HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 763WJML:KIJ :rd 1/20/67 20c RESOLUTION NO. 763 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO FORM IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WITHIN THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-1 OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MEYERS AREA RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that WHEREAS, said Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, a public utility district organized and existing under Division 7 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California, deems it necessary to incure a bonded indebtedness for the acquisition, construction, completion and repair of the improve- ments, works and property described as follows, to wit: (a) Upper Truckee River Force Main and Trunk Sewer System The construction of a system of main trunk sewers, man- holes and appurtenances, together with,pumping stations and force mains as required, from the South Tahoe Public Utility District Sewage Treatment Plant generally southwesterly to.and along the Upper Truckee River to a point near the southerly boundary of Section 32, T 12 N, R18E. (b) Angora Creek Trunk Sewer System The construction of a system of main trunk sewers, man- holes and appurtenances generally along Angora Creek from the Upper Truckee River Trunk Sewer, with a connecting facility running northerly to Lake Tahoe Boulevard between Tahoe Mountain Road and Sawmill Road. (c) Meyers Trunk Sewer System The construction of a system of main trunk sewers~ man- holes and appurtenances generally along Uo So Highway 50, from the Upper Truckee River Trunk Sewer southerly to Apache Avenue° (d) Trout Creek Trunk Sewer System The construction of a system of main trunk sewers, man- holes and appurtenances, together with a pumping station and force main at and on the Treatment Plant site, from the South Tahoe Public Utility District Sewage Treatment Plant generally southerly and generally along Trout Creek to and continuing southerly and south- westerly along Saxon Creek to the easterly boundary of the area hereinafter described. (e) Branch Systems The construction of branch trunk lines, manholes and appurtenances at intervals along the Upper Truckee River Trunk Sewer and the Meyers Trunk Sewer to provide main trunk connections to various developments which have collection sewers installed and in place. (f) Auxiliary The acquisition of all lands, easements, facilities, rights and rights of service and use and the construction of all work auxiliary to any of the above and necessary to complete same. WHEREAS, said Board also deems it necessary to provide for such bonded indebtedness to be payable from taxes levied upon a portion of the district meeting the requirements of Chapter 4 of Part 7 of Division 20 of the Water Code of the State of California, applicable to Public Utility District proceedings by virtue of Section 16407 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, as follows: 1. That it is the intention of this Board to form an Improve- ment District in the portion of said Public Utility District herein- after described, which portion, in the opinion of this Board, will be benefited by said improvements, and to incur an indebtedness by the issuance of bonds of the District for such improvement district. 2. That the purpose for which said proposed debt is to be incurred is the acquisition, construction, completion and repair of said improvements, works and property hereinabove described, and to pay all costs and expenses of authorization, issuance and sale thereof and other expenses incidental thereto. 3. That the amount of debt to be incurred, which includes the expenses of all proceedings for the authorization, issuance and sale of the bonds, is $2,700,000° 4. That taxes for the payment of the bonds and the interest thereon will be levied exclusively upon the taxable property in said improvement district. 5. That a general description of the proposed improvements, together with a map showing the exterior boundaries of the proposed 2 district with relation to the territory immediately contiguous thereto and to the proposed improvements is on file with the Secretary and is available for inspection by any person or persons interested. Th~ Office of the Secretary is located at the District Treatment Plant, Johnson Road~ A1 Tahoe, California. Said map shall govern for all details as to the extent of the proposed improvement dis~icto ~ 6. That Thu~sday~ the $~ day of February, 1967, at the regular meeting place of said Board, Council Chambers, City Hall~ South Lake Tahoe, California~ are hereby fixed as the time and place for a hearing by the Board on the question of the formation and extent of the proposed improvement district, the proposed improve- ment, and the amount of debt to be incurred. 