HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 774 BE, II~ ~SOL~D b~ the ~rd of D~ct~s of 80~H ~HOE P~LIC . ..1.~: That"the.~$stdent of the B~d of DRect~ 'of the SOU~ :P~G' ~I~ DIS~ICT be, ~nd he 1~ hereby ~uthor~od, to .'and AcCeptance of Federal Grant f~ Sewage ~e~ent W~k, under 84-660,.,,~s amended, and he is further authorized to execute any ~:.:i and .all. related documents on behalf of said District as may be requested. ~. ~;~-.~..:.~by':the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration. ':.;..:.,-'?., .".'.::: :,-~.~::.~-?, i'~ ..'-...,..:.. . :-'.-,~-./ ~ ' . . , , ;~¥~:~':..'!.;~,,k_:;.,-:-:~..:~~ .. ~...,. ,... :,. ,:;. , '.'~ , · ., .. , ,. . .' - .~. f~'cl,'(.. :...: ' ~.. :: .:,' ;t -..~ .'~ . ,' ' ', , . ' ' . _ ' '. , .,:::~%:',~ . ~. ..';'.:.- ..,'., .... . , , . .. ,.,:~,/,.'5:::? ' '.~:. ' - ' . . ' . ...?~:,~.;i.,~:..,,.:.~', .... >:.::..?:.:P~SED ~D ~OP~D at a regul~ mooting of ~e 'B~rd of :~:z;~'?:?'""':",>'D~eCt°rs-:'-' ~ ~ of tho Seth TAHOE PUBLIG U~I~ DIS~GT on Febm~ ...,. ,., , . ... "16~ ;'1967. b~ the foHowln~ voto: AYES: Directors Fesler, ltegarty, Mellkoan & Kortes NOES: None ABSEN T: Director Wakeman Robert W, Fosl~r0 President o! Lt'm Board SOUTH TAtIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIIITRIC;'L' :~OF I~$OLUTION of the SOUTH TAHOg PUBLIC DiSTRI~,T~'County of El ~rado, state of Calff~nla and ax~fflclo ~,<~<,.~ :.,.~ ,.,:<::. ,.:,~:~ ~..~ .,~,<, .~ ~ ~..of D~ct~s thereof, do he,by codify ~at the attac~d ~?~::~':~:~ .... ' .': . :' RESOLU~ON NO ,. 774, Is a ~e,'full 27.~,~::,: .:. .::;::~::,~:: >.. :, ,<-.~:.,: ..:~, .:, ~d c~ct cow ~o~. ~?}: '.::~.~: ~: '..:.:< },.P.~IG: ~ILI~,DIS~ICT. Said ~SOL~ON ,w=s passed and adop~d b~ ~__~_~?~ :.;:':i~J:.' .... -:(:-fol'l~wlng,.:.. ~:- ... Vo~ of ~e.. momars of tho B~rd Of.D~oct~s' thereof: . ~ ':%.'..,-:<,:'.. ,?:-.....:.: . .. . ;~.,:e.:.:'~ ... ' A~S:: '[- Dlr' ' '" "' ' ' Clerk of the Board and Ex-0ift~to Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTELITY DISTRICT E A L) ',. ~:¢,t,i ...,;al: