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Resolution No. 583
RESOLUTION NO. 5 8 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REQUESTING THAT SECTION 3 OF SENATE BILL CHAPTER 1386, STATUTE OF 1965 BE DELETED AT THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of California has enacted Senate Bill No. 1149, Chapter 1386, Statute of 1965, providing the sum of $1,800,000 for assistance to local agencies for construction of sewage transportation facilities for transportation of treated effluent out of the South Lake Tahoe Basin; and WHEREAS, SOUTH TAFiOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT complied with Section 2, Chapter 1386, Statute of 1965, by its RESOLUTION NO. 5?6, adopted on August 19, 1965, declaring said District's intention to carry out the purposes of said Chapter 1386; and, WHEREAS, the sum of $1,800,000 for assistance to local agencies for transportation of effluent out of the South Tahoe Basin was predicated upon a minimum size FIVE (5) MILLION GALLON per day capacity export facility; and, WHEREAS, since the enactment of Chapter 1386, a more realistic program for South Tahoe Public Utillty District has been developed, which will efficiently serve an expanded service area; and, WHEREAS, the Lahontan Regional Water Pollution Control Board, by RESOLUTION 65-12 adopted September 21, 1965, set standards for indirect discharge of effluent from South Tahoe Public Utility District over Luther Pass, which standards can be met by South Tahoe Public Utility District; and, WHEREAS, there is need for the South Tahoe Public Utility District to construct an export facility of a larger size than the formerly proposed FiVE (5) MILLION GALLON per day capacity line, and thus meet its longer range total export requirements, rather than minimum needs; and, WHEREAS, since Legislative action on Chapter 1386, sewage for treatment eminating from California territory only within the South Tahoe Public Utility District increased over fifty (50) percent the preceding year; and, WHEREAS, to provide for treatment alone of these increased and future anticipated sewage treatment needs, the voters of South Tahoe Public Utility District, by a vote of 832 to 122, on September 21, 1965, passed a $1,400,000 Revenue Bond issue providing funds to expand the existing treatment plant, force main and pump facilities, which are required to treat said sewage to standards suttable for ex- portation of effluent out of the South Lake Tahoe Basin; and, RESOLUTION NO. 5 8 3 (continued) WHEREAS, Federal Grants are anticipated to assist South Tahoe Public Utility District to construct the larger capacity export facility; and, WHEREAS, Section 3 of Chapter 1386 provides that Federal Grants for assistance shall reduce the $1,800,000 California assistance and thereby limits the South Tahoe Public Utility District to a maximum expenditure of $1,800,000 for the export facility and further thereby limits the facility to a minimum size which is now undesirable in view of circumstances and conditions arising since action on said Chapter; and, WHEREAS, said Chapter 1386 requires the South Tahoe Public Utility District to execute an agreement with the State of California on or before April I, 1966, in order to obtain the State assistance provided and Section 3 of Chapter 1386 should be repealed effective before the execution of said contract so that the size of the export facility will not be limited; and, WHEREAS, the repeal of Section 3 of Chapter 1386~ effective before April I, 1966, would require action by the California Legislature at a special sesslon; and WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District does have the financial ability to repay the entire payments on the $1,800,000 loan as set forth in said act; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AS follows: I. That the Honorable Edmund G. Brown, Governor of the State of California, place on the call of a special session of the California Legislature,at the earliest' time, the subject of Section 3, Chapter 1386, Statute of 1965. 2. That. certified copies of this RESOLUTION be sent to Governor Edmund G. Brown, State Senators Paul J. Lunardi and John C. Begovich, Assemblyman Eugene Chappie, The State of California Water Quality Control Board, the Lahontan Regional Water P~llution Control Board, the State Department of Public Health, the El Dorado County Public Health Officer, and other interested and affected persons or agencies. -2- RESOLUTION NO. 5 8 3 (continued) PASSED AND ADOPTED at an adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District on September 27, 1965, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: Director Wakeman Directors Clarke, Kortes, Fesler and Stewart Donald L. Clarke,'Pres Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBL I C UT I L I TY D I STR I CT ATTEST: (S E A L) David W~ Callahan, Clerk of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof -3- CERT I F I CATE OF RESOLUT I ON STATE OF CALI FORN I A '~ ) SS. COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) I, DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of El Dorado, State of California, and ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 583 Is a true, full and correct copy thereof, and that said resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT at a duly held adjourned regular meeti.ng on September 27, 1965, and that the original of said resolution is on file in the office of said SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Said resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote of the members of the Board of Directors thereof: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: Director Wakeman Directors Clarke, Fesler, Stewart and Kortes SOUTH TAHOE PUBL I C UT I L I TY D I STR I CT and ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. (S E A L) SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY BIJOU, EL DORADO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA P. O. BOX AU DISTRICT October 6. t 