HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistrict Board Agenda Packet November 16, 2017 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, November 16, 2017 - 2:00 p.m. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbrig, General Manager Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Duane Wallace, Director 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING – PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (At this time, please silence phones and other electronic devices so as not to disrupt the business of the meeting.) 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on any short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No discussion or action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda, per the Brown Act. Each member of the public who wishes to comment shall be allotted five minutes, and no more than three individuals shall address the same subject.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes of the Brown Act, all Action and Consent items listed give a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed. Recommendations of the staff, as shown, do not prevent the Board from taking other action.) 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request. Comments and questions from members of the public, staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION / ACTION 6. PRESENTATION Mann, Urrutia, Nelson, CPAs & Associates, LLP – 2017 Fiscal Year Financial Statement Audit 7. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Luther Pass Pump Station 700 Horsepower (hp) Pump Replacement (Julie Ryan, Principal Engineer) Award Bid to Flowserve, in the amount $401,726.20 b. Alpine County Annual Impact/Mitigation/Compensation (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Authorize payment of the District’s Annual Mitigation Fee to Alpine County in the amount of $114,600. c. Approve Payment of Claims (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $1,192,172.34 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA – November 16, 2017 PAGE – 2 8. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 10. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT 11. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT (Discussion may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 12. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. Water Conservation Program Update (Shelly Thomsen, Water Conservation Specialist) 13. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS Past Meetings/Events 11/02/17 - 2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District 11/08/17 - 10:00 a.m. El Dorado County Water Agency Meeting in Placerville 11/10/17 - Veterans Holiday District Offices Closed 11/13/17 - 3:30 p.m. Operations Committee Meeting at the District 11/15/17 - 8:00 a.m. Employee Communications Committee Meeting at the District (Vogelgesang) Future Meetings/Events 11/23/17 and 11/24/17 – Thanksgiving Holiday District Offices Closed 12/07/17 - 2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District 14. CLOSED SESSION (The Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss items identified below. Closed Session is not open to the public; however, an opportunity will be provided at this time if members of the public would like to comment on any item listed – three minute limit.) a. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: El Dorado County Superior Court Case SC20170130, Gregory Stevenson vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District. ADJOURNMENT (The next Regular Board Meeting is Thursday, December 7, 2017, at 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete Agenda packet is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after Minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on the Agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified, but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the Agenda will be taken at the same time the Agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written materials presented at the meeting. Comments on items not on the Agenda can be heard during “Comments from the Audience;” however, action cannot be taken on items not on the Agenda. Backup materials relating to an open session item on this Agenda, which are not included with the Board packet, will be made available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed or made available to the Board, and can be viewed at the District office, at the Board meeting and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District’s public meetings. If particular accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530) 544-6474, extension 6203. All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA – November 16, 2017 PAGE – 3 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CONSENT CALENDAR November 16, 2017 ITEMS a. DENTAL PLAN DOCUMENT UPDATE (Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director) Approve changes to the Dental Plan Document, Rollover Provision. b. DENTAL RENEWAL – THIRD PARTY ADMINISTRATOR FEE (Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director) Approve renewal of Dental Plan Administration with CDS Group Health, with a rate increase to $5.78 per employee, per month. c. ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES 2018 DUES (Richard Solbrig, General Manager) Authorize 2018 Association of California Water Agencies Membership Dues Renewal in the amount of $23,800. d. CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF SANITATION AGENCIES 2018 DUES (Richard Solbrig, General Manager) Authorize 2018 California Association of Sanitation Agencies Membership Dues Renewal in the amount of $16,068. e. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: November 2, 2017 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Approve November 2, 2017, Minutes BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Nancy A. Hussmann, Human Resources Director MEETING DATE: November 16, 2017 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Dental Plan Document Update REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve changes to the Dental Plan Document, Rollover Provision. DISCUSSION: In 2014, the District added a provision to the Dental Plan whereby a “bank” of funds up to $2,000 maximum may be accumulated during Plan years when a participant has experienced less than $1,000 in dental claims. Now that this provision has been in effective for a few years, there is a need to clarify the Plan Document language based on questions received during the past three-year period. This clarification states that any preventative services, or services in satisfying the Wellness Requirements, do not count toward the $1,000 claims threshold to receive the annual rollover “bank” amount. SCHEDULE: November 17, 2017: Notify CDS Group Health and all Employees COSTS: No cost impact ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Redline Version Excerpt from Dental Plan Document _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 1 2 3 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Nancy A. Hussmann, Human Resources Director MEETING DATE: November 16, 2017 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Dental Renewal – Third Party Administrator Fee REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve renewal of Dental Plan Administration with CDS Group Health, with a rate increase to $5.78 per employee, per month. DISCUSSION: Each year, our consultant with BB&H Benefit Designs reviews our claims experience and provides recommendations for all aspects of the District’s Self-Insured Dental Plan. This year, with all factors being considered, there was a less than 1% increase in the recommended Dental Funding Level ($142.26) and COBRA rates ($54.14; $108.30; $184.10). One item requiring approval is the Third Party Administrator fees charged by CDS Group Health to administer the Dental Plan. They are proposing a 5% increase to the rates – to $5.78 per employee, per month. This fee has not increased since 2015. Staff concurs with the recommendations of BB&H Benefit Designs, Inc., in maintaining the same level of funding and COBRA rates as 2017, and in accepting the proposed 5% increase in Third Party Administrator fees with CDS Group Health. SHEDULE: November 17, 2017, Notify BB&H Benefit Designs of CDS Group Health Rate COSTS: $198,025.92 Annual ACCOUNT NO: Multiple BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: None _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 4 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: November 16, 2017 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Association of California Water Agencies 2018 Dues REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize Association of California Water Agencies 2018 Membership Dues Renewal in the amount of $23,800. DISCUSSION: For more than 20 years the District has been an active member of the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA). ACWA represents more than 450 water agencies statewide who collectively deliver more than 90% of the water in California. The District is represented on regional issues (Region 3 Board of Directors), federal legislative advocacy efforts (Federal Affairs Committee), ACWA financing (Finance Committee) and groundwater issues (Groundwater Committee). SCHEDULE: 2018 Dues COSTS: $23,800 ACCOUNT NO: 2019-6250 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $34,600 ATTACHMENTS: None _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: November 16, 2017 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: California Association of Sanitation Agencies 2018 Dues REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize 2018 California Association of Sanitation Agencies Membership Dues Renewal in the amount of $16,068. DISCUSSION: California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) is recognized as the leading California voice on water quality and related environmental policy issues. Membership provides leadership, education, and up-to-date information. CASA also promotes the essential role of wastewater agencies in the provision of renewable resources and legislative advocacy for sound clean water laws and regulations. The 2018 dues are the same as last year. SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: $16,068 ACCOUNT NO: 1019-6250 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $30,000 ATTACHMENTS: None _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 6 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Richard Solbrig, General Manager Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT November 2, 2017 MINUTES The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in a regular session, 2:00 p.m., at the District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Board of Directors: Vice President Sheehan, Directors Cefalu, Jones, Sheehan, Wallace Absent: President Vogelgesang Staff: Paul Hughes, Richard Solbrig, Gary Kvistad, Melonie Guttry, Chris Stanley, Bren Hoyle, Nancy Hussmann, John Thiel, IV Jones, Doug VanGorden, Stephen Caswell, Brent Goligoski, Debbie Henderson, Jim Kelly, Cliff Bartlett, Tiffany Racz, Linda Brown CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR: None CONSENT CALENDAR: Moved Wallace/Second Cefalu/Vogelgesang Absent/Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes/Sheehan Yes/Wallace Yes to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. a. CALPERS REQUIRED PAY LISTING BY POSITION (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Adopted Resolution No. 3071-17 which incorporates the Pay Listing by Position for the pay listing effective October 17, 2017. b. PURCHASE OF 14 FOOT BOX/SERVICE TRUCK (Cliff Bartlett, Fleet Supervisor) 1) Found bid from Towne Ford Sales to be the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder and; 2) Awarded bid to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, Towne Ford Sales, in the amount of $58,518.75. c. FINANCING FOR THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EMERGENCY GENERATOR (Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer) Authorized the Chief Financial Officer to execute an engagement letter with Bartle Wells Associates in an amount not to exceed $20,000. 7 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES – November 2, 2017 PAGE – 2 d. CONSULTANT FOR TOTAL COMPENSATION STUDY (Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director) Authorized staff to sign Master Agreement and Task Order No.1 for Ralph Andersen and Ass ociates to conduct a Total Compensation Study for South Tahoe Public Utility District in the amount of $31,315. e. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: October 19, 2017 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Approved October 19, 2017, Minutes ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Wastewater Treatment Plant Emergency Generator Replacement Project (Stephen Caswell, Senior Engineer) – Staff provided an overview of the project. Moved Wallace/Second Cefalu/Vogelgesang Absent/Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes/Sheehan Yes/Wallace Yes to approve staff’s recommended list of pre-qualified system integrators for bidding on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Emergency Generator Replacement Project. b. Collection System Flow Monitoring (Julie Ryan, Principal Engineer and Brent Goligoski, Asset Management Analyst) – Staff provided an overview of the project and provided averages for infiltration and inflow over the past three years. Moved Cefalu/Second Wallace/Vogelgesang Absent/Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes/ Sheehan Yes/Wallace Yes to 1) Find that ADS provides the only known product line that will perform the necessary intended functions; 2) Waive bidding procedures, as outlined in the District’s Purchasing Policy as is allowed by Finding 4 for special circumstances, competitive proposals would not be useful, would not produce an advantage or would be undesirable, impractical, or impossible; and, 3) Authorize staff to procure equipment for the proposed flow monitoring program for a cost not