HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum No. 1 10-18-18SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AGENDA ADDENDUM NO. 1 REGULAR BOARD MEETING Thursday, October 18, 2018 District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Note: This item, posted October 15, 2018, met noticing requirements and is added to the Items for Consent as item 4c for consideration by the Board. 4.CONSENT ITEM c.Tahoe Keys Pump Station Geotechnical Investigation (Stephen Caswell, Senior Engineer) Authorize Task Order No. 17 with Construction Materials Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $29,934.47 for geotechnical engineering services associated with the Tahoe Keys Pump Station Rehabilitation Project. South Tahoe Public Utility District § 1275 Meadow Crest Drive § South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 § Facsimile 530.541.0614 § www.stpud.us Stephen Caswell October 18, 2018 Page 2 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Stephen Caswell, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: October 18, 2018 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Tahoe Keys Pump Station Geotechnical Investigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize Task Order No. 17 with Construction Materials Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $29,934.47 for geotechnical engineering services associated with the Tahoe Keys Pump Station Rehabilitation Project. DISCUSSION: District staff has been working with Carollo Engineers, Inc., (Carollo), since July of 2017 on the Big 5 Pump Station Condition Assessment. To date, the condition assessment work has been completed and project alternatives and recommendations have been provided to the District. Through this process, Tahoe Keys and Upper Truckee Pump Stations were identified as the two highest priority pump stations to address, and the District is preparing to move into design on these two pump stations. A separate Contract for the design of the two pump stations will be presented to the Board for approval at a later meeting. The proposed project at the Tahoe Keys Pump Station consists of construction of a new wet well that can house three pumps, a new meter vault, replacement of the electrical gear, and seismic retrofit of the existing building. The existing pump station does not have the room for a third pump, but the existing electrical building can be retrofitted for continued use. The District has identified this project for funding through the State Water Resources Control Board State Revolving Fund (SRF) program. The SRF program has modified their application process and will be evaluating all applications received by December 31 of each year for funding in the next year. To score maximum points, the design of the project needs to be to a certain level. The District has targeted having our application submitted to the SRF program by the end of 2019, for funding and construction in 2020 or 2021. To meet this timeline, the geotechnical investigation needs to be completed as soon as possible. General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 1 Stephen Caswell October 18, 2018 Page 2 The District solicited a Proposal from Construction Materials Engineers, Inc., (CME) for the geotechnical investigation at the Tahoe Keys Pump Station. CME’s proposed Scope of Work is attached. The District and Carollo reviewed the Scope and District staff compared the proposed cost to other recent geotechnical investigations and found the proposed cost to be consistent with other similar efforts. CME has conducted previous investigations on District projects, although usually as a sub-consultant. By contracting directly with CME, the District saves the markup that the design consultant would put on their services. CME has an existing Master Services Agreement (MSA) with the District and is available to begin work immediately. CME has a drill rig available to conduct the field investigations the week of October 22. Accomplishing the investigations at this time will help to meet the timeline discussed above for submission of the SRF application. District staff requests that the Board approve Task Order No. 17 with Construction Materials Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $29,934.47 for geotechnical engineering services associated with the Tahoe Keys Pump Station Rehabilitation Project. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $29,934.47 ACCOUNT NO: 1030-7055 / TKSPSR BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: Funds to be transferred from Big 5 Pump Station Project ATTACHMENTS: Scope of Work _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 2 300 Sierra Manor Drive, Suite 1 Reno, NV 89511 Office 775-851-8205 fax 775-851-8593 www.cmenv.com October 15, 2018 SOUTH TAHOE PUD 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South lake Tahoe, California 96150 Attention: Mr. Steve Caswell RE: Geotechnical Investigation Services Tahoe Keys Pump Station Retrofit Reference: Tahoe Keys Pump Station-Geotechnical Investigation Check List Mr. Caswell: Construction Materials Engineers, Inc. (CME) is please to submit the attached proposal to complete a design- level geotechnical investigation for the proposed Tahoe Keys Pump Station Retrofit. The attached proposal includes work associated with geotechnical design aspects of the project and soil/hydrologic requirements of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. Our scope of work will be completed by a civil engineer licensed in the state of California. Based on discussions with Carollo and STPUD, the attached proposal excludes environmental evaluation of the site as well as pump testing for dewatering purposes. These items will be completed by other consultants in the spring when high groundwater levels are likely to be encountered. Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to working with the STPUD on this project. Sincerely, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENGINEERS, INC. Justin Verdie Legg Stella A. Hardy, PE Project Manager Geotechnical Project Manger vlegg@cmenv.com shardy@cmenv.com Direct: 775-737-7567 Direct: 775-737-7569 Mobile: 775-772-0658 JVL:SAM:jy Enclosures V:\promotion\Minor Proposals\geotech_proposals\2018\STPUD - Tahoe Keys Pump Station\Scope & Fee\cvltr-10-9-18.docx 3 Geotechnical Investigation_ Tahoe Keys Pump-Station Retrofit and Upgrade South Tahoe Public Utility District, Inc., Page 1 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT-TAHOE KEYS PUMP STATION GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSAL Table of Contents Executive Summary and Project Description .......................................................................................... 2 Project Description .................................................................................................................................... 2 TASK 1-Field Exploration ........................................................................................................................... 3 A. Permits, Site Access, and Utility Clearance .................................................................................. 3 B. Geotechnical Investigation ............................................................................................................ 3 B.1 Literature Review ...................................................................................................................... 3 B.2 Field Exploration ...................................................................................................................... 3 B.2.1 Geophysical Measurements .................................................................................................. 4 TASK 2-Laboratory Testing ........................................................................................................................ 4 TASK 3-Soils/Hydrologic Report, Geologic Hazards Review, and Analysis ......................................... 5 A. TRPA Soils/Hydrologic Report Application ................................................................................... 5 B. Geologic Hazards Review and Analysis ....................................................................................... 5 TASK 4-Geotechnical Investigation Report .............................................................................................. 6 TASK 5-Review of Project Drawings and Specifications ........................................................................ 8 TASK 6-Meetings and General Consulting ............................................................................................... 8 Schedule ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 Estimated Fees ............................................................................................................................................ 9 4 Geotechnical Investigation_ Tahoe Keys Pump-Station Retrofit and Upgrade South Tahoe Public Utility District, Inc., Page 2 Executive Summary and Project Description This cost proposal has been prepared based on project information provided by Carollo Engineers, project design engineers, and Mr. Steve Caswell, a representative with South Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD). The proposed scope of work includes subsurface exploration utilizing vertical test borings, geophysical measurements, laboratory testing, engineering analysis associated with geotechnical aspects of the project, and providing recommendations for design and construction of the project as currently proposed. Project Description The project site is located at the northeast corner of the Tahoe Keys Boulevard and Venice Drive intersection, in South Lake Tahoe, Eldorado County, California. The proposed improvements are within the existing STPUD parcel limits and will be located on both the west side and interior portions of an existing electrical building. Based on a review of Figure 4.1 (Tahoe Keys Pump Station, South Tahoe Public Utility District, Big 5 Pump Station Condition Assessment) provided by Carollo, the proposed improvements include:  Installation of a 12-foot diameter lift station having a bottom of footing elevation at 28 feet below existing grade;  Construction of an isolation valve vault on the interior portion of the electrical building. The vault will have an approximate footprint of 18 by 10 feet with a bottom of footing elevation located approximately 7 feet below existing grade;  Influent manholes will be installed at/adjacent to the existing influent pipeline. The manhole foundations will be bottomed approximately 22 feet below existing grade;  Seismic retrofit of the existing electrical building,  Plumbing improvement including new force main connection, by-pass removal/replacement, new force main drain; and  Electrical room improvements including installation of a new generator and electrical control equipment. The majority of the proposed improvements are being considered/designed as essential facilities with an occupancy category of IV. Preliminary structural loading is on the order of 2 to 3 kips per square foot. 5 Geotechnical Investigation_ Tahoe Keys Pump-Station Retrofit and Upgrade South Tahoe Public Utility District, Inc., Page 3 TASK 1-Field Exploration A. Permits, Site Access, and Utility Clearance It is assumed that access permits will not be required and the project site can be accessed using conventional two-wheel drive vehicles. Snow removal, if required will be provided by STPUD maintenance department. CME will coordinate with Eldorado County for geotechnical boring permits in accordance with local ordinance. Prior to initiating the subsurface exploration, CME will contact USA dig to determine the location of existing utilities. If warranted, our firm can coordinate a field meeting with local utility locators to clear proposed exploration locations at each site. B. Geotechnical Investigation B.1 Literature Review Prior to initiating the subsurface exploration, a review of published geologic and soils information will be completed to assist in characterizing the subsurface profile and general site geology. In addition, we will review published reports contained in our files of nearby projects completed in the area. Information collected during the literature review will also be used to identify potential geological hazards present at the site. A field reconnaissance will be completed during the location and staking of field explorations. The site reconnaissance will include photographs of existing site features where applicable. B.2 Field Exploration To evaluate the site soils for soil liquefaction potential, drilling utilizing both hollow stem auger and mud rotary technique will be completed. Test borings will be drilled using a truck-mounted drill rig with continuous flight hollow-stem augers (HSA). Soils will be sampled at 2½ feet intervals to a depth of 25 feet, and 5-foot intervals thereafter using either a 2-inch split-spoon sampler or 3-inch diameter split-spoon with liners. Two borings are proposed:  Boring 1 will be drilled to a depth of up to 50 feet and data collected from this boring will be used for liquefaction analysis. Sample collection for Boring 1 will be completed using 2-inch split-spoon sampler.  Boring 2 will be drilled adjacent to Boring 1 to a depth of 40 feet and will be used to collect undisturbed large diameter samples for laboratory testing of mechanical soil properties. Our field representative will log soils encountered in general accordance with the Unified Soils Classification Chart and color in accordance with the Munsell Color Chart. Tentative boring locations are shown on Figure 1. 6 Geotechnical Investigation_ Tahoe Keys Pump-Station Retrofit and Upgrade South Tahoe Public Utility District, Inc., Page 4 Figure 1: Tentative Boring Locations B.2.1 Geophysical Measurements To determine appropriate seismic design criteria including seismic site classification in accordance with the California Building Code, a geophysical field measurement using ReMi will be performed in general accordance with the method described by Louie (2001). The ReMi method provides an effective and efficient means to obtain basic subsurface profile information on an essentially continuous basis across the explored location. The resulting 1-dimensional model will be included with the project report. ReMi provides the necessary information to determine a soil site classification and subsequently, seismic design parameters. TASK 2-Laboratory Testing Representative samples of significant soil types will be tested in the laboratory. The purpose of the laboratory test program will be to evaluate the engineering and mechanical properties of soil samples collected in the field. We anticipate the laboratory test program will consist of the following:  Grain size distribution (ASTM C136);  Plasticity (Atterberg Limits ASTM D4318);  Moisture Content (ASTM D2216);  Moisture/density determination;  Moisture density relationship testing (Proctor ASTM D1557);  Swell/Consolidation, Triaxial Compression, Unconfined Compression Strength, and Direct Shear testing, as appropriate based on soil conditions encountered; and  We will coordinate with an outside laboratory testing firm to complete corrosion testing for soluble sulfate, pH, sulfides, redox potential, resistivity, and chlorides to determine the soils potential for corrosivity in direct contact with ferrous metals. LEGEND Tentative Boring Location N 7 Geotechnical Investigation_ Tahoe Keys Pump-Station Retrofit and Upgrade South Tahoe Public Utility District, Inc., Page 5 TASK 3-Soils/Hydrologic Report, Geologic Hazards Review, and Analysis A. TRPA Soils/Hydrologic Report Application The TRPA Code of Ordinances requires property owners proposing an excavation deeper than 5 feet to submit a soils/hydrologic report1 . CME will work closely with the project owner to complete the necessary report packet. In general, the Soils/Hydrologic application process includes:  Preparation of the Soils/Hydrologic Report Application and Checklist. This application is typically complete by the project planner in conjunction with the property owner. The application requires an original signature from the property owner.  Preparation of the Soils/Hydrologic Scoping Report. This report will outline the anticipated subsurface conditions and outline the area of the proposed maximum cut. CME has a staff of licensed professionals able to complete this task.  Following submittal of the Soils/Hydrologic Report and Application our representative with coordinate with TRPA to schedule a site review and complete a subsurface investigation. The subsurface investigation is anticipated to include vertical boring to a depth of at least 25 percent below the maximum excavation depth; and  Submittal of subsurface boring logs to TRPA for excavation approval. This task will be completed concurrently with the geotechnical investigation. The client is responsible for the application fee. CME will make every effort to provide an estimate of the required application fee, however, TRPA may determine additional fees will be required. Additional fee requests from TRPA will be the responsibility of the client. B. Geologic Hazards Review and Analysis CME will review published geologic information including geologic maps, fault maps, USGS web-based earthquake hazards programs, and fault descriptions for nearby seismic hazards. A summary of the published geologic hazards will be provided in the report. No published mapped faults traverse the project site. Consequently, a site-specific fault study is excluded from this cost proposal. FEMA flood mapping will also be reviewed, the published site data will be included in the report. Soil liquefaction potential analysis will be performed in general accordance with the methods outlined by Idriss and R. W. Boulanger as part of the EERI Soil Liquefaction During Earthquake publication. The USGS deaggregation and hazard curve data (https://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/interactive/#) for the site will be included in the appendix. 1 Additional provisions apply to this code. In some instances where there is a possibility that the proposed excavation will intercept or interfere with the existing groundwater level or seasonal-high groundwater level TRPA may require a Soils/Hydrology Scoping Report. 8 Geotechnical Investigation_ Tahoe Keys Pump-Station Retrofit and Upgrade South Tahoe Public Utility District, Inc., Page 6 TASK 4-Geotechnical Investigation Report Upon completion of our field, laboratory, and office studies, a geotechnical investigation report will be completed and will include the following: Site Conditions  Description of the project site with the approximate locations of our explorations, shown on a site plan;  Descriptive and photographic2 logs of the explorations performed for this study;  General summary of the site soils and geology;  A geologic map showing predominant geologic units with descriptions and nearby mapped fault locations; Geologic Hazards  Seismic hazards including site seismicity, faulting, and spectral response acceleration parameters for design (Ss, S1, SMS, SM1, SDS, PGAm) based on the California Building Code (CBC) and ASCE 7-10.  Discussion of liquefaction potential, lateral spread, and results of liquefaction analysis. Subsurface Conditions Encountered and Soil Properties  Groundwater conditions and discussion on if groundwater will affect construction;  Results of laboratory tests and a general description of test methods used;  Soil corrosion potential to concrete and steel in general accordance with ACI (for concrete structures) and DPRIA Design Decision Model (buried metallic pipe); Site Preparation  Site preparation and grading recommendations, remedial earthwork, stabilization below the groundwater table, and permanent cut/fill slope gradients;  Suitability of site soils for reuse as structural fill;  Site drainage recommendations that may affect foundation performance;  Anticipated construction difficulties. Dewatering and Shoring Options  General recommendations for shoring options to be considered for project design including  Discussion regarding general dewatering options including future pump testing which may be required if well points are the preferred method of dewatering. Well points depend on geologic 2 Photographic logs apply predominately to test pit explorations. 