HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 827 2 $ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 51 JOHN [~. W£1DMAN R_ESOLUTION NO. 827 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT BETWEEN STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACTING BY AND THROUGH THE STATE ALLOCATION BOARD FIRST EXTRAORDINARY AMENDED BY CHAPTER 157 OF SAID STATUTES AND SESSION, AND SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT as follows: 1. The President of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT be, and he is hereby authorized to execute a CONTRACT BETWEEN STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACTING BY AND THROUGH THE STATE ALLOCATION BOARD PURSUANT TO CHAPTER $?, STATUTES OF 1966, FIRST EXTRAORDINARY SESSION AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 157 OF SAID STATUTES AND SESSION, AND SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, d&$e~May 9, 1966, and which said Contract is sixteen(16)pages in length, together with three(3) exhibits and appears on the stationery of John C. Weidman, Attorney at Law, 325 Main Street, Placerville, California, attorney for SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. 2. The Clerk of said District is hereby authorised and directed to attest the signature of the President of said District on said Contract and affix thereto the corporaSe seal of said District. PASSED AND ADOPTED on May 9, 1967, at a special meeting of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT by the following vote: AYES: Directors Fesler, £ortes, Melikean, Wakeman and Hegarty 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 52 NOES: l~one ABSEI~T: None ob'err W. F~sler, Pres~ident of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. ATTEST: ~.a.v__i_d ~/_. Ca~[lahan, Clerk of the ~JOUTH~ AHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT and ex officio Secretary of ~he Boa~ of Direc$~rs Shereof. (SFAL) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 $1 JOHN fi. WEIDMAN AT'T~I~NIEY AT LAW CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION STATE OF CALIFORNIA~. ss. COUNTY OF EL DORADO I, DA¥ID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, and ex officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof, do here~ by certify that the attached Resolution No. 827 is a true, full and correct copy thereof, and that said Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT at a duly held special meeting on May 9, 1967, and that the ori§inal of said resolution is on file in the office of said SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Said resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote of the members of the Board of Directors thereof: AYES: Directors Fesler, Kortes, Melikean, Wakeman and Hegarty NOES: None ABSENT: None and ex officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. 1 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 S2 JnHN I~, W£1DMAN .5~SSIO~ ~.S ~d'.~E~DED BY C~UI~i'ER 157 OF 5TATUi'Z~ A.~'~D SES~i01.,, ~;.;D SOU~it PUBLIC UTILi'~Y DIS~RIC? This contrscC, entel'ed ir, to 'Chis....__day of ....... ~ 1967, by ~nd between the .ff..~a~e of Californi~, ~c~ing by nnd ~hrough ~he St~e .~lloe~ton Bo~rd, hereinafter re_~erred ~o ~a ~he ,S~e", and ~he SeraPh T~hoe Public U~ili~y District, herein. arbor refe~ed ~o ms the "District", a poli~ic~l subdivision of She S~e of C~lifornie, d-uly organized, existi:~g and acting pursu.