to exceed $186,000. c. Al Tahoe Manhole AT1 Emergency Repair (Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager) – Staff provided an overview of the completion of this project. Staff is still compiling costs on the completion of this project, which will be brought back to the Board at a future meeting. Moved Cefalu/Second Wallace/Vogelgesang Absent/Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes/ Sheehan Yes/Wallace Yes to terminate emergency action to repair Al Tahoe Manhole AT1 to install a polymer concrete manhole insert system pursuant to Resolution No. 3070-17. d. Purchase Sewer Camera Truck Package (Chris Stanley, Manager of Field Operations) – Staff provided an overview of the camera truck currently in use and the proposed truck from Jack Doheny Companies. Moved Jones/Second Wallace/Vogelgesang Absent/Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes/Sheehan Yes/Wallace Yes to 1) Waive bidding procedures, as outlined in the District’s Purchasing Policy as is allowed by Finding 4 for special circumstances, competitive proposals would not be useful, would not produce an advantage or would be undesirable, impractical, or impossible; 2) Authorize staff to execute a contract with Jack Doheny Companies in the amount of $252,800, plus tax of $19,592, for purchase of a used Demonstration IBAK Camera System in a 2015 Chevy 8 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES – November 2, 2017 PAGE – 3 4500 chassis for a total of $272,392; and, 3) Authorize staff to purchase compatible software in an amount not to exceed $35,000. e. Approve Payment of Claims (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Moved Cefalu/Second Wallace/Vogelgesang Absent/Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes/Sheehan Yes/Wallace Yes to approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $2,057,237. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS: Richard Solbrig reported dates have been proposed to the City for ad-hoc committee meetings through December. Director Wallace reported the City would like to continue meeting on a monthly basis. He further reported the committee discussed affordable housing and Snow Globe security for the District at the October 13 meeting. Richard Solbrig reported he received an invitation from the Board of Realtors Association to participate in their affordable housing meetings. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Nothing to report EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT: Vice President Sheehan reported the next meeting is November 8 and she and Richard Solbrig will attend. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT: Richard Solbrig reported on several items: • Richard Solbrig and staff attended a meeting with Tahoe City Public Utility District, North Tahoe Public Utility District and Conservation Strategy Group on November 1 to discuss Senate Bill 5, as well as funding that may be available through state revolving fund loans, groundwater contamination and pre-disaster funding. • The Water Conservation Department is converting landscaping in front of the District building with water efficient landscape including signage to create a demonstration for visitors. These improvements should reduce water usage and maintenance. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS: Staff provided an update on the Fallen Leaf Lake Vacuum Station #3. ADJOURNMENT: 2:53 p.m. _______________________________________ Kelly Sheehan, Board Vice President South Tahoe Public Utility District ________________________________________ Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District 9 Julie Ryan November 16, 2017 Page 2 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 7a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Julie Ryan, Principal Engineer MEETING DATE: November 16, 2017 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Luther Pass Pump Station 700 Horsepower (hp) Pump Replacement REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award Bid to Flowserve in the amount $401,726.20. DISCUSSION: On August 3, 2017, the Board authorized staff to advertise for the procurement of one 700 hp horizontal split case centrifugal pump for installation at Luther Pass Pump Station. Staff sent invitations to bid to two plan rooms and eight potential bidders. In August, four potential bidders attended a mandatory site visit. However, only two firms submitted the required documentation for pre-authorization of the pump prior to bidding. After review of the pre-authorization packets by staff, only one of the proposed pumps was found to meet the specified requirements: the DVMX model offered by Flowserve (which is identical to the existing 700 hp Byron-Jackson pumps at the station). Bids were opened on November 8, 2017, at 11 am. One bid was received from Flowserve in the amount $401,726.20. The Engineer’s Estimate for procurement, including appurtenances, installation and testing is $400,000. A summary of the bid results is attached. While only one bid was received, staff feels that this price is competitive because it is in line with the Engineer’s Estimate. Additionally, in 2015, the District purchased from Flowserve the procurement and installation of a new 1,000 hp pump casing for approximately $287,000. For that installation, the District provided to Flowserve the rotary element, valued at approximately $100,000 installed. With award of this bid, staff expects that the new pump can be released for production prior to the end of December 2017. In its bid, Flowserve committed to a 252 calendar- day lead time for delivery of the pump after release. As such, the new pump is expected to be operational in September 2018. General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 10 Julie Ryan November 16, 2017 Page 2 SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $401,726.20 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-7041 LUT700 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: Unbudgeted – Funded from Capital Reserves ATTACHMENTS: Bid Summary _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO 11 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BID RESULTS BID # 17-18-11 FOR LPPS 700 HP Pump OPENED November 8, 2017 Flowserve Corp $ 401,726.20 252 day delivery after bidder receipt of District approved submittal 12 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 7b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager MEETING DATE: November 19, 2017 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Alpine County Annual Impact/Mitigation/Compensation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize payment of the District’s Annual Mitigation Fee to Alpine County in the amount of $114,600. DISCUSSION: The Second Amendment to the Agreement between the District and the County of Alpine, dated June 2, 1983, provides for an annual payment to compensate for and mitigate the impacts of Harvey Place Dam Project. The current year obligation is $114,600. This represents the $113,900 paid in Fiscal Year 2016/17 increased