HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03-02-20175 19 5 6 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Richard Solbrig, General Manager Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 2, 2017 MINUTES The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in a regular session, 2:01 p.m., at the District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Board of Directors: President Vogelgesang, Directors Cefalu, Jones, Sheehan Excused: Director Wallace Staff: Paul Hughes, Richard Solbrig, Gary Kvistad, Melonie Guttry, Marla Sharp, Chris Stanley, Doug Van Gorden, Jim Hilton, Tim Bledsoe, Terry Powers, Liz Kauffman, John Thiel, Chris Skelly, Stephen Caswell, Linda Brown, Ivo Bergsohn, Jeff Lee, Brent Goligoski, Trevor Coolidge Guests: Clark Vellis, Holly Driggs Walch Puzey Thompson; Rob Hopkins, Douglas County Sewer Improvement District; Sue McReavy, R.O. Anderson CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR: CONSENT CALENDAR: Moved Cefalu/Second Sheehan/Vocgelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes/Sheehan Yes/Wallace Excused to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. a. MICROSOFT WINDOWS SERVER LICENSE WITH SOFTWARE ASSURANCE (Chris Skelly, Information Technology Manager) 1) Reaffirmed staff's standardization of Microsoft's Operating System; 2) Approved the purchase of 32 Microsoft Windows Server Datacenter Operating System Licenses for a grand total of $25,439.68. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - March 2, 2017 PAGE - 2 b. ALPINE COUNTY'S SUMMER 2017 FISH PURCHASE (Jim Hilton, Water Reuse Manager and Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent) Authorized payment to Alpine County in the amount of $54,000, to purchase fish for the Summer 2017 planting season. C. SMALL WELL SURVEY COMMUNICATION SERVICES (Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist) Accepted the cost proposal from Allegro Communications Consulting to provide communications services for a survey of small well owners in the Tahoe Valley South Basin in an amount not to exceed $7,100. d. SUPERVISOR TRAINING (Liz Kauffman, Human Resources Analyst) Authorized contract with Silvers HR, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $35,000. e. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: February 16 2017 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Approved February 16, 2017, Minutes ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Wastewater System Interconnection with the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 (Julie Ryan, Principal Engineer and Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager) -Staff provided a brief overview of the proposed interconnection. President Vogelgesang opened the Public Hearing at 2:10 p.m. to receive public comments on the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact. No public comments were received and the Public Hearing was closed at 2:11 p.m. Moved Cefalu Second Sheehan Vo el esan Yes Cefalu Yes Jones Yes Sheehan Yes Wallace Excused to adopt the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact; authorize the filing of a Notice of Determination with the State Clearinghouse and EI Dorado County and approve the project for implementation. b. 2017 Fire Hydrant Service Expansion Project (Julie Ryan, Principal Engineer) - Staff provided an overview of the project. Moved Cefalu/Second SheehanZVvgelgesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes/ Sheehan Yes Wallace Excused to authorize staff to advertise for bids for 30 fire hydrants. C. Temporary Engineering Intern (Stephen Caswell, Senior Engineer) -Staff provided an overview of the position replacement. Moved Cefalu/Second Sheehan#/Vogelgesang Yes_/,Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes/Sheehan YesJWollace Excused to approve contract with Blue Ribbon Temporary Personnel for a temporary engineering student intern, in an amount not to exceed $55,000. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - March 2, 2017 PAGE - 3 d. Water Meter Installation Project - Phases III -V (Trevor Coolidge, Associate Engineer) - Staff provided an overview of the project and the cost savings of $377,000 by bidding directly with the foundry. Moved Vogelgesang/Second Sheehan/ogelgesang YeslCefalu Yes/Jones Yes/Sheehan Yes/Wallace Excused to 1) Waive the Patent Infringement provision included within the District's minimum specifications; 2) Find minor deviation from specifications in the lowest bid for traffic - rated water meter pit lids and frames -to be immaterial and waive deviation as such; 3) Award bid for traffic -rated water meter pit lids and frames to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Neenah Foundry Company, in the amount of $306,139.31; 4) Reject three lowest bids for non - traffic rated water meter pit lids as non-responsive to bid specifications; 5) Award bid for non - traffic rated water meter pit lids to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Neenah Foundry Company, in the amount of $255,863.15. e. Flagpole Tank Rehabilitation (Stephen Caswell, senior Engineer) - Staff provided an overview of the project. Moved Sheehan Second Cefalu Vo el esan Yes Cefallu Yes Jones Yes Sheehan Yes Wallace Excused to authorize Task Order Amendment No. l0A to HDR, Inc., in the amount of $63,523 for engineering design services for the rehabilitation of Flagpole Tank No. 1. f. Approve Payment of Claims (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Moved Sheehon/Second Cefalu/Vogel , ey sang Yes/Cefalu YeslJones YeslSheehan Yes/Wallace Excused to approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $1,029,571.40. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS: Nothing to report BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Director Jones provided a report regarding the Sierra Nevada Conservancy meeting he attended on March 1, 2017. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT: The next meeting is March 8, 2017, and next year's funding requests are due the end of March. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT: Richard Solbrig reported on several items: • The Board discussed submitting a Press Release regarding legislative affairs. • Staff is continuing to pursue efforts to minimize the intrusion of storm water on the District's system. • The Luther Pass Power Station has been operating on generator power until approximately one week ago. Pump No. 3 has not been running and is being taken apart for evaluation. • The County Supervisor visit is scheduled for Thursday, March 9, at 1:00 p.m. • Emergency drought regulations are still in affect from the State of California. The District's February water production was 11.2% below 2013. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - March 2, 2017 PAGE - 4 STAFF ATTORNEY REPORTS: Afiorney Kvisfad provided an overview of the recent California Supreme Court case unanimous ruling that private email and texts used by public officials conducting public business are now disclosable under the Public Records Act. If Board members use private devices, please know that there is no expectation of privacy. Staff added that District emails can be accessed through cell phones. Staff provided a report regarding the delay of state meter loans. The state is allowing remaining funding from the Phase II meter loan to be used for Phase III meter construction and hopefully, Phase III will be available shortly. The Board Clerk proposed mandatory Board Room equipment training directly following the April 20 Board meeting and will send a reminder to all Board members. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION: 2:59 pm RECONVENED TO OPEN SESSION: 3:55 p.m. ACTION REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION a. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: EI Dorado County Superior Court Case SC20120227 GRCLT Condominium vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District No reportable Board action ADJOURNMENT: 3:55 p.m. - Randy Vogelgesang, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District