HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 03-21-02SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, March 21, 2002 2:00 P.M. City Council Chambers 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California Robert G. Baer, G.___eneral Manager Duane Wallace, President Cathie Becker, Director = Richard Solbri~ BOARD MEMBERS Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director James R. Jones, Vice President Edc W. Schafer, Director CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Shod. non-agenda items - 5 minute limit. No action will be taken.) CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request.) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION I DISCUSSION PRESENTATION a. State Legislative Update (Lynn Suter, Steve Wallauch) iYE~IS FOR BOARD ACTION District Property Located Near Proposed Applebee's Neighborhood Restaurant & Grill (Robert Baer) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION Authorize Execution of Amendment to Declaration of Restrictions as Requested by Project Proponents to AlLow their Restaurant to Serve Alcoholic Beverages REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MARCH 21, 2002 PAGE-2 10. Payment of Claims Approve Payment in the Amount of $525,142.46 BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS Executive Committee (Wallace / Jones) Finance Committee (Wallace / Schafer) Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Becker) Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS Federal Legislative Ad Hoc Committee (Wallace / Jones) Park Avenue Redevelopment Ad Hoc Committee (Jones / Schafer) Lakeside Park Ad Hoc Committee (Jones / Becker) Special Litigation Ad Hoc Committee (Jones / Wallace) EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVES REPORT 11. 12. 13. 14. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS GENERAL MANAGER / STAFF REPORTS NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS I EVENTS Past Meetinqs I Events 03/11102 - El Dorado County Water Agency Board Meeting 03/18~02 - Operations Committee Meeting Future Meetinqs I Events 03~25~02 - 10:00 a.m. - El Dorado County Water Agency Board Meeting in Placerviile 03/29/02 -2:00 p.m. - Coordinated Transit System Stakeholders Meeting at TRPA 04/01/02 -4:00 p.m. - Operations Committee Meeting at District Office 04/02/02 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Board of Supervisors Meeting in Markleeville 04/02/02 - 6:00 p.m. - City of SLT Council Meeting at City Council Chambers 04/04/02 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at City Council Chambers CLOSED SESSION_ (Please note Closed Sessions are not open to the public) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Conference with Real Property Negotiators Negotiating Parties: Board of Directors, Robert Baer / General Manager Under Negotiation: Consideration of Property Purchase Property Identification: APN 01-080-80, APN 01-080-81, APN 01-080-82, APN 01-O80-56, APN 01-080-60, APN 01-200-01, APN 01-200-10, APN 01-200-11 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MARCH 21, 2002 PAGE - 3 15. 16. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existin~l Liti_qation: F. Heise Land & Live Stock Company vs. STPUD and Does 1 throuqh 10, Inclusive; Alpine County Superior Court Case No. C18644 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Leclal Counsel- Existinq Liti.qation: F. Heise Land & Live Stock Company vs. STPUD and Does 1 through 10, Inclusive; Alpine County Superior Court Case No. C18733 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existinq Litiqation: STPUD vs. F. Heise Land & Live Stock Company Inc., William Weaver, Eddie R. Snyder, Crockett Enterprises, Inc. CIV. S-02-0238 MLS JFM United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, Sacramento, CA Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Leqal Counsel- Anticipated Liti.qation (one case) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Le.qal Counsel- Existinq Litiqation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et al, San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Leqal Counsel- Existinq Litiqation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al, County of El Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165 ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, Apdl 4, 2002, 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility Distdct Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the District office dudng the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Fdday. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public headngs will not be called to order pdor to the time specified. Participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be bdef and directed to specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard dudng "Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not included on agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all wdtten matedal presented at the meeting. Tape recordings are made of each Board meeting and these tapes are retained in the Board Clerk's office for two years. South Tahoe Public Utility Distdct · 1275 M~dow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 * Phone 530.544.6474 · Facsimile 530.541.0614 ITEMS CONSENT CALENDAR MARCH 7, 2002 REQUESTED ACTION Alpine County's Summer 2002 Fish Purchases (Linda Brown, Hal Bird) Arrowhead Well No. 3 Treatment Project (Nick Zaninovich) Glenwood Replacement Well (Jim Hoggatt) City of South Lake Tahoe ("City") Van Sickle Road and Transit Way Street (Jim Hoggatt) Assembly Bill No. 2071: Groundwater Protection (Dennis Cocking) Special Board Meeting Minutes: March 6, 2002 (Kathy Sharp) Special Board Meeting Minutes: March 7, 2002 (Kathy Sharp) Authorize Payment to Alpine County in the Amount of $30,000 Approve Amendment to Task Order No. 21 to Boyle Engineering in the Amount of $21,020 Authorize Staff to File a Notice of Exemption with the El Dorado County Clerk Authorize Staff to Enter into an Agreement with the City to Advertise for Bids to Construct the Remainder of the 14-inch Water Main in Transit Way and the inter- tie on Popular Street Approve District Position Statement of Support Approve Minutes Approve Minutes South Tahoe Public Utitity District · 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 · Phone 530/5446474 · Facsimile 530/541-0614 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Linda Brown/Purchasinq Aqent, Hal Bird/Land Application Manaqer RE: BOARD MEETING: ACTION ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: March 21,2002 AGENDA ITEM: CONSENT CALENDARITEM NO: ao ALPINE COUNTY'S SUMMER 2002 FISH PURCHASES REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize payment to Alpine County in the amount of $30,000 DISCUSSION: In accordance with our contract, the District should make payment to Alpine County for upcominq fish purchases by April 15, 2002. Alpine County did not provide the District with any quotes this year, but asked for the same payment as last year. Last year's prices from their preferred supplier had increased 4.4% for the first time in four years (which was 28% lower than another nearby supplier's prices). Staff finds the prices reasonable and recommends payment. Staff also audited the Summer 2001 fish purchases and all of the funds were spent. SCHEDULE: By April 15, 2002 COSTS: $30,000 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $32,500 ATTACHMENTS: Letter ACCOUNTNO: 1028-6649 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES--NO. FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES.,~_~. NO CHIEF CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X Chairman Dave Zellmer PO Box 3 Markleeville, CA. 96120 53(~-694-2114 Game Warden Larry Kuhl ALPINE COUNTY FISH & GAME COMMISSION Leanard Tumbeaugh Mark[eavi[le, CA. Bruce Huff Marklaeville, CA. Ken Daughters Bear Valley, CA. Dave McEIroy Woodfords, CA. Tadd Branscombe Merkleeville, CA. Paul K. Washam Woodferds, CA. Linda Brown South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive S. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Dear Linda: Enclosed please find copies of the invoices for the 2001 fish plant program. The total amount was $30,400 and the Fish and Game Commission paid the $400 in excess of the $30,000 received from you. These fish were planted in the East and West forks of the Carson Pdver, Markleeville Creek, Hot Springs Creek, Lake Alpine, Caples Lake and Summit Lake. Fishing in 2001 was reported to be excellent as usual. Local businesses, tourists and locals alike ali have praise for the program. The Commission has decided to purchase fish from American Trout and Salmon Co for the 2002 season. We have decided to again have half-catchable half4rophy loads, as this has been so successful in the past. I had requested quotes from three different vendors but to date have received no reply. Please also find enclosed a copy of the Fish Health Inspection Report. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the South Tahoe Public Utility District for helping make this program such a success. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. David 07. Zeli~- ' - Alpine County Fish and Game Commission DOZ:cb TO: FR: RE: ACTION ITEM NO: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Nick Zaninovich, Senior Engineer BOARD MEETING March 21,2002 AGENDA ITEM: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: ARROWHEAD WELL NO. 3 TREATMENT PROJECT REQUESTED BOARDACTION: ApproveamendmenttoTaskOrderNo. 21 to Boyle Engineering in the amount of $21,020 DISCUSSION: Due to the complexity of this proiect and issues that have arisen dudnq the construction phase requiring the use of a consultant, staff requests Board approve an amendment to Boyle Engineering to provide additional consultant services until the proiect is completed. SCHEDULE: COSTS: $21,020 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8290/AH3TRT BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: <$33,613> ATTACHMENTS Amendment to Task Order No. 21, Original Agreement CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~--~/~'~. NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES'['~ ~ ~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER YLE ENGIN££RING CORPORA TION 1044 E. Hemdon Avenue, Sure 108 Fresno, CA 93720 TEL (559) 4488222 FA~ (559) 448-8233 FAX TRANSMITTAL To: Company I Location: Fax Number: Fram: Date; Subject: Time: j Tot31 Pages: Job Number: Please deliver these pages te the person(s) listed above. If you have difficulty receiving this transmission or if any pages are missing or illegible, please call and ask to speak to the sender listed above. The in£ormaO~n contained in ~hi$ fac,~mile i$ intended anly For ~ile ~ndMdual(3) named above. It may c~ntam infermab'on that is confiden~l or privileged. If you are nat an individual named above or ~he o~ployee respon~bla for ~elivering this inf~nwafian to ~hat individual, you am hereby nabbed ~hat any c~py~ng or di~'lbuEcn (3f the informe~bn contained in tilia fac~mile ia ~ prohibii~d. If you have received b~i~ fac_.~imile in e~r, please no~i~/ the ~ender imrne~lately by ~lephone at ~h~ number given ab(~ve. Thank you for your co~¢era~on. Amendment to Task Order No. 21 Boyle Engineering Corporation Engineering Services The following additional services shaIl be provided in conjunction w/th the Agreement dated April 5, 2001 by and between South Tahoe Public Utility District, herein referred to as "DISTRICT" and Boyle Engineering Corporation, hereinat2er referred to as "ENGINEER." Work Items Provide supplemental addendum materials and details during bidding due to short advertising period. Provide additional piping details to allow pre-ordering of long lead time items to expedite construction. 2. Assist District w/th construction coord/nation due to District serving as contractor on a majority of the work and subcontracting out portions of the work only as needed. 3. Additional site visits during construct/on to assist with civil, electricaI, and instnm~entation portions of the work including start-up and balancing of the system. ' Payment ?ayment to E ' ' NGrNEER for services under this Task Order Amendment shall be in accordance w/th the ENGINEER's fee schedule for the person assigned to the task. The cost ceiling of this Task Order shalI be increased from $77,665.00 to $98,685 and will not be exceeded except as provided in Article IV of the Master Agreement. iN WITNESS W-HEREOF, this Amendment is executed by the General Manager mad Clerk of the Board of the South Tahoe Public Utility Distr'/ct, and ENG12'0'EER has caused this Aereement to be executed the day and year first above written. ~ Robert G. Bacr, General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District Board Action Date Attest: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Keith T. Campbell, PE, Managing Engineer Boyle En~neerlng Corporation FRB991970C/March 6, 2002 Page 1 of 1 2D'd THiOl Project Budget Arrowhead Well No. 3 Amendment to Task Order No. 21 South Tahoe PUD Task Description Personnel Hours Budget Principal Engineer Senior Engineer II Asst. Engineer II 4 d Pa .N U G Technical Typist Total Hours Labor Non -Labor Total 1. Supplemental addenda and details for pre - ordering materials 14 14 24 12 8 72 5 7,200 $ 350 S 7,550 2. Construction coordination for Dislriet construction with own forces 16 8 4 4 4 36 $ 4,420 $ 150 $ 4,570 3. Additional site visits by civil, electrical, and instrumentation representatives 48 4 52 $ 7,900 $ 1,000 $ 3,900 Subtotal 78 22 28 16 16 160 $ 19,520 S 1,500 1I 5 21,020 Total 78 22 28 16 16 160 $ 19,520 S 1,500 $ 21,020 81672002 Par 1 of 1 Boyb [ngineeeng Corporal ion RI Gi n1 nl 5 BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION T._ASK ORDER N~O. 2! ENGINEERING SERVICES This Agreement is made and entered into as of the 5th day of April, 2001 by and between South Tahoe Public Utility District, hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT" and Boyle Engineering Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "ENGINEER". In consideration of the mutua[ promises, covenants, and conditions as addressed in the Master Agreement dated September 1, 1988, and as specifically hereinafter set forth, the parties do hereby agree as follows: _PURPOSE The purpose of this Task Order is to provide Engineering Services for Design of Wellhead Treatment for MTBE Removal at Arrowhead Well No.3. .SCOPE OF WORK The scope of services are outlined in the ENGINEER's communication dated March 28, 2001 as Tasks 100 through 600, namely Predesign Coordination; Engineering Field Survey and Geotechnical; Preliminary Design; Final Design/Construction Documents; Biddingand Engineering Services During Construction. This communication becomes of part of the task order by reference herein. ~TAFFING Staffing will be under the direction of Fritz Redlin, P.E.. ENGINEER shall not change staffing without approval by DISTRICT. Any changes shall provide for equivalent qualifications as far as possible and practical. _TIME OF PERFORMANCF All services for this Task Order will be completed by the end of the construction contract schedule. 5. PAYMENT Payment to ENGINEER for services performed under this Task Order shall be in accordance with ENGINEER'S fee schedule for the person assigned to the project task. The cost ceiling for this Task Order is $77,665.00 and wi[[ not be exceeded except as provided in Article IV of the Master Agreement. LABOR CODE REOUIREMENTS All State of California prevailing wage laws must be complied with in the performance of work related to this Task Order. These include, but are not limited to, Labor Code Sections 1720 through 1860. EFFECTIVE DATE This Task Order No. 21 will become effective upon execution by both parties and shall serve as a Notice to Proceed upon execution by District. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed by the General Manager and Clerk of the Board of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and ENGINEER has caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. ROBERT G. BAEZR,GENERAL MANAGER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 5, 2001 Board Action Date AI-I-EST:c~ z~, ~',,~/~, /t~ KATHY SHARP, CLE~O~BOAR~ J/ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT KEI~'~I T. dAMPBEL~, PE BOYLE ENGINEERII~G CORPORATION TITLE: Managing Engineer EXHIBIT "A"* March 28, 2001 SCOPE OF SERVICES Soubh Tahoe Public Uffiity Dis~ict Engineering Services for Design of Wellhead Treatment for MTBE Removal at Arrowhead Well No. 3 A. Background Boyle Engineering Corporation (Boyle) was previously retained by the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) to provide engineer/ne services for re ' - . Operations Plan for MTBE removal at ~rowhe ,t ~rT~ ~r~a,tlo~n ofa~. Engineering Report and a,, ,, ~,~ ~u. o for an Amended Perm/t Application The purpose of this February 2001 report was to provide essential information to the District plant operators and to explain the purpose of the treatment plant and how this facility will be operated and monitored. The report also provided information to the California Department of Health Services (DHS) regarding the design, operations, and monitoring of the proposed wellhead treatment facilities for purposes of initial permitting and periodic inspections after the facility becomes operational. This report contained schematic layouts of the treatment equipment as well as an overall process diagram. Results of previous pilot testing by Applied Process Technology (the vendor chosen to supply the treatment equipment) using the advanced oxidation technology H/POx-aa were also presented in the report. B. Project Location and Description The general location of Well No. 3 is shown in Figure 1. The 15,374-square foot, rectangular-shaped lot (APN-34-294-04) is located in a residential area and bounded by Arrowhead Avenue and Hope Avenue to the north and west, respectively. Residential homes are adjacent to the well site to the south and east. The proposed project is to retrofit Arrowhead Well No. 3 w/th an advanced oxidation treatment unit designed to remove trace levels of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE [a groundwater contaminant of gasoline origin]). Tiffs contaminant has impacted a number of District wells, including Well No. 3. The treatment process to be installed 1.s the H'./POxm advanced ""'da!ion technology as manufactured by Applied Process Technology, which provides molecular deJt~ctlon of MTBE. This potential treatment system consists of feeding controlled amounts of hydrogen peroxide and ozo ' treated to break down the MTBE into c ,,,, ,~:^..:~ .... ne into the water to be prefabricated metal shipping arb .... ,,~uuc any water, lne unit will be housed within a container as shown in Figure 2. The overall process diagram to treat a flow rate orS00 gpm from the well is shown in Figure 3. The intent is to utilize the existing building at the well site to house a new booster pump, various piping and valving, the chlorination equipment, and portions of the electrical equipment. A new permanent building is not planned at the site. FRR991970C/March 28, 2001 Page 1 of 7 C. Scope of Work- Basic Servicea Boyle shall perform the following tasks: Task 100 - Predesign Coordination Boyle's design staff shall meet with the Dtstnct staff to gain input to the existing site conditions and electrical controls, water system operations, and telemetry system. Boyle will meet with the treatment equipment supplier to coordinate the equipment, housing, power demands, instruments, and controls to be provided under the separate equipment purchase agreement with Applied Process Technology Task 200 - Engineering Field Survey and Geotechnical A topographic survey of the site shall be provided to Boyle by the District. The survey shall consist of providing horizontal and vertical control at the well lot including identification of all utilities at the site and adjacent streets and all physical improvements and trees. The District shall contract with a geotechnical engineering firm to obtain foundation design criteria for the treatment plant enclosures and storage tank. Boyle shall assist with this investigation by providing anticipated design loads of the equipment and their locations. Task 300 - Preliminary Design Design and preliminary plans and specifications for bidding and construction will be compiled for the following components at the well site: · Civil site improvements and grading plan · Foundations for treatment equipment enclosures · Drive entrance improvements · Piping, pumps, valves, and related process equipment necessary to connect to treatment equipment · Modifications to existing building to accommodate chemical feed equipment and pumping equipment. · Wastewater detention tank and foundation · Sodium hypochlorite storage and feed system · Electrical and controls and SCA.DA system cormection including alarms and modem connection · Wastewater disposal connection to sewer system. Plans will be prepared at a scale of 1"=5' for the site and grading plans. Pl~6,s' shall be prepared to approximately the 60 percent completion level on drawing sheets of 24" x size. Siting and grading plans as well as details of the major equipment will be prepared. Electrical and telemetry plans and · specifications for the project will also be control schematics will be prepared. Preliminary constructxon prepared. The bid notice, agreement form, and general provisions including bonds and insurance forms will be provided by the District on computer disk in Corel Word perfect 8.0 format. An estimate of probable construction cost will be prepared for the work including the prepurchased treatment equipment installation. An updated project schedule will also be prepared. Page 2 of 7 FRB991970C/March 28, 2001 of probable construction cost shall be A total of four sets of the plans, specifications and estimate and approval. Copies- submitted to the District and one set of plans and specifications to DHS for review shall also be provided to the electrical service provider as well as an application for new or revised service as appropriate· Task 400 - Final Design/Construction Documents Upon receipt of review comments to the preliminary design submittal by the District and other reviewing agencies, Boyle shall proceed with finalizing the design and preparation of construction documents for bidding this work· Boyle shall attend one meeting with the District to review the plans and specifications and to address comments received from the District and DHS. Four sets of final plans, specifications, and estimate of probable construction cost shall be submitted to the District and one set to DHS for final review and comment. Updates to the Operations Plan previously prepared by Boyle, if required by the District and DHS, will be prepared by Boyle. Four copies of the final Operations Plan document will be provided to the District. Task 500 - Bidding · · incorporation of the District and agency review comments into the plans and spemficat~ons, Following be by original mylar plan sheets and contract documents shall be provided to the District for signature. Duplication and distribution of the contract documents and plans for the site work contract shall the District. Advertisement costs will be paid by the District. Boyle shall attend one mandatory pre-bid conference. Boyle shall provide advice to the District with regard to questions during bidding. Addenda shall be prepared by Boyle as appropriate. Task 600 - Engineering Services During Construction Boyle shall attend a preconstruction conference for the work as scheduled by the Dis.trict. Boyle shall .... and submits submitted by the site work o.n ao ;7 review shop ox ~ ~ ..~-,k ,ha Contract Documents. relative to their general conformance w~w from the treatment equipment supplier for compatibility with the site work contractor's work. Boyle shall make a one (1) visit if requested to the site during the course of construction at an interval · as experienced and qualified design professionals, appropriate to the stage of constructmn to observe, · · ' the progress and quality of the executed work of contractor(s) and to determine, m general, ff such work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. · 'ons in the approved Contract Documents, Boyle will assist the it become necessary to make rev~s~ , -r~ r~t,-i 'il issue all change orders. No Should .... c ~nntract change oraers. ~,,~ ..... ct va District vath preparanon m ~---- .- ...... contract change order will be prepared vathout lOtStncr appru~o~- .... rocess Requests for Information (RFIs) received from the Dtsmct Boyle will be Boylesnaup ' ' ' ' responsible for initial review and routing to the appropriate engineering discipline for response. Boyle Pa~-e 3 of 7 FRB991970C/March 28, 2001 will then prepare the formal response to the District's RFI in a timely manner as not to delay the contractor's schedule. Boyle shall conduct one (1) prefinal site visit to determine if the work has been completed generally in accordance with the approved Contract Documents and if the contractor has fulfilled his obligations thereunder so that Boyle may recommend, in writing, final payment to the contractor and may give written notice to District and the contractor(s) that the work is acceptable (subject to any conditions therein expressed), but any such recommendation and notice shall be subject to the limlmtions expressed in this section. When conditions requiring correction or completion have been satisfied, Boyle shall make one (1) final site visit to assist District operating personnel and the site work contractor in the initial start-up, testing, adjusting, balancing, and debugging of equipment and explanation of the Operations Plan. Boyle shall provide the District with the ori~kqnal plans in electronic format in AutoCAD Release 2000 and the specifications in Corel Word Perfect 8.0 format. The District will prepare record drawings based on information from the contractor(s) and their inspectors. D. Responsibility of the Dis~ict The following work items will be the responsibility of the District: I. Obtain environmental clearances and permits. 2. Provide record drawings of facilities and survey describing well property. Examine all sketches, drawings, specifications, and other documents presented by Boyle, obtain advice of an attorney, insurance counselor, and other engineers as District deems appropriate for such examination and render, in writing, decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the performance of services by Boyle. Apply for and secure approvals and permits from all governmental authorities having jurisdiction of the project and such approvals from other entities or agencies as may be necessary for the project, with the assistance of Boyle or as additionally authorized. District shall pay all fees and charges associated with securing permits and approvals. 5. Provide fmancial consulting and legal services required for the project. Provide drawings and other data relating to layout and design of existing District facilities, easements, road right-of-ways, etc. that may relate to the project. Boyle is entitled to rely on the accuracy of the data provided by the District and other utility companies without any independent investigation or review. 