by the percentage increase in the District’s sewer system connections from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017. SCHEDULE: Amount due is indicated on this meeting’s Payment of Claims COSTS: $114,600 ACCOUNT NO: 1028-6650 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $146,946 ATTACHMENTS: Alpine County Mitigation Fee Report _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 13 14 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Payroll 11/7/17 490,424.74 Total Payroll 490,424.74 ADP & Insight eTools 505.24 AFLAC/WageWorks claims and fees 1,887.60 BBVA Compass Bank 0.00 BHFS legal services 0.00 Cal Bank & Trust Fiscal Agent Fees 0.00 State Water Resources Control Board SRF debt service 0.00 Total Vendor EFT 2,392.84 Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund 545,309.20 Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund 154,045.56 Total Accounts Payable 699,354.76 Grand Total 1,192,172.34 Payroll EFTs & Checks 11/07/17 mdy EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 20,579.24 0.00 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 108,008.32 0.00 EFT CalPERS Contributions 67,353.41 0.00 EFT Empower Retirement-Deferred Comp 18,486.98 0.00 EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,705.35 0.00 EFT CDHP Health Savings (HSA)3,992.48 0.00 EFT Retirement Health Savings 14,326.70 0.00 EFT United Way Contributions 181.00 0.00 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 251,725.42 0.00 CHK Employee Garnishments 1,104.45 0.00 CHK Employee Paychecks 1,961.39 0.00 Total 490,424.74 FOR APPROVAL November 16, 2017 15 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num SHOP SUPPLIESHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6071 25.82A-L SIERRA WELDING PRODUCTS LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 1007 - 4760 44.00A-L SIERRA WELDING PRODUCTS LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 2007 - 4760 44.00A-L SIERRA WELDING PRODUCTS Check Total:MWAP-00097222113.82 ACWA MED INS PAYGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2514 235,571.75ACWA/JPIA VISION INSGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2530 2,862.86ACWA/JPIA Check Total:MWAP-00097223238,434.61 EQUIP RENT/LEASEWATER REUSE 1028 - 5020 59.44AHERN RENTALS GROUNDS & MNTCWATER REUSE 1028 - 6042 22.33AHERN RENTALS TKEYS SLIPLININGENGINEERING - TK SWRLN SLIPLIN 1029 - 7034 - TKSLIP 1,616.25AHERN RENTALS FLL VVS #3ENGINEERING - FLL VVS #3 1029 - 7036 - FLVVS3 5,362.45AHERN RENTALS AMI SFTWR/HDWEENGINEERING - AMI SFTWR/HDWE 2029 - 7028 - 16W004 1,944.51AHERN RENTALS Check Total:MWAP-000972249,004.98 SHOP SUPP INVGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 0421 213.06AIRGAS USA LLC JANIT/SUPPLY INVGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 0422 207.01AIRGAS USA LLC INV/FRT/DISCOUNTFINANCE 1039 - 6077 19.93AIRGAS USA LLC Check Total:MWAP-00097225440.00 OFC SUPPLY ISSUEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6081 262.50ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE Check Total:MWAP-00097226262.50 REGLTRY OP PRMTSWATER REUSE 1028 - 6650 114,600.00ALPINE COUNTY ADMIN OFFICE Check Total:MWAP-00097227114,600.00 GROUNDS & MNTCHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6042 3,685.91ALPINE SMITH INC Check Total:MWAP-000972283,685.91 TRAVEL/MEETINGSINFORMATION TECH 1037 - 6200 74.94ALSBURY, MARY TRAVEL/MEETINGSINFORMATION TECH 2037 - 6200 74.94ALSBURY, MARY Check Total:MWAP-00097229149.88 TRAVEL/MEETINGSLABORATORY 1007 - 6200 88.00AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY TRAVEL/MEETINGSLABORATORY 2007 - 6200 88.00AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Check Total:MWAP-00097230176.00 UNIFORM PAYABLEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2518 1,175.92AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES Check Total:MWAP-000972311,175.92 KGARON - Kim Garon BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:11/09/2017 Current Time: Page:1 14:26:21 User: Report:16 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num AT MNHL-1 REHABENGINEERING - AT MNHL1 REHAB 1029 - 7037 - AT1MAN 12,458.76ARMOROCK LLC Check Total:MWAP-0009723212,458.76 TELEPHONEPUMPS 1002 - 6310 69.42AT&T Check Total:MWAP-0009723369.42 TELEPHONEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6310 647.98AT&T TELEPHONEGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 6310 647.97AT&T Check Total:MWAP-000972341,295.95 TELEPHONEUNDERGROUND REP 1001 - 6310 234.03AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEPUMPS 1002 - 6310 111.50AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEELECTRICAL SHOP 1003 - 6310 5.34AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEENGINEERING 1029 - 6310 155.82AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEINFORMATION TECH 1037 - 6310 53.01AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONECUSTOMER SERVICE 1038 - 6310 213.33AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6310 192.83AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEPUMPS 2002 - 6310 111.50AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEELECTRICAL SHOP 2003 - 6310 5.34AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEENGINEERING 2029 - 6310 158.04AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONEINFORMATION TECH 2037 - 6310 53.00AT&T MOBILITY TELEPHONECUSTOMER SERVICE 2038 - 6310 213.32AT&T MOBILITY Check Total:MWAP-000972351,507.06 TELEPHONEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6310 741.55AT&T/CALNET 3 SIGNAL CHARGESGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6320 33.16AT&T/CALNET 3 TELEPHONEPUMPS 1002 - 6310 20.80AT&T/CALNET 3 TELEPHONEGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 6310 741.54AT&T/CALNET 3 Check Total:MWAP-000972361,537.05 EXPORT/FRCE MAINHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6047 657.28AXELSON IRON SHOP Check Total:MWAP-00097237657.28 SLUDGE DISPOSALOPERATIONS 1006 - 6652 4,723.74BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS Check Total:MWAP-000972384,723.74 TRAVEL/MEETINGSENGINEERING 2029 - 6200 172.00BERGSOHN, IVO Check Total:MWAP-00097239172.00 PROPANEWATER REUSE 1028 - 6360 368.41BI STATE PROPANE KGARON - Kim Garon BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:11/09/2017 Current Time: Page:2 14:26:21 User: Report:17 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num Check Total:MWAP-00097240368.41 PIPE/CVRS/MHLSUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6052 1,610.94BING MATERIALS Check Total:MWAP-000972411,610.94 CONTRACT SERVICEENGINEERING 1029 - 4405 85.55BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL PC1 REHABENGINEERING - PR CLARIF 1 RHB 1029 - 7023 - PC1RHB 30.17BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL AB2 REHABENGINEERING - AERATION BASIN 2 1029 - 7024 - AB2RHB 30.17BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL DVR IRR IMPRVMNTENGINEERING - DVR IRRIG IMPRVS 1029 - 8161 - DVRIIP 30.17BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL LPPS PWR/CTR UPGENGINEERING - LPPS PWR/CTRLS 1029 - 8330 - LPPOWR 30.17BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL REP TR PLT GENENGINEERING - TR PLT GENERATOR 1029 - 8629 - 13S019 422.38BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CONTRACT SERVICEINFORMATION TECH 1037 - 4405 821.10BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CONTRACT SERVICEFINANCE 1039 - 4405 278.01BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CONTRACT SERVICEENGINEERING 2029 - 4405 85.55BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL WTRLN, PONDEROSAENGINEERING - WTRLN PONDEROSA 2029 - 7019 - 15W010 1,082.21BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL METERS PH 3ENGINEERING - 2017 METERS PH3 2029 - 8760 - 16W003 4,371.61BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CONTRACT SERVICEINFORMATION TECH 2037 - 4405 821.10BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL WTR CONS EXPENSECUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 1,689.55BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CONTRACT SERVICEFINANCE 2039 - 4405 308.17BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL Check Total:MWAP-0009724210,085.91 STAFF DEVELOPMENHUMAN RESOURCES 1022 - 6225 1,436.41BRIDGEWATER GROUP LLC STAFF DEVELOPMENHUMAN RESOURCES 2022 - 6225 1,436.42BRIDGEWATER GROUP LLC Check Total:MWAP-000972432,872.83 MISC INCOMEGEN & ADMIN - T&M UB CASH BRD 2000 - 3540 - TMCBUB 1,891.73BROSNAN, JOHN Check Total:MWAP-000972441,891.73 MONITORINGLABORATORY 1007 - 6110 17.50BSK ASSOCIATES MONITORINGLABORATORY 2007 - 6110 17.50BSK ASSOCIATES Check Total:MWAP-0009724535.00 NTWK EQUP/IMPINFORMATION TECH 2037 - 8820 9,257.02CADENCE TEAM LLC Check Total:MWAP-000972469,257.02 TRAVEL/MEETINGSENGINEERING 1029 - 6200 85.88CASWELL, STEPHEN TRAVEL/MEETINGSENGINEERING 2029 - 6200 85.86CASWELL, STEPHEN Check Total:MWAP-00097247171.74 SUBSCRIPTIONSFINANCE 1039 - 4830 442.45CCH INC KGARON - Kim Garon BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:11/09/2017 Current Time: Page:3 14:26:21 User: Report:18 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num SUBSCRIPTIONSFINANCE 2039 - 4830 442.44CCH INC Check Total:MWAP-00097248884.89 DENTAL SLF INSGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2536 671.00CDS GROUP HEALTH Check Total:MWAP-00097249671.00 NTWK EQUP/IMPINFORMATION TECH 2037 - 8820 499.29CDW-G CORP BKUP PWR WT REUSINFORMATION TECH 2037 - 8829 2,684.26CDW-G CORP Check Total:MWAP-000972503,183.55 SAFETY/EQUIP/PHYGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6075 368.68CINTAS CORP Check Total:MWAP-00097251368.68 PIPE/CVRS/MHLSUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6052 36,639.00CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE Check Total:MWAP-0009725236,639.00 CONTRACT SERVICEPUBLIC OUTREACH - PR EXP-GOVT'L 2027 - 4405 - PREGOV 1,000.00CONSERVATION STRATEGY Check Total:MWAP-000972531,000.00 SUSPENSEENGINEERING 1029 - 2504 100.00CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENG INC SUSPENSEENGINEERING 2029 - 2504 100.00CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENG INC Check Total:MWAP-00097254200.00 TRAVEL/MEETINGSENGINEERING 2029 - 6200 171.00COTULLA, SHANNON Check Total:MWAP-00097255171.00 LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 1007 - 4760 687.72CPI INTERNATIONAL LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 2007 - 4760 687.72CPI INTERNATIONAL Check Total:MWAP-000972561,375.44 OTHER SUPPLIESLABORATORY 1007 - 4790 107.50DEPT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES OTHER SUPPLIESLABORATORY 2007 - 4790 107.50DEPT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES Check Total:MWAP-00097257215.00 SHOP SUPPLIESUNDERGROUND REP 1001 - 6071 12.60DIY HOME CENTER BUILDINGSELECTRICAL SHOP 1003 - 6041 62.46DIY HOME CENTER BUILDINGSHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6041 18.39DIY HOME CENTER SHOP SUPPLIESHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6071 15.51DIY HOME CENTER SMALL TOOLSUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6073 32.90DIY HOME CENTER Check Total:MWAP-00097258141.86 UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2002 247.77DOBYNS, TARA KGARON - Kim Garon BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:11/09/2017 Current Time: Page:4 14:26:21 User: Report:19 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 2002 242.97DOBYNS, TARA Check Total:MWAP-00097259490.74 GROUNDS & MNTCPUMPS 2002 - 6042 840.00ED COOK TREE SERVICE Check Total:MWAP-00097260840.00 REP VFD SK RN PSELECTRICAL SHOP 1003 - 8854 103.88ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CO INC Check Total:MWAP-00097261103.88 MONITORINGLABORATORY 1007 - 6110 1,000.00EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL INC MONITORINGLABORATORY - SO Y GRNDWATER 2007 - 6110 - 15W009 110.00EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL INC MONITORINGLABORATORY - ARHD3 TRTMT EXP 2007 - 6110 - AH3EXP 40.00EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL INC Check Total:MWAP-000972621,150.00 LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 1007 - 4760 40.49EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 2007 - 4760 40.50EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC Check Total:MWAP-0009726380.99 REP TR PLT GENENGINEERING - TR PLT GENERATOR 1029 - 8629 - 13S019 11.15FEDEX POSTAGE EXPENSESLABORATORY - ARHD3 TRTMT EXP 2007 - 4810 - AH3EXP 13.78FEDEX POSTAGE EXPENSESLABORATORY 2007 - 4810 30.63FEDEX Check Total:MWAP-0009726455.56 BUILDINGSHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6041 161.55FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC WATER METERS/PARCUSTOMER SERVICE 2038 - 6045 448.68FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC Check Total:MWAP-00097265610.23 GASOLINE INVGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 0415 6,282.77FLYERS ENERGY LLC DIESEL INVENTORYGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 0416 3,179.30FLYERS ENERGY LLC OIL & LUBEPUMPS 1002 - 4630 359.61FLYERS ENERGY LLC OIL & LUBEPUMPS 2002 - 4630 359.60FLYERS ENERGY LLC Check Total:MWAP-0009726610,181.28 OFFICE SUPPLIESWATER REUSE 1028 - 4820 31.34FORESTRY SUPPLIERS INC GROUNDS & MNTCWATER REUSE 1028 - 6042 154.79FORESTRY SUPPLIERS INC SAFETY/EQUIP/PHYWATER REUSE 1028 - 6075 453.70FORESTRY SUPPLIERS INC Check Total:MWAP-00097267639.83 TRAVEL/MEETINGSCUSTOMER SERVICE 1038 - 6200 185.83FRANCO, ERIKA TRAVEL/MEETINGSCUSTOMER SERVICE 2038 - 6200 185.83FRANCO, ERIKA KGARON - Kim Garon BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:11/09/2017 Current Time: Page:5 14:26:21 User: Report:20 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num Check Total:MWAP-00097268371.66 TELEPHONEWATER REUSE 1028 - 6310 890.96FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Check Total:MWAP-00097269890.96 LABORATORY EQUIPLABORATORY 1007 - 6025 726.04FULTZ PUMPS INC Check Total:MWAP-00097270726.04 OFFICE SUPPLIESHUMAN RESOURCES 1022 - 4820 65.76GALLERY COLLECTION, THE OFFICE SUPPLIESHUMAN RESOURCES 2022 - 4820 65.76GALLERY COLLECTION, THE Check Total:MWAP-00097271131.52 TRAVEL/MEETINGSWATER REUSE 1028 - 6200 176.00GLAZE, JASON Check Total:MWAP-00097272176.00 