot C of proposed Tahoe Keys Unit No. 5. Revised 6/9/ 0 4 7-,9/10E p O :54, 63 A N_ .9 5'00 ' F. 9 50" ` 8750, Fed 2A i• C�paa .4 -on ,� (erso'er C ' "' r / 4r A ,l /nor, c4 t-htpy Lot 4' el. g") `4i11./. Corner ot'49cposeo' 7PHoE ,&-EYs Z AVir A0, 5, s . 8T 4CN/ aC S/ / OT 4- p SEC 2i R /3E /i> OM, p` tri i WILLIAM P PILLSBURY,/ - PLAT SNOkV/,VG CONSUL T/NG CIVIL ENGINEERS f t'rni r 'c)/ 5 10" PO. BOX 8226 "'Q®M LAKO TA/10E' SOUTH LAKE TAHOE CAL/F. 95705 ; :.3 ,p 6,90/- 2S it 0.1. AM'�� Ju`c�.� RESOURCES v�a-�E :�fp OLB6A D d 81 1110gNtO State of California Memorandum The Resources Agency Me Water Resources Control Board To Files Date . July 1, 1970 Subject: Application 23502, Lake Tahoe in n Dorado County A. A. Chesler From : Division of Water Rights Mr. Martin called at the office with maps in connection with Application 23502. Engineer Prescott did not affix his certification to the map. Mr. Martin took the maps back for the proper certification. The point of diversion description on a separate piece of paper was prepared by another engineer who will certify it separately. AAC: by SURNAME WRCB 129 (10-67) 6., kftesitkixit like'Tahoe Inintretwe Strx 730 South. es Calibmits, ' ;!.. Mei ax c 1863(;, 1803,, n 1 9 That is tor- y of e knacation ?.; a aba ups petiticaus 4.34 ' 'Wm* jNirgaute *4** *la Gia eat h s&r, ', 33, .ate 19629‘, e' Original Signe'd b'y J. M. _Page-- 0ffilltrad, atkitiox 442 r4-ta ,v ANOUS NORMAN MURRAY F. ASCE Joesea I. BuaNs F. ASCE DONALD E. KIENLEN M. ASCE JERRY J. ELLIOTT MURRAY, BURNS AND KIENLEN CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS 600 FORUM BUILDING 1107 NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 June 12, 1970 State Water Resources Control Board 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 r •„ LE+s. TELEPHONE (919) 443-2593 Gentlemen: Will you please place our name on your records to receive notices for the following applications: No. 235021 No. 23512 No. 23516 l No. 23519, No. 23520, No. 23521 -' Sincerely, D. E. Kienlen State of California Memorandum To Files 9 4? G'hes/e.- From : Division of Water Rights ANThe Resources Agency e Water Resources Control Board Dote May 28, 1970 Subject: Application 23502 Nr. Martin of Gardner Mountain Water Company and Mr. Baron of Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company visited the office today. Mr. Martin agreed to (by initialling) the maximum month's use and the total annual diversion on the application. He also said that an orig- inal reproducible print would be sent us with the Civil Engineers certification and the point of diversion noted on it. Mr. Martin and Mr. Baron said that the Tahoe Keys Water Company was being purchased by the Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company and Gardner Mountain Water Company. The new company is expected to have a new name. They said Application 23502 was filed in this matter at the suggestion of Mr. John Page of our staff. JMP:jb SURNAME WRCB 129 (10-67) Lake Tahoe Insur •ce Agents Association J Box 750... South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 May 28, 1970 State Water Resources Control Board Room 1140, Resources Building 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 Attn: Mr. John Page Gentlemen: This letter is in support of Tahoe Paradise,Water and Gas Company's application before yourto divert 14.33 CFS from Lake Tahoe and abandoning their diversion on the Upper Truckee River in the. Tahoe Paradise area of South Lake Tahoe. At South Lake Tahoe we have the ever present problem of degradingourecological environment and -diverting from Lake Taheo will allow the stream flows in the Upper Truckee to remain higher allowing for a more natural stream flow 'in that water course. This will also allow for a much up. - graded fire protection in the area served by the Tahoe Paradise`Water and Gas Company which is of very great importance to the Independent Insurance Agents in -this valley. We would very much appreciate your favorable con- sideration of their •e.lication. Very truly WAA:dn . Ames, Presi u4 A A ? May i 9 2 o3 STATE °AA/ATEA' iRES:00nEis ,DONirROLth.n.A130 r8A0R4iMEINTri0 • • • • SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT P. 0. BOX AU SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA 95705 PHONE (916) 544-6474 May 25, 1970 State Water Resources Control Board Room 1140 - Resources Building 