HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 614~.} JML: J!-H-i: do
ANNEX~TION N0. l>.o~
RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
Public Utility District~ that
WHEREAS, a petition signed by a .majority of the qualified
electors residing in certain unincorporated territory contiguous
to the South Tahoe Public Utility District proposed to be annexed,
and being in the same County as said District, asking that such
territory be annexed to said District and consenting to such
annexation without an election and with special terms and con-
ditions~ was addressed to the Board of Directors and filed with
the Secretary of the District on the 19th day of August, 1965, in
accordance with the provisions of the Public Utility District Act
of the State of California;
WIiEREAS, the Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of the District
has compared the signatures of said petition with the alTidavits
of registration on file with the County Clerk of E1 Dorado County
and has found and certified to this Board that said petition has
been signed by the required number of electors in said territory,
and has attached his signature to the said petition and presented
said petition to this Board;
WHEREAS, on the 7th day of October~ 1965, this Board adopted
its Ordinance No. 125 entitled ~'An Ordinance Describin{~ Territory
Proposed to be Annexed, Determining that Terms and Conditions are
Necessary, and Declaring Intention to Approve Such Annexation~',
wherein it did describe the territory proposed to be annexed,
declare its intention of approving such. annexation with no special
terms and conditions~ and give notice fi~:ing the time and place of
hearing thereon and notifying all persons interested in, or that
may be affected by the proposed annexation of said territory
within the District, to appear at such meeting and show cause~
in writing~ if any they have~ why said territory or any of it
should not be annexed as proposed in said petition;
~WHEREAS~ said ordinance and notice were filed with the
Secretary of the District and published and posted for the time
and in the manner provided by law; and
WHEREAS, no persons interested filed with the Board written
protests to the annexation or to the approval of the terms and
conditions and no owners o£ ta~able property in the territory
proposed to be annexed filed written protests to the proposed
annexation or to the approval o£ the terms and conditions~ and
after due consideration of said protests this Board has found
that all of said property proposed to be annexed will be sub-
stantially benefited by anne×ation and has not modified the
boundaries of the property proposed to be annexed.
t. That the~territory described in said petition will be
substantially benefited by annexation to said District and that
said District will be substantially benefited by annexing said
territory to said District.
2. That the boundaries of said District are hereby changed
by including therein the territory described in said petition.
3. That the territory so annexed and the exterior boundaries
thereof are more particularly defined and established as set forth
in E×hibit ~'A" hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof.
4. That a certified copy of this resolution and order
shall be filed for record in the office of the County Recorder
of the County oX' E1 Dorado.
The foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resoiutio~
which was duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the Board of
Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado
County, California, duly held on the 8th day of November, 1965,
by the following vote of the members thereof:
AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors:
NOES~ Directors:
ABSENT, Directors:
Clerk~aHd eX-officio Secret ~ of
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Commencing at the angle point on the NEly boundary of the W.D.
Barton tract opposite the most Northerly corner of Lot 23, Block 2 as
shown on that map recorded in Book A of Maps~ Map Pages 48~ 49~ and 50~
E1 Dorado County Records~ thence~ along said NEly boundary~ S. 66° 30'
30" E., 290 feet more or less to the point of beginning of this descrip-
tion~ thence~ from said point of beginning~ leaving said Barton Tract,
N. 12° 55' 45" E., 835 feet more or less~ thence~ S. 77° 04' 15" E.~
1500 feet more or less~ thence~ N. 12° 55' 45" E., 442 feet more or less;
thence, S. 77° 04' 15" E.~ 673 feet more or less~ thence~ N. 45° 00' 00"
E.~ 600 feet more or less to the point of intersection with the East
boundary of Section 9~ T. 12 N., R. 18 E.~ M.D.M., E1 Dorado County~
California~ thence~ along said East boundary South 4780 feet~ more or
less to the SE corner of said Section 9~ thence, along the East bound-
ary of Section 16~ T. 12 N.~ R. 18 E.~ M.D.M., South 5280 feet more or
less to the SE corner of said Section 16~ thence~ along the East bound-
ary of Section 21~ T. 12 N.~ R. 18 E.~ M.D.M.~ South 1320 feet more or
less to the SE corner of the North half of the NE 1/4 of said Section 21~
thence, along the South line of said North half, West 2640 feet more or
less to a point on the N-S midsection line of said Section 21~ thence~
along said N-S midsection line~ South 1950 feet more or less to a point
on the Westerly right-of-way line of Pioneer Trail Road; thence, along
said Pioneer Trail Road~ SWly 2100 feet more or less to a point on the
North line of Section 28~ T. 12 N., R. 18 E.~ M.D.M.; thence~ along
said North line, East 900 feet more or less to the N 1/4 corner of Sec-
tion 28~ thence, leaving said North line along the N-S midsection line
S. 1° 14' 32" E.~ 2486.38 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 65 of
Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 45~ thence along the northerly boundary of said
Unit No. 45~ S. 63° 44' 40" W., 206.86 feet; thence~ along a 125.00 foot
radius curve to the left~ long chord bearing N. 52° 46' 15" W.~ 151.25
feet~ thence~ West 122.20 feet~ thence~ along a 225.00 foot radius curve
to the left~ long chord bearing S. 64° 52' 30" W.~ 191.07 feetjthence S. 39
~5' W.~ 30.38 feet~ thence, N. 51° 46' 30" W.~ 140.05 feet~ thence S.
