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Resolution No. 771
WJML: RFR: dao 1/24/67 8x RESOLUTION NO. F 7 ~ A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PAYMENT OF INTEREST RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, that WHEREAS, Frank Co Howard has filed with the Clerk of this Board a duly executed and sworn Affidavit as to Loss of Coupons, hereto attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference, and a Lost Instrument Bond, in proper form, hereto attached as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by this reference; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, as follows: 1. That the County Auditor of E1 Dorado County pay to Frank Co Howard the sum of Two Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($275.00) as the face value of said lost interest coupons. 2o That the Clerk of this Board forward a certified copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of E1 Dorado County. PASSED and ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public .(2tilty District at a regular meetiang of said Board held on the 2nd day of February 1967, by the following vote: AYES: Director:~ ' ,. ~'akeman~ Kortes, Hegarty and Melikean NOES: None ABSENT: DireQtor Fesler David 'W' Callahan Olerk of Board & Ex officio Secretary of the South Tahoe Public Utility District CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) I, DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, Coun'ty of E1 Dorado, State of California, and ex- officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof, do hereby cer't£fy that the attached RESOLUTION NO. ? 7 1 , is a true, full and correct copy thereof, and 'that said Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Said Resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote of the members of the Board of Directors thereof: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DIRECTORS WAKEMAN, KORTES, HEGARTY & MELIKEAN NONE DIRECTOR FESLER David W. Callahan, Clerk of the Board *z& Ex Officio Secretary of the South Tahoe Public Utility District (SEAL) WJNL: RPR: dao 3/1/67 6c APPiDAVIT AS TO ~,o LOoo OF COUPONS STATE OP California COUNTY OP Riverside says: PRANK C. HOWARD, being first duly sworn, deposes and That his address is 360 S. Harvard Street, Hemet, Cali- fornia. That he is the owner of the following described bonds of the South Tahoe Public Utility District: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Improvement Bonds, Series C, (Project 1959-1) Dated: Pebruary 16, 1960, Bond Numbers: 625-63~. That Coupon No. 12 attached to each of said bonds, due July 2, 1966, has been stolen or otherwise lost. That local Police and securities dealers have been notified of said loss and said coupons have not been recovered. That in consideration of the payment to deponent of the face value of said lost coupons, deponent agrees to reimburse 'the South Tahoe Public Utility District and the County of E1 Dorado for any loss incurred by reason of said payment. Deponent Subscribed and sworn to before me this llth day of January , 1967. State of Office, Ri~er~id~ C~ur,~y ,~ My Commission Expires J~nuary 12, Counts of ~ /~:~t ',,,~: ~u,~'~,.~[, b. ['~,';~,~ L ~ '~ i~ d : ~ HO'['A,,Y FUD~ 2-~A. FORNIA ~, under ~;:c ]a,4¢; of cite State of New York, as Surety (hereinafter called i',ela ant. fi::mly bound unto 5OUt~{ ',xr,~= PUbLiC U/~LJYY D~SYRJCY ' . ,r..,; ::':c:;: : ::;v:; a:-.:oun~ 0¢ r~s'.c which ~ay be ieg~lly assumed ~y .a,:.ilc. d 'q" li~:~:es") i~ tho m::v appa;~r~ {:or which n:;v'.uont~ well and truly to ~)~:-:undo, thc Principal and Surety bind t:h~msclvos, their ~;cspectivc lncirm~ leg, at rcprcsentatives~ successors and assigns~ jclntly and sevcrnliy~ firmly by these presents. SEALED with our seals and ex{!cutod in ] counterparts this 2nd day of the Prlucipal rc. prc:~c.n~s that tho Principal is the owner of ~ ~,~c ~.- .... , '~ destroyed and cannot be found ;.rd ub4zt thc same ho, s/have [~ecn mislaid~ lost, stozen or . ' ' ' b,, vi:rue of wl:ich the nrincipnl has requested the Ob!ir,,ccs to iss:ue to 'Princioal or Lo Principai:s order a new or duplicate instrument or in:<uruments~ or to ,*a,' to '*~i,.ci;oa! or credit to Princi~oal~s account the face amount of same without surreuder thereof for cancellation; and Wi;'''-','':~c~ o'a n~]e' faith of ~'~nc- rorcRoing~ .. representations and in consideration of this bond of indomnicy~ the Ob!igees have complied or a2reed to comply with said request: .,~,.~ TILERV'*'Or~r'', T~iE C()NDiIIONS OF II~i5 ...... ,, ARE, that if the Principal, the heirs~ shall in ~e./.a~ ropTesenlativcs~ succosso,*s or ~-,~c{¢,n,~ of the Princi~al~ or any of them, casa thC.' m~,~.d~-'-~ ~ los;u, stolen or destroyed oriRinal or originals be found or come into nna hands o: power o~: any or t.~c,m, or into the hands~ custody or power of any oerson~ dc~ive: or cause ~no same tn ~0c delivered unto th, Obliseos in order to be cancelled, and obi, i! also au al! ti~:,es indemnify and save hant:!ess tlne Ob!i¢~ocs from and agalust a'~,' ~nd ail c~n~s a(:tious az(: shias w',u-thec ¢~roundlcss or otherwise, and from and ' ' ' losses d;tr~ar,os~ aosts~ uh.,.,,u~,, counsel fees and other Pes;:;-,-;v<.c orictina! or ori:.iu;,l~-: ,..-.(:/or ':',: iss,mnce of a duplicate or duplicates in 'i,.u thcr,lof or tho ,-,ri,., o.- .:r,.:::iti'n.:. o~' thc tie.23 ar,lollnt Oi* E~lO ol'i:14i~l or ,':' ".. :t ~ :F?(:',:i. : :' ,'oo[ ~ w': ';:(.; or ':-~o% caused .~k,~.. ba¢od uT)on, or ,qrisinR, out .- ,, ;:. -v,' or ice"" ,.: ..o< 1, :.: a,.d ,. :'7:! o". c < .nad/or omi~:,ie" ,';.' f.nilt:r~ U,~ :_;-;'_r'.F{'¢ ~. .'-'~',~ ~UEFI':iOT! ._ ,... ~ ~:<C~mtttl(; Or dclivc':'v i'~ rest:aCt, of tho ori~.ina! or originals ::;rlI .... ur dut':licett,:~ or (.[u,;li: :; issuoc i:: lieu Zi~ereof~ and/or caused by, based upon of , /i;%1': out of ,:;n,' Ok.h,/,' ::':a~;c,a:' or k'l~i::';, w'nausocvar~ uhen this obii:qation shall be ' 11 Cr C U. ' '~' · ,' t OFP. C\'- i ,r,-?ac~J Z7 ~ i © - ~> Qi'.u~,___Bond No. 20~5] , effective the ,?.n,.~ day of t,.!OV~',~?, 19 o?,., issued by the Ag~-icu!tur.al Insurance Como~mv,,~ , in favor of bo~.~ ....... 2, LIC UY1L~YY D~SYR~CY It is agreed that: 7112 /,ii:.u:;Z3 ~u;,::),it., ,~'.":~n':n,,,_.,__~ TO I~;C'"*'- COUNTY OF EL DOP~ADO ,:,S A 2.:.',u:~ CSL~G'''? Ui':D£?, T'.-,~.'- :uu,,..,". ~'~'~ v~ '~ of ~00~ This rider is ~ec~¥~ as on as specified in the attached bond. standard time AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE COMPANY oy,;~ _,'.'.~-'~,...' . L.v_. ,,. ~ .... . ,, Fort:: 55818 10-65 General l~ar~ose Rider EXHIBIT "B" Pg. 3