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 Attention: Mr. John Page Gentlemen: PRESIDENT ROBERT W. FESLER DIRECTORS ROBERT W. WAKEMAN DONALD H. KORTES EDWARD HEARTY GERALD G. REAM e3,0 /~ -, At their regular meeting on May 21, 1970, our Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 1448 supporting the Gardner Mountain Water Company's application #23502 and the five various petitions filed by Tahoe Paradise Water & Gas Company with the State Water Resources Control Board to change place of use and to move point of diversion for 14.33 CPS of water to be used in South Lake Tahoe. RLC/lm Very truly yours, OE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Russell L. Culp General Manager 41;re very `I C--»"-' ,. -J.� 4‘1_ "leading tPze nation in urate¢ aecLanzation" HAY 26 2 50 PM '70 :3 FATE wnat RESOCRCES eorrmot.: reOL,TM SACRAMENTO • • • LAKE VALLEY FIRE DISTRICT • P. O. BOX 11132 TAHOE PARADISE. CALIFORNIA 95705 PHONE (916) 541-3737 May 21, 1970 State Water Resources Control Board Room 1140, Resources Bldg. 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, Calif Gentlemen: hr 03 0 ` row c o A 3S I wish to inform you that the Lake Valley Fire District endorses and recommends the petition for change in point of diversion, use, and application to appropriate water requested by the,Tahoe Paradise Water Co, the Angora Water Co, the Tahoe Keys Watbr Co and the Angora Water Co. Signed: /// /1-77e.4 R.F. Adams Firechief iqtAt ��t Kir Z5 8 41 Atf '70 s rare via rfi fl RESOURCE'S OONMOL UMr SACRAMENTO • o , 3 .7 J' c • *HOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS.. P.O. Box 11117 Tahoe Paradise, California 95705 Phone: South Tahoe (916) 541-2622 or 541-2623- May 41-2623- May 15, 1970 State Water Resources Control Board Room 1140, Resources Building 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 Attention: Mr. John Page Gentlemen: A If "° c This letter is being written in connection with our recent filings to petition for change in point of diversion, change in,place of use and an application to appropriate water. It is believed an explanation wouldbe in order at this time to clarify briefly our purpose. Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co. is filing the petition for change in point of diversion and change in place of use. They currently have five filings totaling 14.33 CFS on the Upper Truckee River in the Tahoe Paradise area of South Lake Tahoe. Because of Fish and Game Department stream flow requirements, this water in reality is not fully useable. The four public utilities, because of their commom problem of water supply, have joined together to hopefully solve the problem of supply and its ever increasing cost. Y The cost'of drilling for water here on the south shore is extremely high for the -water produced. (i.e. - Angora Water Company's most recent well #5 cost $20,000.00 plus and water produced is 150 GPM). Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co. has drilled two dry holes, each over 300 feet deep at a very substantial cost. The record is replete with dry or low producing wells in the area. Obviously, small public utilities cannot afford these kind of costs. The most logical and economic alternate is Lake Tahoe. In the filing for change in place of use, we are increasing the place of use to include the service areas of all four utilities. Thereby spreading the benefits to a much larger segment of the public to whom we are dedicated to serve. The application of Gardner Mountain Water Co. for. 14.33 CFS will be with- drawn if the petition for change in point of diversion and use is granted to Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co. This filing was made solely to save us the approximate 90 days it will take, to get ,an answer on the petition. A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of WHITTINGTON OIL CO., INC. (A UTAH CORPORATION) LISTED ON PACIFIC COAST STOCK EXCHANGE = M2iJ 31111'1: 10 STATE'•NTRILQ. , • • • ° , '' • : . State Water Resources, Control Board 0 May 15, 1970 Page Two It should be noted that: certain,agencys request to hold off granting rights in the Tahoe basin until the bi-state master plan is complete should notbe considered in our request. We are not making our request for large areas of new development. Our place of use is in existing, partially or fully built on, subdivisions. The companies have a great responsibility to serve their areas now, and in the future. The companies can perform and will, but need your help. Respectfully yours, TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS CO. By George C. ANGORA WATER CO. By , Afit n, Presi.ent Stanley Ll Martin, Pres B Gen. Mgr. TARO YS WATER C By oseph L Ogden, Generali Manager ARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER CO. r5cc.9se%- '11 evrs r` be- u id ii,4 5 7 leey /..970vI %y 6'?