HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 793 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 $0 Jr'IHN 13. WE:IDb'lAN ATTORNEY A'F LAW MAIN RE,2OI/U!7iOh NO. ??3 A RZSOLU£[iOh OF i'itE B(3t~d~;.D OF DIREC':ORS OF 50U.~H IAHO~¢ }UBLIC UTILITY DIS'fRICT MAKING DE~ERI¢~INA't'IObS AND AFPROVJ. NG i'HE PROPOSED A:I'~iEXA~'IO['i OF IERRITOI{Y DESIGNAfED AS "50UIH -"AHOE ?UBt,IC UiILI?.'Y DISIRIC~' A~['~EY, A'~'IOI~ I~0. 1967-3" ~'0 THE PUBLIC U~/ILII'Y DIS~RIC~~ RESOLVED, by ohe Board of Directors of SOUTH i'AHOE PUBLIC U~ILI'fY DI$~R]'C.i, Count, y of ~1 Dorado, S~.ate o£ Califorr~ia, as follows: W'~tEiUi::Ai~, on ~ovember 17, 1966, the SOUTH i~AHOE ~'UBI. 1C UflI, Ii% DIS~R].C¥ adopt, ed it,s Resolution l~o. 7~8, entitled" i Resolution of Application by South Tahoe Public Ueili~y DJs~'rict. Requesting tha* Local Agency Formation Commission fake ?roceedings i~or Annexation of Territory to the District", a manda+or)/ resolution, which said resolution described territory proposed to be annexed to said District, and which said resolution was filed with the Executive Officer of the Local Agency' Formation Commission of the County of E1 Dorado; and ~HEREAS, on February t6, ]96?' the Local Agency Forma*ion Commission adopted its Resolution i~o. 3-6?, entitled "A Resolut, ion of' the Local Agency Formation Com~zission of ~he Coun~'y of E1 Dorado i¥1aking Dete~inations and Approving the Proposed Annexation of Territory, Designat, ed as South Tahoe Annexat:.ior~ No. 1967-3, t,o ~-he South Tahoe Fublic Ut,ility District' which said Resolution No. 3-6? approved the annexation of ~-errdtory proposed to be annexed, as described in said Resolu*ion 1~?o. 748 of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC Ui'ILII;Y DIStRICt; and ,'iHEREAS, on l, arch 2, 1967, L;he SOUTH ~;AHOE FUBLIC U~ILiTY DIS.~'R!C~-' adopt, ed i~s Resolution No. 782, enti'-led "A Reso!u*ion of' the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Publ~c 2 $ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 $1 52 dF'IHN ~-. W£1DMAN Utility D.istric~: Initiating ~roceedings for Annexation Territ,ory to the South Tahoe Public Ut~ility Pistr:ict,, and Fixing Ti~_e, Date and Place of' Hearing on the Proposed Annexation Designated as "Sou~:h Tahoe t~ublic Ur~ility Dis!rict Annexation ~o. 1967-3" +:o the gou~h Tahoe Public UT~ility District", which sa~ re~olution de~cribed terri!-~ory proposed ~o be annexed ~hich ~as described in said Resolut~ion No. 748 oF gOUTH i~AHOE PUBLIC U:iI]~IT~ DISTRICT, and said Resolui;ion No. 3-67 of the Local Agency Formation Co~nission of E1 Dorado Country; and ~fHEREAS, notice of time, date and place of hearing on said proposed annexation was published, posted and mailed by the Clerk of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILI~zY DIS~RIC'f i.n t~he manner provided by law and as ordered by said Resolution No. 782; and WHEREAS, a hearing was held pursuant to said Resolution No. ?82 at ~he time, date and place fixed for said hearing, to ~,~it.: 8:00 o'clock P. i~i., :~larch 30, !967, in the City Council Chambers at 1044 Fremont Street, Bijot~ Area, City of~ So~th Lake Tahoe, California; and WHEREAS, said Local Agency Forma~ion Commission's Resolution No. 3-67 was read aloud or summarized at the hearing of the Board oI' Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILIi'Y prior-to conomdera~mon of pro"~ests; and ?