HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 05-20-04SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, May 20, 2004 2:00 P.M. City Council Chambers t900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California James R. Jones, President BOARD MEMBERS Eric W. Schafer, Vice President Duane Wallace, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Tom Comte, Director 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - pLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. Five-minute limit. No action will be taken.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 4. ,ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request.) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION I DISCUSSION ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Sitework for Customer Service, Operations, and Laboratory Facility (John Thiel) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION Award Bid to the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder (Bid results will be presented at the Board meeting.) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA- MAY 20, 2004 PAGE - 2 Sewer Lateral Air Testing (Lisa Coyner) Enact Ordinance No. 488-04, Superseding Ordinance No. 484-03, and Amending Administrative Code Section 1.1.102 Regarding Sewer Lateral Air Test Not Required for Relocation of Plumbing Fixtures Water Bond Coalition (Richard Solbrig) Adopt Resolution No. 2788-04, Supporting Legislation and the Activities of a Cooperative Coalition to Allocate Funding from Future Water Bond Initiatives for Priority Projects (Water Bond Coalition representative, Lisa Renton, will attend this Board meeting and give a presentation.) d. Payment of Claims Approve Payment BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Executive Committee (Jones / Schafer) Finance Committee (VVallace / Schafer) Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Comte) Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS Legislative Ad Hoc Committee (Wallace / Jones) Building Ad Hoc Committee (Jones / Schafer) 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 10. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT 11. 12. 13. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS (Topics of discussion will include the following items:) a. Update on B-Line Phase 3 Export Pipeline Replacement Project b. Sorensen's Discharge Request c. SB 1272 - Ortiz d. Arsenic STAFF REPORTS (Topics of discussion will include the following items:) a. Update on Bakersfield Well Treatment System (Emergency declared 01/02/04) b. Property Tax Shift c. Sewer Borrowing Bond Closing NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS I EVENTS Past Meetings / Events 05/04/04 - 05/07/04 - ACWA Conference 05/12/04 - 05/13/04 - California Special District's Legislative Days 05/14/04 - Building Ad Hoc Committee Meeting REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MAY 20, 2004 PAGE - 3 14. 15. Past Meetings I Events (continued) 05/17/04- Operations Committee Meeting 05/18/04- Finance Committee Meeting 05/19/04 - Alpine County Sewer Hookup Protocol Meeting Future Meetings / Events 05/31/04 - Memorial Day Holiday - District Closed 06/01/04 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Supervisors Regular Meeting in Markleeville 06/01/04 - 4:00 p.m. - Operations Committee Meeting 06~02~04 - 06104104 - National Groundwater Association Conference 06~03~04 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at City Council Chambers CLOSED SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation: Pioneer Trail Waterline Replacement Near Filter Plant Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO et al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; et al., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02-0238 MCE JFM Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. e. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al., County of El Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165 ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 16. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, June 3, 2004, 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility Distdct Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the Distdct office dudng the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Fdday. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order pdor to the time specified. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (i.e., disability-related aids, or other services), please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530) 544-6474, extension 203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR MAY 20, 2004 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION 2004 Summer Contingency Plan for Water Operations in the Meyers/Tahoe Paradise Zones (Rick Hydrick) Approve Contingency Plan Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Fine (John Thiel) Approve Payment for the Fine Imposed for Excess Grading in the Amount of $20,000 Water Enterprise Fund Budget: Fiscal Year 2004-05 (Rhonda McFarlane) Adopt Resolution No. 2786-04 Adopting the Budget for the Water Enterprise Fund Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget: Fiscal Year 2004-05 (Rhonda McFarlane) Adopt Resolution No. 2787-04 Adopting the Budget for the Sewer Enterprise Fund Regular Board Meeting Minutes: April 15, 2004 (Kathy Sharp) Approve Minutes Regular Board Meeting Minutes: May 6, 2004 (Kathy Sharp) Approve Minutes South Tahoe Public Utility District · 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 · Facsimile 530.541.0614 · www.stpud.us South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric -~chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 54i-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Rick Hydrick, Manager of Water Operations MEETING DATE: May 20, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2004 Summer Contingency Plan for Water Operations in the Meyers/Tahoe Paradise Zones REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Contingency Plan DISCUSSION: Elks Club Well No. 2, Cornelian Booster Station, and Bakersfield Well Treatment Plant will be completed during June 2004. The completion of these projects will increase the ability of the District to serve non-MTBE contaminated water to the public during the high water demand months of July and August, under all but emergency circumstances. The contingency plan provides general guidance to District staff to achieve this goal. SCHEDULE: Summer 2004 COSTS: None ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 2004 Summer Contingency Plan for Water Operations, STPUD Policy regarding MTBE CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES 4~:~,~F NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO ~,, CATEGORY: Water 2004 Summer Contingency Plan for Water Operations in the Meyers/Tahoe Paradise Zones Stage 1 water conservation, mandatory odd/even watering, is in place. All non-MTBE impacted or MTBE treated wells and facilities: Bakersfield Well Arrowhead Well Elks Club Well Airport Booster Station South Upper Truckee Wells Mountain View Well Cornelian Booster Station Apache Booster Station Flagpole Booster Station Grizzly Mountain PRV Station Will be operated in whatever combinations are required to maintain water service and fire fighting capability to District customers as determined by the Pump Station Supervisor, Manager of Water Operations, and the General Manager. Prior to the completion of its treatment facility, Bakersfield Well will be operated only to maintain water required for fire fighting purposes. Country Club Well will be operated only for emergencies as determined by the General Manager. South Tahoe Public Utility District Policy Regarding Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) It is the policy of the South Tahoe Public Utility District not to supply drinking water containing detectable concentrations of MTBE to its customers, if reasonable alternatives exist. To achieve this goal, the following actions will be taken: a) When MTBE is detected in any District well at a level of 0.2 parts per billion (ppb), the well will be placed on increased observation and testing to determine if the initial measurement is an anomaly. If the concentration of MTBE in the well continues to increase or averages greater than 0.2 ppb after a minimum of five (5) tests the Board will be notified and action will be determined. b) The staff shall identify and utilize all reasonably available alternatives to the use of any well in which MTBE has been detected. c) If the staff determines that the continued operation of any District well is likely to cause a nearby plume of MTBE to contaminate any District well, it will notify the Board and place that well on an increased observation and testing status. d) In the event that a water shortage is imminent, and that voluntary and mandatory conservation measures are inadequate, standby wells will be utilized, in accordance with the contingency plan, to the extent and for the time period necessary to provide for customer water demand. Appropriate notice will be provided to the public. e) Staff will prepare a contingency plan and submit it to the Board for its review to establish the priority for the utilization of wells placed on increased observation and testing status because of MTBE concentrations found in the well. The contingency plan shall ensure that only wells with lowest concentrations, if any, of MTBE are activated to meet emergency needs. f) In an effort to determine the ongoing status of a well that has been shut down due to detectable levels of MTBE, that well will be sampled on a monthly basis. If it is found that concentrations of MTBE have decreased below detectable concentrations, the well may be returned to full-time operation. South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.b TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: May 20, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Fine REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve payment for the fine imposed for excess grading in the amount of $20,000. DISCUSSION: The District applied and received a TRPA permit for the demolition of the digesters. This permit limited earth disturbance to 3 cyds. The plan was to remove the concrete roof, walls and foundations without significant earth disturbance. Reducing the structure down to existing grade went well with no disturbance issues. During the removal of the portion of the tank walls extending below grade, and the removal of the control building foundation, substantially more earth was disturbed than was anticipated or permitted by TRPA. A field inspection by TRPA resulted in the job being shut down and a fine imposed due to disturbance of substantially more than 3 cyds as limited by the permit. While TRPA staff recommended a $10,000 fine, the TRPA Legal Committee doubled the fine to $20,000. SCHEDULE: Post payment within 30 days of 4/28/04 COSTS: $20,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8401/DSTHDQ BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $793,122 ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACT.ION: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: Water South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager IRichard H. Selbrlg Tom Comt~ James iR. Jones Ma~y Leu Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 ° www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Rhonda McFarlane, Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: May 20, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Water Enterprise Fund Budget: Fiscal Year 2004-05 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2786-04 adopting the budget for the Water Enterprise Fund. DISCUSSION: The 2004-05 proposed budget is fully funded and on May 6, 2004, was presented in a public meeting. The 2004-05 proposed budget includes no rate change. This is consistent with prior forecasts. SCHEDULE: Must be adopted by July 1, 2004 COSTS: $19,297,301 ACCOUNT NO: Various BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2786-04, Water Budget Summary CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: .o CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~.