HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistrict Board Agenda Packet 02-15-18 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, February 15, 2018 - 2:00 p.m. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbrig, General Manager Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Duane Wallace, Director 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING – PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (At this time, please silence phones and other electronic devices so as not to disrupt the business of the meeting.) 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on any short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No discussion or action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda, per the Brown Act. Each member of the public who wishes to comment shall be allotted five minutes, and no more than three individuals shall address the same subject.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes of the Brown Act, all Action and Consent items listed give a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed. Recommendations of the staff, as shown, do not prevent the Board from taking other action.) 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request. Comments and questions from members of the public, staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION / ACTION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Request to Appear Before the Board Received from Toree Monteith (Tim Bledsoe, Manager of Customer Service) Deny customer’s request for relief from sewer bill as it is a violation of the District’s Administrative Code. b. Al Tahoe Sewer Pump Emergency Pump Repair/Replacement (Chris Stanley, Manager of Field Operations) Continue or terminate the emergency action to repair Al Tahoe Sewer Pump #2, pursuant to Resolution No. 3075-17, depending on the status of the repair work. c. Request for Proposals for Cattle Grazing at Diamond Valley Ranch (Jim Hilton, Water Reuse Operations Manager) Authorize staff to proceed with Request for Proposals to establish a cattle grazing permit for a term of five years at Diamond Valley Ranch. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA – February 15, 2018 PAGE – 2 d. Worker’s Compensation Program (Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director) 1) Approve moving the District’s Workers’ Compensation Program to Association of California Water Agencies/Joint Powers Insurance Authority effective July 1, 2018; and, 2) approve Resolution No. 3080-18 consenting to enter the Joint Protection Programs of the Association of California Water Agencies/Joint Powers Insurance Authority. e. Sensus Water Meter Order for 2018 Water Projects (Trevor Coolidge, Associate Engineer) 1) Authorize exception to bidding procedures as outlined in the Purchasing Policy for a sole source purchase of standardized supplies; and, 2) Authorize purchase of 1,405 Sensus Meters and 1,605 Radio-Read Units from Western Nevada Supply in the estimated amount of $429,631.58. f. Approve Payment of Claims (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $2,024,349.46 7. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 9. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT 10. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT (Discussion may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. South Y Groundwater Contamination Meeting Update b. Alpine County/District Contract Commission Meeting Update 11. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. Public Alert and Warning System – (Chris Skelly, IT Manager) b. Helping Hands Outreach Program Update (Paul Hughes, CFO, for Susan Rasmussen) c. Al Tahoe Pump Station Sewer Pipe Lining (Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager) d. Sewer Pipe Lining on Cochise Circle (Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager) 12. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS Past Meetings/Events 02/07/18 – 6:00 p.m. Groundwater Contamination Study Public Outreach Meeting at South Lake Tahoe Airport City Council Chambers 02/09/18 – 9:00 a.m. Ad-Hoc City Council at the District 02/12/18 – 3:30 p.m. Operations Committee Meeting at the District 02/14/18 – 10:00 a.m. El Dorado County Water Agency Meeting in Placerville Future Meetings/Events 02/19/18 – Presidents’ Holiday District Offices Closed 03/01/18 – 2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District 13. CLOSED SESSION (The Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss items identified below. Closed Session is not open to the public; however, an opportunity will be provided at this time if members of the public would like to comment on any item listed – three minute limit.) a. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: El Dorado County Superior Court Case SC20170130, Gregory Stevenson vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA – February 15, 2018 PAGE – 3 b. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. c. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CV06-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of California. ADJOURNMENT (The next Regular Board Meeting is Thursday, March 1, 2018, at 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete Agenda packet is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after Minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on the Agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified, but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the Agenda will be taken at the same time the Agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written materials presented at the meeting. Comments on items not on the Agenda can be heard during “Comments from the Audience;” however, action cannot be taken on items not on the Agenda. Backup materials relating to an open session item on this Agenda, which are not included with the Board packet, will be made available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed or made available to the Board, and can be viewed at the District office, at the Board meeting and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District’s public meetings. If particular accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530) 544-6474, extension 6203. All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA – February 15, 2018 PAGE – 4 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CONSENT CALENDAR February 15, 2018 ITEMS a. 2015 LUTHER PASS POWER AND CONTROL PROJECT (Julie Ryan, Principal Engineer) Approve project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for Thomas Haen Company, Inc., for the 2015 Luther Pass Power and Control Project. b. TEMPORARY HELP FOR INSPECTIONS/METER DEPARTMENT (James Cullen, Inspections Supervisor) Approve a temporary Meter Technician Assistant in the estimated amount of $16,500. c. WATER METERS AND PARTS (James Cullen, Inspections Supervisor) 1) Authorize exception to bidding procedures as outlined in the Purchasing Policy for a sole source purchase of standardized supplies; and 2) Authorize purchase of meters from Western Nevada Supply in the amount of $89,101.04 including tax and freight. d. TEMPORARY ENGINEERING STAFFING (Stephen Caswell, Senior Engineer) 1) Approve Contract with Blue Ribbon Temporary Personnel for a temporary engineering student intern, in an amount not to exceed $50,000; and, 2) Approve Contract with Blue Ribbon Temporary Personnel for a part-time engineer, in an amount not to exceed $80,000. e. 2018 MARLETTE WATERLINE/METER INSTALLATION PROJECT (Julie Ryan, Principal Engineer) Authorize staff to advertise for construction bids for the 2018 Marlette Waterline/Meter Installation Project. f. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: February 1, 2018 (Marla Sharp, Assistant Clerk of the Board) Approve February 1, 2018, Minutes BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Julie Ryan, Prinicipal Engineer MEETING DATE: February 15, 2018 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: 2015 Luther Pass Power and Control Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for Thomas Haen Company, Inc., for the 2015 Luther Pass Power and Control Project. DISCUSSION: The 30-day notification period to El Dorado County for completion of the project ended on January 12, 2018, with no Stop Notices filed. Thomas Haen Company, Inc., has continued since then to complete the remaining work including change work, final submittals and project redlines. Staff recommends that the District proceed with closeout of the current Contract in order to meet the final reimbursement filing deadline with the State Revolving Fund (February 28, 2018) by approving the project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims. Final payment is included on the February 15, 2018, Payment of Claims. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8330 (LPPOWR) BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $1,153,592 ATTACHMENTS: Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 1 1 CLOSEOUT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS THIS AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS is made in South Lake Tahoe, California, this 15th day of February 2018, by and between South Tahoe Public Utility District, hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT", and Thomas Haen Company Inc., hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR". KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: 1.That the undersigned, as the authorized representative of CONTRACTOR, for and in consideration of Three Million Eight Hundred Eighty-One Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-Four Dollars and Zero Cento ($3,881,334.00), contract amount, and the sum of Four Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Eighty Dollars and Thirty-Three Cents ($475,080.33) for said Contract Change Orders Nos. 1 through 8, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has submitted waivers from all subcontractors and suppliers in the form required by Civil Code §3262, and does hereby and for each of its successors, assigns and partners, release acquit and forever discharge the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OF EL DORADO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, and each of its successors, assigns, officers, agents, servants, and employees, from any and all rights, claims, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, damages, costs, expenses and other claims whatsoever, which might have been asserted against DISTRICT by reason of any matter or thing which was the subject matter of or basis for: A.The performance of all terms and conditions of that certain agreement dated July 9, 2015 for Purchase Order No. P28991, DISTRICT project described as 2015 Luther Pass Pump Station Power and Controls Project REBID. B.Change Orders Nos. 1 through 8 as approved by the parties, pertaining to Purchase Order No. P28991 and shown in Payment Request No. 27, dated February 15, 2018. 