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WEIDI',4AN i-{ESO].,UTiOI'~ OF '~UE BO~iD O'F DII%EC~ORS OF D~,~::,m,'[dA~,$~o AND APFROVI~4O :HE PROI"OSED Ahi'~EY2ilOh OF iZRRIiORY DESIO~A~:ED Af~OE P[JBI,IC U'IILIIY DISIRICk A[~t<EXAiIOh !>~O. ]967-1" PUBLIC UIIL!iY DISTRICT RESOLVED, by ~he Board of Directors of :,()U?f~ ?IJBi,IC [J~.]'LI~.Y DIS.,.RIC~, County of E1 Dorado, S+-a~-e of California as follows: WHE[{EA~), on itovember 3, 1966, the SOU~{ ~AHOE iU~Li3 Resolution of Application by South i~ahoe i'ublic U~i!i~y District Request.lng Tha~ Local Agency Formaeion Co~mission Take For Annexation of Territory to the Dist, ric,- a ~andator~ resolu+ion, which said resolution described territ.or)pro?oced :'-o be annexed to aaid Dis*tic~, and which said resolu"ion' fi]ed ~h the Executive Officer of the Local Agency For;t:a'ion [:o,~mission of t.he Coun*'y of E1 Dorado; and :~HEREA3, on February !6, 1967, ~he Local Formation Commission adopted ies Resolueion ~o. ]-67, "A Resolution of the Local Agency Forr~ation Cor~ias'fon Courfy of ["',1 Dorado kaking Dee ermina+ions and Approving ~he Proposed A[~exa'ion of i~errftory, Designated as ;-~cuth ?ahoe Annexa'.-ion F.o. 1967-1, ~o ~he South [~ahoe l~ublic Uti!iey Dis* tic~' which said Resolution No.j-67 approved ~he annexa' ion of herri+<r proposed to be annexed, as described in said Resolution [~o. 735 o[' +he ~f)[J'i'~ TAffOE PEBI.,IC []iiLI~Y Dit, IRIC.; and Ui. ILI~Y Di[::;ii'{ICr adop,.cd i:a ~teso]u'ion ho. 780, eh' i~.]_cd Resoiu'ior: of the Board off Direc:ors of bou".b Tahoe l}ublic 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 :51 $2 · ID' '" ~. WEIDIe'IAN ~NEY AT LAW ~i'[iIERE~ ~:,here were written prc~ests fi}ed a?.d wi~hdra~,:n in accordance with the provisions of []e~:f:~.on !;a:~d Oovermmer~t Code ar:d the sugFiciency thereof det. e~ined pursuan~ to Sections ~6~!8, ~6158 and 56162 of the Government, Code; and I'iHEREAS~ said written protests flied and not with- drawn prior t'.o the conclusion oF e. he hearing represent, ed less than 10 percent oF t. he number of ]and owners within such t, erritory proposed %o be annexed owning not more than 10 percent oF the assessed value o6 land therein, and less ~,han ]0 percen~ of t, he voting power of voters en~,itted to vote as a result of residing in or owning property wi~-,hin such territory proposed to be annexed. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED [~3 FOLLOu2: ]. '~'hav the annexae, ior~ of territory described in Resolution No. 735 of SOUTH TAHOE I':UBLIC UI'ILI~Y DISfRIC'~', and Local Agency Formation Co~tission of E1 Dorado Coun~:y Resolut, ion No. 1-67, and Resolut, ion No. 780 of SO~TH 'fAHOE PUBLIC UTILI~:Y DISTRICT, is approved and ordered annexed bo the SOUTH PUBLIC UTILITY DIS'IRICT, Coun~,y of E1 Dorado, St:,a't-e of California, without an election therefore. 2. The boundaries of said District are hereby changed by including the territory described in said resolutions. 5- That, the territory so annexed and the exterior boundaries e, hereof are more par'~,icu!arly defined and established as set forth in EXHIBIT A att, ached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. ~. ~at ~:he terms and conditions of said annexa,,~..on sre ahose as set forth in EYHIBIT B, a:.,~:,ached here~-,o and by reference made a part hereof. 