9 Geotechnical Investigation_ Tahoe Keys Pump-Station Retrofit and Upgrade South Tahoe Public Utility District, Inc., Page 7 conditions encountered as well as groundwater depths. Trenching, Utility Trench Backfill, Lift Station Vault, and Confined Excavations  Suitability of site soils for use as intermediate trench back fill;  Trenching recommendations including trench side slope gradients, based on OSHA requirements;  Recommendations for pipe zone bedding above and below the groundwater table;  Recommendations for densification of bedding and backfill including lift thickness and relative compaction requirements.  Unit weight (moist and saturated) of densified soils above the pipeline for overburden calculations above future pipeline installations.  Lift station design and construction recommendations including: o Static lateral earth pressure (active, at-rest, and passive) for “moist” or saturated soil conditions (i.e. increase in soil moisture content of the backfill soils, non-buoyant) o Static lateral earth pressure (active, at-rest, and passive) for submerged soil conditions (i.e. buoyant unit weight plus hydrostatic pressure below water table); o Pseudostatic lateral earth pressure (seismic) for saturated or submerged soil conditions (i.e. increase in soil moisture content of the backfill soils, non-buoyant); o Hydrostatic uplift forces; and o Backfill materials below the groundwater table; Foundations  Types of suitable foundations, including shallow spread footings, mat slab foundations, and drilled piers (if warranted).  Allowable bearing pressures including sliding friction values and passive pressures;  Appropriate footing depths for frost protection, and widths to consider bearing capacity;  Anticipated total and differential settlements (foundation loading to be supplied by the engineer);  Mat Slab recommendations including Young’s Modulus, Poisson’s ratio, unit vertical modulus of subgrade reaction (k1), and corrections for vertical modulus of subgrade reaction (k-value),  Concrete slab-on-grade subgrade soil preparation and base course recommendations; After report preparation, a draft will be submitted to the design team for review and comment. Once review comments have been addressed, a final report will be issued. The report will be stamped by a civil engineer licensed in the State of California. 10 Geotechnical Investigation_ Tahoe Keys Pump-Station Retrofit and Upgrade South Tahoe Public Utility District, Inc., Page 8 TASK 5-Review of Project Drawings and Specifications A review of the 90 percent drawings and specifications will be completed as they pertain to geotechnical aspects of the project. A memorandum transmitting review comments will be provided to the client pending completion of the review. Review times vary per project and are based on the complexity of the design and engineering involved. For the purposes of this project, a maximum of 10 hours has been allocated to this task. Review/comment responses in excesses of this allocated time will be billed on a time-and-material basis in accordance with our current fee schedule. TASK 6-Meetings and General Consulting CME project engineer will attend a total of 2 design team meetings (up to 2 hours per meeting slot including travel time to STPUD office). General consulting services may be required during design of the project. A total of 4-hours of general consulting time has been allocated to this task. Consultation time in excess of the total house will be billed on a time-and-materials basis in accordance with our current fee schedule. Schedule CME can begin coordination of investigation efforts within 7-days of authorization to proceed. The field exploration schedule will be based on the following factors: 1) Drilling subcontractors schedule; 2) Weather constraints may affect field exploration. It should be understood that the drilling contractor will be mobilizing from Lincoln, California and travel over the Sierra Nevada Mountain range can be difficult in the winter months. STPUD will be responsible for providing equipment and operator if snow removal is required onsite; and 3) Coordination efforts with TRPA for the Soils/Hydrologic Report. As part of the Soils/Hydrologic application, a representative from TRPA may elect to visit the site during the exploration. Although this site is a special circumstance, it will be stated in our application that the lift station will intercept groundwater. CME will submit the application prior to scheduling the field exploration and contact TRPA to see if a representative will be required for this exploration. We will make every effort to expedite scheduling, but it may take up to 14-days to schedule with TRPA, following authorization to proceed. Laboratory testing will take approximately 14-days to complete following the field exploration. A draft report will be available approximately 6-weeks after field exploration is completed. 11 Geotechnical Investigation_ Tahoe Keys Pump-Station Retrofit and Upgrade South Tahoe Public Utility District, Inc., Page 9 Estimated Fees A breakdown of the estimate fees is presented in Table 1 below. Table 1: Estimated Fees Description Personnel Hrs Rate Estimated Fee Task 1: Subsurface Exploration Permit Coordination and USA Dig Eng. Level 2 11 $140.00 $1,540.00 Eng. Level 1 5 $120.00 $600.00 Vehicle 6 $10.00 $60.00 Soils/Hydrologic Permit --- x10% $575.00 $632.50 El Dorado County Borehole Permit --- X10% $491.79 $540.97 FedEx for El Dorado Co. Permit Overnight ---- LS $38.00 $38.00 Drilling Subcontractor --- X10% $6730.00 $7,403.00 Subsurface Exploration and Field Work Eng. Level 2 16 $140 $2,240.00 ReMi Equipment 1-day $350 $350.00 Vehicle 16 $10 $160.00 Task 2: Laboratory Testing Laboratory Testing (will be completed as- needed based on soil type encountered, substitutions may be made, but total estimated fee not to exceed) Sieve 10 $100.00 $1,000.00 Plasticity Index 10 $100.00 $1,000.00 Moisture 10 $25.00 $250.00 Moisture Density 3 $70.00 $210.00 Moisture Density Curve 4-inch 1 $200.00 $200.00 Direct Shear 2 $350.00 $700.00 Unconfined Compression Test 1 $200.00 $200.00 Triaxle Test 1 $950.00 $950.00 Corrosion Testing 3 $350.00 $1,050.00 Task 3: Soils/Hydrologic Report, Geologic Hazards Review and Analysis Soils/Hydrologic Report/Application Eng. Level 2 10 $140.00 $1,400.00 Liquefaction, lateral loading, slope stability, and foundation Analysis and Geologic Hazards Review Eng. Level 2 15 $140.00 $2,100 Project Manager Level 2 3 $170.00 $510.00 12 Geotechnical Investigation_ Tahoe Keys Pump-Station Retrofit and Upgrade South Tahoe Public Utility District, Inc., Page 10 Task 4: Geotechnical Investigation Report Report Preparation and Appendices Eng. Level 2 23 $140.00 $3,500.00 Project Manager Level 2 3 $170.00 $510.00 Task 5: Review of Project Drawings and Specifications Up to 10 hours of review time related to geotechnical recommendations provided in the report Eng. Level 2 5 $140.00 $700 Project Manager Level 2 5 $170.00 $850 Task 6: Meetings and General Consulting Up to 8 hours consulting time as-needed prior to construction Eng. Level 2 4 $140.00 $560.00 Project Manager Level 2 4 $170.00 $680.00 ESTIMATED PROJECT FEES: $29,934.47 1) A 10% markup is included for outside services 2) Estimated fees per task are approximate. Fees per task may vary slightly from those presented in the table, but total estimated fees not to exceed estimated project fees without prior authorization. 3) If snow removal is required, it is assumed STPUD will provide snow removal equipment. 4) Mud rotary operations may be affected by freezing temperatures, field work should be authorized prior to winter months. 5) The evaluation of hazardous substances for environmental purposes at this site is excluded from our scope of work. 6) Pump testing (or slug testing) for dewatering design is excluded from our proposed scope of work. 13 Page 1 of 4 6980 Sierra Center Parkway, Suite 90 Reno, Nevada 89511 Phone: 775-851-8205 Fax: 775-851-8593 January 1, 2018 Standard Fee Schedule Testing, Inspection, and Construction Administration Services PERSONNEL BILLING RATES Clerical/Drafting $ 80.00 per hour Testing Technician– Level 1 90.00 per hour Testing Technician– Level 2/Project Inspector – Level 1 100.00 per hour Project Inspector – Level 2 110.00 per hour Project Inspector – Level 3 120.00 per hour Senior Project Inspector/Engineer – Level 1 130.00 per hour Senior Project Inspector/Engineer – Level 2 140.00 per hour Professional Engineer / Project Manager – Level 1 155.00 per hour Professional Engineer / Project Manager – Level 2 170.00 per hour Professional Engineer / Project Manager – Level 3 185.00 per hour Principal 200.00 per hour EQUIPMENT CHARGES Nuclear Densometer (Soils) $ 10.00 per hour Nuclear Densometer (Asphalt Thin-Lift) 10.00 per hour Core Rig 60.00 per hour Pachometer 30.00 per hour Schmidt Hammer 20.00 per hour MIT-SCAN2-BT Dowel Bar Scanner 60.00 per hour Floor Flatness Dipstick 40.00 per hour Concrete Maturity/Temperature Sensors 75.00 per sensor Pull Out Equipment 100.00 per day Torque Wrench 30.00 per day Skidmore Wilhelm Bolt Tension Calibrator 50.00 per day Ultrasonic 20.00 per hour Magnetic Particle Testing Equipment and Supplies 10.00 per hour Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) 30.00 per test Refraction Micrometer (ReMi) 350.00 per day Resistivity Meter 10.00 per hour Laser Level 15.00 per hour Mobile Laboratory Quote 