HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 565RESOLUTION NO. 565 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO ESTABLISH IN ITS NAME WITH TAHOE NATIONAL BANK A DEPOSIT ACCOUNT ENTITLED SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DEMONSTRATION PROJECT GRANT. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of El Dorado, S~'ate of California, as follows: That, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT establish in its name a deposit account entitled SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DEMONSTRATION PROJECT GRANT with Tahoe National Bank upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon with said Bank, and any of the following named persons, and that funds shall be withdrawn from said account on checks of this organization signed by any two (2) of the following named person s: Donald L. Clarke Thomas L. Stewart Robert Fesler Donald H. Kortes Robert Wakeman Pres i dent D i rector D i recto r Di rector D i rector and may be payable to bearer, or to the order of, or for the use and benefit of the signer or signers thereof, and the certification by the Secretary of this organization as to the signatures of said persons shall be binding upon this organization; each of said persons hereby is authorized for and on behalf of, and in the name of this organization to endorse and deliver to said Bank for any purpose and to any amount commercial paper of any kind, negotiable or non-negotiable, executed by others and owned, or held, or payable to this organization, and that all authorizations with respect to this account shall remain effective until Bank receives written notice of revocation at the office where this account is maintained. PASSED AND Al)OPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TMHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT on the 15th day of April 1965, by the following vote: DIRECTORS CLARKE, WAKEMAN STEWART AND KORTES AYES: NOES: NONE ABSENT: DIRECTOR FESLER ', Clerk of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Di rectors thereof. (SEAL) .Do~nald L. Clarke, President of the ./ Ek3ard of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~. ) SS. County of El Dorado ) -' ..... I, DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of El Dorado, State of California, and ex- officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof, do hereby certify that the attached RESOLUTION NO. 565 is a true, full and correct copy thereof, and that said Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT at a duly held regular meetin9 on April 15, 1965, and that the original of said Resolution is on file in the office of said SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Said Resolution was passed by the following vote of the members of the Board of Directors thereof: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Clarke, Wakeman Stewart and Kortes. Non e Director Fesler DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT and ex officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof (SEAL) SOUTH TAHOE' PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT [~r}Type or Print Name of Organization) Johnson .... , Street Address. City. ~te organization agrees with TAHOE NATIONAL BANK, as follows: (1) This account shall be ca...¢d by said Bank as a account and the organization shall be bound by the present rules and practices of the ,~ CHECKING Bank governing such accounts, including those relating to interest and ~rvic~ charges, [] SAVINGS and as they may be changed from time to ~ime. Bank may endor~ checks, when presented for deposit to said account, if presented unendorsed. (2) Bank may MAIL statements, notices and vouchers to the above address, or the latest shown on Bank's records. Anything mailed and returned undelivered may be destroyed two years thereafter. Bank is relieved of all liability for loss in transit of items. Bank shall be notified in writing of any error or claim in atatement$, notices or vouchers within 30 days after mailing. No claim for credit or refund shall be made thereafter. DEMONSTRATION PROJECT GRANT SOUTH TAHOE PUBI I ..... ,.-.-, DISTRICT ' (Type or l~r/n~!qah~'~ ~count) (AccOunt Number) Number of 5i~a~r~ Required ~ Date: BY AUtHoRIZED 81GNA~RE8: On be ~ and ' · am o · v ~rgani on, ~ ~reby enter 1. Bank Relerence; id By: ~ffrc'~unt A{~erage Balance: - TEL-4 ~IGNATUR~' CARD--CORPORATION. ASSOCIATION RESOLVED: That this organization establish in its name one or more deposit accounts with TAHOE NATIONAL B~K. upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon with said Bank and any of the following named persons, and that funds shall be withdrawn from said accounts on checks or orders of this org,-'zation signed by any ~ (number) of the following named persons: ~ Donald k. Clarke Pres i dent {Title) -- Thomas L. Stewart Di rector (Title) Robert Fes ler Di rector (Title) Donald H. Kortes Di rector Robert Wakeman D i recto(T~tie) (Tide) and may be payable to bearer, or to the order of. or for the use and benefit of the signer or signers thereof, and the certification by the Secretary of this organisatlon as to the signatures of said persons shall be binding Upon this organization; each of ~aid persons hereby ia authorized for and on behalf of, ~nd in the name of this organ. ization to endorse and deliver to said Bank for any purpose and to any amqunt commercial paper of an~r kind, negotiable or non.negotiable, executed by others and owned, or held, or payable to this organization, and that all authorisations with respect to this account shall remain effective~ until Bank receives written notice ~ revocation at the office where this account is maintained. I hereby certify that the foregoing or attached resolution is a full. Irue and correct copy of the resolution, still in full force and effect, adopted by the Board of the organig¥ion tta~ped on the re~ersc hereo~ a meeting of said Board regularly held on the [ D t~l~y of ~p V [ ~[ 19 W/and that the a/gna. tures appearmg on the rever~ side of this card are tbe signatures of the persons duly authorized to establish accounts and dispose of funds of said organisation from said Bank ~n accordance with said resoMtion. W[T~ESS my hand and ~al of the organization. ~~.~ /'//~J (Date) ~/ (SEAL) Secretary )e hereby certify the foregoing to be correct: (FOR LODGE, ASSOCIATION) Retiring Officer Title ;Regiring O~ficer Title