~n~ ~o the l~ws of ~he Sta~e of California, wi~h i~s ~incip~l place of business in E1 Dor~do County, Sou~h L~ke hoe, C~lifornia, planned construction of extension of facilities for , ~ou~n Lake Taho transportation of ~reated sewage effluen~ of ~he ~ .~stn fr~ ~he sure,iS of Lu~he~ P~ss to Diamond V~lley, ~lpine County; and from ~he South L~ke T~,hoe 2~sin is requirei by ~he S'~ate of Csliforni~ s~'~ by the U~ited Ststes of ~ics to preven~ possible degrs, dstio~ of L~ke Tahoe W~ter Qnality; ~d Nevsd~ on ~ove~ber ll, 1963, issued ~ r~co~enda$ion exis%in~ cri%ic~l'.sew~ge disposal si=ua~ion mt =he sou~h end of Lake T~hoe be correc=cd by exper=lng treated s~w~ge effluen~ from $he South ~,~,ke ~hoe Basi:~ b~ ~he f~ll of 1965; and WHE~E.~$, ~he Secretary of =be Iu.%erior, Uni=ed of America, did call a Conferm~c~ o~i =he Pollution of =he 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 28 Z9 ~0 -JI3H['4 ~. WEIDMAN ~he p~rposc of ..... ..~ thc Olstric~ within 25 years ~ * ~ · proJoc'~ n~cccsory ~o portals =h~ ~ "~,~,~ . 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 24 S5 26 27 28 ~0 ~IOHN "-. W~"IOMAN 7 Diot~'ic~ Of One ~"~ ........ ..... ' "" ~,~;~:~',d *~' ' ~n~ pzr~i~ as (a} ~i'o~al P~3c-c'~~ ~,,a~.= m~:~n<.,~ ~,;oz'~,~ and Lu'~her Pass ~o n{~,,-,an~ Vatlc>? ~' .;~ Albino ?" .... '" 1 '4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 24 25 27 28 ~0 ,JOHN C. WF'IOIv~AN ~ Awa~e~ ~o~ co:',=~ruc~ion of a pore;Ion of the ~,c:-ks and ~,.:~, ~ro~ ~be summit of Luther Pass ~o Di~ond V~lley in ~Ipine Couuby. (c) "Loan Co'~;~i~u~::;~'' sh~!l ~oan ~he ~axi~um sum of ~on~y which %he State agrees ~o io.~n to ~e District under Shis con~rsc~ As provided in r~cle 2 ~', ..... (d) '~ear" s.':a!l ~ean calendar (c) ,,Boa~l- shall m~an tks S~ate ~lloca~ion Board of. the State' of Cmlifornia, (f) "Ezecutiv~ Officer~' shall =~an ~he Executive Officer of ~h~ $%$~o Water Quality Co~:~rol Board of tbs State of California. (g) "F~PCf,,~' shall recall the Federal ~liCcr Pollution Control ~.dministra'~ion ac~!ng ~hrough its dcsif'~natcd representative or region~:~i officer. (h) ~Cons%ruc~ion ~]ids~ shall mcen opcr~ coupebi~ive, s~!~ bids called fo~ by ~he Di~ric'o pursu~n~ ~o applic~.blo Uni~ S~a~es of ;~erlc~ nnd Shako'of C~lifornin !~w for public work $o be cens~m~cted by Disuric~. (i) -Estimated $~p~r~te ~-~ec'~ Cos~" ~s tho proJsc~ cost ~s es~tuo, tcd by the Engineer of Dis~ric~ end s~Frov~ by ~he Executive Officer prior ~o rec~v~n~ cons~c~io~ bids for any se~ra~ project. ~rO~OC~ gOSh" I$ a (J) "}levisod Es'~lma~ed Separate ~ ~' ' revised se~ra~e project cos~ os os~i:~a'tcd b'y ~h~ ~,~i,~eer Dis~ric:, ~nd ~pproved by ~hc ~xecu~ive Officer, ~f~cr cons$~ction bids are rccci~ed..and a cons~ruc~ion co~rac~ awaked for s~id s~r~ra~c, p~o$~c~ bu~ prior ~o cor~ple~ion ~hereof, ~;'d includes revisions made from. ~iue ~o ~ime by ;ald En~neer, and approved by said .,.,~cu ire Office~, in ail es~imo~ed amoun%s for construction costs based upon she con~rac~ 1 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 52 award, s~,cicip~.,t~d or sctu:~l C!'~s~'~ge O~-dor~, ,,~,~ cos~ of acquiri~ l~nds, in~e~es~ i~ ~.ds, and ~m~cr.ri%~h~s ~eco~snry for project, wi~h ' · ~- consmdera~ion ,:~iv~n ~o appraised values ~nd prudcnl ~blic ~gc~cy ~cquisi~ion ~ac~ices~ ~d tcgal, administrative, engineeri~g, su~ying, ~os~ing, a~d i~,spec~ion co~s, and ~he cos$ for ~ny clai= or an$icipatcd clai~ by a:~.y person ~o ~he co~ruc~ion of said project, a~d all o~her Dis~ric~ empe~ses es$ima~ed by said Eagineer and ~pprov~d by said Executive Officer as ~ccoss~ry .for co~ple~ion of Said separate proJec~. 