14 Page 2 of 4 EQUIPMENT CHARGES (continued) Holiday Detector – Low Voltage 10.00 per hour Holiday Detector – High Voltage 20.00 per hour Concrete Relative Humidity Sensors (ASTM F2170) 75.00 per sensor Concrete Surface Moisture Kit (ASTM F1869) 35.00 per kit MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES Vehicle $ 0.75 $10.00 per mile or per hour minimum Per Diem 125.00 per man per day Supplies Cost +10% Outside Services Cost +10% SOIL TESTING Sieve Analysis $ 100.00 Coarse Combined Sieve Analysis 125.00 Plasticity Index 100.00 Moisture Determination of Soil 25.00 Soil Specific Gravity (ASTM D854) 90.00 Hydrometer Analysis (includes soil specific gravity) 300.00 Moisture-Density Curve 200.00 Moisture-Density Curve (Rock Corrected) 250.00 Moisture-Density Checkpoint 90.00 R-Value 275.00 CBR (ASTM D1883) 550.00 CBR (AASHTO T-193) One Point CBR (Includes Moisture-Density Curve) 550.00 450.00 Consolidation (includes soil specific gravity) 310.00 Direct Shear – 3 Point (includes soil specific gravity) 350.00 Unconfined Compression 200.00 FHA Swell Test 90.00 Swell Test (AASHTO T-116) 90.00 Soil Resistivity 100.00 pH Measurement 50.00 Ring Moisture Density 70.00 Soluble Sulfates 55.00 Permeability Upon Request Density Tests (sampling) Hourly Rate 15 Page 3 of 4 AGGREGATE TESTING Sieve Analysis $ 100.00 Plasticity Index 100.00 Dry Rodded Unit Weight of Aggregate 100.00 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Aggregate 100.00 Sand Equivalent 100.00 Clay Lumps and Friable Particles 100.00 Durability Index 130.00 Sodium Sulfate Soundness (1 sieve) 80.00 Organic Impurities 100.00 Lightweight Pieces in Aggregate 130.00 Mortar Making Properties of Sand (ASTM C87) 550.00 Cleanness Test of Aggregate 130.00 Flat and Elongated Particles 100.00 Fractured Faces 100.00 L.A. Abrasion 175.00 Angularity Test 100.00 Void Content Test 115.00 Potential Reactivity (Accelerated Mortar Bar Method) 800.00 Sampling, Material Preparation Hourly Rate CONCRETE / MASONRY TESTING Compressive Strength of Concrete Cylinder $ 25.00 Flexural Strength of Concrete Beam 90.00 Compressive Strength of Concrete Core 50.00 Compressive Strength of Gunite Cylinder 50.00 Compressive Strength of Grout Sample 25.00 Compressive Strength of Mortar Cylinder/Cubes 25.00 Unit Weight of Cylinder or Core 55.00 Absorption, Moisture and Unit Weight of Masonry Unit 75.00 Lineal Shrinkage of Masonry Block 80.00 Compressive Strength of Masonry Block 75.00 Efflorescence Test of Masonry Unit 75.00 Splitting Tensile Strength of Concrete 75.00 Compressive Strength of Masonry Prism (8-inch) 125.00 Compressive Strength of Masonry Prism (12-inch) 150.00 Absorption of Concrete Core 80.00 Concrete Shrinkage Beam 75.00 Young’s Modulus of Elasticity per Age 100.00 Restrained Expansion Beam 100.00 Oven Dry Unit Weight of Concrete Cylinder 50.00 Rapid Chloride Permeability per Age 350.00 Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (ASTM C109 Per Batch) 200.00 Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity (Accelerated Mortar Bar Method) 800.00 Concrete Mix Design Hourly Rate/Quote Sampling, Sample Preparation, Batch Plant Inspection, Cylinder Pickup Hourly Rate 16 Page 4 of 4 ASPHALT TESTING Asphalt Cement Content (Solvent Method) $ 275.00 Asphalt Cement Content (Ignition Oven Method) 125.00 Ignition Oven Correction Factor Determination 250.00 Asphalt Aggregate Sieve Analysis 100.00 Marshall Properties of Asphalt Concrete 200.00 Coating and Stripping Test 90.00 Swell Test of Asphaltic Concrete 90.00 Unit Weight of Asphalt Core 75.00 Rice Specific Gravity 100.00 Index of Retained Strength 600.00 Sampling, Sample Preparation, Batch Plant Inspection Hourly Rate ASPHALT MIX DESIGN Marshall Mix Design from Bin Samples/Point $ 500.00 Hveem Mix Design from Bin Samples/Point 500.00 Open Grade Mix Design from Bin Samples 700.00 Hveem Stabilometer (1 point) 300.00 Sampling, Sample Preparation Hourly Rate STRUCTURAL STEEL / FIREPROOFING Density Determination of Fireproofing $ 80.00 Sampling and Thickness Determination of Fireproofing Hourly Rate Bend Test of Weld 50.00 Tensile Test of Steel or Weld 85.00 Macroetch 100.00 NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION Level III Services $165.00 per hour Welder Qualifications 325.00 each Procedure Qualifications 375.00 each Welder Qualification Update 150.00 each Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant, Ultrasonic Examination Hourly Rate Welder Qualification Test Procedure Hourly Rate Visual Weld Inspection Hourly Rate NOTE: Overtime will be charged at time-and-one-half. Quoted prices are available upon request for a variety of miscellaneous laboratory and field testing as well as for complete testing and observation programs. Test prices shown are for laboratory work only and include reporting routine results. Sampling, recommendations, conclusions, comments and reports are billed at the hourly rate. An additional service fee of 20% will be added to all rush orders. 17