=-• a L e ack</a/Fc-lj'� EL DORA/1J° GoUNr( JOHN M. CASWELL First District WILLIAM V. D. JOHNSON..Second District THOMAS M. GOODLOE, JR...Third District RAYMOND E. LAWYER Fourth District GERALD E. MARTIN Fifth District CARL KELLY County Clerk May 28, 1970 • 9, d, BOARD of SUPERVISORS State Water Resources Control Board Room 1140, Resources Building 1416 - 9th Street Sacramento, California 95814 Attention: Mr. John Page Gentlemen: El Dorado County Office Center 2850 COLD SPRINGS ROAD PLACERVILLE, CALIFORNIA 95667 Phone: Area Code 916-622-1770 Please send me information or a copy of Application No. 23502 by Gardner Mountain Water Company, and the five various petitions filed by Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company with the State Control Board to change place of use, :=and to move point of diversion for 14.33 CFS of water to be used in South Lake Tahoe. cp Sincerely, WILLIAM V. D. JOHNSON Supervisor, District II nr ey0 ft MAy 19 TaTF , 08 AM '70 84C 400Nni,E,r0� )SCF`~ • �y XLJ _'J )u.BLic UTILITY DISTRICT PRESIDENT ROBERT V. HSLER P. O. BOX AU SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA 95705 PHONE (9i6) 544-6474 May 25, 1970 State Water Resources Control Board Room 1140 - Resources Building 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 Attention: Mr. John Page Gentlemen: D:rECTORS ROBERT W. WA K E M A N DONALD H. KORTES EDWARD HEGARTY GERALD G. REAM At their regular meeting on May 21, 1970, our Board of Directors adopted Re=olution No. 1448 supporting the Gardner Mountain Water Company's application #23502 and the five various petitions filed by Tahoe Paradise Water & Gas Company with the State Water Resources Control Board to change place of use and to move point of diversion for 14.33 CPS of water to be used in South Lake Tahoe. RLC/lm Very truly yours, SOUTH -TA, OE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT -4-,-t-„2„.%.a_-/ ea} Russell L. Culp General Manager _LF-acIi12(9. L' 28 12atio12 in GtratE2 2ECLa/12ati0/2" State of California Memorandum To Files A. A. Chesler From : Division of Water Rights a 3'7� The Resources Agency Pe Water Resources Control Board Date : May 13, 1970 Subject: Application 23502, Gardner Mountain Water Company, Lake Tahoe in El Dorado County I called Gardner Mountain Water Company at 541-3700 (South Lake Tahoe) and the lady there said the additional fee of $45.00 would be sent to us today. We will thereafter ask for the following: 1. Total acre-feet diverted during both (a) the' maximum 30 -day period and (b) during the entire year. 2. Point of Diversion Lot (and the distances checked) . ih .4 o7`3 '7• - mac.. S Ch6' dP�oi/s 3. The authority this company has to apply for all the other companies service areas. Lf PrO�oov ,P7e/ .s- �G�/���oe ->4r4w a mac/ Zviyif2Bvihy r474jirC_erJ7;) AAC:gv 1 SURNAME � `RCB 129 (10-e7) imIgr Moy N 10 22.1Ff '70 STATE '1,A, :'R RESQUR. CCTe rRccL BOARD 8A0170.-0. Y .'1 r STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY RONALD REAGAN, Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO 95814 May8,1970 Gardner Mountain Water Company P. 0. Box 9026 South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Gentlemen: Application 23502 Your application to appropriate water from Lake Tahoe was received MAY 7, 1970 and assigned number 23502 . Further action will follow shortly. Sincerely, J. M. Page, Supervisor Central Region WRCB 5 (2_69) 1/45-.1 ,e -e rr 11111 STATE OF CALIFORNIA1101 THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD ° " DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS APPLICATION^ TO APPROPRIATE '��T RS PPS 70 :arae WATER fir:SOUR E CONTROL T:i. iil...tl•��+, .�Ai eff SAAR 5155'CPa Application No,____ 2350 rlaY 7• 1970 at Ni. Filed ( pplicant must not fill in the above blanks.) (This application should be typewritten or legibly written in ink.) Gardner Mountain Water Co. Name of applicant P.O.