~'~ NO CATEGORY: Water 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 RESOLUTION NO. 2786-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE WATER ENTERPRISE FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004 - 2005 WHEREAS, on May 6, 2004, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District held a public meeting and exhibits of the Water Enterprise Fund Budget for the Fiscal Year 2004 - 2005 were made public. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District that: The attached budget in the amount of $19,297,301 is adopted for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1,2004 and ending July 30, 2005. We the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting duly held on the 20th day of May 2004, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ATTEST: James R. Jones, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board and Ex-officio Secretary to the Board of Directors 30 RMc SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 5/11/2004 BEGINNING CASH BALANCES (1) REVENUES (2) BORROWINGS AVAILABLE FUNDS SALARIES (3) BENEFITS (3) MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS (3) CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE 4 TOTAL CASH OUTLAYS BALANCE BEFORE TRANSFERS CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND TRANSFERS ACCRUAL TO CASH ADJUSTMENT MTBE CONTAMINATION FUND OPERATING AND CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVES RESERVED FOR MTBE REMEDIATION 5 TOTAL RESERVE BALANCES AMORTIZATION (NON -CASH ITEM) DEPRECIATION (NON -CASH ITEM) ENTERPRISE FUND 1,014,826 8,776,971 0 1,881,147 736,724 4,930,402 710,654 8,258,927 1,532,870 - 30,886 17 1,502,001 1,502,001 2,800 1,121,308 WATER BUDGET SUMMARY 2001 -02 ACTUAL ENTERPRISE FUND 1,502,001 42,934,963 0 44,436,964 1,959,975 753,139 14,864,329 672,664 18,250,107 26,186,857 - 25,011,418 139,560 1,314,999 2002 -03 ACTUAL ENTERPRISE FUND 1,314,999 40,013,545 0 41,328,544 1,935,240 982,002 12,139,128 620,942 43,639 963,504 15,677,311 25,651,233 - 22,770,978 - 70,784 2,809,471 ENTERPRISE FUND 2,809,471 7,445,838 0 10,255,309 2,357,707 1,010,901 2,783,298 2,809,471 9,506 1,021,586 590,000 6,741,906 3,513,403 - 2,209,427 47,625 2004 -05 BUDGET ENTERPRISE FUND 1,351,601 7,751,000 0 9,102,601 2,570,401 1,227,425 2,959,050 1,351,601 550,000 7,306,876 1,795,725 - 392,525 47,625 1,450,825 1,351,601 1,450,825 11,150 1,200,000 1,350 1,200,000 NOTES: (1) A cash reserve equal to two months of costs is maintained for operations. The remaining cash is designated for Capital Outlay projects and MTBE Remediation. (2) Enterprise Fund revenue is from customer service charges and Capital Outlay Reserve revenue is from connection fees, Capital Improvement Charge, grants, and borrowings. (3) Capital Outlay includes the Engineering Dept. Enterprise Fund contains all other departments. (4) Interest expense is paid from the Enterprise Fund. Principal is paid from the Capital Outlay Reserve. (5) In 2002 -03 and thereafter, MTBE settlement proceeds are reserved for MTBE related projects and expenses. 10 YEAR FORECAST W2005.xls South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard h. Solbrig Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lo- Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150-7401 Phone 550 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Rhonda McFarlane, Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: May 20, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget: Fiscal Year 2004-05 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2787-04 adopting the budget for the Sewer Enterprise Fund. DISCUSSION: The 2004-05 proposed budget is fully funded and on May 6, 2004, was presented in a public meeting. The 2004-05 proposed budget includes no rate change. This is consistent with prior forecasts. SCHEDULE: Must be adopted by July 1,2004 COSTS: $25,744,451 ACCOUNT NO: Various BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2787-04, Sewer Budget Summary CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES /~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: Sewer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O RESOLUTION NO. 2787-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004 - 2005 WHEREAS, on May 6, 2004, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District held a public meeting and exhibits of the Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget for the Fiscal Year 2004 -2005 were made public. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District that: The attached budget in the amount of $25,744,451 is adopted for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2004 and ending June 30, 2005. We the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting duly held on the 20th day of May 2004, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: James R. Jones, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board and Ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Directors RMc SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 5/11/2004 BEGINNING CASH BALANCES REVENUES (1) BORROWINGS AVAILABLE FUNDS SALARIES (2) BENEFITS (2) MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS (2) CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE 3 TOTAL CASH OUTLAYS BALANCE BEFORE TRANSFERS CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND TRANSFERS ACCRUAL TO CASH ADJUSTMENT RATE STABILIZATION FUND TRANSFERS OPERATING AND CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVES 4 RATE STABILIZATION FUND 5 TOTAL RESERVE BALANCES AMORTIZATION (NON -CASH ITEM) DEPRECIATION (NON -CASH ITEM) 2000 -01 ACTUAL ENTERPRISE FUND 1,426,267 13,042,142 0 14,468,409 3,424,846 1,330,499 3,077,217 70,593 6,565,254 - 5,195,852 0 1,369,402 1,369,402 SEWER BUDGET SUMMARY 2001 -02 ACTUAL ENTERPRISE FUND 1,369,402 13,219,235 0 49,000 3,704,804 14,588,637 3,463,555 1,381,137 3,478,296 11,130 8,334,118 6,254,519 - 4,801,090 0 1,453,429 1,453,429 49,000 3,737,797 2002 -03 ACTUAL ENTERPRISE FUND 1,453,429 12,999,338 0 14,452,767 3,558,217 1,746,561 3,916,205 768 9,221,751 5,231,016 - 3,596,938 0 1,634,078 1,634,078 49,000 3,866,627 2003 -04 ESTIMATE ENTERPRISE FUND 1,634,078 13,498,513 0 15,132,591 3,931,057 1,674,225 5,238,834 125 ENTERPRISE FUND 1,889,586 14,094,100 0 15,983,686 4,111,901 1,948,675 5,434,900 656,000 12,151,476 4,288,349 - 2,398,763 3,832,210 - 1,165,635 -460,000 1,889,586 2,206,575 1,889,586 2,206,575 49,000 3,900,000 68,000 4,100,000 NOTES: (1) Enterprise Fund revenue is from customer service charges and Capital Outlay Reserve revenue is from connection fees, Capital Improvement Charge, grants. Borrowings fund capital improvements. (2) Capital Outlay includes the Engineering Dept. Enterprise Fund contains all other departments. (3) Interest expense is paid from the Enterprise Fund. Principal is paid from the Capital Outlay Reserve. (4) A cash reserve equal to two months of costs is maintained for operations. The remaining cash is designated for Capital Outlay projects. (5) The Board established the Rate Stabilization Fund on April 15, 2004. In the event of a large and sudden loss of revenue or increase in costs these funds will be used to avoid dramatic changes in sewer service charge rates. Consent Item No. 4e SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" James R. Jones, President BOARD MEMBERS Eric W. Schafer, Vice President Duane Wallace, Director Ma~ Lou Mosbacher, Director Tom Comte, Director 1 l[if,ii~Tfr,/flri ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 15, 2004 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, April 15, 2004, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Jones, Directors Wallace, Comte, Mosbacher. Director Schafer attended from 2:00 - 2:30 p.m. ROLL.CALL STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Sciuto, Adams, Coyner, Eckenrode, Bergsohn, Hoggatt, Attorney Kvistad. GUESTS: Dave Galicia / G.B. Inc., Ken Lucia, Glenn Plaskett, Jake Jacobs / Jacobs Enterprises, Dale Rise I Dale Rise Excavations, Ray Olsen / X-Rays Snow Removal and Ent, Cie Olson, Dan Huggins, James Brathovde, Dave Huber / Huber Plumbing. Consent Item a. (Bayview, Helen, and South Upper Truckee Well Ddlling Projects), and Consent Item b. (Sewer Lateral Air Testing) were brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Comte I Second Schafer / Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES- APRIL 15, 2004 ' ' 'PAGE - 2 a. See Consent Items Brought Forward; b. See Consent Items Brought Forward; CONSENT, CALENDAR (continued) Co B-line: Phase 3 - Export Pipeline Replacement - Authorized entering into a three-party agreement with TRPA and Entrix, in an amount not to exceed $85,000, to satisfy a TRPA permit requirement to hire an environmental inspection service to oversee the project's environmental management (subject to final approval by staff, provided the terms do not significantly change from the draft presented); d. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: March 18, 2004. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION In order to proceed with the May 5, 2004, sale of sewer revenue certificates, it is necessary to adopt an authorizing resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 2784-04: SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING Bill Madison, bond counsel, reviewed the various docu- ments associated with the $15 million borrowing, and answered questions from the Board. Reed Schmidt, financial advisor, explained the interest rates in the bond markets, and also answered questions from Board members. The Finance Committee reviewed this item and recommended approval. Moved Wallace I Second Schafer I Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2784-04, authorizing the issuance and sale of sewer revenue certificates to provide financing for sewer system improvements and the signing of the related documents. Rhonda McFarlane stated the intent of this resolution is to formalize the District's reserve policy and to establish a rate stabilization fund to buffer any significant changes in revenue. Using the rate stabilization fund allows the Board to gradually change rates in the event of a revenue loss, thereby avoiding sudden changes in rates. RESOLUTION NO. 2785-04: RESERVE POLICY The Finance Committee reviewed this item and recommended approval. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -APRIL t5, 2004' ' ' PAGE - 3 Moved $chafer I Second Wallace I Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2785-04, to formally establish a reserve policy. RESOLUTION NO. 2785-04: RESERVE POLICY (continued) (2:30 p.m. - Director Schafer excused himself from the remainder of the meeting.) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR DISCUSSION / ACTION District staff held a public meeting in early March to discuss current and proposed Administrative Code changes related to sewer laterals. The Board of Directors formed a Sewer Lateral Ad Hoc Committee and through extensive discussion with contractors, customers, and staff, the proposed amendments were brought about. The main recommendation is for air testing for a period of seven years. Other amendments were made in an effort to cladfy any confusing language in the code. Lisa Coyner reviewed the specific changes to the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 488-04: SEWER LATERAL AIR TESTING (Consent Item b.) Dave Galicia, Ken Lucia, Dale Rise, Dave Huber, Ole Olson, Ray Olsen, Don Huggins, and James Brathovde, expressed their concerns with the definition of lateral ownership and maintenance. It was the consensus of the Board to table this issue until after the building season. No Board action. 4:25 - 4:35 P.M. MEETING BREAK 4:35 P.M. ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION 5:35 P.M. (5:35 p.m. -Attorney Kvistad excused himself from the remainder of the meeting.) RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation: Pioneer Trail Waterline Replacement Near Filter Plant REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES- 'APRIL. 15, 2004' PAGE - No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO et. al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; et al., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02-0238 MCE JFM No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)lConference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-O1-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)lConference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Assoc., et al., County of El Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165 ~ ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Jim Hoggatt reported two bids were received for this project at the April 13, 2004, bid opening. Moved Mosbacher I Second Comte I Schafer Absent / Passed to award the contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Zim Industries, Inc., in the amount of $938,196. BAYVlEW, HELEN, AND SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE WELLS DRILLING PROJECTS Jim Hoggatt reported three bids were received for this project at the April 14, 2004, bid opening. HIGHWAY 50 2004 WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL' 15, 2004 .... PAGE'- $ Moved Wallace I Second Comte I Schafer Absent I Passed to award the contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Nicholas Construction, in the amount of $1,354,558.85. HIGHWAY 50 2004 WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT (continued) Jim Hoggatt reported four RFQs (Request for Qualifica- tions) were received for a materials and testing inspection services technician. Staff recommended retaining Mike Magee, Stantec, due to Mr. Magee's familiarity with the District's process and his knowledge of the testing re- quirements; additionally, his was the lowest proposal received. MATERIALS TESTING AND CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SERVICES Moved Wallace / Second Comte / Schafer Absent / Passed to approve staff recommendation to retain Mike Magee, Stantec, for additional inspection and testing services for the 2004 construction season in the amount of $175,000. Moved Wallace / Second M0sbacher / $chafer Absent / PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Passed to approve payment in the amount of $785,878.56. cONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR 'DISCUSSION I ACTION ' Director Mosbacher received clarification from Jim Hoggatt regarding the need for additional hydro-geologic personnel. Moved Comte / Second Wallace / Schafer Absent / Passed to approve proposal from Nimbus Engineers in the amount of $186,854. BAYVIEW, HELEN, AND SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE WELLS DRILLING PROJECTS (Consent Item a.) Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met April 12. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Director Wallace reported on the County Water Agency's activities: 1) They belong to a JPA that provides authority the agency doesn't have. 2) Last year's goals were reviewed; substantial progress was made. The agency runs better than it has in years. 3) They are waiting for El Dorado County to approve a general plan. 4) The agency will meet in South Lake Tahoe in August. President Jones reported he received a letter from Lakeside Park Association requesting a board committee be appointed to discuss matters of mutual interest. He BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS, EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT BOARD MEMBER REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES- APRIL 15, 2004 PAGE - 6 will send a letter stating once the ongoing litigation has been resolved, he will consider appointing a liaison to Lakeside Park. General Mana,qer: Richard Solbrig updated the Board on four items: 1 ) The permits for the B-line PhaSe 3 pipeline relocation project are imminent. 2) An agreement will be developed outlining responsibilities related to Sorenson's discharge request. 3) The grant funding bill Assemblyman Tim Leslie is sponsoring on behalf of the District has received approval from the California Tahoe Conservancy's legal counsel. Legislators have received it and had no comments. 4) A letter of opposition was sent regarding Ortiz bill SB 1272 (in its current form). Suggestions were made how the bill could be improved. Assistant Mana.qer: Paul Sciuto reported on two items: 1 ) $1.2 million has been spent to date on the Bakersfield Well treatment system and associated costs (emergency declared 1/2/04). The well should be on-line by June 15 and completed by June 20. A public meeting was held to gather input and concerns from nearby residents. 2) Too much dirt was disturbed when demolishing the digesters at the WVVTP, which will likely result in a fine from TRPA. Chief Financial Officer: Rhonda McFarlane reported that based on change orders approved at a previous board meeting, the budget must be revised to reflect an additional $1.3 million that was not included in the budget workshop presentation. 6:20 P.M. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (continued) GENERAL MANAGER / STAFF REPORTS ADJOURNMENT James R. Jones, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" James R. Jones, President BOARD MEMBERS Edc W. Schafer, Vice President Duane Wallace, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Tom Comte, Director i ~i 'Ti/JrlT/JJ'' I '] IIIIT' / J71'fJilJ/rlll'llJJliiJ'lllJ'r ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 6, 2004 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, May 6, 2004, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD.. OF DIRECTOR. S: Directors Wallace, Comte, Mosbacher. President Jones was excused for District business. Director Schafer was absent. ROLL CALL STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Sciuto, Brown, Bergsohn, Schroeder, Henderson, R. Johnson, Hoggatt, Bird, Attorney Kvistad. Moved Comte / Second Mosbacher / Jones Excused I Schafer Absent / Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: CONSENT .CALENDAR Martin Avenue Well Vertical Seismic Profile (VSP) - Approved proposal from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for VSP data collection in the amount of $25,000; Helen Well Replacement: Temporary Irrigation Agreement - Authorized entering into a temporary irrigation agreement with the Alva Barton Trust; REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY $, 2004 ' PAGE - 2 Fallen Leaf Lake: Delinquent Assessments - Authorized legal counsel to begin foreclosure proceedings on one (1) Fallen Leaf Lake sewer assessment district property in arrears on their assessment, as provided by Resolution No. 2536, adopted July 16, 1990; CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) Johnson Sewer Pump Station Generator Set -Awarded contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Smith Detroit Diesel Allison, in the amount of $35,377.91; so Polymer Purchase - (1) Authorized exception to bidding as outlined in the Purchasing Policy for special circumstances; and (2) Approved purchase of polymer from the sole-source supplier, Polydyne, in the amount of $75,000; 'f. Surplus Property Policy - Authorized changes to the policy for retention and disposal of surplus property; g. Surplus Vehicles and Equipment - Authorized Nationwide Auction Systems to sell District surplus at public auction; ho Asphalt Patch Paving for 2004 - Awarded contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, G.B. Engineering, in an estimated amount of $114,000; i. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: April 1, 2004. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Once the sodium hypochlorite storage and distribution facility project is completed, the District will be ready to convert from chlorine gas to hypochlorite. This will eliminate the current on and off site dangers related to chlorine use. Jim Hoggatt reported on the budget for this project. The original engineer's estimate for this project has been reduced by 15%. SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION FACILITY Moved Mosbacher I .Second Wallace / Jones Excused / Schafer Absent / Passed to authorize staff to advertise for bids for the construction of the sodium hypochlorite storage and distribution facility. Moved Comte / Second Mosbacher / Jones ExcUsed / Schafer Absent / Passed to approve payment in the amount of $1,218,398.04. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 6, 2004 PAGE - 3 Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met May 3. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Mosbacher reported on several items, including: special rates for seniors; sewer later air testing accessibility requirements; artificial turf; CDF fire protection fees and exemptions; fish planting in Alpine County; the shared grant coordinator position; Barbara Boxer's wilderness bill; Alpine County's land issue w/USFS; expected development in Alpine County and their projected sewer, water, and fire protection needs; a Rainbow Family Tribe festival may be coming to eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada; activities and plans of the Lake Tahoe Basin Fire Safety Council; TRPA's intention to thin the forests; a professor from UNR, who credited the District with saving the clarity of Fallen Leaf Lake by sewering the area, has many projects underway including a water monitoring invention at Fallen Leaf Lake that District staff may be interested in assisting him with. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Director Comte reported on the street lighting issue that came before the City Council. The Council appointed a committee to consider the issue of collecting fees for the Ski Run Property Owners Association. Director Wallace reported on his attendance at a Chamber Executives' gathering that included many legislators. General Mana,qer: Richard Solbrig updated the Board on eight items: 1 ) B-line Phase 3 - Nearly all the permits have been obtained. Pipe will arrive May 17. Predrilling work (to locate rocks) has been completed. Staff and Caltrans studied traffic flow and added another flagger on the uphill side for safety. 2) Sorenson's Discharge Request - A second meeting will be held with Alpine County on May 19. 3) The legislation re: utility relocation for unfunded erosion control projects passed out of committee and is working its way through the process. Language pertaining specifically to sewer and water facilities was added. 4) Special District Reform Bill (Ortiz SB 1272) - The bill has received a lot of opposition to certain measures. Senator Ortiz is still receiving input. 