2.That the undersigned, as the authorized representative of DISTRICT, for and in consideration of the CONTRACTOR’s completion of Purchase Order No. P28991 does hereby and for each of its successors, and assigns, releases, acquits and forever discharge THOMAS HAEN COMPANY INC. and each of its successors, assigns, officers, agents, servants, and employees, and sureties from any and all rights, claims, demands, debts, obligations, liability, actions, costs, expenses whatsoever which might have been asserted against CONTRACTOR, except for the rights accruing to the DISTRICT in California Code of Civil Procedure Section 337.15, Entitled "Ten Years - Action to Recover Damage from Latent Deficiencies in Planning or Construction of Improvements to Real Property," which rights are specifically not released, and except for warranties and sureties provided by reason of any matter or thing which was the subject matter of or basis for: A.The performance of all terms and conditions of that certain agreement dated July 9, 2015 for Purchase Order No. P28991, DISTRICT project described as 2015 Luther Pass Pump Station Power and Controls Project REBID. B.Change Orders Nos. 1 through 8 as approved by the parties, pertaining to Purchase Order No. P28991 and shown in Payment Request No. 27 dated February 15, 2018. 2 2 3.Nothing contained herein shall waive or alter the rights, privileges, and powers of the DISTRICT or the duties, liabilities and obligations of the CONTRACTOR and its surety in respect to any portions of the Specifications for Purchase Order No. P28991. 4.The DISTRICT has received no claims from the CONTRACTOR. 5.Upon execution of this agreement, the DISTRICT agrees to immediately file and record a NOTICE OF COMPLETION with the County Recorder in order to begin the running of the statutory lien period. 6. The presently retained amount is $ 217,820.72 Original Contract amount $3,881,334.00 Total Change Order Amount $ 475,080.33 Less: Amount Previously Paid (Request Nos. 1 through 27) $4,138,593.61 Retainage $ 217,820.72 BALANCE: $ - 0 - The retainage will be released to the CONTRACTOR at the expiration of the lien period 35 (thirty-five) calendar days after date of recording a NOTICE OF COMPLETION by El Dorado County Recorder or when all liens have been released, whichever last occurs. Release pursuant to this agreement shall not apply to CONTRACTOR’s rights to the presently retained amount until such time as such amounts are received in full by CONTRACTOR. 7.CONTRACTOR and DISTRICT agree that the total adjusted contract price and time of performance for Purchase Order No. after the execution of change orders shall be as follows: Original Contract Price $3,881.334.00 Original Calendar Days 425 Total Adjusted Price $4,356,414.33 Total Adjusted Calendar Days 727 8.It is understood and agreed by the undersigneds that the facts with respect to which the foregoing Release is given may hereafter turn out to be other than or different from the facts in that connection now known to be or believed by said undersigneds to be true, and the undersigneds hereto expressly assume the risk of the facts turning out to be different than they now so appear, and agree that the foregoing Release shall be, in all respects, effective and not subject to termination or recession by any such difference in facts and undersigneds hereby expressly waive any and all rights the undersigneds have or may have under California Civil Code Section 1542, which provides as follows: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the Release which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor." 9.The releases made by the CONTRACTOR and the DISTRICT herein are not to be construed as an admission or admissions of liability on the part of either party and that the parties deny liability hereof. The undersigneds agree that they will forever refrain and 3 3 forebear from commencing, instituting or prosecuting any lawsuit, action or other proceeding against the other party based on, arising out of, or in any way connected with the subject matter of this Release. 10. The CONTRACTOR hereby releases the DISTRICT from all claims, including those of its Subcontractors for all delay and impact costs, if any. 11. The CONTRACTOR represents and warrants to the DISTRICT that the CONTRACTOR has not heretofore assigned or transferred or purported to assign or transfer to any person, firm, corporation, association or entity any of the rights, claims, warranties, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, damages, costs, expenses and other claims whatsoever and the CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the DISTRICT against, without limitation, any and all rights, claims, warranties, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, damages, costs, expenses and other claims, including attorney's fees, arising out of or connected with any such assignment or transfer or purported assignment or transfer. 12. The undersigned acknowledge that they have been represented by counsel of their own choice in connection with the preparation and execution of this Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims. The undersigned acknowledge and represent that they understand and voluntarily consent and agree to each and every provision contained herein. 13. The undersigned further declare and represent that no promise, inducement or agreement, not herein expressed, have been made to the undersigned and that this Release contains the entire agreement among the parties hereto and that the terms of the Release are contractual and not a mere recital. 14. The persons executing this Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims represent and warrant to the other party that the execution and performance of the terms of this Release have been duly authorized by all requisite corporate, partnership, individual, or other entity requirements and that said persons have the right, power, legal capacity and authority to execute and enter in the Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims. RICHARD SOLBRIG, GENERAL MANAGER DATED ATTEST: MELONIE GUTTRY, CLERK OF BOARD DATED THOMAS HAEN COMPANY INC. By: THOMAS HAEN, PRESIDENT DATED 4 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: James Cullen, Inspections Supervisor MEETING DATE: February 15, 2018 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Temporary Help for Inspections/Meter Department REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve a temporary Meter Technician Assistant in the estimated amount of $16,500. DISCUSSION: Staff requests that the Board authorize a temporary employee in the Customer Service Department from approximately April 17, 2018, through October 5, 2018. This temporary employee will assist the Meter Technician to reprogram meters and MXU reading devices from 100 cubic feet to 1 cubic foot increments to coincide with our Water Smart Program. This temporary employee would work 40 hours per week, not to exceed 999 hours. SCHEDULE: April 17, 2018, thru October 5, 2018 COSTS: Estimated cost of $16,500 ACCOUNT NO: 2038-6660; 2062-4405 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $985; $985 (2017/18) 2062-4405 $24,000 (2018/19 Proposed) ATTACHMENTS: NA _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: James Cullen, Inspections Supervisor MEETING DATE: February 15, 2018 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Water Meters and Parts REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: 1) Authorize exception to bidding procedures as outlined in the Purchasing Policy for a sole source purchase of standardized supplies; and 2) Authorize purchase of meters from Western Nevada Supply in the amount of $89,101.04 including tax and freight. DISCUSSION: Staff would like to purchase a total of 18 large water meters, parts & meter lids to replace outdated devices currently in field use. To ensure that all parts will perform with the District’s electronic meter reading system, the District only purchases meter and parts manufactured by Sensus (as authorized by the Board on May 21, 2009). Western Nevada Supply is the sole source supplier for Sensus in this area. This item has been reviewed by the District’s Purchasing Agent. SCHEDULE: Order by February 20, 2018 COSTS: $ 89,101.04 (includes tax and freight) ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8539 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $107,090 ATTACHMENTS: N/A _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 6 Stephen Caswell February 15, 2018 Page 2 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Stephen Caswell, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: February 15, 2018 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Temporary Engineering Staffing REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: 1) Approve Contract with Blue Ribbon Temporary Personnel for a temporary engineering student intern, in an amount not to exceed $50,000; and, 2) Approve Contract with Blue Ribbon Temporary Personnel for a part- time engineer, in an amount not to exceed $80,000. DISCUSSION: Staff requests that the Board authorize payment to Blue Ribbon Personnel for a temporary engineering intern position from May 2018 through December 2018 and a part-time engineer position from May 2018 through June 2019. The Engineering Department’s regular mission is to provide cost-effective planning, design, and inspection services on District projects. In addition to the regular mission, the Engineering Department has been tasked with installing another roughly 4,000 meters over the next three seasons as well as collecting data and other information on the condition of the District’s assets (particularly on the collection system) to inform the upcoming Proposition 218 process. Since 2005, the Engineering Department has hired anywhere from one to three interns, depending on departmental workload, except for 2012, to help meet the department’s mission. Currently, the department has zero interns. The previous intern met the 1,000 hour limit in mid-December 2017. To continue moving forward with this time-critical work while still deferring other less time sensitive work, the department has identified the need for another engineering intern and a part-time engineer. Both positions would be hired through