__Box__9026, 1030 Industrial Ave., So. Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Address City or Town State Zip Coda do hereby make application for a permit to appropriate the following described unappropriated waters of the State of California, SUBJECT TO VESTED RIGHTS: 1. The source of the proposed appropriation is __________Lake Tahoe__ Give name of stream, lake, etc., if named. Ifs unnamed, state nature of source and that it is unnamed. located in - County, Tributary to __________ 2. The amount of water which applicant desires to appropriate under this application is as follows: cubic feet per second (a) To be directly applied to beneficial use 14•33mikastrogadtax 16,000 gallons per day is. approximately 0.025 cubic foot per second. Use gallonsper day if leer than 0.021 c.f.s. to be diverted from _ January 1st to December 31st _of each year. Beginning data - Closing date (b) To be stored and later applied to beneficial use None acre-feet per annum, to be collected between to___.of each season. Closing date If offstream storage is proposed, maximum rate of diversion to storage will be None c.f.s. Nora.—Neither the amount nor the season may be increased after application is filed. If underground storage is proposed a special supplemental form will be supplied by the State Water Resources Control Board upon request. 3. The use to which the water is to be applied is _ Domestic Beginning. date ---purposes. Domestic, irrigation, power, municipal, mining, industrial, recreational, stockwatering, fish culture, etc. Describe more fully in paragraphs 11, 14, 11, 16 and/or 17. 4. The point(s) of diversion is (are) to be located as follows: Bearing and distance or coordinate distances from section corner or quarter -section corner 40 -acre subdivision of public land' survey or projection thereof Section; Town - ship - Range' Base and Meridian (1) Note • See attacheri i' eRnriptinn and map. 1/4 of vs'�;1i (2) .. _ a (2) %a of %a (3) 'a of 14 The point(s) of diversion is (are) located in El Dorado County. 5. The main conduit will terminate in SW4 of Sec. 17 a T,_11N . R 18'2 M.D. B. & M. State 40 -acre subdivision of U. S. Government survey, or projection thereof.. Description of Diversion Works NOTE.—An application cannot be approved for an amount grossly in excess of the estimated capacity of the diversion works. 6. Intake or Headworks (complete only those blanks which apply) Complete (a) and/or (b) for direct diversion or diversion to offstream storage. (a) Diversion will be made by pumping from Submerged off shore intake structure Sump, ofaet well, unobstructed channel, erc. -(b) Diversion will be by gravity, the diverting dam being None feet in height (stream bed to level of overflow), None feet long on top, and constructed of__ None Concrete, earth, brush, etc. (c) Complete (c) for storage reservoirs only WRCB 1 (12-67) • 1. Height of dam (streambed to spillway level) Crest length of dam, ft. Freeboard above spillway level, ft. Material of construction (1) Not Applicable (2) (3) WRCB 1 (12-67) • 1. 7. Storage Reservoir (s) Name, if any Length of outlet pipe, feet Sections flooded by reservoir. Also name 40 -acre subdivisions unless shown on map Surface area, acres Capacity acre-foet (1) 13 Storage tanks totaling ' sheet of operating (2) and distribution (2) 1,,.669,000,; gallons I (3) (3) For any reservoir having a capacity of 25 acre-feet or more, complete the following: Diameter of outlet pipe, inches Length of outlet pipe, feet Difference in elevation, spillway level to top of outlet pipe in reservoir,"feet Fall in outlet pipe, feet (1) Not Applicable ' sheet of operating (2) and distribution (2), system .ipe lines. (3) 8. Conduit system (describe main conduits only) (a) Open channel, ditch, flume, canal, etc. (underline appropriate words) Width of topConstruction at water line, feet Width at bottom, feet Depth of water,, feet Length, feet Grade, feet per 1,000 feet Material: earth, rock, concrete, plastic, etc. (1) See attached sheet of operating transmission and distribution (2), system .ipe lines. (2) (b) Pipeline, tunnel, etc. Diameter, laches Length, feet Pump lift, feet Gravity fall intake to outlet, feet Construction Material: steel, concrete, wood, etc. 14" jDitversion (1) Conduit r 2,200 .. „: Steel (2), Present Proposed Future Additiona.L 9. (a) The estimated capacity of pumping plant(s) is (are) - (1) 1,400 GPM (2) 5,100 GPM Present Proposed Future Additional (b) The estimated capacity of the diversion conduit (s) is (are) (1) 3,000 GPM (2) 3,500 GPM (c) The estimated total cost of the diversion works proposed is - $100,000.00 Give only cost of intake, or headwork', pumps, storage reservoirs and main conduits described herein. Completion Schedule 10. (a) Construction work will begin on or before November 1, 1970 (b) Construction work will be completed on or before November 1, 1971 December 31 1981 (c) Water will be completely applied to the proposed use on or before _ �_ Description of Proposed Use 11. Place of use If area is unsurveyed indicate the location as if lines of the publicland survey were projected. If space does not permit listing all 40 -acre tracts, indicate sections, townships, and ranges and show detail on map. 4o -acre tract cr Section Township Range Base and Meridian If irrigation, show number of acres • See attached map,— Exhibit A ' ..cc)s" 43,4.,5 • Does applicant own the land where use of water will be made? No Jointly? _ No All joint owner. should include their names as applicants and sign the application at bottom of page 4. The place of use will be the combined present and pro_posed _service areas vbf" Gardner If applicant does not own land where use of water mill be made, give name and addressof owner and. - what arrangements have been made with him. Mountain, Angora, Tahoe Paradise and Tahoe Keys Water Companies. • • • 2. • 4I/ATTACH EXTRA SHEETS HERE • 12. Other Rights. Describe all rights except other applications on file with the State Water Resources Control Board under which water is served to the above-named lands Nature of Right a ro riative (riparian, pp p , purchased water, etc.) Year'of first use , Use made in recent ng years including amount, if known Season of use Source of other supply (1) (2) (3) 13. Irrigation Use. The total area to be irrigated is acres. Acreage of crops is as follows: 'Rice_ Net acreage acres; alfalfa acres; orchard acres; general crops acres; pasture acres. Care should be taken that the various statements of acreage are consistent with each other, with the statement in Paragraph, 11 and with the map. The, irrigation seasonwill begin e in about and end about Beginning'date Closing date, 14. Power Use. The total fall to be utilized is feet. The maximum amount of,,water to be used through Difference between nozzle or draft tube: Water'level,and Brat free water surface above.'„„ j .g the penstock is - - cubic feet per second. The maximum theoretical horsepower capable of being generated by the works is The use to which the power is to be applied is —. Second feet X fall _ 8.1 For distribution and saleor private use, etc. The nature of the works by means of which power is to be developed is The size Turbine, Pelma wheel, ere. of the nozzle to be used is inches. -d. will �ar>. A iii r.'. The water will not be returned to in of 1 Name of stream ' Sec , T -- R , B. & M. 1 S. Municipal Use. This application is made for the purpose of serving c2,_ j „ „ 2, Nime c ty or title', town or-towns.,Urban area, only. having a present population of A____. The estimated average daily consumption during the month of maximum use at the end of each five-year period until the full amount applied for is put to beneficial use is as follows: State 40 -acre subdivision 16. Mining Use. The name of the mining property to be served is Name of claim and the nature of the minescisl- The method of utilizing the water is • Gold placer, quartz, etc. It is estimated that the ultimate water requirement,•for,this project, !wilt be — Cubic feet per second, gallons per. minute. State basis of estimate. will The water will not be polluted by chemicals or otherwise Explain nature of pollution, if any. ter War ' -. .,.Y' n2++,�..; and it will not be returned to __in of Name of stream State 40 -acre aubdiv.eion Sec , T , R. , __B. & M. 17. Other Uses. The nature of the use proposed is Domestic, Industrial, recreational, domestic, atockwatering, fish culture. etc. State basis of determination of amount needed The amount is the same as the filing by Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co. in a petition for change in point of diversion. If this petition Number of persons, residences, area of domestic lawns and gardens, number and kind of stock, type of industrial use, and unit requirements. 0 is approved this•application is hereby withdrawn. 3. General 18. If maps as required by the Regulations are not filed with tihe application, state the reason (s) for not filing them They are -filed.• ~'wwigiKarre I will need (daFis (months)within which to file the required Maps because a .. 19. Does the applicant own the land at the proposed point of diversion?___If not, give name and address of owner and state what steps have been taken to secure right of access Dillingham Land Corp.; P.O. Boat 1239, South Lake Tahoe,_ California under alease _purchase__agreement 20. What is the name of the post office most used by those living near the proposed point of diversion? — — — 21. What are the names and addresses of diverters of water from the source of supply below the proposed point of diversion? None 22. (a) Have you investigated the effect of the proposed appropriation on fish and wildlife? Yes, no affect (b) Have you consulted with the�California Department of Fish and Game concerning this proposed appropriation? Yes (c) Will your proposed diversion or impoundment of water beneficially or adversely affect fish and wildlife. Neither (d) State all data and information reasonably available to you or that can be obtained- from the California Department of Fish and Game concerning the extent, if any, to which fish and wildlife would be affected by the appropriation. (Attach further supplement if necessary.) In verbal discussion_ with Mr,_ Bob __Reami_s_af__the__W_at x__P_r_ajects section on 3117170, he stated the departmexlt_tlrould__ha_ve__m___ob jenti =-tc___our__pumping. from the lake. He stated the department policy is to encourage lake pumping rather than river or stream diversion. This type of lake diversion has no affect on fish life. (e) Describe any measures you propose to take for the protection of fish and wildlife in connection with the appropriation. (Attach further supplement if necessary.) The intake will be approximately 2,200' from the .shor_e_ nf__ Lake_Tahoe___at__a__hater__depth__af__appr_oximately 40'. The intake opening will. _he.__screened._ Signature of applicant (s) (Refer to Section 671 of the Board's regulations) GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER CO. Mr. 749fc.x i Stanley Le Mr. Mrs. Miss artin, Vice President The complete information needed for preparation of this application may be found in the Regulations and Information Pertaining to Appropriation of Water. If there is insufficient space for answers in the form, attach extra sheets at top of page 3 and cross reference. Send application in, duplicate to the State Water Resources Control Board, Room 1140, Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814, and retain one copy for your files. 4.10 4. 15567-957 11-67 3M 0 OSP DESCRIPTION FOR POINT OF DIVERSION FROM LAKE TAHOE BY r --- GARDNER MOUNTAIN WA'1 Ett CO. The point of diversion from Lake Tahoe is described as follows: said point is in Section 5, Township 12 North, Range 18 East Mount Diablo Meridian, located in the City of South Lake Tahoe, County of El Dorado, State of California, and is more particularly located from the following description: Commencing at a 214 inch capped iron pipe marking the North meander corner of said Section 5 and Section 6, thence North 87°22'22" East 1341. 53 feet to a point, said point being Northwest corner of the Lands of Dillingham and the North- west corner of proposed Tahoe Keys Unit No. 5, thence North 89035'00" East 87. 50 feet to the Point of Diversion from Lake Tahoe, said point being on the North line of proposed Lot C of proposed Tahoe Keys Unit No. 5. k• 0 :'Ai:!'G: Cor, rer Li `' (ii' 17-),' //4' ;70/4/. ej /. C r '1. _ 1 , r N F' ;:> L, iii% L/, /1 I, '"..sras�4saazz.aoxsasaax5.rsrrrsac:92Gs .9 0• r0 k /-Y)/t-/ L .4 A: ;4 X,I CJF E967- C :� The operating transmission and distribution system pipe lines are of the type, size.and length listed below. There are three basic types of pipe co -mingled throughout the systems: 1. Steel, dipped and wrapped. 2. Cement mortar -lined steel, dipped and wrapped. 3. Asbestos - cement. The total footages are approximately: re re re re rr re AALL it "Y r T v V ( 1V ' 14. 1T 17,161' 68,011' 278,400' 126,904' 26,307' 21,200' 9,000' The above are all built and presently in service main lines. Total footage of the overall transmission and distribution system: 546, 983 feet •