7. Provide resident project observation and materials testing during construction. FRB991970C/March 28, 2001 4 of 7 Page E. Additional Engineering Services The following additional services may be provided by Boyle upon written request of District and execution by both parties of an amendment to this Agreement setting forth applicable scope, fee, and schedule provisions: 1. Provide copies of plans and bidding documents for distribution to prospective bidders. Services resulting from significant changes in extent of the project or its design including, but not limited to, changes in size, complexity, District's schedule, or character of construction or method of financing. Revising previously accepted studies, repons, and design documents when such revisions are due to causes beyond Boyle's control. Investigations involving detailed consideration of operations, maintenance, and overhead expenses; providing value engineering during the course of desiLm; the preparation of cash flow and economic evaluations and rate schedules. Assistance in obtaining £mancing for the project. 4. Additional services in connection with the project, services that are normally furnished by District, and services not otherwise provided for in this Agreement. 5. Preparing to serve or serving as a witness for District in any litigation, public hearing, or other legal or administrative proceeding involving the project. Services in connection with change orders to reflect changes requested by District if the resulting change in compensation for basic services is not commensurate with the additional services rendered, services after the award of each contract in evaluating substitutions proposed by contractor(s), and in making revisions to drawings and specifications occasioned thereby, and services resulting from significant delays, changes, or price increases occurring as a direct or indirect result of material, equipment, or energy shortages. Additional or extended services during construction made necessary by (1) work damaged by fire or other cause during construction, (2) a significant amount of defective or neglected work of contractor(s), (3) prolongation of the contract time of any prime contract by more than 30 days, (4) acceleration of the progress schedule involving services beyond normal working hours, and (5) default by contractor(s). 8. Protracted or extensive assistance in the utilization of any equipment or system and training personnel for operation and maintenance. 9. Services after completion of the construction phase, such as inspections during any guarantee period and reporting observed discrepancies under guarantees called for in any contract for the project. 10. Any other specific services requested by the District or B(~yle not identified in this scope of work will be considered as additional services. FRB991970C/March 28, 2001 Page 5 of 7 B~,,~J' ~' F. Right To Rely Consistent with the professional standard of care, Boyle shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy of data and information provided by the District or others without independent review or evaluation unless specifically required in the Scope of Work. G. Estimates of Construction Costs Any estimate of construction cost prepared by Boyle represents his judgment as a design professional and is supplied for the general guidance of District. Since Boyle has no control over the cost of labor and material, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, Boyle does not guarantee the accuracy of such opinions as compared to contractor bids or actual cost to District. H. Asbestos or Hazardous Material In providing its services hereunder, Boyle shall not be responsible for identification, handling, containment, abatement, or in any other respect, for any asbestos or hazardous mater/al if such is present in connection with the project. In the event that District becomes aware of the presence of asbestos or hazardous material at the jobsite, District shall be responsible for complying with ali applicable federal and state rules and regulations, and shall immediately notify Boyle, who shall then be entitled to cease any of its services that may be affected by such presence, without any liability to Boyle ar/sing therefrom. I. Reuse of Documents Documents, including drawings and specifications, prepared by Boyle pursuant to this Agreement are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by the District or others on extensions of the services provided for the project or any other project. Any use of completed documents for other projects and/or any use of uncompleted documents without specific written authorization from Boyle will be at the District's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to Boyle, and the District shall indemnify and hold Boyle harmless from all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or resulting therefrom. J. Contractor Indemnification and Insurance The District will include in the general conditions of any construction contract, language which states that the construction contractor is required to hold harmless and defend the District, Boyle, and their agents, employees and consultants, from all suits and actions, including attorneys' fees, and all costs of litigation and judgments of any nature and description arising out of or incidental to the performance of the construction contract or work performed thereunder. The District, Boyle, their agents, employees and consultants shall also be named as additional insureds in any construction contractor's insurance policies. FR0991970C/M~rch 28, 2001 Page 6 of 7 BO~"~.~ K. ~me of Performance The schedule for the above-described work shall be as follows: Tasks 100 and 200 Within 5 days following receipt of Notice to Proceed fi.om the District. Task 300 Preliminary Hans and Specifications _ Submit within 20 calendar days fi.om the Notice to Proceed fi.om the District. Task 400 Final Plans and Specifications _ Submit with/n 10 calendar days from receipt of review comments on Task 300 submittal fi.om the District and DHS. Task 500 Bidding - Submit camera-ready plans and specifications to the District for duplication and distribution for bidding with/n 4 calendar days of receipt of final comments fi.om the District on £mal Task 400 submittal. Provide services in accordance with the construction contract schedule. Task 600 L. Compensation Boyle will invoice the District monthly for the work performed during the prior month in accordance with Boyle's c ,~,~m taourly Rate Schedule. The current Hourly Rate Schedule is attached as Exh/bit "B". The total fee amount for Basic Services shall not exceed $77,665 without fixrther authorization by the District. Additional services requested by the District shalI be compensated in accordance th Boyle s current Hourly Rate Schedule. wi , FRB991970C/March 28, 2001 Page 7 of 7 TO: FR: RE: ACTION ITEM NO: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manaqer/Engineer BOARD MEETING Mamh 21,2002 AGENDA ITEM: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: c. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: GLENWOOD REPLACEMENT WELL REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to file a Notice of Exemption with El Dorado County Clerk DISCUSSION: This project is categorically exempt per the CEQA Section 15302(c). The proiect is to replace three wells (two wells will be abandoned, leavinq one for a monitorinq well) and drilling a new well to be used for water distribution. This will benefit the customers of STPUD and residents of South Lake Tahoe. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8264 GLWOOD BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $147;719 ATTACHMENTS: Notice of Exemption CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~'~ ~(~ NO WATER X SEWER NOTICE OF EXEMPTION TO: __ Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street . Sacramen[o, CA 95814 X County Clerk County of Ei Dorado 360 Fair Lane Flacerville, CA 95667 FROM: So, Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Project Title: GIFNWN(~D WFll PFm~FFMFNT Project Location - Specific: 1478 Glenwood Way; APN 25-405-10 Project Location - City: Project Location - County: South Lake Tahoe El Dorado Description of nature, purpose, and beneficiaries of project: This project is categorically exempt per the CEQA Section 15302(c). The project is to replace 3 wells (2 of which will be abandoned, and leaving one for a monitoring well) and drilling for a new well to be used for water distribution. This will benefit the customers of South Tahoe Public Utility District and residents of South Lake Tahoe. Name of public agency approving project: South Tahoe Public Utility District Name of person or agency carrying out project: South Tahoe Public Utility District Exempt Status: This project is Class 2 Categorical Exemption, per CEQA Section 15302(c). Reasons why project is exempt: This project is a well replacement with negligible expansion of capacity. Contact person: Area Code/Telephone/Extension JIM HOGGATT, Construction Manager/Engineer 530,544.6474, ext. 206 Construction Manager/Engineer Signature Title TO: FR: RE: ACTION ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jim Hoqqatt, Construction Manaqer/Enqineer BOARD MEETING March 21, 2002 AGENDA ITEM: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE ('CITY) VAN SICKLE ROAD AND TRANSIT WAY STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PWC 2001-05 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to enter into an aqreement with the City to advertise for bids to construct the remainder of the 14-inch water main in Transit Way and thn inter-tie on Popular Street DISCUSSION: For the past two years the District has worked with City to install new or relocatn existinq waterlines for the Park Avenue Redevelopment. This is the final phase of the proiect. This proiect consists of completinq the 14-inch water main on Transit Way and Hiqhway 50, includinq aiack and bore under Hiqhway 50 at Transit Way and Popular Street, and the inter-rio with the existinq line in Laurel Avenue. Staff met with the City staff and aqreed to what bid items and percentaqes of bid items that is the District's share and what is the City's. A copy of the aqreement is attached. The total cost of the final agreement will be presented for Board approval at the April 18, 2002 Board Meetinq. Staff recommends the Board authorize the District to enter into an aqreement with the City to advertise for bids on the Van Sickle Road and Transit Way Street improvement proiect. SCHEDULE: COSTS: $150,000 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $100,000 ATTACHMENTS: Reimbursement Aqreement CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~__~__~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES'01~ I~r- '~rk.. NO Open bids on April 5, 2002, construction startinq May 1,2002 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8353 CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER Reimbursement Agreement Between City of South Lake Tahoe & South Tahoe Public Utility District South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) agrees to pay the City of South Lake Tahoe (City) for the approved work, completed by the lowest responsible bidder, for installation of identified bid items included in the City's Van Sickle Road and Transit Way Street Improvement Project, PWC 2001-05. The City agrees to pay the contractor for work completed on the identified bid items, which are incorporated by this reference, subject to reimbursement from the District. Any changes in quantities of these bid items shall be agreed to by both the City and District staff. District shall reimburse the City for the work performed on these bid items. The District's reimbursement to the City will be within 25 days of the City's payment to the Contractor. Bid items are as follows: i No. Bid Item Description i Units I Quantity. I Percent or Quantity __ Amount ~1 a Mobilization & demolition 2a Traffic control 3a Construction signing ILS I1 LS 1 TLSi 414~a Temporary erosion control ~ LS i 1 5a Dewatering I~? 1 . Dust control ILS 1 LS 1 ~ % of contracti 1% of contract : % of contract! 1% of contract ~ % ofcontractl 10% , 7a Trench shoring trenching quantity 33a 14" waterline (Transit Way) 33b 14" waterline (along U.S. 50) 34 8" waterline i % ~ipe ! 80 I (Unit price-$48.00)/LF 150 I~oo% '40 ~100% 35 36 37 38 6" waterline ~LF 160 Transit Way & U.S. 508" & 14" valves LS 1 Poplar & Laurel, 6" valves U.S. 50 & Embassy Suites 8" GVA 39 Poplar & U.S. 5014" GVA I100% 100% ~5 i1 1100% LS ~1 ] 100% ~L~S I1 [ 100~o il00% lEA · 40 24' Carrier casin jg jack & bore ~1 10" to 4" reducer (Cecil's FWS) ,42 43 4"x4"x2" tee (Cecil's dom. WS) Concrete l 0" & 4" fire service (Cecil's) EA , I ~ 100% 0% I LW [ 60 ! 50% ~ 44a Reset ex valve cans (Transit Way) ~A [ 6 44b i Reset ex valve cans (Van Sickle Road) ~ ' 6 I 0% I 45 2" water service w/meter pit 1 EA 3 ! 100% ~ EA 1 0% 46 47 ~53 6" fire service to cinema 2" blow off assembly EA Reinstall FH on end of existing 6" line EtA ESEA Fire hydrant assembly Water Main Interties 2 1 14" water main intertie, Transit Way Sta I11+72 50% ~0% 100% EA I1 EA 1 !100% [¸ 0% [-'~4 8" water main intertie Sta 9+57 ~ 55 6" water main intertie, Poplar EA 1 I00% l 56 6" hot tap for Transit Center fire line EA 1 ~ 0% 57 Class 2 aggregate base for street repair CY 231 i 100% Water Facilities Abandonment 58 Abandon & cap ex 8" water main, Sta 9+57 U.S. 50 EA 59 100% Abandon & cap ex 10" water mains, Sta i0+47 U.S.50 i EA 100% f60 Abandon ex fire hydrant ~ Ea i 2 100% i- Mayor City of South Lake Tahoe (Attest) Approved as to form: City Attorney Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District (Attest) TO: FR: RE: ACTION ITEM NO: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dennis Cockinq, District Information Officer BOARD MEETING March 21,2002 AGENDA ITEM: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 2071: GROUNDWATER PROTECTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve District Position Statement of support DISCUSSION: AB 2071 would authorize a public water system to brinq a civil action aqainst the party responsible for the presence of a contaminant requlated under the act in surface water or qroundwater supplies utilized by the public water system for drinkinq water purposes, for desiqnated costs to the public water system associated with the investiqation, remediation, filtration, or treatment of water containinq that contaminant. SCHEDULE: COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Draft Position Station, AB 2071 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES]~=~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER SOUTH TAHOE Public Utility District DRAFT POSITION STATEMENT Date: March 13, 2002 Subject: SponsodSupport AB 2071 (Attached) Summary of Issue AB 2071 is legislation introduced by Assembly Member Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) which would authorize a public water system to bring a civil action against the party responsible for the presence of a contaminant regulated under the act in surface water or groundwater supplies utilized by the public water system for drinking water purposes, for designated costs to the public water system associated with the investigation, remediation, filtration, or treatment of water containing that contaminant, Future Issues Not applicable Pos and Cons Pros: Would prohibit any limitation of liability of responsible parties in contamination of District ddnking water supplies for any regulated chemical of concern, including, but not limited to, MTBE. Would be additional level of protection to GMP. Will be supported by virtually all water agencies and ACWA. Cons: None apparent Recommendations Support of AB 2071 South Tahoe Pub{lc Utility District - 1275 Meadow Crest Dr. - South Lake Tahoe, CA. 96150 - Ph; 530/544-6474 - Fax: 530-541-0614 CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE~20014)2 REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLY BILL No. 2071 Introduced by Assembly Member Jackson February 19, 2002 An act to add Section 116747 to the Health and Safety Code, relating to drinking water. LEGISLAIIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST AB 207 t, as introduced, Jackson. Public water systems. Existing law, the California Safe Drinking Water Act, requires the State Department of Health Services to administer provisions relating to the regulation of drinking water and public water systems. The department is required to adopt regulations to monitor contaminants. This bill would authorize a public water system to bring a civil action against the parry responsible for the presence of a contaminant regulated under the act in surface water or groundwater supplies utilized by the public water system for drinking water purposes, for designated costs to the public water system associated with the investigation, remediation, filtration, or treatment of water containing that contaminant. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no. State-mandated local program: no. The people of the State of California do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section 116747 is added to the Health and 2 Safety Code, to read: 3 116747. (a) A public water system may bring a civil action 4 against any party responsible for the presence of any contaminant 99 AB 2071 -- 2 -- regulated under this chapter in surface water or groundwater 2 supplies utilized by the public water system for drinking water 3 purposes, £or the cost to the public water system associated with 4 the investigation, remediation, filtration, or treatment of water 5 containing that contaminant. 6 (b) The amount of the costs that are recoverable under 7 subdivision (a) shall include both of the following: 8 (1) The reasonable costs of designing, constructing, installing, 9 operating, and maintaining any facilities necessary to prevent the 10 entry into the public water distribution system of the contaminant, 11 including administration and overhead costs. 12 (2) Interest on the costs accrued from the date of expenditure 13 and reasonable attorney's fees and court costs. Interest shall be 14 based on the average annual rate of return on a public water 15 system's investment of surplus funds for the fiscal year in which 16 costs were incurred. 17 (c) A civil action by a public water system, pursuant to subd. 18 (a), for recovery of costs of investigation, remediation, filtration, 19 or treatment shall be commenced within three years of the date the 20 expense is incurred. 21 (d) A civil action permitted to be brought pursuant to subd. (a) 22 is in addition to, and is not a restriction upon, any other cause of 23 action available to a public water system. 99 Consent Item f. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Robert G. Baer, General Mana~.~.[ Richard Soibd~ Duane Wallace, President BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones, Vice President Cath e Becket, Director Ma Lou Mosbacher, Director Edc W. Schafer, Director SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 6, 2002 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Special Session at 1:15 p.m. on March 6, 2002, District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Becker, Jones, Schafer, Mosbacher ROLL CALL STAFF:_ Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Attorney Kvistad 1:20 P.M. Henderson, Hydrick, Cocking, ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION 2:48 P.M. RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et. al, San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 6, 2002 PAGE - 2 2:48 P.M. ADJOURNMENT OF SPECIAL BOARD MEETING Rhonda McFarlane reviewed the proposed budget and five-year financial plan. 2002~03 BUDGET WORKSHOP The workshop was continued to the Regular Board Meeting on March 7 at the City Council Chambers. No Board action. 5:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Duane Wallace, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Consent Item SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Robert G. Baer, General Manager Duane Wallace, President Cathie Becker, Director BOARD MEMBER Mar~ Lou Mosbacher, Director Richard Solbdg, Assistant Manager James R. Jones, Vice President Edc W. Schafer, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 7, 2002 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, March 7, 2002, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Becker, Jones, Schafer, Mosbacher. ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Cocking, Henderson, Bird, Hoggatt, Van Gorden, R. Johnson, Coyner, Schroeder, Schrempp, Hussmann, Rondoni, Attorney Kvistad GUESTS: Herman Zellmer/Alpine County Supervisor Consent Item b. was brought forward for d scussio,q pr or to Board acbon (habd~ty claim rece red from Dennis Bashaw). Attorney Kvistad requested a Closed Session be added to the agenda to discuss the merits of the claim and possibility of potential litigation that occurred after the posting of the agenda. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR ~EG[![.~ ~P,~ ~EETING MINUTES -MARCH 7, 2002 PAGE -2 Moved Mosbacher / Second Schafer / Passed Unanimously to: (1) Approve the Consent Calendar as amended; and (2) To add Consent Item b. to the Closed Session agenda. a. Authorized implementation of the two-week water disconnection procedures at APN 27-180-19 for failure to perform annual backflow assembly(les) test; b. See Action / Report on Items Discussed During Closed Session; c. Highway 50 Waterline Replacement Project: Phase 1 - Authorized staff to advertise for bids for replacement of waterline from Highway 50 and Winnemucca Ave. to Reno Ave. d. Al Tahoe Access Road and Dewatering Facility - Approved Task Order No. 30 to Parsons HBA, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $16,000; Effluent Pumping Load Management - Approved Task Order No. 58 to Carollo Engineers in the amount of $150,000; f. Glenwood Well Replacement - Authorized staff to adver- rise for bids to replace the four older Glenwood Wells; g. B-Line Replacement: Phase 2 - (1) Approved project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for White Rock Construction; and (2) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with El Dorado County Clerk; h. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: February 21, 2002; i. Approved Special Board Meeting Minutes: February 22, 2002. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMSFORBOARDACTION Hal Bird reported Alpine County is requesting approval to expend a portion of the funds it receives from the District for recycled water monitoring in order to continue its contract with Desert Research Institute for completion of its water quality assurance monitoring program. If ALPINE COUNTY WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 7, 2002 PAGE - 3 approved, a short amendment would be required to the contract bet~veen Alpine County / Desert Research Institute for contract year February 1, 2002 through January 31, 2003. Herman Zellmer stated information gathered from monitoring the west fork of the Carson River will be helpful to both Alpine County and the District. Resulting data will determine how much phosphorous is naturally occurring. Moved Mosbacher / Second Schafer / Passed Unanimously to authorize amendment to Section 9 of contract to allow a portion of the recycled water monitoring funds to be used for fresh water monitoring (TMDL) for contract year February 1, 2002 through January 31, 2003. This item was reviewed by the Finance Committee and approval was recommended. Moved Wallace / Second Schafer / Passed Unanimously to: (1) Approve new positions of Engineering/Materials Technician, Customer Service Inspector, and full-time Human Resources Coordinator; (2) Delete positions of Grant Financial Administrator, Equipment Repair, and part-time Personnel Assistant, for a net staff increase of one-half (1/2) full-time equivalent position; and (3) Approved filling positions in the current (2001-02) budget year. Moved Jones / Second Sohafer / Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $781,003.71. Finance Committee: The committee met February 21. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The com- mittee met February 19. Topics of discussion included new wells and ballfields. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Federal Leqislative Ad Hoc Committee: The Meyers Roundtable may hold a meeting to discuss Senator Boxer's wilderness proposal. Directors Wallace and Becker attended the County Water Agency Board meeting. Bill Hetland, who used to manage the El Dorado Irrigation District, has been ALPINE COUNTY WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM (continued) DISTRICT STAFFING CHANGES PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMrFFEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER AD Hoc COMMITTEE REPORTS ELDORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRE- SENTATIVES REPORT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 7, 2002 PAGE - 4 appointed to serve as the interim executive director of the County Water Agency. Purveyor representatives will be seated as official Board members on March 11. Director Mosbacher reported she attended the February 28 Alpine County Planning Commission meeting. She learned that the Alpine County Board of Supervisors directed their legal counsel, Dennis Crabb, to review the District's annual mitigation payment contract to see if it includes payment for inflation. Richard Solbrig reported on two items: 1) District staff is working with the U.S. Forest Service to map manhole locations into their GPS system. 2) A cost sharing agreement for Park Avenue Utilities: Phase 3 will be included on a future agenda for consideration. 2:45 - 3:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 3:29 P.M. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRE- SENTATIVES REPORT (continued) BOARD MEMBER REPORTS MEETING BREAK ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEM DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. 3:30 P.M. 4:15 P.M. Pursuant to Government Code the Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Le,qal Counsel - Potential Liti,qation RE-ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 7, 2002 PAGE - 5 ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Associa- tion, et al, County of El Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Oonference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et. al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 This workshop was continued from March 6. Rhonda McFarlane concluded the remainder of the workshop. No Board action. 4:20 P.M. 6:20 P.M. 2002-03 BUDGET WORKSHOP RE-ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et. al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 7, 2002 PAGE - 6 No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. 6:20 P.M. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Conference with Real Property Negotiators - Negotiating Parties: Board of Directors, Robert BaerlGeneral Manager. Under Negotiation: Consideration of Property Purchase; Property Identification: APN 1-080-80, APN 1-080-81, APN 1-080-82, APN 1-080-56, APN 1-080-60, APN 1-200-01, APN 1-200-10, APN 1-200-11 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.