Blue Ribbon and be limited to 1,000 hours per fiscal year. Adding a part-time engineer is a different approach than the department has historically taken, but provides the following benefits. A part-time engineer provides the department with additional qualified staff that can move forward higher level tasks. The part-time engineer may also help provide continuity within the department that is missing with a six-month intern position. General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 7 Stephen Caswell February 15, 2018 Page 2 The estimated cost for the 2017/18 fiscal year for the two positions is $24,903. The current budget has just over $27,000 remaining for additional engineering staff support through the end of the fiscal year. Therefore, there is no impact to this year’s budget. The remaining costs that are being requested would be part of the 2018/19 fiscal year budget. SCHEDULE: Upon Board approval of contract COSTS: $130,000 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-4405; 2209-4405 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: <$138,143>; $265,763 (2017/18) $508,000; $793,000 (2018/19 Proposed) ATTACHMENTS: N/A _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer & Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 8 Julie Ryan February 15, 2018 Page 2 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4e TO: Board of Directors FROM: Julie Ryan, Principal Engineer MEETING DATE: February 15, 2018 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: 2018 Marlette Waterline/Meter Installation Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to advertise for construction bids for the 2018 Marlette Waterline/Meter Installation Project. DISCUSSION: The 2018 Marlette Waterline/Meter Installation Project consists of the installation of 1,100 linear feet of 6 inch water main and the associated 39 water services, 109 water meters, and 6 fire hydrants in the Marlette Circle neighborhood of South Lake Tahoe (Marlette Circle, Mount Rose Road, Heavenly Valley Road, Monument Drive, and Jobs Peak Road). The Marlette neighborhood currently has undersized water mains located in the backyards of the parcels served. To facilitate full metering of the District’s service area, replacement of the backyard water mains with water mains in the public right-of-way is needed. Upsizing and moving the water mains into public right-of-way also allows the installation of fire hydrants to improve fire protection for the neighborhood. Water meters for all water services will be installed. After completion of the project, those customers with backyard water services will be given until September 1, 2019, to relocate their water service and submit the cost to the District for reimbursement. Plans and specifications are currently being finalized by staff. The current schedule is to advertise for bids beginning February 16, with a bid opening of April 4, and construction to be completed this summer beginning May 1 and finishing by the end of July. The project is funded by the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program. The engineer’s estimate for the project, based on recent bid results and general bidding climate, is $860,000.00. General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 9 Julie Ryan February 15, 2018 Page 2 SCHEDULE: Upon Board approval COSTS: Engineer’s Estimate $860,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-7020 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $810,007 (2017/18) $500,000 (2018/19 Proposed) ATTACHMENTS: Project Summary _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 10 Project Cost Tracking: 2018 Marlette Waterline Replacement Project Date: 2/7/2018Planning, Design, Permitting:Date Description Planning/Design Comments:10/30/2015 Design Survey14,690.00$   Farr West Engineering3/31/2016 Environmental Study and Document2,633.40$     Sierra Ecotone Solutions TO#5 Biological6/30/2016 Cultural Resources Survey1,096.59$     Susan Lindstrom TO#4 Heritage2/7/2018 Sub‐Total  ‐ Planning, Design, Permitting 18,419.99$   1% of Project Total1/31/2018District Personnel 31,752.06$   Labor and Benefits from Total Planning, Design, Permitting50,172.05$      Construction and Construction Services:Date DescriptionPlanning/Design Comments:2/7/2018 Engineer's Estimate864,748.00$ TBDInspection Services ( District Personnel) 50,000.00$   TBD Service Relocates400,000.00$ 4/4/2018 Bid AwardEngineer's Estimate = $0.86M2/7/2018 Sub‐Total ‐ Construction1,314,748 96% of Project Total2/7/2018 Project Total to Date1,364,920.05Budget Status:2/7/2018 Budget ‐ Construction750,000 FY18.19 and beyond2/7/2018 Budgeted Amount Available750,000 FY17.182/7/2018 Estimated Remaining Expenses1,446,223 Construction Bid + 10% Contingency2/7/2018 Balance53,77711 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Richard Solbrig, General Manager Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT February 1, 2018 MINUTES The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in a regular session, 2:02 p.m., at the District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Board of Directors: President Vogelgesang, Directors Cefalu, Jones, Sheehan, Wallace Staff: Paul Hughes, Richard Solbrig, Gary Kvistad, Marla Sharp, Brenlyn Hoyle, Chris Stanley, Julie Ryan, Doug Van Gorden, John Thiel, Shelly Thomsen, Tim Bledsoe, Stephen Caswell, Trevor Coolidge CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR: None CONSENT CALENDAR: Moved Wallace/Second Cefalu/Vogelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes/Sheehan Yes/Wallace Yes to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. a. BIG 5 PUMP STATIONS CONDITION ASSESSMENT PROJECT SEISMIC EVALUATION (Stephen Caswell, Senior Engineer) Authorize Amendment B to Task Order No. 9 to Carollo Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $39,791 for the Big 5 Pump Stations Condition Assessment. b. TEMPORARY HELP FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (Tim Bledsoe, Manager of Customer Service) Approve contract with Blue Ribbon Personnel Services for a temporary Customer Service Representative in the estimated amount of $27,000. c. WATER METER INSTALLATION PROJECT – PHASE III (Trevor Coolidge, Associate Engineer) Approve the Final Balancing Change Order for a credit of $596,078.81and the Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for the 2017 Water Meter Installation Project - Phase III. 12 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES – February 1, 2018 PAGE – 2 d. LIBERTY UTILITIES RATE INTERVENTION (Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer) Authorize staff to execute a Contract with Kinect Energy Group, previously named KTM, to provide professional consulting services to support the intervention in a general rate case filed by Liberty Utilities, in an amount not to exceed $32,645. e. 2018 WASHINGTON, D.C. LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY (Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager) Authorize extension of the Contract with ENS Resources, Inc., for two years for lobbying and consulting services in the amount of $84,000 per year f. 2015 LUTHER PASS POWER AND CONTROL PROJECT (Julie Ryan, Principal Engineer) Approve Change Order No. 8 to Thomas Haen Company in the amount $88,257.93. g. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: January 18, 2018 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Approve January 18, 2018, Minutes ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Al Tahoe Sewer Pump (Chris Stanley, Manager of Field Operations) – Staff provided an update on the project and requested to continue the Emergency Action. Moved Wallace/Second Sheehan/Vogelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes/Sheehan Yes/Wallace Yes to continue the emergency action to repair Al Tahoe Sewer Pump #2, pursuant to Resolution No. 3075-17, depending on the status of the repair work. b. Approve Payment of Claims (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Moved Sheehan/Second Cefalu/Vogelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes/Sheehan Yes/Wallace Yes to approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $1,242,946.82. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS: Richard Solbrig reported he attended Mayor Wendy David’s monthly informal meeting on Wednesday, January 24, at Peet’s Coffee and provided an overview. Staff provided an update on the Redevelopment Agency Oversight meeting. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Director Jones gave an overview of the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Conference that he attended January 23 - 25, in Palm Springs. President Vogelgesang and Jeff Lee, Manager of Plant Operations, attended the conference also. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT: Next meeting is Wednesday, February 14, 2018. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT: Richard Solbrig reported on several items: • The Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) has given the District an estimate for Workers’ Compensation Insurance coverage with a major savings for the District. 13 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES – February 1, 2018 PAGE – 3 • The initial salary survey meeting was held January 31, with staff and Ralph Anderson & Associates and is progressing. • Gave acknowledgment to the Engineering staff for a great job on approximately $600,000 savings on meter installations. • Provided information regarding the District’s 5% mitigation fee on new sewer connection that are used for the Tahoe Transportation District local grant match for public bus transportation. • The Groundwater Contamination Study Public Outreach Meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 7, has been moved to the City Council Chambers at the Airport. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS: Staff reported the communication at the Ad-Hoc City/District meetings is working and is being reflected in the work collaboration with the City on projects that are in progress. Staff reported the District has created a fact sheet with frequently asked questions for the Groundwater PCE Contamination on the District’s website and that a link has been created to livestream the Groundwater PCE Contamination meeting on Wednesday, February 7. The link can be found at stpud.us/groundwater. Staff reported the District has mailed letters to the 22 residents in the Ponderosa area that need to relocate their water line connections due to the District’s relocation of the water main to the street, which the District will reimburse for those relocation fees. Attorney Kvistad reported that the District has experienced difficulties in obtaining timely State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) legal review of agreements for State Revolving Fund financing. This subject was discussed at a recent California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) attorneys meeting as other agencies are experiencing similar problems. CASA is spearheading a discussion with the SWRCB to determine if the legal review problems can be addressed in order to improve the SWRCB legal review and approval process. ADJOURNMENT: 2:44 p.m. _______________________________________ Randy Vogelgesang, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ________________________________________ Marla Sharp, Assistant Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District 14 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Tim Bledsoe, Manager of Customer Service MEETING DATE: February 15, 2018 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Request to Appear Before the Board Received from Torre Monteith REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Deny customer’s request for relief from sewer bill as it is a violation of the District’s Administrative Code. DISCUSSION: Torre Monteith leases a home located at 733 Eloise Avenue from Joseph and Josie Archuleta and is being billed for three sewer units. Currently this home has two bedrooms and one bathroom and one kitchen. Mr. Montieth is requesting relief from billing of one sewer unit. According to the Administrative Code 4.5.6 (a) A minimum of three (3) units for each home or each apartment plus an additional unit for each bath or half-bath in excess of two baths, except that the minimum for a home or apartment having only one bath and only one bedroom, which is equipped with low water-use fixtures, or for a studio apartment, is two (2) units. Staff recommends denying the request for relief of a sewer unit as it is a violation of the District’s Administrative Code. SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 15 BOARD AGENDA 6b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Chris Stanley, Manager of Field Operations MEETING DATE: February 15, 2018 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Al Tahoe Sewer Pump Emergency Pump Repair/Replacement REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Continue or terminate the emergency action to repair Al Tahoe Sewer Pump #2, pursuant to Resolution No. 3075-17, depending on the status of the repair work. DISCUSSION: The Board declared the Al Tahoe Sewer Station Emergency Repair and additional pump purchase project as an emergency on December 21, 2017, and has continued the emergency since then. Public Contract Code Section 22050(c) requires the Board to review the emergency action at every Board meeting thereafter until the action is terminated, to determine by a 4/5 vote, that there is a need to continue the action. District staff will present a report to the Board to request that the Board either continue or terminate the emergency action for the repair/replacement of Al Tahoe Sewer Pump #2 depending on the status of the repair work. SCHEDULE: Repairs to be completed as soon as possible COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: Funded with Reserves ATTACHMENTS: N/A _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 16 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Hilton, Water Reuse Operations Manager MEETING DATE: February 15, 2018 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Request for Proposals for Cattle Grazing at Diamond Valley Ranch REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to proceed with Request for Proposals to establish a cattle grazing permit for a term or five years at Diamond Valley Ranch. DISCUSSION: In the past, the District has issued annual permits for cattle grazing on the District’s Diamond Valley Ranch property. Staff is requesting authorization to proceed with a request for proposals to establish a cattle grazing permit for a term of five years. The intent of establishing a five-year term is to attract a cattle rancher who will establish a vested interest in the District’s grazing pastures for the term of the permit. It is hoped that increasing the length of the term will in turn increase the revenue generation potential of the District’s Diamond Valley Ranch property. Moreover, establishing a term of five years for the grazing permit would enable the District and its permitted cattle rancher to become eligible for possible financial assistance from the Natural Resources Conservation Service with the intent of improving resource conservation and ranching infrastructure on the District’s Diamond Valley Ranch property. SCHEDULE: May 1 – November 15 REVENUE: 2017: $18,500/month ACCOUNT NO: 1000-3514 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Request for Proposals _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Nancy Hussmann February 15, 2018 Page 3 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Nancy A. Hussmann, Human Resources Director MEETING DATE: February 15, 2018 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Workers’ Compensation Program REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: 1) Approve moving the District’s Workers’ Compensation Program to Association of California Water Agencies/Joint Powers Insurance Authority effective July 1, 2018; and, 2) approve Resolution No. 3080-18 consenting to enter the Joint Protection Programs of the Association of California Water Agencies/Joint Powers Insurance Authority. DISCUSSION: The District has obtained its Workers’ Compensation Program coverage through California Sanitation Risk Management Authority (CSRMA) since 1992. Previous reviews of this program have resulted in the decision to stay with CSRMA; however, this year upon application to Association of California Water Agencies/Joint Powers Insurance (ACWA-JPIA), the quote received, in addition to ancillary loss control services makes the ACWA-JPIA Workers’ Compensation Program more desirable. The first major difference is in the premium quoted. The program year is July 1, 2016, to July 1, 2017, for the Workers’ Compensation Program, so 2016/17 figures are being utilized for purposes of comparison. The District’s 2016/17 audited payroll premium reconciliation with CSRMA came in at an actual premium of $248,036, based on an ex-modification factor of 1.08. An ex-modification factor of 1.08 means that the District is paying 8% more than the base premium due to the loss history in the prior three years. ACWA-JPI A quoted a premium of $197,078 for the fiscal year 2017/18, based on an ex-modification factor of 1.00. They realized that we had minimal claims and experienced only one or two serious claims in the prior three-year period. This deposit premium quote included a 12% economy of size discount (which would continue to apply in all future years.) This results in a savings of $50,958. The ACWA-JPIA Workers’ Compensation Program also offers a Retrospective Allocation Point (RAP) system whereby after four years, an audit is performed and various adjustment elements are factored in and compared to the deposit premium for that program year. Then, a debit or credit is made to the member’s stabilization fund. In the interim of those first four years, the District will continue to have its prior claims history audited by CSRMA and receive the retrospective adjustment refunds (or charges), depending on the actual claims costs. These continue annually with CSRMA until the claims are closed. General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 40 Nancy Hussmann February 15, 2017 Page 2 The loss control services provided by the ACWA-JPIA are far superior to CSRMA. They assign a dedicated loss control person to the District who conducts an annual physical inspection of District facilities, in addition to a best practices survey to reduce losses. CSRMA provides a best practices written survey only every three years, and does not provide a physical inspection of District facilities. Another benefit to the ACWA-JPIA Workers’ Compensation Program is that ACWA-JPIA employs in-house claims adjusters to administer the claims. CSRMA contracts this service out to a third party administrator, and experience with them indicates that the claims adjusters tend to have shorter tenures than the 15 years’ average tenure of the ACWA-JPIA employees. This provides continuity in claims adjuster contact, especially with claims that have a long life. This creates a lower case load per adjuster and as a result, the ACWA-JPIA claims adjusters have a ten year-plus history of Department of Workers’ Compensation Audit Unity rating the program No.1 with no errors found. In addition, another component of the ACWA-JPIA Compensation Program is that it qualifies the District with 600+ topics or safety trainings free of charge (or low cost) on the wide variety of classes required by Cal-OSHA. Through CSRMA, any requested safety training is contracted out to a consultant, who charges for this training. As such, the District has been forced to seek other trainers, with training costs ranging from $2,000 to $6,000 per ½ to 2-day classes required by Cal-OSHA. Finally, there are other program benefits through ACWA-JPIA that the District could explore once a member of their Workers’ Compensation Program – such as a Department of Transportation (DOT) Drug and Alcohol sponsored consortium. This is a program required by the DOT for commercial drivers and is currently administered through a program with CSRMA. The ACWA-JPIA has been in existence since 1979, which provides risk-sharing pool with over 360 members. CSRMA indicates that the District cannot leave their Workers’ Compensation Program until the end of the program year on June 30, 2018. ACWA- JPIA is currently strategizing about their rate structure for the July 1, 2018, program year, and is considering reducing rates in their Workers’ Compensation Program, while CSRMA is anticipating a 5-10% increase in rates. By moving to the ACWA-JPIA Workers’ Compensation Program, this would create even more savings than stated above. SCHEDULE: February 16, 2018 – Notify ACWA-JPIA COSTS: $197,078 ACCOUNT NO: Various BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $281,000 ATTACHMENTS: Workers’ Compensation Program Highlights, Deposit Premium Calculation Worksheet, Resolution No. 3080-18, Application _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 41 ADVANTAGES OF THE PROGRAM YOUR BEST WORKERS’ COMPENSATION PROTECTION ACWA JPIA provides comprehensive workers’ compensation to keep your employees and agency protected. We offer a self-administered program that covers bodily injury by accident or bodily injury by disease arising out of and in the course of employment. PREMIUM RATE STABILITY • Rates set and adjusted by member’s experience • Risk consultants manage risk requirements • Same risk management requirements apply to all members • Pooled program with potential for retrospective premium adjustments • Multiple program premium discounts available • Reduction in loss exposures results in fewer claims keeping rates lower IN-HOUSE CLAIMS HANDLING • Experienced adjusters who handle only water agency claims • Continuity in claims adjuster contact • Lower case load per adjuster allows maximum attention to employer and injured worker • Support of agency’s return-to-work program • Legal counsel • Ten year-plus history of DWC Audit Unit rating program #1 with no errors found PROGRAM ENHANCEMENTS • Services provided (pre-employment physicals, clinic selection, job analysis and assistance with the interactive process) • DOT drug & alcohol sponsored consortium • Free lending library with safety related materials • Free to low cost training classes and materials specifi c to workers’ compensation exposures Workers’ Compensation SERVING WATER AGENCIES WITH THE BEST COVERAGES AND BENEFITS ACWA JPIA’s Workers’ Compensation protection provides members with premium rate stability and in-house claim handling specifi c for water agencies. 