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 :51 52 .1NI~y AT LAW Territory ~o '-he ::;ou?h '?ahoe ''~ b]' ~i+ : ~u lc U~i y Dis?rice, and Fixing Time, Date and Place of Hearing on the Proposed Annexation Designa~.ed as "South Tahoe Public Utilif~y Dis~ricf Annexation No. 1967-1" to the South ?ahoe Public Utiliay Dir;frict", which said resolufion described *erritory proposed ~o be annexed which was described in said Xesolu*ion No. 735 of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC U~ILIiY DIStRICt', and said Resolu~.5on No. 1-67 of the Local Agency Forma~.ion Commission of El Dorado Coun'hy; and Wi.tTREAS, notice of time, date and place of hearing on said proposed annexation was published, pos*ed and mailed by the Clerk of SOUTH i'AHOE PUBLIC U~iLIrY DISLRIC~ in ~..~e manner provided by law and as ordered by said Resolution ~o. 780; and WHZREAS, a hearing was held pursuant to said Resolu+:io No. 780 at the time, date and place fixed for said hearing, t-o wia: Eight o'clock P. ~"~., NJarch 30, 1967, in ~he Cif, y Council Chambers a*' lO~& Fremont 3treet, Bijou Area, City of South Lake Tahoe, California; and W~IEREAS, said Local Agency Formation Commission's Resolution ~o. 1-67 was read aloud or s~m~arized a~ 'the hearing of f. he Board of Directors of SOUTH iAHOE PUBLIC UtILItY DISYRIC~ prior ¢o consideration of protests; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors considered all mat*',ers at said hearing required to be considered by Sections 563~&.1 and 56315 of the Government, Code of ?he St, ate of California and all ofher matters required by law; and WHEREAS, at said hearing any oral protests, written prof'es~s, objections or evidence made, present.ed or filed to the proposed annexat~ion or to the approval of ahe fe~s and conditions hereinafter sef. forhh of said proposed annexa*ion were heard by f, he Board of Directors; and 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 · IO~N ~. WEIDMAN ~ NEY AT t. AW MAIN a,~o~.~ AND ADOPTED a't a duly adjourned regular mee~.ing of the Board of Direc?.ors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC on 7~/larch 30, 1967, by i~he following vo%e: AYES: Directors Fesler, Kortes, Ivlelikean, ~akeman and Hegarty NOES: None ABSE~qT: N one Board of' Directors of SOUTH 'fA!,~OE PUBLIC U'~'ILIi~Y DI~RICr. AT lES ~: ~David '?. 0~l'lah'an'; Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC U~.ILIrY DIS',:'[~IC~' and ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Directors ~ hereof. SEAL ) 1 2 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 $1 JmHhl D. WEIDMAN EXHIBIT A portion of Sections 2, 3 and 11, T. 12 N.. R. 18 E., M.D.M., E1 Dorado County, California. beginning at~ the NEly angle point of Lot 7, Meadow Heights Subdivision, as shown on that map recorded in Book "B" of Maps at Page 5~, E1 Dorado County Records; thence, along the boundary of said Meadow Heights Subdivision e, he following coursesl S, 5~ 15' E., ~98.01 feet; thence, S. [1° 31' 30" E.. feet~ thence. S. 35° 30' 30" E., 27&,59 feet; t. hence S. $6° 39' F~,, 229.81 feet; thence, S. 61 &J,' 30" E., 95.15 feet; th_ence, S. 69° 52' E., 117.05 feet; t_hence, S. 76v 02' E., 72.50 feetl thence, S. 71~ ~0' E., 112.8~ fe~t; t, hence, N. 89 03' E., 