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Resolution No. 777
WJML:KJ~h 2-23-67-10 RESOLUTION NO. 7 7 7 A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE FORMATION OF IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-1 OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, DESCRIBING THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARIES THEREOF, AND DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF INCURRING A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS THEREFOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-1 MEYERS AREA RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that WHEREAS, on January 19, 1967, this Board adopted its Resolution No. 763, A Resolution of Intention to Form Improvement District with- in the South Tahoe Public Utility District, wherein said Board expressed its intention to form an improvement district in a portion of said Public Utility District therein described, and to incur an indebtedness by the issuance of bonds of the District for such improvement district; WHEREAS, on January 26, 1967, this Board adopted its Resolution No. 765, A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 763, Entitled "A Reso- lution of Intention to Form Improvement District within the South Tahoe Public Utility District", wherein Thursday, the 23rd day of February, 1967, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., at the regular meeting place of said Board, Council Chambers, City Hall, South Lake Tahoe, California, were fixed as the time and place for hearing by the Board on the question of the formation and extent of the proposed improvement district, the proposed improvement and the amount of debt to be incurred; WHEREAS, notice of the time and place of said hearing was duly given by publication, posting and mailing, in the time, form and manner required by law, as evidenced by affidavits on file in the office of the Secretary; WHEREAS, at the time and place so fixed the Board duly proceeded with said hearing, persons interested appeared and presented matters material to the questions set forth in the Resolution, and this Board has heard and passed upon all written protests filed by the owners of property within said proposed improvement district; WHEREAS, this Board has been provided with substantial evidence, oral and documentary, as to the uninhabited nature of the territory within said proposed improvement district and on the question of benefits to the property therein from the proposed improvements, said evidence has been duly weighed and considered by this Board, and this Board is duly advised in the premises; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS FOUND, DETERMINED and ORDERED, as follows: 1. That less than twelve (12) voters reside within said pro- posed improvement district herein described as of the time of the adoption of this Resolution. 2. That all of the territory within the boundaries of said pro- posed improvement district hereinafter described will be benefited by the proposed acquisitions and improvements and by the incurring of a bonded indebtedness to finance the cost thereof. 3. That the portion of the South Tahoe Public Utility District hereinafter described is hereby declared to be formed into an improve- ment district, and such portion shall hereafter constitute and be known as "Improvement District No. U-1 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District". 4. That the exterior boundaries of said improvement district are set forth in Exhibit "A" hereto attached and incorporated herein by reference, and are set forth on a map on file with the District Secretary, which map shall govern for all details as to the extent of said improvement district. 5. That this Board deems it necessary to incur a bonded indebtedness for the purposes hereinafter stated and to provide for such bonded indebtedness to be payable from taxes levied upon said improvement district. 6. That the purposes for which the proposed debt is to be incurred are the acquisition, construction, completion and repair of 2 the improvements, works and property described in said Resolution No. 763. 7. 8. That the amount of the proposed debt is $2,700,000.00. That this Board may, by resolution, at such time or times as it deems proper, issue bonds of the District for said improve- ment district for the whole or any part of the amount of the indebt- edness authorized by this Resolution. 9. That filings pursuant to Section 54900, et seq. of the Government Code of the State of California, of the formation of Improvement District No. U-1 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, shall be made with each the County Assessor of the County of E1 Dorado and the State Board of Equalization. Clerk and ex officio Secretary I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, at a meeting thereof duly held on the 23rd day of February, 1967, by the following vote: AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors: NOES, Directors: None ABSENT, Directors: None Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler, Melikean, Hegarty Clerk nd ex officio Secretary oT~t-he South Tahoe Public Utility District 3 EXHIBIT "A" SOUTH TAHOE. PUBLIC-'UTILITY DISTRICT IMPel DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL NO. 1 Ail that ce~ain real property situated in the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, more particularly described as follows: A po~xion ofT. 12 N., R. 18 E., M.D. M, anda portion of T. 11 N., R. 18 E., M'.D.M., more par~,'icutarly described as follows: Commencing at t~{e angle point o.n the NEly boundary of the V%r. D. Barton tract oppos.~= the most Northerly corner of Lot 23~,. Block 2 as shown on that map ,eco~aed ~n BookA of Maps, Map Pages 48,.49, and $0, E1 Dorado County Records; tkence, along said NEly boundarY, S. 66°30'30'' E. , 290 feet more or less to the point of beginning of this description; fi%enoe, from said point of beginning', leaving said Barton Tract, N.' 12o55'45" E., 835 feet more or less; thence, S. 77004'I$'' E., 1500 feet more or less; thence, N. 12°$5'45'' E., 442 fee~more or less; thence, S. 77~04'15'' E., 67~ feet more or less; thence, N. ~$°00'v0 ~'" ~., 600 feet more or less to the point of intersection with the . 7.~ast boundary of Section 9, T. 12 N., R.. 18 E., .M.D.M. , E1 Dorado Gounty, C~.~o,n,~, ~,ence, along said East boundary South 4780 feet more or less to the SE corner of said Section '9; thence.?' along the East boundary of oec~on~ ~: 16, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M.D.M., South $280 feet more or less to ,. ~ t.he SE corner of said Section 16;ithence, along.the East boundary of Section 21, T.'12 N., R. iS E., M.~D.M., South 1320 feet more or less to the SE corner of the North half of the NE¼ of said Section'~.l;~thence, along the South line o;_sa~d Nor,n half, ~.est 2640 feet more or less to a'point on'the N-S midsection South Tahoe P.U.D. Parcel No. 1 Page 2 ilne of said Section 21; then'ce', along said N-S midsection line, South 1950 feet' moro or .ess to a point on the %%'esterl~, rlgh.'.-of-way line of Pioneer Trail itoad; '2hence, ~.~.,u said Pioneer Trail Road, SINly 2100 feet more or less to a point on thc iNo.~...;ne of Section 28, T. I2 N., R.'I8 E., ~4.D.M.s thence, along ~..~, East 900 feet more or less to the N~ comer of 'Section 28; :hence, .=~v...g s~;c. ,No.., llne along the N-Smidsec~on lineS. Ie14'32" E., 2486.38 ;eet ~o %no no~neas~ co~er of Lot 65 of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 45; ~hence, along the ..... = no..,er.y ~unda~of said Unit No. 4S, S. 6~44'40" ~., 206.86 feet; thence, along a 125.00 foot radius cu~e to the left, long chord bearing ISI.2S fcc;z; thence, West 122.20 feet; thence, along a.22S.00 foot radius cu~e · ~,, long chord bearing S.'64"52'30'' ~V., i91.07 feet; thence, S. 39~45' 30.38 fogs; thence, N. 51~46'30'' W., 140.0S feet; thence, S. 39"4S' W., 100.00 .~e~,...e..cu, N. 57°3D'S0" ~., 139.7I feet; thence, N. 39"4S' E'i~% 25.96 fee~; · ~e=~, :hence, S. 39"45' ~., 43.0~ feet; thence, along a 125.00 foo'~ radius cu~e %o ~he right,' long chord bearing S. 52"36'15" ~., 55.62 feet; ~he,.c~,-- ~ S. 65°27'30" ~., 94.4~ feet~ thence, along a 20.00 foot radius curve ;o ;he right, long chord bearing N. 69~32'30'' IN'., i.28'.28 feet; thence, N. 24°32'$0'' ¥;., I05.73 feet; thence, West; 157.48 feet; thence, South, I61.22 fee~, ~o a pol,-,'.~ on hbo E-lA/midsection l~lne"of said Section 28 (North line Tahoe Paradise Iini~ h"O. I0); thence,, along.the E-W midsection line of said Section 28, T. 12 X.,. R. iS Z., iVI.D.M., S. 89°$6'13'' IN'., 1347.I0 feet to the P.~ 'comer'Of ~o,~n Tahoe P.U.D. Pare.el No. 1 Page 2A Section 29; ;hence, along the t~-W midsection line of said Section 29, S.8@o$8 "'[~ ~, ,,,o,o o, l~ss to :he N'~ COmer of Lot 106, Lake Valley Subdivision, Aaa~ion N~. I, ~hence, along the bounda~ of Lake Valley Subdivision, Addition ,,.~ following courses: S. I7°35.34..W., 476'.70 feet; thence, S. 6°01.50-~., 47 40 ='~ -~ ~3 05' ,..~.,ca, S. 17 5'34" W;", I07. fe~t; thence, S. 55'00' E., · ,eau; '-'- .... ~ S i7°aS'S4'' W., 60.00 fee:; thence, S. 68031.44" · -.~.ce, Zast, 200.00 feet; thence, N. 8.1"30, E., iS0.00 feet; t'nenco, ~a~,.,70.00 ': ~. ' ,ee~, thence, S. 57°30, E., 145.00 feet; thence, 120.60 Zeet, to the StAr cOmer of Lot 84I, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 12; along ~ho bounda~7 of TahOe Paradise Unit No. 12 the following courses: Sou-,~h Tahoe P-II.D' Parcel No. 1 page 3 S. 55°$3, E., 158.38 feet; the~iCe, S. 27°18' E.,. 192.74 feet; .thence, ,~o~o,~., ~ 875.74 feet; thence, S,'46~47~10" ~' ' 83.~9 ~t; thence, .. . =~o~8,.30,, ~., 180.91 feet; thence, S. Io o-. ~ ~' ' , Tahoe Paradise U~t No. 141 N. 70°0~'20'' ~'' 72.39 fee%to ~e SE.comer'oiLer 23 ~ =~- along ~e boundary oi said Unit No. 14 %he following courses: X. 32°27'I0'' E., ii6.SZfee~; thence, N. 58o21'50'' W., 247~36 feet; ~ence, X. ~3o/.5,30'' NV., 190.75 feeZ; -~ence, N. 34~25'30'' ~'' 141.37ieet; ~ence, . 344.44 feet; thence, 'N.' 67°47' 20" ~., 138.14 feet; ~ence, -o ~,z3 i$7.36 feet; thence, S 44°32'10'' ~'' 399.62 feet; ~ence .,o~i.26,..Z 2Sl 45 feet; ~ence', S. 9~2~'Z0'''E., 185.18 feettoa point on %he ~o;%'nor~Y right-of-waY line o~ ~uniper Drive; thence, along said Nor~erly . . ' -.v line S. 69~4~' ~., 82..19 fee~; thence, along a 139.58 foot radiu~ cu~e to 'Jne .... '~ long chord bearing,~ S 83:40'4 ;' ~' , 67.36 fee~; ~enoe, ~ . N 52o51,21,, ~. 145.01 feet; then~, along a 176.45 foo~ ' ~ ~ long chord bearing S. 86%46'35" W., 228.57 fee:; ~ence, leaving 'i~e NM;fy right-of-way hne of ~uniper Drive, N. 38"35'43" ~., - N. 32°20'30" ~. , 256.85'[ee~; '~'~ ' N 10o29,30" ~./ 149.76feet; thence, 293.58 fe~t~ ~,ence, S. 44'25.'30" W., 166.81 feet to a point on ~e No~erly South Tahoe P.U.D. Parcel No. i ?age 2A Section 2~; ';hence, along the E-W midsection line of said Section 29, S.89°$8' V~r., 2120 ~eo, moro or loss ~o :he N'~ co,er of Lot 10~, Lake Valley Subdivision, ~on ~. ~,~ follow~n,~ courses: S. I7°35'34".~., 476'.70 feet; thence, S. 6°01'50'' E., ,. 47.40 loot; ;hartco, S. ~7°35'34" W'.', I07.05 fe~t; thence, S. 55'00' E., 2,~0.00 '~e~, ............. .,,~.,~,. S. i7°~5'34" ~.,' 50.00 feet; thence, S. 58°31'44" E., ~3.42 fee's; "~,.,~..ce, ..... ~as~, 200.00 feet; ~hence, N. 8.1~30' E., 150.00 feet; :henca, ~,,.,70.00 reef; thence, S. 57°30' E., 145.00 feet; thence, S. 65°3~' 2., 120.00 ~e~, to the SW comer of ~t 841, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 12; ~henca, alonC %ho ' ' ~ . ~unaa, y of TahOe Paradise Unl~ No 12~the followin~ courses: South Tahoe P.U.D. Parcel No. 1 Page 3 ~.~ 6~o°~'ow .. TM , 158.38 feet; thence., S. 27o18, E. ,. 192'.74 feet; ·thence, .~ ow I E. , 875 74 feet; thence, S, '4G"47'10" E. , 83.39 feet; thence, S. I$°$,'.'10'',. ~ , 138.56 feet; thence, S. 61~38'30'' VT., 180.91 feet; thence, N. 70°09'20" %/7., 72.39 feet to the SE.corner.of~ Lot 23, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 14; thence, along due boundary of said Unit No. 14 the following courses: N. 32°27' iC",.,. TM , ii~. $2 ,ee.,: "thence, N. 58o21'50'' W. , 247~'36 feet; thence, ~'. 35010'35" ¥~., ~.77 feet; thence, N. 41°24'10" V;., 151.11 feet; thence, N. S3°/.5'3~'' ?7., 190.75 feet; thence, N. 34025'30'' ¥;., 141.37 feet; thence, N. 50'7'50". W., 344.44feet; thence,'N.'67°47'20" W., 138.14feet; thence, S. 45°30'<~'' %ff., 157.36 feet; thence, S.' 44"32'10" W., 399.62 feet; thence S..~'~°~*'26"~ .Z., 281.45 fee~; thence', S. 9°25'20".E., 185'. 18 feet tea point on the No ..gn~-oz-way line of juniper Drive; thence, along said Northerly '~'ch~-~-: .....,r line, S 6~°43' W., 82..19 fee~;.thence, along a 139. S8 foot radius cu~e to ~ ~ .~,~n~, long chord bearing,~'S'~~ '83:40'49'; ~., 67.36 feet; ~ence, N. 82021'22'' W., 116.21 feet; thence ',' along a ' 73 ;. 73 foot radius cu~e to ~e right, long chord bearing, N. 59o49.36. W..,. 56.50 feet; ~ence,.N. 37°17'50'' ~., i02.01 ;eot; thence., N. ~2°51'21'' ~. ,' 145'.01 feet; thence, along a 175.45 foot radius curve to ;ne l**., Iong chord beartn~ S. 86%46'35'' ~., 228.57 feet; ~ence, leavln~ 'L~o NV;fy right-of-way ~ne' of Juniper Drive, N. 38°35'43'' W., 2S6. SS'feet; thence, N. 10029'30" ~.'; '149. 76 feet; thence, N. 32°20'30'' W., i03'. 60 fee;; '~enco, 'S. S2°44'30'' 'W;.,~'57.31 feet; ~enoe., S. 9°10'40'' ~.., 2$3. SS fect~ ~ence,'S. 44°25'30'' W', 166.81 feettoa point°n~eNo~erly ~ou~n ?~hoe P.U.D. P~:'cel .Nfo. I Page 4 llne of Juniper Road; thence, N. 45°29' 10" W., 208.13 feet; thence, h'. 33°$8' V;., 250.78 feet; to a point 210 feet SEly of the Southerly right-of-way ,,~,e of ~J S. Highway $0; thence along on a .line parallel with said Southerly ;-i,~hu-of-wa¥ ilne S. SS°S'S' W., 1292.30 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way ilA.e Of k'avahoc Drive; thence, along 'said' Nortl~erly right-of-way line, West 326.75 feet; %henc~, along a'22.25 foot radius curve to the right, long chord bearing, N. i$°30'02'' V;. , 42.87 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of i7. S. Highway $0; thence along said Southerly right-of-way line, S 58°SS' W. ' : . : · f ~-~. SS :eet; thenc&, leaving said SEly right-of-way ltne~ South 235.24 feet to the SW corn¢~' of Lo': 2 of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 1S, said corner.being on the North line of Sec'~ion 32, T. 12 N., R. 18 E.; thence, along said North line, N. 89°i~'50'' E., $87.66 feet to the NV; corner of Sierra Parks Subdivision; thence, ~ong the %".rest ~;ne of said Sierra Parks Sub~ivision, S. 1~27'22'' E. , 664.27 feet to ~ke ~'V~ corner of Lot 89, Sierra Parks'SubdivisiOn. Unit No. '21 thence, along ~e bounda~'y of said Sierra Parks Subdivision Unit No. 2 the' following courses: S. I°27'22" 7:.. , 514.19 f&et;' thence, from a tangent that bears S. 24°29'23'' W., ~;o,,~ a ~0 foe: radius 'curve to the rig through an angl~ of 2e53'53'' , a dlsmnce df 16'i.$S feet; '~hence, N. 88°.59'37'' E., 668':66 feet; thence,.N, l°27'22" W., 116.56 ~c~, ~ ..... ~,.~,.c~'*-- ~, N. 2i°i0'48'' E., 54.17 feet; thence, N. 1°27.22,, V~., SS3.55 fee2; tkence, N. 85o32'38'' E., ·80.00 feet; thence, N. l°27'22'' W., i25.0O,.,~ '~ ......, t2.ence, N. 32°53'59'' E., 59.96 feet; 'thence, N. 0049'00".w. , I00. O0 fee'; .to a point, on 'oho No~th line: °f:'said Sect/on 32; thence, along said ~o~,h Tahoe ?.U.D. Parcel No. i Page 5 .'x-or,'h..,.a~'- N. Sg°i0'$0'' E., 450 feet more or less to the Nb' of, said Section'32; midsection line of said Section 32, South 1980 00 feet, more ~, .~css, -,o southeast comer of the NE¼ of the SE¼ of the NWA- of said Sec~on 32; ~hcncc, along the south line of said NE~*~est 330 feet, more or less; thence, Sou~ . ~.~ ~ee:, more or less, to the southeast comer of the the NE~ of the SW~ thence, West 900 feet, more or less, fo the westerly line Df tnence.,al cng ~he westerly line of Highway 89, (100 feet westerly of ~.highway) the following courses and distances: ~. ~°2~ .~., .175.71 feet; thence, along a 4900.00 foot radius curve to the right, ,...,,.~ o,~.-....,g S. 2° 6'., 1007,~7,feet; thence, S. 3°28' W., 1560.93 feet; said westerly right-of-way line, N. $°39' W., 1745.81 feet, to co~'ne.r of ~he S~{- of ~he SW~ of said Section 321 ~hence, alon~ said Section 32, N. 89°41'30'' ~., 1316.99 feet, to the southeast corner of.,~c,.,,., ~ .... ' .... ~'?, T. I2 N., R. i8 E., M.D.M.; thence, along the south line of~..a--' ' ,...,.~.o..'~-, ..... ~ o,~~, S. 89°57'12'' W., I979.92 feet to the southeast co.er of the .,a ~W~- of .,~ of said Sec~on 31; thence, along the east line of said %'z- 0~ "~'~"'V;., 1269.19 feet; ~hence, N.' 88~32'0~9" E., 494 62 feet; thence, 3 ~, N. 2... . .%'. 0°22'45'' V(., .~251.00 feet; thence, N. 87°07'03'' E., I64.85 feet, to the o ....a~.~. corner of the SW~ of the NE~- of sa, id Se~lon 31; thence, along ~he east .. . ~,~ ~,,rL 45" ' 1362 55 feet, ~o the center 0f the NE~ of said ~ ..... ~"~ ~' -,'of the NE~ of said Section 31, ~..~.. ~x; .nanca, along the no~h line 'of the ] ~{ .... . ..... South Ta.,oe P.U.D. Parcel No. 1 Page 5A ~..., ooo 00 more or less, ~. . ~, to a point on the Northerly rlght~.of- v~a¥ ?.ne of ~-ilgkwav $0; thence, along the Northe. rly'right-of-' way ilne, of 'O'.S. i~i~h~vay S0 tho follo%vin~ Courses: S. 39"24' V~., 300 fee:, more or loss; .,.once,, a~ong a 2900 foot radius curve to the right thro~:gh an angle of oo oo 0~ , a dls;ance of 1699.80 feet; thence, continuing, along said Northerly ~;.~n,-o'?..vay ilne of 7J. S~ iqichway ,50, Westerly, to an intersection with the --..-.s.-~.ly ....... k'igh.-O~-~vay~ne of ?roposed. Freeway; thence~, along said Easterly and llne, ~or~herly, to the most Westerly co~er of Lot 47 o~ ~..-...~ .... .o~.~.~u~'"~ ~ L'nlt No. ~4; thence, along said Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 34, South Tahoe P.U.D. Parcel No. 1 Page 6 '~he foiiowln~j courses: N. 74%3'20" P.., 491.51 feet; thence, S. 75°31' E., 27 ~ u.00 ' zees; thence, S. 73°26'3S'' E. , 540.41 fe~t; thence, S. 71°31'2S'' E., .c~. more or less; thence, con~nuing along ~he SOutherly right-of-~ay line of said Pz'o[~osed Yree~ay ~o the point of lntersec~on of the Southerly Ex~nsion ~ne of ~a.oe Paradise U~t No. 28; thence, along said Zasterly .,ne aha .,~ Southerly extension, ~. S~E. , 2600 fee~ more or less ~o the mos~ Southerly corner of Lot 1282 of Tahoe Paradise Uni~ No. 28; ~hence, con~nuing ~ong '-~ 0~ 1' 49.63 feet; thence, ~-~ o~.a~ry cz saz~ Ur2t.No. 28, N. 4 1 E. , o 7~°iL~ z , ~7.o5 zeeZ; ~hence', S. 49:49' E., S0.00 feet; ~ence, c 73°~b ~. , ~0 feet more or less to the center line of Upper T~ckee River; ~kencc, alcnL- said cen~er line, NZly and Northerly' %o the poln~'of Intersec~on ~,.e X~...;.czly ,~gn~-oz-way line of San Bernardino Avenue; thence, along said L'iy rlcOh':-of-way line of San Bernardino Avenue, S~ly to a point on :he ~es~ .~ne ~. ~ne ~%~%- of the S~%- of Sec~on 80, T. 12 N., R. 18 Z., ~.D.~.; ~ence, ~.,~ V;es~ ilne North 1060 feet more or tess tothe North line of ~e N~ of ,ne o~-j of saia Section 30; thence, a[ong said No~h line, ~st 1100 feet ~ ~o a . ~,.,~ on ~h~ Westerly right-of-way line. oIProposed ~xpressway; ~-e.ce, along sa~a ~esteriy right-of-way line, Southerly t6 ~e Wesferly extension of ~ke S~''''k - ~ v" ~.~... ~r,e Of Lo~ 111~, Tahoe'Paradtse Uni~No. 17; thence, leaving Sou':h Tahoe P.U.D. Parce~ No. 1 Page 7 said \,Vesterl zi6~ht-of-way line, N. 58°55' E. , 848.33 feet; thence, S. o, ~ ~., ~o. O0 zeo'~; thence', N.'$S°55' E., 586.93 feet to the most z~e,,y co'~'nez of ~.ot 23 of Tahoe Paradise Subdivision; thence, S. 35°31' F.., $$0 feet nioze 'o;' less to a point on the NV~iy right-of-way line of California i-liChway 50; thence, along said NWly right-of-way line, N. $8°55' E. , 400. ~-, zees; thence, leaving said NWl right-of-way line, N. 33°31' V~. , 3 1°05' W., 37.04 feetlto the most Southerly corner ~,,oe ?aradise; thence, N. 56°29' E., .06 feet; thence, N. 33° 31' ~Ar., iS.41 feet; the'nee, Al. 62"18' E., ~0.00 feet to the most Scutke~-iy co~ne~ of ~uniper Park Subdivison; thence, along said Iuniper Park S~ou.v.~.~.,"~ ~ ....... "u~.e fo'~iowing courses: N. 62°22' E. , 386.46 feet; thence, N. 64°35'20" 2., 127.$2 feet; thence, N. 2°00' E., 1748.92 feetto X~ co~n~z o~ &a~a ~***pe, Park Subdivision said point being common with the SE co~ne~ of Lo% ~8, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 3; thence, along fhe boundary of ~ahoe Paradise .... No. 3 the following courses: un,~ N. 2°00' E., 91.25 feet; "~o~,,~.,c~ ~, n~s~'~- 5 s~7.84 feet; thence, South 60.'00 feet; thence, East 39.96 feet; thence, ~. 8~°55'$4'' E., 73. I5 feet to a poin~t on the Vv'es~erly right-of-way .... ~.,w~y $0; thence, along said YZesterly right-of-way line, . ~ee~, thence, N. 4°32'30:' W. ;'48. 96 feet; ~ence, · ~v,,,g said ~res~er[y right&of-way line, N. 89°S5'54 ~., 68.07 feet; '~ence, ;~-7 5~ zee~;o'~e NE corner of said Unit 3, ~e same being the N{corner of Sec'&on 2g, T. 12 N., R. 18 Z,, M.D.M.; ~e'nce,.aiong saidNo~ line of Sou~h Tahoe P.U.D. Parcel No. 1 Page 8 89°48' I0" 'W. , 2640 feet more dr less to the NW corner of s,..c:~on 2S; ~.',cnce, alone the West llne of Section 20, T. 12 N. , R. 18 E., 2540 ,~, more. or less to ~h.2 %~f¼ corner, of said Section 20; thence, along the .-*-%~ m:asec~on llne of said Section 20, East 2640 feet more or less to ~he ;~,~.~ ,.~.,on 201 thence, along the N-S midsection line of said S ...... ~c~.~, North' $00 fee~ more or less to a point On the Northerly right-of-way ~.~w .%/,~,. Road; ':;~ence, along the Northerly right-of-way line of Saw Mill Road, \.'.;es~e:ly and Nc:~nerly to the point of intersection with the ?.-V,r r;.id-'<;ection ilne of Section 18, T. 12 N., ~. 18 E., M.D.M.; thence, ~,.,..,; Z-V/,,,:dsec~ion ilne of said Section 18, West 1700 feet more or lass zo ':ha ccn'a~z of -said Section 18; zhence, along the N-S midsection line ,,,, ,.; ,..., corner of - ~.o; o,o of Mour,~ain View Estates ,. Unit No. 6, said point being N. 2045'30" IV., $8.00 feet from the S~ corner of said Section 18; thence, along .:ou,,a~ry of Mountain View Estates, Unit No. 6 and No. $ the .~..~,~.,.~ courses: N. 6c749' %Ar., 6i 68' feet; thence, N. $2°47' W., 99.20 feet; thence, N. 7002' ¥;., 8. i7 feet; thence, S. 49~26' W., 3%1.00 feet tea point on ':he N~'-y ~-' ~* ~ . , ~.,~n~-o,-way line of Mountain Meadow Drive; thence along sa~d X.iy right-of-way ..ne along a 1075 foot radius curve to the left, long 'chord bearlng.N. 44°~7' 'W., 158.09 feet; ~hence, leaving said Northerly right-of-way line of Moun~aln Meadow Drive, S. 4 l°00' Vt, ,. 160185 feet; thence, N $0°i4' ~Ar., ~7.00 feet; thence, N,; 56°20' W * f' · . ., 97.15 feet; thence, :.: . .*, , ~ ..... ~ * , ',2 ~.._,..,. . ;!: .... Sou':'h ,~,hoe P.U.Do Parcel ~o. 1 Page 9 60° 27'30" lA/., 30.13 feet; thence,. 28028' V~'., S0.00 feet; thence, N'. $. ~- \'v. , '.~. 00 tee., '~nence, S. 28°06' %/V'. , 204.87 feet; thence , along a 20 ' ~-~ ~' .... S. 73°17' W. 28 37 feet; ~oo~ cu:-ve ;o 'L~a right, long chord bearing, , '~hence, N. ~ k°32' \^,r., 477.42 feet; thence, S. 28°28' 'W., '165.60 feet; thence, 'N 51°3~'-~ Vf., ~o, a5- -'- " t3,ence,.N. 82°57' Vff.' 112.08 feet; thence S. 75°07, %'£., 105.91 feet; thence, S. 66~35' V~., 105.71 feet; thence, S '~'° 20 o~ - , ' i27.00 feet; thence along a -.~,., ~eeu "~hence N. 37°46' foot :-c.a'.u~ curve ~o the .~,,-, ~ong chord bearing, S. 48°24' lA/. , 59.77 fee~; ~'~ N ~eo-~ ..... 74. ....ence, . o~ o~ o~ %'./., 74 feet; thence, along a 503' foot radius curve '~o ~,.~ .cz':, ,~.,u cnez~ ;car;ng, S. 36°32'30'' W. , 35'. 84 feet; thence, ilne .of :aid Sec'~on i9, N. 0°36' E. , 77.0 1 feet to the NW corner of said Section 19; thence, aion.~ '~the Yfest line of Sec~on :18, T.' 12 N. , R. 18 N. ~o~,,.~ .... the SW corner of ~he NW~ of the u =-, -.~ ~. , o~50 feet more or lesS' - ' - --, . o .... '~ 18; thence, along ~he' South line of sa~d NW~; 1320 feet more or .~ to the SE~orner of said N%~; .thence, along the East line of said N~/:f, ~,~,, lj20 feet more or less to'a point on the North 1/ne of said S,,,~.o., :3; thence, along s'aid North line of Section 18 East 4200 feet more' or .'es~ zo the NE corner of said Section 18; thence, along the Nor~ line of Section 17, T. i2 ,X'., A; i8 R., M.D.M. , East 2640'foot'more'or [ess to the N~t Comer So~.,~, Tahoe P.LT.D Parcel N°. 1 Page 10 ~.~ u~c~or. 17; thence, along the N.-S midsection line of Section 17, 2340 £ee~ mo;a or lass to the center of said 'Section 17; thence, along the '' ' ~ of said Sect/on 17, West. 2640 feet more or less ;o the %V'~- oat'nar of ~a ~ecnon 17; thence, along the West line of said Sec~on 17, ~o,...~_o.~ :aa': mo;e o; ,=ss ~o the SW corner of said Sectlonl7; '~hence, along ~ne Souzk .~ne of sa~d Sec'~ion 17, Eas~ 4900 feet more or less to a point on C',e N\,Viy rid'hz-of-way line of 13. S. Highway $0; thence, along said NWiy riCh,-of-v/ay ~ ........ ~ -' ....~, No..n~as~e,~y 850 feet more or less to a poin~ on the Zest ,;ne o~- ~a ~ea~¢on ~7; Zhenae along the. East line of said Section 17, Nomk <<ou zoo's- mc;e or lass ~o ~he NE corner of said Section 17; thence, alang oec..on Io, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., East 630 feet more or less ':o ,.e S\^; ca;ne; of Lo; 6, Block 4 of the aforementfoned lA;. D. Barton Tract; ~o. 59 fee; to the SE corner of said Lot 6; thence, No,.h~..y a.on~' ~ne %ffes'~erly right-of-way line of U. S. Highway $0, as said r.;gnv¢=y ex,s.aa in ,DSS, NEiy to the NE corner of Lot 20, Block 1, of aid ¥¢. D Ear:on ~ ...... · .,~c:; thence, SEly 200 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way ilne of ~, $. ~-,;gnw%y 50, as'it existed in 1958, said pol~t being ~e intersec~on of ~ha ~' S. "' ' ' . z, zgnway S0, as shown on ~e W. D, Ba~on Tract; ~ence, . ...... . ~..~ ~o'.~;n s;aa of old Highway $0, NEIy to a Point of intersection of the Southerly ~-ight-of-way llne' of Melba Road as'shown on said %Ar. D. Barton Tract; ,,e,ce along '~ne Southerly boundary of' Said ~ - , . W. D'.-Barton Tract the following %. 65°14'30'' ;P..., 84.08 feet.;"t, hen¢~: 'S. '66~'80';30" E., 440.99 feet; Sclut.h. Tahoe P.U.D. .Parcel No. 1 thence, N. 23°29'30'' E., 374.56 feet; thence, N. 14°32' W., 156.52 feet; thence, N. 66o30'30" V7., 223 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Excluding from the foregoing Description, the following Parcels: Mt. View Estates Subdivision, Unit No. 5; Unit No. 6; Unit No. 7; Unit No. 8 and Unit No. 10. Echo View Estates Subdivision, Unit No. 1 and Unit No. 2. Country Club Heights Subdivision, Unit No. 1, Unit No. 2 and Unit No. 3. D. Country Club Estates Subdivision, Unit No. 1 and Unit No. 2. A parcel' of land described as follows: Beginning at a point tha~ bears N. 57°22'13'' E. from the SW Corner of Section 29, T. 12 N., R. 18 E. M.D.M.; thence, from said point of beginning, S.. 58055' W., 400.00 feet; thence, N. 33°31' %Ar., 500.00 feet; thence, N. 31005' W., 37.04 feet; thence, N. 56°29' E., 398.06 feet; thence, N. 33031' 19.41 feet; thence, N. 62017' E., 416.93 feet; thence, S. 33036' E., 521.65 feet; thence, S. 57037' 'vV., 24.86 feet; thence, S. 62o38'30" W., 335 feet, more or less; thence, S. 62°14'30''W., 57.25 feet; thence, S. 33°31' E., 50.75 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-1 DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL NO. 2 Sza%e o£ ~' .......... ~=__.v..,-=, more particularly described' as follows. ...... ~.~ poP',;ion of 'oho South half of the Sough half of Seczion.. 2 '~ne ~ ..~: ~ .... o~-on 3, the North half of the Northeas quarter ~. Sec'sion i0~ ane of the Wes% half of Section I1, an l In Towns'~ ~ Norvh ~:~,-~- !8 ~st, M.D.B.&M., particularly described as follows: =~_~,.,_~,~-a~ t'..e XortnI.:est corner of the parcel of land herein des~,~'~,--~ ider.'~ic'-al wi'~h '~he most Noz, theriy corner of ~t 38 of Block 57 o~ ~:.o=-SLerra Subdivision No 3~ as shown on vhe off,ce of the County Recorder of the Counvy of El ~rado~ S%a%e of California, on July 5, i9~6 _.. ,,=~ ~u.~ .., . . w~ Zhence. leaving said point of beginning ~n~ ~ ~--~,-o ~ ......... ~..~-'- ex'zcrloP lines of said ~hoe-Sierra Subdivision ~o. 3~ ~ ...... _~ o~ - ~.. ~- ~ South 5° 24~' ~st 463 81 ~ ...... o 0b~ Wos~ 24D.o2 Teet, · ,=~ ....... ant' ~,~.. ~ ....... ~ '~W"~ 38~ "wes~' 154.59 feet to the most ~sterly ccrner.~ Lo,, _ o, Jiock 5S of said Subdivision; thence leaving ~.~ e,.=~.~,~ then, South ~.u 22' ~st 425 90 feet along the South- .. - .~ ~n Avenue ex,ended Southeasterly to a poinD; ...... ~-o.~o the Westerly. side of the ~out Creek F. eadow~ ~:-; a Sou'~hcrly direction the following courses and distances: Sou~n 3° >)~ t,;c~ ~.70,~e;; South 29f 39' West 157.49 feet; ~,~'-~,. 3"° ~¥~"~:~ ~,,~o~ '~ ~o7.~ feet; South 14~ 28' West 148.31 feet~ South 78 ' o~ ~ 0=~;~ ....... ' 1~;9 33 fee~, South 1° 28' West 2 50 South 8 ':~:', ~ ~ "~ So. uth i~° 05' ~st 425.35 feet; South 24° 14' ~,fes'o ~=~/ 7d. ;eeo; SouZa 6b~ 39' ~st 301 81 feet; South 25© 24' .... ' ' " ~7~" ~'- 73 ~ae;~ Souvn 19° 0~' ~st 326.50 feet; South 35° ' ~o ~ 2DP. , - .... Z?6 6 3 ~ 590.-0 ~c~; ~ou~,, 19° ' ~st .2 feet, ........... 50' ~st 143.06 fee~ to a 1 inch West 350.~ fee'c and Su~..~n 3i~ ca'coed,. ~,~'.~'~., ..... ~oa';~ szampea' ' ~,- S. 2217 ~rking the ~st 1/16'Oh corner be'cween Seo'OYon 3 and i0, I~50~ from which a 2~ inch capped iron .-~-.- .... o ~-,= corner coP~mon to Sectipns 2 and 3, 10 and 11, ~ NOrth ........... 16 ~S~ H.D.~.~H.~ be~s No~h 89 08~ ?.A". . ~st -S~. 05 .~,'- thence continuing along the Westerly .side of said Ch-.ouu Creek Headow~ South 2t° i~O, ~st 265.23 feet; South 8° '- ......... · , - ~ Web~ .. ~=e~, South 13° 5! Wes't 270 43 fee~' Sou~h 12~ ~P,.k~ ,-..- -.--. 53~-' ~st 239 O4 feet and ~:.~t ,o~.. 37 ..... "' · · ~=~, South 31~ South ~, - ',.~ ~t'-3 34 feet to a point on the Sout~ boCndar~ of the Xor'bheas'~ cuar.'~er of the Northeas~ quarter of said Section !Oi znence =-o,-o sald South boundary, ~sterly to th~ Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast 'quarter of said Sec~on'-~ i0', thence ~o,,o~ '~' the Section line co,on to said Sections .~..~ oo~u,,=~=y 2~40 feet~ more or less, to the Sckzhwest corner of the Northv:est %uarter.~f the Southwest quarter of said ~=C~-o .... ~ :..=nc= =~ono uhe Sou~h llne of %he North half of the SouthwesD quarter or said Section 11, ~sterly 2640 feet, more or la~ 5o thc Southeast corner of ~he North half of the South- west cuar. t=r of said 'Sec%ion !!; =hence along the Nouth-Sou~h center!ina of said Section, Nor'~h O0° ~8' 13" Wes= tO~2.98 feet; ' No~n-~ou~h centerilne North 31° 54' 3On West ''".21 fee'-i %hence North 05° 25~ 00" West 260 O0 fee=; thence o .... 09 50' we t 1073.00 feet; ~henoe No=$h 16~ 30~ 00" -~ · ,~iorth 40° OO' O0" West 582 56 feet; ~.fesu 582.96 ~et, thence .~ · ~-' ..... "~ ,:-'~ $2 ° OO" ~,.~.,~e ~u~.., 50' East 221.14 feet; thence North 85° ~uet to a point on the Southwesterly line l~; ~O~ ~s'~ 379.25 ~ of L~,;e Christopher Subdivision~ as shown'on the Official Y~p ~'.~-~..~,-, ,~ea' _.~ the office of the County Recorder of the ~ ~, Cal&~o,n~a, on April 23, 1958 ~ounvy of ':~ Dorado, State of ~ ~ ~ " =~ ~- ~ ', .... No 94. thence along the exterior lines of said "~'-' 8a° 05' '~" Wes~ 192 54 feet; thence South 77° O3' a~.~ ~.~esb 90!.7o feeD~ %hence North 86° ~0~ ~1° We~ 1~9 iG ~..=.,~e Norl;h ?.9° =u' ~i' West 152.O6 feet; thence North 31 5°`` ~,;est x. ox. Oo feet thence' North 64~ 38' i6" West 87.58 feet; zhence No~-.'Ch 77© 28' 16" West 36.70 feet; thence North 39~ 43~ " ...... ~ :.' · ~- ~ 27' West 109.31 ~i.~'' ,.,~cu ~...o.~O feet, ~h=,,ce North 20~ 3 . ~-,o ~,, West 150.65 feet; thence North 07 ~-" ~res . O0 ~u=~', %hence ~orth 67°'47~ 36" West 60.00 feet; zhence "~r'dn.,~ u,~7° 25~ 3!" West 57.52 feet; thence leaving said ~,.,,a along the ~sterly line of ?~onaer 'rra~' Xo~'~- OS° 32' 4S" West 61 68 feet; thence North 29° 50; iS" Wes'~ 224.94 feet, Zhenae North 18° 01' 06" West y~ fae~; thence North 25° 06' 56" West 10~.O3 feet; thence ~ '~ ' West 59.32 ....... West Xorth ~o _. 36" 32' 26" · ~e~, thence North 22° 57~ .... ... . .oD fee~ 'Chance Xorth 25° 05' 46" West 47 16 feet to the North llne .... ...... ~ c:.u SouVh h~_-', of the Southwest auarter of said Section ~ II ~.,~;.ae c.=ong saia ~or'cn line, South 89 09' 2~ West 32 90 fee~ vo '~he Xo:.'bheas: cornel~ of Sierra Mea. dp~.~_~i~._NQ.__~ as shown c~ ~no o.._u_~= ;,~:: "~'-~'~oe filed in the office of the County Re- corae~ ~. 'one uou.,~y of El ~rado, S'tate of California, on ~=~a.,~er ~, 1957 kn i,hp ~ok B, iZ~p No. 90; thence leavi~ said :,o ..... ~,,~ ~o,~a Zhe Northeasterly llne of said Subdivision, ~, 2) Op ~-o~':~s~ 60.00 feet; thence South 22° 32' 26" ~st o~.CO :ee'c' 'thence South 53° 2i.' 36" ~st 60.00 feet; thence ~outn 25° ~ - . - ' ~oa lO0,O0 feet; thence South 18° O1' 06" ~s t 79. ~'"~ ' " ....... ' == ~ee'c; u,,=,,~e South 29° 50' 16" ~s't 197.08 feet- ~:.ence Sc .... ._ ~o 3~' ~S" ~.st ~8 19 feet to the most Southerly corne~~ c'f,,~_~'~ Siez'ra Meadows Unit No. ~,.a point on the North- ,:as ~=. _:,, _.,.~.: _ Black ~rt Avenue, as shown on the Official ;,~/'~-~ o.-' ~_~:~-'--'~.. ~ Meado~,;s Subdivlsion, filed ~n the office of the .,~==r ~, ~,.e County of E1 Domado, ~,~.~y '::,-, ..... , ..... State of California, on Oczo'oe~~ ~0, 1951, :n 2~p Book B, F~ No. 3; thence along said ' ,~ ' ~'~- South 53° ~2' O6~ ~st 25 63 feet; thence Nortnea~ tez~_y ...... ~, · c. oss.,.~ same ~!ack Bart Avenue South O8~ 42' 06" ~st 56.56' (to a ~oLn'~ ,,~,,, which ~ne Section corner common to said Sections 2, 3, lO'~ ~: '~- ' ' .... a =_~ ~ua;~s South 53° 56' 11" West 1224 87 feet); II thence !ear~ ...... ' ..... , ~.,~_.. ~kc. o_aox ~rt Avenue 'South 07° 59~ 10 ~st =lo.q6 ..... alon;? 'She said Westerly boundary of Pioneer Trail; thence leaving sale oounaary South 36. 45 50 West 53.22 feet; thence ~,,o~.u~ ''~ .... .. q3~ po~-~ 30" West"'322.53 feet; thence North 53° 42' 06" .z.'es'c 432.13 fee~, ~n~nce North 12° 3~' 50" West 66 57 feet bo ~;he Sou~oher!y corner of ~t 31 of the. sai~ Sierra Meadows ~v_~zon; vnence a~ono the exterior 'lines of said Sierra o~a_v~,o,,~ North 73° 59' 28" West 129 O0 feet; thence . ~ · o 06" ~',o. vh ~o 42' 0~" Wes% 220.6~ feet; thence North 6i .v~est -~.9o feet; thence North"74° 22' 06" West 106.90 feet; thence ~o..~:, om qr' West 201.96 feet; thence North 53° 06 '~esv lOG O0 feet; ~a=,,ce North 23° ~2~ 06" West 115.&7 feet; ..... ,ce North 53' 42' 06" West 200.00 feet; thence South 81 17' p~'"' :.','~.~:~t =~'.~2 fee's', thence North 80° 56' 20" West 112.&4 feet', ~nenca >;aria 61° ' ' ' ~,;~' 06" Wes~ 141.39 feet; thence North 68' 42' 06" Wes% IO3.9~ fee~; thence North 61~ 42' 06" Wes% lO0 98 ~"-~'-> 80~ ~-~- 26" West 100.67 fee~; ~hence NorUh 61° 42' ~o ',.~es's 151 47 feet; thence North 22° 42' 06" West 58.a'~ feet ~.,~..~e ;sortn 22° 12' 06" Wes~ 117 28 feet; thence North 55 14' 24 ,~o~ 3~.97 fee~; Vhence North i8~ 56' 43" West 342 67 feet; thence u~ 5 ' West 100.72 feet; thence North 11° 48' O1" West =~.i~ feet', thence North 22° 06' 33" West 100.84 feet; %hence v ,~...o.. ..~:~,,~: O6'~ %.,,,:~;% !OO.OO feet; thence North 10~ Ii' 47" West c:~ CO" West~'~"~ 5o .=et; thence leaving said Subdlvls!o~'., .... No, ~,, 29° ',',~s~ .O fee~; vnence 10' ~s~ 277.~2 fee; ~o the >;or;m,'es5 .uo,,,=, o; ~o~ !, Block A in said Sierra Meadows Subdivision; =..~ aio,.3 ~,,c >:or%herly line of said Subdivision, North 75~ 17' 5~u z~sV 104.OO fee5 and North 75~ 25' 2~",~s% 40.00 feet to the ~"-~'~-'t~,~. ~,,~,,~ corne,~' of said Subdivision, a point in the Westerly line ~'* Sierra ~ .... "~','~ Uni'0 No 3, as shown on the Official M~p therebf, z_.,~c~ L;l ..... ~,;c c:l ~ce of the County Recorder o~ ~2 %a on June 3, 1955, in ~ok B of Maps ;'C~p No , ,¢,u,,a Meadows Subdivision and along the Weste, y line o'f said~_~.<'~'. ...... .~ Meadows Un2~ No. 3, North 5~ 49' 40" Wes~ 108,05 . ......... , ...... ...~ ~2¢ 'fee;, ~...u,,c~ ...~ .... ' .-OO~ ~s'6 208.~6 feet~ thence North 6~ 00' '- ~'~'~.¢9 -'-; ;hat, ce North ~ 00' West 200 50 feet; %hence North ~=~ ~o~" 40' ~s~- 59.~ OO' ~st 198.15 fee~; u~ feet; thence North 23° '0hence Noruh &.3° 29' 40" ~st 149.84 feet to the most Nor%heriy corner cf satd Sierra Meadows Unit No. 3~ thence leaving sa~= .last namca subdivision and. ~-:~ ' ~on~ the ~st line 'of the West half of ~v ii of said Sea'sion 3~ Northerly to a poln= from which the Northeas; ~ -' ..... '~ ~,',;e2'- '~'"" '~ OOU co.,,~:~ ~, ~.,e ~ ..~ of said ~t I1 bears North O0° 30' West 5~:',-.93 ~"' ' ' ' ...... .~:~., '~ner;c< zu~vz~o the ~st line of ~he West half of sala ~ 30" ~.~es~'- o7~ ~.59 .,¢~'-~,. '~,,,¢,.ce ..... North 3~ 27' 10" West 324.60 feet ~o a 3/4 ~;.~., aa'7:~aa 'pz'pe on the North llne of said ~ I1; ~hence along · '"~.~e Ior'~h '"-In~ of sa.a~ ' ~ ll, Wes uerly~ ~o ~he poin~ of beginning. .,.,.,;.,..,,~ ~_ ~.,~.~o ',..,u,,,,.,,.,y Assessor's Pardel numbers: SOUTH ~-'~'?~,~v- PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT IMPROVE~ENT DISTRICT NO. U-1 DESCRIPTION OF ~AR~=~ NO 3 Ail -:hat ccr~aln real '.3ro'oer.'y si'zuate in the County of E1 Dorado, State of ~,ax2o~n~=, per'~l~e.~y described as follows: Section 15, T. 12 N , R. 18 E., M.D.B. L M. more ',:,:,,c::ib~:.d as follows: ............... ~' ~ i\'~ corner of said Section 15; thence ~,as~ /.{ corner of said Section 15; thence, South 3/8 mile corner of the K i/2 of the S~ 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said I~; ':hence, Y/as,: i/ti mile zo the SW corner of the N 1/2 of i/zi of 'the X'..'./ i//,~ of said Section 15; thence, South 1/8 mile u~ ~..e NW of said Section I.~,~ i/~i -m~ia Zo ~he ~ i/4 corner of said Section 15; thence ,/2ml.e zo ~..~ point of beginning, containing 140 acres, more