(a)/Confersnce with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: F. Heise Land & Livestock Com- pany vs. STPUD and Does 1 through 10 Inclusive; Alpine County Superior Court Case No. C18644 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: F. Heise Land & Livestock Com- pany vs. STPUD and Does 1 through 10 Inclusive; Alpine County Superior Court Case No. C18733 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (one case) ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Duane Wallace, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: FR: RE: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert Baer, General Manager BOARD MEETING March 21, 2002 AGENDA ITEM: 7.a CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ACTION ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: DISTRICT PROPERTY LOCATED NEAR PROPOSEDAPPLEBEE'S NEIGHBORHOOD RESTAURANT & GRILL REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize execution of Amendment to Declaration of Restrictions requested by proiect proponents to allow their restaurant to serve alcoholic beverages DISCUSSION: Gary Midkiff, working on behalf of project proponents for Applebee's Neighborhood Restaurant & Grill, is seeking to amend the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) that the District recorded in connection with the Lakeside Lodge Subdivision (consisting of 75 lots) in 1945. The District purchased two properties in this subdivision for Blackrock Wells, APNs 029-075-111 and 029-075-131 (see attached map). For Applebee's to open its restaurant, it needs to modify the CC&Rs for the subdivision to delete a restriction that prohibits the sale of spirits and malt liquors. Paragraph 10 of the CC& Rs prohibits the sale of "spiritus or malt liquors." The project proponents must get approval (or votes) from a maiorit¥ of the lot owners subiect to the Restrictions in order to delete this prohibition. The proposed amendment has been reviewed by District staff and legal counsel. There does not appear to be any apparent adverse impacts on the District's property. The only change per the proposed amendment will be to the CC&R provision that previously restricted on-site sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages although allowed by and subiect to City Zoning and permitting. SCHEDULE: ACCOUNT NO: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Parcel map, detailed explanation of request CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~.~.,~.NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: Y~S~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER I~AI~TI~I~ I~. L(~I~I~ Post Office Box 11680 Zephyr Cove, Nevada 89448 Febmar~ 21, 2002 South Lake Tahoe Public Utility 1275 Meadow Crest Dr. South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Dear South Lake Tahoe Public Utility: As you may know, we own the two Travelodge properties on Highway. 50, across from Crescent V; this includes the former Texaco station site. We are negotiating a lease agreement for the former Texaco site with Applebee's Ndghborhood Restaurant & Grill. In order to finalize this lease, we are seeking your support. The enclosed materials provide you with background information detailing why your support is necessary, however, let me offer a brief summary. Our neighborhood properties are governed by the Lakeside Lodge Subdivision Declaration of Restrictions established in 1945. For Applebee's to contract and open its restaurant, our subdivision must change the current Declaration to allow the sale of spirits and malt liquors. This requires your notarized signature. The necessary amendment is enclosed. We believe Applebee's Family Restaurant would be a wonderful addition to our neighborhood, one which offers amenities to guests and residents alike. A rendering of the proposed restaurant is also enclosed. As enthusiastic supporters of our City's redevelopment efforts, we hope you will support this project by approving the enclosed amendment. Cordially/ (' ~. ix/anfred Lohr and Kaethe Lohr P.S. Enclosed please find a check for $10.00 to cover the cost associated with obtaining a notarized signature. February 21, 2002 Mid ff soc i6zte& Inc. CONSULTANTS South Lake Tahoe Public Utility 1275 Meadow Crest Dr. South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Re: Applebee's Neiehborhood Grill and Bar Dear South Lake Tahoe Public Utility: Mantled and Kaethe Lohr, who own and operate the two Travelodge Motels at 4003 and 4011 Lake Tahoe Blvd.. U.S. Highway 50 across from the Crescent V Shopping Center, are negotiating a lease under the terms of which an Applebee's Neighborhood Grill and Bar would be constructed on the vacant site of the former Texaco gas station at 3987 Lake Tahoe Blvd., U.S. Highway 50 between the Casino Travelodge and the Highland Inn. Back ~___~_4 Applebee's is a national chain family casual dining restaurant. You have probably seen an Applebee's in many cities around the country (on Highway 395 in Carson City). A sample menu is attached for your information. Applebee's restaurants include a general seating restaurant area and a bar/grill area where you can order beer, wine or well drinks. As you know, Manfred and Kaethe support the City's redevelopment efforts and have recently remodeled both Travelodges. Manfred and Kaethe are pleased to announce Applebee's has A lebee's Nei borbood Grill and Bar on the vacant parcel next to the proposed to construct a new pp gh Casino Travelodge. The proposed Applebee's will conform to the City's design guidelines and incorporate the oldTahoe mountamtheme. ThenewMarriotthotelswiltbecompletedthisNovember and the renovation of the Crescent V should be undevxay this fall. This is an exciting and positive time for our end oftowxz HistmW and Restriction In the course of investigating this South Lake Tahoe location, Applebee's reviewed the recorded public documents relating to the site and discovered the Declaration of Restrictions-Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, Lake Tahoe, California (the 'Reslrictions"). I have attached a copy of the Restrictions. The Restrictions were recorded by the original owners of 75 lots in the area, Lora Patterson and Cora Hard/rig, in 1945. Paragraph 10 of the Restrictions allows a restaurant serving beer and wine to be constructed on the proposed site; however, the Restrictions prohibit the sale of "spiritus or malt liquors". Because the bar at the typical Applebee's restaurant serves hard liquor in addition to wine and beer, the Restrictions will prevent Applebee's from constructing its restaurant. Benefit Manfred and Kaethe believe that the addition of an Applebee's restaurant in this locataon will be beneficial to the neighborhood and local businesses. With your motel business, the present Restriction would likewise ~reven~ you from adding any type of food and beverage activity, including Post Office Box 12427 · Zephyr Cove, Nevada 89448 · Office (775) 5884.090 ° Fax (775) 5813-1091 295 Highway 50 · Lake Village Professional Building, Suite 8 · kake Iahoe, Nevada 894'~9 Restriction would likewise prevent you from adding any type of food and beverage activity, including the sale of hard liquor. Additionally, while you may not intend to provide such a facility, we believe the addition of an Applebee's in close proximity to your motel will be a beneficial improvement to the community and an attractive amenity for your guests. The Restrictions apply to 75 lots which were created in 1945, known as "Lakeside Lodge". According to recorded title information, you own more than one of the lots in this subdivision. In order to permit Manfred and Kaethe to enter into the lease with Applebee's, the Restrictions on sale of "spiritus or malt liquors" within the subdivision must be deleted. Although the Lohrs seek the waiver of this Restriction for the Texaco lot (highlighted on the Assessor s M p in green), in the spirit of equal treatment of all, we suggest the "no spirims or malt liquor" restriction be removed from all commemial parcels within the 75 lots. The attached Map shows the location of the 75 lots, and which lots are "business lots". As a record owner of one or more of the 75 lots subject to the Restrictions, the Restrictions apply to your lot as well. Action Needed In order to allow Applebee's to proceed with its construction, Manfi-ed and Kaethe ask that you sign the enclosed Amendment of Declaration of Restrictions and return it ha the enclosed envelope. Please note that your signature on each of the Declarations of ResWictions must be notarized. (Enclosed is a check for $10.00 to cover notary costs.) Since your ownership includes multiple lots, you should submit votes for all of your lots. We have, therefore, included forms for the proposed Amendment of De c laration of Restriction& which identifies the specific lots for which your vote applies. As a follow-up to this letter, we will be calling you, or stopping by your property, in the next week to see if you have any questions. In the meantime, please feel free to call me with any questions you may have regarding the current Restrictions and the proposed Amendment. Thank you for your attention and anticipated cooperation- V~ ~rnly yours. cc: Manfred and Kaethe Lohr (w/enc.) RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Mark S. Hermigh Greene Radovsky Maloney & Share LLP Four Embarcadero Center Suite 4000 San Francisco, California 941114106 AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS, LAKESIDE LODGE SUBDIVISION, LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA By Declaration of Restrictions Lakeside Lodge Subdivision Lake Tahoe California (the "Declaration"), Lora Patterson and Cora Harding imposed certain restrictions on 75 lots more particularly described in the Declaration. The Declaration was recorded August 7, 1945 in Book A of Maps at page 51 in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, California.. 1. By this Amendment, the undersigned deletes the second sentence of paragraph 10 of the Declaration. The second sentence currently states: "No spiritus or malt liquor shall be manufactured, sold, exchanged, bartered or dealt in upon the tract or any lot or plot, except that bottled liquors known as package goods may be kept and sold in packages as a part of a general mercantile or grocery business, and bona fide restaurant owners may serve beer and wines only with meals." 2. The under signed is the legal owner of two lots that are not numbered, Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 029-075-111 and 029-075-131. By this Amendment, the undersigned agrees to the removal of the restrictions on sale of alcoholic beverages on the business lots. 4. Tiffs Amendment may be executed in counterparts. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, THE PARTY HAS EXECUTED THIS AMENDMENT IN THE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW. Dated: South Tahoe Public Utility 41024/0808 1 2/2f/2/MSH/218658.1 Amendment of Declaration of Restrictions Lakeside Lodge Subdivision Page 2 of 2 STATE OF ) ) COUNTY OE ) SS. On January ,2002 before me, _, a Notary Public for the State of , personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she/they execated the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Signature) (SEAL) 2 SR S �9rr ••• AtOf ou_ Elie_ eel A Ii _'v'Gtii {rrrs r riffaltiti _ ara.-.N7r. ieffilla rain =' -Z lta'' EV eja Rig FRONT HWY 50 ELEVATION: WITH OUTDOOR EATING AREA FRONT RRY 50 ELEVATION IIIL MINI RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION '1 i ~:' ~t ~ot ~e. ~ ~8 e~n '~nt ~t ~es Is ~ef~ ~ ~ (f] ~' ~.aC.,..A__,..~.~.,.--.~-~'~''nt~'"'o~of ': ~, ~, ~. ~, 70, ~ ~- . ~ e~ ,..~ .~ ~ ~i~ ~ct ~e ~.eby~esi~t~ a~ Ia event 4colorants ftll to app~ow or disapprave such plans with~- fifteen (1}) ~. ~o s~ore, tave~, s~, ~e~ cr marc~ile ~ci~ss, or ~ ~es~ ~ ~ residence e~ec~e~ on · bus.ess plot. ~ia p~si~a does no~ ~bi~ ~a leas~g ~t~ of ~v ~s~enti~ ~il~ fo~ ~si~t~l ~r~msem ~ ~v 6. ~e ~e~in~ lc~a ~ sai~ t~, to..it, lots ~e~ ~ to ~ ~cl~ive 7. ~ere ~I not ~e e~e~ ~ ~ b~ue~a plot fo~ ~s~ess ~osee a~ at~b ~ l:av~ a ~ floor apace of le~s ~h~ one ~ou~ (l~)~ua~a feet, ~d a ~onta~ except su~ s~ct~e aa caSins for ~t, ~. ~i1 ~ve n ~ ~o~ ~ace of ~t leas five ~,,~a~e~ (~OO) squ~e fee~ ~ a ~t~ of ~t ~sa ~ ~n~-~ (~) fleet, ~ ~c~al i~am ,~.1~ ~ ~asize~, ~ ~ ~a ~ecla~ to be a ~t~ c~ide~tion ~e a~val or l~k of ap~ of ~r ~ ~i~t~ far ~es~ti~ o~ ~us~ss ~ad. ~s l~ ~eq~ so t~C t~ be~ ~ e~o~ of ~ T~ae ~7 be ~ese~d u ~C. No ~e~, noziouz or off~ ~e, ~us~ess o~ ~ti~ ~,11 be ~e~ ~oods ~ be kept ~ ~o1~ ~ ~e~s as a pa~,t of a g~.~ ~lle a~ g~ae~ b~'ss, ~d bc~ fide resta~n~ o~re my se~ ~er ~ wines on~ wi~ me~. ~o.s~ ~. ~o ~rs~n or ~e~on~ ~ of ~e ~au-eai~u ~ace ~i use or oec~Z ~T ~e ~s or .taues~cs ~ sat~ plot. . ~ ~gs) ~ reasonable n~bers ~ be ~ or b~d u~ ~ lot o~ plat, ~ ~ mo 1~. ~o t~ii~r, ~C, g~e, or o~r out houee ~t .... ..n ~'~Y la~ or lets ~ ~ pestered, e;ccept ~=r~ ~ pe~d of t~ ~ t~e e~ bo l~ ~e eo~so o~ ~a~: . . . ' .:~ , .~ ~'. ~ -.~,:t.,. ,. ,~,~:~'; cie~ ~ SL'e ~ml[~, f~e of ell ~e ~, ~d ~ve~e~ wi~ ~o e~Ci o~ ~int 17. ~til ~ ~ u ~,l~c ~er ~u ere ~e, s~re ~oa~ ~l~-~si~: A. ~e ~en~a ~ ~ are ~ ~ . ~ ~bc~e, or ~ ~r or ~ ~ or~ of ~o or ~tn, or ~ a~vo aec ~- it ~-~ be ~ f~ ~ o~er ~r o~ ~ers ~ & ~ct p~, ~ 1~ er lots, t~ ~ect to ~ ~t ~ ~s~. ~ ~ce~;~ at ~ a~i~t ~ W~°n e~ ~ ~o~2~g ee a~ ~ vio~at: e~ ei~ ~ ~nt su~ vi~tG~ o~ ~ ~c~r ~l ~ o~r ~s for .u~ D. ~e ~o~o~~ ~t~s, ~c~_~, ~ic~n. ~d ~e~ut. to ~ L.~aflt o: ~ ~ ~e~le ~ ~e ~,~ or ~ere of. ~ lo~ ~ ~s, plo~ cz ~l~c~on~ or c3v~ ~1 ~no e~t 5e ~e~ &~r off ~,e ~t to ~fe~a ~ ~f~es ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~ o~ t==~=~ c~ t~= corerm=~s ~ res~ri~l~~ -! effect, i Filed for %~co~ at ~e ~que~: cf CO~ B. ~;~Yov. ~ i. D. 19~ at ~0 ~ P.M. Recomter o£ E1 D~ado Count/ Affix I. R. -~. $ ..... Notary Public in aa~ far ~ ~ Sta~e. DEED 1~ CON$IDER~.TI£'&' of .~m.-ried ~oms~ aeaii~ with re~mrd P~opert7, ~ered ~ ~i~ ~p of said suMt~sbn file~ ~ the ~ed this ~eventh daf of Payment of Claims Payment of Claims March 21, 2002 Action Item 7.b Ck# Name Amount FOR APPROVAL March 21, 2002 Payroll 3/06/02 $ 241,238.52 Total Payroll $ 241,238 52 Cost Containment - health care payments ICI Resources - natural gas US Trust Bank - fund transfers Total Vendor EFT Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds Total Accounts Payable PAYROLL RELATED CHECKS 3/06/02 EFT URM & Dependent Care/AFLAC EFT Employment Dev Dept EFT Direct Deposit EFT The Ha~ord EFT ManuL[fe Pension EFT ManuLife Pension Loan Payments EFT Orchard Trust Co. EFT US Bank EFT Time Out Fitness EFT United Way Stanislaus Co Family Support Div Stationaw Engineers Local 39 Net Payroll Adjustments Sub-total Grand Tom/ 1,698.82 10,821.25 1,454 99 6,761.42 10,74227 62,724 58 77.18 134.50 1,33761 32,09878 241,23852 $ 28,66690 $ 28,668.90 $ 137,344 99 $ 95,997 12 $ 13,773 48 $ 8,121.45 $ 255,237 04 $ 525,142.46 WEL), h•hkE I 3, aoDp: , =1: ic: Pik ----v44.4. 