7. That at the time and place herein specified any person interested will be heard, and that any owner of property within the proposed improvement district may file with the Secretary at any time prior to the time set for the hearing thereon written protest to the formation of the proposed improvement district° 8. That the Secretary shall give notice of the time and place of said hearing by publication of a copy of this resolution once a week for two successive weeks in the Tahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper circulated in the Public Utility District and by posting a copy of this resolution in three public places within the proposed improve- ment district for at least two weeks before the time fixed for said hearing. A copy of this resolution shall also be mailed~ postage prepaid, to each person to whom land in the proposed uninhabited improvement district is assessed as shown upon the last equalized County assessment roll, at his address as shown upon the roll, and to any person, whether owner in fee or having a lien upon~ or legal or equitable interest in~ any land within the proposed improvement district, whose name and address and a designation of the land in which he is interested is on file with the Secretary° Said mailing shall be completed at least 15 days before the time fixed for said hearing. of the South Tahoe Public Utility District P~es~dent I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado Co~uty, California, at a meeting thereof duly held on the 19th day of January, 1967, by the following vote: AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors: Wakeman~ Kortes, Fesler, Melikean, Hegarty NOES, Directors: None ABSENT, DireCtors: None of the South Tahoe Public Utility District AFFIDAVIT OF POSTiNG RESOLUTION OF INTENTION IMPROVEMENT DISTRACT NO. U-I MEYERS AREA STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) deposes and says: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, being first duly sworn, That I am a citizen of the United Sta~es and over the age of ~wenty-one years; That at the instance of and for and on behalf of the Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of the South Tahoe Public Utility District I posted a copy of RESOL~ OF .I..N.TEN~ON~ NQ,. 7.6 73, ms amended, adopted by the Board of Directors of said District on ~anuary 19, 1967, in three (3) public places within the proposed improvement district; that. said posting was fully completed on the 8th day of February, 1967; and that a copy of said Resolution is hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A" and by re- ference made a part hereof. DaVid W. Callahan, Cl~-k of BOard & Ex Off'Sec. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT My commission expires 11/22/10 AFPIDAVIT OF MAILING RESOLUTION OP~INTENTION TO PROPERTY OWNERS IMPROVEMENT DISTR/CT NO. U - 1, MEYERS AREA STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss EL DORADO COUNTY ) deposes and says: I, DAVID W. CALLAHAN, being first duly sworn, I am the Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and on February 7, 1967, I mailed a copy of .!ESOLUTIO~.,OF IN~NTION~ NO. 7,,$ ~:., adopted bM the Board of Directors of said District on January 19, 1967, as amended, postage prepaid, to each person to whom land in the proposed uninhabited Improvement District ts assessed as shown upon '~e last equalized County Assessmen~ Roll, at his address as shown upon the roll, and to any person, whether owner tn fee or having a lien upon, or legal or equitable interest in, any land within the Proposed Improvement District, whose name and address and a designation of the land on which he ts tntarested ts on file with the Secretary, in form a copy of which notice ts hereto attached and marked Exhibit "A". SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY El STRICT ~)TARY - STATE OF CALIF( EL DOI~DO CO UN TY. /i~. My Commission Expires 11/22/70 RESOLUTION NO. 763 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO FORM IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WITHIN THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-1 OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MEYERS AREA RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that WHEREAS, said Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, a public utility district organized and existing under Division 7 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California, deems it necessary to incur a bonded indebtedness for the acquisition, construction, completion and repair of the improvements, works and property described as follows, to wit: (a) Upper Truckee River Force Main and Trunk Sewer System The construction of a system of main trunk sewers, manholes and appur- tenances, together with pumping stations and force mains as required, from the South Tahoe Public Utility District Sewage Treatment Plant generally south- westerly to and along the Upper Truckee River to a point near the southerly boundary of Section 32, T 12 N, R 18 E. (b) ~ngora Creek Trunk Sewer System The construction of a system of main trunk sewers, manholes and appur- tenances generally along Angora Creek from the Upper Truckee River Trunk Sewer, with a connecting facility running northerly to Lake Tahoe Boulevard between Tahoe Mountain Road and Sawmill Road. (c) Meyers Trunk Sewer System The construction of a system of main trunk sewers, manholes and appur- tenances generally along U.S. Highway 50, from the Upper Truckee River Trunk Sewer southerly to Apache Avenue. (d) Trout Creek Trunk Sewer System The construction of a system of main trunk sewers, manholes and appur- tenances, together with a pumping station and force main at and on the Treat- ment Plant site, from the South Tahoe Public Utility District Sewage Treatment Plant generally southerly and generally along Trout Creek to and continuing southerly and southwesterly along Saxon Creek to the easterly boundary of the area hereinafter described. (e) Branch Systems The construction of branch trunk lines, manholes and appurtenances at intervals along the Upper Truckee River Trunk Sewer and the Meyers Trunk Sewer to provide main trunk connections to various developments which have collection ~ srs installed and in place. (f) Auxiliary The acquisition of all lands, easements, facilities, rights and rights of service and use and the construction of all work auxiliary to any of the above and necessary to complete same. WHEREAS, said Board also deems it necessary to provide for such bonded indebtedness to be payable from taxes levied upon a portion of the district meeting the requirements of Chapter 4 of Part 7 of Division 20 of the Water Code of the State of California, applicable to Public Utility District proceed- ings by virtue of Section 16407 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, as follows: auo~ :saohoa~!~ ~ga0~ :@3aA ~U!aOIIO~ arb iq ~Z96I ¢XaBnue£ $o Xep ~h6I aqh ua pla~ £Inp $o q3nos aq3 $o saohoaa!ff ~o paBo~ aq3 £q pa~dopB XIa~In~aa pUB £Inp uoI~nIosaa B ~o £doo hoa~oo pus anz~ ~IIn$ e s! ~u!o~@~o$ aqh heU% £~!h~ao £q@~aU I =alSa~ ~aaqoH /s/ sql ,~o £aB;aaoaS,o!o,!~,$o-xau?EEl_lL~93~ ue~eIIWD 'M p!Aeff /s/ pahaId~OO aq ss@appB sIg ~e ~IIO~ 3ua~ssassB ~huno0 paz!Ienba ~seI a~ uo~n u~ogs se pass@ss~ o3 ~p!eda~d · ~uI~ea~ pies ~o~ pax~ -saoons o~ ~o~ pies ~o -sip 3ua~aAoad~I paso~oad aq3 uSq3'~ £3~adoA~ ~o Aau~o £ue ~eqh pue Cpa~aq aq II!~ pahsaaa~u! uosaad £uB paI~Ioads u!a~aq aoeld pUB a~I~ aq~ he heq& 'Z ~paaanou! aq o3 hqap 20 ~unoae aq~ pUB pasodoad a~3 $o 3ua~xa pus uo!3emao$ -aBaq e ~o$ aoeId pue am!3 aqh se paxIJ £qa~aq ¢IIBH £hID csaaqmBqO I~ouno3 Cp~eo~ p~es sold 2u!~aam aeIn~a~ aM~ 3e 'N'8 0g:Z go ~noq aqh he '~96I ¢£zen~qa~ jo £Bp~aq3 ~XepsanttL ~Bq& °9 '~o!AhsSP huamaAozdm! pasodoAd zoj U~aAO9 II--MS dsm PIeS 'BIU~OSTIB3 Caoqe& IV ~peoH uosuqo£ ~o!a3s!G aq3 ~B pa~BOOI S! £zB~a~oa9 aq3 jo aoISjo a~& 'pahsaAahu! suos~ad ~o uos~ad £uB £q uo!~oadsu! ~oj alqeIIeAe s! pus S~Ua~aAOAd~! pasodoAd a~h o~ pub o~ uo!3ela~ q~!x ~OTa~s!p pasodo~d qh!~ ~aq~a~o~ Cs~uamaAO~dm! pasodo~d '3OTahs!p ~uamaAo~dm! pies u! £h~adoad aIqBxe~ aqh uodn £IaA!snIoxa paTAaI =~' IIIX uoaa~q~ 3saaa3u! aq3 puc spuoq aq~ 20 ~ua~£ed aq~ ~oj saxe~ heR& '~ '000'00Z'85 ST Cspuoq aqh $o aIeS pub aouenssI CUOT~eZ!~oqhne aqh ~oj sRuIpaaooad IIe 20 sasuadxa a~ s@pnIou! ~oI~ ~p@~nouI aq o~ ~qap 2o huno~e a~ ~Bq& 'g · o3a~aq~ Ie~uaPTOUT sasuadxa ~aq~o pue $oazaq~ aI~s,pue aouenssI ~UOTheZTaOq~ne jo sasuadxa pue shsoo lie Xed o3 puc Cpaq$~osap aAoqeu!a~aq £h~adoad puc s~o~ Cshua~anozd~! p!Bs jo ~$Bda~ pUB uo!~aI~oo CuoI~onz~suoo CUOT3TS!nDoe aU3 ST pa~nouI aq oh s! ~qap pasodoad pIBS qOTq~ ~oj asod~nd aq3 ~eq& '~ '~ota~s!p %uamaAoAdm! qons zo$ 3o!a3sIE au% jo spuoq $o aouenssi au3 £q ssaupa3qapuI UB AnouI Oh pUB rs~ua~aAozdmi pies £q pah!~@uaq aq qoIq~ ~paq!~osap ~a3JBuTa~a~ 3o!~3s!~ £hYIThfl oIlqn8 pies $o UOT~aOd aqh u! 3OTZ3S!~ ~uamaAozdmI UB m~oj o~ pzBo~ sTq3 jo UOT~Ua3UI aq~ s! 3I 3eq& 'I