SHOP SUPP INVGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 0421 202.69GRAINGER SMALL TOOLS INVGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 0423 414.07GRAINGER BUILDINGSELECTRICAL SHOP 1003 - 6041 258.38GRAINGER PC1 REHABENGINEERING - PR CLARIF 1 RHB 1029 - 7023 - PC1RHB 845.13GRAINGER Check Total:MWAP-000972731,720.27 TRAVEL/MEETINGSADMINISTRATION 1021 - 6200 60.46GUTTRY, MELONIE TRAVEL/MEETINGSADMINISTRATION 2021 - 6200 60.45GUTTRY, MELONIE Check Total:MWAP-00097274120.91 WTR CONS EXPENSECUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00HANSEN, CHANTALE Check Total:MWAP-00097275200.00 SERVICE CONTRACTOPERATIONS 1006 - 6030 121.03HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS SERVICE CONTRACTLABORATORY 1007 - 6030 60.53HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS SERVICE CONTRACTLABORATORY 2007 - 6030 60.53HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS Check Total:MWAP-00097276242.09 STANDBY ACCOMODAPUMPS 1002 - 6083 756.22HOTEL BECKET STANDBY ACCOMODAPUMPS 2002 - 6083 756.22HOTEL BECKET Check Total:MWAP-000972771,512.44 TRAVEL/MEETINGSHUMAN RESOURCES 1022 - 6200 151.50HUSSMANN, NANCY TRAVEL/MEETINGSHUMAN RESOURCES 2022 - 6200 151.50HUSSMANN, NANCY Check Total:MWAP-00097278303.00 LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 1007 - 4760 21.30IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP KGARON - Kim Garon BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:11/09/2017 Current Time: Page:6 14:26:21 User: Report:21 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num LAB SUPPLIESLABORATORY 2007 - 4760 21.29IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP Check Total:MWAP-0009727942.59 SAFETY/EQUIP/PHYPUMPS 1002 - 6075 116.05INTEGRITY LOCKSMITH BUILDINGSPUMPS 2002 - 6041 155.94INTEGRITY LOCKSMITH SAFETY/EQUIP/PHYPUMPS 2002 - 6075 116.04INTEGRITY LOCKSMITH Check Total:MWAP-00097280388.03 DUES/MEMB/CERTWATER REUSE 1028 - 6250 375.00IRRIGATION ASSOC Check Total:MWAP-00097281375.00 MISC INCOMEGEN & ADMIN - T&M UB CASH BRD 2000 - 3540 - TMCBUB 188.71JAMESON, MARK & SUSAN Check Total:MWAP-00097282188.71 TRAVEL/MEETINGSBOARD OF DIR 2019 - 6200 263.00JONES, JAMES R Check Total:MWAP-00097283263.00 WTR CONS EXPENSECUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 2,000.00JORY, CRISTENE ADEL Check Total:MWAP-000972842,000.00 TRAVEL/MEETINGSHUMAN RESOURCES 1022 - 6200 12.50KAUFFMAN, ELIZABETH TRAVEL/MEETINGSFINANCE 1039 - 6200 12.50KAUFFMAN, ELIZABETH TRAVEL/MEETINGSHUMAN RESOURCES 2022 - 6200 12.50KAUFFMAN, ELIZABETH TRAVEL/MEETINGSFINANCE 2039 - 6200 12.50KAUFFMAN, ELIZABETH Check Total:MWAP-0009728550.00 SAFETY PROGRAMSHUMAN RESOURCES 1022 - 6079 1,280.00KWA SAFETY & HAZMAT SAFETY PROGRAMSHUMAN RESOURCES 2022 - 6079 1,280.00KWA SAFETY & HAZMAT Check Total:MWAP-000972862,560.00 GROUNDS & MNTCHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6042 1,777.00L A PERKS PLUMBING & HEAT INC REGLTRY OP PRMTSWATER REUSE 1028 - 6650 472.50L A PERKS PLUMBING & HEAT INC Check Total:MWAP-000972872,249.50 MISC INCOMEGEN & ADMIN - T&M UB CASH BRD 2000 - 3540 - TMCBUB 1,559.85LAGORIO, BRETT & LORA Check Total:MWAP-000972881,559.85 MOBILE EQUIPPUMPS 1002 - 6012 57.61LAKESIDE NAPA SHOP SUPPLIESPUMPS 1002 - 6071 51.18LAKESIDE NAPA SMALL TOOLSPUMPS 1002 - 6073 15.69LAKESIDE NAPA SHOP SUPPLIESHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6071 43.46LAKESIDE NAPA KGARON - Kim Garon BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:11/09/2017 Current Time: Page:7 14:26:21 User: Report:22 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num SMALL TOOLSHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6073 117.23LAKESIDE NAPA AUTOMOTIVEEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 6011 795.36LAKESIDE NAPA SHOP SUPPLIESEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 6071 1,112.22LAKESIDE NAPA SMALL TOOLSEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 6073 8.08LAKESIDE NAPA SHOP SUPPLIESWATER REUSE 1028 - 6071 202.73LAKESIDE NAPA SHOP SUPPLIESUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6071 21.41LAKESIDE NAPA MOBILE EQUIPPUMPS 2002 - 6012 57.61LAKESIDE NAPA SHOP SUPPLIESPUMPS 2002 - 6071 51.18LAKESIDE NAPA SMALL TOOLSPUMPS 2002 - 6073 15.69LAKESIDE NAPA AUTOMOTIVEEQUIPMENT REPAIR 2005 - 6011 938.67LAKESIDE NAPA SHOP SUPPLIESEQUIPMENT REPAIR 2005 - 6071 1,112.22LAKESIDE NAPA SMALL TOOLSEQUIPMENT REPAIR 2005 - 6073 8.05LAKESIDE NAPA Check Total:MWAP-000972894,608.39 ELECTRICITYGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6330 68,590.56LIBERTY UTILITIES ST LIGHTING EXPGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6740 1,740.50LIBERTY UTILITIES ELECTRICITYGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 6330 19,203.56LIBERTY UTILITIES Check Total:MWAP-0009729089,534.62 AUTOMOTIVEEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 6011 2,068.12LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC Check Total:MWAP-000972912,068.12 WTR CONS EXPENSECUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 169.00LOPEZ, JOSEFA Check Total:MWAP-00097292169.00 MISC INCOMEGEN & ADMIN - T&M UB CASH BRD 2000 - 3540 - TMCBUB 822.09LOWE, JOHN Check Total:MWAP-00097293822.09 MISC INCOMEGEN & ADMIN - T&M UB CASH BRD 2000 - 3540 - TMCBUB 1,272.48LUM, ELMER & VERNA Check Total:MWAP-000972941,272.48 METER TESTERCUSTOMER SERVICE 2038 - 7539 8,295.34MARS COMPANY Check Total:MWAP-000972958,295.34 PUMP STATIONSPUMPS 1002 - 6051 81.63MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO SHOP SUPPLIESPUMPS 1002 - 6071 114.90MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO SMALL TOOLSPUMPS 1002 - 6073 65.11MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO SHOP SUPPLIESPUMPS 2002 - 6071 114.92MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO SMALL TOOLSPUMPS 2002 - 6073 65.13MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO KGARON - Kim Garon BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:11/09/2017 Current Time: Page:8 14:26:21 User: Report:23 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num Check Total:MWAP-00097296441.69 SMALL TOOLSUNDERGROUND REP 1001 - 6073 368.49MEEKS BUILDING CENTER LUTHER PASSPUMPS 1002 - 6048 94.83MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SMALL TOOLSPUMPS 1002 - 6073 317.08MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SMALL TOOLSELECTRICAL SHOP 1003 - 6073 101.65MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PRIMARY EQUIPHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6021 30.70MEEKS BUILDING CENTER BUILDINGSHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6041 45.74MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMP STATIONSHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6051 9.49MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SHOP SUPPLIESHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6071 54.71MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SMALL TOOLSHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6073 464.68MEEKS BUILDING CENTER GROUNDS & MNTCWATER REUSE 1028 - 6042 46.80MEEKS BUILDING CENTER FLL VVS #3ENGINEERING - FLL VVS #3 1029 - 7036 - FLVVS3 494.27MEEKS BUILDING CENTER AT MNHL-1 REHABENGINEERING - AT MNHL1 REHAB 1029 - 7037 - AT1MAN 84.90MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SMALL TOOLSUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6073 27.52MEEKS BUILDING CENTER BUILDINGSPUMPS 2002 - 6041 73.57MEEKS BUILDING CENTER WELLSPUMPS 2002 - 6050 199.65MEEKS BUILDING CENTER SMALL TOOLSPUMPS 2002 - 6073 347.64MEEKS BUILDING CENTER BUILDINGSHEAVY MAINTENANC 2004 - 6041 58.36MEEKS BUILDING CENTER Check Total:MWAP-000972972,820.08 WTR CONS EXPENSECUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 162.38MERAZ, RICHARD Check Total:MWAP-00097298162.38 OFFICE SUPPLIESENGINEERING 1029 - 4820 36.66METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIESFINANCE 1039 - 4820 3.44METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIESENGINEERING 2029 - 4820 36.66METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIESFINANCE 2039 - 4820 3.44METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS Check Total:MWAP-0009729980.20 WTR CONS EXPENSECUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00METZGER, DON Check Total:MWAP-00097300200.00 WTR CONS EXPENSECUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 2,000.00MEYER, ANDREA Check Total:MWAP-000973012,000.00 PUMP STATIONSPUMPS 1002 - 6051 3.22NELS TAHOE HARDWARE SMALL TOOLSPUMPS 1002 - 6073 23.16NELS TAHOE HARDWARE KGARON - Kim Garon BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:11/09/2017 Current Time: Page:9 14:26:21 User: Report:24 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num BUILDINGSHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6041 17.20NELS TAHOE HARDWARE SMALL TOOLSHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6073 46.31NELS TAHOE HARDWARE SHOP SUPPLIESEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 6071 9.53NELS TAHOE HARDWARE SMALL TOOLSPUMPS 2002 - 6073 23.16NELS TAHOE HARDWARE SHOP SUPPLIESEQUIPMENT REPAIR 2005 - 6071 9.53NELS TAHOE HARDWARE AMI SFTWR/HDWEENGINEERING - AMI SFTWR/HDWE 2029 - 7028 - 16W004 17.84NELS TAHOE HARDWARE Check Total:MWAP-00097302149.95 WTR CONS EXPENSECUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 2,754.64NEW RESOURCES GROUP INC Check Total:MWAP-000973032,754.64 DUES/MEMB/CERTHUMAN RESOURCES 1022 - 6250 87.50NPELRA DUES/MEMB/CERTHUMAN RESOURCES 2022 - 6250 87.50NPELRA Check Total:MWAP-00097304175.00 MISC INCOMEGEN & ADMIN - T&M UB CASH BRD 2000 - 3540 - TMCBUB 744.55OIEN, WADE Check Total:MWAP-00097305744.55 HYPOCHLORITEOPERATIONS 1006 - 4755 3,171.18OLIN CORPORATION Check Total:MWAP-000973063,171.18 PUB RELATIONSPUBLIC OUTREACH - PR EXP-EXTERNAL 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 1,005.50OUTSIDE TELEVISION PUB RELATIONSPUBLIC OUTREACH - PR EXP-EXTERNAL 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 1,005.50OUTSIDE TELEVISION Check Total:MWAP-000973072,011.00 UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2002 100.00PACE, WILLIAM & SHARI UB SUSPENSEGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 2002 100.00PACE, WILLIAM & SHARI Check Total:MWAP-00097308200.00 TRAVEL/MEETINGSEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 6200 36.13PETTY CASH PERSONNEL EXPENSHUMAN RESOURCES 1022 - 6670 23.25PETTY CASH AT MNHL-1 REHABENGINEERING - AT MNHL1 REHAB 1029 - 7037 - AT1MAN 50.00PETTY CASH TRAVEL/MEETINGSFINANCE 1039 - 6200 9.90PETTY CASH REPL ERP SYSTEMFINANCE - ERP REPL PROJECT 1039 - 8769 - ERPREP 23.00PETTY CASH TRAVEL/MEETINGSEQUIPMENT REPAIR 2005 - 6200 36.12PETTY CASH PERSONNEL EXPENSHUMAN RESOURCES 2022 - 6670 23.25PETTY CASH PRVs SCDW03ENGINEERING - PRV INSTRUMENTAT 2029 - 7038 - SCDW03 10.32PETTY CASH SCADA UPGRENGINEERING - WATER STATION EN 2029 - 8763 - SCDW02 10.32PETTY CASH TRAVEL/MEETINGSFINANCE 2039 - 6200 9.90PETTY CASH KGARON - Kim Garon BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:11/09/2017 Current Time: Page:10 14:26:21 User: Report:25 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num Check Total:MWAP-00097309232.19 SHOP SUPPLIESPUMPS 1002 - 6071 80.40PRAXAIR 174 SAFETY/EQUIP/PHYHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6075 21.96PRAXAIR 174 GROUNDS & MNTCWATER REUSE 1028 - 6042 34.91PRAXAIR 174 SMALL TOOLSWATER REUSE 1028 - 6073 4.69PRAXAIR 174 PIPE/CVRS/MHLSUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6052 116.25PRAXAIR 174 SHOP SUPPLIESPUMPS 2002 - 6071 80.40PRAXAIR 174 Check Total:MWAP-00097310338.61 TRAVEL/MEETINGSUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6200 308.15PRIETO, ANTONIO Check Total:MWAP-00097311308.15 SAFETY/EQUIP/PHYPUMPS 1002 - 6075 324.71RED WING SHOE STORE SAFETY/EQUIP/PHYPUMPS 2002 - 6075 324.71RED WING SHOE STORE Check Total:MWAP-00097312649.42 REP TR PLT GENENGINEERING - TR PLT GENERATOR 1029 - 8629 - 13S019 502.18REDWOOD PRINTING Check Total:MWAP-00097313502.18 BUILDINGSELECTRICAL SHOP 1003 - 6041 4,007.50REED ELECTRIC & FIELD SERVICE Check Total:MWAP-000973144,007.50 LIFE INS UN/BDGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2512 1,623.15RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE INS MGMTGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2525 614.75RELIANCE STANDARD LNG TRM DIS,MGMTGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2531 1,391.47RELIANCE STANDARD LTD, UNIONGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 2539 1,730.11RELIANCE STANDARD Check Total:MWAP-000973155,359.48 VEHICLE 54 REPLWATER REUSE 1028 - 7536 10,360.32RENO CYCLE & GEAR Check Total:MWAP-0009731610,360.32 MISC INCOMEGEN & ADMIN - T&M UB CASH BRD 2000 - 3540 - TMCBUB 1,096.42RIVA, JEANETTE Check Total:MWAP-000973171,096.42 TRAVEL/MEETINGSENGINEERING 1029 - 6200 34.77RYAN, JULIE TRAVEL/MEETINGSENGINEERING 2029 - 6200 34.78RYAN, JULIE Check Total:MWAP-0009731869.55 WTR CONS EXPENSECUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 72.00SANDOVAL, ROSELYN Check Total:MWAP-0009731972.00 KGARON - Kim Garon BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:11/09/2017 Current Time: Page:11 14:26:21 User: Report:26 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num TRAVEL/MEETINGSWATER REUSE 1028 - 6200 176.00SCHLANGE, PAUL Check Total:MWAP-00097320176.00 BUILDINGSHEAVY MAINTENANC 2004 - 6041 135.50SCOTTYS HARDWARE AUTOMOTIVEEQUIPMENT REPAIR 2005 - 6011 6.12SCOTTYS HARDWARE WTRLN, PONDEROSAENGINEERING - WTRLN PONDEROSA 2029 - 7019 - 15W010 35.12SCOTTYS HARDWARE Check Total:MWAP-00097321176.74 MISC INCOMEGEN & ADMIN - T&M UB CASH BRD 2000 - 3540 - TMCBUB 3,294.95SHEMYAKIN, SERG & NATALIYA Check Total:MWAP-000973223,294.95 BUILDINGSPUMPS 2002 - 6041 188.72SHERWIN-WILLIAMS BUILDINGSHEAVY MAINTENANC 2004 - 6041 86.66SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Check Total:MWAP-00097323275.38 OFC SUPPLY ISSUEGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6081 64.00SHRED-IT Check Total:MWAP-0009732464.00 HYPOCHLORITEUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 4755 1,211.11SIERRA CHEMICAL CO HYPOCHLORITEPUMPS 2002 - 4755 674.47SIERRA CHEMICAL CO Check Total:MWAP-000973251,885.58 SECONDARY EQUIPHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6022 