HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 792 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 17 2o ':i':.; ?..., 2:L'.OLUTIa:: :~0,. 79~ ~b~IC UTiLiTY DISTRICT, Co~u%y of ~ Zorado, Sta~o of as follow~: b~I~ DIS~IiCT ad0p~ Its keaoiutlon :io. 747, ~tltl~ "A for k-a~a'~a=icn o2 Territory to ~ho Dio~rtc~",a ~datory re~olu:lo %o said Diouric= ~d which ~ald roz~u%ion wa~ f~ ~h tho ~:ecu=ivo Officer of ~ho Loc~' ~cy Forma%ion ~lsaion of Co~.%y of ~ Dorado; %,~AS, on Pebbly 16, 1967, ~he Loc~ C~=~ion adopb~ i:~ Resolution I:o. 2-67, ~i~1~ of %he Loc~ ~cy Fo~a=ion Co==is~lon of Shin Co~=y Dorado )~k~g Dc=ermirm=ions ~d Approving %he Pro~m~ oi' T~ri=ory, D%igna~cd a~ Sou=h T=hoc ~m~a=i0n No. 1967-2, So ~he Sou:h Tahoe ~bllc U~i=y Otutric="~ which oatd Resolution Ilo. 2-67 approved %he ~.~xa%ion of =~i:o~ ~a~ mo ~~, as dcucribcd ~ =aid Resolution No. 747 of TYdIOZ kUBLIC b~ITY DISTRICT; WH.iIZAS, on l~ch 2, 1967, :he SOUTII TAIIOE UT~ITY D~T2ICT adop~cd it~ ;~ouo!utlon :;o. 781, ~tltl~ Resolution of ~ho Eo~d of Dir~ctor~ of South T~o, ~blic 4 § 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 17 18 19 21 2~ 24 28 9.7 29 District Initiating Proccedtngs for ;,r~.exation of Terri~ory to the Sou~h Tahoe Public U~ility District, and Fixing Tine, Date and Place of }{earing on the Proposed A~auexation Designs, ed "Sou~h T~oe Public Utility District A~exat[on No. 1~7-2" ~he Sou~ Tahoe Public Utility District-, which said resolu~.ion described territory proposed to be annexed which was described in said Resolution No. 7~7 of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC U~'iLI~Y DIS~RICA' a~ said Resoluuion No. 2-67 of the ~-cal Agency Cor~s~lon of E1 Dorado County; and W;IE~EAS, not, ice of time, date ~nd place of hearln~ on said proposed annexation was Dubllshed, posted and mailed by tho Clerk of SOUTH T;~{OE }'UBLIC U~'ILI~ DIS~'RIC~' in ~ho ~ovided by law and as ordered by said Rcsolu~.ion No."~'.,~, and WHEREAS, a hearing 'was held pursuant ~o said Recolutlon~ No. 781 at thc time, date and place fixed for said hearln~, ~.o wit: 8:00 o, clock P. ~J., ~:arch ]O, 1967, In tho Cit. y Ccuncll Chambers ~t lO&4 Frequent Street, Bijou Area, Ci~.y of South Tahoe, California; WHEREAS, said Local ~,Ccncy Fo:~tion Co~!ss[on's Resolution No. 2-67 was read aloud o~- summarized at ~.he hearing of ~he B~ of Dtrecto:-s o:' 30~7~{ L%HCZ I~UBLIC U'~'III~J DIS~?.iCf prior to consideration of pro*es~.s; and WHEREAS, the Boa~ of Dlrcc~ors considered all at said hearing required to be coas[dcred by Sec~.iona 56~i&.1 a~ 56315 of ~he Government C~e of ~he S~.a~.e of'California all o~her =~,ters required by law; WH~IEAS, at said hearing any oral proto:~.s, written pr~te~ts, objection~ or evide~ce made, presented or filed ~o the proposed annexation or to ~ he approval of the te~s ~d condi~.lon~ hereinafter set forth or said proposed a~exation were hua~ by the Board of Dlrec~or~; and no WH~{EA5,. thoro wet,written pro~es*.s filed a~ not 4 § ? 8 g 10 11 12 14 15 17 20 21 ~;ithdra~ Lu cccord&nce ~rlth the provisions of Section 56317 of s~Id Ooverr.u~?..