~THEREAS, the Board of Directors considered ail mat~'er~ at said hearing required to be considered by Sections 5631Z+.] and 56315 of the Goverm~.en~'~ Code oi' the State o[' California and ail o, her matt. ers required by law; and WHEREAS, at said hearing any oral protests, v~ri+t~en protests, ob,[ections or evidence made, presented or filed to the proposed annexation or to the approval of the terma~ and condit~ions hereinai'ter set forth of said proposed annexa~.ion ~ere heard by the Board of Direc~ors; and ?~HEREAS, t~here ~;ere written prot~ests fi]ed and no~: 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 52 ,Jr'IHN C. WEIDMAN wiehdrawn in accordance with the orovisions of Section 563]7 of said Gover~nment Code and the sufficiency ~'.hereof dete~p, ined pursuant t,o Sec?,ions 56).!8, 56158 and 56162 of the Oovermment Code; and WHEREAS, said written protes*,:'~ filed and not withdrawn prior to the conclusion of ~he hearing represented less than 10 percent of ehe nmmber of land owners within such territory proposed ?,o be annexed owning not, more t'han 10 percent of t.he assessed value of ]and therein, and less than ].0 percen+ of ehe vo~,ing power of voters enti't~.led to vote as a result; of residing in or owning property within such t. erritory proposed ~o be annexed · ' ~' itt~R,.,~OR~, I Is ORDERED AS ~" ~ o: l. Thao the annexation of territory described P " and ~esolution No. 7~8 of SOUTH TAHOE ~BBI,I(, ~fiLI',~Y DIS~RIC Local Agency Formation Commission of E1 Dorado County Resolution ' oO~ ~ OE BLIC U'~ Iqo. ]-O7, and ~esolution No 782 of ~' '~P" TAf-i ~'E T~'v a ~rov~'d '~nd ordered a~nexed t:o +he ,~C, 0 ,bBLIC UT[LI'fY O!~'r~IcT, County of :~ 9orado, S*,ate of 0aliforr~ia wi':,hout an elect, ion therefore. 2. The boundaries of said ~ist, riot are hereby changed by including the territory described in said resolutions. ]. That the t, errit, ory so annexed and the exterior boundaries t,hereof are more particularly defined and eseab]ished as set forth in EXHIBIT A att, ached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. ~. That the te~ns and conditions of said annexation are those as set for*:h in EXHIBIT B, att, ached hereto and by reference made a part, hereof. ?ASSED AN[) ADOPTED at, a dul. y adjourned regular meet'ing of the Board of Directors of SOUTH ~v .f - ~AHO~, i::UBLIC U ILI,:Y DISfRIC~~ on l¥~arch )0, 1957, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Fes]er, Kortes, Melikean, ?;akeman and Hegarty NOES: None ~o~r~.: None ?~ober~; W. Fesler, President, of th~ Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. t~fd ?;. Callahan, C~erk bf the SOUTH fAHOE PUBLIC U(~ILITY DIS'fRICi' and ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Direct, ors thereof. o Ti' 2 4 5 6 ? 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2,3 24 25 26 27, 29 30 delHN C. W£1DMAN pLA~ e_ RVILLE, CALIF'. N ~,IAI. E:~[HIBIT A A portion of oections 18, 19, 20, 29, 30 and 31. ~. 12 N._ R. 13 E.. :~.D.M., E1 Dorado Ce~Lnty, California. BeEin~ing at th~ most Southerl~ co, er of Lo: 12~2~ of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 2~ In ueCtion ~0, T. 12 N., ~ :~ ~' ~ ~ three, continuing along the bo~dary of said Unit No. 28, N. &O° ll' E., 49.63 feet; thence, S. 73· 19' E., 197.~5 feet; thence, 3. ~9" ~9' E., 50.00 feet; thence, S. 73· 19' E.. 150 feet more or less to the center line of Upper T~ckee River; th~ce, along said center line, N~y and Northerly to the ~in~ of ~tersection with the No~herly ri~t-of-way line of S~ Be~ardine Av~ue] thence, alo~ said~,~rtherly right-of-way line of San Bernard~o Avenu~a~o~yoto. ~ point on the West line of the N2~ of the o~ or oec~on 30, T. 12 N.. ~, 18~., ,~.D.~:., thence, along said West l~e Nor~, 1060 feet more or less to the North line ~ ~ ' ~E id ' of the NE~ of ~ne o ~ of sa SeCtion 30, ~h~ce, along said No~h l~e. East, 11OO feet more or less to a ~t on the Westerly right-of-way line of Pro~s~ ~pres~way; thence, ~ong said Westerly ri~t-o~'-way line. ooutherly to the Westerly ~ension of the Southerly line of Lot 1116, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 17; thence, leaving said Westerly right-of-way llne, N. 58· 55~ E., 8~8.33 ~e~; th~ce. S. 31· 05' E~, 13.90 ~eet$ th~ce, ~4 58~~ 55' E.. 586.93 feet to t~e mos% Easterly corn~ 0f ~ot 23 of Tahoe Paradise Subdivision; then<~e, S. 33" 31' E., 3~0 feet more Or less to a point on the NWly right-ofZway line of Califo~ia Highway 50; thence, along ~id ~TWly right-of-way line, N. 58· ~' E., &OO.l& f~e~ ~hence. leaving said N~7 ?ight~f way line, N. 33~ 31' ~%~., 500.O0~feet; thence, ~. 31e 05' tV., 37.0~ feet %o the most ooutherly corner of Lot 35, Taho~ Paradise; th~nce, N. 56" 29' E., 398.06 feet; thence N. 33· 31' ~;., 19.~1 feet; thence, N. 62· 18' E., 30.00 feet to the most Southerly corner of J~iper Park Subdivision; thence, along said J~iper P~rk Subdivision the following courses: N~ 62e 22t E., 386.&6 feet; thence, N. 6$· 35~. 20" E., 127~52 feet; thence, N. 2· 00' E., 17~8.92 feet to the NE corner of said Juniper Park Subdivision said ~int being co,on with the SE corner of Lot 68, Tahoe P~adise Unit No. 3; thence, ~ong the bo~dary of Tahoe ~aradise No. 3 the follow~E co~ses: N. 2e_O0' ge. 91.25 feet; thence, East 517.84 feet; thence, South 60.00 fe~; th~ce. East, 39.96 feet; Thence, S. 89' 55' 54" E., , ' oint on the Westerl ri hr-of-way line 73-15 fee~ to a p Y ~ . of U. S. Himhway 50; thence, along sa%d Westerly rig~ht-of-way- ~ine, N 5~ 56~ W. 11.26 feet; thence, ~.~ '-. ~2' ~O" W. 48 ~6 feet: t~ence, l~ving said Westerly righ-of-wa l~e. N. 89· 5~' 54~'~., 68.07~ fe~; t4enc~, North, $27.$1 feet ~o the N~ corner of said Unit ~, the s~e being the No~h quar~e~ cot er of ~ectmon 29, . i2 N.. H. 18 E., ~.D.?q,~ thence. ~long sai~ No~0h line o[ said Section 29, S. 89e 10 W., 2640 ~eet more or less to the [U;V corner of said 2640 feet more or less to the center of said Section 20; thence, along the North-South midsection llne of said ~HIBIT A 1 2 4 5 ? 8 I0 1i 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2,3 24 25 26 27 28 2~ 30 *JOHN I~. WE:II)MAN Section 20, North, 900 feet more or less to a point on the~ Northerly right-of-way line of Saw Mill Ho~ad; thence, along the Northerly right-of-way line of oaw Mill Road, Westerly and Northerly to the point of intersection with the EaSt-West midsection line of Section 18, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M.D.M.; thence, along the East-West midsection line of said Section i8, West 1700 feet more or less to the center of said Section 18; thence, along the North-South-midsection line of said Sect~ion 1~, S. 2' 45' 30" E.~ 212~.78 feet to ~he mos~ ooutherly corner of Lot 613 o£ Mountain View ~states. Unit No. 6, said point being N. 2· 45' 30" W., 5~.~0 feet from the South quarter corner of said Section 18; thence, along the Southerly boundary of Mountain View Estate~, Unit No~ 6 and No. 5 the following c~urses: N. 69· 49' W.,-61.68 feet; thence, N. 52· 47'" ~i~,~99.20 feet; thence. N. 7· 02' W., 8.17 feet; ~hence, ~. 