1244E-4 AS---- --leg: 01 -.IL.--it (:. : 01,iIkh TE - -dd.. hub : P4C.L...41.d II 063H- ---- pr 0 9 : CII.509 CI . 07..1> --r op or t i d: CALPECI3PC 1 jr P A ,. 11 1_, H I h, h H E P 0 EI I (2474,8,,•20(12-hi.4-3,II; 2002 • Pa90 1 _ • ... •. ... .._•••• . Dd f a u i t 4e I d h.: t i on: CV, dc 1; Id•ho c I. I I.,: /AR Ch e c I -1 t., p L.. id : HO; IIII, liti , 1./11 l5:011 5 r II3rire . _.._ _ ... • ... . . _ . In., s t. 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I .r TES 10 -00 --42350 GEHI.11AL. #1,0111.11ISTRAT I 01,1 I'M-N.11A L 045 :. ... _ ....._.._ . _. .___ ._ __ _" .... E0:00•0350. GEN5RAL ADO I 11 I EJRA "I ./ Ohl WATIIPAI... 040 eh:sc.17 101:01: . ._ ...._ 589.. :43 . . 5, 97-7. 73 0 13 .,,,. li BENEFIT DIIS I. GNS j 0-L1,1-41.05 111.311,0N nESOUIRCES ia CON 11140111-5 stiftv I 0E3 4, 524 41... 000-19359 1.1i1 ----'69 37,16T:',..5-;•.::::5114-0S HOMAN R LOOL‘P C ES 0 T. 0 90709 CONTI1 ACTUAL_ SERVICES 500 . 00 2 75 Lr. WL Default Solectiun: Chuck Stock ITE AP ; Chock Tereus MI: IIIIRV,VII V drtIo tv Wan/ e BASHATT DENNIS BERRYTHIFICIELFY INDUSTRIES CCP INDUSTRIES INC. U E 20-co--1eo uHDLA.J,rnoLup 1:;1:29:1) 115-111.) 40415 GENTEEL S AR1' INI11 1R11 1011 .10-00-601.1 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 4010 -1610 EQUIPMENT REPAIR Mt-05-1E10 EDUNUILTIT PEPAIR 'A. 4 • 1- 11= u RENEE; :ire Oh•vtipIiou .11.600111; Check # Type IlIlil I I • 11.1[4:1ACE EDI; IT" fil:f1 1.01111110f4/11/1-1 GAIT:IL NE INVENTORY OF1112f1A Tie S ?!..: TURP 1070111 Oil UDR I CENTS 10-00-0424 GENERA? 1111111 1(11! JAIIITORIAL SUPPLIES INVENTOR Check Totals 10-02-6250 ROODS DOTEMETS50 UNDERGROUND RSPAIG 10°0146250 UNDEvc48081) REPAIR 1/1446(111 I•Pull•151-1 11'11 f i C. ILt I )(WC: /1111111115_111P166 I 11 ILA I I 21.1m•GMIEFIBI 231-11151/r I If I ! A 1 1 IDIES/11'111•11-.1ISEI J Ps /GE I I ICAT1 r I olt 1. CALDON CARBON CLOP 9 C IIRITR C PAM.. El IS heCk i.E■,E CALIF BOARD 02 EDUALIZAJIONI 10 400-0121 DFNERAL S. ADMINISTRATION SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY 10 -OH -6051 RUNE'S PUMP STATIONS 10-1944620 BOARD SF DIRECJORS OFFICE SUPPLIES; 20 ET9 -4/1:0 BOARD OF 5) .1(1 CIFFICE 1MJ221.... iEr9 5,:9' Ht..111A5f 21:911■151i59 HO Ea't1 -601'; HUNAN RESOURCTEi 5481:8108 SAFEMY PROGRAMS. 10-68-1220 CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 20-36-M020 CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 10 1194925) ENGINEERING OFFJCE SUPPLIES 20-137-1290 ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES If_D-02-60R42 MVPS immuNfue 1: 1"IAI I I I ITHANCE 20-Eli.EE5045 511113(15 O305141:”5 5< HA.1111 74:85Y451:: 10r-01r-6052 00;13:701i01..Thin REP A I t:3 2422, 020ER2.. .•!.: HAIIII101...E9 20401-7011 UNBERGROUtO 130241(1 HOTARY SNOW BLOTIEDETEPTED 10 -07 -471,0 LABORATORY LABORATORY BURN NES L.66ORAToOT IABORATSRY POPM IFS 10 901 -61:161 BEITETRIGAT.. SHOP PUMP STATIONS DISTRICT I ITF ORMET EON HUBLTC H2L7 JIS1IS SEVENST: DISTRICT INFORMATION EUELIC RELATIONS EXPENSE 10-06-6/0144 OPERATIONS GROUNDS 0: MAIMTFMANFT2 1/0 -15 -4620 IHNANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2069-4020 FINANCE. OFFICE SUPPLIES 10 06 6E7:27 5, 45:,C,111151"3 OFFICE EGUIPMEIR RITEITE 104S676041 OPERATIONS BUILDINGS 10E06-11071 OPERATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES .1/ 2E0 00 00049160 NU 6, 000.00 0±L10 .0C' 00049751 NH 1:3 38 1,856 50 74 93 2,375 0.3 101.44. c! 1 414 70 00 /6 00 '0 00 70 00 2510. 00 00049162 NW 7/ 0001E1361 MI 00049364 511.1 MN 500.90 900.90 00049765 15.65 7.25 2.70. 1.00 i. 22 0.01 7.97 5.29 9.24 6.17 4 7? 1 40 247.95 2,692.47 23,3. 5.19 10.57 11.70 22.53 0.56 5.44 3.62 26.17 .90 . „ 11 1.1 k 11 :1 01117511/120012-4.151111,220kE1 Page 3 WED, 11,44 13, 290/3 4 1:04 ----7o 024 01_11.131.-1.47 --1 o : 11(0,4 b 3E1.3915 4,1,43A---- ••• g 1111309 11.07E-- -report id: 017R EC SP C Default Selection Chen I. StQC AR Choc k Typos: 011, IN, RV, VW Ve4 Nam o 00fl IF Duos rtmcsit i 0 -0 -44760 011E26 VIONS 10-06-1.020 FJP cus 20-2Y-0800 F1110 INEhRI NG CAL I FORN I A. OVERN I 004 111-3515-031/5 AJ1111T11 (2141411:7 -11-1 10 11.1844" .47 14-07-841111 0 LASO II A TOI5Y 20-04-Y1010 L,00nA1roy CALA_ I AN, UTRAiL FE 6171111117,1713A1 20-81-4800 ADO IN TElHATITIN CANADA LIFE .70-00-0741. sa. F FUNDED I hnuR ANc. ] o-oo-25ra GENERAL 14 ADH HI STHAT IOW 10-00-47525 RITTER AL 3 ADMINISTRATION 0 ARP I OFT PAUL 10-05-6200 EOUIPNENT (1006 (0 20-05-4E00 EQUIPMENT RFPA IR CARSON C I TY SANITARY_ 1/411110I I 4 80701 -605" uNDFRoFouriD EPAT R 80-29-824 rrIcJ NEER ING -C4 ATE , STENT COL OUR PRESS DUtSC: ripti on 4 AR OR ATORY MUR PT I F8 Uri I CE 9(4.'1.'1 I ES 1 1:1 EA THEM1 APR OHREMD WL. 11:3 Chock Int41: AMP I NE CTIT1 rirvirrEN PLAN MONITOR INC POSTAGE EXPENSES POMTAGE EXLEir.I931.; Cheek Tota I. • TRAVPI /WEFT INCSTTDUM Al I m iriFF"r Epuc T Chec k 1 ta IT 01E1S INS SELF INSURED NED L ITT INSW:800F L I Fil: I tcun pncE-11(;vm" Choc 1 To Cal 1 : TRAVEL/MEET INGS/EDUCAT ION TA AVFL /MEET INCH 111333 371 [11) Ch e a. 1 To Mil I R IRE, COVERS, 2 NANHOL144 WELL., GLENWOOD RFDR I Lt. nIe fk To ta t 161 • -e4"oci urf DER 6:1::(.3(..tHr, 1:11.141.5., ) II /11,13101_. /14111612I1191470.01423171(2121 PO -27-6420 DISTRICT 1 k4TRNAT ION P1) 1141:0 RELAT1 um Check Total, C0f-44. CONTA INMENT CONCEPTS 1 NC 30 00 6742 STIP FUNDED INSURANCE P P FTE 30-00-6711 ETIT FUNDEE INSURANCE ADH I IN STR AT TON FEE Check Total: COSTCO TINOLESAIT 10-87-54250 6 I STR ICI T. IITTRNAll ON : DUES ATIFITTIET SN I TISAITET I F iMlaj4::: 20-27.-0250 DISTRICT 130 -11RM/5:II:OH DUES /WHIR EPSHI P Sen: FR TIF Check Total; W ATER NETT& S LAP CT Choc 1 To t a 1 : 15 L 13111.11.441; 5t/001.7 T C 23-30-9209 (11243 13l111t3 ¶j2IiYTcI: DICk'S FULLER - • 20-89-Tri190 ENOINEER 103 TREATHI2TT, ARROWHEAD WL. 4)3 \ • • • • . _ _ _ 5 Amount Choc 1 if Type ... _ P 41 32.87 raj 200,60 3,193,67 00049368 111-_ 13.00 12'4 19.40 5.60 . 49.00 00049369 NW. _____ A 4 98 .1:1,094,7E2 601 E17 352 E/2 13,11.4 . F3.0 00019370 1114 0004.9371 NW 80.00 11 00 00 I ' 140.00 00019372 MN 775,2 :13') • 44 1, 074.149 03049373 NW 99. 00 99. 0 00049371 11114 11 • 1,503 573 509.53 00319376 Mil 11-1!' '327.00 o • 1,1300 . 76: 2,175.76 00049377 1114 • ..... 27 00 13.00 45.00 00049375 1114 .1. , 595.08 1,595 00049379 1.04 189.29 Dahaul h 8a1 GC ti on: Chec k k ID: ■111 .heck Avp es, HU, Hhh f-1 V11 Yeensh la aLL L 4 I H 8 03/ 0/118P002-07 / Ell , j 0 0 : . I . 0 iFJ port 11 5eCEGOPC L 1,t 1.,".,1 I'lp 11111 DOUGLAS DI8POSAT 10-00-6370 CfFi0I. 1< ADM I MY:FEAT Hill E ELSC TR IC 6110 HACI-11 HEE Y RF a Ye --100 800E5 EL. DORADO couiTlY FEANSE DISPOSAL C. 1, ec k 10 t 60 aunt Check II Tv p 107 28 000'19300 MU _ Ch ark To IL 0004-0701 MN._ 5 , (0'10P MU .11 00042303 MO a 000493134 014 .1! NH- I GF 4ERLSFE 1 L 179 . C113 Cl/ 10-02-6660 POMP 5 OP FE AT I NG PE-EMITS Chcck T5t01: EFIFILFWEE 68171 STANCE P R11011 AN 1.007220578 1101.0111 1:8301.00..1121 11171112-150.10 1114 I.G14 R E Er. F1111'11 TOR E1V111I11111111 CAI RETSCHI 0-07--170C I Am wp, ((my .• 1 1' SAFETY RROCEAMO SAFETY PLCOGRAHS Chack Total: LABORATOPY SUPPLIES LAflORATORV 500P1.411Y Charli 1e1a1: F L ENVIRONNEITCAL 1CD-07-6110 LAD on ATOP Y MONITOR 1110 H08E778110 LLINFIATORY MOH 1. TOR 'NG FALL RAI LEAF' 00141/4_ 20-00-5010 GENERAL ASH I HEL1TE AT TOO FAMII.Y ENTEPPR I SP:, D I 5TH ICI I NH:4E51A f 0-67-8.620 nisflucT 1 NFORMATJOH FAS T t ABRICATOPO I E FEDEX FISHER 0012071E4 FLOW:I-CHER I MC FLUID RIIIETTCIS3 10702-8051. PUNPS 0-.07--11760 LABORATORY 20-07-4770 11-1.1.21011V 11:1 11.1-1-810 t 0 15fil NAN. la 1874111110 III I11.51,41.6 10-07-4780 AAP ODATURY 1.01101-10ACIIII Iss 1E4E61 k 1.417 [0.'- 0:7051 P0008 Itce, 15 Lii.',/0 Lill El It-7_11.11!(a check Total: 1(13.50 103.50 1110, 110 SO . 00 200.00 90.96 60.64 151.60 000451305 MO 25.20 16.80 42.00 00049306 M14__ LAND AND BUILT/MOS 127.00 Check Tehala _ a_ 1E7.00 00048327 MN PUDL IC RELAT IIANS 1AI7lllGE. PUBLA C EEL AT I 0115 ERCP14150 11(0.00 120.00 300.00 CE 049380 8011POT A A I FEE 721.75 Chock Total: 721.75 00040309 M41 LABORATORY SUP PL I E0 LABOR2TORY 8118DL 10-8 POSAPEE 81113 FH5E8 206 YAOF 10 C1PEH0051 Ghac.:1 Te L6 1 AE ORATOR 81454.. I 08 L MAMA f DRY 508H.. I Elk 1.7800RATORY EUPPL111.5 0000 ka VAT 11105 A01 a la ChLa To t 10.02 7 el 10 17 '34. 80 00049390 '111 85 4i 202 5:11 240 89 D6049391 NW _ 105.00 1C/5.00 00049392 111,1 PI01,41111151,:w 1-03 10, 3-771. 301 ChUCL 110 ta 073 „ 30 (01049381 71 71 L South Tahoe P .8. O. CS 13/001 8 A YMENT 0 F C L. A I M 8 REP OR 4 033 OR /E002s03 /21 .6 2008 Pa g e 5 OED, HAR 13, 8002 L 44 30 PEI r e q ERUCLAT8 --Ise. CL TT.6-1 : ONS11-17 job: P.113941 4u,csa---- prop: C11.5119.61.07)--f ep or t 1d: CIAREGSPC Default Opi sc. Hot: Check DUL, lEn AP Check Iypex: Htfri • Venda rr NaMe Ac FTnni: 4: neh yr tmen 1. OAR C I A, 611161 STERF 1.0-6161-62.00 GUST OMER EL17161C1 20-39 -6900 EMMXITTER 51491/1 411 GII...4175131E ENTER P [443 GOLDEN STATE CELLULAR GRAINGER INC, 0 W. - GREAT BASIN TRADING GUARDI ANT TOE HACH CONPANN HEWLETT PACKARD 101 MI! 06:271. F141E0 10-2a-6310 ALT INF COUNTY 1000-1-611.24 INEAVY WA iNTE14,01.1147 10-04-0073 HEAVY NA NIERATIC E 10-00-2531 GERER AL 67 018111I811 f MEI 10-0764760 LABORATORY 20-07-4760 LAT ORATORY 106578641130 I MEORMAT ION 11916JEW11 ER-57-6030 NFORMAT ION SYTILEN5 iMP AC COVER NIMERT SERVICES 10-0106200 UNGER CR omp 1)21 5, IR 30-19-6800 1XE71E OF ECTORS 10-85-8055 ATE INF CTIMOTY 61,TR2-6,517K3 P MINA8 10-37-6262 I N OP T I ON Ii'/EC. N 10-0-604 ALP NE COUNTY 1.061366,200 ALP I NE COUNTY 10- .19-o200 21041-44. F10-356-.6780 41 116-51-10 ••12051-612170 F01111KENT 9515 TR 0-05-6800 ERU I P NENT REPAIR 80-27-6620 915 11) ICI- 111208841 101"! 10-067- FISE) D SETR IC T I riF MA1J ON 80-87-4820 1-715T8 I C T OF 0 2 MAT JON 10-P2-6200 DIE I P IT I I NFORMALL OM DEXER7-6S00 N.116161-E I CI- ATI ON 10-35-6S00 4 1151-0111-68 S1/2 VICE 130-36-6800 210-19-6310 10-605-4020 20-115-4020 10-313-4880 80-738-4820 Nis ruTIER SERVICE BOANCO OF DIRECTORS 1110U IPMERT REPAIR FEM P WENT REP A I CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSIRME) SERVICE 1 I 011 1109,161 , I I! 1 11106,, 1.)7111.51 0111 16E' '13 /111I1 111)1)15 /11,11(1A T1C-11,1 Clink I) Tc,tal TELEH11011I-- Check Total: TUFIEV7F EMU IP1116.117 Check lIttx • • 811/11 .L. Amount Check 11 Type 10.8Q 6.80 17.00 00049394 MO 1. 400 00 100.00 00049355 1411 1603.85 163.85 00049396 MW 867 87 287.07 00019797 MW 18.27 CIeck To tal: 12.07 00049398 FIN .11141 RER I 0 OEM 11 11-171, 11(..trr , 661 . h ,c,c 5 ()la]: 1,661 40 000491E99 NM LABORATOR Y SUPPL TES LABORATORY SUPER I ES Check EFE VICE GONTITJC IS FERRIGE cornRA(21.s Check Total RAVEL/NEE-I ING111311DucpaRm TE AVEI IITEC0111011/ 111410AT 011 21 .T1111 CORI MASTEP PLAN SUPPLIES EOFTRAR E., GIG CROUNMS 12. MA 1 •TENANCE TT AVER /SEEL I 055/17TRCAT ION! TR A 1NSN11511 T RCS/ ERR'S AT ION TR AVEL SMEIEF11105 FTUCAT I ON IP AVER / NETT I NOE ETUCAT IA AVEL NESTING'S /1-1DUCAI ION PUBLIC RELATIONS EXPENSE OFFICE SUPPLIER OFT ICE SUPPLIES R AVER A MEET IN47111/ETUCAI IMO TR6WEEL (MEET INAS NEITCAT TON TRAVEL/MEET I RCS / FDLIC AT ION TRAYEL/NENI INEJS EDMC Al ION TIIL.[PII0I4}i OFF ICE SITNN:1133 01410E SUPPLIES OFF ICE: BURR.. IER 0)22 )45 SUP PL I ES 000.62 111P . 09 111018.71 00049100 NW 357.130 /155.1F 595.44 00049401 NW 92.54 1,776) 3E1 0213 557.80 97.38 69 53 84.18 372.77 P413 48 __ 84.00 30E1 . 38 10.10 72 149 3-3 299.54 707.07 471 38 21 95 11.216 11.86 n 5.83 0. /4 77 7.: 7' 77; South Tahoe P .1114 WED, MAN 13, 200P, 0.371.91,' 4 ; o PJER. 4L 1-.0:1;11C..--- -Joh. cl1-35:403 01630 - 00507 C1.07, 9 -report id CKRECbAC LT Default Selection, Check Skock ID: AR ; Choc h Type: ON, NO,Pch l6N 2:1 ITTI 1'1 Venuor Nag!O ,i'iC c 7 mnt fi• D.par tment Pe ‘,' C I' i p ti DO Amount Che k 11 Type . .. .. . . . .. .. ... . . _ . 1.0-05-L073 ECU I E MFITT REPAIR .011A1 1 TnilLs 7a 11 _ 20-05-6073 E0RIPMELFT REPA,R SMALL TOOLS 32.11 2005-6071 ERUIPMEMT REP EAR 10-05-S071 FRRIPMEMT REPAIR SHOP SRPPLIE6 3101T SUPPLIES . 50.09 50_ 07 L.'. 19-633-211 FCUIPH05J T REPAIR AUTOMOT EVE LALLY 'S TIRE SERVICE INC. LOOMIS FAR CO X, CO. 11 0 1 MORT 000M 442.26 ,a) 1 L01J1'lY[1012800,l[l 110410.1T 500.20 Cheri, I 3-121 2. 071 . 77 00040117 MO 44 20-05-6011 ERUIPMENT REPAAR AUTOMOTIVE 1, 1613.55 Check Tptell: . 10233-••05 110141-R0 • 20-'7101-4405 Akfil • ... . 10-02-6310 PUHPS DOE0H-6.:TO PU(PE, 10-22E6710 HUMAN RELBOUPCEE 20-M2E6310 HUNAN RESOURCES OIRECTOP P0--19E6200 BOARD SF DIRERTOREI 10-37-6740 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20-37-6710 INFORMATION S0'510089 10-7,2E6310 FINAME 20-39-1:3.10 IINANE0E 10-00-6310 GENERAL 0 ADEN N T 0144.ARI. ON NAP T514, DONALD I... 0 11001311 ILE 313-41709 FINANCE: -09-70710 fi" I 11 Al103.1 MARTIN, GERALD E THELMA 9 20-39-6709 FINANCE' 20-79-6710 FINANCE. 1AR1141-00881.LAS, Lnoir,-E FR' FARLANI9 FEHDInc, MC MASTER 0,380 SUPPLY CO '20-39-671 (3 p(HAI \ (5 1424•19-0271Y3 E MA RD or DIM ETLftirEl..i 10 -BY AMOO FINANCE: F?.1-.3E/ -6E00 F I NANCE 10-04T-6070 HEAVY MAINTENANCE: 10-04-604A NEPAAl MAINTENANCE: 10E04 TE0012 HEAVY MAINTENANCE. 10-04-6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-02-6073 PUMPS cofIMACTUAL SERV 'ICES 004113l AC TOAL SEW. CF:-7+. Chao 0 Tokal. TELEP1-100110 TE131•14110NE -1-ELEPHONIE I 1-1.513:33-1014E TR AVEL / MEET 'NOS/ EDUCAT ..1504 •FELEP1-109E - TELEPHONE_ TELEPHONE E LEP HONE TEL EP11011E C h e c 0 I.: t FE..; IFAI. MAYNE:PITO I 1:::T7 riBB EXE ELLIETh 1 0411 PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS lfiH0RFST EXPFhelF - . _ Cheh0 fokal: 1511IE1IEST EXPENSE 01,1110 1 otEd: T RAVEL /MEETI NA / EDUC A AT }1.1 1 R A ETA- / MEET I MAD / EDUC ALT OM TR AM EL /MULTI (1 I::---)S/ETA)!:!ATJ. Check Ante R SAFETY EOUTPMENT/PHYSICA1R HUILDING2 SFRONDARY EOUIPMENT SHOP OOPPLIES SMALL TOOLS 1, 168 75 Q004941E3 mw 270.87 :1010. 57 451444 00049417 MO 0.813 0.08 3.50 47.19 1.57 1.04 1 . 59 I 06 2/6.00 , 111 . 22 3, 531 . 7, IrirI. 57 00049472 MO 0,13049020 10-4 SI 111-1 4,111.2E3 3,531.29 7,64270''! 00049421 1, 70E1 73 1, 639.46-, 3, 543 . 