2. ~:?~.i~uD .~To~:~b~ nO'b~.L2q~q~'d~ i~ho S~a~e will loan ~o the Dis~ric~ in accordance v~i~h ~he provisio~:m of ~his contrac~ a sum of money not ~o exceed One ~illion Eigh$-~lundred Thousand Dollsrs ($1,SO0~O00.OO) ~ ~h~ ra~o of in~erem~ forth in ~r~icle l~ hersof. 3. ~.~jr~o~Me Of. L?(~ B~ny gnd all uoney disbursed ~he Dim~ric~ under ~his con~rac~ shall b$ um~d solely for p~en$ of com~s necessarily incurred by thc Di~ric~ for con~c~ion of ~he ~otal proj~co necessary go ~x~miozw~ of facilities for 0raaopor~a~ion of ~r~a~cd sewage mffluen~ of ~e Sou~h L~ke Taho~ Basin fro~ ~he summi~ of Lu~he~- Pass $0 Diamor~d V~lley in ilpi~e CounSy, i:;cludi~g, bu~ no~ limi~ ~o co~s~ruc~ion cos~s~ ~he costs of ~cquiring la~dm, in~eres$~ in lands, ~'~d wa~er rights hecessmry for ~he wl~h considoro~ion given ~o appraised v~lues and prudcn~ public age~cy ~cquimi~io~ practices, ~:~d legal~ cos~ for ~uy cl~i~ or en~icipo.~cd c~im by s~y person ro~ing ~he co:~s~c~ion .of caid ~o~ml project, n~'~d all o~hcr expe~mcs necessary for s~id ~ot~l proJoc~ ~. ~_~o.~..ct .~c:~:~u,:~.~:O~...~.~.. C~ ...... ~l~tfo.~. The ~o~1 p~ojec~ shall be co~'~s~ruc~cd in t~;o scparcte projcctm, u~der ar~ ~he indian Creek D~u ~d Dispos~l Are~. Cons~ruc'~io:~ of each 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 14 15 16 17 · 18 19 20 '. 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 52 JOHN C, WEIDMAN ~f. AI3 ERVI LLE, GA separate project shall be considered as one project tuuder the ter~$ of this agreement° Construction of e~ch separate project , ~nall be commenced by the District as soon of the ~otal project s~ ms reasonable and practicable and shall be completed by the Distric~ not later than December l, 1968, unless fu~ds are not available to th~ Di.~trict ir~ accordance with ~he provisions of Exhibit B, attached hereto ~d m~de a par~ hereof, or weather conditions, litigatio~, strikes or s¢~s of God prohibit completioZ~'by s~id date~ The time for completion ~ay be extende( upon written approval of the S~ate~ In the event funds availsbl~ as set forth in Exbibi~ B ere insufficie~t to construc$ the iota~. project, District shsll have ~he righ~ to complete the separate project for the Indian Creek Pipeline, the time for completion o~ the separate project for the Indian Creek Dam ~d Disposal ~rea shall be exte:~ded for a period of one year, and District shall have the righ~ ~o ~secure suppl0mental financing and comPlete construction of ~he separate projec~ for said D~m and Disposal ^rea; provided ~he ~i~e of cempletion for maid Dam and Disposal ~re~ shall~not be extended unless the separate project for the Indisn Creek Pipeli~e is completed by~ December l, 1968, or as in this Article otherwm~e provided° The total project, shall be constructed in accordance with the projec~ description se~ forth in Exhibit A and f~nancing methods se~ forth in said Exhibit B, or in ~his Article otherwise provided, .and wi~h the approved plans ~r~i specificmtions referred to in Article 6 hereof, or with any revisions thereof approved by ~he Executive Officer and the FWPCA. For the purpose of this said contract, construction of each separate contract and ~he total projec~ shall be 'considered completed w~n ~o deter~ined by the Executive Officez snd the K~PC~, unless othcrwis~ 'p. rovided by ~r~icle ll. 5, ~.q~pli~ncc with Labor...a:.