5) The arsenic rule was adopted by the State of California at 4 ppt as a public health goal, which is lower than the federal level of 10 ppt. Treating arsenic GENERAL MANAGER / STAFF REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 6, 2004 PAGE - 4 to conform to this new standard will be very expensive. The District will protest this new standard using the approach that the increases will be passed along to customers throughout the state, which will drive them to competitively seek relief by moving to other states. 6) Ken Schroeder, maintenance manager, will retire this year. The entire organizational structure of the District will be reviewed, and if necessary, changed to ensure the highest levels of efficiency and productivity are achieved. A facilitator will oversee the process, along with a steering committee of District staff. 7) Lahontan staff made inquiries regarding nitrate levels at the emergency retention basin and about PCE at the Y. 8) At the recommendation of their legal committee, TRPA doubled the fine against the District for disturbing more soil than allowed by permit while demolishing the digesters ($20,000 instead of $10,000). TRPA also doubled the fine against Harvey's. Assistant Mana.qer: Paul Sciuto reported on the Bakersfield Well treatment system and associated costs (emergency declared 01/02/04). K.G. Walters is on site; footings have been poured. All permits have been received with the exception of the DHS permit, which is expected by the end of the month. Treatment units will be delivered May 21. A crane will be rented to install the containers. The project is on schedule - the well should be on-line by June 15 and completed by June 20. A total of $1.2 million has been spent to date. Chief Financial Officer: Rhonda McFarlane reported on the sale of the sewer revenue Certificates of Participation - a group headed by Morgan Stanley was awarded the bid. The District received an A+ rating from Standard and Poor's. She also reported on interest costs related to the sewer borrowing. McFarlane, along with Dennis Cocking, will attend California Special District's legislative day. A meeting with the governor will be held regarding the initiative to protect against property tax grabs. 3:40 - 4:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. GENERAL MANAGER/STAFF REPORTS (continued) MEETING BREAK ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION REGULAR BOARD'MEETING MINUTES MAY 6, 2004 ' " PAGe' - ~' 5:05 P.M. RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION .... ~ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING cLOSED SESSION Moved Wallace I Se .cond Comte / ~lo.nes Excused / Schafer Absent / Passed to award sale to the highest bidder, Larry Jackson, in the amount of $56,250. It was noted the proceeds from this sale will benefit the sewer assessment district at Fallen Leaf Lake. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Conference re: Real Property Negotiations - Negotiating Parties: District staff, Vivian Seifert/Century 21; Under Negotiation: Sale of Property Property Identification: 895 Fallen Leaf Road, APN 021-301-201 No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation: Pioneer Trail Waterline Replacement Near Filter Plant No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956(a)lConference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO et. al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; et al., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02-0238 MCE JFM NO reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 6, 2004 PAGE - 6 No reportable Board action. 5:05 - 6:00 P.M. A presentation was planned to present information and gather input from the public. Since no public attended, Rhonda McFarlane gave a brief summary of the budget and long-term financial plans. There are no planned rate increases (for the second year in a row.) 6:20 P.M. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Assoc., et al., County of El Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165 MEETING BREAK 6:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING: 2004/05 PROPOSED BUDGET AND TEN-YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN ADJOURNMENT James R. Jones, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District South Tahoe P blic Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Tom Comt~ James R. Jones Mary Lo,, Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614. www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 6.a TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: May20, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Sitework for Customer Service, Operations, and Laboratory Facility REQUESTED BOARD ACTION' Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. DISCUSSION: This Phase 1 sitework project includes excavation, structural fill, utility installations, paving, and other related sitework necessary for the construction of the Customer Service, Operations, and Laboratory Facility. Eight general contractors attended the mandatory pre-bid meeting on May 11. Bids will be opened May 19. A summary of all bids, along with staff recommendation will be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: Begin construction June 1 COSTS: $400,000 ACCOUNT NO:2029-8401/DSTH DQ BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $793,122 ATTACHMENTS: Bid summary to be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~)r-~c-- NO CATEGORY: Water South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Telephone: (530)544-6474 Fax: (530)541-0614 Memorandum Date: To: From: Subject: June 2, 2004 Board Members, Richard Solbrig, Paul Sciuto Heidi Donovan, Contracts Administrator Sodium Hypochlorite Storage and Distribution Project At 2:00 o'clock this afternoon we received and opened three (3) sealed bids for the 'above-referenced project. Bids ranged from $1,185,611 to $1,382,580. The engineer's estimate was $758,140 prior to the Addendum, and has been revised since the addendum to reflect a new amount of $829,966, a difference of $71,826. A careful review and analysis of each bid showed no errors or deviations. See the attached spreadsheet for full breakdown of each bid. K.G.Walters Construction Co., Inc. is the apparent Iow bidder. K.G.Walters Construction Co., Inc.'s bid was free of any deviations or omissions. I contacted the Contractors License Board and was given the following information: License Number 301314 is current and active and expires 6150105. The company is a corporation. K.G. Walters Construction Co., Inc. holds a Class A - General Engineering license. South Tahoe Public Utility District · 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 · Facsimile 530.541.0614 Sout Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 6.b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Lisa M. Coyner, Manager of Customer Service MEETING DATE: May 20, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Sewer Lateral Air Testing REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Enact Ordinance No. 488-04, superseding Ordinance No. 484-03 and amending Administrative Code Section 1.1.102 regarding sewer lateral air test not required for relocation of plumbing fixtures. DISCUSSION: The District has encountered unintended consequences of the current definition of the term "remodeling" that requires District staff review of proposed alterations of, and additions to buildings that do nOt relate to or impact the District's provision of sewer service. Staff believes that the removal of the section that applies to the "addition, deletion and/or alteration of plumbing fixtures" will better serve the public needs. This section will limit remodeling to the increase in square footage by fifty percent (50%) or more or the increase in sewer units. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance No. 488-04 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTIO,,N: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~ NO NO CATEGORY: Sewer ORDINANCE NO. 488-04 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AMENDING ADMINISTRATIVE CODE SECTION 1.1.102; AND SUPERSEDING ORDINANCE NO. 484-03 REGARDING THE DEFINITION OF REMODELING BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of El Dorado, State of California, as follows: SECTION 1 - POLICY AND PURPOSE The purpose of this Ordinance is to adopt certain amendments to the Administrative Code regarding remodeling of buildings. SECTION II - DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Ordinance, the terms used herein are defined as follows: A. The District - The South Tahoe Public Utility District. B. The Board - The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. C. Administrative Code - The compilation and codification of all of the Administrative, Water, Sewer, Street Lighting and Groundwater Management Plan Ordinances of the District, which establish the authority and the principles for decisions of the District, and provide the public with guidelines applicable to District operations. SECTION III - FINDINGS The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, make the following findings: 1. The District has encountered unintended consequences of the current definition of the term "remodeling" that requires District staff review of proposed alterations of and additions to buildings that do not relate to or impact the District's provision of sewer service; 2. The District staffhas met with interested persons and stakeholders in the community to assist in developing the amendments to the Administrative Code contained in this Ordinance; and 3. The Board of Directors has determined that it is in the best interest of the District to adopt this Ordinance with respect clarity of the Administrative Code in regards to sewer laterals. -1- SB 325107 vl: 007627.0001 Ordinance No. 488-04 Page 2 SECTION IV - AMENDMENTS TO ADMINISTRATIVE CODES The following section of the Administrative Code shall be amended in their entirety to read: 1.1.102 "Remodeling" shall mean any construction activity which increases the number of sewer units required to serve improvements on a property; or a tear down and/or reconstruction of more than fifty percent (50%) of the existing square footage of a building(s) on a property; or the ~:*:~ ~*: .... ~/^- ~-~,*;~,,- ^*'~--~-;~ ~--*. ..... *' ~ ~-..:~.~: .... ..... "~' -'*':~ ..... :-~" a buil~Lng permit; or a tear down and/or reconstruction of any multiple living unit located on a property with multiple living units. SECTION V - SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or the Administrative Code. The Board of Directors declares and determines that it would have passed section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof of this Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations and the Administrative Code irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases may be determined to be unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION VII - EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect immediately after its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held regular meeting on the 20th day of May 2004 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: James R. Jones, President South Tahoe Public Utility District Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board/Executive Secretary -2- SB 325107 vi: 007627.0001 South Tahoe P blic Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone o30 o44-o4 74- Fax 530 54i-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 6.c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: May 20, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Water Bond Coalition REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2788-04, supporting legislation and the activities of a cooperative coalition to allocate funding from future water bond initiatives for priority projects. DISCUSSION: The Water Bond Coalition is a network of more than 200 cities, counties, and special districts, located in Northern and Coastal California. The Coalition was created in response to two urgent needs in our state: 1) the need to provide equity when making water-related funding decisions, and 2) the need to maximize benefits to the people and environment of California from limited financial resources. Many cities, counties and special districts have already identified projects for funding. The Coalition organizers request the District identify the highest- priority projects that can be implemented to provide immediate water quality, water supply reliability and ecosystem benefits throughout the state. All projects advocated by Coalition members carry strong local support and meet critical local and regional needs. Lisa Renton will be present at the Board meeting to give a presentation and provide more information on the Water Bond Coalition. A resolution is attached if the Board wishes to support the Coalition. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2788-04 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES Z~,~ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES fJ~'l'Y"¢~ NO NO CATEGORY: Water DP, AFT RESOLUTION NO. 2788-04 DP, AFT A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SUPPORTING LEGISLATION AND THE ACTIVITIES OF A COOPERATIVE COALITION TO ALLOCATE FUNDING FROM FUTURE WATER BOND INITIATIVES FOR PROJECTS THAT WILL BENEFIT THE DISTRICT, THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO, AND OTHER COUNTIES IN NORTHERN AND COASTAL CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, the California electorate has approved three statewide bond initiatives over the past two years that provided $6.67 billion for water and parks related programs in California, and Proposition 50, approved by voters in the November 2002 election, provides an additional $3.44 billion; and WHEREAS, development of a regional coalition to organize and promote local salmon restoration projects for funding has proven to be effective in obtaining federal appropriations totaling $41 million for California; and WHEREAS, South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) contributes important water and habitat related benefits to the state; and WHEREAS, the District wishes to establish and maintain coordination of ongoing projects to ensure the most efficient use of available resources; and WHEREAS, the District has identified several projects which will require additional state and federal funding as may be provided by future funding opportunities. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District approves the following actions: 1. Supports legislation to allocate funding from future Water Bond Initiatives for local and regional projects in El Dorado County and Northern and Coastal California Counties. 2. Authorizes District staff and/or Board representative to work with the Water Bond Coalition and other public agencies to advocate and secure grant funds for drinking water, wastewater, fisheries, wetlands, water reuse, non-point source and flood control projects that will benefit the District and other cities, counties, and special districts in Northern and Coastal California. Resolution No. 2788-04 Page 2 of 2 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting duly held on the 20th day of May 2004, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: James R. Jones, President Board of Directors ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL Ma}/20, 2004 Payroll 5/12/04 Total Payroll BNY Western Trust Company Cost Containment - health care payments Hatch & Parent -legal services Total Vendor EFT Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds Total Accounts Payable 312,502.14 312,502.14 0.00 72,319.39 105,229.93 177,549.32 305,281.64 154,957.81 370.00 727.41 461,336.86 951,388.32 Grand Total Payroll EFTs & Checks 05/12~04 EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT CHK EFT EFT CHK AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care CA Employment Taxes & W/H Federal-Employment Taxes & W/H CALPERS Contributions ManuLife Pension Loan Payments Orchard Trust Deferred Comp Stationary Engineers Union Dues United Way Contributions Employee Direct Deposits Employee Paychecks Adjustments Sub-total 572.54 13,863.61 71,541.89 41,586.84 4,576.43 11,527.74 1,529.33 110.00 147,325.96 19,867.80 312,502.14 S o u t h T a l e P.U.D. 05/18/04 P A Y M E N T OF C L A I M S R E P O R T 05/07 2004 - 05/20/2004 P e t IUE, MAY 18, 2004, 1:50 FM - -req: CJLYN -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: CI'1E-- - -fob: 304556 #5000--- -prng: 09 <1.07 >- -report id: FC Default Selection: Check Stock Venzbr Narre A -1 CHEMICAL INC AOINDEEATICN MTTCN INC. ANION SMTTCN INC. AEAMS, MICHAEL ALIT SIERRA Ca'kehE COMPANY ALPINE METALS ALPINE, CU= OF ARANARK UNIFCRM SERVICES ASCCM / CIE CAP PFcG ID: AP Account # Departrrent 10 -00 -0422 COAL & ALMINISIRATICN 10 -00 -0421 GENERAL & ADENISIRATICN 20 -29 -8573 20 -29 -8574 20 -29 -8463 20 -29 -8463 20 -29 -8573 20 -29 -8574 EIZINERINU E[ IlNE ING ENGINEER= E GTNEERIM 10 -01 -6200 INEERGROUND REPAIR 10 -00 -6520 COAL & ALMINISIRATICN 20 -00 -6520 GENERAL & ALMI NISIRATICN 10 -04 -6071 HEAVY NAINIENANCE 10 -28 -6651 ALPINE COUNTY 10 -00 -2518 COAL & AEMINISIRATICN 10 -38 -5020 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -38 -5020 CUSTOMER SERVICE Descriptic1 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES INVENTOR SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY Check Tbtal: WELL, HELEN (REPLACE) WELL BAYVIEW SD Ut TRKE WELL =RILL Check Tbt-al SD UP TRKE WELL RE DRILL T , WELL, HELEN (REPLACE) WELL, BAYV.IEW Check Ibtal : Venc or Tbt al : TRA /EtLtATTCN Check Tbt-al SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SDP SUPPLIES LAND TES Check Tbta1: Check Total: Check Tbta1: tNIFC dvt/RLTS /TUELS PAYABLE Check 'Ibt-al : EQUIPMENT RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT RENmL /LE\SE Arrant Check # Type 215.21 71.04 286.25 833.33 833.33 833.34 2,500.00 364.08 375.11 364.07 1,103.26 3,603.26 192.68 192.68 97.28 97.28 194.56 106.00 106.00 32,097.37 32,097.37 1,107.51 1,107.51 67.43 67.43 00056650 M' 00045006 WI 00056651 Ml 00056652 NW 00056653 Ma 00056654 Ml 00056655 NW 00056656 NW S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 05/07 2004 - 05/20/2 id: TUE, MAY 18, 2004, 1:50 M - -req: CAROLYN -- -leg: C� JL - -loc: CI�S1'1E - -- -fob: 304556 #5000-- - -pmg: 09 <1.07 > -- Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Ve cbr Narre Accxxmt # D rtirent ASSOCIATED BAG COMPANY ATIANASIO, LANCE AVAYA FINANCIAL SERVICES AVISIA =TIES B0CGASES B S K ANALYTICAL LABS BASIC LABORATCY INC. BFNTLY ASRCIAMNAMICS BERRY -HEY I TRIES 10 -29 -4820 ENGINEERING 20 -29 -4820 ENGINEEZ11M3 20 -38 -6200 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10 -37 -6030 INFORMATION SYSIIIVS 20 -37 -6030 INFTICN SYSTIIVE 10 -00 -6350 GENERAL & AIIV]ISIRATICN 20 -00 -6350 GOAL & AII"IINISIRATICN 20 -02 -4790 FLAPS 20 -07 -6110 LABORATORY 10 -07 -6110 LABORATORY 10 -06 -6652 OPERATIONS 10 -00 -0415 COAL & AIIVIINISIRATICN 10 -04 -4630 HEAVY P INIIIN'E 10 -01 -4610 L1UNID REPAIR Descripticn Check Total: OF± 10E SUPPLIES O)~1.10E SUPPLIES Check Tbta1: 'IRAVEL/N1EIN3S /aLt7.TTCN Check 'Ibta1 SERVICE COMPACTS SERVICE COMPACTS Check Tbta1: NATURAL GAS NATURAL CAS Check Tbtal: 01HEft SUPPLIES IvENTIORING Check Tbta1: Check Total: Check Total: BIOSOLID DISPOSAL CESIS Check Total: C .9OLINEE INVENIC Y OGASOLINE LUBRICANTS Check Total: Amount Check # TYpe 134.86 00056657 Ma 95.76 95.74 191.50 00056658 MV 363.38 363.38 00056659 Mid 44.96 44.95 89.91 00056660 MTV 18,564.18 387.92 18,952.10 00056661 NW 841.95 841.95 00056662 M1 195.00 195.00 00056663 Ma 170.00 170.00 00056664 MCI 2,181.98 2,181.98 00056665 MAI 2,602.75 192.52 60.87 2,856.14 00056666 Ma S o u t h Tahoe P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 05/07 2004 - 05/20/2004 Pa 3 TUE, MY 18, 2004, 1:50 FM - -req: CAROL N -- -leg: GL JL - -loo: CI'1S1'1E - - - -job: 304556 #5000-- - -prcg: 09 <1.07 >- -import id: LC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Vendor Narre BING MATERIALS RIME RIEECN TEMP PE S: EL BOISE CASCADE BCYIE ENGIlNEERIM CCRP Acoa.mt # Lar went 20 -01 -6052 U ND REPAIR 10 -39 -4405 FINANCE 20 -39 -4405 FINANCE 20 -38 -4405 OUST SERVICE 10 -29 -4820 20 -29 -4820 10 -00 -0428 10 -37 -4820 20 -37 -4820 10 -00 -4820 EIZTNEE 2III\U EN3IlNEERIM _ RCN SYSTEMS INPORNATICN SYSTEMS GENERAL & ALMINISIRATICN 20 -29 -7046 EI3IlNEERIlN C 2ME EMINEERIN3 10 -38 -4405 CLEIUMEt SERVICE 20 -38 -4405 CUS'ICMER SERVICE C P N INIERMTICNAL INC. 10 -29 -6027 EMINEERIM 20 -29 -6027 E INEERIN CALIF EMPLOtMEgT IE<T LEFT 10 -39 -4303 FINANCE CALIFCRNIA OVERNIGHT Description PIPE, ODIErs.S, & MNEELES Check Total: OCNIRACIUAL SERVICES CCNIRACIUAL SERVICES CCNIRACIVAL SERVICES Check Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES O1~7 e.LCE SUPPLIES OEr'10E SUPPLIES INVENIORY O)nCE SUPPLIES OrnCE SUPPLIES OEnCE SUPPLIES Check Tbta1 : =1D InE T , TREATMENT Check Total: CCNIRAC UAL SERVICES CSNIRACIUAL SERVICES Check Tbta1: OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIR OFFICE EJ UI TT REPAIR Check Total: INSURANCE Check Total: Arro nt deck # Type 1,000.42 1,000.42 00056667 Ma 1,016.00 1,016.00 2,363.05 4,395.05 00056668 M' 20.06 20.05 837.48 10.72 10.71 324.32 1,223.34 00056669 MI 12,361.25 12,361.25 00056670 Ma 237.50 237.50 475.00 00056672 MAT 193.22 193.22 386.44 00056673 Ma 284.00 284.00 00056674 Ma S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 05/07 2004 - 05/20/2004 g�e 4 TUNE, MAY 18, 2004, 1:50 HK - -req: C LET -- -leg: GL 3L- -loc: CI�1SJ fl - -- -job: 304556 #5000--- -prog: 09 <1.07 > - -wort id: cKREr'SPC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Verthr Narre Acccunt # ant CALLIAN, JERAIEE CAROLL0 ENOINEERS 20 -07 -4810 10 -29 -8238 20 -29 -8438 20 -29 -8355 20 -29 -8574 20 -29 -8573 20 -29 -7046 90 -98 -8828 10 -00 -4810 20 -00 -4810 10 -07 -4810 10 -07 -6110 10 -29 -4810 20 -29 -4810 20 -29 -8463 LABCEMCRY End End 3MMR7M anNEIMIM ENS ' PIS MANI GENERAL & ALMINISIRATIC SIRATTCN SINS II� 10 -21 -6200 AUvU NISIRATICN 10 -29 -7040 E=1E:ERE CLARK PLLNBIN3 H & A/C 10 -28 -6042 ALPINE C!aNIY camas OMRDLCO AUIQv ICN INC. DIA VEND DITCH MJIUAL TITER 10 -22 -4405 HLM5N RERCES 20 -22 -4405 H[NAN RE CI ROES DIRECICR 20 -03 -6050 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10 -28 -5010 ALPINE caNI'Y Descripticn DEAF EXPENSES PUT SIN, MIN ESIR SIN �N (REPI) REPL HWY�0 WIRLN- EA/Y VELLBA 2SF� T Tarr T , ' PES II LPPS -C� TP EN PCS= EXPENSES MALE EKPENSES PC SO UP TRKE WELL REE1F' L Check 'Lbtal: 'IRA /'ICLV Check Total: 9IDILM HYPCCHLCRTTE C NVERSI Check Total: MaNDS & MAINIENANCE Check Total: CENIRACIUAL SERVICES Ct NEWIUAL SERVICES Check Tbfial WELLS Check 'Ibtal : LAND AND N JILDIN S Anrunt Check # Type 70.