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Resolution No. 855
RESOLUTION NO. 8 5 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ACCEPTING GRANT DEED - (MEYERS PUMP STATION SITE) BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT as follows: 1. That it is in the best interests of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 'to acquire 'the real property described in 'that certain deed, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and marked Exhibit A. 2. The SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT hereby accepts said Grant Deed conveying said real property described in said Exhibit A and authorizes the recordation 'thereof in the office of 'the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, in the Official Records, and all necessary acts in conne ction therew ith. PASSED AND ADOPTED a't a regular meeting of 'the Board of Directors of 'the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT on Iuly 6, 1967, by 'the following vote: AYE S: Directors Fesler, Kor'tes, Meli4ean, Wakeman and Hegarty Noes: None Absent: None Robert IN. Fesler, President of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT (SEAL) and ex officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) I, DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, and ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof, do hereby certify 'that the attached RESOLUTION NO.8 5 5 , is a true, full and correct copy thereof, and that said Resolution was duly adopted by the board of directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT at a duly held regular meeting on the 6th day of July 1967, and that the original of said Resolution is on file in the office of said SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Said Resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote of the members of 'the Board of Directors 'thereof: AYES: Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes, Melikean and Hegar'ty. NOES: None ABSENT: None David W. Callahan, Clerk of the ~-' Board of Directors and Ex-Officio Secretary thereof of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UT%LITY DISTRICT (SE ) SPACE A~OVE TH;S LINE FO~ ~-~COI~DER'S USE J DISTRICT COUNTY ROUTE P.M. NUMBER 03 ED 50 75.5 18576-i -DD The STATE OF CALIFORNIA, acting by and through its Director of Public Works, does hereby grant to South Tahoe Pub!i c Utiii tY-.D-~-i-~-s~t~.-r-i-~.~-~.t.~*---a-~p-u-b-~.~-~Q-~--qw~p~-~r~{~Qn~- a~ that real property in the ................................................................................................................................................ mi Doram~ , State California, described as: County o£ .................................................................................... oz A portion of the ~ou.o..~st 1/% of Section 4, T 12N.,R.iSE., M.D.B.&m., aesc~.~oea as follows: BEGINNING az' a _'ooint distant N. ,~° '~- Ii' 22:~,,~.. 2i54.09 feet '- q ..... ~.~ ' same point being from zne ~,~sz oor~aer of said SecZlon~-~' on the ~ ~er~y ~ ~ of the tracz ~ ..... ~ land convey~m by deed recorded z~ Book ~o7, Pages ~5 and 4o~ uz~c=~ Records of Ei Dorado .............. ~'=~:~':~ along said Easterly ....... ' '~- ~n~ 97 !1 feet 30.05 ~ee~; ~:~e__ce leaving said Easterly 1~' ~ Zaa~ . to a poiza'c i:~ 'One Uesver!y right of w%y line to the ~ .... ~ with a rea!us of 950 ~ f',,..-'~, ~o 53; ~:: "- at EnglneeP:s Station "K'83+57.ii of the De'oaPtr;~enS of Public Works' Survey on Road 03,ED-50, Post Nile l~_. 8/80.~-~; said point also beinS on the Easterly line of 15Pact of land conveyed, ~ - ~ " - ~' ~ .... -~- ..... aid Easterly line STAT2MENTS TO: ~o~.a .~,oe Public Ut!!i~z,V District, '~.O. 3ox AU, South Lake Ta2~oe, California VORM HR/W-~,.~3 (R':'V. 7-66) lltST, ea$~. ?,~e~-soo ?-ee ~o~ (~) osP S. 31° 22' 30" W. 111.48 feet to the point of beginning; containing .ii of an acre, more or less. EXC~T.~X~ AI~D ?~S~N~ unto the State of C~-~ornm~ any and all rights of ingress to or egress from the land herein conveyed over and across the Easterly line thereof. Ail distances are ground distances and all bearings are on the California Coordinate System, Zone 2. Subject to special assessments if any, restrictions, reservations, and easements of record. This conveyance is executed pursuant to the authority vested in the Director of Public Works by law and, in particular, by the Streets and Highways Code. WITNESS the hand of the Director of Public Works,,and the seal of the Department of Public Works of the State of California, this- ~ff-~--~ ...................... day /' STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOI~S ATTORNEY ~E?A~T~E~IT OF PL/3LJC ~,'tO~',~ JOHN ERRECA DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS I q ;' :,,.. /f STATE OF CALIFORNIA. } ss. COUNTY OF SAC A NTO - - / '"')-/' , /'-':- / ;,~ the year 19~' Z, before me, ..., ,. /) .Ca--/./ ~/ A .... f ~-~ Z?~.~._~_~C.:L~._,-.._L.=_':__:_~.__ ............................. , --- - J ..... r--' un tnls.___--s..~-_g-:~-: ................ u~y v ....... : ......... ~ . '5- · · ' mia :: Notary Public ~n and for the State o£ Cahfo , ...................... : ...................... -:-7- ' ' .... ~ - , residing therein, duly comm~ssioned and s~orn, personally appeared ....... ,.---~---~:~-,~::, ............................................................ known to me to be the ............................... .~5~g::..?__.Director of the Department'0'{'Public Works of the State of California, described in and that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be the person who executed the same on behalf of the State of California therein named and he acknowledged to me that the State of California executed the same. WITNESS my hand and ofiScial seal. ~ ,:,SE:::~ N,-,x~., C. Si:.',/,:, NOTA,~Y ?U:5~C ~ ~:':~'':/' My commission Expires Mar. 27, '197~ : .... /~' Notary Public THIS IS TO CERTIFY That the California Highway Commission has authorized the Director of Public Works to execute the foregoing deed at its meeting regularly called and held on the in the City or ........... ~-.*-~ ................................. Dated this---g-g>-q-D--=-:day o~- .................. :---, ...... ,,.'/ Z 4 . ~ - X©LEXT T. MARTI~ ,~ssls:ai:: Secretary of the CahforNa 251ghway Commission