~.d.. C0~v?}r_r~e~t Code. P_rovi.~ions.;, In the construction a'nd opera~ion of the Coral project, the District shall comply v;ith ~he applicable provisio~ ° 1 2 $ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 _ 26 27 28 29 50 d~IHN I~. W~IDMAN of ChapSer 1 of Par~ 7 of Divisio:'~ 2.of ~.e C~!i=or,la L~bor Code and Division 5 of i~itle i of the C~liforni~ Governmmn~ C~de. ~ds_.to_:Pi~trict,. Thc Dis~ric'~ shall comply with the following co~udi~iona preceden~ ~o bhe disburse~e~'~= by ~he S~%e of any ~rtioa of ~ho loan co~mi~nent: .(~) The Distric: sh~ll submit ~o the Execu:ive Officer plmns, specifico:ions ~-,d cos: es:i.m~es of the ~o:al proJec: for purposes of S~m:o ~pprowl ~nd cmr:ificr~:ioa of a Feder, 1 Grmn$ under Public Lnw S~-660 ~s a~e:~ded. Upon approval by :he EXecutive Officer, s~id Fxecut~vo Ofl'icer sh~ll ce~:ify s~ld plans, specific~:io::s ~nd cos: es~i~cs :o :he F~PCR. Dis:ticS sh~ll execu:e ~'~ .offer m;~d ~cccp~:ce of Federal funds in a~ less$ ~he ~:~.o~ 'scs fo,~a in Schedule B under Federal Gr~n~ (PL 660). ~ll conversers, plans, speclfica~ions, co~z$~c%ion bids, ch~e orders and all docuu~e:~s rel~ing e~ch sepnra~e projec~ shnll be ~pp~ovcd by ~he Execu$ive Officer and ~he FW~'C;~. (b) The Dis~ric% sh~ll, afSer ini%i~l conSrac~ awnrd, ~nd initial disburmeuen~ of fu?ds, se~d ~o ~he Executive Officer monShly Progress reports, includi:%g ~ny revised separate proJecU com~, ~he porcen~Ee of co~ple~ion of e~ch zepar~:e projec%,~ ~he costs ~ncrc~ofore exper~ded for e~ch sep, r~%e prOJec% subscquen% ~o ~he preceding monthly progress repotS, ~od ~n estimate of ~ho work ~o be done ou each proJec~ in :he succee~i~ 7. ~.i~hurse~e5D of S:~te F~.~':d.s.~ State Funds mh~ll be disbursed ~o ~%e Distric~ fer - ~' e,~,c,, separate proJec~ in roll.lng =anner: (~) Te~: perce~'~$ {10~) of ~he e~$i~ed p~Jec$ cos~' When ~mpprovol of fin, 1 pl~ns a~d and Sh~ ~im~ed serrate proJcc$ costs have been given by ~he F[~PC~ ~;~d the Executive Officer. {b) ~ ~ddi~iorml forty percen~ ($0%) oE ~he revise~ em~i'~a~e~ separate prOjec~ co=~ ~hcn ~ con~ruc~ion con~rnc~ has been ~pprov~ by ~he FwPC~ ~ ~ecuCive Officer, end co~rac~ ~ h~s b~en ~e~e by ~ho District. (c) ~:~ addi~io~l ~w'ea~y-five p~rce~ (25%) of ~he ~L~bem~ revised estimated sep~ro~$e pr~jec~ cosb whe:~ ~he Dis~ric$ FWPC~ ~nd Executive Officer have cer~ifi~ ~ha~ ~id se~rs~e ~oJec~ construction h~s re~ched fifty percen~ (50%) comple~io:~. (d) ~: ~ddibional fif~ce~ percer~ revisei es~i~ed meper~e projec~ cos$ when s~ld District, F~.~CA ~nd Executive Officer hmve certified ~h~ bhe separate proJec~ co~s$~ion h~m remch~ seven, by-five percen~ (75%) comple$io~. (e) The $o~1 u~p~id b~l~nce o~ said sep~rm~e projec~ cos~ upon ~hm separate proJec~ .co?~ple~io~, ~nd l~spcc~ion ~nd ~pprovzl by ~he F~PC~ ~nd ~xeCu~ive Officer, ~nd ncc~p~nce by ~he District. The sepmrs~e proJ~c~ cos~ ~m ~s~ ir~ ~his ~r$1cle 7 (e) mh~ll include ~he co~$~ruc~io~ cosbs b~sed upon ~he con,fmc award, ~n~icipabed or ~c~u~l Ch~e Orders, ~he cos~ of acquiring l~.nd~, in~eres~ in l~nds, m:~d w~.~er rights ~:ecess~ry for ~he project, v~iSh considerm~ioa ~ive~ ~o ~pprnised v~luem and pruden~ public ~gency ~cqulsi~t°n practices, ~:~d legal, ~d~inis~rs~ive, engine~ring, ~urveying, ~ez~i~, ~ and inspec~ion coG, s, ar~d ~he co~ i'oc mr~y cloim or ~n$icipa~ c~im by perm~n rel~i:~g ~o ~e co~m~c~io~ of m~id project, and ~11 by said Executive Officer ss z~eceos~ry for comple~ion se~ra~e project. ~x~oe~d~yro~_.Rec~rd~$. The =~o~;u'y diuburs~ ~o ~he Dis~rtc~ pursu~n~ $o Article 7 hereof shall be deposited i~ a special 5 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 2O 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 29 50 52 established by ~e District seporste ,~:~d dimti.ct from all other accounts of the District. The funds so deposi=~ in said special ~c~o~ shall only bc used for p~en~ of sep~rn~e a~'~d ~o~1 proJec~ cos=$. The Dis~ric% sh~ll Hoop complo=e ~:~ e~curm~e =.~aU arc mode from $~id special recess of ~he expenditures accoun~ ~ ~he S~te, or i~s reprase;~,~ives, shall have righ~ ~o inspec~ su~ recess a:~d m~ke copies ~here~ a~ ~ime du~n~ ~he Dis~ric~'s regular office hours. 9. Ee~rts._o'.~ ~:xp~u~itures ~nd on ~:roJec~ Const~ction On or Before $5 days sf~'er the dste o~ W~,ich shy conmt~ction co:~tract for ~ s~parm~e project is c~,p].et~d or construction c~mses, ~nd on or before $5 d~ys after the d~te on v~hich cenm~c~ion of the ~otal proJec~ is c~mplet~ or ceases, ~he Di~ric~ shall f~r, imh ~ ~itten report ~o ~he showing in de~sil ~he purpose s:~d amo~ of the expe~di~ures and encumbrances fro~ or of mzid special .~cco~ ~nd mhowing ~he to~$i amount ~xpend~ fro~ the d~c of the first di~b~sem, en~ of the loan co~ttment. In ~he said reports the Dls~ric~ i~emime all of the separate a~d to~l project costs incurred prior to comple~ion of said project or cessation of construction that ~re to be ~id from ~he ren~ining fu~ds i~, s~.td special ~ccount. ~t the option of the District, the final ~udit report and inspection of FWPC~. for each sep~?~r~te project and the total proJec~ ~y be sub~itt~ i~ lieu of any separate report. . C~m.~le~,~n_of F,roJect._ The S~a~ ~hall h~ve ~he c~ght ~o ~n~pec ~he work bain~ performed and ~he facilities being at any and all times during the construction of the p~Ject to inspect the ~mme at tony end roll ti=~es error its comple~ion. ll. ~~c~t of P.ri~'~cipal ~.:~fo~nt. of Lo,Dm Upon completion of the totml project, the District shall, within 90 ~a2s a~er final inspection, audit and spproval is ~ve:~ by the 2 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 14 1.5 16 17 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 27 28 29 ~2 F~PC~ o£ 1;he ~o~al project, remit, ~o the State ~y d~.~b~ ~o ~he Di~r~c~ ur~der ~hi~ con~rac~ ~ha~ ~re unexpend~ ~n~ no~ ne~ed ~o pay cos~ o~ ~he ~ld ~o~al pro~ec~ such ~s exist. ~rans~i~ ~o ~l~e S~a~e a ~rit~en no~tce ~o ~ha~ effect. Zn ~he even~ funds available as se~ forth in ~x~ibi~ B are insuf~icien~ ~o conm~c~ ~he ~o~al proJec~ mhd Dis~ric~ shall no~ co~ple~e co~c~ion of ~he se~r~e proJec~ for Indian Creek Pipeline ~i~hi~ ~he ~i~e p~vide~ in Article ~. ~he ~o~al proJec~ shall be d~c~ed completed a~ ~he expiration of ~he ~e for complm~ior~ of mai~ Indigen Creek Pipeline separa~c project. In ~he even~ funds avai~ble ~$ se: for~h in Em%ibi~ B are insufficien~ ~o con~c~ '~he ~o~al projec~ ,nd ~he .Dim~ric~ comple~es c:n~c~ion of ~he Indian Creek Pipeline' separate proJe~ within ~he %i~e for comple~ion of maid Indian Creek Pipeline pro~ed in ~r~t~le &. bu~ does no~ secure supplemen:al financing and complete construction of ~he proJec~ for ~he Indian Creek Dam and Disposal rrea duri~ ~ne ~ear ex%ension of %lma for co~ple~ion of said D~z and Disposal ~rea pr~vide~ i~ A~icle $. ~he proJec~ shall be deemed comple~ a~ ~he end of said o~e year extension peri~. Dis%rio: shall r~: ~o ~he S~,~e any funds u~:e~ended or ~ransml: %o S~a~e a no~ice :ha% no ~uch ~expende~ f~da ezis% within ~0 d,ys ~er said comple~ion ~i~e or ~eeme4 ~omple~i~n ~ime. ne~ :o pay cos~s of ~he said proJec: shall include cons~c~i~ com~s ~sed upon ~he con~ra~c~ a~rd. com~s for accel Chan~e O~ers. ~ha cos~ of acquirin.~ lands, inheres: in ~n4s. a~ wa~er ~h%s necems~ry for ~he project, wi~h consider:ion given ~o appraised v, lues ,nd pruden~ public .sency acquisi~ion practices, and l~al. a~inim:ra~ive, engineering. ~es~in~. and inspection costs, and ~he cos~ for any claim or an:icipm~ed claim by any perso:~ reL,~ing ~o ~he cona~c:i~n of said project, and all o:her Dim:ric~ exp~naes de~e~n~ by 1 2 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 nece~s~y fo~ commotion of said sol~ato project. ;'Jith~ 30 days ~er' ~" · rece~i~ of ~y f~ds o~ notic~ that no ~p~d~ ~ds ~xis$ f~m District, State ch~! s~ ~o Distrlc~ a ~i~le 12, hcr~ ~', of the .~ot~. disb~s~t that ~s be~u r~itted ~o the State by ~he 'Distri~ ,~uder this. A~ciclo. F~ds receiv~ by ~he Di~ric~ :~cm the F~c~ Gr~t (i~550) for th~ tot~ p~Jmc~ d~m~,g ~h~ there ~z~:ists ~p~mdc~d i~ds. Lu the ev~t F~~ ~r~ ~ds ( :'L. o~0) are rece.~ed ~or the as ~ ~s ~icle ~o~d~, f~h~ r~ :to State ~y project, or ~ r~ ~ch ~md.s e~ci~t, transmit ~to Ou'p~~:~ .~ltt~ notice to that ~foct, ~ud State r~ts~ ~clp~ ~o~u~ of the lo~u to be r~l~id. h~e~{ ~ be const~ to pc~ D.istric~ to re~in ~re the tot~ .p~Ject cos~ ~n the State lo~ ~m'~ds disb~s~ ~~t to this ~ntr~ct ~d ~e Fc~er~" ~ for ~aid t~t~ p~jo~. ~ the cv~,t ~ds ~re dicbm-a~ to the District .by ~ta~ far ~y seP~te ~oject, ~d said p~J~t is ~t ~n~ctcd, Distri~ s~ .re~urae State ~d 12. ~_O~.~'~cc'~Z of._Lo;~,. ~:o District shoal Pay to tho !l. 1 2 $ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 52 ~J~I~N [~. WrlOMAN feL~CI~RVILL. Ir, CA ~SIS.~ S~a~e the amoun~z se~ forth opposite she installments in repaymen~ schedule shown in w ' ~xnibi~ C, a$~ched here:o and made a ps~ hereof, ~il :he principal a~oun~ of ~he l~n ia repaid in ~11. The firs~ principal ins~allmen~ shall be due a~ ~yable ~en years followinE ~he dmso on which ~he S~a~e ~rans~s $o ~he Dis~ric~ a written s~a~e~en~ of She principal amoun~ of ~he l~n p~suan~ ~o Ar$iclo I1 hereof, and ~he rer~ining princl~l lnm~allmen~s shall be due a~d payable on ~he same day of each succeedln~ year ~hercaf~er ~n$il She principal mmo~ of ~he loan is'repaid in full. In ~he even~ ~he principal am~un~ of She lo~n ~ be repaid is less ~han One Million EiEh~ H~dr~ Thousand DolOrS {$1,800,000.~), each princl~l rep~yme~ ir~allmen$ shall .be reduced to s percentage ~f such ~aSal~en~ eq~l ~o ~he pc. ce..~ge ~hich ~he principal amoun~ ~* be repaid bears to one ~i!!ion Eigh~ Hundr~ Th~sa~ Dollars ($1,g~,~O.O0). · :.~ ~ ,..,~ ~?~,~ Op~ior~,~ The ~is~rie~ sh~ll have ~he option of ~ying in advance a~ any ~ime all or ~ny portion of ~he rem~tning unpaid p~incipaI ~o~ of ~he losn~ provide, ~ha~ any in~erem~ mcccued hereunder shall be paid ~ime$ provid~ further, ~ha~ ~ny such prep~ymen~ Shall no~ relieve ~he Dis~ric~ of isa obllga~lon ~o make ~he in ~he amours ~d a~ ~h~ ~imc~ ~peeift~ in tr~icle 12 hereof ~$il ~he 'principal m~o'un~ ~f ~:~e loan is re~aid in ~11. (a) The Dis~ric~ ~h~ll pay ~o ~he S~e in~eres~ Sh~ ra~e per ann~, se~ forth in Subdivision (b) of Shim Para~ph on %h~ ~paid princ~p~l b~nce of ~he sums of money 4isb~a~ :~ ~he Dia~ric~ pursuan~ ~o ~his contract. $ai4~ in%eros% ~all acc~e from ~he da~e of each S~a~e disbursemen% ~n ~he am~ of each m~id disbursement, mhd shall ~e liras ~ya~le ~ne y~r sf~er'~he daSe on which She S~aSe ~ranmmi~s 12. tO the Disgricc ~ written s~a~e=en~ of the principal amount of the loan pursua.u~ %o Ar$1c!u 11 hmreof, and annually on ~ame day of each year ~hcreaf~er un~il ~he principal anoun~ of She loan and in%eres~ %h=rcon h~s been repaid in full. (b) The ra~e of inDere~ shall be equ~l ~o average, as de=ermined by ~he Board, of ~he ne~ in~eres= ~o =he SDa~e or, =he males of g~erai obliE,$ton bo~ds of She S~aSe Sha~ occ~red d~ing ~hs c~le~ar year i~m~ia~oly preceding %he c~le~'~ar year in ~,hic~'~ ~he inSeres~ falls due, d~ing =he mora~ori~ on princi~l payments, wi~h in~res~ Shereaf~er.~o be payable a= ~ne ~s~ ra=e applied d~ing moratoria; p~vided =na~ when uno applic:~le average of n~ ~ereS= com~a ~o =he $=a~e i~ no~ a mul$iple of one-~en~h of 1 percent, '~he in=eres$ ra%e shall be a= =he multiple of on~-=enDh of 1 Percen= nex~ abov~ Dh~ applicable uweraEe of (a) The SCa~e shall ~esiga8$e She Fiscal Officer Co Fiscal Officer shall furnish Dis=ric~ u~n recuip~ of any ~en% a s~z$emenD of ~he re,straining principal lomn balance az~ any in, erase ba~nce due afUer any maid ~ymen~ (b) S~a~o shall armually Sransmi~ $o DisSric~ a s~aSemen~ of ~he ln~e~-es~ rase compu~ ia accordance wish A~icle 14 (b) shir~y (~0) days prior bo :he annual due daSe for in:eres~ paymen% by Diat~ic:, d~g che ~ra~o~iu~ pr~:ci~l ~),ment~. ~e shall ann~lly transmit to District a S~'~e~t of the int~re~ due ~hlrty (30) days prior ~o the O~erabl~or~ditf~on~ The District .shall operate the const~c~ project facilities ia an effici~n$ and econ~cal ~mer and shall make all repairs, renewals, a~'~d replscements necessary to · the efficient operation of maid facilities and to ke~p thom in ~0~ repair at, all ~imes, mo ~hat ~id faci~ties ~hall retain in aa go~ and effici~u~ condi=ion aa u~n ~heir ~cona=ruc=ion, ordinary ar~ r~son~ble w~r ~nd deprecia$ion exceptS, so long as sa~ facilities are used for Uhe expor=a~ion of ~rea~ed · ~ewage effluen$ of %he Sou~h ~ke Tahoe B~siu, from ~he of Luther Pass $0 Diamond Valley, Alpine County. ~or. ~oJec~:Da~F~e, The Dl~ric~ a.~eos ~o i~emnify the of California, She Board, and :heir officers, aEenba ~ployees agains~ ar~ :o ho~ $he same free and ha~lesm from any ~nd all'clmims, de~..~.~,ds, damages, lcsse~, cos~s, expenses, ~ liability due or inciden~ ~o, eifher in w~olm or in ~r$ and whether directly or indirectly, ~he design, opera$ion,, repair, maintenance, exis%ence, or fail~ ef p~oJec~ or of a~y of i~m workz or f~cili~iem. .Eyo.htbig~d~ The Disgric~ shall, no~ sell, lease, exchange, morggage or hypo[hocz~e or encumber in any ~nnor or any po~ion of ghe proJecg or of ar~y real or ofher proper~y necesmarily connec[ed or used in conJ~c~io[~ ~herowi~h ghe obligagion mubjec~ of ghis congr.~c¢ has b~en~ sagi~fied or forgiven, wighou[~, prior per~nission of gho S~n~o. The t~greemeng between Sou~h T~hoe Public U$ili~y Di~ricg ~nd ghe Co,Ay of Alpine and ghe Alpine Coun[y ~,¢er Agency, daged hp~l'6, 1966, shall, go ghe exgeng ~h~S ig provides for sny.righg go us~ a porgion of $he go,al ProJecg by Alpine Coungy Wa~mr Ag~nmy, nos be sUbJeCg go ghe p~vlsions of $his ~.r~icle office hours, each of ~he par~iea here:o and ~he~ au:horim~ ropreaenfabivem ohall have ~h~ righ~,tO inspec~ any a~ all books, records, contracts, and accounts of the other party that contain .information relaUing to the project and to matters in, or arising out of, this contract, and to make copies thereof. 20. i~.otices. A~y notices that are required to be given by one party to the other tu'~der this contract shall be deemed to have been given when enclosed in a postage-prepaid envelope addressed to ~he District at its office, when the District is the party to be notified, and to the State Allocatioz Board of the State of California, S~cramento, California, when the State is the pa~y ~o be notified, and deposited in the United States Post Office; provided, that this article shall not precl~e the effective service of any such notice by other 21. ~ssiMn~?~t of C.ontr~c~ This contract and all of the provisions hereof shall ~pply to and bind the successors ~nd assigns~ of the parties hereto but no ass~onment or transfer of this contract· or any part ~hereof or interest therein shall be valid unless and until approved by the State. 22. ~.~.iv~r.s.. Any waiver at auy time by either pa~y hereto of its rights with respect to a default, or any other matter arising in connection ~th this contract, shall not be~ deemed to be a waiver ~th respect to any subsequent default or matter. 23. ~rm_of. Con~ac~.,. This contract and the obligations of the District and its constituents to the State here~der shall resinate when the principal amo~t of the lo~n has been repaid tO the State ~nd all interest thereon and any other s~s of money due to the State here~der have been paid to the State in full. 24. ~.~.e.~ution~ This contract shall be effective when the State Allocation Board and District ha~ duly authorized its execution, the officers so authorized have execut~ said contra in duplic~l;e, and the Departments'of Fiz;ance and General Service~ Of the St~t,e o£ California h~ve ~pprovud ~aid cont, raCr,,, S ~ATE OF CA. LIFo,~ I, ST?,TE ALLOC.~IO~,~ BOA~{D Officer, $~a~e Allocation Board SOUi'H T~tiOE PUDLiC Ui'ILITY DISTRIC£ ~ho 5oard of Directors' Distric~ and ex officio Secre~ry of the Board of Diroc$ors Shereof. Depar~men~ of Finance Depar~men~ of General Servicea 16. 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 ~5 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 - 26 27 28 29 50 5l 52 dnhr~ ~, W£1OMAN 1~e total project con~i~t~ of two separate projects, ~ea. These t~o sepal-ate p~Jects ~-~ necess~y to permi~ the ~usion of fac~ities for the tr~ns~ation of m~e ~uen~ of the South L~e T~oe Dasin from the '0f Luther Pass to Di~ond V~ley in ~pLuc C~ty. ~e ~dian Cre~k Pip~Lue ~sparate project w~l c~ry t .o~,.~ of Luther approx~at~y 13 m~os into Di~ond V~loy. ~pine Co. by. This be a, b~ied pip~e, ~cept at high. my bridges or river ~reek D~ and .~s~o~ ~r~a ~eparate proJec~ ~ ~ conazs~s c~ m~ oa:-~h ~ud rock f~! d:~u ~o b~ on a m-~l m:~'~ed ~rlbu~y to ~udi~u Crcd~ Lu Si~uond ~Valley. The dram w~ provide hold~ pond s~o~,~ capacity of up 32OO acre feat for ~reated se~,:age ~flu~t, ~:i~ holdL~ ~nd s~or~e im a p~ of tr~s~r~a$1on fac~i~ics re~ired prior 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 27 28 29 50 51 52 J~,~l'~ C. WEIDMAN Tot' 1,7'~,~0.00 2,570,000.00