42 VALUE-ADDED SERVICES EXCLUSIVE TO MEMBERS ACWA JPIA is proud to offer our members access to Occu-Med, a healthcare services and human resources consulting fi rm. Occu-Med’s program signifi cantly reduces worker injuries by identifying pre-existing medical conditions or physical limitations that may pre-dispose the applicant or employee to injury when performing essential job duties including; Employer-oriented medical services Placement medical evaluation and fi tness-for-duty Return-to-work evaluation services to all Workers’ Compensation member districts Bank of Job Analysis pertinent to water agencies The State of California’s Division of Workers’ Compensation recent claims audit in 2014 ranked the JPIA number one. We are in full compliance with all mandatory notices and received no assessments or penalties for unpaid compensation. We are your trusted workers’ compensation provider. 43 ACWA/JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY 2100 Professional Drive Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 786-5742 (800) 231-5742 February 01, 2018 South Tahoe Public Utility District DEPOSIT PREMIUM CALCULATION WORKSHEET JULY 1, 2017 - 2018 Class No. of Estimated Rate Estimated Code Classification Employees Annual Payroll 7/1/2017 Annual Deposit 7580 Sanitation District 4,179,299$ .0303 126,633$ 7520 Waterworks Operations 1,297,994$ .0451 58,540$ 8742 Salespersons-Meter Readers 1,588,754$ .0104 16,523$ 8810 Clerical 2,588,036$ .0086 22,257$ 8810(a) Clerical - Board of Directors .0086 -$ Total 9,654,083$ 223,952$ Economy of Size Discount - 12%(26,874)$ Discounted Premium 197,078$ Experience Modification Factor 1.00 Modified Premium 197,078$ JPIA Multiple Program Discount (2 Programs = 2%; 3 Programs = 5%) Estimated Annual Deposit Premium 197,078$ Minimum RAP 15,000$ 44 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 RESOLUTION NO. 3080-18 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CONSENTING TO ENTER THE JOINT PROTECTION PROGRAMS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES/JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) is a public entity organized and existing under laws of the State of California; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code, said Agency may self-insure for Workers’ Compensation Liabilities in a joint protection program; and WHEREAS, said Agency desires to participate in the Association of California Water Association (ACWA)/Joint Powers Insurance Authority (Authority) joint protection program for Workers’ Compensation coverage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District: Section 1. That the District hereby elects to join the Workers’ Compensation Program sponsored by the Authority. Section 2. That the District hereby selects $15,000 as its Retrospective Allocation Point (RAP) for the Authority's cost allocation formula for Workers’ Compensation. Section 3. That the Treasurer of this District is hereby authorized to pay to the ACWA/Joint Powers Insurance Authority its deposit premium quarterly. Section 4. That the Clerk of the Board of Directors of this District is directed to certify a copy of this Resolution and to forward the same Resolution, and the signed Joint Powers Agreement promptly by mail to the Association of California Water Agencies/ Joint Powers Insurance Authority, P.O. Box 619082, Roseville, California 95661, at which time coverage will commence the first day of July 2018. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 3080-18 was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of February 2018, by the following vote: 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: _____________________________________ Randy Vogelgesang, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: _________________________________ Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Resolution No. 3080-18 February 15, 2018 Page 2 46 47 48 49 50 Trevor Coolidge February 15, 2018 Page 2 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6e TO: Board of Directors FROM: Trevor Coolidge, Associate Engineer MEETING DATE: February 15, 2018 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Sensus Water Meter Order for 2018 Water Projects REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: 1) Authorize exception to bidding procedures as outlined in the Purchasing Policy for a sole source purchase of standardized supplies; and, 2) Authorize purchase of 1,405 Sensus Meters and 1,605 Radio-Read Units from Western Nevada Supply in the estimated amount of $429,631.58. DISCUSSION: The District currently has approximately 3,700 remaining water meter installations to complete; this purchase will provide the Sensus meters and Sensus radio- read units for the 2018 Water Meter Installation Project and the meter installations associated with the Marlette Waterline Replacement Project. These materials will be provided to the contractor for installation. On May 21, 2009, the Board reaffirmed Sensus meters and Sensus radio-read units as sole-brand items to ensure that all parts will perform with the District’s electronic meter reading system, and to facilitate the ongoing, cost-effective operation and maintenance of the metering system. As authorized, the District only purchases meters and radio-read units manufactured by Sensus. As Western Nevada Supply is the sole source supplier for Sensus in this area, staff has negotiated preferential pricing based on past purchases, expected future purchases and potential additions to the metering system such as a radio frequency based communications network. Funding for the purchase is provided by a low-interest loan through the State Water Resources Control Board’s (SWRCB) Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). Staff recommends that the Board authorize exception to bidding procedures as outlined in the Purchasing Policy for a sole source purchase of standardized supplies and authorize purchase of Sensus Meters and Radio-Read Units from Western Nevada Supply in the estimated amount of $429,631.58. General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 51 Trevor Coolidge February 15, 2018 Page 2 SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $429,631.58 ($398,860.33 METERS 4 and $30,771.25 15W011) ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8859/METERS4, 2029-7020/15W011 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $1,499,842; $810,007 ATTACHMENTS: Western Nevada Quotes No. 762318 (METERS4) and 762656 (15W011) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 52 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY * * Q U O T A T I O N * * TO: SOUTH TAHOE PUD DATE: 02/01/18 NO. 762318 1275 MEADOW CREST DRIVE EFFECTIVE 02/01/18 TO 12/31/18 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150-74 TERMS: NET 30 PAGE# 1 FOB: FFA JOB:2018 METER PROJECT PH4 PREP. BY: BARNEY ARNESON 775-353-1250 barneson@goblueteam.com WE ARE PLEASED TO QUOTE YOU ON THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL *** SALES TAX NOT INCLUDED *** ==================================================================================== Qty Part # Description Price..... Extended ==================================================================================== 1 ===> SMARTPOINTS 1496 WKZ1101104 SENSUS M2 FLEXNET 520M SINGLE 130.00 194480.00 ------------- SEGMENT 1 TOTAL 194,480.00 2 ===> IPERL METERS 1191 WKZ1359012 IPERL 3/4 7.5LL 1 CUFT TRPL MTR 132.00 157212.00 105 WKZ1359013 IPERL 1 100 CUFT TRPL MTR 176.00 18480.00 ***1 CUFT*** ------------- SEGMENT 2 TOTAL 175,692.00 3 ===> TAX (7.750) 1 WZNS280517 TAX [7.750] 28688.33 28688.33 ------------- SEGMENT 3 TOTAL 28,688.33 =========== QUOTATION TOTALS 398,860.33 * * * SALES TAX NOT INCLUDED * * * THE MATERIAL LISTED ABOVE IS QUOTED PER THE PLANS AND SPECS PROVIDED TO WNS, AND WHETHER SPECIFIED OR NOT WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE ENGINEER’S APPROVAL. ALL SALES ARE SUBJECT TO TAX. 53 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY * * Q U O T A T I O N * * TO: SOUTH TAHOE PUD DATE: 02/02/18 NO. 762656 1275 MEADOW CREST DRIVE EFFECTIVE 02/02/18 TO 12/31/18 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150-74 TERMS: NET 30 PAGE# 1 FOB: ffa JOB:Marlette Waterline Replacement PREP. BY: BARNEY ARNESON 775-353-1250 barneson@goblueteam.com WE ARE PLEASED TO QUOTE YOU ON THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL *** SALES TAX NOT INCLUDED *** ==================================================================================== Qty Part # Description Price..... Extended ==================================================================================== 1 ===> SmartPoints 109 WKZ1101104 SENSUS M2 FLEXNET 520M SINGLE 130.00 14170.00 ------------- SEGMENT 1 TOTAL 14,170.00 2 ===> Water Meter 109 WKZ1359012 IPERL 3/4 7.5LL 1 CUFT TRPL MTR 132.00 14388.00 ------------- SEGMENT 2 TOTAL 14,388.00 3 ===> Tax (7.750) 1 wZNS280521 Tax [7.750] 2213.25 2213.25 ------------- SEGMENT 3 TOTAL 2,213.25 =========== QUOTATION TOTALS 30,771.25 * * * SALES TAX NOT INCLUDED * * * THE MATERIAL LISTED ABOVE IS QUOTED PER THE PLANS AND SPECS PROVIDED TO WNS, AND WHETHER SPECIFIED OR NOT WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE ENGINEER’S APPROVAL. ALL SALES ARE SUBJECT TO TAX. 54 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Payroll 1/30/2018 465,166.79 Total Payroll 465,166.79 ADP & Insight eTools 501.89 AFLAC/WageWorks claims and fees 7,092.19 BBVA Compass Bank 575,185.88 BHFS legal services 26,662.00 CalPERS - other 0.00 Cal Bank & Trust Fiscal Agent Fees 0.00 CDS - health care payments 9,523.21 Total Vendor EFT 618,965.17 Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund 825,411.44 Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund 114,806.06 Total Accounts Payable 940,217.50 Grand Total 2,024,349.46 Payroll EFTs & Checks 1/30/2018 mmddy EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 19,649.52 0.00 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 98,539.71 0.00 EFT CalPERS Contributions 66,221.37 0.00 EFT Empower Retirement-Deferred Comp 18,820.25 0.00 EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues 0.00 0.00 EFT CDHP Health Savings (HSA)5,113.32 0.00 EFT Retirement Health Savings 0.00 0.00 EFT United Way Contributions 160.00 0.00 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 252,952.79 0.00 CHK Employee Garnishments 1,104.45 0.00 CHK Employee Paychecks 2,605.38 0.00 Total 465,166.79 FOR APPROVAL February 15, 2018 55 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num SHOP SUPPLIESHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6071 121.44A-L SIERRA WELDING PRODUCTS SMALL TOOLSHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6073 341.05A-L SIERRA WELDING PRODUCTS LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 1007 - 4760 44.00A-L SIERRA WELDING PRODUCTS LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 2007 - 4760 44.00A-L SIERRA WELDING PRODUCTS Check Total:MWAP-00097924550.49 ACWA MED INS PAYGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2514 230,551.58ACWA/JPIA VISION INSGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2530 2,839.20ACWA/JPIA Check Total:MWAP-00097925233,390.78 EQUIP RENT/LEASEWATER REUSE 1028 - 5020 4,703.70AHERN RENTALS SMALL TOOLSWATER REUSE 1028 - 6073 38.55AHERN RENTALS FLL VVS #3ENGINEERING - FLL VVS #3 1029 - 7036 - FLVVS3 2,629.64AHERN RENTALS Check Total:MWAP-000979267,371.89 SHOP SUPP INVGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 0421 219.94AIRGAS USA LLC Check Total:MWAP-00097927219.94 OFC SUPPLY ISSUEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6081 175.00ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE Check Total:MWAP-00097928175.00 INSURANCE PPDGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 0301 36,797.00AMERICAN BANKERS INS CO Check Total:MWAP-0009792936,797.00 UNIFORM PAYABLEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2518 1,246.07AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES Check Total:MWAP-000979301,246.07 PUMP STATIONSPUMPS 1002 - 6051 343.20ANGIE'S SIGNS Check Total:MWAP-00097931343.20 TELEPHONEPUMPS 1002 - 6310 70.00AT&T Check Total:MWAP-0009793270.00 TELEPHONEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6310 647.98AT&T TELEPHONEGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 6310 647.97AT&T Check Total:MWAP-000979331,295.95 TELEPHONEUNDERGROUND REP 1001 - 6310 234.02AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEPUMPS 1002 - 6310 112.10AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEELECTRICAL SHOP 1003 - 6310 5.45AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEENGINEERING 1029 - 6310 156.21AT&T MOBILITY THERESA - Theresa Sherman BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:02/08/2018 Current Time: Page:1 10:21:07 User: Report:56 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num TELEPHONEINFORMATION TECH 1037 - 6310 53.01AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONECUSTOMER SERVICE 1038 - 6310 213.03AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6310 192.43AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEPUMPS 2002 - 6310 112.10AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEELECTRICAL SHOP 2003 - 6310 5.44AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEENGINEERING 2029 - 6310 158.43AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEINFORMATION TECH 2037 - 6310 53.01AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONECUSTOMER SERVICE 2038 - 6310 213.02AT&T MOBILITY Check Total:MWAP-000979341,508.25 TELEPHONEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6310 416.11AT&T/CALNET 3 SIGNAL CHARGESGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6320 33.17AT&T/CALNET 3 TELEPHONEPUMPS 1002 - 6310 20.69AT&T/CALNET 3 TELEPHONEGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 6310 416.10AT&T/CALNET 3 Check Total:MWAP-00097935886.07 DUES/MEMB/CERTPUMPS 2002 - 6250 90.00BACHELDER, JON C Check Total:MWAP-0009793690.00 SLUDGE DISPOSALOPERATIONS 1006 - 6652 1,129.24BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS Check Total:MWAP-000979371,129.24 PC1 REHABENGINEERING - PR CLARIF 1 RHB 1029 - 7023 - PC1RHB 30.96BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL AB2 REHABENGINEERING - AERATION BASIN 2 1029 - 7024 - AB2RHB 30.96BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL DVR IRR IMPRVMNTENGINEERING - DVR IRRIG IMPRVS 1029 - 8161 - DVRIIP 30.96BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL LPPS PWR/CTR UPGENGINEERING - LPPS PWR/CTRLS 1029 - 8330 - LPPOWR 30.96BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CONTRACT SERVICEINFORMATION TECH 1037 - 4405 1,081.46BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CONTRACT SERVICEFINANCE 1039 - 4405 133.43BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL KELLER-HVNLY IMPENGINEERING - KELLER/HVNLY IMP 2029 - 7022 - 15W007 247.68BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CONTRACT SERVICEINFORMATION TECH 2037 - 4405 1,081.47BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CONTRACT SERVICEFINANCE 2039 - 4405 265.01BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CONTRACT SERVICEFINANCE - TAH SIERRA IRWMP 2039 - 4405 - TSIRWM 448.92BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL Check Total:MWAP-000979383,381.81 DUES/MEMB/CERTADMINISTRATION 1021 - 6250 57.50CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER AFFAIR DUES/MEMB/CERTADMINISTRATION 2021 - 6250 57.50CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER AFFAIR Check Total:MWAP-00097939115.00 THERESA - Theresa Sherman BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:02/08/2018 Current Time: Page:2 10:21:07 User: Report:57 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num DUES/MEMB/CERTBOARD OF DIR 2019 - 6250 1,203.00CALIFORNIA RURAL WATER ASSOC Check Total:MWAP-000979401,203.00 CONTRACT SERVICEENGINEERING - SPS ASSESSMENTS 1029 - 4405 - BIG5PS 21,518.68CAROLLO ENGINEERS Check Total:MWAP-0009794121,518.68 TRAILEREQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 7545 4,999.00CARSON TRAILER SALES Check Total:MWAP-000979424,999.00 CMPTR PURCHASESINFORMATION TECH 1037 - 4845 52.62CDW-G CORP STRAG PLN IMPINFORMATION TECH 1037 - 8836 4,046.34CDW-G CORP CMPTR PURCHASESINFORMATION TECH 2037 - 4845 52.60CDW-G CORP Check Total:MWAP-000979434,151.56 SAFETY/EQUIP/PHYGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6075 316.60CINTAS CORP Check Total:MWAP-00097944316.60 PIPE/CVRS/MHLSUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6052 3,105.00CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE Check Total:MWAP-000979453,105.00 SPR PLC CENTFGELECTRICAL SHOP 1003 - 8808 4,289.13CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY Check Total:MWAP-000979464,289.13 TRAVEL/MEETINGSENGINEERING 1029 - 6200 153.00COTULLA, SHANNON TRAVEL/MEETINGSENGINEERING 2029 - 6200 153.00COTULLA, SHANNON Check Total:MWAP-00097947306.00 DIST.COMP SPPLISINFORMATION TECH 1037 - 4840 575.70CYBER SECURITY SOURCE DIST.COMP SPPLISINFORMATION TECH 2037 - 4840 575.68CYBER SECURITY SOURCE Check Total:MWAP-000979481,151.38 MH FRM/LIDS&PRTSGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 0410 4,787.59D&L SUPPLY & CO INC PIPE/CVRS/MHLSUNDERGROUND REP 1001 - 6052 135.00D&L SUPPLY & CO INC Check Total:MWAP-000979494,922.59 TRAILEREQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 7545 387.43DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLES Check Total:MWAP-00097950387.43 PROPANEUNDERGROUND REP 1001 - 6360 16.25DIY HOME CENTER SHOP SUPPLIESPUMPS 1002 - 6071 6.29DIY HOME CENTER PUMP STATIONSELECTRICAL SHOP 1003 - 6051 10.39DIY HOME CENTER SECONDARY EQUIPHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6022 25.19DIY HOME CENTER THERESA - Theresa Sherman BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:02/08/2018 Current Time: Page:3 10:21:07 User: Report:58 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num AUTOMOTIVEEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 6011 47.50DIY HOME CENTER SHOP SUPPLIESUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6071 8.71DIY HOME CENTER RPR/MNTC WTR TKSELECTRICAL SHOP 2003 - 6054 9.68DIY HOME CENTER SMALL TOOLSCUSTOMER SERVICE 2038 - 6073 43.61DIY HOME CENTER Check Total:MWAP-00097951167.62 BUILDINGSELECTRICAL SHOP 1003 - 6041 323.23E-CONOLIGHT BUILDINGSELECTRICAL SHOP 2003 - 6041 323.23E-CONOLIGHT Check Total:MWAP-00097952646.46 UNEMPLOYMENT INSUNDERGROUND REP 1001 - 4303 2,401.00EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT UNEMPLOYMENT INSUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 4303 3,278.93EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT Check Total:MWAP-000979535,679.93 LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 1007 - 4760 44.93ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES ASSO LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 2007 - 4760 34.15ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES ASSO Check Total:MWAP-0009795479.08 MONITORINGLABORATORY 1007 - 6110 120.00EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL INC MONITORINGLABORATORY 2007 - 6110 120.00EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL INC Check Total:MWAP-00097955240.00 SAFETY/EQUIP/PHYCUSTOMER SERVICE 1038 - 6075 224.00EYEZONE TAHOE SAFETY/EQUIP/PHYCUSTOMER SERVICE 2038 - 6075 224.00EYEZONE TAHOE Check Total:MWAP-00097956448.00 LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 1007 - 4760 258.50EZKEM LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 2007 - 4760 258.50EZKEM Check Total:MWAP-00097957517.00 POSTAGE EXPENSESFINANCE 1039 - 4810 4.94FEDEX POSTAGE EXPENSESLABORATORY 2007 - 4810 17.11FEDEX POSTAGE EXPENSESFINANCE 2039 - 4810 4.93FEDEX Check Total:MWAP-0009795826.98 SECONDARY EQUIPHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6022 9.09FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC Check Total:MWAP-000979599.09 LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 1007 - 4760 65.82FISHER SCIENTIFIC LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 2007 - 4760 65.81FISHER SCIENTIFIC THERESA - Theresa Sherman BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:02/08/2018 Current Time: Page:4 10:21:07 User: Report:59 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num Check Total:MWAP-00097960131.63 GASOLINE INVGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 0415 4,493.96FLYERS ENERGY LLC DIESEL INVENTORYGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 0416 1,805.63FLYERS ENERGY LLC OIL & LUBEEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 4630 241.74FLYERS ENERGY LLC GASOLINEWATER REUSE 1028 - 4610 336.26FLYERS ENERGY LLC DIESELWATER REUSE 1028 - 4620 1,063.01FLYERS ENERGY LLC OIL & LUBEEQUIPMENT REPAIR 2005 - 4630 241.73FLYERS ENERGY LLC Check Total:MWAP-000979618,182.33 UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2002 90.84FUCCI, NANCY UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 2002 62.50FUCCI, NANCY Check Total:MWAP-00097962153.34 LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 1007 - 4760 226.95GFS CHEMICALS INC LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 2007 - 4760 226.95GFS CHEMICALS INC Check Total:MWAP-00097963453.90 SHOP SUPPLIESEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 6071 88.95GRAINGER SHOP SUPPLIESEQUIPMENT REPAIR 2005 - 6071 88.95GRAINGER Check Total:MWAP-00097964177.90 PIPE/CVRS/MHLSUNDERGROUND REP 1001 - 6052 1,335.65HADRONEX INC Check Total:MWAP-000979651,335.65 SERVICE CONTRACTADMINISTRATION 1021 - 6030 51.34HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS SERVICE CONTRACTENGINEERING 1029 - 6030 106.34HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS SERVICE CONTRACTFINANCE 1039 - 6030 169.45HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS SERVICE CONTRACTADMINISTRATION 2021 - 6030 51.34HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS SERVICE CONTRACTENGINEERING 2029 - 6030 106.33HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS SERVICE CONTRACTFINANCE 2039 - 6030 169.44HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS Check Total:MWAP-00097966654.24 STANDBY ACCOMODAPUMPS 1002 - 6083 498.55HOTEL BECKET STANDBY ACCOMODAPUMPS 2002 - 6083 498.54HOTEL BECKET Check Total:MWAP-00097967997.09 UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2002 119.13ISENBERGER, LA MAE UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 2002 157.30ISENBERGER, LA MAE Check Total:MWAP-00097968276.43 THERESA - Theresa Sherman BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:02/08/2018 Current Time: Page:5 10:21:07 User: Report:60 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num SERVICE CONTRACTHUMAN RESOURCES 1022 - 6030 795.00J.J. KELLER & ASSOC SERVICE CONTRACTHUMAN RESOURCES 2022 - 6030 795.00J.J. KELLER & ASSOC Check Total:MWAP-000979691,590.00 UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2002 223.74JAHANGIRI, TODD & FATIMA UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 2002 223.74JAHANGIRI, TODD & FATIMA Check Total:MWAP-00097970447.48 TRAVEL/MEETINGSBOARD OF DIR 1019 - 6200 507.11JONES, JAMES R TRAVEL/MEETINGSBOARD OF DIR 2019 - 6200 179.50JONES, JAMES R Check Total:MWAP-00097971686.61 SHOP SUPPLIESHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6071 1,035.47KIMBALL MIDWEST Check Total:MWAP-000979721,035.47 SAFETY PROGRAMSHUMAN RESOURCES 1022 - 6079 640.00KWA SAFETY & HAZMAT SAFETY PROGRAMSHUMAN RESOURCES 2022 - 6079 640.00KWA SAFETY & HAZMAT Check Total:MWAP-000979731,280.00 LUTHER PASSPUMPS 1002 - 6048 640.00L A PERKS PLUMBING & HEAT INC Check Total:MWAP-00097974640.00 SHOP SUPPLIESPUMPS 1002 - 6071 41.43LAKESIDE NAPA SMALL TOOLSPUMPS 1002 - 6073 28.65LAKESIDE NAPA SHOP SUPPLIESELECTRICAL SHOP 1003 - 6071 12.18LAKESIDE NAPA PRIMARY EQUIPHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6021 106.54LAKESIDE NAPA SHOP SUPPLIESHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6071 59.52LAKESIDE NAPA AUTOMOTIVEEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 6011 1,261.81LAKESIDE NAPA SHOP SUPPLIESEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 6071 34.41LAKESIDE NAPA TOOLBOXEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 7541 7,535.77LAKESIDE NAPA GROUNDS & MNTCWATER REUSE 1028 - 6042 77.69LAKESIDE NAPA PUMP STATIONSPUMPS 2002 - 6051 24.69LAKESIDE NAPA SHOP SUPPLIESPUMPS 2002 - 6071 41.43LAKESIDE NAPA DVD LN PMP2 RBLDPUMPS 2002 - 8843 7.52LAKESIDE NAPA SHOP SUPPLIESELECTRICAL SHOP 2003 - 6071 12.18LAKESIDE NAPA SMALL TOOLSELECTRICAL SHOP 2003 - 6073 51.68LAKESIDE NAPA AUTOMOTIVEEQUIPMENT REPAIR 2005 - 6011 1,035.52LAKESIDE NAPA SHOP SUPPLIESEQUIPMENT REPAIR 2005 - 6071 34.40LAKESIDE NAPA THERESA - Theresa Sherman BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:02/08/2018 Current Time: Page:6 10:21:07 User: Report:61 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num Check Total:MWAP-0009797510,365.42 TRAVEL/MEETINGSPUBLIC OUTREACH 1027 - 6200 60.20LEE, JEFF TRAVEL/MEETINGSPUBLIC OUTREACH 2027 - 6200 60.20LEE, JEFF Check Total:MWAP-00097976120.40 ELECTRICITYGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6330 91,096.86LIBERTY UTILITIES ST LIGHTING EXPGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6740 1,774.72LIBERTY UTILITIES ELECTRICITYGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 6330 18,890.66LIBERTY UTILITIES Check Total:MWAP-00097977111,762.24 AUTOMOTIVEEQUIPMENT REPAIR 2005 - 6011 47.50LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC Check Total:MWAP-0009797847.50 UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2002 79.42LUTZ, CHARLES UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 2002 79.42LUTZ, CHARLES Check Total:MWAP-00097979158.84 UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2002 131.70LYNN, DEBORAH UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 2002 93.55LYNN, DEBORAH Check Total:MWAP-00097980225.25 LUTHER PASSPUMPS 1002 - 6048 3,336.59MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMP STATIONSPUMPS 1002 - 6051 336.90MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO Check Total:MWAP-000979813,673.49 OFFICE SUPPLIESUNDERGROUND REP 1001 - 4820 8.70MEEKS BUILDING CENTER BUILDINGSPUMPS 1002 - 6041 245.95MEEKS BUILDING CENTER LUTHER PASSPUMPS 1002 - 6048 25.38MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMP STATIONSPUMPS 1002 - 6051 148.13MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SHOP SUPPLIESPUMPS 1002 - 6071 5.11MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SMALL TOOLSPUMPS 1002 - 6073 219.38MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SMALL TOOLSELECTRICAL SHOP 1003 - 6073 231.79MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SECONDARY EQUIPHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6022 49.00MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SHOP SUPPLIESHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6071 7.76MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SMALL TOOLSHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6073 29.67MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SMALL TOOLSEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 6073 81.89MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SMALL TOOLSWATER REUSE 1028 - 6073 11.29MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SHOP SUPPLIESENGINEERING 1029 - 6071 5.26MEEKS BUILDING CENTER THERESA - Theresa Sherman BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:02/08/2018 Current Time: Page:7 10:21:07 User: Report:62 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num DVR IRR IMPRVMNTENGINEERING - DVR IRRIG IMPRVS 1029 - 8161 - DVRIIP 23.09MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SHOP SUPPLIESPUMPS 2002 - 6071 5.11MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SMALL TOOLSPUMPS 2002 - 6073 131.27MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SMALL TOOLSELECTRICAL SHOP 2003 - 6073 231.79MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SMALL TOOLSEQUIPMENT REPAIR 2005 - 6073 81.89MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SHOP SUPPLIESENGINEERING 2029 - 6071 5.23MEEKS BUILDING CENTER Check Total:MWAP-000979821,547.69 OFFICE INVENTORYGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 0428 1,367.29METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIESUNDERGROUND REP 1001 - 4820 243.64METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS Check Total:MWAP-000979831,610.93 AUTOMOTIVEEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 6011 260.23MME MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE Check Total:MWAP-00097984260.23 UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2002 0.71NAGRA, RAJVINDER UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 2002 0.72NAGRA, RAJVINDER Check Total:MWAP-000979851.43 INFILTRTN/INFLOWUNDERGROUND REP 1001 - 6055 14.33NELS TAHOE HARDWARE SMALL TOOLSPUMPS 1002 - 6073 0.78NELS TAHOE HARDWARE SMALL TOOLSHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6073 40.92NELS TAHOE HARDWARE SMALL TOOLSPUMPS 2002 - 6073 0.77NELS TAHOE HARDWARE BUILDINGSHEAVY MAINTENANC 2004 - 6041 18.83NELS TAHOE HARDWARE Check Total:MWAP-0009798675.63 CONTRACT SERVICEWATER REUSE 1028 - 4405 1,485.22NEVADA DIVISION OF FORESTRY Check Total:MWAP-000979871,485.22 CONTRACT SERVICEENGINEERING - GRDWTR MODEL UPD 2029 - 4405 - 15W003 33,707.02NEVADA SYS HIGHER ED,Regents WELLSENGINEERING - SO Y GRNDWATER 2029 - 6050 - 15W009 18,801.80NEVADA SYS HIGHER ED,Regents Check Total:MWAP-0009798852,508.82 WTR CONS EXPENSECUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 2,565.00NEW RESOURCES GROUP INC Check Total:MWAP-000979892,565.00 HYPOCHLORITEOPERATIONS 1006 - 4755 3,310.79OLIN CORPORATION Check Total:MWAP-000979903,310.79 PUB RELATIONSPUBLIC OUTREACH - PR EXP-EXTERNAL 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 1,005.50OUTSIDE TELEVISION PUB RELATIONSPUBLIC OUTREACH - PR EXP-EXTERNAL 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 1,005.50OUTSIDE TELEVISION THERESA - Theresa Sherman BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:02/08/2018 Current Time: Page:8 10:21:07 User: Report:63 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num Check Total:MWAP-000979912,011.00 DIST.COMP SPPLISINFORMATION TECH 1037 - 4840 634.96PC MALL GOV INC OFFICE SUPPLIESFINANCE 1039 - 4820 1,208.95PC MALL GOV INC DIST.COMP SPPLISINFORMATION TECH 2037 - 4840 634.95PC MALL GOV INC OFFICE SUPPLIESFINANCE 2039 - 4820 1,208.96PC MALL GOV INC Check Total:MWAP-000979923,687.82 POLYMEROPERATIONS 1006 - 4720 5,576.06POLYDYNE INC Check Total:MWAP-000979935,576.06 MOBILE EQUIPHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6012 354.41PRAXAIR 174 SHOP SUPPLIESUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6071 124.67PRAXAIR 174 BUILDINGSHEAVY MAINTENANC 2004 - 6041 43.92PRAXAIR 174 Check Total:MWAP-00097994523.00 TRAVEL/MEETINGSUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6200 158.00PRIETO, ANTONIO Check Total:MWAP-00097995158.00 OFFICE SUPPLIESFINANCE 1039 - 4820 27.06PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS OFFICE SUPPLIESFINANCE 2039 - 4820 27.08PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS Check Total:MWAP-0009799654.14 TRAVEL/MEETINGSFINANCE 1039 - 6200 35.16RASMUSSEN, SUSAN TRAVEL/MEETINGSFINANCE 2039 - 6200 35.15RASMUSSEN, SUSAN Check Total:MWAP-0009799770.31 SAFETY/EQUIP/PHYPUMPS 1002 - 6075 111.52RED WING SHOE STORE SAFETY/EQUIP/PHYPUMPS 2002 - 6075 111.51RED WING SHOE STORE Check Total:MWAP-00097998223.03 MTRS PHS IVENGINEERING - METERS PHASE 4 2029 - 8859 - METER4 223.24REDWOOD PRINTING Check Total:MWAP-00097999223.24 LIFE INS UN/BDGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2512 1,622.16RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE INS MGMTGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2525 641.25RELIANCE STANDARD LNG TRM DIS,MGMTGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2531 1,456.52RELIANCE STANDARD LTD, UNIONGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2539 1,752.37RELIANCE STANDARD Check Total:MWAP-000980005,472.30 AUTOMOTIVEEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 6011 2,182.70RENNER EQUIPMENT CO THERESA - Theresa Sherman BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:02/08/2018 Current Time: Page:9 10:21:07 User: Report:64 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num Check Total:MWAP-000980012,182.70 WTR CONS EXPENSECUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 810.00RHA RICHARD HEATH &ASSOC INC Check Total:MWAP-00098002810.00 DUES/MEMB/CERTOPERATIONS 1006 - 6250 60.00RUIZ, JOSE Check Total:MWAP-0009800360.00 REPL ERP SYSTEMFINANCE - ERP REPL PROJECT 1039 - 8769 - ERPREP 7,128.37RUTHERFORD, TIM Check Total:MWAP-000980047,128.37 TRAVEL/MEETINGSENGINEERING 1029 - 6200 64.50RYAN, JULIE TRAVEL/MEETINGSENGINEERING 2029 - 6200 64.50RYAN, JULIE Check Total:MWAP-00098005129.00 UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2002 126.41SANDER, JENNIFER B UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 2002 143.56SANDER, JENNIFER B Check Total:MWAP-00098006269.97 MISC INCOMEGEN & ADMIN - T&M UB CASH BRD 2000 - 3540 - TMCBUB 3,179.91SCHWEITZER, WALTER Check Total:MWAP-000980073,179.91 SHOP SUPPLIESEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 6071 4.35SCOTTYS HARDWARE GROUNDS & MNTCWATER REUSE 1028 - 6042 12.87SCOTTYS HARDWARE WELLSPUMPS 2002 - 6050 53.86SCOTTYS HARDWARE SHOP SUPPLIESEQUIPMENT REPAIR 2005 - 6071 4.35SCOTTYS HARDWARE Check Total:MWAP-0009800875.43 DUES/MEMB/CERTOPERATIONS 1006 - 6250 110.00SHERIDAN, JOHN Check Total:MWAP-00098009110.00 BUILDINGSHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6041 63.96SHIELDS HARPER & CO INC BUILDINGSHEAVY MAINTENANC 2004 - 6041 51.72SHIELDS HARPER & CO INC Check Total:MWAP-00098010115.68 ADS/LGL NOTICESHUMAN RESOURCES 1022 - 4930 831.34SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP ADS/LGL NOTICESHUMAN RESOURCES 2022 - 4930 831.34SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP MTRS PHS IVENGINEERING - METERS PHASE 4 2029 - 8859 - METER4 342.26SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP Check Total:MWAP-000980112,004.94 SUPPLIESPUMPS 1002 - 6520 17.81SIERRA SPRINGS SUPPLIESWATER REUSE 1028 - 6520 17.81SIERRA SPRINGS THERESA - Theresa Sherman BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:02/08/2018 Current Time: Page:10 10:21:07 User: Report:65 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num SUPPLIESCUSTOMER SERVICE 1038 - 6520 9.17SIERRA SPRINGS SUPPLIESCUSTOMER SERVICE 2038 - 6520 9.18SIERRA SPRINGS Check Total:MWAP-0009801253.97 UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2002 10.06SILVA, EDWARD Check Total:MWAP-0009801310.06 TRAVEL/MEETINGSINFORMATION TECH 1037 - 6200 10.00SKELLY, CHRIS TRAVEL/MEETINGSINFORMATION TECH 2037 - 6200 10.00SKELLY, CHRIS Check Total:MWAP-0009801420.00 PUB RELATIONSPUBLIC OUTREACH - PR EXP-EXTERNAL 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 49.00SOUNDPROS INC PUB RELATIONSPUBLIC OUTREACH - PR EXP-EXTERNAL 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 49.00SOUNDPROS INC Check Total:MWAP-0009801598.00 REFUSE DISPOSALGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6370 2,370.69SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE REFUSE DISPOSALGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 6370 267.12SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE Check Total:MWAP-000980162,637.81 NATURAL GASGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6350 10,693.30SOUTHWEST GAS NATURAL GASGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 6350 2,335.70SOUTHWEST GAS Check Total:MWAP-0009801713,029.00 SAFETY/EQUIP/PHYOPERATIONS 1006 - 6075 194.99STEEL-TOE-SHOES.COM Check Total:MWAP-00098018194.99 UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2002 119.13SWIDERSKI, CONSTANCE UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 2002 147.77SWIDERSKI, CONSTANCE Check Total:MWAP-00098019266.90 DUES/MEMB/CERTPUMPS 2002 - 6250 90.00SWRCB Check Total:MWAP-0009802090.00 REFUSE DISPOSALGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6370 292.50TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE SLUDGE DISPOSALOPERATIONS 1006 - 6652 14,596.56TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE Check Total:MWAP-0009802114,889.06 PRIMARY EQUIPELECTRICAL SHOP 1003 - 6021 16.68TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY SUPPLIESCUSTOMER SERVICE 2038 - 6520 32.80TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY Check Total:MWAP-0009802249.48 UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2002 41.17TEGET, BRUCE THERESA - Theresa Sherman BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:02/08/2018 Current Time: Page:11 10:21:07 User: Report:66 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 2002 41.18TEGET, BRUCE Check Total:MWAP-0009802382.35 MISC LIAB CLAIMSCUSTOMER SERVICE 2038 - 4520 80.00TETLOW, SOPHIA Check Total:MWAP-0009802480.00 CONST RETAINAGEGEN & ADMIN - LPPS PWR/CTRLS 1000 - 2605 - LPPOWR -4,412.90THOMAS HAEN CO INC LPPS PWR/CTR UPGENGINEERING - LPPS PWR/CTRLS 1029 - 8330 - LPPOWR 17,891.26THOMAS HAEN CO INC Check Total:MWAP-0009802513,478.36 CONST RETAINAGEGEN & ADMIN - LPPS PWR/CTRLS 1000 - 2605 - LPPOWR 217,820.72THOMAS HAEN CO INC LPPS PWR/CTR UPGENGINEERING - LPPS PWR/CTRLS 1029 - 8330 - LPPOWR 70,366.67THOMAS HAEN CO INC Check Total:MWAP-00098026288,187.39 BUILDINGSHEAVY MAINTENANC 2004 - 6041 248.00THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR Check Total:MWAP-00098027248.00 RPR/MNTC WTR TKSELECTRICAL SHOP 2003 - 6054 2,385.48TRANSCAT Check Total:MWAP-000980282,385.48 BUILDINGSHEAVY MAINTENANC 2004 - 6041 592.00TRI SIGNAL INTEGRATION INC Check Total:MWAP-00098029592.00 REPL ERP SYSTEMFINANCE - ERP REPL PROJECT 1039 - 8769 - ERPREP 5,583.90TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC Check Total:MWAP-000980305,583.90 SAFETY PROGRAMSHUMAN RESOURCES 1022 - 6079 2,850.00UNITED RENTALS INC SAFETY PROGRAMSHUMAN RESOURCES 2022 - 6079 2,850.00UNITED RENTALS INC Check Total:MWAP-000980315,700.00 LAB SUPPLIESOPERATIONS 1006 - 4760 105.09USA BLUE BOOK HDWKS EQ/BLDGOPERATIONS 1006 - 6020 1,077.50USA BLUE BOOK BIOSOL EQUP/BLDGOPERATIONS 1006 - 6653 978.29USA BLUE BOOK Check Total:MWAP-000980322,160.88 TRAVEL/MEETINGSBOARD OF DIR 1019 - 6200 327.61VOGELGESANG, RANDY Check Total:MWAP-00098033327.61 JANIT/SUPPLY INVGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 0422 550.38WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY OFFICE INVENTORYGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 0428 260.93WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY Check Total:MWAP-00098034811.31 SHOP SUPPLIESELECTRICAL SHOP 1003 - 6071 2.36WEDCO INC THERESA - Theresa Sherman BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:02/08/2018 Current Time: Page:12 10:21:07 User: Report:67 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num FLL VVS #3ENGINEERING - FLL VVS #3 1029 - 7036 - FLVVS3 316.19WEDCO INC SHOP SUPPLIESELECTRICAL SHOP 2003 - 6071 2.35WEDCO INC SUPPLIESCUSTOMER SERVICE - AMI WARRANTY WRK 2038 - 6520 - AMIWTY 650.45WEDCO INC Check Total:MWAP-00098035971.35 DVR IRR IMPRVMNTENGINEERING - DVR IRRIG IMPRVS 1029 - 8161 - DVRIIP 78.66WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY SADDLES FTNG INVGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 0407 812.54WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY PIPE/CVRS/MHLSUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6052 750.80WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY SMALL TOOLSPUMPS 2002 - 6073 475.99WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY BUILDINGSHEAVY MAINTENANC 2004 - 6041 490.86WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY Check Total:MWAP-000980362,608.85 LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 1007 - 4760 557.84YSI INCORPORATED LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 2007 - 4760 557.84YSI INCORPORATED Check Total:MWAP-000980371,115.68 940,233.50Grand Total: THERESA - Theresa Sherman BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:02/08/2018 Current Time: Page:13 10:21:07 User: Report:68 69 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 13a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Tim Bledsoe, Manager of Customer Service MEETING DATE: February 15, 2018 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct Staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: El Dorado County Superior Court Case SC20170130, Gregory Stevenson vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District. SCHEDULE: COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 70 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 13b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: February 15, 2018 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: ______________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 71 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 13c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: February 15, 2018 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CV06-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: ______________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 72