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 2.50 5.50 36.50 34.00 28.50 28.50 8.00 10.50 6.00 6.00 3.00 255.00 75.75 75.75 54,259.25 54,259.25 780.28 780.28 38.70 38.70 77.40 745.00 745.00 3,085.00 00056675 MCI 00056676 WI 00056677 M' 00056678 Mt 00056679 MAI 00056680 MAI S o u t h Tahoe P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 05/07/2004-05420/2004 TUE, NAY 18, 2004, 1:50 R1 - -req: CARCL�T -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: CNSl'1E - -- -job: 304556 #5000--- -prcg: 09 <1.07 >- -resort id: Default Selecticn: Check Stock ID: AP Vendor Narre A mint # DEpartment DICK'S FULL - DOU ;IAS DISPOSAL DaNEY CE INC, WILLIAM A EL DORADO CaNIY FAST FPERICATORS INC. FED 20 -29 -7046 EN3INEERINC 10 -01 -6052 LIVID REPAIR 10 -02 -6041 PIMPS 20 -02 -6041 P[NPS 10 -00 -6370 GOAL & AUvTISIRATICN 10 -38 -6075 QEICMER SERVICE 20 -38 -6075 CUSICMER SERVICE 10 -02 -8491 PIMPS 20 -29 -7046 EMINEERIM 90 -98 -8828 10 -29 -7040 10 -29 -4810 20 -29 -4810 10 -38 -4810 20 -38 -4810 10 -00 -4810 20 -00 -4810 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT ENGINEERINU ENSIlN1EERIlZ End cLEKIV ERR SERZVICE CUSICMER SERVICE COAL & ALNIINISIRPTTICN COAL be ADM1NISTRATICN 90 -98 -8828 Fes' PIPELINE GRANT 10 -07 -6025 LABCRATCRY Des ripticn Check Total: RARER. 'f n WELL 'IRFAIMENI' PIPE COVERS, & N L85 BUILDINBS Check Tbta1: REE=F DISFCSAL AMQNTCheck Total: SAFETY B:UICALS SAFETY EQU EM NT /PflSIC ALS Check Tbta1: JOT GENERATOR SET Check Total: FAKERSFTlELD VEIL TREATMENT Check Total: ELI NE PSIS III LPPS-CAMPGRaN FOSMSE �ES Q 11 SI PCS= DES FCSIPAZE EXPENSES FOSM E EXPENSES FOSIP Check Total: EL NE EHS III LPFS-CMPGRICUNT - B:UIFMENT Check Total: Aran mt Check # Type 3,085.00 81.33 239.64 15.20 15.19 351.36 99.43 99.43 186.00 186.00 372.00 237.00 237.00 305.66 305.66 25.35 17.30 45.22 45.21 11.15 11.14 5.50 5.50 166.37 27.80 56.42 84.22 00056681 NW 00056682 NW 00056683 NW 00056684 NW 00056685 NW 00056686 NW 00056687 NW 00056688 NW S o u t h ' I ' a h c e P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 05/07 2004 - 05/20/2004 'IUE, MAY 18, 2004, 1:50 HM - -req: C ROL N- - -le3: GL JL - -loc: CNSLIt;-- - -job: 304556 #5000 - -- -prop: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Vencbr Nane Arno unt # Departnent FISHER SCIENTIFIC FT.IJID KINETICS FCRD C MPANY, GENE GROENIGER & C HEVILETT PACKARD 10 -07 -4760 20 -07 -4760 20 -29 -7046 LAAY 20 -02 -7480 PLMPS 20 -02 -7479 PIMPS 20 -29 -7046 10 -37 -6030 20 -37 -6030 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS 10 -21 -6030 20 -21 -6030 HUM LOCI=1 10 -28 -6042 =RICK, RICK 10 -02 -6200 20 -02 -6200 I M P A C G 1EP.NVIENT SERVICES 10 -01 -6055 10 -01 -6200 20 -29 -8574 ENGINEER= INFCRMATICN SYSTEMS INFCRMATICN SYSTEMS ALl`RINISIRATICN ALVII ISIRATTCN ALPINE CiJ[NIY PIMPS AMPS LNEER3RaND REPAIR LIPID REPAIR IIMIlNEER1 ] sc dptIa -i Vendor Total: LAECRATCPY LAB SUPPLIES Check 'Itt-al : BAKERSFIELD WELL TREATMENT Check Total: CLINMY CUJB PRESSURE RFDUCT GRIZZLY MIN PRESSCRE RMLETI Check Total: PAKERSFIEID WELL THE NT Check Total: SERVICE aNTRACIS SERVICE CSNIRAL'TS Check Total : SERVICE CCIVIRACIS SERVICE C 1 IPACIS Check Total: cIU NES & P I NIFNANCE awkvai �v Check �TOtal : TRAVEL /m /ELUMTTCN Check Total: Amxnmt Check # Type 250.59 48.48 96.34 144.82 00056689 MW 10,071.85 10,071.85 00056690 I 7,121.40 8,027.66 15,149.06 00056691 MAT 6,637.35 6,637.35 00056692 MAI 297.74 297.72 595.46 00056693 M' 00056694 M' 156.22 156.21 312.43 11.80 11.80 00056695 M' 15.50 15.50 31.00 00056696 MW 68.60 682.80 231.99 S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 05/07/2004-05/20/2004 TIE, MAY 18, 2004, 1:50 FM - -rag: CALL N -- -leg: GL 3L- -lac: CNS11E-- - -jab: 304556 #5000 - -- -prop: CK509 <1.07 >-- report id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Verrbr Nacre Account # Dprtrrent 20 -29 -8573 20 -29 -8463 20 -02 -6200 10 -28 -6200 10 -27 -6200 20 -27 -6200 20 -27 -4830 10 -27 -4830 10 -38 -6200 20 -38 -6200 20 -38 -6520 10 -38 -6520 10 -37 -6200 20 -37 -6200 20 -37 -4820 10 -37 -4820 10 -37 -4810 10 -29 -6200 20 -29 -6200 10 -39 -6200 20 -39 -6200 10 -29 -4610 20 -29 -4610 10 -29 -8460 90 -98 -8828 20 -29 -8355 10 -22 -4820 20 -22 -4820 20 -01 -6200 10 -02 -6200 10 -03 -6200 20 -03 -6200 10 -04 -6200 10 -05 -6200 ENGMEIMINU RMPS ALPINE CCUVIY DISIRICT INFCRNATTCN DISTRICT IIa'ATTCN DISTRICT INRMATICN DISTRICT INFCRVAITCN =MIER SERVICE CUSICMER SERVICE C SICMEEt SERVICE C SICMER SERVICE RCN SYSTEMS �SYSTEMS CN SYSIIlvLS INFCC N SYSTEIvS Il,TICN SYSTEMS ENUNEFRING ENGINEERING FINANCE FINANCE End EN EXPCRT PIS GRANT HLMAN RE9C1PCES =MICR LNDERMOUND REPAIR PLMPS ELECTRICAL SFDP EIECTRICAL HEAVY NA NIIF�P E E XIAMENT REPAIR Description WELL HELEN (REPLACE) SO Ut 5'1 WELLR��T, TRAVEL 2 1 e. /EA�TICN TRA 2 12 1 e,./ CN TRA 2 12 1 e.�TICN TRAVEL,, EL7Lf PTICI�IS TCN TRAVEL / TRA TICN SUP. 19. TRA 2 12 1 e-/EEUCATICN 'IRA 12 1 e. /EEUCMTCN OFFI• SUPPLIES O 1I' SUPPLIES EXPENSES /E UCATTCN /TCN TRAM TRA TRA C4;SOLINE ELKS C UB WEI T , =RILL ESL ,INE PHS III LPPS- REPL } Y50 WIRLN- WIl�I�1C� Y anCE SUPPLIES anCE SUPPLIES TRA 2 1 eti /ETTCN IPA e./ TCN TRAVEL is 1 e.CN TRAVEL 1 e. /EQCATTCN TRAVEL 1 e. /RCN TRAVEL, ID 1 e. /EUZCN Arrrumt Check # Type 231.98 231.98 1,066.61 31.95 82.67 82.66 125.00 125.00 352.38 188.51 17.31 17.32 1,333.45 1,333.45 36.03 36.04 290.80 1,211.90 1,234.04 215.52 415.51 22.72 22.71 31.80 27.06 1,122.61 6.00 6.00 875.58 776.92 23.13 23.13 46.26 23.13 South fl*ce P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I,M S REPORT 05/07 2004 - 05/20/2004 TUE, MAY 18, 2004, 1:50 RBI - -req: CJLi N -- -leg: Q, JL - -loo: CIVS1'1E - -- -jab: 304556 #5000--- -prog: 09 <1.07 > - -rep rt id: Default t Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Verrbr Naire IMPACT STNS INaEIRIAL SUPFCET Mal INC INSIY -PRINTS INC Aooant # DE PartmaIt 20 -05 -6200 10 -06 -6200 20 -19 -6200 10 -07 -6200 20 -07 -6200 10 -21 -6200 20 -21 -6200 10 -37 -8448 10 -29 -4820 20 -29 -4820 10 -29 -8235 20 -29 -8401 10 -02 -6083 20 -02 -6083 20 -29 -7046 10 -29 -8352 10 -28 -6042 EUUTEMWT OPERATIONS AIR BOARDOFDIRECaORS LABORATORY PENENTSTRATIM ADVNISTRATIM I TICN SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENIIG =MEE:RING ALPS ANDS EN CSNI'Y 10 -27 -4405 DISTRICT INEOFFATEN 20 -27 -4405 DISTRICT INFORNATICN 20 -01 -6043 LIINJ REPAIR 10 -27 -4920 20 -27 -4920 20 -27 -6620 20 -38 -4920 10 -38 -4920 DISTRICT INFORMATION DISTRICT INFORMATTY DISTRICT INFORMATTCN CUSTYER SERVICE C STYER SERVICE Des=ipticn TRAVEL/ME rn /�cN /EuxpaTCN /EUJEATTCN TRAVEL TRAVEL TRA TRAVEL TRAVEL TRA 10, 1 eti ID l C. ID 1 C. ID I C SFIWR, TEAS (RIPE) OFFTCE SUPPLIES O} nCE SUPPLIES SLUDGE HANEL1Ng FACILITY CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER SIAND3Y AC 7.'ICNS SIAIMIT(AOKEMEMTCNS RAKEzSFIELD WELL TREATMENT WILEWOOD SEWAGE INTERCEPTOR C JCNES && MAINIENTWM Check Total: CCNIRACTUAL SERVICES O1NT RAC'IU L SERVICES Check Total: CALTRAi15 /Cfi1'Y /O3[ITIY /i 1 ' CY�eck Total: PRINTING PRIM -TIM RELIIC R TONS MINIrIl Check Total: Q Amount Check # Type 23.13 277.32 480.00 67.79 67.78 229.08 126.36 126.49 66.88 66.88 32.00 29.86 97.23 97.22 754.37 29.64 755.44 15,993.02 00056699 MW 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 00056700 MW 380.00 380.00 00056701 MW 584.88 584.89 70.35 170.86 40.22 1,451.20 00056702 Mol S o u t h Tahoe P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 05/07 2004 - 05/20/2004 TUE, MAY 18, 2004, 1:50 RBI - -req: JL - -loc: CNSl'1E - -- -jab: 304556 HS000--- -prce: 09 <1.07 >- -resort id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Vendor Narre Account # DEpartnent INTERSTATE SAFELY & SUPPLY JERMAN CO, DANIEL L KRLT &KOWLRADIO KAISER FERMANENTE KENNEDY/JEWS CSNSULIANIS INC KLINE CD, SIEVEN L LAKE TAHOE AUIO VILA LAKE MACE CLASS LAKE TAHOE WILDLIrH 10 -00 -0421 GENERAL & AIINDNISIRATICN 10 -39 -6077 FINANCE 10 -05 -6013 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20 -27 -6660 90 -98 -8828 30 -00 -6745 10 -28 -7042 DISIRICT INECRMATICN EXPCRT PIS CANT SELF FLN:ED INSURANCE ALPINE CDmNIY 10 -39 -6075 FINANCE 20 -39 -6075 FIDE 10 -05 -6011 20 -05 -6011 10 -04 -6041 EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR HEAVY INm CE 10 -21 -6621 ALMIISIRATICN 20 -21 -6621 ADMINISIRATICN L scxipticn SEDP SUPPLY INVENIORY FREIMMSaLNIS Total : GENERATCRS Check Total: WATER CCESERVATICNENTENSE EL.INE PHS III LETS-CAN Check Total: CLAIMS SELF INS MEDICAL PLAN Check Tbtal: INDIAN CTS TMIDL T1A�T�Check Total: SAMIY SAFEIY E JIAMNI` /PHYSICALS Check Total: AUICNDTIVE AUICNDITVE Check Total: E TIIDIN3S Check Total: INCENTIVE & RECOGNITICN MGR DIVE & RECCGNITICN P1 Arrrumt Check # TYpe 400.36 50.07 450.43 00056703 MAI 1,510.00 1,510.00 00056704 MAI 1,568.00 336.00 1,904.00 00056706 MW 370.00 370.00 00056707 WI 7,748.25 13,231.00 166.50 166.50 333.00 33.52 76.04 109.56 00056708 MAI 00056709 MAI 00056710 MAI 20.65 20.65 00056711 F41 25.00 25.00 S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 05/07/2004-05/20/2004 e 0 'ILE, MAY 18, 2004, 1:50 FM - -req: CARCLYN- --leg: C� JL - -loc: CNS1.1E - -- -dab: 304556 #5000--- -prcg: t 09 <1.07>--report id: CKRD E 1C Iefault Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Ver rbr Narre Accent # Eepleituent LAKESIDE NAPA LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC. LPCMIS FARO & OD. M W H LABCRAICRIES 10 -01 -6012 10 -01 -6071 10 -02 -4630 10 -02 -6041 10 -02 -6051 10 -02 -6071 10 -02 -6073 10 -04 -6012 10 -04 -6073 10 -05 -6011 10 -05 -6013 10 -05 -6073 20 -01 -6012 20 -01 -6073 20 -02 -6071 20 -02 -6073 20 -05 -6011 20 -05 -6013 20 -05 -6071 20 -05 -6073 LIND REPAIR LIPID REPAIR FUSS PUMPS PUMPS PIMPS PUMPS HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEADY NAINIENANOE EIQUIPMWT REPAIR EQUIPMMT tE�1�ID REPAIR REPAIR LIND REPAIR PUMPS MIES _ EQUIPMENT PMENTN REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -39 -4405 FINANCE 20 -39 -4405 FINTANOE 20 -07 -6110 LABORATORY iipticn Check Tbtal: ND3n F, EI UI NENi' SDP SUPPLIES EUIIIDIN S 5 FUAP STATIC S SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS M3gT F DQUIEENT SMALL TOOLS AUICNDTIVE GENERATORS SMALL TCOLS M:13Tr FF, EQUIPMENT SMALL TC CLS SFDP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS AUTOMOITVE GENERATORS SHOP PL IPL1 PPI� AUK DINE Check Total: Check Tbtal: CCNIRACIUAL CCNIRACILIAL SERVICES Check Tbtal: M:NTIORIM Check Tbtal: Arrc unt Check # Type 50.00 00056712 Ma 15.05 8.77 76.96 13.25 51.71 7.44 12.07 3.94 40.49 793.36 431.10 188.65 11.97 51.89 7.44 12.06 484.62 364.74 362.29 188.64 3,126.44 00056713 NW 900.81 900.81 00056714 NW 250.10 250.10 500.20 00056715 NW 225.00 225.00 00056716 NW S o u t h T a h c e P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 05/07 2004 - 05/20/2004 C'PK�RDCS1 TUE, NAY 18, 2004, 1:50 FM - -req: COLA- - -leg: GL JL - -loc: CNSI1E-- - -fob: 304556 #5000--- -prog: 09 <1.0 > - -x ort id: Default Selection: Check Vendor Narre Stock ID: AP Acccu t # NARK9aT LAB SALES NARTIN, Ira= L & lvARJORIE MARTIN, GERALD E & THECNA V NARITN- KCBiELA.S, LGJISE NE FARLANE, NC MASTER CARR SUPPLY OD MEEKS BJILDINE CENIER 10 -07 -4760 20 -07 -4760 20 -39 -6709 20 -39 -6710 20 -39 -6710 20 -39 -6709 20 -39 -6709 20 -39 -6710 10 -39 -6200 20 -39 -6200 20 -29 -7046 10 -02 -6071 20 -02 -6071 10 -04 -6024 10 -04 -6021 20 -02 -6051 20 -02 -6073 10 -04 -6071 10 -01 -6052 Departnent LABORAICFff IABORATCRY FINANCE FINANCE FINE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE ENaINTEERINU PUMPS PUMPS HEAVY 1i III N E HEAVY MkINTIENANCE HIES PIMPS FEAW L NDER:F�� ND REPAIR 10 -01 -6042 INCEMROUND REPAIR 10 -01 -6052 U.I<D REPAIR 10 -01 -6073 LIVD REPAIR Description LAS SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check 'Ittal : LOAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS INIEREST aPENEE Tbtal: INTEREST EKPENSE ILAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS Check Total LOAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS MEREST EKPENEE Check Total: L JI_L �T / /ECxr7anI N Check Total: BAKER.SFIED WELL TRFATAWT SHOP SUPPLIES SHDP SUPPLIES FURNACE B JIFMENT PRIMARY EQUIPMENT FU P STATIONS