19 00042422 0111 7,c5 77 964.3.03 6175 -fl 1, 910.09 00019123 MN 211 . 19 28s 5E1 '37.03 7E1 69 24.97 5, 15 a • 0851 If 7 - • o . 243943 117.1.H••-•- •prog C10TO7 07> (ri• t id . 1E111:A.L.>p C DeFaulh Select-Ian: chphk stock lil: AP i 6hacI Tepee,: 011,111,1, PhS 711 Accapot II r.Wr....irtir“eVit. Depaription :-.7..=,-=,.L.•..,1,- =-;..--.....- - -..- .-. - -...- - - - - -•• -- -••-•-... -..- .............---. ..--- - - ........- -....-..... -.............- ._ ... - ... - ........... ..„.........-.....___............_...-. __. _ - . - ...... , ... - .-- - - 1 (.... - ...i El -- LI 51f,q.) CUEE(0111111 6082 I CI: 1-1098121E0 . 20238265111() C OLEIC NEP SER '7 I C E 111.11.9312 .I. ES I. 020E-4610 PUE1111 C8001._ 11IW. 20-0111216:1. 0 51911711 06000 I NE (92,0,21±.:.12,011711"1 INI1E2901)0C AT -T. Lim 20-2922200 EN(.111I98.1I1T II9 -111201.8.-/M1111/71111C23/11.12IICAT I (01 1 0-HQ-4610 ENCIFEERIPPI CAS01. INF 20-9R-4610 ENGITEERING GASOLINE 10-22-4936 MUNAP RESOURCES PROS/TP.0Q NOTICES P0-2274930 HopIN. RESOURCES DIRECTOR ALS/LEGAL NOTICES . 10-2P-6E53 NONAP RESOURCES DUES/MENBERGEOPE/CERITFICAIN 20-21h -S1156 HumAr RESOURCES DIRECTOR 00E8/NEEMER5HIPS/CIERT1012611 10-22-6079 HOIRkT 5E11101.41(10.51 SAFETY PROGRAMS _ 20-22-6079 NUNAh RESOURCES DIRECTOR SAFETY PROGRAMS 10- -06 -611110 OPERATIONS TELEPHONE 31O-o676210 OPERATIONS TRiNEL/MEETIOOS/FOUCATION 10-06-4020 OPERATIONS n,'215: SUPPLIES 10-07-4760 LAaURATORY LABORATTMV SUPPLIES . 750--17 -371[ LABORATORY LAREPATOPX SUPPLIES 10 07 -61100 LABORATORY TRAVEL/METTINGS/FDOCAITON 20-07-6200 LABORATORY 4RAVEL/MFEJINGS/EDUCATIOM 10 -3111 -6073 CUSTOMER SERVICE SHALL 1002.23 20-3G-3073 CUSTOMER SERVICE 01-1.41 11 TOOLS 10-17-6200 BOARD OF PIRECTONO IP,AVEL/PIIIETII11II/E00CATION TO -01 -3052 ONDERCRSUND REPAIR PIPE, COYEW3, 8 HANI-1131...E2. HO-01-7033 UNDERGROUND REPAIR ROPPAY SNOW BLOWER -USED 10 -19 -4R1510 DOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICE SUPPLIES 20 -19 -4eRo 'BOARD OF D1RECT888 ... OFFICE SUPPLIES 10 221 21.1a:110 ADMINISTRATION CIFTICE OURPLIEN 20-221-1020 6(11111188221 1.025 DYE 10E1 9119/"1.2110 10 -977 2625315 ENGINEEPINO. a. STODGE HANDLING FACILITY 10-37-6200 INFORMATION SYS-CEPS TE67ELJHEETIN0S/EDUCATION 20237-6200 INFORMATION EYETE118 TRAVEL/MEETINGS/FDUCATION 10-27-4E120 ENGINEERING... „ .. . OFFICE SUPPLIES, Fohn.in;-4E-ipo ENGINEERING OFFICE EUPPLIES 10 -02-6003 POOPS 923HO1E5Y ptcomoohlionn l7'flRH [-085-5 STANDBY 2c(u5[(5100i 1 mn PO -29 -111D70 ENGINEERING TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD UL *3 Check Total. IMPACT STRATEGIES 10-21-14.05 ADMINISTRATION 732217,1 OL,5 ADMINISTRATION INDUSTRIAL SAFETY 10-02-7075 PUMPS 20-02-6075 PUMPS 10-01-6075 Lcnnshonounro REPAIR .INGLIS, RANDALL 10701 -61200 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 15 Amount Check 4t Type 15S. 28 10 . 94 5.78 5.77 2.31.85 154 83 10 09 6 72 135 . 60 90. •yto 117 00 713.00 101.14 67.42 22 .50 61.73 170 64 1877 53 1P5 01 07 on 2153, 04 118 . PO 511. PO 327 89 1169' 17,9.69 25.71 1.7. 15 • • 107.0 7 111.1a 130 QS 92 61 07.30 553. 553.1.9 37 37 37 -39 27.17 1/1h 651.46 0001.9101 MP GOINRACTUAL SERVICES 515511 55 91.4111/ICFS 2,052.51 ChEck Iota]: 5,131.27 00,5542105 SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSIBALO Check Total: 2534L DI 236.81 407.22 960.01. 00049406 MO Pi11 TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION 99.00 ___ South "(shoe ['.15 0. 05.{1.3/00 e 3 C II 'I 0 0 0 I... A II El 8 OPT C1.3/08/2002-0-3/21 /2002 Page 7 WED, mi,P. 13, (.1.: 39 ph . : (IL uct : UNE, LE- --------job 24394..I inh: Cit509 tit ep or t id: CRRECSPG Default Selection: Check Stock IS: i (42-1, Epe -±{ 1{(.2 1-111,541,20 Vend or Name c 3t(i'i 1 Oepar teent • • dript on Amount Cheri 14 Type Ch Lk 7,,),,!- 00049407 , - 9 I WEITY-PRINTS 20-01-6520 UNDEPGROOND REPAIR SUPPL. 1E9 Check Toth I IN1-E131,-EATE E,;1-r:-r1, 13, 330 0E11E452. 6 651111111,11EA LION 186 edd I IMNTE 13070)1/111t1". FREIGHT/ D SetChtliTit 811 e TOt31: J00)8 (PEAK PRIMARY CARE 1.0-0{1.56075 UNDERGROUNID REPAIR UNDEF(014011E10 REPAIR (111.{1C1t,STICIIIS SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS SAFE151 Eou P MEN I HYS I sAuFfy LOU T PMENT /PHYSIC/4_5 Check Total.: JORDAN'S TRUCK 1)3611 .15)1 EOUIP 20681-7421 UNDERGROUND REPAIR LIFT GATE IRK 422 Check Total: K 0 L T (!., IX 0 Lk L. RADIO 28-44 le 660(1 8 I STRICT 1: (11-111( NAT HPIER CDEI13EF1 '1,4E11111 E. X.PFER117. Iota KAISEll FOUNDATIONI 112.61..211 PLAN 30-00--/e/45 SELF FUNDED 'INSURANCE CI_AIMS SELF I103 PLAN Shack Totalt KEN 15 TIRE CENTER 110-05-P601i 001.(IPITINT A IN Ed-111. E(M...HIP 101001 IiP A Ift •__ • ■ • • , KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULJANTS INC p-eH-*3205 i+J.P INF COUNTY KNOX COMPAEN LAKESIDE NAPA Ft Ill P 11,0: 10-01-6052 UNDER0POUND REFIA IR 10-01 --A071 UNDIIIRttArEtHIS IIkEPA 11110,011031OUltk0 SIEPA H. 20501. st,(071 1440FRO001/311, 33E06114 20.-01-4077.5 SEDER &ROUND REFIA IP 10 -02 -1&30 PUMPS 20 -02 -46130 RUMPS 40 -35-532j43 PUMPS 10502-6851 01)1125 10-02-6071 ft UM'S - 6 - -4.0071 PUMPS 10-02-6073 PUMPS L0-02-6072 Furvs - 10-03-6071 ELECTNICAL SHOP 10 -04 HEAV7 MAINTENANCE 10-20-6073 ALPINE: COUttOY 10-05-6013 ECtUIPMENT REPAIR /I( 1119011 I IMO I I OF Cho ( k TO Lk I . A1...... [NE CHTY NOSIER PLAN Chock -I tse : TREATOSINT. APR 110HEAS HI_ 113 000 t:1 13, -I, a 1: PIPE 0 MIER St :0 MANHOLES; SHOP SUPP :1501 SEELE Tn5LE SUPELIES SMALL. TOOLS OIL. 2 LUBPA CANTS 31 LUER 101 AMS MOB ILE ECU T PMFAITY urp STAIJ ONE SHOP SUET L I ES SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS SHOP SUM' 1.1E9 SHOE SUPPLIES SHALL TOOLS., GENERATORS 141.19 141 „19 0)'7Q-108 MSc 1E12.11 15.08 197.41 00049409 157.52 . 52.50 315.00 5E5.00 00049410 I , 997.69 1,997 , 00049411 MEL 1,200.00 _1,200.00 00049412 543.00 543.00 00049413 914 3E3 . 2 1033.111 [2 366.24 00049414 Mil 7,3E6.00 7,326.00 00049445 MW . . 204 98 204698 00049416 MW 19.79 {.0 as_et 50.593 12.61 a 13.25 23.36 25.137 25.87. 53.98 46.78 _ .. .....• ad _......{. -. PO .... 14. 14.19 20.17 3,1 CI 20.17 a 11.49 7k0.60 P61 55 309.75 P 0 WEIL OAR 2003, 1' A Y II N 1 0 C CLAI 18 5 REPORT 0.37 00/2002-03/21/87002 Pay e 73'? . 000c-LAS 1 s, . 10 :it.-- o c ONG ILE -joh: 2439:0.5 11,7688-----4; y 50509 RT_1. CY/T:5-5-r epor d 00002580 De f au 1 t Se 1 e c t i on : C h ec L 5 to c I: 110: /.l i C h c k TR p a : NO, Kb 1171, VH V en d o TT- Nay, c Ac c o on t 11 Dap :171:1:: lent 1.75SCT i p t i on HO 00-707'3 80005 SMALL TOOLS 10-02-6051 8 UNP 6 PUMP STAT I nms 20-29--0290 ENG I NEE441:110 TREAJHEILE AR R ONTIE.AP 01. 03 10-04-4,012 HEAVY MA INTENANCE, mon ILE. EGU 1802111 005-00-6051 ER R 11'5 PUMP STATA IMRH MC INTOSH, JOSEPH 10-01-1520 t 4IDLE GP OUND REP [9 -TIE EKE PALI D INC CENTER [5 2 1lIcl14:5 I.STLMR PASS PURE' SI7.48011 127.71 40-02-L07 i PUMPS SOW 51.301701ES 19. 13 20-00-60 fo. PUMPS SHOP II 11L1' 20-02-5050 PUMPS WELLS 14.19 10-T12-6071 ELES TR 'CAL. SHOP SHOP SUP PL TES 69.71 20-075-6078,. ELECTR I C AL SHOP SMALL TOOLS 185.65 10 68 607'3 ELECTS T C AL. SHOP En AL. 0 TOOLS 173.6R 10-02-6073 PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 17.1.2 20-02-6073 PUMPS SHALL TOOLS 1.7.16 10-04-6024. HEAVY MAINTENANCE PUPILAGE EQUIPRRMIT 21.20 10-04-6041 HEAVY NA IMTENANCE BUILDINGS 145.51 10-04-6071 HEAVY NA I NTENANC L SHOP SUPPL I ES 58 00-01-6071 UNDERGROUIM REPAIR ENOP SUPPL T ES 164 . PO 0 01-6073 UNDESCROMILO R EPA IR (*RYA I -NKR '2 23.07 20-ER-2290 PILO I NEER I NC TREATMENT ARP NJHF45 W0 43. 675.23 Chet k To ty 1,749.38 hurt ict -51 A1110 U t Chuck Type E14, Q6 144.99 - 10 l80. 40 41.1 „ 70 1,181 45 554 .99 00049.124 112 MSC L IAD I L I TY CI. A INS 164.07 Ch e c k To ta 1: 1645.07 00049425 14W MOSBAC HER, MARY LOU 10-1Y-6710 OAMD M.' DIRECTORS TELEPHONE 20-49-6310 OA P OF 0 I R EC LEW TELEPHONE MOITON INDUSTRIES INC MOUNTA IN CEL Ut A9 Check Tot : 10-04-6024 HEAVY NA, 1 NIENALE E 'FURNACE EQU I PHEW 10-70-6810 (2 1211111 E ER V 1 C E TELEPHONE 20- :SL -6310 C t1S T Cif i SO SEE kR1. C E YEL EP HONE 10-02-684 0 PUMP% TELEPHONE _ .. 20-02.7-6310 PUMPS TELEPHONE 10-21-'6310 ADH au STOAT 1110 TELEPHONE 20-21-6310 Am JJA ISTRPJ1Ohl 4 E1EP HONE j ()--PS - 6 3. ! 0 Es f:11 LI UT: IN 0 TELEPHONE 20-189-031.0 ENGINEERING 101 EP HOM: 1 CH-r2 /-6..:il 0 0 1 SIR I CT I tIFT.IP NAT 1011 TELEPHONE . . . 20-27-6310 DISTRICT I NECE7NAT ION TELEPHONE 10-07-6310 LASORATOR Y TELEPHONE 20-07-6810 LADORea OR Y TELEPHONE 10-05-6310 E011 11-01415 REP A IR TELEPHONE 20-50 -6310 EQUIPMENT 01:01 10 1.ELEPHONE 10-03-6710 ELECTH I CAL SHOP TELEPHONE 20-08-6810 ELECTRICAL. SHOP TEL . 21.43 14.02 88. 71 299.58 Check Total: 299.52 131.135 14.19 147.30 158 62 24.70 56 47 - 47.23 31.49 4.79 9.1.6 6.11 5.79 5.78 5.66 5.66 00049426 NW 00049107 014 1,, 00049428 1-10 1,a 70 f‘ J•• • 06 ±c:r.)04-: i-11 4-1 1J))))31LAEA -• n g 14rs-10c : UNSI IC- As- jo b : 242913 14h1S30---- pv ol CR509 <1. 07D-sr e p OP t CKREC:30C De(i,1 So loLt oR ) Check S4)0. k 1L AP ; Chuck 1)/10-04: NO. HN, RV, Vl Vendor coen1 44 DEeartmont DeHicription Amoun t Check # R0010 S41Er14 RAU) RAYMOND RED WING SHOE STORE ROCKHURET COLLEGE R °ODOM 4 HIKE EANI-HUT CO INC SCHREMPP, GREG Ess_ SCHROEDER , KEN SCOTT SPECIALTY GASES SCOTTYS HARDWARE SELTER 0-02-S075 PIMPS SAFETY ECM' PMENT1PHY5 IC ALS 124 14 10-01-6075 UNDER CR OUhM REPAIR SAFETY EQU I PMENT /PHYS I C ELS 150.59 Chock Totel: 554c 35 1 11-01-6055 UHDEROPOWND 11141344 17 10-02-611/73 FtiCIPS 20-014-603 PUMPS 20-01-6.200 LINDER umw.m REPAIR 10 -SO 94075 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-.05-6075 ROM PMENT REPAIR P0-059E075 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10-02-6075 PUMPS • • - h•-.. . • 10- Cl--442.00 CUSiflMEP SEP ICE 20-3S-6200 CUSTOMER SEP V CE --1 R50 UtMETIOROOND REPAIR 20e29-S290 ENGINEER INC 10-2.D-6200 (4.640HER SEW 1(1 20-01 7033 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10- 0690112 ppe11-110MS 10-01-6073 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-02-6071 PUEPS 20-02-60• purPs 8111111 10 03 6024 ELEGTRIICAL SHOP 20-29-8290 ENGINEER I NG 20-02-6050 PUMPS 10-01-2275 UNDERGROUEM REPAIR -0276 UNDERGROUND REPAIR INE144.'nu 11141 4 mrLou SMALL TOOLE SMALL 1.01(1.13 Chock TRAVEL /MER INGE/17001:AT TOM Chetk ToLa . SE111117 EQUIPMENT/PHYSICAL:1 SAFETY E.OU I PMEMT /PHYSICALS SAFETY ECM PEIBLI1 /PHYSICALS SAFETY 41011 IPMEHIVPHYS ICAL SAFEJ'Y EQUIPM41134Jt5 IC AL Check To1:31. TRAVEL /MEET INGE /EDUCATION TRAVEL. /MEET INGS/EDUCATIOM (:her 4 To ta 1 DUES/HEMDEPSHIPS/CERTIFIC:11 I 010.0.1 To LA TREATME1TT, ARROWHEAD thL 113 Check Total: TRAMEL /MEET T H0E/CT00,AJI OH Ch e c 4 ROTARY SNOW FILOHLR :USED Ch o r 1 Iota 1: corn lliouus 1:11.4051 3414)3 min:No SMALL TOOLS SHOP SUPPL 1414) SHOP SUPRL I ES BUILDINGS F1l5N1C11 EQUIPMENT TREATMENT/ ARROWHEAD WL 12 WELLS Choc 4 Total: FLOWMETER 4:1, TAME KEYS PS FLOWNE: CR 11E, TAHOR HEIM PS Check Total: Type 00019443 MW 5.541 7.7P 5.14 21.12 000111414 MW la. 25 s 25 0(3049445 MU 201 07 100.75 100.74. 103.04 103.03 613.13 00019446 MW 95.40 63.60 159.00 00049447 MW :58.17) 30.00 00049440 MW 104.76 104 76 00049449 MO -85.50 -05.00 00040320 RV_ 34.00 34.00 00049450 MW 031.70 ail .149 00019151 NW 7.12 6.14 1.11 02 3E1111 15.27 3.96 74.16 00049452 MW 3, 790 . 65 3, 798 04) 7, 594.71 00049453 MW 4. Default so 1 ec t iGn: ct ec ic ,i; t (it ii. Hy isr, crii;q: ii. -cyp 4:y:A 1111 titt. r00 , 50 -VeTiL.tr. Nao-- - Aceowit 11., Dcpentoent xiption TYPe x Amount Chuck 4 6 . -------------___-: ---_----- ____ i'LLE,FHG0E. .10-80-C310 ALP I NE. , ; COATI C Ell. . 00 13 10-39-4310 FINA TE H NCE. LEPONE 4.79 P1-39-613LO IIIIhANCE TELEPHONE 4.53 -49. _ 10 01 La10 UNDERGR OUND REPAIR TELEPHONE 21 21.66 2U-01 -6S1 0 UFIDERGF ND R1U REPAIR P FELEHONE 1 O64 . 61 00049129 MN &, G - Ch co: 1 "F:41.21. NASTT 10 -29 -4R50 ENGINEERING 20-29-4850 EH0INEEP010 NELS TAHOE HARDWARE TNEWARK ELECCRONICS -7.10-13tf: tSt1t1 10 08 it:0A purps POMP0 R0-02-4071 POriPs 10-04-4022 HEAVY MAINTEHAIrE 10406-4042 OPERATIONS 10-06-6073 SPETATIONS DUES/MENBEROHIPS/CERTIFICATI DOES/MEMDEPSHIPS/CERTIFICATI Check Total.: _ FUER' SIAJ1ONS 51101 SUPPLTEE, SHOP SUPPLIES SECONDARY FOUITHENT MU-INFOS Fp MAINTENANCE. OriALL. TOOLS Cil€61.1( 11d : 10-03-4040 ELECTRICAL SHOP LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION Check TEhal: 10-39-4105 FINAOCS D6-39-4105 FILIANCE 10-28-LFLO5 ALPINE GOUFFIY 90-98-0429 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT OrricE DEPOT-BIJsINFEE SER.() -DIV 10-00-04Pa GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION 10-60-6021 GENFNAL & ADMINNSIPATION 16 46160 OPERFiTIONS 10-147-4020 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20-37-4220 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10-49-4020 FINANCE 90 39 9920 FINANCE 1.0-1393-6001 FINANCE 10-2,97-4SPO 06 1:1163 INFOHNALLEIN 20-2744020 DISTRICT INFORMATION 10-29-4020 ENGINEERING 20429-4020 ENGINEERING PACIFIC BELL. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CSITHRACTUAL SE.10)ICES GLASINE C14-19 HASTER PLAN _ BLANE PHASE TT DIP TO END Check Tutal: OFFICE SUPPLIES IHOEFOOR4 OFF4CE SUPPLY IFSUEEll OTFOGE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES. CWFICE 2UPPLJES OFFICE SUPPLY ISSUES OPE.111133 SUPPL.II:S OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE 951:91. 136:9 OFFICE SUPPLIES ChAci, E6 -Oa -69151. PUMPS POOP sTtAllint3 CheLk Into]: 70.36 46.90 117.26 00049430 MW .14 E0,21 144'7 141-44 15.43 LID 19.a=1 172)76 0004.9431 NH 771. 66 771.66 00049438 NW 7. 4 .7 •• 3/9. co -21400 510.00 11 4E55.00 1/800.00 00049423 MN 7431 67 150 4 6 59 4 138 50 40 33.66 P7.56 22.75 1 . 16 969.03 00049431 011 1' 66.76 46.74 00049436 111-1 p 4:7 10-6u-;4316 GEHETAL ARFONiSTRINION TD...EPHONE., 10 -OS -6-3TO OPERATIONS TELEPHONE JO-01-6310 UNDERGROUND REPAIR TELEPHONE 4 01 20-01-6310 uNDER0NOUND REPAIR TEL 4.01 South fahue p,u.D. R E P 0 R 31 03/013/15002-0.3/216202 033/1 11, 36:1 P A 7 M E 11 0 I" CLA 1 HS E .3 , I -- 9 P.t911WD, FIAR 1, 4: 39 -41 1- e I : 11014AS-1g 01 le c IiikeI TE ,01 . 613943 1303S p E 0: cE50 E 073-4 e p te t I d ! ci(ics1c De Paul t Selection: Check Star k ID: 3-41 ; Ch-( Tcp Fie . EIN,13i1,119.1111 V e1-47.1e r llama Akceunt 4 DepertRent De e c •i- 1. p I 1 on 8 Amo unt Check 41 Type Di le ____ 4, 1.1 PARSONS [ABA - PETTY CASH - -FrODEER AMER I C AS / NC --MiATHER CCP, DONNA 7- 5-r D ". ..0EDL3 I 0 PI Ica [1:17 EP 1-4,111PS TEL.:EP/1011E 10-05--6310 E11.1 IP NENT it EP A -IP TEL .E131-1011111 00--05--6310 E(301:PMENT REPAIR TELEPHONE 10-01 •36:31 ADH ISTR AT 011 '138...13:14:1111NE 841-21-63.1.1) 13014111 I RIR AT I oN tliLEpvioNE 10-102--!,3.10 H11.1.411 RESOURCES TEL 1-13 11(113 20-i312-3631.0 HUNAN RE0011RCE0 DIRECTOR TELEPHONE 10-37-83310 1:11111011 MAT I (311 SYSTEMS FELEPHONF 80-37-6310 INFORMATION SiYSTE1161 TELEPHONE 10• 07 c53.1.0 1.0143011A3111R TELEPHONE 07-6?, o LABORATORY TELE1I-1ONE 10-39-6310 1:1113;110E 't EL:EH-1111W 00-739-667310 FINANCE -IEL.1613 UII1P 10-211-0285 AL 1 1 NE C:141M1 4 ALP T NE CET/4 MASTER R1 ..AO 0-7PB-SSPE1 EXPORT PIPELINE CRANT 'MINE 1311 5 I I 1 LP F 131-C AMP 8R DUN Check To1:131: Check Totel: 10-01-6800 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10-02-6051 P141F TRAVEL/MEETINGS/ EMUCAT ION urip STATIONS RO-19-6200 BOARD OE DIRECTORS -FRAUD_ /MEET I NGH lifmc.,if INN 0-3.0 C1113-1.011ER SERVICE 330 PP 13 I ES 20-7S-6520 CORIONEW SERVICE . SOPPLT ER 00-01-6E00 UNDER OR OUND REPAIR TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION 1.0-07-62C)0 16A1301113 T011 1A4AVEL NEET INGS / FDUCAT 1141 10-21-6621 AEHINISTRATI 011 510 662 RIT INCENTIVE 13 RECOGNITION PR GR-21-I DNINTPATNE1 INCENTIVE & RECOGN II I ON nu ci:H• 10-32-L077 HUME,',. RESOURCES RAFFETY RR 00PAHS 20-22-607V HUNAN RES OU13CT6 1'! 13 13 111 PROGRAMS 10-29-9205 ALP INF COUNTY ALPINE CEITY MASTER PLAN 10-39-6.3200 FINANCE 60 RAVEIJ NEE T T I NGS/ [DUCCAT I ON H 20-39-20FINANCE RAVEL /MEE INC14/ EDUAT IO 0-2S-C70 ENGINEER I NC T7 E4TNE4111 ARROWHEAD (IL 463 Check Tot.44 10-06-4750 OPERATIONS CALOR [pip 10-00-227311 ALP ME COUNTY 10-0/ -A500 LABORATORY 20-07-E3320 LABORATORY ouEtwoLo 10- 0`3..--60 7 :17 ELEC TR TEAL SHOP 20-03-6075 E13EC113 IOAL. S1-10P 10-02-0075 PUMPS Check In -14 I : IN(- Z (111TY 11(137-EFE SUPPLT ES SUPPLIES Chock To ta I sr,FETy EOU PHENT /14-1913I CALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /0! (58113 A13E1 36. SY 13. 22. 1 6.16 /11 6.15 2H -L -7--. . 7 46 , • 4. 92 165.46 F8 1 110.32 11.26 7 51 '7 50 5 00 000494:7 MN 16/1 E11? 7,601.30 19,414.95 000191.3R 10.00 10_ 00 21.36 50.40 33.60 30.00 25.00 12,00 /3.00 11.96 .913 12.55 23.23 12. 50 308.42 000494.39 2.812.1310 2,812.20 00049140 (114 ;617. EC/ 617. E30 006494-11 1111 81: 'E7-1 11.24 7.48 10.7P 00049442 MW 73.74 73.73 124.15 ILL4- A A A 76 03/13/02 P A Y ll R. N T 00 ELA/MS REPORT WEE, NA& 1.5, 6206. 4:39 PH --req. DOUGLAS - - -lei): ST JL - -loc. ONSITE- - - job: 243943 4ILL16158----prog: CR509 G1 . 07G - -report id: CRPECSPC 03/0872002 -53/21/205E /Inge 13 DefAolt Selection: Check Stool ID: AP i Ch6LL Types: 11I4.- LIII.BV,141 _ 36. Vendta. hlieRe ACGCMIli: ii, Depart...6ot De .,i. r T• J. p i; -.i. 0 r I R SMEMAD I hEITORS 10 05 -601 1 STUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMO 1 IVE 111 Amount ChocI # Type hl --- -.a 'a - " " R•R . 1 - SO-05-6011 EGUIPMERIT FIERAdR AUTOMOTIVE sa. 39.97 .ir 39.96 Chock TotsIa 7 Lll 9.93 000494-54 NW .1 SIERRA FOOTHILL LADOPATORY 10-07-6110 LAYRARATORT 25-67-6110 LARFeATECT SIERRA PACIFIC 0014211 --SIERRA SERVICES 10-00-6740 OEMEHAL & ADMINISTRATION 10-00-6330 GENERAL 511., ADMINISTRATION 20-00-6330 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION NON I TOR j FIG MOLD OR NCI ChLok TUtal, STREET LIGHTTHG EXPENSE ELECTRICITY . . 1,262.60 154 . ELECTRICITY . . 3 3_3_3.11 44,526 . 71 1481) )C C31 oc1. lot41: t 60,600.19 00049456 MN hi RI 1.460.06 Chock Totol: 1:1,11 I. 46B. 06 00049457 MU 46.20 :Le 30.00 77.00 00049455 MM 10-04-8031 HEAVY MAINTENANCE SNOP"SOPPLIES --SMITH, GREG . 10-06-6200 OPERATIONS --SOUTH TAHOE NEWSPAPER AGENCY 10-21-4030 ADMINISTRATION 20-21-4930 ADMINISTRATION SOUTH TAHOE PLUMING SUPPLY SOUTH TAHOE PUS UTILITY DINT _ . SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE STATELINE OFFICE SUPPLY SUB STATION DELI 10-0256048 PUMPS 10-03-6051 PUMPS 10-02-6071 PUMPS. SO-02-6071 PUMPS 10-0456541 HEAVYMAIMTENANCE 10-5S-6740 AomINT8rp,%]fori a)-oo:--67.teo GENERAL 17 ADMINISTRATION 10-00-6340 GENERAL_ ADNNNISTRAFION 10-00-3_570 CENEPAL t ADMINISTRATION 30 00-6370 GENERAL he ADMINISTRATION 10-01-4020 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 120--:)) -14ETICRUNDEP9ROOND: 15 -38 -46E0 GHIGTOMFR SERVICE PO 31-13 1) cusToriEN BERVIGER 7. 10-s3-eas5 ALPINE COUNTY 25-1956200 50313D FIT DIRECTalSh - --sugg4ffn-II=Trirp-nK7-- 10-37-6030 INFORMATION SYSTEMS TEAVIIII../111IDET11.111116/11431047 011 SUBSCRIPITONS EXPEVSE SUPECRIPTIONS EXPENSE Chock Tot4R !UTNE:IR PASS PUMP IMATIOM PUMP .STAT1OMS SHOP SUPPLIES SEUR SUPPLIES DUILDINGS Checl STREET LIGHTING ETREMEL: OTHER UTILITIES WATER Chet: k To tel.. REFUSE DISPOSAL REFUSE DISPOSAL. Chock Total, OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE. SUPPLIES OFIIEE SUPPLIES Check Total: ALPINE CNTY MASTER PLAN TRAVEL/MEETTIRIS/EDUCATION 3S 77 37.05 Check Into]. 75.82 00049464 MII 85.00 85.00 00049450 0131 50.50 28.99 114 97.49 00049459 MW 111 31 88 532.73 • 7.66 38, (1:7 131.41 000119160 NIL 17 00 146.34 1.873 10 2,036 74 0004916.1 1111 3, 691.35 106 58 rill 1 -800.93 00049432 MN . 5.24 -731‘ icg 41.52 11:- 301.52 00049463 MN SERVICE CONTRACTS 569 76 1 3 4 r ' •r P. LI 1 79 Paye 14 Default Selection: Check Stock ID. AP ; Check ARpea: mW,MW,RV,Yri Vendor Name Account 4 Department DeerrIption Amount Check it Type 10008057100 SYSTEMS SERVICE CAllWRACTS 379.84 10-37-44.05 INFORMATION SYSTEMS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 180.00 20-17-4405 INFORMATIUN SYSTEMS 000TRACTUAL SERVICES 120.00 Chuck Total: 1,219 .60 00049465 MW TAH4E BASIN CONIATHER SERVICE 10-00-6370 GENERAL 6 A01I13I5 TR5I1 5)0 REFUSE DISPOSAL. TAHOE BLUEPRINT 20-29-8073 ENGINEERING 80-00-4920 PUMPS TAIAIRE CARSON AREA m-His TAHOE PARADISE CHEVRON 10-110-4°30 HUNAN RESOUHCER HO-02-4930 HUNAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 1 0 -28 -8205 ALPINE C(.1501\iry 10 -27R6220DISTRICA INFORMATION 00-07-6200 DISTRICT INFORMATION 90-90-8829 EXPORT PIPELINE CRANE 1,597 40 Check Total: 1 597,40, 00049461 WATERLINE, LONGS OFFICE SUPPLIES Chect Total: ADS/LECAL I'JCiT 1050 ADS/L.FGAL NOTICES ALPINE CrON MASTER PLAN PUBLIC ...RELATIONS EXPEN:R1 ERMLIC RELATIONS EXPENSE; PAINE PHASE II DIP TO FtR) CA; c' ck To IckAA 20-01-4220 UNDERGROUND REPAIR DIESEL. TAHOE VALLES ELECTRIC SUPPLY P0-29-8290 ENGINEERING 10-03-2021 ELECIEICAL 9TC2 TEMPLE ASSOCIATES 697.13 3.22 700.35 00049467 MW 599.47 399.64 3,118.50 35.37 03,91 340.15 lu 817.54 00049428 MW 70.93 Check Total. 30.93 00049469 NW TREATHENT, ARROWHEAD NA 33 PRIMARY EQUIPMENT Check Total: E0-38-7422 CUSTOMER SERVICE; MEDIA BLASTER -CORROSION RENO Check Total: TORRES, TERESA 10-111-6621 ADNIHISTRAJION 20-01-6621 ADMINISTRATION TOSHIBA 11 'TED REfMALS HLCO INFUSTRIER, INC 7-anctrifIc 10406, -74R3 CR ER A IA 01\15 2042.948264 ENGINEERING 10401-6052 UNOFROROU1R; REPAIR 10-03-6007 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10-03-6071 ELECTRICAL STUP WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY 20-3B-6045 CUSTOMER SERVICE:. 10-0442021 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 20-29-8290 ENGINEERING 20417-6030 INCENTIVE 11 RECOGNITION PNGE INCENTIVE t RECOGNITION PPOR Check Total: HAG Check Total: WELL 0LENNO00 REDRIAL Cimkick total: 20.16 1,040.20 1,060,36 00049470 MW 1,440.27 471.0 . 27 00049471 110 30.00 20.00 50.00 00049470 MW 51 52 1,219.13 000,1,4375 MW . . . 1,417.29 1,1:37.29 00049473 MW PIPEA COVERS, M MAIHOLE9 497.09 Check Total: 187.89 00049174 NW FILTER EQUIP/BLDG SHOP SUPPLIES Check Total: WATER METERS PRIMARY EGUIPMEHT TREATMENT, ARROWHEAD 535 511 1, 702 775 09.739 1, 310 311 0 Onfl 9 475 MU 1,351136 5.09 80.19 6 74 Su Lakh R 0.0 OZ 13702 PA YMENT 0 2 0 04 I El S 9 2 P 0 R T OE 709 /2002-03 / 21 /2002 WED, MAP 14, 000H 1.37 PH - -r on : DOIDELAS--- I e g .11_7 -I oc 01111317CM -jun : 24131143 41,JOI1111-- p g : CEK509 s port Default Se 1 ec ti on: Choc k Stock ID: AP Cn ec k Types: 99, HIJ, 9V, VII --TaIIIEU Herne Ac cuuut It Depohtmen Duoch ipti on 91 1191109 OXYGEN SERVICE 110-04-600(3 H•AVY HA I NELNANC SECONDARY FONT pmFikri- 10-01-6071 UHF/DROP OUM D 9224 19 EI0-02-6050 PUMPS 10-02-6071 PUFFS 1 PUMPS 10-04-6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10-07-4760 LADORATORY 20-07-4760 LaEi OP ATORY ZYMA X ENV I R OTECEINCILOCY 10-07-6110 LAWRATOPY 20-07-6110 LABOR ATERY SHOP SOPPL IDS Check Total 7. . . WEI1S SHOP SSP PL I DS SHOP h1411.... 52(13 skim) SUPP j DS EADURATORY SUPPE I ES LAPORATOPY SUPPE IFS Choc 1, NOM I TO9 I J10 MON I OR IMG ioiel Sr.; rid 1111! .1.: i d Page 15 CKR DC SP c I71 Amount Check n Type -- 0 99 35.90 1,491 67 000119476 MIJ HZ. 26 11 lc 1 . 65 104.61 395.70 71 . PO 20.00 671.35 00049177 HO I , 0E22.00 3,291.00 4,306.00 955, 2:17. 00015'479 1111 111 -1.21 439 9 73 74 ii ■ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer, General Manaqer RE: BOARD MEETING March 21,2002 AGENDA ITEM: 14.a ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct neqotiators DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8, Closed Session may be held for conference reqardinq property neqotiations. Neqotiatinq Parties: Board of Directors, Robert Baer / General Manager Under Negotiation: Consideration of Property Purchase Property Identification: APN 1-080-80 APN 1-080-81 APN 1-080-82 APN 1-080-56 APN 1-080-60 APN 1-200-01 APN 1-200-10 APN 1-200-11 SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ACCOUNT NO: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES '~'~/',~,~,,, NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~)~[~'~' ~)'~, NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer, General Manaqer RE: BOARD MEETING March 21,2002 AGENDA ITEM: 14.b ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTING LITIGATION: F. HEISE LAND & LIVESTOCK vs. STPUD and DOES 1 THROUGH 10; INCLUSIVE; ALPINE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. C18644 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuantto Government Code Section 54956.9(a), Closed Session may be held for conference with leqal counsel reqardinq existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNTNO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~,~NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~i~ NO- CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer, General Manager RE: BOARD MEETING Mamh 21,2002 AGENDA ITEM: ~.4.c ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTING LITIGATION: F. HEiSE LAND & LIVESTOCK vs. STPUD and DOES 1 THROUGH 10; INCLUSIVE; ALPINE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. C18733 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuantto Government Code Section 54956.9(a), Closed Session may be held for conference with leqal counsel recjardinq existinq litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNTNO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: Y E S ~.~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES'~' ~ ~-~NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer/General Manaqer, Gary Kvistad/District General Counsel RE: BOARD MEETING Mamh 21,2002 AGENDA ITEM: 14.d ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTING LITIGATION: STPUD VS. F. HEISE LAND & LIVESTOCK COMPANY, INC., WILLIAM WEAVER, EDDIE R. SYNDER, CROCKETT ENTERPRISES, INC. CIV S-02-0238 MLS JFM UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, SACRAMENTO, CA REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956(a), Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regardinq existinq litiqation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNTNO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: YES ~.~L~,~ NO. GENERAL GENERAL MANAGER: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~J,~' ~ NO WATER SEWER X TO: FR: RE: BOARD MEETING ACTION ITEM NO: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert Baer, General Manaqer March 21, 2002 AGENDA ITEM: 14.e CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (ONE CASE) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct leqal counsel DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (c), Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel reclardinq anticipated litiqation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNTNO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~J~. NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES]~ NO' CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer, General Manaqer RE: BOARD MEETING March 21,2002 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 14.f ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTING LITIGATION: STPUD VS. ARCO, ET AL, SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. 99912~ REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9('a), Closed Session may b~, held for conference with leqal counsel reqardinq existing litiqation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO. GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES'~ ~ ~[~ NO WATER X SEWER TO: FR: RE: BOARD MEETING ACTION ITEM NO: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert Baer, General Manaqer March 21,2002 AGENDA ITEM: :[4. g CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM.PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTING LITIGATION: STPUD VS. LAKESIDE PARK ASSOCIATION, SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. SC20010165 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuantto Government Code Section 54956.9(a), Closed Session may be held for conference with leqal counsel reqardin~l existinq litiqation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES '~.~,~?v~',~ ~u~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER