APPLICATIONS 1$021, 1$030,
1$031, 1$03$ and 1$039
Tributaries of Lake Tahoe
El Dorado County
M art
The above -numbered applications were all filed by
Myers Water Company to appropriate water year-round from
various tributaries of Lake Tahoe to serve domestic water to
an area of approximately 3,160 acres with an estimated ultimate
population of about 2$,000 persons. The Water Company bounda-
ries include land within Sections 5, 6, 7 and $, T11N, R18E,
Sections 25 and 36, T12N, R17E, and Sections 19, 20, 2$, 29,
30, 31 and 32, T12N, R18E, MDB&M*. All of the applications
were protested by Sierra Pacific Power Company, Truckee -Carson
Irrigation District, Washoe County Water Conservation District,
and the California Department of Fish and Game.
A field investigation was made on September 1, 1959,
to obtain certain physical data regarding the proposed projects.
Those present at the investigation were:
Harold S. Prescott President, Myers Water Company,
Leo K. Homer ) Representing the State Water
Arthur N. Webb) Rights Board
*Hereinafter all township and range designations refer to
Mount Diablo Base and Meridian (MDB&M).
Proposed Projects
Application 1$021 proposes appropriation of 2.5
cubic feet per second (cfs) by direct diversion and 6 acre-
feet per anum (afa) by storage from an unnamed creek tributary
to Lake Tahoe via Saxon Creek and Trout Creek. Both direct
diversion and storage will be effected by means of an earth
dam 20 feet high and 1$0 feet long located within the NE4 of
NW4 of Section 33, T12N, R18E. The dam has not yet been
started; however, a 65,000, gallon elevated tank is in place, as
'e part of the 8 -inch transite mains for delivery of water
from the source. Mr. Prescott stated that the water company
hopes to have all of the mains installed in this part of the
subdivision before the end of the year. He indicated that
the storage reservoir will not be needed for about 3 years.
Most of the roads for this part of the development were graded
and apparently ready for surfacing, and some lots were cleared
and home construction started.
Application 1$030 proposes appropriation of 3 cfs
by direct diversion from an unnamed stream tributary to Lake
Tahoe via Upper Truckee River to be pumped from a sump located
within the SW4 of SW4 of Section 30, T12N, R18E. There has
.been no actual development on this portion of the overall
Application 1$031 proposes appropriation of 3 cfs
by direct diversion from Upper Truckee River tributary to
Lake Tahoe, to be pumped from a sump located within the NE3
of NE of Section 31, T12N, R18E. There has been no actual
development on this portion of the overall project.
Application 1$03$ proposes appropriation of 3 cfs
by direct diversion and 200 afa by storage from Upper Truckee
River. The earth dam, to be located within the NW of SW. of
Section $, T11N, R18E, is to be 25 feet high and 1$0 feet long.
There has been no actual development on this portion of the
overall project.
Application 1$039 proposes appropriation of 3 cfs
by direct diversion and 200 afa by storage from Upper Truckee
River. The earth dam, to be located within the NWS of SA of
Section 5, T11N, R18E, is to be 20 feet high and 210 feet long.
There has been no actual development on this portion of the
overall project.
Source of Water Supply
According to the USGS "Bijou" and "Freel Peek"
quadrangles, 7.5 minute series, the unnamed creek under Appli-
cation 1$021 rises in the mountains southeast of Myers, in the
SWC of Section 33, T12N, R18E, at about elevation 7,500 feet,
and flows in a general northeasterly direction about one mile
to the confluence with Saxon Creek. Saxon Creek continues in.
a general northerly direction about 2.5 miles to the confluence
with Trout Creek, which continues about 5.5 miles to Lake Tahoe.
The point of diversion under Application 18021 is located
about one-quarter mile above the confluence of the unnamed
creek and Saxon Creek.
According to the USGS "Markleville" and "Silver
Lake", 15 -minute quadrangle, and the "Bijou'?, "Echo Lake" and
"Emerald Bay", 7.5 minute quadrangles, Upper Truckee River
rises in the Carson Range in Section 10, T1ON, R18E, at about
elevation 9,300 feet and flows in a general northerly direction
about 21 miles to Lake Tahoe.
The unnamed stream under Application 18030 rises in
the mountains north of Echo Lake in Section 26, T12N, R17E, at
about elevation 8,000 feet, and flows in a general easterly
direction about 2.5 miles to the confluence with Upper Truckee
River about 9 miles upstream from Lake Tahoe. The point of
diversion is about three-quarters mile above the confluence.
The remaining points of diversion „with respect to this con-
fluence, are located as follows:
(1) Application 18031 --on Upper Truckee River about
three-quarters mile above the confluence.
(2) Application 18038 --on Upper Truckee River about
3.5 miles above the confluence.
(3) Application 18039 --on Upper Truckee River about
2.5 miles above the confluence.
The flow was measured at the time of the investigation
at the various points of diversion with the following results:
Application Method of Measurement Flow
18021 3 -inch Parshall Flume 0.13 cfs
18030 Stop watch and bucket 5 gallons per minute
18031 Pygmy Meter 6.7 cfs
1$038 Pygmy Meter 5.0 cfs
18039 Estimate about 5.0 cfs
Other Matters
The matter of chronology of development was discussed.
Mr. Prescott stated that the projects will be developed with
the same chronology as the applications, with Application 18021
being developed first, Applications 18030 and 18031 being
developed second, Application 1803$ being developed third,
and Application 1$039 being developed last. He stressed that
the overall project will be developed as fast as possible,
consistent with conditions that develop, and gave the following
as the present projection of need and development:
1. By the end of 1959--a total of 1,460 lots sold with
a need of about 3.3 cfs.
2. By the end of 1960 --an additional 750 lots with a
need of about 1.7 cfs.
3. By the end of 1965 --an additional 2,750 lots with a
need of about 6 cfs, making a total, at this time,
of 4,960 lots with a need of about 11 cfs.
The storage facilities will provide a firm supply
when surface flows are inadequate. Included in the overall
project will be some commercial establishments, as well as
an 1$ -hole golf course. The amounts applied for appear to
be reasonable if the development is consummated as planned.
Ar hur N. Webb
Assistant Hydraulic Engineer
Dated: November 2, 1959
Sacramento, California