HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 761RESOLUTION NOo7 6 I A RESOLUTION OF iNTENTION TO AcOUIRE AND CONSTRUCT SOLIDS HANDLING SYSTEM AND AMMONIA STRIPPING TOWER AND TO ISSUE SEWER REVENUE BONDS TO COVER THE COST THEREOF SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT SCHEDULES F & N RESOLVED, by the Board of Di~rectors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, El Dorado County, California, as follows: I. The public interest, convenience and necessity require and it is the intention of this Council to acquire and construct the sani- tary sewerage facilities hereinafter described, and to issue sewer revenue bonds in payment of the cost thereof. 2. The works to be acquired and constructed consist of: (I) Furnishing and installation in an Incineration Building, located on the sewage treatment plant site of said District, of facilities for the handling of solids emanating from said District's existing treat- ment plant, including expansions thereof now in progress, by means of dewatering and incineration of sewage sludge, and recalcining and re- use of the coagulant, which facilities include, but are not limited to, the following: (a) A sludge incineration furnace and accessories; (b) A lime recalcining furnace and accessories; (c) Sludge dewatering equipment and accessories; (d) Lime dewatering equipment and accessories; (e) Sludge incineration furnace feed conveyor; (f) Lime recalcining furnace feed conveyor; (g) Sludge incineration ~urnace ash disposal bucket elevator; (h) Sludge incineration furnace ash disposal screw conveyor; (i) Pneumatic make-up lime conveying equipment; (j) Pneumatic recalcined lime conveying equipment; (k) Make-up Lime storage bin; (I) Recalcined lime storage bin; (m) Two Gravimetric llme feeders; (n) Two lime slakers; (o) Two spent lime sludge pumps; RESOLUTION NO. 7 6 I (continued) -2- (p) Two steel hoppers with discharge gates for ash~ dewatered sludge, and dewatered spent lime; (q) Stack gas deoderization equipment; (r) Recovery compressor system for recovery of CO2 from stack gas; and - (s) All other piping, equipment, appurtenances, controls~ electrical panels, devices~ wiring and conduit auxiliary thereto and necessary or useful to produce a complete, operational solids handling system. (2) Furnishing and installing an Ammonia Stripping Tower complete with piping, pumps, controls and appurtenances necessary or useful to produce a complete operating Ammonia Stripping Tower for removal of nitrogen from chemically treated effluent. 3. Reference is hereby made to the plans and specifications for said facilities, being the work covered by Scehdules F and N of Plans and Specifications entitled South Tahoe Publlc Utility District 1966 Treatment and Disposal Facilities~ Treatment Plant Additions, Schedule F, prepared and fi led with the Clerk of Said District by Clair A. Hill & Associates, Redding, Callfornia~ the Engineers chosen therefor by said Board of Directors. 4. The estimated cost of the acquisition, construction and financing of said works to be acquired and constructed is the sum of $1,300,000 of which it is estimated that $800,000 will ~be contributed by the United States under Public Law 89-753, or other applicable law. 5. The amount of revenue bonds to be issued and sold is the sum of $500,000. 6. A general description of the area to be served by the pro- posed works is all of the t~rritory included within the boundaries of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Reference is hereby made to a plat of said area on file in the office of the Clerk of said District, which shall govern for all details. RESOLUTION NO. 761 (continued) --3-- 7. An estimate of the number and character of the places and properties to be served by the works is as follows: 4,571 ready for immediate service and presently served, consisting of 3,000 resi- dences, 1,030 apartments, 250 motels, and 291 businesses; 8,000 par- cels of land with sewer connections available for use; and 4,450 acres in expectancy, including subdividable ,~and and the Lake Tahoe Airport. 8. An estimate of the immediate annual revenue that would be received from the operation of the works, including the sanitary sewerage enterprise of which same will be a part, is $410,000, and an estimate of future annual revenues in expectancy is $650,000 per year. Said revenues are subject to the lien of outstanding sewer revenue bonds of the District. 9. This resolution is adopted, and Sewer Revenue Bonds of the District will be issued to cover a portion of the cost of the works, p~suant to Chapter 5, Part 3, Division 5 (commencing with Section 4950) of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California, commonly referred to as the Sewer Revenue Bond Act of 1933. I0. Notice is hereby given that THURSDAY the 26th day of JANUA.~.Y ..... , 1967, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m., in the City Hall, South Lake Tahoe~ California, are hereby fixed as the time and place when and where persons interested m~y appear before said Board of Directors and be heard as to any protests or objections they may have against the acquisition or constroction of the proposed works and the issuance and sale of bonds. II. A copy of this resolution shall be published twice in the Tahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper published and circulated in said District, the second of which shall be at least ten days before the time set for hearing. RESOLUTION NO. 7 6 I (continued) -4- 12. Copies of this resolution headed "Notice of Sewer Work" in letters one inch in he.i~ht, shall be posted at least ten days be- fore the time set for hearing at not less than 300 feet in distance apart, and not less than three in all, along the entire length of U. S. Highway No. 50, between the Tahoe Valley Wye and Stateline~ said street being, in the opinion of $~id Board of Directors, the street in said District traversed by the largest number of people. Pres] dent SOUTH TAHOE PUBL I C UT I L I TY D I STRI CT ATTEST: Clerk and E~Officib' S'ec'r~etary I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, El Dorado County, California, at a meeting thereof duly held on the 5th day of ~..A.