~ Ccdc ~.ud the c~fici~cy thereof dc~c~Incd pursuit to Scction~ 56318, ~6158 ~nd 56162 of the Code; ~nd l'~'~'~ c~id ~,~ittcu prote~t~ fil~ ~nd no~ '~hdr~ prior ~o t~b oonclunlon of ~hc hearing rcnrcc~,r, tod le=~ ~h~ i0 pc:-ccn~ of the number of land o~mer~ wi~hln ~u:h pro~c~ ~o be ~r~u.:~ o~..~i;~g not ~ore th~,n i0 Percon~ of ~hc ac.~s~od v~uo of land theroln, nnd 1,~.:~ th~n 10 percent of ~he vo$1ng ~:~er of voters entltl~ to vo~,o aa a ros'~t in or c,,~..,,, property within such t,:~-Ito~/ ~opoc~d to ..... , ....... ,~, IT. IS ORDL]~ Z.C FCLLO';fC: ........... ~ d o~cr~.bod Rczolut ion" Loc~ ~ency Fcr~n.~ticn Co~r~i:~ion of ~ Dorado Cc~u~y I:o. 2-67, and =~-~,,-~:~ No. 7~! o:' 9CUT;~ -~,o-, o~,rn ......................... u~.4 T-~HCZ ~.~hou~ an alee:ion ~ ~c bo~uud~r~c~ o~ ~a~d D .... lc~ are h~reby changed by including ~he ~orrluo~y described In =aid resolu~!ons. 3. That the te~rlUory ~o ~nne~od and ~ho ~erior befuddles thereof crc ncre pnr~icu!arly do~inod mud e~ab!l:hed ~s se~ forth in FJ~H~ A a~tachcd hereto nnd by reference n~do ~ pa~ hereof. ~. ~.~t the ~e~s n::d condi~ions of ~aid ~xatlon ~o tho~e ~m set fo~h in ~ID~ B, at~ached hereto and by reference m~de ~ p~ hereof. P~.$$ED ~.~ID ~OPTED at a duly adjourned regular meeting, § ? 8 10 11 15 16 17 18 ~o of tho Board of Directors of SOUTH ~AHGZ PUBLIC on Mar~h 30, 1967, by ~h° foll~..~ing ye:e: AYES: Director3 Ye~lor, Eor~-em, ~olik and Mogarty · " ~;GZS: ];one s/ROBERTW. F£SLE~ Bo~rd of Dtrec%or3 IUDLI¢ U~'ILI,¥ DIS s/DAVID W. CALLA}LAN David '.';. C~ii'a~.an, Cl~rk of %h'~ %A.'IOZ PUBLIC UAI~Y DIS~RIC~ ex~fficio Socro~a~ of tho Boa~ of Direct ora thereof. 1 $ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9.1 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 31 32 EXHIBIT A A porbton of Sections 28 and 29, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., E.D.~., E1 Dorado County California. Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 65 of Tahoe Paradise Unit tic. &5; thence, alonz the Northerly boundary of said Unit, No. 45, S. ~30 &4' &0" W., 206.86 feet; thence, along a 125.00 foot radius curve to the left, long chord bearing, N. 52° &6' 15" W., 151.25 feet; thence, West, 122.20 feet.; thence, along a 225.00 foot radius curve to the left, long chord bearing S 64° 52' 30" W., 191.O7 feet.; thence,wS-., 39© 45' Wi, 30.38 feet; thence, N. 51° 46' 30" 140.05 feet~ thence. S. 39° 45' W., lO0.O0 feet; thence, N. 5?° 39' 56" W., 139.71 feet; thence, t.i. 39© 45' E., 2~.96 feet; thence, West, 65.03 fee*; thence, S. 39 45' W., 43.01 feet; thence, along a 125 foot radius curve to the right, long chord bearing, S. 52v 36' 15" W., 55.62 feet; thence, S. 65° 27' 30" W., 94.41 feet; thence, along a 20.00 foot radius curve to ~he right, long chord bearing N. 69° 32' 30" W., 28.28 feet; thence, N. 240 32' 30" W., 105.73 feet; thence, West, 157.48 feet; thence, South, 161.22 feet, to a point on the East-West midsection line of said Section 28 (North line Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 10); thence, along the ~ast-West midsection line of s§id Section 28, T. 12 ~., R. 18 E., M.D.M., S. 89 56' 13" W., 13&7.10 feet to the East quarter corner of Section 29; thence, along the East-West midsection line of said Section 29, S. 89° 58' W., 2120 feet more or less to the NW corner of Lot 106, Lake Valley Subdivision, Addition ~o. l; thence, along the boundary of Lake Valley Subdivision, Addition No. i the following courses: S. 17© 35' 34" W., ~76.70 feet; t~ence, S. 6° Ol' 50" E., 47.40 feet; thence, S. 17~ 35' 34" W., 107.O5 feet; thence, S. 55' OO'. E., 240.00 feet.; thence, S. 17o 35' 34" W., 50.00 feet; thence, S. 58° 31' 44" E., 193.42 feet; thence, East, 200.O0 feet; thence, N. 81° 30' E., 150.00 feet; thence, East, 170.OO feet; thence, S. 57° 30' E., 145.00 feet; thence, S. 69© 30' E., 120.O0 feet, to the SW corner of Lot 841, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 12; thence, along the boundary of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 12 the following courses: S. 69© 30' E., 198.38 feet; thence, S. 27° 18' E., ]92.74 feet; thence, S. ]8° 38' 18" E., 875.74 feet; thence, S. 46° 47' 10" E., 83.39 feet; thence. S 18° 54' 10" E., 138.56 feet; thence, S. 61° 38' 30" ~., 1~0.91 feet; thence, N. 70© 09' 20" W., 72.39 feet to the SE corner of Lot ~3, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 14; thence, along the boundary of said Unit No. 14 the following courses: N. 32° 27' 10" E., 116.82 feet; thence, N. 58' 21' 50" W., 247.36 feet; ~hence, N. 39° 10' 30" W., 99.77 feet; thence, N. 41~ 24' 10" ~,., 151.11 fee~; thence, ~. 83° 45' 30" W., 190.75 feet; thence, }~. 34o 25' 30" W., 141.37 feet; thence, N. 6° 17' 50" W., 3&&.4& feet; thgnce, N. 67° 47' 20" W., 138.14 feet; thence, S. 45u 30' 40" W., 197.36 feet; t~ence, S. 44° 32' 10" W., 399.62 feet; thence, S. 11 21' 20" E., 281.45 feet; thence, S. 9© 28' 20" E., 185.18 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of Juniper Drive; thence, along said Northerly right-of-way line, EXHIBIT A 4 5 6 ? 9 10 11 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 29 50 $1 HN r~o WE:IONIAN S. 69° $3' W., 82.19 feet; thence, along a 139.58 foot radius curve to the right, long chord bearing, S. 83° $O' $9" W., 67.36 feet; thence, N. 82° 21' 22" W., 116.21 feet; thence, along a ?3.73 foot radius curve t.o the right, long chord bearing, N. 59° $9' 36" W., 56.50 feet; thence, N. 37° 17' 50" W., 102.01 feet} thence,?. 52° 51' 21" W., 1~5.01 feet: *,hence, along a 176.$5 foot radius curve to the left, long chord bearing S. 86° ~6' 35" 228.57 feet,; thence., leavin~ ~he. N'~','~_~ right-of-way line of Juniper Drive, N. 3~° 35' $3" W., 256.85 fee~,; thence, N. 10o 29' 30" W., 159.76 fee~; thence, N. 32° 20' 30" W., 103.50 feet; ~hence, S. 52o ~, 30" W., 57.31 feet; thence. S. 9~ 10' $0,' W., 293.58 feet: thence, S. ~$o 25' 3~" ~., ~66.81 feet to a point on the ~'or~he~ly right,-of-~ay llne of Juniper Road;othenc~e, N. $5 .29' 10" W., 208.13 feet; thence, N. 33 58' ~., 280.?8 feet to a point 210 £ee~ SEly of the Sou~.herly righ~-of-way line of U. S. Highway 50; thence, along ~n a line parallel wi~h said Southerly right-of-way line S. 58° 55' W., 1292.30 feet to a poin,~ on the Northerly right-of-way line of Navaho, Drive; thence, along said Northerly righ+-of-way line, West, 326.75 feet; thence, along a 22.25 foot radius curve to the right, long chord bearing, N. 15° 30' 02" ~., $2.87 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of U. S. Highway 50; t~ence, along said Sou~.herly right-of-way line, S. 58- 55' W., 120.36 feet, thence, leaving said SEly right-of-way line, Sou~h, 235.2~ feet to the S~ corner of Lot 2 of Tahoe Paradise Uni~ No. 15, said corner being on ~he North line of .