SMALL TOOLS SHOP SUPPLIES PIPE, COVERS, &NANFEEES Check Total: GROUNDS & NAINIIIl4NCE P &MANHCLES SMALL TOOLS Antunt Check # Type 114.51 114.58 229.09 00056717 M' 5,443.95 2,473.89 7,917.84 00056718 Ma 2,473.89 5,443.95 7,917.84 00056719 M✓J 2,527.46 1,148.53 3,675.99 00056720 Ma 75.47 75.48 150.95 00056721 Ma 991.53 99.02 83.41 109.08 15.18 1,318.63 305.14 32.50 41.26 2,995.75 00056723 MA1 84.22 22.77 19.13 South Tahoe P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 05/07 2004 - 05/20/2004 TUE, MAY 18, 2004, 1:50 FM - -rag: CJLLN-- -leg: (L 3L- -loc: C E111--- -job: 304556 #5000 - -- -prod: 0E509 <1.07 > - -tort id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Vencbr Nacre Aoccunt # alt N1N TREEING NE , MRY T i NELS TAHDE HARIJPARE 10 -02 -6041 10 -02 -6051 10 -02 -6071 10 -02 -6073 10 -04 -6023 10 -04 -6041 10 -04 -6042 10 -04 -6071 10 -04 -6073 10 -28 -6042 10 -29 -6520 20 -01 -6071 20 -02 -6071 20 -02 -6073 20 -29 -6520 20 -29 -7046 MAPS PIMPS PUMPS PUAPS HEAVY NAINIENANCE HEAWMUNIENANCE HEAVY MAINIENANCE HEAVY MINIENANCE HFAUY MUNIENA ALPINE C NIY aziNEERim UNDEKROUND REPAIR PUAPS PLMPS Ili= ENGINEER= 20 -29 -8401 EN3INEERIN3 10 -19 -6200 BAD OF DIRECIC S 10 -19 -6310 B3'RD OF DIRECICRS 20 -19 -6310 BOARD OF DIRECIL S 10 -02 -6042 10 -02 -6051 10 -02 -6071 10 -03 -6073 10 -04 -6071 10 -05 -6011 10 -06 -6041 20 -01 -6052 PI NPS PIMPS P[NPS Ef FC'TRICAL SHOP HEAVY NAINIFNANCE EQUIPMENT AT 1Q'E REPAIR O INEIERGFUND REPAIR t scipticn PUILEINGS P[MP STATIC NS SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS FILTEIZ EI JIP /EIDG ENDINGS SFDP SUPPLIES SNALL TOOLS GRaINCS & NAINIENANCE SUPPLIES SEDP SUPPLIES SOP SUPPLIES SMALL Tt7OLS SUPPLIES PAKERSFIE D WELL, T , 'TREATMENT Check Tbtal: QUICKER SERVICE CENTER Check Tbtal: MVE[,/NFIlVGS /E U ATICN TEIIFBCNE Check Tbtt1: GRCUN ES & NAINIE[ AN E PIMP STATICIE SEDP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS SHOP SUPPLE AUIL JI JE PE D CUVERS, & MNHEEES Amount Check # Type 53.33 95.45 4.38 12.75 53.43 6.09 20.45 5.22 18.23 304.02 14.47 7.23 4.37 12.75 14.46 767.67 1,520.42 00056724 NW 2,025.00 2,025.00 00056725 NW 55.13 42.85 42.85 140.83 00056726 NW 4.95 4.56 9.64 10.18 3.00 13.86 25.47 31.98 S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 05/07/2004-05/20/2004 'ME, MAY 18, 2004, 1:50 FM - -reg: CAR:LYN -- -leg: Ca., 3L- -loc: CNSI1E - -- -fob: 304556 #5000 - -- -pig: 05.09 <1.07 >- -resort id: Default Selecticaz: Check Stock ID: AP Verrbr Nacre Acaxmt # Dolt NEUALA DIVISION OF FCRESIRY NEVADA SOCIETY OF CPA' S NEVADA VAIER RESOURCES ASSN Nei AFERIC N REDIM 0 I ANALYTICAL OrF10E DE OT 20 -02 -6050 20 -02 -6051 20 -02 -6071 20 -05 -6011 20 -19 -6310 20 -29 -7046 PCNPS PUMPS P[NPS EQUIPMENT REPAIR BOARD OF DIRECTORS 10 -28 -6042 ALPINE COUNTY 10 -39 -6250 FINANCE 20 -39 -6250 FINANCE 20 -02 -6200 PUMPS 20 -39 -6709 FACE 20 -39 -6710 FINANCE 10 -07 -4760 LAS 10 -07 -6025 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -6025 LAS 10 -21 -4820 10 -37 -4820 10 -38 -4820 20 -21 -4820 20 -37 -4820 20 -38 -4820 PEN NISIRATICN ION SYSIENS CUSTOMER SERVI PENENISIRATION CE INFORMATION SYSIENS L IOM R SERVICE Desci-ipticn WELLS PUMP STATIONS SEDP SUPPLIES AUTOMOTIVE TELEPHONE EMERSETELD WELL Check TREATMENT GROUNDS Si, NA1NEENANCE Total: DUES/M STRPS /CERTIFIC I DUES/N SHIPS /CERTIFICATI Check 'Total : TRAVEL /NEETIN3S/IDUMTCN Check Total: LOAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS INTEREST EXPENSE Check 'Total: LABORATORY _ SUPPLIES LAY Emir LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Check 'Dotal: OFr'iCE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 01b10E SUPPLIES OrnCE SUPPLIES OrnCE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES sciVs Amxmt Check # Type 9.64 3.19 9.64 13.85 0.00 53.21 193.17 00056727 MW 521.02 521.02 00056728 NW 37.50 37.50 75.00 00056729 NW 140.00 140.00 00056730 FW 826.26 31.17 857.43 00056731 FW 461.00 493.50 461.00 493.50 1,909.00 00056732 MW 18.13 132.83 141.68 18.12 132.83 141.66 'TUE, South Tahoe P.U.D. 1:50 FM 05/18/04 CALL` PAYMENT -leg: JL - -1oc CI�TSl'1 -- -jab 304556 #SO 0- - - -ping 05/07/2004-05420/2004 09 <1.0report id: CPKRD s' 'ItJE, MY 18, 20 , Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Vendor Nam Account # Dapartrent P D M S1J.:+I LLJ PACE ENVIRCWENIAL PRJD. INC FEWER, JEFF PETTY CASH 10 -37 -4920 20 -37 -4920 10 -39 -4820 20 -39 -4820 20 -05 -6011 INEUMTICN SYSTEMS FB ]CE FINANCE EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -03 -6024 E FCIRICAL SAP 10 -02 -6200 PUMPS 20 -02 -6200 PUMPS 10 -07 -6075 20 -07 -6075 10 -22 -6079 20 -22 -6079 20 -29 -8355 10 -21 -6621 20 -21 -6621 10 -00 -6520 20 -00 -6520 20 -29 -7046 10 -39 -6520 20 -39 -6520 10 -19 -4820 20 -19 -4820 10 -29 -4820 20 -29 -4820 10 -39 -4820 20 -39 -4820 IP,BCRATC LABORATCEff BL DIRE IOR INE1 ALMEINISIRATTCN ALMINISTRATICN CL & ALMINISIRATICN GENERAL & SIRATICN FINANCE ETNANCE ECARD OF DDS MAW) OF DIRECTORS ENGINEERM FINANCE MANCE Description A Tc nt Check # Type PRINIIIZ OOFFFIC SUPPLIES OrFe10E SUPPLIES Check Tot-1: AU CNDITVE Check Tbta1: FLT EQUIPMENT Check Tot-Al : TIRAVEL/MEETIMS/EDUCATI ZCN Check Tbtal: SAFETY EQUIPMENT PHYSICALS SAFETY SAFETY �PHYSICP.LS SAFETY FROMM'S REEL HWY50 WIRIN-wmt INC ENITVE & RECOGNITICN INCENTIVE SUP & REC3�TITICN PRGR SUPPLIES YELL TREATMENT SUPPLIES SUPES Or1 II CE SUPPLIES OOFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES anCE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 25.01 25.01 18.90 18.88 673.05 00056733 Ma 1,951.95 1,951.95 00056734 Ma 320.00 320.00 00056735 MA 208.50 208.49 416.99 00056736 Ma 2.50 2.50 7.54 7.54 17.46 25.00 25.00 13.61 13.61 40.00 11.63 11.62 7.48 7.49 4.81 4.80 13.11 13.11 South Tahoe P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 05/07/2004-05420/2004 P 15 TUE, MY 18, 2004, 1:50 R4 - -rte: C - - LYN -- -leg: GL JL-loo: CNS1'1E - -- -job: 304556 #S000----prcg: 09 <1.07 >- -sport id: PC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Vendor Narre Acc ur t # Dprttrent POLYDYNE INC R SUPPLY RENO CITE -JCL RICH S ALL EN3INE SERVICE RITE AID PHARMACY ROSS, 11T~'A'T -1ER SBC 20 -29 -8401 10 -01 -6200 10 -02 -6200 20 -01 -6200 20 -02 -6200 10 -19 -6200 20 -19 -6200 10 -21 -6200 20 -21 -6200 10 -28 -7039 IINGINEER ICI? L1 ID REPAIR REPS NE END REPAIR PUMPS ECARD OF DIRECTORS BCIARD OF DIRECTORS ATMINISIRATICN ALIE Y 10 -06 -4720 OPERATIONS 20 -01 -6043 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20 -29 -8401 ENGINEERING 10 -01 -6052 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 20 -01 -6012 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -39 -6081 FINANCE 10 -38 -6200 C M'ICNER SERVICE 20 -38 -6200 CLUMMEt SERVICE 10 -37 -6310 INECIRMTICN SYSIIIvE 20 -37 -6310 IlNECv,TICN SYSIFIv Descripticn • . • i•' SERVI CENTER TRA i• 1 eC % CN TRA ID 1 e./ECUZATICN TRAVEL i• 1 e,. /, TTCN TRA • • e- ajx tc T TRAVEL ID 1 e . /ECUCATTCN 'IPAVEL ID 1 e./EEUCATICN TRA TRA ///EQXMTICN HEISE NOSE Check Total: D i• I C. D 0 1 POLYMER Check Total: C ALTRANS /CITY /CS ciieY/INbtal : CY�ck Total: CUSTOMER SERVICE CENIER Check Total: N Tf F, D U pfuv N LES Check Thal: OFFICE SUPPLY ISSUES Check Total: TRAVEL/EETINB''S /EM TICK TRAVEL/ /IDUCATTCN Check Tbtal: TEL 7E Am t r]t Check # Type 21.38 10.00 7.00 20.00 12.00 6.00 6.00 35.46 35.47 17.80 399.92 00056737 M1 13,068.36 13,068.36 00056738 MW 659.20 659.20 00056739 M' 204.88 204.88 00056740 MW 90.82 14.48 105.30 00056741 MAI 17.64 17.64 00056742 MW 25.00 25.00 50.00 00056743 MAI 48.05 48.05 ScUth Tahoe P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 05/07 2004 - 05/20/2004 16 M?�Y 18, 2004, 1:50 FM - -req: CAR LYN-- -leg: GL JL - -loc: CNSZ1E - -- -jab: 304556 #5000--- -prcg: 09 <1.0 > - -iort id: C� Default Selection: Check Stack ID: AP Vendor Nacre Account # D rtr ent SBC /MCI SCDJIT, BTT I , SCOT YS HAREWARE SIERRA CHEMICAL CO SIERRA FC)CTIHILL LAB 2ATORY SIIIZRA PACIFIC FOYER 20 -00 -6310 10 -00 -6310 10 -02 -6310 20 -02 -6310 10 -22 -6310 20 -22 -6310 10 -39 -6310 20 -39 -6310 COAL & AtMLNISIRATICN GENERAL & AII NISIRATICN PCMPS HCMAT HCMAT RESOURCES DIRE IC 2 ENANCE Fri 20 -38 -6200 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10 -01 -6071 10 -05 -6011 10 -05 -6013 20 -01 -6073 20 -02 -6051 20 -05 -6013 20 -29 -7046 LIEER3RaND REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR FTWPAIR REPAIR PCMPS EQUIPMENT REPAIR EICINEERIM 20 -02 -4750 PUMP'S 10 -07 -6110 LABORATORY 10 -00 -6740 COAL & ALM NISIRATIC T Dscripticn Check Tbta1: TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE Check Total: TRAVEL /MEEDM4S /E ucAnCN Check Total: SEDP SUPPLIES AsUTC1v TIVE GENERATORS SMALL TOOLS PUT SIATICNS CAS BAKFRSFIEIn WELL TREATMENT Check Tbtal: CHLORINE Check Total: NENITORING Check Total: STREET LIGHTING NG EXPFNSE Amxmt Check # Type 96.10 00056745 M] 14.69 110.50 149.65 106.08 8.55 8.55 8.45 8.45 414.92 00056744 MJ 12.75 12.75 00056746 MAI 15.36 5.12 12.83 46.37 17.47 9.01 14.77 120.93 00056747 Mt 965.77 965.77 00056748 MAT 150.00 150.00 00056750 MAT 1,423.67 S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 05/07/2004-05/20/2004 17 17 TUE, NAY 18, 2004, 1:50 FM - -req: CARJL�T- - -leg: CL 3L- -1oc: CNSJI1; - -- -jab: 304556 #5000--- -prog: 09 <1.07 >- -report id: PC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Vendor Narre Account # Iprtrrent SIERRA SPRTN3 WATER CO SIERRA SUN 20 -00 -6330 CAL &AEMINISIRATTCN 10 -00 -6330 COAL & AUV]NISIRATTCN 10 -01 -6520 20 -01 -6520 10 -02 -6520 10 -03 -6520 20 -03 -6520 10 -04 -6520 10 -06 -6520 10 -05 -6520 20 -05 -6520 10 -28 -6520 UNCERGFCCND REPAIR IIDER2RaND REPAIR E 132IRICAL SI-DP ELECTRICAL SI P HEp,VY MINIENANCE OFERATICNS EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR ALPINE Ci7 NIY 20 -29 -8401 ENGINEERING SIERRA TARDE CCN BETE PLEPING 20 -29 -7046 ENGINEERING SIERRA TAHOE READY MIX SIERRA T}EE TRANS= SJND SIlRATESIES /oFC INC. SaTIH SIDE AVID ECUY 20 -29 -7046 End 20 -29 -8401 ENGINEERING 10 -27 -4405 DISTRICT IITTCN 20 -27 -4405 DISTRICT INFORMATION' 20 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR Description Ef Er IRICTTY Ef IRTCITY Check Total: SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check Total: TEICMER SERVICE CENTER Check Total: BAKERFrEr n 'VEIL , TREATMENT Check Total: PAKERSFIEUD WELL TREATMENT Check Total: C EICMI R SERVICE CENTER Check Total: OZNIRACITIAL SERVICES CCNIRACRAL SERVICES Check Total: =MOTIVE Amount Check # Type 12,826.57 61,742.44 75,992.68 00056751 NW 36.67 36.67 12.23 12.23 12.23 48.91 48.91 12.23 12.23 12.23 244.54 00056752 NW 77.55 77.55 00056753 NW 570.00 570.00 00056754 NW 383.42 383.42 00056755 NW 768.75 768.75 00056756 NW 49.00 49.00 98.00 00056757 NW 1,440.80 Check 'Ibi'a1 : 1,440.80 00056758 NW S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 05/07 2004 - 05/20/2004 18 TLE, MAY 18, 2004, 1:50 FM - -rte: C LOT -- -leg: GL 0L- -loo: CNS1'1E - -- -job: 304556 #5000 - -- -prop: 09 <1.07 >- -resort id: CKR FC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP vendor Narre Pc ant # D trrent Sa IH TI}E Nab-PAPER AL ENLY 10 -21 -4830 ALM NISIRATICN 20 -21 -4830 AUAI ISIRATICN SaIIH TPEE PLLISIM SUPPLY 10 -02 -6071 PUMPS 10 -04 -6041 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -04 -6653 HEAVY NAINIfNAN E 20 -02 -6050 PUMPS 20 -02 -6071 PUMPS SaTIH TAI-30E RIB UITLTIY DIST 10 -39 -4480 FINANCE SCUM TAME RER E SCUM TIDE TC TAIIM ST TELME OFFICE SUPPLY 10 -00 -6370 GENERAL & AUvllNISIRATTCN 20 -00 -6370 COAL & AEMI ISIRATICN 10 -05 -6011 E►jJIPMEINTT REPAIR 10 -05 -4820 10 -21 -4820 20 -21 -4820 10 -29 -4820 20 -29 -4820 20 -02 -4820 10 -37 -4820 20 -37 -4820 10 -38 -6520 20 -38 -6520 10 -38 -4820 20 -38 -4820 EXIFMENT