HomeMy WebLinkAbout0249DELIVE El Deliver ONLY to addressee. (Does not apply to EMPLO c • ❑ Show address where delivered. !bed mail.) Received from the Postmaster the Registered, Certified, or Insured Article, the number of which appears on -the face of this return receipt. Ara-.) tQtr 41- (Signature (Signature or name of addressee) �qv G 2. (Signature of addressee's agent—Agent should enter addressee's mime on line ONE. above) Date of Delivery • POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVA14VOID PAYMENT OF 1 PO Jul 3811 * U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1155 350304-m ERI. fi, 0_ ICE .310 RETURN TO REGISTERED NO. NAME OF SENDER STATE -WATER RIGHTS BOARD. CERTIFIED NO. STREET AND NO. OR P. 0. BOX P. 0. BOX 1592 INSURED NO. POST OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1, C '.IFORNIA PO Jul 3811 * U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1155 350304-m DELI VERI.❑ Deliver ONLY to addressee. (Does not apply to Clad mai/.) EMPLOY ❑ Show address where delivered. Received from the Postmaster the Registered, Certified, or Insured Article, the number of which appears on the face of this return receipt. 2. (Signature of addressee's agent—Agenould enter addreeeoe's name on line ON a ove) Date of Delivery r f POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE. $300 (GPO) {Y U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1955 360304-m 609.MARK OF /014.0! OFFICE 4 . `111 RETURN TO REGISTERED NO. NAME OF SENDER STATE WATER. RI:7 `;':':.1 CERTIFIED NO. STREET AND NO. OR P. O. BOX P. 0. BOX 1592 INSURED NO. POST OFFICE SACRAMENTO 7, CALIFORNIA STATE POD 811 {Y U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1955 360304-m DELIVERI EMPLOY ElDeliverONLY to addressee. (Does not apply to Cod mail.) ❑ Show address where delivered. Received from the Postmaster the Registered, Certified, or, Insured Article, the number of which appears on the face of this return receipt. 1. ^iV4a1lJY. k' '2. (Signature orddressae)t . l �L (Signature of addressee's agent—Agent .should ent on line ONE above) Date of.Delivery r , 19_ ddresaee'e name. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Q OFFICIAL BUSINESS app • 18021 RETURN TO REGISTERED NO. NAME OF SENDER PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE. $300 (GPO) J' SZdMAR Ot:. A41LE1II �FCA UY U.S. BOND` AYROLL SA11.1 151_3 JAit WAT:R RI„iTS BOARD .CERTIFIED NO�. /[��f ! "� 'C Lit INSURED NO. , STREET AND NO. OR P. O.�BO).,. BOX 1592 POST OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1, CALIFORNIA POD July 811 STATE i{ U. G. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1153 360304-m POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT PENALTY FOR PRIVA !- ,..; VOID e G OFFICIAL BUSINESS a p 2'18021' PAYMENT • �t .. i,d1111.11�' G, ..STMARKOF LIVERING 'OFFICE • "J O y RETURN TO REGISTERED NO. NAME OF SENDER STATE WATER MGNTS CERTIFIED NO. STREET AND NO. OR P. 0. BOX P. 0, BOX 1592 INSURED NO. POD F. 811 July i POST OFFICE STATE SACRAMENTO 7. CAI,FORNIA • U. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1955 350304-.» (b DELIVERI�❑ Deliver ONLY to addressee. (Does not apply to CWed mail.) EMPLOYEL ❑ Show address where delivered. Received from the Postmaster the Registered, Certified,.or Insured Article, the nutryber of which ppears on the face of this return receipt. 2. Signa t r name of addressee (Signature of addres•-e'e agent—Agent could enter addreseee'e name on line ONE • ve) Date of Delivery IfiN r. V358 ,19_ I( POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT ' OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR P PAYMEN U. R. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1 156E 36O304 -m .. POSTMARK OF ELIVERING OFFICE 1G'i�'' RETURN TO y REGISTERED NO. NAME OF SENDER STATE WATER, .R WATER ilt ONTS .BOARr CERTIFIED NO. STREET AND NO. OR. P. 0. BOX P. 0. BOX 1592 INSURED NO. POST OFFICE - SACRAMENTO 7, CA! RIMA. STATE II JOI� 3811 U. R. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1 156E 36O304 -m DELI VEI ❑ Deliver ONLY to addressee. (Does not apply to EMPLO ❑ Show address where delivered. fied mail.) Received from the Postmaster the Registered, Certified, or Insured Article, the number of which appears on face of this Feturn receipt. (Sig addre=see) (Signature of addressee's ant should Geer ad c esaee's roams line• 0 E Date of Delivery 19- _. STATE OF CALIFORNIA I; I; • atlr Rtg1 tt kar?i 1401 218T STREET P. 0. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA • June 27, 1958 Application 18021 POSTMASTER Meyers, California Dear Sir: Notice is enclosed regarding an application to appropriate water. This office will appred;iate your courtesy if you will post this notice in°ya prominent place in your Post Office. Enc. 8 LEM:de ,JUN 2 5 '58 L.W.C. ; Very' trly yours, L 1;K. Hill Executive •Officer IFORNIA=STATE`WATER RI 1401', 218T STREET a ti BOX 1592 b n SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA =r' r NOTICE OF APPLICATION' TO APPROPRIATE WATER { App4catson NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN; THAT "e' a have has under the°date of ° l permit to appropriate unappropriated water, subject to vestedrights. .applied to the State Water Rights Board for :i Description, of Project Oat;Water obappropriated from '; C Vre One" 64 Nirtm In the County of ""p1+ 04r Amountapp,d for• � ! R ' ,.a i Point of diversion within Place of u e`desccribeoa d: sk4 TO c B .r al ^rl Jala x;CY. ,11-cy66'°'C•ta2O i.Ca.�r�T $1 .��TL%A D'T2.pIa7C. . 'U .0 I,LSLTCT2OC gaa cRrela;tive,,to Protests i+0 No:mpRoirisi,21 2gr.se:l' Bl nks.upoa wb.ichsto,submit protests will be'supplied free upon request. 081.42° C\O "eL$7CFta p (edr7Y2 0,3--iTGL:,Ti.TR O ;`3f,Ji, 'fars4 TT1'k6 ` Any. person deslnng to protest.agatnsl- thegranting of such permit shall within" ' days from date • _ i hereof file with'tlie State WateitRights Board;'S c amerrto' California,'a,,written-protest. Such protest shall clearly set forth. • - the pcotestant's objections .to the approval of the application and shall contain the following infor`mationr, r� ° T `,. moog MgLq '1` 1 Statement of the injury which would result to protestant from such appropnation and use. ?- ' (2)- The'basis of`'proiestant's'water right: ', J !4 ,, (,) t P r� ,( F 1_,..-_,,,,T..1-1,0 ('e ` r 1.11 8 `L , u ' if , .,. Prot otherthan i ngaton. yE a, use of water both as to amounrtued and land'irn ated, or use made of water ant's ast and resent,. 2v t � �, . , t.;,4,1 b . r i p`61.4„,: o "ta J i) T, q' �Cc r . T, x�a "FIG cm -w Lel. � (4�,�The�pp���t�te�locat�on of<protestant s.land,or place of use and pont of diversion that the same has been don, _,A co py, of theprotest shoul'd4hesent,to�the applicant and this office notifiedversion ofthe: water. e y L. K. HILL. Executive Officer ' Dated: Sacramento, California, Jaw a 19 FORM 8•A - 72847 8,58 !MO SPO - ti r:;15 S -t' _ • Dvcoq. ea•c1.4rcicieo? calflot,cfl.o% Cert, Cert. Cert. Applicant Postmaster, Meyers• CalP.. 'cyS'e,7;:trtire Dost' Z" IC D s,V ci,;.4tWis;fel rofai,El:� orado v yzAal• �t; s.a�a TgrY a (te?T5" ms:4 e'r'4n . r4 P9'6 o c^ County, Placerville .' - w e C :_r .a9L1G<Q8 34+ts R{}i;w��IF�CCT9pF Q$1A,L4'7GFJ 0l ;'.�0 PAss,;:� Board off'' supervisors of yEl Dorado - County, Blacier ztaart w Calif Deilt'f '-Vl rY 'ly 0 a�2�1 'J'r "' •+78G 4"P 6'i:.rfie8 Pooh a LOt S:z S`uvri2 'j ,./Dg '.tug vv.ukstGo' or: ':2G to 3qc &121,67. i ., i, _ m_�, acramento „ . - t („�=,_ 'i'.i2Y2 -41., li.;�142eall e.S�.f1.621�i?u¢ . ,, it 1' h i� i � i, 11 `...,3t xISac,ok. t1'+" 073)113). 1' 131:c ; re.oi:WLG env:' co e.lstie `tlit7g" xo yP1.c.is L+1b ltou:.lairoi IIr g RET K L. Woodward aus; h1.0aL es1r;,2 op3;c[roo, sbbranuf of cpG sil bicc.qou 9?7,iti2Ir.raj coutslu rtac If:Ho/qui rotorw.44,I9xs= 0 �§�{LetD¢ ,l. (' C 1`!r °t4%.?cu6T]'rA. �7r ;* I�J�i j'�47fjq -+(a ry1KT't'�; i!"' KsTr}otoi3' �".M it i`nit• J3Z4 !'�C• %Yell 350€G2r 2 TV• C x ter -coup" -G er.. <irrr e. is 1 { 2 IG�o _ r .Sr �e f!4 bG1.iFJi 2 Pj6.A,YPT.tI«, f�5n; ,�2.ULf sierra ,a`tcii ;o �Or, o�ip� r tr cert. c/o Orrick, Da-tiquist,--Herrington and butciiffe G. AAtt,Ol_,ne s;y3,4t ;Lawha.o abo,k1k r bite € sg s. lr 405 Montgomery Street San Francisoc +, C4: v iii 0-2'- Truckee -Carson Irrigation District cert.. Fallon;. Nevada AttentionH. B.Richards:, cx `Washoe,,County;Water Conservation District 200 Title°,Insurance„ Building xansc� :Yptc of acl ips:� - reno; nevada' IBB 6poL°BURSS.;1 ®Z , 4 z�� f op sa; co4 zibroys.ib »tsecl is -13NTsore tc, a hhtolnests.au.abbc,oaraxs;sc o!sre.a,,enp<a,cs �o �cz y�.biita arta rsuys[ gps_lqe.G o $$reN C. -shblj9 t rjq* `?rsac Aso!: )( ep ong, rOL MOUCR j' 1-1156A131. dart ; "Fria . t pp 8 Efv..rb 9y 114'` . T 'rli h3 9 . eV eV VVWE/43.0. :IOWA IV b CS':iit7 Mtn; a R O F(E4Y--21, LE,rS'ti EU' s E HENRY HOLSINGER, CHAIRMAN W. P. ROWE. MEMBER RALPH J. MCGILL, MEMBER Meyers Water. Company Meyers California Gentlemen: GOODWIN J. KNIGHT GOVERNOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA • atlr ligIt, Bunk! 1401 2187 STREET P. 0. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA • June 27, 1958 Application 18021 LELAND K. HILL EXECUTIVE OFFICER There are enclosed three copies of a notice of your application, two of which should be posted as indicated below and the third of which should be returned to this office with attached affidavit. You are directed to post two copies of this notice on or before July 12, 1958 in at least two conspicuous places in the locality to be affected by the proposed appropriation. On or before August 6, 1958 you should file with this office proof of such posting. IT IS REQUIRED THAT PROOF OF POSTING SHALL CONSIST OF AN AFFIDAVIT EXECUTED ON THE ENCLOSED FORM ATTACHED TO A COPY OF THE NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE. In case of inability to post two copies of the notice or file proof of posting within the time allowed kindly advise this office immediately and copies of a new notice of a later date will be forwarded. This notice is designed for the mutual protection of applicant and prior claimants. Although vested rights to the use of water from the source from which the appropriation is sought cannot be lost, prejudiced or impaired by failure to protest against the application, prior claimants are given this notice so that they may protest if it is felt the proposed appropriation will result in injury to them. If protests are filed you will be furnished with copies thereof and you are required to file with this office and with the protestant a brief but complete answer to each protest. There is no prescribed legal form which such answer must take but anything which you may do toward placing this office in possession of all the facts relative to the objections raised to your application will expedite action thereon. Very truly yours L. K. HILL, Executive Oficer Enc. Cert. JUN 2 5 '58 L.W.C, LEM:de FORM 8B .71855 2-58 5M 0 SPO a June 20, 1958 Applications 18021, 1803o, 18031, 18038: daid .18039 Orriek„ DahlquiSts Herrington and Sdtcliffe Attorneys at Law 405 Montgomery Street San Francisda, California Gentlemen: In response to the request received by this office the names Orrick, pahlquists Herrington and Sutcliffe, Attorneys, at Law, 405 Montgomery Street, San Francisco 4, California, have been placed upon our records to receive notice of application to. appropriate water and etc. pertaining to the 406 -numbered applications. LEN:lpb Very truly yOurd„ L. K. Hill Executive Officer ;id W. H.ORRICK T. W. DAHLOUIST GEORGE HERRINGTON ERIC SUTCLIFFE NATHAN D. ROWLEY WILLIAM H.ORRICK,JR. ORVILLE A.ROHLF WARREN A. PALMER WALTER G.OLSON CHRISTOPHER M. JENKS WILLIAM D.MGKEE ORRICK, DAHLOUIST, HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE COUNSELORS AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW 405 MONTGOMERY STREET SAN FRANCISCO 4 June 16, 1958 State Water Rights Board State of California P. 0. Box 1592 Sacramento 7, California Attention: Mr. L. K. Hill, Executive Officer Dear Sirs: CABLE ADDRESS "ORRICK" [GOOD FELLOW,EELLS, MOORE B. ORRICK] a 9/ Re: Applications Nos. 18021, 18030. 18031, 18038 and 18039 to Appropriate Water - Meyers Water Company Please advise whether notices in the above matter have been released, as we desire in due course to file protests to the above applications. The reason for this inquiry is that a letter from the Sierra Pacific Power Company which we have just received indicates that in a communication from the State Water Rights Board it is indicated that the above applications are unprotested. Very truly yours, 4!, 1958May 8, . A lidatiene. 8021 180 0180 1 • 180- 8 180 Orrick, PahlquiSt, Harrington and Sutcliffe • Attorneys at Law 405 'Montgomery Street San Francisco 4, California Gentlemen: We are returning herewith your protest filed on behalf of Sierra Pacific Power Company againstthe. above - numbered applications of Meyers Water Company whidhwere transmitted with your letters of April 7 and 25. -The prof teats are being returned inasmuch as advertising notices Setting! forth a protest period have not been released by this Offioe. Although there may be no serious objectionto the filing of a protest prior to the time an application is advertised, we would prefer that, in the future you mi,t4- h9id Proteats,againat- applications until such tine as notices are released because of the administrative Procelo• dures involved in the handling, Of protested applications. In ,addition, , protests filed prior to the time notices are sent from this office are considered premature since major apiendMents are, often made to applications before they are cdtpleted and advertised. YOUr Cooperation in filing Protesta in accordance 4th the above procedure will be appreciated. Very truly yours, /s/ L K. Hill L. K. Hill Executive Officer DRJ : ram Aprilfz9, 1958 A , li cations 18021 18030 ; _18031 18038 18006 Truckee -Carson, Irrigation District Fallon, Nevada Attn: H. B. Richards Gentlemen. Reference is made to the above -numbered applica— tions of Meyers Water Company to appropriate from various sources in El Dorado' and Nevada Counties which have been protested by the District although advertising notices have not been released by this office. Although there may be no serious objection to the filing of a protest prior. to .t ire en application is ad- vertised, we would prefer that you withhold protests against applications until such time as notices are released because of the administrative procedures involved in the handling of protested applications. In addition, protests filed prior to the time notices are sent from this office are considered pre- mature since major amendments are often made to applications before they are completed and advertised. Since we have already acknowledged protests against the Application 18006 of the U. S. Bureau of,Reclatnation to appropriate from Prosser creek, we will retain that particular protest on file. However, we are returning the remaining pro- tests and we would greatly appreciate your cooperation in 'filing the protests in accordance with the procedure suggested. Very truly yours, /s/ L. K. Hill L. K. Hill Executive Officer `1, Enc DRJ:cs W. H.ORRICK T. W. DAHLOUIST GEORGE HERRINGTON ERIC SUTCLIFFE NATHAN D. ROWLEY WILLIAM H.ORRICK,J R. ORVILLE A.ROHLF WARREN A. PALMER WALTER G.OLSON CHRISTOPHER M. JENKS WILLIAM D. M4KEE ORRICK, DAHLQUIST, HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE COUNSELORS AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW 405 MONTGOMERY STREET SAN FRANCISCO 4 April 25, 1958 CABLE ADDRESS "ORP!CK" [GOODFELLOW, EELLS, MOORE a ORRICK] State Water Rights Board State of California P. 0. Box 1592 Sacramento, California Re: Applications Nos . 1803_,_, 18031, 181, 18039.... to Appropriate Water - Meyers Water Company, Applicant Dear Sirs: We enclose herewith copies of Protest of Sierra Pacific Power Company in the above matters. Copies of these Protests have been mailed to Meyers Water Company, Meyers, California. Very truly yours, Enc. 111 STATE OF CALIFORNIA '1µl1 I; I; Orr Rig' i Bnarb 1401 218T STREET P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA April ]1, 1958 Application 18021 Sierra Pacific Panzer Company c/o Orrick, Dahlquist, Herrington & Sutcliffe Attorneys at Law: 405 Montgomery Street San Francisco 4, California Gentlemen: Your protest against Application 18021 of Meyers Water Company has been received and it is noted that a copy thereof has been served upon the applicant. If a hearing is found necessary, you will be given sufficient advance notice of the time and place. Very truly yours,. 