%ection 32, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., ~hence, along said ~orth line, N. 89° 10' 50" E., 587.66 feet to the NW corner of Sierra Parks Sutxiivision; ~hence, along the West line of sai~ 'Sierra Parks Subdivision, S. 1° 27' 22" ~., 66~.27 feet to ~he N'J corner of Lot 89, Sierra Parks Subdivision Unit No. 2; thence, along the boundary of said Sierra Parks Subdivision Unit No. 2 the following courses: S.1° 27' 22" E., 51~.19 feet; thence, from a tangent that bears S. 2~° 29' 23" ~., along a 3200 foo~ radius curve to ~he right, through an angle of 2° 53' 53", a distance o£ 161.86 feet; thence, N. 88° 59' 37" E., 668.66 fee~;~thence. ~. 1o 27' 22" W. ~ ~, feet~ ~hence, ~. 2£ 1o ~8 ~., 55.~7 feet,o~hence, N. 1 27' 22" ~., 883.53 feet; t~ence, h. 88 32' 38" E., 80.00 feet; thence, N. 1~ 27' 22" ~'., 125.00 feet: thence, N. 32° 53' 59" E., 59.96 fee~; ~hence, ,~. 0o $9' O0,' ~., 100.00 feet to a point on the North line of said Section 32; thence, along said North line N. 89° 10' 50" ~., $50 £eet more or less to the North quarter corner of said Section 32~ thence, along the South line of Section 29, S. 89° 26" E., 26~O feet more or less ~o the SE corner of said Section 29; thence, along the Sou~h line of said Section 28, S. 89° 29' 38" E., 30~2.8~ fee~ to the Sou~h quarter corner o£ said Section 28; thence, along the North-South midsection line of said Section 28, N. 1° 1~' 32" W., 2818.81 feet ~o the point, of beginning. EXHIBIT A 1 $ 4 § ? 8 10 11 1§ 18 ~0 ~-1 ~9 ~0 $1 h;~tlIBIT B l. In i~: ~v~.nt lhe Dist;r'[c?. :;hall require any payment of a fixed or determit:able amount of mc:ney, either az qp in instal tm~n, :~, for t;he acqulni~,'ion, ' ransfer, of use o[' a].l or' ~i~,y parl of ~he exi~l-in~ proper, y, rca~ or personal., of t, he Dist, ric~;, such payment; wi.i] be made ad follows: If payment in a l~tp s~ is required, t~ayment of such ~;um shall be made in cash *o t.he Dis~,rict prior ~o ,t~e effective da',e of such am,txa~ion; ~r (b) If payment, in insr, allmonts i~ required, an agreement providing-for such pa~ent, duly executed with t. he Dis[rict arior effect,ive date of such -a[mexa~.~o~. (c) In l~eu of any.pa~ent, set fort, h in (a) or (b) above, all or any'parl of such.pa~ent may be made ~ h rough- {1) The fomation of a new improvemen' district or dis~.ric~ s and/or zone or zones or t'he annexation or det, achmen' et'. t. erri~;ory *o or t'rom any exi'at'.ing improvement, d~s' r'Jc' or dis~rict, s and/of zone or zones; (2) The incurring of.new indeb~.edness or ]iab:i]ity by or on behalf of all or any par~ of ".he district or of any existing or r)roposed new 'improvement, disC;tic*: or zone t. he~'eir}; {3) ?he issuance and sale of' any bonds, ~ncludin~ authorized but unissued (d Annexa~,ior~ Cubs in effect, at t, he *tree o~' the proposed a,mexation of te'Critory 'o ~ou*.h Tahoe Public Ut.i]it.y District shall be t~a, id '-'o Di.s~rict:, for those areas t,o be served by Oist. rict~ prior t.o the time that, cermet'ion rd the Dislrtcr,'s sysr. em is made. (o) The land t.o be annexed shall, be iht.reded in and fomr~ a part of any improvemen,, district formed pursuant, to Section 16&07 of t, ne Public Code of t.he Staf. e of California, and ~ivioion Part 7 and Part 8 of r, he ~a[er Code or of California, and/or a zone formed pursuant to 'he i ub].ic U~,ii.J.~;ies Code of ¢,he Ct, ate of Ca].iforn.[a, exist, lng at ~,he t.ime of annexa'-ion of l;[le t, sr~i*ory herein pro[osed ~o be annexed or cruet, ed aft, er annexation oF the territory herein proposed to.be annexed which said improvement, di~t, ric~. and/or'zone provides for seuer service rd ~;he said lands herein proposed t,o be annexed. [gX~I:[B I'[' ['t 2. No sewer service will b? provided ~,o an, ut' t. erritory proposed t.o be annexed unt, il t, he ])ist'.ric, k,;-~., reviewe,~ ~tzefl arid approved, ail ~runk sewers, pum~. :~L~'~on:, a~,~ ~'orc~ mains, if any, ~o be [-s~aJled i~ ~uch r, er)-it,ory. 3. [Jpor~ and air, er ~,he e.~f'ec~iw~ date of ~;aid t;he territory, ali inhabit, an':~ ~it, hin ~uch'rurr~t. ury,, ' and p~r~ons ~ntit].ed to'vol~ by reason of residi~g ur uwr~'~m: land within.the''I'erri~ory shall be subject t.o the jurisdic:.iua Di. mtrict, shall have '.he same rights and duLieg as il' '.ne Terri- tory had been a part of t. he Dist, rict upon i~s or. ig:i:~ aha].1 be liable .for t. he pa~enr, of principal, ialere~,', aad ot, he~ amoun%s which st~all becom~ due.on account o.f any 'or ~.hen aut, hori~ed but, thereafter lssued bond,s, i.nc]udin;~ bonds, or other cont;ract, s or obliga~,ion:s of ~,he [)'i:;, r-i c' and be subject ~o ~-ne levying or fix.Lng and c~l.]ec, ior, ol' any a~d ail faxes, as~sessment, s, service charges, ren~,al~; or rates as may be necessary to ..provide ~'or st~ch paym~t; 2o t~Z H] [J'I'T 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTI FI CA ~ OF S.~a..~ OF CALI~ORI~iA) COUNTY OF EL DORADO) I, DAVID TM CALLAHAh, Clerk of' the ~r~ '-.:~: '~'AHOE PUBLIC ~:+.~t-~ of ~"' ' ~ ~ ' and UTILI'fY DISfRICi', County of E1 Dorado, ...... ~,~ ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof, do hereby eertif that the '"t ' ~ . ' ~, , y a~,,ached Resolution No 792 ~s a true, full and correct copy thereof, and that said Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of 0irectors of SOUTH ['AHOE I:UBLIC Ui'ILI~Y DISYRIC'f ay a duly adjourned regular meeting ou March 30, ~967, and that ~,hc office of said the original of said Resolution is on file SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC U'fILITY DISI'RIC Said Resolution was passed and adopted by the fci.:~wmng vote of the member::; of ~"i~s Board of Directors thereof: ~,~: Directors Fesler, Kortes, ~.felikean, ~,'.'akeman and Hegarty (SEAL) David W. Callahan, olerk bt/ the oOUIH TAHOE PUBLIC UiILI.~,~ Di'"' . '~ and ex-officio Secrebary of the Board of Directors t,hereof.