39° 45' W.~ 100.00 feet~ thence, N. 57° 39' 50" W.~ 139.71 feet~ thence~
N. 39° 45' E., 25.96 feet~ thence~ West 65.03 feet; thence, S. 39° ~5'
W., ~3.01 feet~ thence~ along a 125.00 foot radius curve to the right,
long. chord bearing S. 52° 36' 15" W.~ 55.62 feet~ thence~ S. 65° 27' 30"
W.~ 9~.41 feet~ thence~ along a 20.00 foot radius curve to the right~
long chord bearing N. 69° 32' 30" W.~ 28.28 feet~ thence~ N. 24° 32' 30"
W.~ 105.73 feet~ thence~ West~ 157.48 feet; thence, South~ 161.22 feet~
to a point on the E-W midsection line of said Section 28 (North line
Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 10)~ thence along the E-W midsection line of
said Section 28~ T. 12 N.~ R. 18 E.~ M.D.M.~ S. 89° 56' 13" W.~ 13~7.10
feet to the E 1/4 corner of Section 29~ thence~ along the E-W midsection
line of said Section 29~ S. 89° 58' W.~ 2120 feet more or less to the NW
corner of Lot 106, Lake Valley Subdivision~ Addition No. ii thence, along
the boundary of Lake Valley Subdivision~ Addition No. 1 the following
courses: S. 17° 35' 34~' W., 476.70 feet~ thence~ S. 6° 01' 50" E.~
feet~ thence, S. 17° 35' 34" W.~ 107.05 feet~ thence~ S. 55° 00' E.,
240.00 feet~ thence~ S. 17° 35' 34" W.~ 50.00 feet; thence~ S. 58° 31'
44" E., 193.~2 feet~ thence~ East~ 200.00 feet~ thence, N. 81° 30' E.,
150.00 feet~ thence, East~ 170.00 feet~ thence, S. 57° 30' E.~ 145.00
feet~ thence, S. 69° 30' E., 120.00 feet~ to the SW corner of Lot 841,
Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 12~ thence~ along the boundary of Tahoe Paradise
Unit No. 12 the following courses: S. 69° 30' E.~ 198.38 feet~ thence~
S. 27° 18' E.~ 192.74 feet~ thence~ S. 18° 38' 18" E., 875.74 feet~
thence, S. 46° 47' 10" E.~ 83.39 feet~ thence~ S. 18° 54' 10" E.~
138.56 feet; thence~ S. 61° 38' 30" W.~ 180.91 feet~ thence~ N. 70°
09' 20" W., 72.39 feet to the SE corner of Lot 23~ Tahoe Paradise Unit
No. 14; thence~ along the boundary of said Unit No. 14 the following
courses: N. 32° 27' 10" E., 116.82 feet~ thence~ N. 58° 21' 50" W.,
247.36 feet; thence~ N. 39° 10' 30" W.~ 99.77 feet; thence~ N. 41° 24'
10" W., 151.11 feet; thence~ N. 83° 45' 30" Wo~ 190.75 feet~ thence~
N. 34° 25' 30" W.~ 141.37 feet~ thence~ N. 6° 17' 50" W.~ 344.44 feet;
thence N. 67° 47' 20" W.~ 138.14 feet~ thence~ S. 45° 30' 40" W.~
197.36 feet; thence~ S. 44° 32' 10" W.~ 399°62 feet~ thence S. 11° 21'
20" E., 281.45 feet~ thence~ S. 9° 28' 20" E.~ 185.18 feet to a point
on the Northerly right-of-way line of Juniper Drive; thence~ along said
Northerly right-of-way line~ S. 69° 43' W.~ 82.19 feet; thence~ along a
139.58 foot radius curve to the right~ long chord bearing~ S. 83° 40'
49" W.~ 67.36 feet; thence~ N. 82° 21' 22" W.~ 116.2t feet~ thence~
along a 73.73 foot radius curve to the right~ long chord bearing~ N.