2,893.37SIERRA CRANE AND HOIST INC Check Total:MWAP-000973262,893.37 AUTOMOTIVEEQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 6011 51.72SIERRA ELECTRONICS REP TRK 28EQUIPMENT REP 1005 - 8513 1,188.33SIERRA ELECTRONICS AUTOMOTIVEEQUIPMENT REPAIR 2005 - 6011 51.72SIERRA ELECTRONICS REP TRK 34EQUIPMENT REPAIR 2005 - 8750 594.17SIERRA ELECTRONICS Check Total:MWAP-000973271,885.94 SUPPLIESPUMPS 1002 - 6520 30.17SIERRA SPRINGS SUPPLIESWATER REUSE 1028 - 6520 30.17SIERRA SPRINGS SUPPLIESCUSTOMER SERVICE 1038 - 6520 15.54SIERRA SPRINGS SUPPLIESCUSTOMER SERVICE 2038 - 6520 15.54SIERRA SPRINGS Check Total:MWAP-0009732891.42 AT MNHL-1 REHABENGINEERING - AT MNHL1 REHAB 1029 - 7037 - AT1MAN 852.40SIERRA TAHOE READY MIX PIPE/CVRS/MHLSUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6052 377.78SIERRA TAHOE READY MIX Check Total:MWAP-000973291,230.18 KGARON - Kim Garon BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:11/09/2017 Current Time: Page:12 14:26:21 User: Report:27 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num MONITORINGLABORATORY - IND CRK RES MONT 1007 - 6110 - INDIAN 258.00SILVER STATE ANALYTICAL LAB Check Total:MWAP-00097330258.00 TRAVEL/MEETINGSINFORMATION TECH 1037 - 6200 71.33SKELLY, CHRIS TRAVEL/MEETINGSINFORMATION TECH 2037 - 6200 71.32SKELLY, CHRIS Check Total:MWAP-00097331142.65 PUB RELATIONSPUBLIC OUTREACH - PR EXP-EXTERNAL 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 49.00SOUNDPROS INC PUB RELATIONSPUBLIC OUTREACH - PR EXP-EXTERNAL 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 49.00SOUNDPROS INC Check Total:MWAP-0009733298.00 NATURAL GASGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 6350 5,020.13SOUTHWEST GAS NATURAL GASGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 6350 915.02SOUTHWEST GAS Check Total:MWAP-000973335,935.15 TRAVEL/MEETINGSUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6200 95.00SWRCB DUES/MEMB/CERTUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6250 80.00SWRCB Check Total:MWAP-00097334175.00 AB2 REHABENGINEERING - AERATION BASIN 2 1029 - 7024 - AB2RHB 271.53TAHOE SAND & GRAVEL FLL VVS #3ENGINEERING - FLL VVS #3 1029 - 7036 - FLVVS3 490.96TAHOE SAND & GRAVEL PIPE/CVRS/MHLSUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6052 4,876.42TAHOE SAND & GRAVEL Check Total:MWAP-000973355,638.91 MISC LIAB CLAIMSUNDERGROUND REP 1001 - 4520 2,098.75TERRY'S APOLLO PLUMBING & HTN PIPE/CVRS/MHLSUNDERGROUND REP 1001 - 6052 2,170.00TERRY'S APOLLO PLUMBING & HTN METERS PH 3ENGINEERING - 2017 METERS PH3 2029 - 8760 - 16W003 330.00TERRY'S APOLLO PLUMBING & HTN Check Total:MWAP-000973364,598.75 EROS CNTRL PROJSENGINEERING - REP LG WTR MTRS 2029 - 8359 - 14W115 1,638.00THOMAS HAEN CO INC Check Total:MWAP-000973371,638.00 TRAVEL/MEETINGSWATER REUSE 1028 - 6200 176.00TREMAYNE, MATT DUES/MEMB/CERTWATER REUSE 1028 - 6250 73.00TREMAYNE, MATT Check Total:MWAP-00097338249.00 REPL ROLLUP DOORHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 8710 4,766.00TRUCKEE OVERHEAD DOOR INC Check Total:MWAP-000973394,766.00 PIPE/CVRS/MHLSUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6052 188.35USA BLUE BOOK Check Total:MWAP-00097340188.35 KGARON - Kim Garon BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:11/09/2017 Current Time: Page:13 14:26:21 User: Report:28 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num DUES/MEMB/CERTWATER REUSE 1028 - 6250 963.00WATEREUSE ASSOCIATION Check Total:MWAP-00097341963.00 JANIT/SUPPLY INVGEN & ADMIN 1000 - 0422 629.73WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY Check Total:MWAP-00097342629.73 METERS PH 3ENGINEERING - 2017 METERS PH3 2029 - 8760 - 16W003 7,020.00WDH LAND SURVEYING Check Total:MWAP-000973437,020.00 FLL VVS #3ENGINEERING - FLL VVS #3 1029 - 7036 - FLVVS3 163.12WEDCO INC Check Total:MWAP-00097344163.12 PIPE/CVRS/MHLSUNDERGROUND REP 1001 - 6052 250.52WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY PUMP STATIONSPUMPS 1002 - 6051 221.11WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY GROUNDS & MNTCHEAVY MAINT 1004 - 6042 2,308.93WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY FLL VVS #3ENGINEERING - FLL VVS #3 1029 - 7036 - FLVVS3 842.72WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY AT MNHL-1 REHABENGINEERING - AT MNHL1 REHAB 1029 - 7037 - AT1MAN 683.65WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY DVR IRR IMPRVMNTENGINEERING - DVR IRRIG IMPRVS 1029 - 8161 - DVRIIP 1,604.19WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY BOXES/LIDS/INVGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 0403 162.01WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY VLVS ELB Ts FLNGGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 0404 1,034.94WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY CUPLNGS OMNI INVGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 0405 639.91WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY REP REDI CLMPSGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 0406 1,524.67WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY SADDLES FTNG INVGEN & ADMIN 2000 - 0407 2,900.63WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY PIPE/CVRS/MHLSUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6052 482.63WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY SMALL TOOLSUNDERGROUND REP 2001 - 6073 1,378.66WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY BUILDINGSHEAVY MAINTENANC 2004 - 6041 561.65WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY METERS PH 3ENGINEERING - 2017 METERS PH3 2029 - 8760 - 16W003 322.12WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY Check Total:MWAP-0009734514,918.34 PUMP STATIONSPUMPS 1002 - 6051 1,193.29XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA INC Check Total:MWAP-000973461,193.29 WTR CONS EXPENSECUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 96.42YOUNG, DONALD Check Total:MWAP-0009734796.42 WTR CONS EXPENSECUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00ZABAGLO, DENNIS M Check Total:MWAP-00097348200.00 WTR CONS EXPENSECUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 2,000.00ZOCCOLI, CRAIG Check Total:MWAP-000973492,000.00 KGARON - Kim Garon BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:11/09/2017 Current Time: Page:14 14:26:21 User: Report:29 Description Acct# / Proj CodeDepartment / Proj Name TypeAmountVendor Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Num 699,354.76Grand Total: KGARON - Kim Garon BK: Payment of Claims Report (With RV) V2 <1.03> Current Date:11/09/2017 Current Time: Page:15 14:26:21 User: Report:30 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Tim Bledsoe, Manager of Customer Service MEETING DATE: November 16, 2017 ITEM – PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct Staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: El Dorado County Superior Court Case SC20170130, Gregory Stevenson vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District. SCHEDULE: COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer/Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 31