HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 800 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 51 52 · Ir'tHN 13. WEIDMAN ATT~IIIINEY AT LAW ,. [-~.L,ft-~':'~ '~':AO", (l'~e.~. Se.a~-.o of California udder Chapter ~7, 'S'ta~utes of ~5, as a~ended, 5as appropriaeed Funds ~.o the a~o~.~.ance for +.heex't~.~n~,ion of facilities for t'he ',z'a. nsp,~a+.ion of ~reat, ed sewage effluent of the South Taaoe ~.a.o~n~a ,~'-. from su'~'i* of Luther Pass to Dmamond Valley zn Alpine t, our?y, desires bo 5ub~i' its request for a loan o~ not to exceed ;~1,800,000.00 in accordance with said Ach; Directors of SOUTH .BO~ FUBLIC ..... su. bqli[. ]?..':' .~ request, for a loan no*'. t'o e~ceed :¢~.."~, 800,000.00 in accordance with 6hapt. er ~7, St.atutes o~ 1966, as amended, "o the S~-at-e Ailoca+ion Board for ehe purposes of makin~ a · o ~-.he gis~ri.c*- to provide financial, assistance for the exeension o? faciii?ies for hhe :raaspor+ation of treated sewa6e effluent of +i'se South Tahoe Basi~ from ',~he smw~it, Lu?her ~ass ~o~ Oiamond Valley s_n' Alpine ~, '~ount-y. a, The gist, riot hereby certifies tthat ~'he tot.al eseima+:ed cos? to be paid For ~he extensiou of *'he aSove '~ /de lre:;idont, of tho 'Boa.m~ of Diroclors,Rober+ ~v. Fesler, ti./tlC General Manager of ~he. D4*,.,~' ri¢-t~ , dar!an ,~ ~ . i/oy'er, 1 $ 4 § ? 8 9 10 11 lB 15 14 15 18 17 18 19 R0 R1 R5 R8 R9 5O .I t"l MN It., and the A+~orney for ehe 'District, John C. 7eidman, are hereby designated as ~ he authorized agents of said Dis'.ric~ and authorized and directed as the representat~,ives of the I)istric~ to conduct a].l negotiations wilh the S!'ate Allocst, ion Board for +',he execution of an Agreement between the Sta+,e A1].oca"ion Board and SOUTH [:AHO[,~ ~:UBLIC UfILI~i'Y OISIRIC~ providing for said loan. i~ASSED AND ADOP~ED on l¥iarch 30, [967, at. a dully held adjourned regulsr meeting of "~.he Board of Directors of SOUTH TANO!~ ~'UBLIC U?ILI~Y OI~3/RIC~ by ~he following vote: AYE3: Directors Fesler, '[(or*es, t¥lelikean, ~,~akeman and Hegarty Robe'['.; L.". F~sIer, ~Pre~en!-. of the ;~T 'i' L ~ Board of Directors of SOU~-I A,~O .... PUBLIC U?iLiYY DIS/RIC~ .U~a~id ~,~. Call,ban, Clerk 0:7 ;he ~OU~H ~AHOE PUBI,]C U.~I,~i~Y DiL~'RIC~ and ex officio Secrevary of .he Board of Directors t'.hereof. (SEAL) 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 $1 $2 d~3HN ~-. W£1DNIAN ATTORNEY AT LAW ;,. fATE OF 6ALiFOiI?~IA) COUIi~Y OF ill OOtiOO) i, DAVID ,f. CALLAHAh, Clerk of ~.he SOU'rH ~:A[tO7~ ~:UBLIC U~ILIrY DIS~[{IC~, County of E] Dorado, 3~.ate of California, and ex-ozf~c.zo ,,ecre .~.r~ of e Board of Directors ~'hereof, do hereby certify ~hat ~he attached Resolulion go. 800 is a ?.rue, full and correc~ copy thereof, and that; said resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of gOOTi{ YAHOE [:UBLIC 5/iI~I~;Y DIS~RIC~ aD a duly' held regular meeting on [~arch )0, ]967, and ~.hat hhe original of said resolu!.ion is on file in the office of said SOUTH fAHOE FUBLIC U~:ILi'fY Di0{~fRiCi. Said resolu'~ioa was passed and adopted by the following vote of ~-.he members of ~he Board of Directors thereoff: AYES: Directors Fes].er, Eot?es, h(enikean, .,'ake~an and Hegar~y ( 8 E A ii.., ) ,// :,:::/ David '.l. Catlahan, Clerk of ".-:he SOUT':t iAHOE FUBLiC UfiLIiY DI~RIC'f and ex offficio 5ecre:-,ary of 'he Board of Directors thereof.