35.10 feetl f~hence, S. 1~ 22' W., 126.80 feet ~o the SE corner of Lot 10, Section 3, T. 12 N., R. 18 E.. M.D.M.; thence, along the North line of.thee SW -~/~ of Sec_tion 2, T. 12 N., R. 18 ~., S. 89~ 53' 27" E., 1622.20 feet to a point on *.he Ease. erly righ~,-of-waY line of relocated Pioneer Trail~ thence, aU%dng said Easterly right-of-way line, S. 36 ~+, W., 73.19 feetl thence, along a 1,~O foo*; radius cu~e t? the left, t~ugh an.angle of 3~o 03' 30", a dxs~.ance of 6~.79 feet, tnence, Se ~ 19' 30" E~, 653.72 feet, to a point on the North line of the S 1/2 of ~he SW 1/~ of said Section 2~ ~.hence, al~ sa~d North line, aqd its Easterly ext, ension, ~. 89 ~' 25" E., ~58~.$1 fee'~ ~ore.or less ~,o ~he NE corner of the SW 1/~ of the S~ 1/~ of said Section 2, as sh~n on that ~p of Mont. g~ery Estates, Unit 2, reco~ in ~p Book "D", Page 17, E1 Dorado Cowry Reco~s, thence, al~ t~e East line of the SW 1/~ of th~ SE 1/~ of said Section S. O° 35' E., 1360.95 feet to a ~int on the South line of said Sec~,io~ 2; thence, a~ong t.~e East boundary of ~he W 1/2 of the NE ~/$ of Section 2615.66 kee~: to ~.he SE corner of ~ontg~,ery Es~.ates~ Unit 1, as shown on that map reco~ed in Map Book "C" at ?age 69, E1 Dorado County Reco~s~ thence, along the South line of ~id Mon*g~ry E~t. ates., Unit 1, and its W~sterl2 e~ension, S. 88 ~, 13OO feet. more or less to a point, on the North~outh mid-section line of said Section I1~ thence, along said mid-sec~ion line, S. O~ ~' l&" E., ~O feet more or less t~o a point on the bou~ary line of Annexat~ion ~o. 1965-&, fr~ whence the SE corner of the N 1/2 of the S~ 1~$ of said Section 11, bears, $. ~ ~8' 1~" E., 10~2.98 feet~ thence, along the bo~dar2 of sa~d]Annex~tion 1995-~, Nl~ly to t. he _ NEly corner of Sxerra Mead~s Su~ivision, Unit~ 3, as ~n on that ~p reco~ed in ~lap Book "B" at Page 56, El Dor~o County Records, said point being on t~he Westerl2 line of Mead~ Heigh+.s Su~ivision, as shown in },{ap Book "B" at Page E1 Dorado Co~t2 Reco~s; ~,h~nce, along the line of said Mead~ Heights Su~ivision, N. ~ 05' W., 30 feet~ more or less to the ~ corner of sai~ sn~vision: +hence' con~inuin along said bo~arF .... - ;; , . o, ' S. ?~ 35" 30 S.~ ~).&0 fee~. t. hence~ S. 55 E.~ ~1.10 fee~; thence, ~. 59u 29" S.. 180.00 ~eetl thence. S. ?~ ~6t S.~ ~35.~ feet to t~he point. be~innin~. EXHIBIT A 1 2 3 § 7 8 9 11 12 15 17 20 21 22 2~ 2~ 27 28 $0 $2 E JllBI B ]. in the event the District, aha]l require any of a fixed or determinable amount, ,of money, either as a lump :;urn or in ins't'.allm~ents, for the acquisition, transfer, use or r:igh, of use of all or any part o.f the exile:ting property, rea] or personal, of the District, such pay'n~n~ wi!] be mad+~ fol. lows: (a) (b) (c) If payment in a lump sum is required, payment of such sum shall be made in cash ko the District prior t.o the effective date of ~;uch annexa,lon~ or If payment in installment, s is required, an agreemenf~ providing' for such pa~ent shall be duly ~xecut,ed with t, he District prior 'n the effective date of suc'h annexa~on. In lieu of any paymen*~ se~ forth in (a) or (b) above, all or any uart of such may be made through ('1) The formation of a n~w improvement, diStrict or districts and~or zone' or zones or the annexation or dctachmen~ of territory to or from any exis-ti~ improvement district or (t~$~ ric~ ~; d/ ' an or zone or zones, '{2) The incurring of new indeb~,edness or liability by or on behalf of all or any part of the discrict or of any existing or proposed new in~proverke~' ' - ' ~t t,herein; (3) The issuance and sale of any bonds, i.n~ludin[ authorized Out unissued bonds · Annexation fees in.effect, at the time proposed annexation.of +'' 't to 50ut;h 7shoe Public Utilit~ District shall be to t' he 'D i st ri ct for those areas to. be served by the Dist',riet prior to ~.he time th'a~ connection to the. DJ st r. ic~ ' ~.; ~'~yst em i.s ~',ade. The land bo be annexed shall be included and fo~n a part: of any iml,rovement, dis'~ fo~d pursuant r,o Section 16~OV o[' hhe Pu~],ic U*.ilit'ies Code o.f t.he Slate of' ~alifornia, and Division li, ~-'ari 7 and Part. 8 of the Water Code of !'.he St ate California~ and/or a zone foxed pursuor~t to the Public Utilitie~ Code of the :itate of California, existing at, the t,ime of annexa'ion of the t, erritory herein propo, sed ~,o be an~exed or e~reat, ed after annexat, ion of the t, erri'ory h.er~,in proposed t,o be ar:nuxed whi ch sa improvement.., dis~rLc~, and/Or zou~ proyi, der; for to be annexed. 1 $ § $ ? 8 10 11 15 15 17 2. No sewer service will be provided ~o any of Lha ~err'~*.,ory proposed to be annexed until 'the Distr~c, ha~; reviewei, ~u,~P St ~i and force ~ized and approved all r, rhnk .sewers, ~ a ons -,aln:~, i'f any~ to be installed in such 3- Upon and af'ter ~ ~ t:ive da~a of t;aid ~he '~ erri.~ ory, ali inhabitants wi!bin suc~ T ~ 't ' · Dersons en~';itled t.c ~ote by reason of residing or own.i~,a ]and w'it, hir~ the lerrl~ory sha']l be subject ~o the jurisdiction of' D!.atric~, shall hava the same rights and duties as if *'~,,~ /erri- ory had been a part of ~,he District; upon i~,~,; or'iai!~al ~,~r:na~ ion, ahal] be 2iable for Li~e payment of princi, pa], int, ere::~' , a~,,'t her amounts which shall become due on account, ~? any andinK or t, hen aut;norized but 'thereai't. er ":~' , pt~veltue bonds, or ot, her-cont~acti~ or obitiaai,iofl~; of''n~: ~i,.~, ;~.:3 may be necessary to provide For' such pay~nen! 20 21 22 2~ 26 27 28 29 5O 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 51 52 JOHN (~. WEIDMAN C ~R~i~ICA~E OF o~a~,~ OF CALIFORNIA) COU~fY OF EL DORADO) ss. I, DAVID W. CAI,LAHAN, Clerk of ',he oooui,fi ,.AHO:~,~ FbBL]C'' ' - ' ~i' Country of E1 Dorado, State of Ca].iforn:ia, and U~ILI'~Y DIo .RICT, ex-officio Secretary of t. he Board of Directors thereof, do hereby certify-that the attached Resolution Ro. 791 is a true, fulI and correct:, copy thereof, and that said Resolution was duly adopted by *be Board of Directors of ~"Tq .... - o~u ,. 'iAHOE PUBLIC U~ILI.~Y DIe~ '~tRICi' at a duly adjourned regular ~ ee~:.mng on /~Tarch 30, 1967, and tha~ ~he original of said Resolution is on file in the office of sai~ SOU?H TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIS~ZRIC'~'. Said Resolution was passed and adopted by ~.he following vote of the members of 'the Board of Directors thereof: AYES: Directors Fesler, Kortes, mel~kean, ?iakeman and Hegarty None (SEAL) David W. Callahan, Clerk""of the SOUTH TAHOE ,PUBLIC ~'iLITY DISTRICf and ex-officio Secretary of the Board oC Directors thereof.