96~ Assemblymen Eugene Chapple State Capital Sacramento, California Dear Assemblyman Chepp te ~ RtiSOLUT ~ I~, ~83 We are enclosing a ~rtlfled MY of RESOLUTI~ NO. 583, which ts A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT RE~STtNGTHAT SECTION 3 OF SENATE BILL CHAPTER 138~, STATUTE OF i g65~ BE DELVED AT THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CALiFORNiA LEGISLATURE. This was passed and adopted at an AdJourned Regular l~eetlng b~ld the 27th of September t965. Very truly yours, $~TH TAH(~ PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Ex-Off lclo Secretary Enct, (I) SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY BIJOU, EL DORADO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA P. o. BOX AU DISTRICT October 6, tg65 Honorable Harold T. "BIZZ" Johnson House of Represen,atlves~ Congress of ,he United States Washington 25, D,C, Dear Congressman Johnson We ere enclosln~ a certified ~py of RESOLUTION NO, 583, ~hleh is A RESOLUTION OF THE ~ARDOF DIRECTORS OF THE S~TH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REOUESTtNG THAT SECTt~ 3 OF SENATE BILL CHAPTER I386~ STATUTE OF 1965 BE DELETED AT T~ SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CALIFORIIA LEGISLATURE, Thls was passed end adopted at an Adjourned Regular ~eettng held the 27th of September Ig65, Very truly yoursp $OL~H TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT David W Callal~an* Cle:t~k- of Ex-Of f I c Io Secretary DWC: mp Encl. (l) SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY BIJOU, EL DORADO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA P. O. BOX AU DISTRICT October 7, 1965 Honorable John C. De. Ich State ~nator ot the Ninth Senatorial District Sacramento, California Dear' ~nat~or ~vlch: We are enclosing a certified copy of RESOLUTION NO. 583, which Is A RE~LUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT RE()UESTINO THAT SECTI~ 3 OF SENATE BiLL C34RPTER 138~ STATUTE OF 1965 ~ DELETED AT T~ SPECIAL $~S~t~N OF THE CALIFORNIA LEOISLATURE. This wes pa~sed and adopted at an Adjourned Regular Meettng held the 27th of September Very truly yours, S~TH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT D6VI:d W; Ce'llehan~Clerk of ~ard & Ex-Officio Secretary OWC ~ mp Encl. (I) SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY BIJOU, EL DORADO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA P. O. BOX AU Oatob®r 6, 1965 DISTRICT ~rable Edmund O. Brow'n~ Governor of ?he State of California S~ramento~ California Dear Governor ~own~ ~ES©LUTt©N NO. ~83 We are enctosln~ RESOLUTION NO. 58], which Is A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH T~E ~JBLtC UTTLtTY DISTRICT REOUESTING THAT SECTION 3 OF SENATE BILL CHAPTER 1366~ STATUTE OF 1:965 ~ DELETED AT THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE. This was passed and edopfed ai an Adjourned R~ular Mee?Ing held +he 27?h o f ~ep?ember t 965. Very truly yours~ SOUTH TANOE ~JBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Ex-Officio Secretary ECL~(I) SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY BIJOU, EL DORADO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA P. O. BOX AU DISTRICT October 6m 1965 Department of ltealth, Education end Welfare 447 Federal Office Building ~n Francisco~ California, 94102 ~ntle~en= ~ are enclosing ~ESOL~t[~ OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TA~E PUBLIC UTILTTY DISTriCT RE~JE~Tt~ THAT SECTION 3 OF SENATE BILL CHA~'ER 1386~ STATUTE OF t965 BE DELETED AT THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CALIFOPNIA LEGISLATURE. Th ! s was passed and adopted et an Adjourned Ragu I er ~4eet Ing he I d the 27th o f September 196,5, Very truly yours, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTI~ICT DWC ~ ap Encl, (I) Fx~f~ lcto Secret~ry SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY BIJOU, EL DORADO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA P. O. BOX AU DISTRICT October 6, 1965 Et Dorado County Public Health Officer El Dorado County Plecervllte~ California Gentlemen= RESOLUTION NO. 583 are enclosing RESOLUTION NO. 58~ which ts a ~ESOLUTtON OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE S~H TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REOUESTtNG THAT SE~I~ 3 OF SENATE BILL CHAPTER t386, STATUE OF 1965 ~ DELETED AT THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE. This was PaSsed and adopted at an Adjourned Regular i~etlng held the g?th of September 1965. VErY TRULY YOURS~ ~TH TAHO[ PUgL¢C UTILITY DISTRICT David W. Callehan~ Clerk of Board & Ex-Off lc io Secretary DWC: mp Enclo (I) SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY BIJOU, EL DORADO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA P. O. BOX AU DISTRICT October 6, 1965 Lahonten Regional Water Poi lutlon Control 407 ~est Line Street Blshop~ California ~nt I amen ~ ~ard We are enclosing RESOLUTION NO. 583~ which is A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~EOUESTIN~ THAT SECTION 3 OF SENATE BILL CHAPTER t386~ STATUTE OF 1965 BE DELETED AT THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CALIFORNIA LEGtSLATLI~E, Th'Is wes pesse~ end adopted ~t ~n a~Je~mned regular meeting held the 27th of September 1~65. Very truly yours~ ~UTH TAHOE PUBLIC L~ILITY DISTRICT Clerk of ~ard and Ex-Officio Secretary DWC:mp Em:t, (I) SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY BIJOU, EL DORADO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA P. o. BOX AU DISTRICT October 6, 1965 State Capltet Gent lament Board RESOLL~ION ~, 5 8 ~ We are enclosing RESOLUTION NO. ~83, ,hlch I$ A RE~LUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHO[ ~JBLtC L~ILt'TY DISTRICT REOUESTING THAT SECTION 3 OF SENATE BILL CHAPTER t386, ST^TUTE OF 1965 BE DELETED ~T THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CALIF~I^ LEGISLATURE. Thls ,as Passed and Adopted et an Adjourned R~utar l~eetln~ held the 27th of Sap?ember 1~65. Very truly yours, SOUTH TAHOE ~BLIC UTILITY DISTRICT D~tmp Clerk of ~rd and Ex-Officio Sec. Ene l. ¢ I )