REPAIR ALMI NISIRATICN AU llMSIRATICN EN3INEERIM EMINEERIM PUMPS IlTCN SYSTEMS INECRMATTCN SYSTEMS CUSTCMER CUSI MER SERVICE CUSICMER SERVICE CUSILt SERVICE Desc:ripticn SIE CRIYIICNS EXPENSE SUBSCRIPI1CN5 EXPENSE Check Total: Sft P SUPPLIES BUIiDIIGS BELLS EQUIPMENT BUE DIM SIDP SUPPLIES Check Total : LEML- REGULAR Check Total: REELEE DISPOSAL REFUSE DISPOSAL Check Total: ACTICNUITVE OFrLE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OWICE SUPPLIES Orr ICE SUPPLIES 0i ICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Oiel.ICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: Check Tbtal: Amour t Check # T\1pe 51.97 51.96 103.93 00056759 Ma 5.41 1.70 17.44 19.78 5.40 49.73 00056760 Ma 36,599.07 36,599.07 00056761 Ma 2,181.90 116.32 2,298.22 00056762 1*7 325.00 325.00 00056763 NW 260.18 12.84 12.84 10.07 10.07 85.00 36.68 36.67 1.58 1.57 90.32 90.31 648.13 00056764 1*7 South T a h o e P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 05/07/2004-0520/2004 CPR1 TUE, MAY 18, 2004, 1:50 AEI - -req: E)N---leg: GL JL - -loo: CNS11E - -- -dab: 304556 #5000-- - -prog: 09 <1.07 > - -1Drt id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Verxbr Narre Aaommt # DspartrrEnt. SUBSTITUTE PERSC MIEL & SUNUARD BI -= INC. SUIER ASSOCIATES, LET M. SWAN, CAL TRPA TRPA TRPA 10 -01 -4405 10 -29 -4405 10 -29 -8235 10 -29 -8460 20 -29 -4405 20 -29 -8460 20 -21 -4405 10 -21 -4405 10 -29 -8236 20 -29 -7046 90 -98 -8828 10 -37 -8448 10 -27 -4405 20 -27 -4405 10 -37 -8448 10 -37 -6200 20 -37 -6200 UZERGRaND REPAIR ENS ETA 1N3:1MMIM ENS II 3MMK U AENDNISIRATICN ALMQVISIRATICN EAR EtV"IIVEEKM DT= PIPELINE MAW I CN SYSTEMS DISTRICT 1NECFMATICN DISTRICT INIECRAATICN INFO EMATTCN SYSTEMS INECRIvinsTICN =EMS INFCFMATICN SYS EMS 20 -02 -7479 AMPS 20 -02 -7480 AMPS 20 -29 -8401 Ei3INHER1NU Description CI NIRPCILAL SERVICES CC, UIRACILA,L SERVICES SLIgJCE BAN= FACILITY ELKS CUJB WELL REM T , CAL SERVICES ELKS CLUB B WELL RIID2TT T , CCNIRPCL SERVICES CCNIRPi RAL SERVICES COVER PRIMARY #2 BAKER§FTECD IAIE T, TREADDTI' BLIIE PISS III LPPS -CAN Check Tbtal: SFIWR, IFAS (RE PL) CY Ck Tbtal: CCNIRACILIAL SERVICES CCUIRACIUAL SERVICES Check Tbt al SFIWR IFAS (REPL) TR 1 e � is e,. /�T'ICN TRAVEL ID . EarmTCN Check Total: C ZIGGLY MIN PRESSURE RFLUCIT Check Tbtal: c MIRY C JJB PRESSURE REDLLT Check Tbtal: OWIIIMEZ SERVICE CENIER Check Tbtal: Aramt Check # 'IYpe 2,864.80 277.63 119.63 31.90 277.63 51.84 159.50 159.51 95.70 71.78 35.89 4,145.81 2,550.00 2,550.00 1,225.00 1,225.00 2,450.00 57.00 41.38 41.37 139.75 72.00 72.00 72.00 72.00 72.00 72.00 00056765 MAI 00056766 MI 00056767 MAI 00056768 Ma 00045007 HW 00045008 HW 00045009 HW Scuth 'Tahoe P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 05/07/2004-05/20/2004 Pe20 TUE, MAY 18, 2004, 1:50 HMI - -rag: C)LYN -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: CNSIfl --- -jc�b: 304556 #5000 - -- -prop: 09 <1.07 > - -r --report id: 1� Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP vendor Nacre TRPA TAKE ASPHALT INC Acc2mt # DEPartmEnt 20 -29 -8401 ENGINEERING 20 -29 -8401 ENGINEERING TAPEE BASIN CSNIAI NER SERVICE 10 -00 -6370 COAL & AMINIS RATICN 20 -29 -8401 ENGINEERING 10 -06 -6652 OPERATIONS TARDE BLIEPRINI' TAME CARSCN AREA NEWS TAHOE FAMILY PHYSIC:ANIS TAHOE FIRE CCNIROL TAIEE PRINTINB 90 -98 -8828 Fes' PIPELINE GRANT 20 -29 -8401 ENGINEERING 10 -39 -4820 FI 20 -39 -4820 FINANCE 20 -01 -6052 UI ND REPAIR 10 -07 -6075 LAB PAIL Y 20 -07 -6075 LAB3RATORY 10 -04 -6041 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 20 -01 -4820 UNUERMIXID REPAIR TAKE TRUCKEE SIERRA DISPOSAL 20 -02 -7043 PUMPS Description Amount C1eck # Type CUSICNIER SERVICE C NIER Check Ibtal: Vendor Total: C USIC MER SERVICE CENIER Check Total REFUSE DISPOSAL cL ICMER SERVICE CFNIER BIO6C)LID DISR;6AL COSTS Check Total: ELINE PFLS III LPPS-CAMPGROM • 'I N �SSERVICE C NIFR PPLIES OFFICE OF MLI SUPPLIES Check Total: PIPE, COVERS, & Check Total: SAFETY ANBNI' /PHYSIC ILS Check 'Ibt-a1 BUILDINGS OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: Check Total: E SAN BERN SEfTITIlNFL WELLS (3 Check Total: 20,000.00 20,000.00 00056769 MAI 20,216.00 2,949.60 2,949.60 00056770 MAI 1,243.62 1,452.36 3,195.00 5,890.98 00056771 MiJ 241.31 505.63 3.22 3.22 753.38 00056772 M4 52.66 52.66 00056773 MAI 40.50 40.50 81.00 00056774 MAI 1,554.85 1,554.85 00056775 Ma 17.16 17.16 00056776 IvW 225.00 225.00 00056777 MCI S o u t h Tahoe P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 05/1-V004-05/20/2004 CP 21 TUE, MAY 18, 2004, 1:50 M - -req: CPROLYN -- -leg: C[ JL - -loe: alS1'J ± - -- -jab: 304556 #5000--- -prng: 9 <1.07 >-- report id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Vendor Narre Pm t # Eepartrrent TUFF & ASSOCIATES INC TUSTIN LCXX AND SAFE U S DISIRICI' °DUFF ULTIMATE OFE±CE VWRATTCN VE1 I7CN Void - Ctntirml Stubb Void - Continued Stubb Void - Continued Stubb WED3D IIVC 20 -29 -8573 ENGINEERING 10 -29 -8235 ENGINEERING 20 -29 -7046 ENGINEERING 20 -29 -8460 ENGINEERING 10 -28 -6650 ALPINE CIOI.NIY 10 -38 -4820 CUSTOAE2 SERVICE 20 -38 -4820 Q KNEE SERVICE 10 -07 -4760 LABFATC ' 20 -07 -4760 LAS 10 -28 -6310 ALPINE COUNTY. 20 -03 -6071 ELECTRICAL S[-DP 10 -02 -8414 PUMP'S 10 -03 -6073 E ECIRTCAL SOUP 20 -03 -6073 ELECTRICAL S[-DP Description WELL, HELEN ( LACE) Click Ibtal : SCI HANMIIB FACILITY BAKERSFIELD WELL TREATMENT ELKS CIIJB WELL REEK L Check Total: OPERATIIE PERMTIS Check Total: OteleiCE SUPPLIES OFr'10E SUPPLIES Check Total: LABCZATORY SUPPLIES LABATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: Check Total: Check Tbt-a1 : Check Total: Check Total: Vendor Total: OUP SUPPLIES FL T TOOL$ AL TA}E PS SNVsLL TOOLS Amount Check # Tipe 1,000.00 1,000.00 00056778 M' 2,137.33 141.57 351.51 2,630.41 00056779 MTV 2,520.22 2,520.22 00056780 MAJ 22.99 22.99 45.98 00056781 WI 344.19 341.70 685.89 00056782 NW 163.69 163.69 00056783 MV 0.00 00056697 WI 0.00 00056698 VIM 0.00 00056722 VM 0.00 75.14 496.55 40.51 40.50 S o u t h Tahoe P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 05/07 2004 - 05/20/2 id: CPze 22 IUE, MAY 18, 2004, 1:50 HMI - -req: C L`N -- -leg: GL 3L- -loc: CIE11 - -- -job: 304556 #5000--- -prog: 09 <1.07 > -- Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Vendor Narre Acaxmt # DapartmEnt WESTERN BOM ICA,L SERVICES 20 -29 -8460 EMINEER N3 20 -29 -8440 EN WFSIERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN PC ER & E6;7UIP WTI WIThIRCW ��N SERVICE 10 -04 -6022 10 -04 -6071 10 -04 -6023 10 -04 -6021 10 -04 -6653 20 -29 -7046 20 -02 -6050 20 -02 -6051 10 -05 -6011 20 -01 -6071 10 -03 -6075 10 -02 -6071 20 -02 -6071 10 -04 -6023 10 -04 -6071 10 -07 -4760 20 -07 -4760 20 -29 -7046 10 -28 -6071 HEAVY NAINIENANCE HEAVY N.AINIIIAK-E HEAVY NAINIENANCE HEAVY MAINIENANCE HEAVY NAINIENANCE EtDrINEER_1?h PUMPS PUMPS EQUIPMENT NT REPAIR LI P AIR ELECIRICAL PUMPS PIMPS HEAVY NAINIENANCE HEAVY NAINIENANCE LABCRAICRY LABCRATC Y ENGJIEIlM ALPINE Carly VHF LCD CELT & BACKFLOK 10 -38 -4405 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -38 -4405 CUSIUM R SERVICE Description Check Tbta1 : ELKS CEEB WELL RECRIL VEIL, FL LE Check 'Ittal : SEEENEARY EQUIPMENT NENT SHOP SUP FILTER EI[JIP[SLDG PRIMARY BIO6DL1LESEJJII UIPM NrIIaIDiIIZ BAKERSFIELD WELL WELLS POMP SIATICNS Check Ibtal: AUICMDTIVE C1rieck Tbtal: P SUPPLIES S SAFEETY EI UIRENT /PHYSICALS SHOP SUPPLIES SE30P SUPPLIES FILTER aIP BLDG SEDP LAECRAICEff SUPPLIES LABCRAIM. SUPPLIES S EtAKERSF IED WIT , =MINI SEDP SUPPLIES Check Tbta1 : aNDRACIUAL SERVICES OCNIRACILAL SERVICES Check Tbta1: A-nt Check # Type 652.70 00056784 NW 382.50 382.50 765.00 00056785 MA1 56.15 16.34 18.05 72.58 66.11 839.13 21.24 25.20 1,114.80 00056786 MV 53.18 53.18 00056787 MAI 49.03 38.45 29.63 29.63 17.11 485.62 112.25 112.25 100.00 18.78 992.75 00056788 NW 552.50 552.50 1,105.00 00056789 NW S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 05/18/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 05/07/2004-05/20/2004 C Te 2233 TUE, MAY 18, 2004, 1:50 IN - -req: C LYN -- -leg: GL 3L- -loc: CiVSl'1E-- - -fob: 304556 #5000--- -prcg: 09 <1.07 >- -x�ort id: S I�fai �1 t Selection: Check Ven r Nitre Stock ID: AP Accr.mt # ant WOOD, SUSAN ZM'IECINDLCGIES INC ZEE MEDICAL INC 20 -01 -4520 LINID REPAIR 20 -29 -7046 E IlNEERII\U 10 -01 -6075 20 -01 -6075 10 -02 -6075 20 -02 -6075 10 -39 -6075 20 -39 -6075 10 -06 -6075 IN:OUR:CND REPAIR INDEFURCLND REPAIR PIMPS PIMPS F FINANCE PERATIO QE 20 -07 -6110 LAB3AZCRY Iipticn MISC LIABILTIY CLANS Check Tbtal: BAKERSFIE D WELL TREAT NT Check Tbtal: D TIIivIENr�PHYSICALS EXI HH��IEE= N1T11' PHYSICALS EI JI /PHYSICALS EQUI PHYSICALS EQJ RR1EN�TII /PHYSICALS Check Tbtal: SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY KNITCR1IU Check Tbtal: Grand. Tbtal: Amount Check # Type 26.79 26.79 00056790 MTV 271.65 271.65 00056791 MA 12.08 12.07 19.54 19.54 7.87 7.87 88.43 167.40 00056792 MAT 672.00 672.00 00056793 MT 461,336.86 South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 ° Fax 530 54i-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDAITEM6.d TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: Board of Directors Accounts Payable May 20, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Payment of Claims REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve payment. DISCUSSION: The Payment of Claims was not available when this agenda was published. It will be delivered separately prior to the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO CATEGORY: General South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 53Q 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud,us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.a TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: ITEM - PROJECT: Board of Directors Jim Hoggatt/Construction Manager/Engineer, Gary Kvistad/Legal Counsel May 20, 2004 Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(c) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for a conference with legal counsel regarding anticipated litigation: Pioneer Trail waterline replacement near Filter Plant SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO CATEGORY: Water South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Selbrig Tom Comt~ James R. Jones Ma~y Lo-, Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 54i-0614. www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: May 20, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO CATEGORY: Water ¢outh Tahoe Fublic Utility Piatrict General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614. www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig/General Manager, Gary Kvistad/Legal Counsel MEETING DATE: May 20, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02- 0238 MCE JFM. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO CATEGORY: Sewer 9outh Taho Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Leu Mosbacher Puane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Pax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: May 20, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Meyers Landfill Site - United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO CATEGORY: General Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Selbrig Tom Coml~ James R. Jones Mary Leu Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-06i4 · www. stpud,us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.e TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: May 20, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION' Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al., County of El Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES Rc'~r--..- NO NO CATEGORY: Water