59° 49' 36" W., 56.50 feet; thence~ N. 37° 17' 50" W.~ t02.01 feet~
thence~ N. 52° 51' 21" W.~ 145.01 feet~ thence~ along a 176.45 foot
radius curve to the left~ long chord bearing S. 86° 4.6' 35" W.~ 228.57
feet; thence~ leaving the NWly right-of-way line of Juniper Drive, N.
38° 35' 43" W., 256.85 feet; thence~ N. 10° 29' 30" W.~ 149.76 feet;
thence~ N. 32° 20' 30" W.~ 103.50 feet~ thence~ S. 52° 44' 30" W.~
57.31 feet; thence, S. 9° 10' 40" W.~ 293.58 feet; thence~ S. 44° 25'
30" W., 166o81 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of
Juniper Road; thence, N. 45° 29' 10" W.~ 208.13 feet~ thence~ N. 33°
58' W., 280.78 feet; to a point 210 feet SEly of the Southerly right-
of-way line of U. S. Highway 50~ thence~ along on a line parallel with
said Southerly right-of-way line S. 58° 55' W.~ 1292.30 feet to a point
on the Northerly right-of-way line of Navahoe Drive; thence, along said
Northerly right-of-way line~ West 326.75 feet; thence~ along a 22.25
foot radius curve to the right~ long chord bearing~ N. 15° 30' 02" W.,
42.87 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of U. $. High-
way 50; thence~ along said Southerly right-of-way line~ S. 58° 55' W.,
120.36 feet; thence~ leaving said SEly right-of-way line~ South 235.24
feet to the SW corner of Lot 2 of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 15~ said
corner being on the North line of Section 32 T. 12 N., R. 18 E.~ thence~
along said North line~ N. 89° 10' 50~' E.~ 587.66 feet to the NW corner
of Sierra Parks Subdivision; thence~ along the West line of said Sierra
Parks Subdivision~ S. 1° 27' 22" E.~ 664.27 feet to the NW corner of
Lot 89, Sierra Parks Subdivision Unit No. 2; thence~ along the bound-
ary of said Sierra Parks Subdivision Unit No. 2 the following courses:
S. t° 27' 22" E.~ 514.19 feet~ thence~ from a tangent that bears S.
24° 29' 23" W.~ along a 3200 foot radius curve to the right~ through an
angle of 2° 53' 53"~ a distance of 161.86 feet; thence~ N. 88° 59' 37"
E., 668.66 feet; thence~ No 1° 27' 22" W.~ 116.56 feet~ thence~ N. 21°
10' 48" E.~ 54.17 feet~ thence~ N. 1° 27' 22" W.~ 883.53 feet; thence~
N. 88° 32' 38" E.~ 80.00 feet~ thence~ N. 1° 27' 22" W.~ 125.00 feet;
thence, N. 32° 53' 59" E.~ 59.96 feet~ thence~ N. 0° 49' O0'~ W.~ 100.00
feet to a point on the North line of said Section 32; thence~ along
said North line N. 89° 10' 50" E.~ 450 feet~ more or less~ to the N 1/4
of said Section 32; thence along the N-S midsection line of said Section
32~ South 1980.00 feet~ more or less~ to the southeast corner of the NE
1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 32~ thence along the
south line of said NE 1/4~ West 330 feet~ more or less~ thence South
1320 feet~ more or less~ to the southeast corner of the W½ of the NE
1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of said Section 32; thence West 900
feet, more or less, to the westerly line of Highway 89; thence along
the westerly line of Highway 89~ (100 feet westerly of the centerline
of the highway) the following courses and distances: S. 8° 20' E.~
1179.71 feet; thence along a 4900.00 foot radius curve to the right~
long chord bearing S. 2° 26' E.~ 1007.37 feet; thence S. 3° 28' W.~
1560.93 feet~ thence leaving said westerly right-of-way line~ N. 5° 39'
W.~ 1745.81 feet to the southeast corner of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4
of said Section 32~ the~ce along the south line of said Section 32~ N.