48 DRJ :pa L. K. Hill Executive Officer 9i„4tint ls\ct `. W. H. ORRICK T. W. DAHLOUIST GEORGE HERRINGTON ERIC SUTCLIFFE NATHAN D. ROWLEY WILLIAM H.ORRICK,JR. ORVILLE A.ROHLF WARREN A. PALMER WALTER G.OLSON CHRISTOPHER M. JENKS WILLIAM O. MCKEE ORRICK, DAHLOUIST, HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE COUNSELORS AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW 405 MONTGOMERY STREET SAN FRANCISCO 4 April 8, 1958 ' CABLE ADDRESS "ORRICK" [GOODFELLOW,EELLS, MOORE & ORRICK] State Water Rights Board State of California P. 0. Box 1592 Sacramento, California Re: Application No. 18021 ta_Appropriate Water - Meyers Water Company Applicant Dear Sirs: We enclose herewith Protest of Sierra Pacific Power Company in the above matter. A copy of this Protest has been mailed to Meyers Water Company, Meyers, California. Very truly yours, od2241°4'llIV'ZL72°" 7" Enc. STATE OF►LIFORNIA—STATE WATER RIOTS BOARD 1401 – 21st Street P. 0. Box 1592 Sacramento 7, California MEMORANDUM OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER Application 18021 Forest Supervisor Eldorado National Forest Placerville, California This is to advise you that 'Meyers Water Company has under date of February 28, 19 58 , applied to the State Water Rights Board for a permit to appropriate for domestic purposes 2.5 cfs and 6 afa of the waters of an unnamed creek tributary to Saxon Creek . The project appears to be located within Eldorado National Forest. Water will be diverted at a point within NE4 of NWQ, Section 33, T12N, R18E, MDB&N NE4 Section 25, NEk Section 36, T12N, R17E, MOM and used within S5- Section 19, Si- Section 20, SWC Section 28, soSection 29, SIOSection 30 N— ii Section 31, 4- Section 32, all in T12N, R18E, MDB&N. Diversion to begin about January 1 and end about December 31 of each year. According to our records the proposed project (is not) within a Federal Power Site Withdrawal. STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD Dated: Sacramento, California F , ' . r, 7- March 14, 1958 By 19 Leslie C..iooson j Chief Engineer Are there any diversions on this stream, or stream to which it is tributary, below applicant's pro- posed diversion? If so, please give names and post office addresses of the users. -- -- J _____ Ctiz izHez:..ti_P_n_! h e cr r� �1ta _ ,�� P J (-6-�— If the proposed project involves right of access to or right of way across Forest Service lands, will the necessary easements be granted? Comments Tes. Approved Forest Supervisor TDATE j 4" - vUDATE] FORM 7 (REV.) A. H. ML Forest Ranger 40135 7.56 2M 0 SPO W. H.ORRICK T. W. DAHLOUIST GEORGE HERRINGTON ERIC SUTCLIFFE NATHAN D. ROWLEY WILLIAM H.ORRICK,JR. ORVILLE A.ROHLF WARREN A. PALMER WALTER G.OLSON CHRISTOPHER M. JENKS WILLIAM D.MGKEE ORRICK,DAHLQUIST, HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE COUNSELORS AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW 405 MONTGOMERY STREET SAN FRANCISCO 4 April 7, 1958 CABLE ADDRESS "ORRICK- [GOODFELLOW, FELLS, MOORE B, ORRICK State Water Rights Board State of California P. 0. Box 1592 Sacramento, California Re: Application No. 18021 (El Dorado County) of Meyers Water Company, Applicant Dear Sirs: On behalf of Sierra Pacific Power Company, which desires to protest the above application, we would like to secure copy of the above application, and would appreciate your sending the same to us. Very truly yours, HENRY HOLSINGER. CHAIRMAN JOHN B. EVANS. MEMBER W. P. ROWE. MEMBER 'tatF uob uht J. gnight Galvin -tar STATE OF CALIFORNIA I; II atir ttolIts rar? 1401 219T STREET P. O. BOX 1682 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA March 20b 1958 Applicata on .18021 Truckee -Carson Irrigation District Churchill,County Fallon, Nevada Gentlemen: Your protest against Application 18021 of Meyers Water Company received and it is noted that a copy thereof has been served upon. the, applicant. If a hearing is found necessary, you will be given sufficient advance notice .of the time and place. Very truly yours, STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD LESLIE C. JOPSON CHIEF ENGINEER LAWRENCE SPENCER APPLICATIONS JOHN PAGE ADJUDICATIONS-RECORDATIONS has been. Form 48 DRJ ps