HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 801 1 2 $ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 51 52 JnHN 13. WEIDh4AN ~'L.!..~ULb iON NO. oux A R::3OLUflO?! OF 2HE BOARD OF Otl:t2OruRS OF SOUL'}{ .i./iNOE PUBI,IC UrlI,i;~Y DISrRiC~ AUYHORIZING .,i~E EXECUflON' OF AN AG~E'EYEN~ BEJ.~{EEN SOU~iH ~:AHOE PUBLI(} UtILitY DISfRICi AND ~JtE COUNYY OF ALPtNZ A~'~D ~.HE ALflNE COUNTY ,.ArEE AGENCY BE IT RESOLVED by ~;he Board of Directors of SOIJ2~! [[iAHO~ PUBI~iC U~ILIu.'Y DISi.'RtC~. as follows: 1. ~he Presidenu. of the Board or Directors of SOUTH fANOE PUBLIC U~ILi~Y DISTRICT be, and he is hereby authorized to '?~ '"~'"~' BE(P,'EEh oOI~H ~'A~OE PUBLIC U.~.~ bI~ ~ DiS,.EICi execute an AGR~M.:,h~ AND ~HB COUNTY OF ALPINE AND rli~a AL~.[Nz COU2iY {,'~ AGm,~CY which said Agreement the Co~nt-,y of A~_p~ne has authorized hhe execution thereof a* a duly held regular mee .lng of Board ~ ' 1967 by its Resolution ho 67-iS, of lupervisors on ~%~rl]_ 3, , · and the ~lplne County .ia~er Agency has au{-horized the execu~,ion thereof at a duly held seecial meeting of its Board o~7 Directors ~{eso=u~mo~ ho 67-1. on April 3, 1967, by ifs '- ~ t-' ~ . '~ :]'he Clerk of said Dist, ric~ is hereby authorized 8nd direct, ed to ahtest the signature of the Nresiden~ of said Dishricu on said Agreement and affix thereto ~,he corporate sea! of said Districe. PASZED AND ADOPTED on April 6, 1967, ai'~ a reg~.~lar ::ee':ing of' the Board of Directors of SOU?H TAHOE PUBLIC '013 ~RI(h by k. he followi ng vo~ c: ,~ v~o of,ors ,~,.,: Dire Fes]..er, Kortes, ~hkean, and Hegarty NOES: None q,}.},; .;~ . NOne R~be~h !f. ~esl~r, PPesident. of the · _,wd:.H fAt[02 BoaPd o6 Directors of ' ~ PUBLIC UTII,I~Y Di:.,'~.[IlC:. David }:. Cal. lahan, Clerk of the SOUTH iAHOE P[JBI,IC and ex officio Secre;,ary of t:he Board of Direc*ors ;.hereof. 1 2 5 4 § 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 30 $1 ,Jr'IHN C=. W£1DMAN A'rT'~RNEY AT LAW CERTIFICA'i'E OF ttE[)Oi.,UitOh ~JrA~E OF CALIFOR~iIA~ SS. COUIt~'Y Of' El. DORADO) I, DAVID W. CALLAHA~, Clerk of .~he SOU?H ~A~OE ?UBL~[C U~ILIrY DISkqUICk, Country of E! Dorado, State of California, a~d ex officio ~[~ecretary of the Board of Directors thereof, do hereb~ certify ~ha~ ~'2~e attached Reso!~tion ~o. 801 is a ~rue, full and correct copy +hereof, and that said i~esolution was duly adopted by the Board of Direc?ors of SOUT~ ~AHOE PUBLIC U'~ILI~Y DIB~R]C~ a[~ a duly held regular mee[~ing on April 6, 1967, and tha~ the original of said resolutio~ is on file in the office of said SOUTH ~IAHOE PUBI_IC U'flLIYY DI~,~:RIC~. Said resolution was passed and adopted by ~.he following vote of the meu~bers o~ e. he Board of Directors thereof: AYES: Directors Fesler, Kortes, i~]elikean, ~:[akeman and iff egar, y llone David W. Callahan, Clerk of t, he ~Ho~ PUBLIC OTILI?Y DIS"~.' and ex officio Secrebary of the Board of' Directors thereof.