89° 41' 30" W., 1316.99 feet to the southeast corner of Section 31, T.
12 N.~ R. 18 E.~ M.D.B. & M.; thence along the south line of said Sec-
tion 31~ S. 89° 57' 12" W.~ 1979.92 feet to the southeast corner of the
W½ of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 31~ thence along the
east line of said W½ N. 0° 21' 31" W.~ 1269.19 feet; thence N. 88° 32'
09" E., 494.62 feet~ thence N. 0° 22' 45" W.~ 1281.00 feet; thence N.
87° 07' 03" E., 164.85 feet to the southeast corner of the SW 1/4 of the
NE 1/4 of said Section 31; thence along the east line of said SW 1/4, N.
0° 30' 45" W.~ 1362.55 feet to the center of the NE 1/4 of said Section
31; thence along the north line of the SW 1/Al of the NE 1/4 of said
Section 3t~ S. 88° 35' 50" W., 338.00 feet, more or less~ to a point on
the Northerly right-of-way line of Highway 50~ thence, along the Norther-
ly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 50 the following courses: S. 39~
28' W.~ 300 feet, more or less~ thence, along a 2900 foot radius curve
to the right through an angle of 33° 35' 00"~ a distance of 1699.80 feet;
thence, continuing~ along said Northerly right-of-way line of U. S.~aY
50,. Westerly, to an intersection with the Easterly right-of-way line of
Proposed Freeway; thence~ along said Easterly and Southerly right-of-way
line~ Northerly, to the most Westerly corner of Lot 47 of Tahoe Paradise
Unit No. 34; thence~ along said Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 3~ the following
courses: N. 74° 53' 20" E., ~91.51 feet~ thence, S. 79° 31' E.~ 270.00
feet; thence~ S. 73° 26' 35" E.~ 540.~1 feet~ thence, S. 71° 31' 25" E.,
83 feet more or less; thence, continuing along the Southerly right-of-way
line of said Proposed Freeway to the point of intersection of the Souther-
ly Extension of the Easterly line of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 28~ thence,
along said Easterly line and its Southerly extension~ N. 5° E.~ 2600
feet more or less to the most Southerly corner of Lot 1282 of Tahoe Para-
dise Unit No. 28~ thence, continuing along the boundary of said Unit No.
28, N. 40° 11' E., ~9.63 feet; thence~ S. 73° 19' E. 197.35 feet~ thence,
S. ~9° 49' E., 50.00 feet~ thence~ S. 73° 19' E., 150 feet more or less
to the center line of Upper Truckee River~ thence~ along said center
line~ NEly and Northerly to the point of intersection with the Northerly
right-of-way line of San Bernardino Avenue~ thence~ along said Nly right-
of-way line of San Bernardino Avenue~ SWly to a point on the West line of
the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 30~ T. 12 N.~ R. 18 E., M.D.M.;
thence, along the West line, North 1060 feet more or less to the North
line of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/~ of said Section 30~ thence, along said
North line~ East 1100 feet more or less to a point on the Westerly right-
of-way line of Proposed Expressway~ thence, along said Westerly right-of-
way line, Southerly to the Westerly extension of the Southerly line of
Lot 1116~ Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 17~ thence~ leaving said Westerly
right-of-way line~ N. 58° 55' E., 848.33 feet~ thence~ S. 31° 05' E.~
13.00 feet; thence~ N. 58o 55' E., 586.93 feet to the most Easterly
corner of Lot 23 of Tahoe Paradise Subdivision; thence, S. 33° 31' E.,
360 feet more or less to a point on the NWly right-of-way line of
California Highway 50; thence~ along said NWly right-of-way line~ N. 58°
55' E., 400.14 feet; thence~ leaving said NWly right-of-way line~ N. 33°
31' W., 500.00 feet; thence~ N. 31° 05' W.~ 37.0~ feet to the most
Southerly corner of Lot 35, Tahoe Paradise~ thence, N. 56° 29' E.~ 390.06
feet~ thence~ N. 33° 31' W., 19.41 feet~ thence~ N. 62° 18' E.~ 30.00
feet to the most Southerly corner of Juniper Park Subdivision~ thence
along said Juniper Park Subdivision the following courses: N. 62° 22'
E., 386.46 feet~ thence~ N. 64° 35' 20~ E.~ 127.52 feet~ thence N. 2° 00'
E., 1748.92 feet to the NE corner of said Juniper Park Subdivision said
point being common with the SE corner of Lot 68~ Tahoe Paradise Unit No.
3; thence, along the boundary of Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 3 the following
courses: N. 2° 00' E., 91.25 feet; thence~ East 517.84 feet; thence~
South 60.00 feet; thence~ East 39.96 feet~ thence~ S. 89° 55' 5~" E.~
73.15 feet to a point on the Westerly right-of-way line of U. S. Highway
50~ thence, along said Westerly right-of-way line~ N. 5° 56' W.~ 11.26
feet; thence, N. 4° 32' 30" W., 48.96 feet~ thence~ leaving said West-
erly right-of-way line~ N. 89° 55' 54" W.~ 68.07 feet~ thence~ North
1327.61 feet to the NE corner of said Unit 3~ the same being the N 1/4
corner of Section 29~ T. 12 N.~ R. 18 E.~ M.D.M.~ thence~ along said
North line of said Section 29~ S. 89° 48' 10" W., 2640 feet more or
less to the NW corner of said Section 29~ thence, along the West line
of Section 20, To 12 N.~ R. 18 E. North 2640 feet more or less to the
W 1/4 corner of said Section 20; thence~ along the E-W midsection line
of said Section 20~ East 2640 feet more or less to the center of said
Section 20; thence~ along the N-S midsection line of said Section 20,
North 900 feet more or less to a point on the Northerly right-of-way
line of Saw Mill Road; thence~ along the Northerly right-of-way line of
Saw Mill Road~ Westerly and Northerly to the point of intersection with
the E-W midsection line of Section 18~ T. 12 N., R. 18 E.~ M.D.M.~
thence~ along the E-W midsection line of said Section 18, West 1700
feet more or less to the center of said Section 18~ thence~ along the
N-S midsection line of said Section 18~ S. 2° 45' 3~"_ E.~ 2128.78 feet
to the most Southerly corner of Lot 613 of Mountain View Estates, Unit
No. 6~ said point being N. 2° 45' 30" W.~ 58.00 feet from the S 1/4
corner of said Section 18~ thence~ along the Southerly boundary of
Mountain View Estates~ Unit No. 6 and No. 5 the following courses: N.
69° 49' W., 61.68 feet~ thence~ N. 52° 47' West.~ 99.20 feet; thence~
N. 7° 02' W.~ 8.17 feet~ thence, S. 49° 26' W.~ 311.00 feet to a point
on the NEly right-of-way line of Mountain Meadow Drive; thence~ along
said NEly right-of-way line along a 1075 foot radius curve to the left~
long chord bearing N. 44° 47' W.~ 158.09 feet; thence, leaving said
Northerly right-of-way line of Mountain Meadow Drive, S. 41° 00' W.~
160.85 feet; thence, N. 50° 14' W.~ 67.00 feet; thence~ N. 56o 20' W.~
97.15 feet; thence~ S. 30° 37' W.~ 110.00 feet; thence~ N. 60° 27' 30"
W.~ 30.13 feet; thence~ N. 61° 32' W.~ 146.25 feet~ thence~ S. 28° 28'
W.~ 50.00 feet; thence, N. 61° 32' W.~ 150.00 feet; thence~ S. 28° 06'
W.~ 204.87 feet; thence~ along a 20 foot radius curve to the right, long
chord bearing, S. 73° 17' W.~ 28.37 feet~ thence, N. 61° 32' W., 477.42
feet~ thence~ S. 28° 28' W.~ 165.60 feet~ thence~ N. 61° 32' W.~ 124.55
feet~ thence~ N. 82° 57' W.~ 112o08 feet; thence, S. 79° 07' W.~ 105.91
feet; thence, S. 66° 35' W.~ 105.71 feet~ thence~ S. 50° 44' W.~ 22.83
feet; thence~ No 37° 46' W.~ 127.00 feet~ thence, along a 447 foot
radius curve to the left~ long chord bearing~ S. 48° 24' W., 59.77 feet;
thence~ N. 89° 59' 30" W.~ 74.74 feet~ thence~ along a 503 foot radius
curve to the left, long chord bearing~ S. 36° 32' 30" W.~ 35.84 feet;
thence~ N. 55° 30' W.~ 249.08 feet~ thence~ S. 47° 42' W.~ 281.00 feet
to a point on the West line of Section 19~ To 12 N.~ R. 18 E.~ M.D.M.~
thence~ along the West line of said Section 19, N. 0° 36' E.~ 77.01
feet to the NW corner of said Section 19; thence, along the West line of
Section 18~ T. 12 N.~ Ro 18 E.~ M.D.M.~ N. 0° 24' 40" E.~ 3960 feet more
or less to the SW corner of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 18;
thence, along the South line of said NW 1/~ 1320 feet more or less to
the SE corner of said NW 1/4; thence~ along the East line of said NW 1/4~
North 1320 feet more or less to a point on the North line of said
Section 18; thence, along said North line of Section 18~ East 4200 feet
more or less to the NE corner of said Section 18; thence~ along the
North line of Section 17~ T. 12 N., R. 18 E.~ M.D.M.~ East 2640 feet
more or less to the N 1/4 corner of said Section 17~ thence, along the
N-S midsection line of Section 17~ South 2640 feet more or less to the
center of said Section 17~ thence~ along the E-W midsection line of
said Section 17~ West 2640 feet more or less to the W 1/4 corner of said
Section 17; thence~ along the West line of said Section 17~ South 2640
feet more or less to the SW corner of said Section 17; thence~ along the
South line of said Section 17~ East 4900 feet more or less to a point on
the NWly right-of-way line of U. S. Highway 50; thence, along said NWly
right-of-way line~ Northeasterly 850 feet more or less to a point on the
East line of said Section 17~ thence~ along the East line of said Section
17, North 4450 feet more or less to the NE corner of said Section 17~
thence, along the North line of Section 16~ T. 12 N., R. 18 E.~ East
630 feet more or less to the SW corner of Lot 6, Block 4 of the afore-
mentioned W. D. Barton Tract~ thence~ S. 89° 55' E., 418.59 feet to the
SE corner of said Lot 6~ thence~ Northerly along the Westerly right-of-
way line of U. S. Highway 50, as said Highway existed in 1958, NEly to
the NE corner of Lot 20~ Block 1, of said W. D. Barton Tract; thence~
SEly 200 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of U. S. High-
way 50, as it existed in 1958, said point being the intersection of the
old U. S. Highway 50~ as shown on the W. D. Barton Tract; thence~ along
the South side of old Highway 50, NEly to a point of intersection of the
Southerly right-of-way line of Melba Road as shown on said W. D. Barton
Tract; thence, along the Southerly boundary of said W. D. Barton Tract
the following courses: N. 65° 14' 30" E. 84.05 feet~ thence~ S. 66° 30'
30" E., 440.99 feet~ thence~ N. 23° 29' 30" E.~ 374.56 feet; thence,
N. 14° 32' W., 156.52 feet; thence, N. 66° 30' 30" W., 223 feet more or
less to the point of beginning.
Beginning at the Southquarter corner of Section 5~ T. 12 N.~ R.
18 E.~ M.D.M., E1 Dorado County~ California~ thence, from said point of
beginning, along the South line of said Section 5~ Westerly 2640 feet
more or less to the Southwest corner of said Section 5; thence~ along
the West line of said Section 5~ Northerly 1320 feet more or less to
the North line of the S½ of the SW 1/4 of said Section 5~ thence~
along the North line of said S½~ Easterly 2640 feet more or less to a
point on the N-S midsection line of said Section 5; thence, along said
midsection line~ South 1320 feet more or less to the point of beginning,