~.UAR~ St. 19.66~ by the following vote: AYES, and in favor thereof, DIRECTORS: Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler, Me likean and Hegarty NOES, DIRECTORS: None ABSENT: DIRECTORS: None Cl'e'~ ~'f Board'"& Ex:-'Officio ~eC"~t'a'ry SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTI L ITY DISTRICT AFF I D,\V I T OF POST I N~ NOT ! CE OF SEWEI~ WORK---- STATE OF CALI FORN I A ) )ss COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) 1, L~OI~L__[...H~R~D_IE_, being f~rst duly sworn, degoses and says: That t The* at the Ins*ante of and for and on ~half of ~ Clerk and ex-officio ~ecre*e~ of *he Sou~h Teh~ Publ lc ~! Iffy Dtstrtc*~ I pod*ed N~ice ef S~er Work of Directors of said Dls?ric? on U, S, Hlgh~ay ~, 50~ ~*~een *~ Te~ Valley Wye end S~e~ellne, a* no* less th:an 300 feet In distance eper*, ~nd no~ less ~h~n ,hree In al t~ ~ha? said pos~- lng ~aS fully c~ple'ted said no, Ice is hereto a~ached~ ~rked Exhlbl~ "A" and by ~fe~n~ mede a par? he,eof. bed and sworn to before me ['! ~rado~ State of Catlfornla..., ~!y Commt ss Ion E.xp 1 res I 1/~/70 NOT E OF SEW WORK RESOLUrTION NO. 7 6 1 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ACQUIRE AND CONSTRUCT SOLIDS HANDLING SYSTEM AND AMMONIA STRIPPING TOWER AND TO ISSUE ' SEWER REVENUE BONDS TO COVER THE COST THEREOF - - - SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT --- SCHEDULES F & N RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utiltty district, E1 Dorado County, Califor~ , as for vs: 1. '$AAe public ,nterest, convenience and necessity require and it is the intention of this Council to acquire and construct the sanitary sewerage facilities hereinafter described, and to issue sewer revenue bonds in payment of the cost thereof. 2. The works ~o be acquired and constructed consist of: 1 (Furnishing and installation in an incinera- tion Building, located on the sewage treatment plant site of said District, of facilities for the handling of solids emanating from said District's existing treatment plant, including expansions thereof now in progress by means of dewatering and incineration of sewage sludge, and recalcining and reuse of the' coagulant, which facilities include, but are not limited to, the following: (a) A sludge incineration furnace and accessories; (b) A lime recalcining furnace and accessories; (c) Sludge dewatertng equipment and accessories; (d) Lime dewatertng equipment and accessories; (e) Sludge incineration furnace feed conveyor; (f) Lime recalclning furnace feed conveyor; (g) sludge incineration furnace ash disposal bucket elevator; (h) Sludge incineration furnace ash disposal screw conveyor; (i) Pneumatic make-up lime conveying equipment; (j) Pneumatic re- calcined lime conveying equipment; (k) Make-~'iup lime storage bin; (1) Recalcined lime storage bin; (m) Two Gravimetric lime feeders; (n) Two lime slakers; (o) Two spent lime sludge pumps; (p) Two steel hoppers with discharge gates for ash, dewatered sludge, and dewatered spent lime; (q) Stack gas deodorization equipment (r) Recovery compressor system for recovery of 002 from stack gas; and (s) All other piping, equipment, appurtenances, controls, electrical panels, devices, wirtngand conduit auxiliary thereto and necessary or useful to produce a complete, operational solids handling system. (2)--Furnishing and installing an Ammonia Stripping Tower complete with piping pumps, controls and appurtenances necessary or useful to produce a complete operating Ammonia Stripping Tower for removal of nitrogen from chemically treated effluent. 3. Reference is hereby made to the plans and specifications for said facilities., being the work covered by Sch 'ules F ar ' N of Plans and Specifications entitled South Tahoe Public Utility District 1966 Treatment and Dln.,~osal Fac~..ies, Treatment Plant Additions, Schedule F, prepared and filed with the Clerk of said District by Clair A. Hill & Associates, Redding, California, the Engineers chosen therefor by said Board of Directors. 4. The estimated cost of the acquisition, construction and financing of said works to be acquired and constructed is the sum of $1,300,000 of which it is estimated that $800,000, will be contributed by the United States under Public Law 89-753, or other applicable law. 5. The amount of revenue bonds to be issued and sold is the sum of $500,000. 6. A general description of the area to be served by the proposed works is all of the territory included' within the boundaries of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, Reference is hereby made to a plat of said area o-n file in the office of th% Clerk of said District, which shall govern for all details. 7. An estimate of the number and character of the places and properties to be served by the works is as follows: 4,571 ready for immediate service and presently served; consisting~of 3,000 residences, 1,030 apartments, 250 motels, and 291 businesses; 8,000 parcels of land with sewer connections available for use, and 4,450 acres in expectancy, including subdividable land and the Lake Tahoe Airport. including the sanitary sewerage enterprise of which same will be a part, is $410,000, and an estimate of future annual revenues in expectancy is $650,000 per year. Said Revenues are subject to the lien of out- standing sewer revenue bonds of the District. 9. This resolution is adopted and Sewer Revenue Bonds of the District will be issued to cover a portion of the cost of the works, pursuant to Chapter 5, Part 3, Division 5 (commencing with Section 4950) of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California, commonly referred to as the Sewer Revenue Bond Act of 1933. 10. Notice is hereby given that THURSDAY the 26th day of JANUARY, 1967, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m., in the City Hall, South Lake Tahoe, California, are hereby fixed as the time and place when and where persons interested may appear before said Board of Directors and be heard as to any protests or objections they may have against the acquisitions or construction of the proposed works and the issuance and sale of bonds. 11. A copy of this resolution shall be published twice in the TAHOE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper publisk ' and cir 'ated in said District, the second of which shall be at least ten (10) days before the time se. ~or heari~.~. 12. Copies of this resolution headed "Notice of Sewer Work" in letters one inch in height shall be posted at least ten (10) days before the time set for hearing at not less than 300 feet in distance apart, and not less than three in all, along the entire length of U. S.Highway No. 50, between the Tahoe Valley Wye and Stateline, said street being, in the opinion of said Board of Directors, the street in said District traversed by the largest number of people. ATTEST: s/ ROBERT FESLER President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT S/DAVID W. CALLAHAN Clerk and Ex-officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, at a mee+.'~g theft-( dulyheld on the 5th day of January, 1966, by the followin~ vote: AYES, and in favor thereof, DIRECTORS Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler, Melikean and Hegarty NOES, DIRECTORS : None ABSENT, DIRECTORS: None Clerk of Board and ex-officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT rant help n_e.e~~ 6 ~L~~-' ~ ~o ................................................................................................................ Couple to manage motel, sal- ary plus 2 bedr6om Apt. Must VE~TTJE have prev. exper, in Motel ~,CO~T management. LAKE TAHOE PLANT EMPLOYMENT AGENCY LU 8.6776 ~mrd of MOTEL man~ers; ~uple. E~ ~1 Dor- Perienced & ~ndable. Forf~ as cl~s 30 unit motel. C~se to c~s. St~el~e, C~. Please co~ send resume of employment ~equ~e hl~ory, references, photograph d this & per~n~ da~a ~o: ~older: d c~ P.O. Box 1215, Btjou~ C~. werage ~ .........~S--nerem~ter aescri~ ~. ~d, ~d to issue sewer revenue [ bonds.~ payment of the co~ thereof. ~ 2. The works to ~ acq~red ~d constructed c~sist (1) Furnish~g ~d ~ ~ ~c~erati~ B~ld~g, ated on ~e sewage treatment plant site ~ said District, facfll~es for the ~g of sdids em~at~g ~om s~d Districts existing treatment pl~t, includ~g e~si~s thereof-now ~ pr~re~, by me~s of dewater~g ~d cineration . of sewa~ sludge, ~d recalcin~g ~d reuse the c~g~t,, which facil- ities ~clude, but ~e not li~ ired to, the follow,g: (a) A sludge ~c~erati~fur- nace ~d accessories; (b) A lime rec~c~g f~- nace ~d accessories; (c) ~udge dewatering equi~ merit ~d accessories; (d) Lime dewater~g ~qui~ ment ~d accessories; (e) ~udge inc~erati~ f~- nace feed conveyor; (~ Lime rec~c~g ~rnace feed conveyor; (g) Sludge' incineratim fur~ ace ash dispos~ bucket eleva~ or; (h) Sludge Mc~erati~ f~- ~nqsBul~ ox muoJ~ug ~qX .~j~ selo efH~ s,~ue~ ~a~ XJnqseu!~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of E1 Dorado ~ ss. e L~ Hel n ~arn9 ~ of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes and says: THAT ..... ..~.he is and at all the times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, and that ...... .She is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter; that .... ~..he is the Principal Clerk of the printer of THE TAHOE DALLY TRIBUNE, a newspaper of general circulation, adjudicated by court decree dated February 5, 1960, printed and published daily at A1 Tahoe, County of E1 Dorado, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all the times herein men- tioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of pay- lng subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals at A1 Tahoe, County of E1 Dorado, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and which newspaper is not devoted to nor pub- lished for the interests, entertainment or instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race, or denomina- tion, or any number of same; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy; has been published in each regu- lar and entire issue o£ said newspaper and not in any supple- ment thereof on the following dates, to-wit: Foreman of the printer or principal clerk of the printer Subscribed and Sworn to before me this ............. .1,].f.h ............... /~ ~ January 67 ..... /.,,/..~...aay of ................ :......f ........... ./ ........... :...~,_19 ............ ........ CHT, p/~At~N W~_~Tl^/noT~Totary Public in and for the County of El DO o, ' ' T~]~vy~_''' Btate of California ,,My Corem .',.zcn E;cu;kc~ Oc,~c, bcr 31, 1970