49~ 26' W., 311.O0 feet to a point on the NEly right,o~-way line of ~uutain Meadow Drive; thence, along said NEly right-of-way line along a 1075 foot radius curve to the left, long chord bearing N. 44~ ~7' W.. 158.09 feet; thence, leaving said Northerly right-of-way line of Mountain Meadow Driye, S. 41e 00' W., 160.~3 fset; thence. N. 50· 14' '~f., 67.00 feet; thence. N. 5~· 20~ W., 97.15 feet; thence, S. 30* 37' W., llO.O0 f~e~t; thenCe. N. 60· 27' 30" W.~ 30.13 feet; ~Ohence. N. 6~1~ 32' W..~46.25 feet; thence, S. 28· 28' W., 50~O0 feet~ thence, N. 61~ 32' W.~ 150.O0 feet; thenc S.~2~· 06' W., 204'87 feet; thence, along a 20 foot radiums curve to the right, ~long~chord bearing. S~ 73· 17' W., ~28.37 feet; ~thence, N. 61~ 32' W., ~77.$2 feet; thence, o. 28· 28' W.', 165.60 feet; thence, N.~ 61· 32' W., 12~.~5 feet; thence. N. 82· 57' W., 112.08 feet; thence, ~. 79' 07' W., iO5.91 feet; ~hence~ S. 66· 35' W., 105.71 feet; thence. S. 50~ 44' W., 22,83 feet; thence, N. 37e 46' W., 127.00'feet; thence, along a 447 foot radius curve to the left,-long chord bearing~ S. 48e 24' ~?o, 59.77 feet; thence, N. 89· 59' 30" ~., 74.74 feet; thence, along a503 foot radius curve to the left, long chord bearing, ~S. 36· 32' 30" W., 35.84 feet; thence. N. 55· 30' W., 259.08 feet; thence, S. ~7· 42' W., 28i.00 feet to a point on the West li~e of oection 19, T. 12 N.~-~18 E., M.D.~i. which bears, S. 0· 36' W., 77.01 feet from the N~ corner of said Section 19; thence, along the West line of said Section 19, S. 0e 36' ¥%, 2563 fee~ more or less to the West quarter corner of Section 1~9; thence, continuing along the West line of said oection 19~ S. 0· 31' W.. 2640 ~eet· more or less t~ the NW corner of Section 30, T. 12 N., ~. 18 E., i~'~.~.~.~ thence,~ ~long~the ~est line of said Section 30, S. 0~ 39' 40" W.A 2645.82 feet to the WeSt ~uarter corner of said ~ection 30; thence, continuin along the West line of said Section 30, ~. 0 28 lO W.. 1~20 fe~t o~ore or less ~o the NW coz'ner of the o~ 1-~ of the oW 1/4 of said Section 30~ thence / · East, 1320 feet more or less to the NE corner o~ the SW 174 of the SW 1/4 of said Section 30; thence, S. 0· 2~' W., 930.94 ~eet ~o the NW corner of Tract 13~3 of T~hoe Para~ise Unit No. 33; thence, ~long the Westerly and ~outherly boundary of said U~tt No. 33 the following courses: S. O~ 22' W., 192.32 feet; thence, along a 100 foot rad~ cu~ e to t~e right, chord b~earing S. ~,l· 25' 25" E., 73.05 feet; thence, ~. 20e O0' ~., 139.27 feeb; ~hence, S. 70e 00' ~., 140.O0 feet; thence, EXHIBIT A 2 4 5 6 ? 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 28 30 d~N ~-, W£1DMAN exte~sioo~ of the Easterly line of Tahoe Paradise Unit /o. 28; thence, along said ~sterly line and i~s $outheriy ~ension, N. 5e 00' E., 2400 feet more or less to the point of begirmingo 1 4 § ? 8 10 11 15 1.8 17 18 19 ~0 21 24 25 26 27 28 5O ,EY. H I I~ f T B ,.~f a fix~ or ~tet;~rminable a.mou~I eL' ;~(.)~y, e~,her au a lump or' i~ tnst~.~l:lrnent i~, for r. ne ac ui~::ition., ~.ransf'e'r, use eT' righ* persona], of , he Di3t, rJ c~ , such payment .wJ I I bt3 made as I'ol (a)' If payment, i~ a ]~p ~um is required, oa'Y of su:n sum ~3ha]]' bu made'in catch t o thc [)i~3~rJ. cl prior ~,o the et'i't.~c~':ive dat.e of (b) If patroons, in instatimor)t,s is ro(tuir~d, agreement, providing for such paym~n~ sha l', be duly executed with the Di:3t, rict prior 'o rne effect:ive da,,e of such annexation- {c) In lieu of any paymen~ .se~' fort'.h in (a) or (b) above, ail or any oart of such may be made (]) The format..ior~ of a new improvement district or dis~ ' ' and/or zone or zorleg or t',[~e annexation or of ~,erritory to or from any improvement di~;t,~J ,t ,4i.~ and/or zone or zones; (2} Th~ incurrin[ of ne~ indeb~,edness or liability by or on behalf of alt or any part; of the dist.rict, or of ar!y existing or' proposed ne~ itr~proveme[,~ dist, rkc~, or zone ~herein; The issuance and :~a]e of .an~ bonds, i~ctuding au horized bu~ unissued bonds. (d} Annexation fees in effect at the time of the proposed annexation of territ,ory '~,0 South Tahoe Public Ut, ilir. y District. shall be paSd to t',~e District For those areas to be served by the ~st~i.~t prior t,o t. he t:.ime th.a,' cor~nect, ior~ t,o the District's system 5s made. {e) The land ~.o be annexed shall be included in and ['o~n a part, of any improvement di:¢t,r.~c~ fo~ed pursua[]~. ~o Seci..ion of the Public Ut.ili.t;i.e:~ code of the State o[' C~,li-f°rnia, and Division 1], l~arii 7 and }:art. 8 of the t'~ater Uod,: o.f' t.he Star, e of California, and/or a zon~ f'omied pur:;uani of Ca]iforni. a, ex'ist, fng a~ t, ne t.ime of ,-' of t,~e terri~,ory herein propor;ed anrtey, a ,,.1 t o De annexed or crea'*,ed aFb,or annexa' ion o[' the terrJ ~,ory herein pr, opoaed to be annexed which 'aaid improveme~ dt.~';i,rict, and/or zone provides for sewer .~:~rv'icc 'o ~t,e ~aid land:; .... l~o ;;ev;~r service will be provid~;d to an~ oF 'ne 3. Upon and af.l,eF l~'la ~[t'e(:~ ire dar e of said annexa~ ion ~,he ~errito'ry~ a,ll inhabitant, a wit,bin ~,uch ?er'ritory, and al~ oersona tnt itl. ed ~,u., v~e by reason, o[~ i~e:.iding or owIiin~ ;Jar.'] Dia*r'ict, aha.il have th~ l::~ame r',].gi~ts and duties as St' ~'~,.: ?~rr~- Lory had 'been a pa~": of th~ I.~isl rict, upo.h i,s origina) f'o~ation, si]ali b~ liable for' t,h~ payment of principal, interest, and any ulh~r ~ounts which shat l becom~ due on account 'of any of ' hah au~ hori z~d but, l,h~real't..e~ it:~iu~:~d bond~.,, i ~c!udi n~ r'evenue bonds, or other cont, ract, s ur ob]igal,:i~.,r,~; of t t~e J)i:3~,['iCt and aha] bu subject t;o the levying oF ['i. xing and ,.:o]t. ection o.f any and i.axes, assessmen~.~, service cha~ges, FenLal.$ oF rateL as t~lav be necessary to provJ, de for such paymen~:; 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 52 JrlHN I~. WEIDMAN CER~ItiICA~ OF R~oOi. U ION IA~. OF CALIFORNIA) ) COUP,lilY OF El, DORADO) SS. I, DAVID W'. CALLAHAN, Clerk of the SOUTH zAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISIRICf, County of E1 Dorado, S-,ate of California, and ex-officio Secretary of the Board of D' ~ ~ · rec~oro thereof', do hereby certify that. the attached Resolution No. 793 is a true, full and correct copy Lhereof, and that said Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of SOUTH i''~ ~ " ~ AHOy, PUBLIC UilLIi~Y DISTRICi' duly adoourned regular meeting on March 30, 1967, and ~hat the original of said Resolution is on file in the office of said SOU?I! ..... ~ FUBLIC U~ILI2Y DISi'RIC'.i.'. Said Resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote of the members of /.he Board of Directors thereof: AYE~ · Directors Fesler, Kortes, ]V~elikean, Wakeman and Hegarty NOES: N one ( o :,!, AL ) U'gvid "~,io Callahan', Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UI'ILITY ~"l DIo RiC~ and ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof.