HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07-21-2016i0�
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Thursday, July 21, 2016 - 2:00 p.m.
District Board Room
1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California
Richard Solbrig, General Manager Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager
Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President
Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Duane Wallace, Director
i . CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (At this time, please silence phones and
other electronic devices so as not to disrupt the business of the meeting.)
2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on
any short non -agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No discussion or action can
be taken on matters not listed on the agenda, per the Brown Act. Each member of the public who wishes to
comment shall be allotted five minutes, and no more than three individuals shall address the same subject.)
3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes of the Brown Act, all Action and
Consent items listed give a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed.
Recommendations of the staff, as shown, do not prevent the Board from taking other action.)
4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately
upon request. Comments and questions from members of the public, staff or Board can be taken when the
comment does not necessitate separate action.)
a. Resolution No. 3034-16 Authorizing EI Dorado County to Collect the List of Unpaid,
Delinquent Accounts for Sewer, Water and/or Street Lighting
(Tim Bledsoe, Manager of Customer Service and Ryan Lee, Customer Service Representative) Pg. 25
(1) Hold a Public Hearing at 2:00 p.m. to receive public comments and protests
regarding the list of delinquent accounts; (2) Approve the list of delinquent accounts;
and, (3) Adopt Resolution No. 3034-16, authorizing the list of delinquent accounts to be
added to the 2016/17 EI Dorado County Tax Assessor's Roll
b. Asphalt Patch Paving (Chris Stanley, Underground Repair Water Supervisor) Pg. 29
Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Superior Asphalt Maintenance,
for asphalt patching services, in the amount of $162,860
PAGE - 2
C. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Replacement (Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer
and Chris Skelly, Information Technology Manager) Pg. 33
Approve the Request for Proposal developed by NextLevel and District staff for a new
Enterprise Resource Planning System, and authorize staff to release the Request for
Proposal to the public on July 22, 2016
d. Approve Payment of Claims (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Pg. 103
The Payment of Claims was not available when this agenda was published due to the
extended fiscal year invoice processing. It will be distributed prior to, and at the July 21
Board meeting.
7. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be
8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.)
10. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT (Discussion may take place; however, no action will be taken.)
1 1 . STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.)
a. Primary Clarifier No. 1 /Aeration Basin No. 2 Rehabilitation Update
(Stephen Caswell, Senior Engineer)
b. Tahoe Keys Water System (Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager)
C. Verizon Cell Tower Request (Ross Johnson, Plant Operations Manager)
d. Street Lights (Tim Bledsoe, Customer Service Manager)
Past Meetings/Events
07/07/16 - 2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District
07/18/16 - 3:30 p.m. Operations Committee Meeting at the District
07/20/16 - 8:00 a.m. Employee Communications Committee Meeting (Wallace Representing)
Future MeetingslEvents
08/04/16 - 2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District
13. CLOSED SESSION (The Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss items identified below. Closed Session is not
open to the public; however, an opportunity will be provided at this time if members of the public would like to
comment on any item listed - three minute limit.)
a. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may
be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act
Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and
Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix
v. J -M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil
Action No. ED CV06-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of
California Pg.105
b. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may
be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles
County Superior Court, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J -M
Manufacturing, et al Pg. 107
C. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may
be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: EI Dorado
County Superior Court Case SC20120227 GRCLT Condominium vs. South Tahoe Public
Utility District Pg. 109
ADJOURNMENT (The next Regular Board Meeting is Thursday, August 4, 2016, at 2:00 p.m.)
The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete Agenda
packet is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after Minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on the Agenda are numbered
for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear. Designated times are for particular
items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified, but may occur slightly later than the specified time.
Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the Agenda will be taken at the same time the Agenda items
are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with
a copy of all written materials presented at the meeting. Comments on items not on the Agenda can be heard during "Comments from
the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the Agenda.
Backup materials relating to an open session item on this Agenda, which are not included with the Board packet, will be made available
for public inspection at the some time they are distributed or made available to the Board, and can be viewed at the District office, at the
Board meeting and upon request to the Clerk of the Board.
The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the
disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530)
544-6474, extension 6203. All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
��11950 '
July 21, 2016
(Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist) Pg. 1
Approve Change Order No. 1 to Thomas Haen Company, Inc., in the amount of <$533,667>
(Lynn Nolan, Grants Coordinator) Pg. 9
Adopt Revised Resolution No.'s 3035-16, 3036-16 and 3037-16 to Apply for Treatment Plant
Generator Project Loan
(Ross Johnson, Manager of Plant Operations and Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent) Pg. 17
Award polymer purchase contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Polydyne Inc.,
in the estimated amount of $52,881.95
(Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager Clerk of the Board) Pg. 21
Approve July 7, 2016, Minutes
South Tahoe
J Pi5trict
General Manager
Richard H. 5olbrig
Chris Cefalu
James R. Jones
Randy Vogelgesang
Kelly Sheehan
Duane Wallace
1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150-7401
Phone 530 544-6474 Q Fax 530 541-0614 • www.5tpud.u5
TO: Board of Directors
FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist
MEETING DATE: July 21, 2016
ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Diamond Valley Ranch Irrigation Improvement
REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order No. 1 to Thomas Haen Company,
Inc., in the amount of <$533,667>
DISCUSSION: The itemized parts of Change Order No. 1 are as follows:
Item 1 in the amount of <$87,150> is the deduction from Bid Item 7 for reducing the
number of joint restraints and concrete thrust blocks on the Diamond Valley Ranch
(DVR) Pipeline 1 (DVR 1) from between the North Intertie to the DVR pump station. The
reduction in joint restraints and thrust blocks will have no detrimental effect on the
intended use of this pipeline and is removed from the project in accordance with the
revised pipeline design provided by the design engineer under Contract Change
Request No. 001 (Rev 1).
Item 2 in the amount of <$15,500> is the deduction from Bid Item 8 for the change in
construction from the bore and jack method to open -cut trench excavation for
construction of the DVR 1 Millich Ditch Crossing. The proposed change in construction
will not change any proposed impacts to the waters of the United States and was
approved by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Division on August 19, 2015.
Item 3 in the amount of <$23,625> is the deduction for elimination of Bid Item 15. This bid
item is to construct an 18" low pressure supply pipeline for future connection of the
emergency containment ponds to the DVR Pump Station. As this bid item is not
needed for the intended use of the DVRIIP-Phase 1 project, it is eliminated as a cost
savings measure.
Ivo Bergsohn
July 21, 2016
Page 2
Item 4 in the amount of <$18,000> is the deduction from Bid Item 21 for the approved
change in pipe material for the 24" Millich Ditch Pipeline. The change in pipe material
will have no detrimental effect on the intended use of this pipeline and is approved by
the design engineer under Contract Change Request No. 001 (Rev 1).
Item 5 in the amount of <$45,300> is the deduction from Bid Item 31 for the reduction in
Air -Vacuum (AV) valve stations for the DVR1 and 24" Millich Ditch Pipeline. Changes to
the DVRI and 24" Millich Ditch Pipeline designs eliminated the need for four (4) AV
valve stations which are removed from the project as approved by the design engineer
under Contract Change Request No. 001 (Rev 1).
Item 6 in the amount of <$56,000> is the deduction for elimination of Bid Item 32.
Changes to the DVR1 Pipeline design eliminated the need for eight (8) blow -off
assemblies for the DVR 1 Pipeline which are removed from the project as approved by
the design engineer under Contract Change Request No. 001 (Rev 1).
Item 7 in the amount of <$9,000> is the deduction from Bid Item 34 for the reduction in
pipeline signage due the reduction in the number of (AV) valve stations and blow -off
assemblies for the DVR1 Pipeline. Changes to the DVR1 Pipeline design eliminated the
need for eighteen (18) pipeline signs which are removed from the project as approved
by the design engineer under Contract Change Request No. 001 (Rev 1).
Item 8 in the amount of <$116, 250> is the deduction from Bid Item 36 for the reduction
in Inspection Tees for the DVRI Pipeline. Changes to the DVR1 Pipeline design
eliminated the need for five (5) of these Inspection Tees which are removed from the
project as approved by the design engineer under Contract Change Request No. 001
(Rev 1).
Item 9 in the amount of <$91,492> is the deduction from Bid Item 43 for reducing the
number of joint restraints and concrete thrust blocks on the DVR Pipeline 2 (DVR 2) from
between the DVR pump station to the South Intertie. The reduction in joint restraints and
thrust blocks will have no detrimental effect on the intended use of this pipeline and are
removed from the project in accordance with the revised pipeline design provided by
the design engineer under Contract Change Request No. 001 (Rev 1).
Item 10 in the amount of <$32,000> is the deduction from Bid Item 44 for the reduction
in AV valve stations for the DVR2 Pipeline. Changes to the DVR2 Pipeline designs
eliminated the need for two (2) AV valve stations which are removed from the project
as approved by the design engineer under Contract Change Request No. 001 (Rev 1).
Item 11 in the amount of <$9,400> is the deduction for elimination of Bid Item 45.
Changes to the DVR2 Pipeline design eliminated the need for a blow -off assembly for
the DVR 2 Pipeline which is removed from the project as approved by the design
engineer under Contract Change Request No. 001 (Rev 1).
Item 12 in the amount of <$2,700> is the deduction from Bid Item 46 for the reduction in
pipeline signage due the reduction in the number of (AV) valve stations and the blow-
No Bergsohn
July 21, 2016
Page 3
off assembly for the DVR2 Pipeline. Changes to the DVR2 Pipeline design eliminated the
need for three (3) pipeline signs which are removed from the project as approved by
the design engineer under Contract Change Request No. 001 (Rev 1).
Item 13 in the amount of <$27,250> is the deduction from Bid Item 48 for the reduction
in Inspection Tees for the DVR2 Pipeline. Changes to the DVR2 Pipeline design
eliminated the need for one Inspection Tee which is removed from the project as
approved by the design engineer under Contract Change Request No. 001 (Rev 1).
Approval of Change Order No. 1 will reduce the contract total by $533,667 to
SCHEDULE: As soon as possible
COSTS: < $533,667>
ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8161
ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 1 (July 21, 2016)
7k ro-1
/ TI 0is Contractor: Thomas Haen Company, Inc.
Date: 07.21.2016
The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows:
PO #: P28992
1) Deduct $87,150.00 from Bid Item 7; DVR Pipeline 1 (DVR1) 18" Pipeline. The deduction
from Bid Item 7 is for construction of the DVR 1 Pipeline, in accordance with the revised
DVR1 and DVR2 pipeline design, complete and in-place, as described in Contract Change
Request No. 001 (Rev. 2). The revised pipeline design reduces the number of joint
restraints and concrete thrust blocks required on DVR1 from between the North Intertie to
the pump station site. The reduction in Contract Price from this change is from $135.00/If to
$124.50/lf, as per the CCR No. 001 (Rev 2) Bid Item Adjustment Form.
Total Item 1 is <$87,150.00>
TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NO. 1, ITEMS 1 through 13 IS: <$533,667.00>
Dollar Amounts Contract Time
Original Contract
457 Calendar Days
Previous Change Order
0 Calendar Days
Current Contract
457 Calendar Days
0 calendar Days
New Contract Total
457 Calendar Days
Contractor agrees to make the herein -described changes in accordance with the terms hereof. The change
in contract price and/or contract time noted is full settlement for costs incurred because of the change(s)
described, unless specifically noted in individual description(s).
Authorized By STPUD Board President
Accepted By Contractor
Reviewed By
X:\Projects\Diamond Valley Ranch\DVR IIP\CONSTRUCTION\CHANGE ORDER\C01\CO1_THC_2016.07.21_Final.doc
2) Deduct $15,500.00 from Bid Item 8; DVR 1 Millich Ditch Crossing. The deduction for Bid
Item 8 is the adjustment for construction of the crossing using open -cut trench excavation
and installation of a 20 -foot section of 18 -inch concrete mortar lined ductile iron pipe (Class
250) as described in Contract Change Request No. 001 (Rev. 2). This replaces construction
of the crossing using the Bore and Jack Method with a 30 -inch steel carrier per the Millich
Ditch Crossing Detail 1/D4 shown on the design plans.
Total Item 2 is <$15,500.00>
3) Deduct $23,625.00 from Bid Item 15; REC 2 Low Pressure 18" Supply for Future
Containment Ponds. The deduction is for elimination of Bid Item 15 including full
compensation for all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals required to install and
test the 18" REC 2 Low Pressure Supply pipeline and blind flanges per the pipeline
schedule for pipe types as shown on the design plans.
Total Item 3 is <$23,625.00>
4) Deduct $18,000.00 from Bid Item 21; Millich Ditch Pipeline. The deduction for Bid Item
21 is the adjustment for an approved change in pipe material, using C905 Class 100 pipe in
place of Class 160 pipe, complete and in-place. The reduction in Contract Price for this
change is from $105.00/If to $100.00/If, as per the CCR No. 001 (Rev 2) Bid Item
Adjustment Form.
Total Item 4 is <$18,000.00>
5) Deduct $45,300.00 from Bid Item 31; Air -Vacuum (AV) Valve Stations. The deduction for
Bid Item 31 is for the reduced quantity of AV valves from fifteen (15) to eleven (11) for the
DVR Loop Pipeline and the 24" Millich Ditch Pipeline in accordance with Sheets CCR -1A
and CCRA B of Contract Change Request No. 001 (Rev. 2).
Total Item 5 is <$45,300.00>
6) Deduct $56,000.00 from Bid Item 32: Blow off Assemblies. The deduction is for
elimination of Bid Item 32; including full compensation for all labor materials, tools,
equipment and incidentals required to install the assemblies as shown on the Contract
Total Item 6 is <$56,000.00>
7) Deduct $9,000.00 from Bid Item 34: Pipeline Signage. The deduction is for reducing the
quantity of Pipeline Signage from forty-seven (47) to twenty-nine (29) due to the elimination
of Blow -Off and AV Stations on the DVR1 Pipeline, in accordance with the revised pipeline
design as described in Contract Change Request No. 001 (Rev. 2).
Total Item 7 is <$9,000.00>
8) Deduct $116,250.00 from Bid Item 36; Inspection Tee. The deduction is for reducing the
quantity from six (6) to one (1) Inspection Tees, in accordance with Contract Change
Request No. 001 (Rev. 2).
Total Item 8 is <$116,250.00>
XAProjects\Diamond Valley Ranch\DVR IIP\CONSTRUCTION\CHANGE ORDEFg�C01\C01_THC_2016.07.21_Final.doc
9) Deduct $91,492.00 from Bid Item 43; DVR Pipeline 2 (DVR2)18" Pipeline. The deduction
is for construction of the DVR 2 Pipeline, in accordance with the revised pipeline design
criteria and restraint schedule, complete and in-place, as described in Contract Change
Request No. 001 (Rev. 2). The revised pipeline design reduces the number of joint
restraints and concrete thrust blocks required on DVR2 between the pump station to the
South Intertie.
Total Item 9 is <$91, 492.00>
10) Deduct $32,000.00 from Bid Item 44; Air -Vacuum (AV) Valve Stations for DVR2. The
deduction is for the reduced quantity of AV valves on DVR2 from three (3) to one (1), in
accordance with the revised pipeline design as described in Contract Change Request No.
001 (Rev. 2).
Total Item 10 is <$32,000.00>
11) Deduct $9,400.00 for the elimination of Bid Item 45; Blowoff Assembly for the DVR2.
The deduction is for the elimination of the 4" blow -off assembly on DVR2 in accordance with
the revised pipeline design as described in Contract Change Request No. 001 (Rev. 2) and
includes full compensation for all labor materials, tools, equipment and incidentals required
to install this assembly as shown on the Contract Drawings.
Total Item 11 is <$9,400.00>
12) Deduct $2,700.00 from Bid Item 46; Pipeline Signage for DVR2. The deduction is for
reducing the quantity of Pipeline Signage from seventeen (17) to fourteen (14) due to the
elimination of blowoffs and AV stations on DVR2, in accordance with the revised pipeline
design as described in Contract Change Request No. 001 (Rev. 2).
Total Item 12 is <$2,700.00>
13) Deduct $27,250.00 from Bid Item 48; Inspection Tees for DVR2. The deduction is for
reducing the quantity from three (3) to two (2) Inspection Tees, in accordance with the
revised pipeline design as described in Contract Change Request No. 001 (Rev. 2).
Total Item 13 is <$27,250.00>
TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NO. 1, ITEMS 1 through 13 IS: <$533,667.00>
X:\Projects\Diamond Valley Ranch\DVR IIP\CONSTRUCTION\CHANGE ORDERS\C01\CO1_THC_2016.07.21_Final.doc
youth Tahoe
'ublic Utility District
General Manager
Richard H. 5olbrig
Chris CePalu
James R. Jones
Randy vogelgesang
Kelly Sheehan
Duane Wallace
1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150-7401
Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 541-0614 • www.5tpud.u5
TO: Board of Directors
FROM: Lynn Nolan, Grants Coordinator
MEETING DATE: July 21, 2016
ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Revised Pledged Revenues and Fund(s) Resolution,
Authorizing Resolution and Reimbursement Resolution to
Submit With State Water Resources Control Board State
Revolving Fund Application for Treatment Plant Generator
Upgrades Project
REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Revised Resolution No.'s 3035-16, 3036-16 and 3037-
16 to Apply for Treatment Plant Generator Project Loan
DISCUSSION: The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), in reviewing the
applications submitted for the Treatment Plant Generator Upgrades, has requested that
these Resolutions be revised to reflect the most current SWRCB version.
ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No.'s 3035-16, 3036-16 and 3037-16
CATEGORY: Sewer/Water
WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District has adopted Clean Water
State Revolving Loan Fund resolutions regarding intent, authority and procedure;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the South Tahoe Public Utility District (the
"Entity") hereby dedicates and pledges net revenues of the Sewer Enterprise Fund and
the Sewer Enterprise Fund to payment of any and all Clean Water State Revolving
Fund and/or Water Recycling Funding Program financing for Treatment Plant
Generator Upgrades (the "Project"). The Entity commits to collecting such revenues
and maintaining such fund(s) throughout the term of such financing and until the Entity
has satisfied its repayment obligation thereunder unless modification or change is
approved in writing by the State Water Resources Control Board. So long as the
financing agreement(s) are outstanding, the Entity's pledge hereunder shall constitute a
lien in favor of the State Water Resources Control Board on the foregoing fund(s) and
revenue(s) without any further action necessary. So long as the financing agreement(s)
are outstanding, the Entity commits to maintaining the fund(s) and revenue(s) at levels
sufficient to meet its obligations under the financing agreement(s).
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing
Resolution No. 3035-16 was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of
Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting held on the 21St
day of July, 2016, by the following vote:
Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Resolution No. 3035-16
Page 2
July 21, 2016
Randy Vogelgesang, Board President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
WHEREAS, a determination has been made to seek funding to implement a
recycled water reuse project,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
Public Utility District (the "Entity"), as follows:
The General Manager, Assistant General Manager and/or the Chief Financial
Officer (the "Authorized Representative") or their designee is hereby authorized and
directed to sign and file, for and on behalf of the Entity, a Financial Assistance
Application for a financing agreement from the State Water Resources Control Board for
the planning, design, and construction of the Treatment Plant Generator Upgrades (the
This Authorized Representative, or his/her designee, is designated to provide the
assurances, certifications, and commitments required for the financial assistance
application, including executing a financial assistance agreement from the State Water
Resources Control Board and any amendments or changes thereto.
The Authorized Representative, or his/her designee, is designated to represent
the Entity in carrying out the Entity's responsibilities under the financing agreement,
including certifying disbursement requests on behalf of the Entity and compliance with
applicable state and federal laws.
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing
Resolution No. 3036-16 was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of
Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting held on the 21St
day of July, 2016, by the following vote:
Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Resolution No. 3036-16
Page 2
July 21, 2016
Randy Vogelgesang, Board President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District ("District"} desires to finance
the costs of constructing and/or reconstructing certain public facilities and
improvements relating to its water and wastewater system, including certain
treatment facilities, pipelines and other infrastructure ("Project"}; and,
WHEREAS, the District intends to finance the construction and/or
reconstruction of the Project or portions of the Project with moneys ("Project Funds")
provided by the State of California, acting by and through the State Water Resources
Control Board (State Water Board}; and,
WHEREAS, the State Water Board may fund the Project Funds with proceeds
from the sale of obligations the interest upon which is excluded from gross income for
federal income tax purposes (the "Obligations"), and,
WHEREAS, priorto either the issuance of the Obligations or the approval by
the State Water Board of the Project Funds the District desires to incur certain capital
expenditures (the "Expenditures") with respect to the Project from available moneys of
the District; and,
WHEREAS, the District has determined that those moneys to be advanced on
and after the date hereof to pay the Expenditures are available only for a temporary
period and it is necessary to reimburse the Districtfor the Expenditures from the
proceeds of the Obligations.
SECTION I. The District hereby states its intention and reasonably expects to
reimburse Expenditures paid prior to the issuance of the Obligations or the approval by
the State Water Board of the Project Funds.
SECTION 2. The reasonably expected maximum principal amount of the Project
Funds is $4,000,000.
SECTION 3. This Resolution is being adopted no later than 60 days after the date on
which the District will expend moneys for the portion of the Project costs to be
reimbursed with Project Funds.
SECTION 4. Each District expenditure will be of a type properly chargeable to a
capital account under general federal income tax principles.
SECTION 5. To the best of our knowledge, this District is not aware of the previous
adoption of official intents by the District that have been made as a matter of course
for the purpose of reimbursing expenditures and for which tax-exempt obligations
have not been issued.
SECTION 6. This Resolution is adopted as official intent of the District in order to
comply with Treasury Regulation §1 .150-2 and any other regulations of the Internal
Revenue Service relating to the qualification for reimbursement of Project costs.
SECTION 7. All the recitals in this Resolution are true and correct and this District so
finds, determines and represents.
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing
Resolution No.3037-16 was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of
Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting held on the 21St
day of July, 2016, by the following vote:
Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Resolution No. 3037-16
Page 2
July 21, 2016
Randy Vogelgesang, Board President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
outh Tahoe
✓ District
General Manager
Richard H. 5olbrig
Chris Cefalu
James R. Jones
Randy Vogelgesang
Kelly Sheehan
Duane Wallace
1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150-7401
Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 541-0614 • www.5tpud.u5
TO: Board of Directors
FROM: Ross Johnson, Manager of Plant Operations
Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent
MEETING DATE: July 21, 2016
ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Polymer Supplies
REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award polymer purchase contract to the lowest
responsive, responsible bidder, Polydyne Inc., in the estimated amount of $52,881.95
DISCUSSION: Polymer is used as a dewatering aid in the biosolids handling process.
An invitation to pre -qualify was advertised and sent to 27 potential bidders, and 3
parties responded. Those parties tested polymers in our laboratory and provided
product for full-scale testing of six polymers. Five products qualified in the trials
conducted in the centrifuge, and bids were received for each of the five qualified
polymers. The Polydyne Inc. product WE -1554 produced the best price for
performance result among the pre -qualified products. Because polymer products vary
and require multiple days of testing within the wastewater treatment process, staff has
included an option for the possibility of four, one-year extensions of the contract if
agreeable to the parties.
SCHEDULE: Fiscal Year 2016-17, with four, one-year extension options
COSTS: Estimated $52,881.95
ACCOUNT NO: 1006-4720
ATTACHMENTS: Bid Results Listing
South Tahoe
public Utility District
Company / Product
Polydyne Inc / Clarifloc WE - 1554
/ Clarifloc WE — 1555
/ Clarifloc WE — 621
Solenis LLC / Praestol K292FLX
KubWater Resources / BASF Zetag 8818
Bid Price Adjusted Cost's
$ 97,200.00
$ 52,881.95
125,712.00 58,715.68
162,690.00 81,412.64
*Each of the polymer products bid were tested for their effectiveness in treating
District sludge by the District's Operations Department. The evaluations were
complete and adjustment factors were tabulated prior to the bid opening as specified
in the bid documents. The cost adjustment equates the effectiveness of each of the
polymers into dollars and cents giving a truer price -to -performance comparison.
Disclaimer: The total dollar amount is based upon an estimated quantity that the
District will use during the period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The actual
quantity and grand total may vary, but unit prices are firm.
n��B• 1950 . W
Richard Solbrig, General Manager Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager
Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President
Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Duane Wallace, Director
July 7, 2016
The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in Regular session at 2:00 p.m., at the
District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California.
Board of Directors: President Vogelgesang, Directors, Cefalu, Jones, Sheehan, and Wallace
Staff: Gary Kvistad, Shannon Cotulla, Paul Hughes, Melonie Guttry, Marla Sharp, Chris Skelly, Theresa
Sherman, Nancy Hussmann, John Thiel, Julie Ryan, Trevor Coolidge, Tim Bledsoe, Richard Solbrig
Guests: George Alm, KKFT Radio Station
Attorney itvistad reported an item came to the attention of District staff less than 72 hours prior to the
July 7 regular Board meeting. Staff reported action is requested on the Water Meter Installation
Project - Phases III -V prior to the next regular Board meeting because waiting another two
weeks could delay the funding necessary to move forward on the project. Adding Item 6a to
the Agenda, moves Payment of Claims to 6b and requires a 4/5 vote of the Board of Directors.
Moved Vogelgesang/Second SheehanlVogeiaesang Yes/Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes/Sheehan
Yes/Wallace Yes to approve the Item 6a, Water Meter Installation Project - Phases III -V,
moving Payment of Claims to 6b.
Moved Wallace/Second Ce€alulVogelgesang Yes/Cefalu YesIJones Yes/Sheehan Yes/Wallace Yes
to approve the Consent Calendar as presented.
(Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director)
Adopted Resolution No. 3032-16 which incorporates the Pay Listing by Position for the period of
June 30, 2016, through June 29, 2017
PAGE - 2
(Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager)
Adopted Resolution No. 3033-16, adopting the Statement of Investment Policy (superseding
Resolution No. 2983-15)
(Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager Clerk of the Board)
Approved June 16, 2016, Minutes
a. Staff provided an overview requesting approval of the water meter project and to authorize
staff to file a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Notice of Exemption (NOE) with the
County of EI Dorado and State Office of Planning and Research authorization to file a CEQA
Notice of Exemption.
Moved Jones Second Sheehan Va of esan Yes Cefalu Yes Jones Yes Sheehan
Yes Wallace Yes to approve the Water Meter Installation Project, Phases III -V and authorize
staff to file a CEQA Notice of Exemption (NOE) with the County of EI Dorado and State Office
of Planning and Research.
b. Approve Payment of Claims (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager)
Moved Sheehan Second Cefalu Va el esan Yes Cefalu Yes Jones Yes Sheehan
Yes/Wallace Yes to approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $2,275,083.96.
Nothing to report
Director Wallace reported Director Sheehan attended the June meeting and their budget was
approved including $495,000 for the District. The July meeting has been cancelled and the August
meeting will be held in the District Board Room.
Director Jones reported on a discussion amongst City Council Members regarding franchise fees in
addition to cutting and paving of city streets. Staff reported the District has not received any formal
request or information from the City.
Shannon Cotulla reported on several items:
Richard is attending the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TBPA) Tie Steering Committee in an
effort to get firefighting infrastructure projects incorporated in the Environmental Improvement
Program so we can qualify statewide for a number of firefighting funding.
The District received a grant for $300,000 for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) for water
tanks so that the District can perform continuous readings of water tanks around the basin. This
software would also allow customers access to a portal where they could view their meters
online. EI Dorado County Water Agency provided the District a grant for $100,000, so the total
for this effort is $400,000. This is the first successful grant over the past eight years and staff is
working on the details.
The District received the electronic contract for the meter loan for finishing out the 2015 water
metering project.
• The District received an analysis on the Liberty Rate Case, which cost the District $16,000, but
provides an annual savings to the District of $291,000.
• The District sent staff to the Tahoe Keys Property Owner's Association (TKPOA) this morning to
take a tour and a look at their system, which is clean and has been well maintained. The
District sent notice to TKPOA requesting they provide a specific request on what they wish the
District to do. Director Jones added he will recuse himself from any discussions with TKPOA.
• The Waste Water Treatment Plant flows were recorded as follows over the holiday: July 2: 4.52
million gallons per day; July 3, 4.91; July 4, 4.7 1, which are consistent with last year.
The June water conservation number was 12.8%, May conservation was 36.7%, compared to
the same months in 2013, and the statewide average for May was 28%.
• Staff provided an update on the new District website, which goes live on Friday, July 8.
• Richard Solbrig provided a report on the TRPA Tie Steering Committee meeting and the
connection to the Environmental Improvement Program.
• The dates for filing Board of Director Declaration of Candidacy paperwork with EI Dorado
County are July 18 through August 12. EI Dorado County is recommending that anyone
interested in filing, set an appointment to do so this year. Appointments are available for the
Tahoe Recorder Clerk's Office on July 21 and August 4, from 8:00 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m.
to 4:00 p.m. This information is posted at the District and a Press Release has been submitted.
• Attorney Kvistad provided an update on Sustainable Groundwater Management activities.
Last week District staff spoke with Ken Payne of EI Dorado County Water Agency regarding the
District working with them including the best approach to take with the Department of Water
Resources on Sustainable Groundwater Management. On July 6, 2016, District staff and legal
counsel had a telephone conference with Department of Water Resources staff to discuss
compliance with the Groundwater Sustainability Plan regulations in order to utilize the District's
existing Groundwater Management Plan as an alternative to a developing a Groundwater
Sustainability Plan.
ADJOURNMENT: 3:09 p.m.
Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Randy Vogelgesang, Board President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
th Tahoe
Utility District
General Manager
Richard H. 5olbrig
Chris Cefalu
James K. Janes
Randy Vogelgesang
Kelly Sheehan
Duane Wallace
1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe P CA 96150-7401
Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 541-0614 e wvvw.5tpuAu5
TO: Board of Directors
FROM: Tim Bledsoe, Manager of Customer Service and
Ryan Lee, Customer Service Representative
MEETING DATE: July 21, 2016
ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Resolution No. 3034-16 Authorizing EI Dorado County to
Collect the List of Unpaid, Delinquent Accounts for Sewer,
Water and/or Street Lighting
REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Hold a Public Hearing at 2:00 p.m. to receive public
comments and protests regarding the list of delinquent accounts; (2) Approve the list of
delinquent accounts; and, (3) Adopt Resolution No. 3034-16, authorizing the list of
delinquent accounts to be added to the 2016/17 EI Dorado County Tax Assessor's Roll.
DISCUSSION: A list of delinquent accounts (sewer, water and/or street lighting) is
attached to Resolution No. 3034-16 to be added to the 2016/17 EI Dorado County Tax
Assessor's Roll. The Board will hold a Public Hearing to consider any comments or
protests from the public before considering approval of the list of delinquent accounts.
Afterwards, the Board may approve Resolution No. 3034-16 authorizing the list of
delinquent accounts to be added to the 2016/17 EI Dorado County Tax Assessor's Roll.
ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 3034-16 and a list of all delinquent accounts will be
distributed prior to and at the Board Meeting.
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Public Utility Code section 16467, the South Tahoe
Public Utility District ("District") levies and collects water, sewer and/or street lighting
service charges from the District's customers to pay for the operation, maintenance and
WHEREAS, some of the District's customers from time to time become
delinquent in their payment of water, sewer and street lighting charges;
WHEREAS, the District's Customer Service Manager has prepared a list of
delinquent water, sewer and street lighting charges for the fiscal year 2015-2016
("Delinquent Accounts");
WHEREAS, the California Public Utility Code Section 16469 authorizes the
Delinquent Accounts to be placed on the EI Dorado County Tax Rolls;
WHEREAS, the District may request the EI Dorado County Auditor -Controller to
place the Delinquent Accounts on the EI Dorado County Tax Rolls; and,
WHEREAS, the District's Board of Directors has conducted a Public Hearing
concerning the Delinquent Accounts, considered any comments or protests received
prior to or at the hearing, and determined that the Delinquent Accounts should be
placed on the EI Dorado County Tax Rolls.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
Public Utility District, County of EI Dorado, State of California, as follows:
1. The District's Board of Directors approves and adopts the Delinquent
Accounts as presented by District staff, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A and is
incorporated by this reference.
2. The District requests and authorizes the Auditor -Controller of the County
of EI Dorado to place on the Secured Property Tax Roll for Fiscal Year 2016-2017, the
Delinquent Accounts pursuant to this Resolution No. 3034-16.
3. It is further declared that the Delinquent Accounts should be added to and
made a part of the EI Dorado County annual assessment levied upon said certain
parcels of land therein referred to and shall become a lien upon said parcels of land.
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing
Resolution No. 3034-16 was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of
Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting held on July 21,
2016, by the following vote:
Randy Vogelgesang, Board President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Resolution No. 3034
Page 2
July 21, 2016
South Tahoe
Public Utility District
General Manager
Richard H. 5Arig
Chris Cefalu
James K. Jones
Randy Vogelgesang
Kelly Sheehan
Duane Wallace
1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150-7401
Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 5410614 o www.5tpud.u5
Board of Directors
Chris Stanley, Underground Repair Water Supervisor
July 21, 2016
Asphalt Patch Paving
REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder,
Superior Asphalt Maintenance, for asphalt patching services, in the amount of $162,860
DISCUSSION: Underground Repair Water/Sewer Departments complete repairs of
numerous waterline leaks and service tie-ins. Upon completion of repairs, temporary
cold mix asphalt patches are installed to the damaged or cut-out asphalt. These
patches must be permanently repaired to City and County specifications by licensed
paving contractors. Total bid values are estimates based upon bid prices multiplied by
an estimated number of patches of various sizes, plus related work. The estimated
factors are based upon historical data together with new projections of work. Although
the actual quantities and total may vary, unit bid prices will remain firm. This bid also
includes some patch work needed in the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) in the
amount of $21,578.
Although the District only received one bid, staff believes prices to be reasonable and
recommends awarding the bid.
SCHEDULE: As soon as possible
COSTS: $141,282 Estimate for patch repairs and $21,578 for WWTP roadway repairs
ACCOUNT NO: 2001-6052/1006-6042/1004-6042
BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $325,306; $14,000; $12,374
ATTACHMENTS: 2016 Bid and top two 2015 Bids
CATEGORY: Sewer/Water
BID # 16-17-07
FOR 2016 Asphalt Patching Services
OPENING DATE July 12, 2016
Superior Asphalt Maintenance
Includes estimate for water line repair patches of $ 141,282
and repair of plant site roadway patches of 21,578
Superior Asphalt is currently registered with the State Department of Industrial Relations
and has a current and active contractor's license.
Total bid values are estimates based upon bid prices multiplied by an estimated
number of patches of various sizes plus related work. The estimated factors are based
upon historical data together with new projections of work. Although, the actual
quantities and total may vary, unit bid prices will remain firm.
BID # 15-16-06
FOR 2015 Asphalt Patching Services
OPENING DATE June 8, 2015
Superior Asphalt Maintenance
Thomas Haen Company Inc.
Total bid values are estimates based upon bid prices multiplied by an estimated
number of patches of various sizes plus related work. The estimated factors are based
upon historical data together with new projections of work. Although, the actual
quantities and total may vary, unit bid prices will remain firm.
>uth Tahoe,
is Utility District
General Manager
Richard H. Solbrig
Chris Cefalu
James R. Jones
Randy Vogelgesang
Kelly Sheehan
Duane Wallace
1275 Meadow Crest Drive - South Lake Tahoe o CA 96150-7401
Phone 530 514-6474 • Fax 530 541-0614- www.5tpud.u5
TO: Board of Directors
FROM: Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer
Chris Skelly, Information Technology Manager
MEETING DATE: July 21, 2016
ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Replacement
REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve the Request for Proposal developed by NextLevel
and District staff for a new Enterprise Resource Planning System, and authorize staff to
release the Request for Proposal to the public on July 22, 2016
DISCUSSION: The District has been using SunGard's Integrated Finance and
Administrative Solution (IFAS) software since 1992. This critical software runs the District's
finance and accounting systems and is integrated with the District's work order and
customer service billing systems. This software has served the District well for the past 24
years, but the current version is out of date and will soon not be supported by the
vendor. Currently, the District is running v7.9 which was released in 2009 and Information
Technology (IT) staff is already seeing issues with IFAS not functioning well with the latest
web browsers. SunGard is encouraging its customers to upgrade to their latest software,
OneSolution, but staff believes there may be better alternatives on the open market.
The 2016/17 adopted budget and the 2017/18 forecast include funding for the
replacement of the IFAS system which is expected to take 18 to 24 months for full
Over the last three months, NexLevel and District staff have developed a
comprehensive list of features, functionalities, and requirements that will be included in
the new ERP system. This list is comprised of current features the District would want to
retain, as well as some functionality that would make internal processes more efficient.
This document also outlines the expectation that a new system will continue to
integrate with other
Paul Hughes
Chris Skelly
July 21, 2016
Page 2
District data sources. This Request for Proposal (RFP) was built using NexLevel's proven
ERP RFP template then molded and reworked to fit the District's needs now and into the
future. Staff is requesting the Board approve the RFP and authorize staff to release it July
22, 2016, to the public via the District's website and emailed directly to parties that
have already expressed interest in the project.
SCHEDULE: Publish RFP on July 22, 2016
ACCOUNT NO: 1039-8769
BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: 2016/17 adopted $375,000; 2017/18 forecast $375,000
ATTACHMENTS: Request for Proposal
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System
Implementation Services
Issue Date
July 22, 2016
Response Due Date/Time
August 26, 2:00 PM PT
South Tahoe Public Utility District RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
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South Tahoe Public Utility District RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
Table of Contents
1 RFP Overview..................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Purpose of RFP........................................................... ,........................................................................... .......
1.2 Project Objectives and Scope......................................................... . .................... ........... ........3
1.3 RFP Timeline..............................................................................................................................................4
1.4 RFP Coordinator ..............................................................................................................4
1.5 RFP Amendment and Cancellation .................................................................... ............. .....................
1.6 RFP Questions•.........................................:.,....................:.:.....................:...........................:...................5
1.7 Intent to Propose ................ ....... ......,.......... ._......... ..... ,........................................... .................. ........ ........5
1.8 Proposal Submittal..................._.........._......._...._......._._.........._:.........................................._....._..................5
2 South Tahoe PUD Overview...............................................................................................
3 Current Environment...........................................................................................................
4 ERP System Requirements ......................................... .................................................. ..... 13
4.1 Technology Standards..........................................................................:..:...................::.....:.......:.........,...13
4.2 Requirements..................................................:....::..............................................:.....:.:....:.......:::............13
4.3 Special Response Requirements ........... .:.................. :..:..:....:..... :.:.:_....... w ...... :.... :.................................. 13
5 Proposal Submission Requirements..................................................................................15
5.1 General Instructions ... ............... ...................................... ......................................................................... 15
5.2 Proposal Format and Content ...................................................._..............._......._..._.._..............................15
6 Proposal Evaluation and Vendor Selection........................................................................21
6.1 Proposal Evaluation ................................................... ......... ................................ ................ :..................
6.2 Proof -of -Capabilities (POC)...........................................:..:........................................................................21
7 RFP Terms and Conditions................................................................................................23
AppendixA — Requirements......................................................................................................29
Appendix B — Special Response Requirements........................................................................53
Appendix C — Professional Services Agreement.......................................................................57
Tables and Figures
Table 1- RFP Schedule of Events..................................................................................................................4
Table 2 - CSD Applications...................................................................................................10
Figure 1- CSD ERP Context Diagram - Future Vision ..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
South Tahoe Public Utility District RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
1 RFP Overview
1.1 Purpose of RFP
RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
The South Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD, also "District") has issued this Request for Proposal (RFP)
to solicit responses from qualified vendors offering the functionality and features identified to replace
the District's current Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, SunGard's Integrated Financial and
Administrative Solution (IFAS). The District seeks a qualified firm (Proposer) with the experience,
expertise, and qualifications to provide a fully integrated, proven state-of-the-art ERP solution along
with the professional services specified in this RFP to complete the ERP system implementation.
1.2 Project Objectives and Scope
The District's goal is to gain efficiencies and to update existing processes, focusing on the elimination of
"shadow systems"; improving the timeliness, accuracy, and consistency of information; and improving
internal operations.
The new ERP system should meet the following objectives:
Provide a single, comprehensive, and integrated solution to manage the District's business
A Streamline processes to take advantage of best practices through automation, integration, and
Provide a friendly and intuitive user interface to promote system use, productivity, and minimize
the need for training
Eliminate the need for "offline shadow systems' including spreadsheets, etc. to support
financial activities and to track project expenditures and status
Eliminate the need for redundant data entry
Provide enhanced reporting capabilities to improve decision making
Improve and provide necessary reports and data access through inquiry or drill down
Provide interfaces with 3rd party systems
The proposed ERP system should provide integrated functionality (meaning that the individual
components of the system utilize a shared repository of information and processes to ensure that all
users have access to the same information, that redundant data entry is not required, and that each of
the components has a similar "look and feel") for the following:
Financial Management, including but not limited to General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts
Receivable, Purchasing, Vendor Management, Budget, Bank Reconciliation, Asset Management,
Inventory Management, and Project and Contract Management
Integration with 3rd -party Systems: Springbrook (Utility Billing), ADP (Payroll and HR), Laserfiche,
SinglePoint (U.S. Bank), and Maintenance Connection (Computerized Maintenance Management
System - CMMS)
In addition, the District may consider migration of the following functions to the new ERP system in the
Page 3
South Tahoe Public Utility District
RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
Human Resources Management, including but not limited to Position Control, Onboarding,
Benefits Administration, Performance Reviews, Sepa ratio n/Offboa rd i ng, and Employee Self
W Time Reporting and Tracking for full and part-time staff
11 Payroll Processing
In addition to the functionality identified above, the District is seeking a Proposer to provide
professional services that will ensure a successful implementation, including the migration of data from
the existing IFAS.
1.3 RFP Timeline
Table 1 presents the RFP schedule.
Table 1- RFP Schedule of Events
District Issues RFP July 22, 2016
Deadline for Proposer Questions August 2, 2016
District Provides Responses to Questions August 5, 2016
Deadline for Proposal Submission August 26, 2016, 2:00 PM PT
District Completes Evaluations September 16, 2016
Finalist(s) Notified & Provided Proof -of -Capabilities (POC) Packet Issued September 23, 2016
Proof of Capabilities Demonstration(s) October 17 — 21, 2016
Contract Negotiations October 31— November 4, 2016
Proposers should be aware that finalist(s) will be required to participate in a proof -of -capabilities
demonstration (POC) to allow staff to fully understand the proposed solution. The POC will be a scripted
demonstration using scenarios developed by the District. The POC will allow the District to evaluate
critical product functionality as opposed to viewing a generic product demonstration. Proposers must be
prepared to invest the time and resources in the proof -of -capabilities demonstration to be successful
in this procurement.
The District reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to adjust this schedule as it deems necessary.
Notification of any adjustment to the RFP Schedule of Events will be provided to all Proposers who
comply with Section 1.7 Intent to Propose.
1.4 RFP Coordinator
All communications concerning this RFP must be submitted via email to the RFP Coordinator identified
below. The RFP Coordinator will be the sole point of contact for this RFP.
Susan Rasmussen
South Tahoe Public Utility District
1275 Meadow Crest Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Email: srasmussen@stpud.dst.ca.us
Proposer contact with anyone else in the District is expressly forbidden and may result in
disqualification of the Proposer's bid.
Page 4
South Tahoe Public Utility District RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
1.5 RFP Amendment and Cancellation
The District reserves the unilateral right to amend this RFP in writing at anytime. The District also
reserves the right to cancel or reissue the RFP at its sole discretion. If an amendment is issued,
notification shall be provided to all Proposers complying with Section 1.7 Intent to Propose and the
amendment posted on the District's website: http://www.stpud.us. Proposers shall respond to the final
written RFP and any exhibits, attachments, and amendments.
1.6 RFP Questions
Specific questions concerning the RFP should be submitted via e-mail to the RFP Coordinator prior to the
"Deadline for Proposer Questions." Proposer questions should clearly identify the relevant section of the
RFP and page number(s) related to the question being asked. The questions submitted and the District's
responses shall be posted on the District's website: httg;jfwww.stpud.us.
1.7 Intent to Propose
Each Proposer who plans to submit a proposal should register by email to the RFP Coordinator. The
email should indicate the Proposer's intent to respond to this RFP and include:
Proposer Business name
Name and title of Proposer main contact
Address, telephone and facsimile number, and email address of Proposer main contact
The "Intent to Propose" email does not bind Proposers to submitting a proposal.
1.8 Proposal Submittal
Proposals are to be submitted no later than the "Deadline for Proposal Submission." Proposers assume
the risk of the method of delivery chosen. The District assumes no responsibility for delays caused by
any delivery service. A Proposer's failure to submit a proposal as required before the deadline may
cause the proposal to be disqualified.
Proposers must submit in a sealed package one (1) original, five (5) copies, and one (1) electronic copy (a
single .pdf file containing all submitted material).
The proposal package shall be mailed, couriered, or hand delivered to the District at:
Susan Rasmussen
South Tahoe Public Utility District
1275 Meadow Crest Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Phone: 530-543-6216
The package should be clearly labeled as follows:
ATTN: Susan Rasmussen
Proposal for ERP System and Implementation Services
Name of Proposing Firm
Proposer's Address
Proposer's Contact Person
Proposer's Telephone Number
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
All proposals must be received by the District before 2:00 p.m. PT on the Deadline for Proposal
Submission date. Proposals received after this time and date may be returned unopened. Postmarks will
not be accepted as proof of receipt.
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South Tahoe Public Utility District RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
2 South Tahoe PUD Overview
Since 1950, South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) has provided sewer and water services to the
community of South Lake Tahoe. During this time, the District has established a successful history of
planning for and meeting the ever-changing needs of the Tahoe basin, including the management of the
complex infrastructure and operations in a manner that addresses the uncommon environmental
sensitivity of the area. The District currently manages over 18,000 sewer connections and over 14,000
water connections.
The District is governed by a 5 -member Board, elected by popular vote of the general public who reside
within the District boundaries. Each Board Member serves a 4 -year term and anyone interested in
running for a seat on the Board must be a registered voter within the District.
The Board of Directors is committed to providing excellence in legislative leadership that result in the
provision of the highest quality of services to its constituents. It is the duty of the Board of Directors to
establish procedure, goals, and formulate and adopt policy.
The Board directs the General Manager to implement policies. Under the guidance of the General
Manager, STPUD is comprised of the following departments:
Executive Services/Administration - this department is responsible for the efficient
administration of all of the affairs of the District, as provided by all applicable ordinances,
resolutions, or regulations of the District. The General Manager makes recommendations
regarding policy and implements District policy at the direction of the Board of Directors. The
areas of responsibility under the General Manager's domain include: the operation and
management of the District, including the supervision and control of all the District's property;
administrative activities; personnel; business and operations, subject to the budgetary
guidelines and directives of the Board of Directors. The Administrative staff plans, organizes,
directs, coordinates, and provides high quality, effective support for the Board of Directors, the
Administrative office of the General Manager, as well as performs a wide variety of
administrative duties for various department managers.
Human Resources —this department is responsible for all aspects of the District's Human
Resources, Safety, and Risk Management programs, including administration of labor relations
contracts, assistance with collective bargaining, policy development, and oversight of the
District's recruitment, training, performance evaluation, discipline, and employee benefits
programs. The Human Resources department also provides employee assistance with their
health insurance claims. A new cost-effective program that was implemented in 2008 is the
NEOGOV online hiring center. This program has increased the dwindling Tahoe applicant pool
and streamlined the recruitment process throughout the District. The Human Resources
Director also serves as the District's Safety Officer, responsible for implementing, directing,
overseeing, and maintaining the District's Injury and Illness Prevention Safety Program and
other required safety programs. This department also reviews the District's liability, property,
workers' compensation, and employee benefits programs and recommends appropriate
insurance according to the District's needs.
71 Engineering - this department performs engineering functions for the District including system
assessment and asset management, planning, modeling, permitting, design development,
consultant management, project management, and construction management of new facilities
in addition to the improvement of existing facilities, processes, and structures.
Public Outreach —this department provides public outreach services for various events/activities
including community fire protection, healthy headwaters, and fire and forest issues.
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South Tahoe Public Utility District RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
Finance Division —this division is responsible for financial planning, purchasing, warehouse
operations, surplus property disposal, grant administration, general accounting functions
including financial reporting, payroll, and accounts payable; and Information Technology
including hardware, software, network services, telephone system, security systems and
website maintenance; and Customer Service/Inspections including sewer and water service
billing/payment processing/collections, plan review/approval/inspections, grease management,
backflow protection and water conservation.
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
3 Current Environment
This section documents the state of the current environment. IFAS modules in use include:
Accounts Payable General Ledger
■ Accounts Receivable ■ Purchasing
Bank Reconciliation ■ Nucleus
■ Encumbrances ■ Person Entity Database
■ Fixed Assets System Level Software
Stores Inventory
The District also purchased two other IFAS modules, and although they have not been implemented, the
District plans to utilize these modules in the future:
■ Budget Item Detail
® Grants Management
Figure 1 illustrates the current environment and interfaces.
Figure 2 — Current ERP Systems Context Diagram
Page 9
(manual process)
ADP Workforce Now
Staff manually exports a journal entry file
Enterprise ell me
from ADP and posts it to the GL in IFAS.
IFAS v7.9.7.6
(initiated process)
The SinglePoint to WAS interface supports
U.S. Bank
bank reconciliation.
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
There Is customer option in
Bank Reconciliation
_ (manual process)
ok. The cash
Springbrook. ash rreeceipts are exported
Utility Billing
from Springbrook to a folder on the WAS server.
Fixed Assets
Staff then imports the file into IFAS.
General Ledger
Laserfiche v10.0
Stores Inventofy (Warehouse)
Laserfiche interfaces to Springbrook via
Person Entity Database
System Level Software
Budget Item Detail (not in usel
Grants Management (not fn use}
(hourly rates -
ConnectionCMMS v40
Hourly rates and other employee information
automated process)
is pulled from IFAS in order to account for
work order costs. Materials used are pushed
(materials used -
to WAS to update Stores Inventory for
automated process)
Work Order
accurate inventory management within IFAS.
Standalone Solutions (Excel and Word)
Contract Management Invoice
Grant Accounting
Customer Rebates
Figure 2 — Current ERP Systems Context Diagram
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
Table 2 provides additional information pertaining to the applications identified in Figure 1.
Utility Billing
ADP Workforce N/A
Table 3 - STPUD Applications
The District utilizes Springbrook's Utility Billing software to manage
billing and collections of sewer, water (unmetered/metered rates,
flat/tiered usage) and six street lights. The District invoices
quarterly and has a 2-3 week timeframe from meter read to billing.
Their goal is to bill as close to the 15` of the quarter as possible.
Customers have until the last day of the quarter to pay their
invoice. The District manages collections in-house.
Staff members process multiple payments daily into Springbrook.
Springbrook provides a customer export option and cash receipts
are exported from Springbrook to a folder on the IFAS server. Staff
then imports the files into IFAS.
The District uses Crystal Reports for reporting against the
Springbrook system and InfoSend to print and send invoices.
InfoSend also provides an online customer portal for utility
The District uses ADP to process staff payroll. Staff is manually
exporting a journal entry file from ADP and posting it to the
General Ledger in IFAS.
Employees currently use Enterprise eTime for timecard entry.
Human Resources is expected to Go Live on ADP in FY 2016-2017,
and at that time, all employees will access their timecards from
Workforce Now.
The Engineering Department uses Maintenance Connection to
manage assets, as well as to track the maintenance history of the
assets through an automated work order process. Assets include
wastewater treatment plant and instrumentation and electrical
equipment and machinery, recycled water irrigation storage and
distribution system, water and sewer infrastructure (manholes,
pump stations, fire hydrants, water lines, etc.) and heavy
equipment, generators and vehicles needed to support
maintenance services.
The current CMMS integration to IFAS is automated, but is limited
to minimal data extracts. Hourly rates and other employee
information is pulled from IFAS once a month to account for labor
for work order costs. Materials used are pushed to IFAS nightly to
update the Stores Inventory to facilitate accurate inventory
management within IFAS. The CMMS reviews and updates IFAS
inventory product IDs and quantities on hand daily.
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Vendor Product
RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
=Y ....
ersion Purpose i
Laserfiche Enterprise
10.0 The District uses Laserfiche to support document management.
Scanning stations are available throughout the District including
Customer Service, Accounting, the Lab, Heavy Maintenance,
Training, Administration and IT.
20 active projects at any time. The District's project managers
There is an automated interface between Laserfiche and
Springbrook that is supported by Affinity.
track project budgets independently using Microsoft Excel
The District would like to have accounts payable, purchasing
information, and vendor information to be shared (accessible)
without having to exit WAS.
U.S. Bank SinglePoint
N/A The District uses SinglePoint to support bank reconciliation
Processing reviewing, approving, and processing payments for the CAL -cards
processes. There is a manual interface between SinglePoint and
is largely manual.
Excel N/A The District creates the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
NEOGOV Insight
The District uses NEOGOV to support recruitment processes.
I Microsoft
Exchange N/A
Excel (Journal N/A
Microsoft Excel N/A
Microsoft Excel (Contract N/A
There is an automated interface between Exchange and IFAS that
is used to support workflow processes.
Journal entries are prepared for accruals, capital assets, benefit
entries, payroll, investments, grants, corrections, reversals and i
The District utilizes spreadsheets to support budgeting activities.
Once budgets are finalized, staff manually keys budget information
into WAS to facilitate planned vs. actual accounting.
The District utilizes spreadsheets to track contract activities.
Excel (Grants/
The District tracks approximately 18 grants per year using
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets. The District has, on average, about
20 active projects at any time. The District's project managers
track project budgets independently using Microsoft Excel
CAL -Card N/A The District has approximately 30 CAL -cards. The process of
Processing reviewing, approving, and processing payments for the CAL -cards
is largely manual.
Excel N/A The District creates the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
(Reporting) (CAFR) manually using a spreadsheet.
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Excel/Word N/A The District staff maintain additional Excel or Word documents to
help manage the following:
Invoice Payments
Collections Tracking
Revenue Recognition
Personnel Salary and Benefits
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) information
Performance Evaluation Notices
I Physicals
DMV Points
I Medical Certifications and Expirations
1 Staff Training and Certifications
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4 ERP System Requirements
4.1 Technology Standards
The ERP Solution must be compatible with the District's existing technical environment or accessible
from it. The District's technology environment includes:
Wide Area Network (WAN) with a gigabit VLAN Ethernet backbone for the Local Area Network
(LAN). We are connected to the Internet through a 100Mb connection provided by Charter
Communications and Bonded Tl (3 Mb up, 3 Mb down) connection provided by AT&T. The
Charter connection is the primary connection for most internet connections. The AT&T is the
failover connection if Charter goes down and is primary for email transactions.
• Standardization on the following equipment:
o HP Network components
o Windows Servers (2008 R2 Datacenter for VM's and 2012 R2 Standard for physical servers)
o Dell desktops with Microsoft Windows 7 Professional running a minimum of Intel i5
Processor with 4GB RAM, Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus, and Internet Explorer 11
Virtual machines running on HP DL380 rack mounted servers, connected to a Nimble SAN
storage device. Database and system backup for all production virtual machines and
Department Shares are performed using Nimble and Dell AppAssure snapshots.
Virtualization Standards: VMWare 5.5 running VMX hardware version 9.
SQL Server 2008 R2 64bit or higher (primary).
Microsoft .NET and SQL Server for both web and desktop applications.
Proposers will be required to confirm conformance to these requirements or clearly articulate proposed
4.2 Requirements
General, functional and technical requirements are listed in Appendix A - Requirements. The Proposer
should provide confirmation on ability to meet each requirement (indicate Yes). If the Proposer is unable
to meet or takes exception to any of the requirements, provide a written explanation.
NOTE: While the District uses Springbrook for Utility Billing and ADP for payroll, the District may have an
interest in the future of replacing those two applications with modules within the new ERP. As such,
specific requirements pertaining to each of these two functional areas are included in the requirements.
These requirements are identified as "optional." As the District is only entertaining the possibility of
replacing Springbrook and ADP, there is no specific timetable as to the change and implementation of
such modules.
4.3 Special Response Requirements
Special requirements are listed in Appendix A- Requirements Response Requirements. The Proposer
should address these requirements by describing how each might change with the implementation of
the new ERP system.
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5 Proposal Submission Requirements
5.1 General Instructions
RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
The District discourages lengthy and costly proposals. Proposals should be prepared simply and
economically and provide a straightforward, concise description of the Proposer's company,
qualifications, proposed solution, and capabilities to satisfy the requirements of this RFP. Emphasis
should be on completeness and clarity of content. Glossy sales and marketing brochures are not
necessary or desired.
Proposals must be organized consistent with the outline provided in this section of the RFP. Proposers
must follow all formats and address all portions of the RFP set forth herein providing all information
requested. Proposers may retype or duplicate any portion of this RFP for use in responding to the RFP,
provided that the proposal clearly addresses all of the District's information requirements.
5.2 Proposal Format and Content
Proposals must be structured, presented, and labeled in the following manner:
IN Cover Letter
10 Table of Contents
n Section 1- Executive Summary
4 Section 2
— Company Background
Section 3
— Company Qualifications
Section 4—References
Section 5
— Proposed Solution
Section 6
— Implementation Approach and Work Plan
Section 7 — Ongoing Maintenance and Support
Section 8 — Pricing
i Section 9 — Software Licensing and Maintenance Agreements
Proposals should be prepared on standard 8 1/2" x 11" paper and printed on two sides. All proposal
pages should be numbered sequentially.
Failure to follow the specified format, to label the responses correctly, or to address all of the
subsections may, at the District's sole discretion, result in the rejection of the Proposal.
5.2.1 Cover Letter
The proposal must include a cover letter that provides the following:
a) Proposer's legal name and corporate structure
b) Proposer's primary contact to include name, address, phone, and email
c) Identification of use of subcontractors and scope of work to be performed by subcontractors
d) Identification of any pending litigation against the Proposer
e) Disclosure of any bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings in last ten (10) years
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f) Statement of the Proposer's credentials to deliver the services sought under the RFP
g) Statement indicating the proposal remains valid for at least 120 days
h) Statement that the Proposer or any individual who will perform work for the Proposer is free of
any conflict of interest (e.g., employment by the District)
i) Statement of acknowledgement that the District's legal documents have been reviewed and
accepted with or without qualification. If qualifications are involved, those items requiring
adjustment or modification must be identified and listed along with suggested modifications to
the contract. If no modifications are noted, the District will assume that the proposer is capable
of performing all normal tasks and services without reservation or qualification to the contract.
j) Signature of a company officer empowered to bind the Proposer to the provisions of this RFP
and any contract awarded pursuant to it
The Proposal Cover Letter should be concise and brief and not exceed three (3) pages unless Proposer's
exceptions to the District's legal documents require it.
5.2.2 Table of Contents
All pages are to be numbered and figures, tables, charts, etc. must be assigned index numbers and
identified in the Table of Contents.
5.2.3 Section 1- Executive Summary
This section of the proposal should provide a brief and concise synopsis of Proposer's proposal and a
description of the Proposer's credentials to deliver the services sought under the RFP. The Executive
Summary should not exceed three (3) pages.
5.2.4 Section 2 — Company Background
This section of the proposal should identify the following:
2.1— A brief description of the Proposer's background
2.2 — Identify the location of headquarters, technical support, and field offices and the location of
office which would service the District
2.3 — Identify Proposer's annual company revenues and profit for the last three company fiscal years
The Background section should not exceed three (3) pages.
5.2.5 Section 3 — Company Qualifications
In this section of the proposal, the Proposer should identify company qualifications and experience in
implementing solutions similar to what the District is seeking:
3.1— Describe the Proposer's familiarity with public sector ERP systems and associated business
processes, and experience with the requirements of the State of California.
3.2 — Identify your existing client base including the number of existing clients using the
version/release of the software being proposed. Specifically identify experience with similar
sized California utility districts.
The Company Qualifications section should not exceed three (3) pages.
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5.2.6 Section 4 - References
RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
The Proposer must provide at least five (5) references with at least three (3) of the references for
systems that have been implemented in the last five years. The District prefers references from
California agencies of similar size and complexity to the District. For each reference, proposer must
provide the following information:
Name and contact information (i.e. name, title, address, phone, and email)
Brief project description, including identifying the software version and modules implemented
Identification/description of any automated interfaces implemented between ERP and other
Number of employees
Implementation date
Implementation timeline and cost
5.2.7 Section 5 - Proposed Solution
In this section of the proposal, the Proposer should identify the proposed solution up to and including
the following:
5.1— Provide a brief solution overview identifying origin of system, release history, current release
being proposed, and number of operational installations for the proposed software solution
5.2— Provide confirmation that the Proposer is able to meet all requirements in Appendix A —
Requirements. If the Proposer is unable to meet or takes exception to any of the
requirements, provide a written explanation
5.3— Provide a detailed narrative description of how the Proposer will support each requirement in
Appendix B - Special Response Requirements
5.4— Provide hardware and database specifications for the New System
5.5— Identify any additional recommended functionality or services
The Proposed Solution section should not exceed twenty (20) pages.
5.2.8 Section 6 - Implementation Approach and Work Plan
The Proposer should identify the proposed implementation approach clearly identifying each phase, the
timeline proposed, roles, and responsibilities to be performed by the Proposer and those to be
performed by the District.
6.1— Provide a project organization chart highlighting the key staff who will be assigned to the
project. Provide bio's for the project manager and other key assigned resources.
6.2— Describe your project management methodology.
6.3— Provide a detailed work plan (GANTT) based on your experience in implementing similar
projects for similar sized agencies. The work plan should identify the timeline, major tasks,
activities, dates, durations, dependencies, resources, deliverables, and milestones.
6.4— Provide a list of any applicable assumptions and considerations made as part of your work
plan development.
6.5— Describe the roles and responsibilities of the District staff during implementation and provide
an estimated level of effort.
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6.6 — Describe your proposed data conversion and migration strategy based on Proposer's previous
experience with IFAS. Indicate what data should be converted and describe the conversion
methodology. Note that the District would like to convert as much as possible.
6.7 — Describe your training methodology and how you ensure users are prepared to use the
proposed solution.
The Implementation Approach and Work Plan section should not exceed ten (10) pages. The work plan
(GANTT) pages are excluded from this page limit.
5.2.9 Section 7 — Ongoing Maintenance and Support
In this section of the proposal, the Proposer should address the following items in a concise manner:
7.1— Describe ongoing support services including help desk processes and procedures, support
hours (in Pacific Standard Time), escalation procedures and response time commitments
7.2 — Describe the frequency that application patches and releases have been made available within
the past two (2) years
7.3 — Identify if there are solution user groups and/or user conferences
The Ongoing Maintenance and Support section should not exceed five (5) pages.
5.2.10 Section 8 — Pricing
The District seeks a clear and comprehensive understanding of all costs associated with the proposed
system. In this section, the Proposer must itemize all costs associated with both the implementation and
ongoing maintenance. The District will evaluate proposals based on the "Total Cost to Implement (TCI)"
and the "Total Cost to Operate (TCO)." TCI will include all costs required for a successful
implementation. The TCO will be calculated based on TCI plus five (5) years of annual maintenance fees.
The Proposer's Price Sheet(s) must identify all costs required to complete a successful implementation
to including, but not limited to:
Licensing and Maintenance Costs
- Project Management
- Implementation, installation and configuration
- Conversion
- Interface development
- Training and Documentation
- Post -Implementation support
♦ Travel
The District has provided Proposers an electronic (MS Excel) spreadsheet with a pricing template that
must be filled out completely and included in Proposer's response. This spreadsheet is included as
Appendix C. The District will evaluate Proposer price proposals based solely off the information provided
in the Pricing Templates. The templates provide space for Proposers to identify any assumptions or
comments that will ensure the District understands what is being proposed.
NOTE: Pricing "estimates" may not be accepted. If any vendor submits estimates, their proposal may
be deemed non-responsive. Pricing submitted should be firm and identify any assumptions and/or
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constraints the vendor needs to make in order to determine their pricing. Pricing must be valid for 120
dates from proposal submission.
5.2.11 Section 9 -Software Licensing and Maintenance Agreements
In this section, the Proposer must provide any software licensing and maintenance agreements that will
be required to implement the Proposer's solution.
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6 Proposal Evaluation and Vendor Selection
6.1 Proposal Evaluation
RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
An Evaluation Committee shall review all proposals to determine which Proposers have qualified for
consideration. The evaluation will include at least an initial review and a detailed review. The initial
review will evaluate all submissions for conformance to stated specifications to eliminate all responses
that deviate substantially from the basic intent and/or fail to satisfy the mandatory requirements. Only
those proposals that meet or exceed the intent of the mandatory requirements will be further
Submitted proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:
M Quality, clarity, and responsiveness of proposal
Ability to meet the needs of the District
Impact of indicated contract exceptions (if any)
Well thought out timeline and roadmap for "go live" with an agreed upon phased approach
negotiated during contract
Proven technical ability to design, install, and support the proposed system
Anticipated value and price
Perceived risk or lack thereof
Company financial stability
Results of Proof of Concept (POC), interviews, demonstrations, and site visits
a Commitment to continually evolving the system to remain current with evolving best practices
The District reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to request clarifications of proposals or to conduct
discussions for the purpose of clarification with any or all Proposers. The purpose of any such
discussions shall be to ensure full understanding of the proposal. Discussions shall be limited to specific
sections of the proposal identified by the District and, if held, shall be after initial evaluation of Proposals
is complete. If clarifications are made as a result of such discussion, the Proposer shall put such
clarifications in writing.
6.2 Proof -of -Capabilities (POC)
As mentioned in RFP Section 1.3, proposer finalists will be required to participate in an extensive
scripted proof -of -capabilities (POC) to allow staff to fully understand the proposed solution. The length
of the POC is anticipated to be 2- 3 days. The POC is intended to be a demonstration of specific product
functionality deemed most critical using scenarios provided by the District. Proposers must be prepared
to invest the time and resources in the POC to be successful on this procurement.
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7 RFP Terms and Conditions
A. Collusion
RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
By submitting a response to the RFP, each Proposer represents and warrants that its response is genuine
and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any person not named therein; that the Proposer has not
directly induced or solicited any other person to submit a sham response or any other person to refrain
from submitting a response; and that the Proposer has not in any manner sought collusion to secure any
improper advantage over any other person submitting a response.
B. Gratuities
No person will offer, give or agree to give any District employee or its representatives any gratuity,
discount or offer of employment in connection with the award of contract by the District. No District
employee or its representatives will solicit, demand, accept or agree to accept from any other person a
gratuity, discount or offer of employment in connection with a District contract.
C. Required Review and Waiver of Objections by Proposers
Proposers should carefully review this RFP and all attachments, including but not limited to the Standard
Professional Services Agreement, for comments, questions, defects, objections, or any other matter
requiring clarification or correction (collectively called "comments"). Comments concerning RFP
objections must be made in writing and received by the District no later than the "Deadline for Written
Questions and Comments" detailed in the Table 1, RFP Schedule of Events. This will allow issuance of
any necessary amendments and help prevent the opening of defective proposals upon which contract
award could not be made.
Protests based on any objection will be considered waived and invalid if these faults have not been
brought to the attention of the District, in writing, by the Deadline for Written Questions and
D. Nondiscrimination
No person will be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, be discriminated against in the
admission or access to, or be discriminated against in treatment or employment in the District's
contracted programs or activities on the grounds of disability, age, race, color, religion, sex, national
origin, or any other classification protected by federal or California State Constitutional or statutory law;
nor will they be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to
discrimination in the performance of contracts with the District or in the employment practices of the
District's contractors. Accordingly, all Proposers entering into contracts with the District will, upon
request, be required to show proof of such nondiscrimination and to post in conspicuous places,
available to all employees and applicants, notices of nondiscrimination.
E. Proposal Preparation Costs
The District will not pay any costs associated with the preparation, submittal, or presentation of any
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F. Proposal Withdrawal
To withdraw a proposal, the Proposer must submit a written request, signed by an authorized
representative, to the RFP Coordinator (Section 1.4). After withdrawing a previously submitted proposal,
the Proposer may submit another proposal at any time up to the deadline for submitting proposals.
G. Proposal Errors
Proposers are liable for all errors or omissions contained in their proposals. Proposers will not be
allowed to alter proposal documents after the deadline for submitting a proposal.
H. Incorrect Proposal Information
If the District determines that a Proposer has provided, for consideration in the evaluation process or
contract negotiations, incorrect information which the Proposer knew or should have known was
materially incorrect, that proposal will be determined non-responsive, and the proposal will be rejected.
I. Prohibition of Proposer Terms and Conditions
A Proposer may not submit the Proposer's own standard agreement/contract terms and conditions in a
response to this RFP (except for the software licensing and maintenance agreements as requested in
RFP Section 5.2.11). If a proposal contains such terms and conditions, the District, at its sole discretion,
may determine the proposal to be a nonresponsive counter-offer, and the proposal may be rejected.
J. Assignment and Subcontracting
The Contractor may not subcontract, transfer, or assign any portion of the contract without prior,
written approval from the District. Each subcontractor must be approved in writing by the District. The
substitution of one subcontractor for another may be made only at the discretion of the District and
with prior, written approval from the District.
Notwithstanding the use of approved subcontractors, the Proposer, if awarded a contract under this
RFP, will be the prime contractor and will be responsible for all work performed and will be responsible
for all costs to subcontractors for services provided by the Proposer. The Proposer is prohibited from
performing any work associated with this RFP or using contractors for any service associated with this
RFP offshore (outside the United States).
K. Right to Refuse Personnel
The District reserves the right to refuse, at its sole discretion, any subcontractors or any personnel
provided by the prime contractor or its subcontractors. The District reserves the right to interview and
approve all Proposer staff members. Proposer's staff may be subject to the District's background and
drug testing processes at any time. If any proposed personnel need to be changed, Proposer must notify
the District in writing and propose multiple replacement options, each with equal or better
qualifications than the original proposed staff member. The District must agree to and approve all
changes in personnel.
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L. Proposal of Additional Services
RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
If a Proposer indicates an offer of services in addition to those required by and described in this RFP,
these additional services may be added to the contract before contract signing at the sole discretion of
the District.
M. Licensure
Before a contract pursuant to this RFP is signed, the Proposer must hold all necessary, applicable
business and professional licenses. The District may require any or all Proposers to submit evidence of
proper licensure.
N. Conflict of Interest and Proposal Restrictions
By submitting a response to the RFP, the Proposer certifies that no amount will be paid directly or
indirectly to an employee or official of the District as wages, compensation, or gifts in exchange for
acting as an officer, agent, employee, subcontractor, or consultant to the Proposer in connection with
the procurement under this RFP.
Notwithstanding this restriction, nothing in this RFP will be construed to prohibit another governmental
entity from making a proposal, being considered for award, or being awarded a contract under this RFP.
Any individual, company, or other entity involved in assisting the District in the development,
formulation, or drafting of this RFP or its scope of services will be considered to have been given
information that would afford an unfair advantage over other Proposers, and said individual, company,
or other entity may not submit a proposal in response to this RFP.
O. Contract Negotiations
After a review of the proposals and completion of the POC, the District intends to enter into contract
negotiations with the selected Proposer. These negotiations could include all aspects of services and
fees. If a contract is not finalized in a reasonable period of time, the District will open negotiations with
the next highest ranked Proposer.
P. Execution of Contract
If the selected Proposer does not execute a contract with the District within fifteen (15) business days
after notification of selection, the District may give notice to that service provider of the District's intent
to select from the remaining Proposers or to call for new proposals, whichever the District deems
Q. Right of Rejection
The District reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to reject any and all proposals or to cancel this RFP
in its entirety.
Any proposal received which does not meet the requirements of this RFP may be considered to be
nonresponsive, and the proposal may be rejected. Proposers must comply with all of the terms of this
RFP and all applicable State laws and regulations. The District may reject any proposal that does not
comply with all of the terms, conditions, and performance requirements of this RFP.
Proposers may not restrict the rights of the District or otherwise qualify their proposals. If a Proposer
does so, the District may determine the proposal to be a nonresponsive counter-offer, and the proposal
may be rejected.
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The District reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to waive variances in technical proposals provided
such action is in the best interest of the District. Where the District waives minor variances in proposals,
such waiver does not modify the RFP requirements or excuse the Proposer from full compliance with the
RFP. Notwithstanding any minor variance, the District may hold any Proposer to strict compliance with
the RFP.
R. Disclosure of Proposal Contents
All proposals and other materials submitted in response to this RFP procurement process become the
property of the District. Selection or rejection of a proposal does not affect this right. All proposal
information, including detailed price and cost information, will be held in confidence during the
evaluation process. Upon the completion of the evaluation of proposals, the proposals and associated
materials will be open for review by the public to the extent allowed by the California Public Records
Act, (Government Code Section 6250-6270 and 6275-6276.48). By submitting a proposal, the Proposer
acknowledges and accepts that the contents of the proposal and associated documents will become
open to public inspection.
S. Proprietary Information
The master copy of each proposal will be retained for official files and will become public record after
the award of a contract unless the proposal or specific parts of the proposal can be shown to be exempt
by law (Government code §6276). Each Proposer may clearly label part of a proposal as "CONFIDENTIAL"
if the Proposer thereby agrees to indemnify and defend the District for honoring such a designation. The
failure to so label any information that is released by the District will constitute a complete waiver of all
claims for damages caused by any release of the information.
T. Severability
If any provision of this RFP is declared by a court to be illegal or in conflict with any law, the validity of
the remaining terms and provisions will not be affected; and, the rights and obligations of the District
and Proposers will be construed and enforced as if the RFP did not contain the particular provision held
to be invalid.
U. RFP and Proposal Incorporated into Final Contract
This RFP and the successful proposal will be incorporated into the final contract.
V. Proposal Amendment
The District will not accept any amendments, revisions, or alterations to proposals after the deadline for
proposal submittal unless such is formally requested, in writing, by the District.
W. Consultant Participation
The District reserves the right to share with any consultant of its choosing this RFP and proposal
responses in order to secure a second opinion. The District may also invite said consultant to participate
in the Proposal Evaluation process.
X. Warranty
The selected proposer will warrant that the proposed software will conform in all material respects to
the requirements and specifications as stated in this RFP, demonstrated in both the software
demonstration and subsequent proof -of -capabilities. Further, that the requirements as stated in this
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RFP will become part of the selected software proposer's license and the software proposer will warrant
to the requirements. The selected proposer must warrant that the content of its proposal accurately
reflects the software's capability to satisfy the functional/technological requirements as included in this
RFP. Furthermore, the warranty, at a minimum, should be valid for the duration of the implementation
and until final acceptance (as will be defined during the negotiation process) of all application modules
included in the implementation.
Y. Rights of the District
The District reserves the right to:
Make the selection based on its sole discretion
Reject any and all proposals
Issue subsequent Requests for Proposals
Postpone opening proposals, if necessary, for any reason
Remedy errors in the Request for Proposal process
Approve or disapprove the use of particular subcontractors
Negotiate with any, all, or none of the Proposers
Accept other than the lowest offer
w Waive informalities and irregularities in the proposals
Enter into an agreement with another Proposer in the event the originally selected Proposer
defaults or fails to execute an agreement with the District
An agreement will not be binding or valid with the District unless and until it is approved by the District
Board of Directors and executed by authorized representatives of the District and of the Proposer.
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Appendix A — Requirements
1 General Requirements (Mandatory).................................................................................................
User Interface.................................................................-.........................................................
Document Management................................................................. ......... ....................... ........
Reporting and Analysis..............................................................................................................32
2 Finance (Mandatory)....................................................................----.................................................
General Ledger (GL) and Accounting........................................................................................33
Vendor Management................................................................................................................36
Accounts Payable......................................................................................................................37
Accounts Receivable/Cash Receipts (Miscellaneous Billing and Receipts)...............................38
Fixed Asset Management...........-.........................................................................................
Inventory/Warehouse Management.................................................................--....................39
Contract Management..............................................................................................................40
Grant Management...................................................................................................................40
Project Management................................................................................................................40
Position Control .......................... ........ ......................................................................41
3 Technical
(Mandatory) .... ................................................................................................................. ..-42
Maintenance and Support ........................................................................................................42
Audit and Security.....................................................................................................................42
Infrastructure Support..............................................................................................................43
Integration .........--- .................................................................,........,....................................43
4 Human Resources and Payroll (Optional)...........................................................................................45
Employee Master File...............................................................................................................45
Onboarding ............................................................................................................................45
Benefits Administration............................................................................................................46
Leave Administration............................................................................................................46
Training & Certification.............................................................................................................46
Personnel Actions.....................................................................................................................47
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4.8 Performance Reviews...............................................................................................................47
4.9 Separation/Offboarding............................................................................................................47
4.10 Employee Self-Service...............................................................................................................47
4.11 Time and Attendance................................................................................................................48
4.12 Pay Administration....................................................................................................................48
4.13 Payroll Processing.....................................................................................................................49
5 Utility Billing (Optional).......................................................................................................................50
5.1 General Functionality................................................................................................................50
5.2 Customer Account and Location Management. ........................... ................. --1 ................... 50
5.3 Meter Reading and Inventory ...................................................................................................50
5.4 Billing Management..................................................................................................................51
5.5 Financial Management and Delinquencies...............................................................................51
5.6 Service Order Management...................................................................................................... 52
5.7 Reporting...................................................................................................................................52
Appendix B - Special Response Requirements...........................................................................................53
Appendix C - Professional Services Agreement.........................................................................................57
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1 General Requirements (Mandatory)
1.1 User Interface
STPUD will be evaluating the intuitiveness/ease of use of each solution's user interface design. This
subjective evaluation will consider the components listed below:
♦ Structure — Are the screen layouts well organized in the relationships of objects on the
screen and screen navigation? Are they simple, including only relevant elements? Are the
most important elements effectively emphasized? Is color used effectively?
♦ Consistency — Does the solution use the same conventions across all elements of the user
interface? How well are industry standard conventions followed? Are common processes
used for processing similar kinds of transactions? Are internal controls over data entry,
transaction processing and reporting applied consistently?
a Efficiency— Does the interface provide efficient navigation and data entry? Are short-cuts
offered for frequently accessed processes, screens, reports, etc.?
Search — How easy is it to access the search function? Does the search reach across the
system including attached documents? Can the search function be isolated to a specific
field and keyword? Are the search results presented in a useful way? How quickly are
search results returned?
♦ Help — Is on-line help available? Is it context sensitive? Is the content appropriate? Are user
manuals available for download?
In addition to the subjective evaluation, the solution should support the requirements listed below:
1.1.1 Provides a browser -based user interface
1.1.2 Supports the use of mobile technologies (e.g. smartphones, tablets)
1.1.3 Provides the ability to drill -down and drill -across from a transaction view directly to the
supporting source data and documents
1.1.4 Provides fully integrated functionality such that data is entered only one-time (single -points of
data entry) and available throughout the system on a real-time basis
1.2 Workflow
The solution should provide integrated workflow management capability, including generation, routing,
notification, and approval of internal forms, reports, and other documents and processes (e.g. payables
processing, purchase orders, GL transaction approval, payroll processing, budgeting, etc.) for all core
modules. Additional requirements are listed below:
1.2.1 Provides ability to establish multiple approval levels based on user -defined criteria (e.g. dollar
amounts, document types, etc.)
1.2.2 Allows out of office approval delegation
1.2.3 Provides multiple attributes to define which users participate in which steps of the workflow
processes (e.g. GC number segments, unique groupings, project/task codes, object/spend
category codes, consideration of roles, etc.)
1.2.4 Integrates with the email system to assist in the notification and approval steps
1.2.5 Allows for approvals/denials via mobile device without direct system access
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1.3 Document Management
The solution should provide a way to store and retrieve electronic images (e.g. purchase orders,
accounts payable invoices, asset information, 1099's, etc.) that are attached to the appropriate
transaction record and available in related modules. Additional requirements are listed below:
1.3.1 Supports multiple media formats (e.g. audio, video, image, etc.)
1.3.2 Provides the ability to support retention policies with respect to images managed by the system
1.3.3 Offers drill-down/drill-across features for users to view all documents related with a transaction
1.3.4 Integrates with the existing document management solution (Laserfiche)
1.4 Reporting and Analysis
STPUD will evaluate each solution's reporting and analysis capabilities. This subjective evaluation will
consider the components listed below:
♦ Standard Reporting - What standard reports are available? How relevant are they? Can
they be copied and customized by users?
♦ Adhoc Reporting - How much data is accessible through ad hoc reporting? How easy is it for
business users to learn?
♦ Notifications- Can the system notify user maintained groups that new reports have been
created or that the reporting environment has been changed?
♦ Scheduling - Can reports be scheduled?
♦ Exports - What formats (e.g. Excel, Adobe, flat file, delimited, etc.) does the solution
♦ Dashboard/Scoreboards - Does the solution offer dashboards and/or scoreboard
functionality? What data elements (e.g. metrics, KPIs, reports, charts, etc.) are available?
Are the elements presented in a meaningful way? How easy is it to customize for each user?
Can users create their own elements? Can users define thresholds?
In addition to the subjective evaluation, the solution should support the requirements listed below:
1.4.1 Provides modeling tools to do 'what if analysis and forecasting (i.e. analysis of
revenu%xpenditure trends and the ability to develop forecast projections)
1.4.2 Processes transactions in real-time so information is available immediately for inquiry and
1.4.3 Provide ability to drill down on reports/inquiries to source transaction information and
1.4.4 Supports ability to quickly export information to MS Excel while maintaining all formatting and
1.4.5 Ability to download general ledger information into an easily readable and sortable format
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2 Finance (Mandatory)
2.1 General Ledger (GL) and Accounting
The solution should support the following core requirements:
♦ Maintains account for transactions via elements such as fund, program, organization,
project, activity, cost center, object class, or any other elements needed to meet STPUD
reporting needs
s Ensures all financial transactions post individually and/or in summary to the general ledger,
regardless of the transaction source ensuring each entry is balanced and auditable
s Supports accrual and cash accounting methods, creating appropriate entries needed at the
end of a period (month, quarter, or year) and for purposes of opening a new period (i.e.
rolling forward account balances or reversing certain year-end entries)
Additional requirements are listed below:
2.1.1 Provides the ability to add notes/comments to transactions that post to the GL
2.1.2 Enforces rules for entry validation based on roles at departmental/user level to prevent incorrect
account coding
2.1.3 Captures multiple dates (e.g. transactional, posting, data entry, etc.)
2.1.4 Allows for secondary posting setups across specified modules (i.e. pooled cash postings in journal
entry and accounts payable postings)
Chart of Accounts (COA)
2.1.5 Supports a flexible COA structure capable of expansion at the field and segment level to support
future needs
2.1.6 Ability to reclassify the COA to support organizational changes without having to create an
entirely new COA
2.1.7 Allows for mixed case, alpha -numeric values across all segments
2.1.8 Allows for object code category
2.1.9 Provides crosswalk information within COA administration
Journal Processing
2.1.10 Supports the following journal processing capabilities: one-time, standing, automated recurring,
allocations & distributions, automatic reversals (accruals) and corrections
2.1.11 Identifies the source of journals (e.g. Budget, Sub -system, Import, etc.)
2.1.12 Allows multiple periods to be open at the same time
2.1.13 Manages due to and due from transactions
Period Closings
2.1.14 Supports period -end soft close processes (i.e. secures new entries to a closed accounting period
for specific modules)
2.1.15 Allows multiple year-end closings
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2.1.16 Provides automated year-end closing of revenue and expenditure accounts and the automated
roll forward balance sheet accounts (as appropriate) to establish subsequent year beginning
Bank Reconciliation
2.1.17 Provides the ability to manage and reconcile multiple bank accounts and transfer funds between
the accounts
2.1.18 Supports interface with U.S. Bank (SinglePoint)
Reporting and Analysis
2.1.19 Provides a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
2.1.20 Provides automated, flexible, and efficient month-end reporting
2.2 Budgeting
The solution should provide an automated electronic budget process with decentralized entry,
workflow, and related notifications/alerts. It should track budget revisions and support mid -year
amendments, support multiple -year budgets and multiple -year revenue and budget projections.
Additional requirements are listed below:
2.2.1 Tracks various budget versions (i.e. department vs. Executive Manager version)
2.2.2 Projects fund balance details automatically (i.e. reflecting projected reserves, revenues, expenses
and inter fund transfers that would result in an ending fund balance)
2.2.3 Provides the option to seed budgets zero -based, with multiple -year historical data (i.e. last year's
actuals) or with increasing/decreasing factors down to the object level
2.2.4 Allows departmental entry of justifications and background data related to requests, this
information must stay with line item entries through budget level -up cycles
2.2.5 Processes mass changes to various accounts during budget process, such as a reorganization
2.2.6 Offers the ability to control budget rollups at multiple levels
2.2.7 Offers the ability to upload information from a spreadsheet
2.2.8 Offers the ability to add/delete/reallocate/shift positions and updates proposed budgets in real-
2.2.9 Allocates employee costs by percentage to multiple account strings
2.2.10 Offers processes for updating the budget to reflect changes for such things as COLAs,
adjustments to variable benefits, updates to fixed benefits, and other misc. personnel related
rates adjustments
2.2.11 Provides status tracking relative to departmental budget approvals
2.2.12 Automates roll forward for selected operational and multi-year CIP project budgets
Reporting and Analysis
2.2.13 Provides the ability to report on justification comments by budget line item
2.2.14 Offers the ability to see budget -to -actuals in real-time with drill -down capabilities
2.2.15 Allows negative amounts to be entered with appropriate security
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2.2.16 Supports publication of the "annual budget document" via direct leveraging of system
2.2.17 Allows users to change key underlying assumptions to impact forecasts
2.2.18 Provides modeling for "what if" scenarios and forecasting tools for "10 Year Cash Flow
Document Management
2.2.19 Supports document scanning and attachment of pertinent information by budget line item
2.2.20 Integrates with MS Excel for budget development (worksheet export to Excel, data imported
from Excel, Excel based forecasting, etc.)
2.3 Procurement/Purchasing
The solution should provide fully integrated "procure -to -pay" functionality supporting a range of
purchasing methods from requisition through issuance of the purchase order. Additional requirements
are listed below:
2.3.1 Populates vendor contact information and inventory product information and notifies purchasing
via email if license, registration, or insurance information is nearing/past expiration (the latter
possibly an add-on feature)
2.3.2 Enforces the purchasing policy rules for "Open Market" purchases (under policy thresholds that
do not require a PO), General Purchases, Informal Bidding, Formal Bidding, Authority Limits, Sole
Source, and Emergency Purchasing procedures
2.3.3 Performs budget checking during requisition, purchase order creation, and invoice processing,
including options for warnings (i.e. over budget) and blocks (i.e. invalid account number)
2.3.4 Supports the purchase of recurring services by automatically generating a requisition/purchase
order based on pre -established criteria (e.g. Health Insurance, Cleaning Services, and Leased
2.3.5 Emails approver that their approval is required for requisition (preferred for occasional
2.3.6 Provides the ability to pre-encumber/encumber requisitions and purchases with the ability to
override transactions that fail budget checks
2.3.7 Notifies purchasing via email if a PO has been changed and requires re -encumbrance
2.3.8 Provides the ability to encumber into one account, pay with a different account, and release
encumbrances while depleting amount of the PO
2.3.9 Upon inventory P0, encumbrance shows product quantities on order
2.3.10 Upon receipt, shows product quantities and value increased and no longer on order
2.3.11 When a PO or requisition is cancelled or closed, automatically reverses pre -encumbrance and
encumbrance amounts as appropriate
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Purchase Order
2.3.12 Provides the ability to receive and reject PO items
2.3.13 Provides the ability to have a single PO be associated with multiple departments and/or funding
sources (cross department PO's)
2.3.14 Supports recurring or routine departmental PO's based on dollar limits
2.3.15 Supports annual, blanket, and multi -department PO types
2.3.16 Supports multiple line items per PO with the option of associating different GL strings with each
2.3.17 Captures internal or external justifications, notes, or comments on purchase order, internal
comments must only be visible to staff
2.3.18 Provides near real-time expense tracking on all PO's and blanket PO's
2.3.19 Prevents a purchase order from being issued to an inactive vendor
2.3.20 Provides reporting options to allow review and processing of PO dis-encumbrance
2.3.21 Supports multiple sales and use tax options
2.3.22 Provides supportfor imaging purchase orders generated by the system
Year -End
2.3.23 Defines close and roll-over dates at system and module level
2.3.24 Supports the maintenance of open POs over multiple years
2.3.25 Supports year-end activities such as conditional PO closure and the ability to roll purchase orders
to the new fiscal year
2.3.26 Automates PO rollover process, including appropriate treatment of carryover budget amounts
2.3.27 Allows users to enter POs for the new fiscal year prior to the start of that fiscal year
2.3.28 Streamlines management and processing of purchase cards by supporting the automated
download of transaction detail from the bank
2.3.29 Provides real-time access to PO information related to encumbrances, balances, adjustments,
and postings
Document Management and Workflow
2.3.30 Supports document scanning and attachment to appropriate transactions allowing users to
access documents throughout the procurement process (e.g. requisition, purchase order, packing
slips, accounts payable, etc.)
2.3.31 Provides the ability to configure alerts (percentage/dollar-based) when an invoice, or
combination of invoices, is on the verge of exceeding the approved PO amount
2.4 Vendor Management
The solution should provide the ability to maintain vendor information to process payments and track
required insurance requirements and related certificates needed for doing business with STPUD.
Additional requirements are listed below:
2.4.1 Limits access/ability to view Social Security Numbers (SSNs)
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2.4.2 Prevents or warns of possible duplicate entry of vendor records
2.4.3 Allows for 1099 and EFT flagging
2.4.4 Provides capabilities for parent/child entries for vendors (i.e. EI Dorado County multiple
remittance addresses)
2.4.5 Supports CA Employment Development Department (EDD) reporting requirements (cumulative
payments over $600 within a given year) for independent contractors
2.4.6 Provides a vendor self-service portal with functions that include:
Provides vendor related forms online
® Submits requests to become "registered" vendors
e Registers and receives notifications for formal bids (download and upload of bids)
® Checks invoice/payment status (internal and external users)
Views appropriate transactional history associated with POs
Makes changes to address, phone, primary contact, etc., with notification to the District
2.5 Accounts Payable
The solution should support payments to various entities including, but not limited to, vendors for
services or goods, employees expenses, retirees, other agencies for loans, and apply appropriate
controls over all payments. Additional requirements are listed below:
Invoice Receipt
2.5.1 Supports importing of electronic invoices
2.5.2 Supports workflow for invoice approval
2.5.3 Automates matching the PO, receiver, and invoice
2.5.4 Reflects invoice amount on account balances immediately
2.5.5 Manages vendor invoice credits with associated adjustments to encumbrances and PO balances
2.5.6 Checks the status of all open/pending invoices, including invoices in the workflow queue
2.5.7 Allows payment of invoices directly without establishing a purchase requisition or PO
2.5.8 Supports upload of payment information (e.g. from flat file or csv file)
2.5.9 Supports direct link to imaging system (Laserfiche)
Payment Calculation
2.5.10 Alerts staff about and calculates payment discounts
2.5.11 Supports automatically calculating shipping and taxes as appropriate for items being paid at
time of data entry
2.5.12 Allows payments to be scheduled over a period of time, with associated tracking of payment
Payment Process
2.5.13 For multi -line item POs, allows selection of one or more of those line items during invoice
2.5.14 Creates point-of-sale (POS) pay files
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2.5.15 Create use tax record and liability in General Ledger
2.5.16 Supports 1099 processing reporting requirements
2.5.17 Supports refund and retention payment processing
2.5.18 Provides the ability to short close POs based on user defined parameters
2.5.19 Provides for Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments to vendors with notification that
payment was sent
2.5.20 Provides for upload to an epay product in banking software that includes payment description
detail and expense account information
Check Generation
2.5.21 Provides customizable check forms
2.5.22 Generates more than one check for a vendor during a check process
2.5.23 Generates multiple page checks
2.5.24 Generates on -demand manual checks
2.5.25 Provides alerts for invoices that are aging and where penalties may apply for late payments
2.5.26 Auto -generates positive pay file for each check run
2.5.27 Provides transaction listing reporting capabilities for a specified vendor over a specified time
2.5.28 Provides supportfor imaging checks generated by the system
2.6 Accounts Receivable/Cash Receipts (Miscellaneous Billing and Receipts)
The solution should support invoicing of various entities including, but not limited to, customers,
business partners, former employees, and other governmental entities. It should support invoicing for a
variety of items such as grants, plant discharging, contractor repairs, property damage, and
miscellaneous items and services. It should record receivables and payments against customer accounts,
as well as record receipts not in accounts receivable. Additional requirements are listed below:
2.6.1 Provides customizable invoices
2.6.2 Provides the ability to add user -defined messages to invoices and statements
2.6.3 Provides options for off -cycle and regular batch bill runs
2.6.4 Provides Non -Sufficient Funds (NSF) support, including application of additional fees,
adjustments to receivables, etc.
2.6.5 Ensures appropriate cross-references to payment history and open balances for refunds
2.6.6 Ensures payments are immediately reflected in customer's account
2.6.7 Provides comprehensive NSF check processing, including reversing payments, appropriate
reversing of accounting transactions, rebilling with NSF check charge(s), and associating these
events with the customer's account
2.6.8 Supports managing property damage claims, including integration with projects and work order
modules for purposes of tracking recoverable costs (primarily related to staff time)
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2.6.9 Provides on -demand and interval -based (i.e. weekly) past due payments and aging reports with
2.5.10 Provides accounts aging data sufficient to support collection activities
2.6.11 Automates 2nd and 3rd notices of missed payments
2.7 Fixed Asset Management
The solution should provide asset management functionality to capture and maintain information
associated with leased and capitalized assets. Additional requirements are listed below:
2.7.1 Allows multiple funding sources per asset, including Grant funding sources
2.7.2 Provides or interfaces with asset tag solution
2.7.3 Provides parent/child associations for assets
2.7.4 Supports tying an asset(s) to a CIP project
2.7.5 Tracks non -capitalized assets
2.7.6 Supports various asset depreciation schedules, the ability to change depreciation methodologies,
and (from a point in time) recalculates depreciation based on the remaining life
2.7.7 Tracks asset maintenance (including enhancement and transfers) and projected associated costs
2. Z8 Allows for creation of asset as part of purchase requisition
2.7.9 Provides reporting capabilities with sufficient detail for annual asset verification
2.7.10 Provides reporting capabilities to reconcile acquired value and accumulated depreciation
amounts by asset tag groups to the General Ledger
2.7.11 Provides asset/audit reporting capabilities for partial disposals and additions to existing assets
2.7.12 Provides individual asset data detail snapshots in easily readable format
2.7.13 Supports document scanning and attachment of pertinent information at the asset level
2.8 Inventory/Warehouse Management
The solution should include an inventory/warehouse management function to track and manage
inventory including location, cost, counts, and value. It must support multiple methods of valuations and
disposal. Additional requirements are listed below:
2.8.1 Allows inventory quantities to be reduced through work orders/jobs (done through interface with
Maintenance Connection) for purposes of determining inventory expenses connected with
specific activities
2.8.2 Categorizes and analyzes inventory costs and usage based on user -defined classifications
2.8.3 Offers options for managing inventory cycle counts by various methods including ABC analysis
2.8.4 Tracks multiple item types and/or allows sub -categories under a parent item including location
2.8.5 Populates inventory items either manually or through import
2.8.6 Supports barcoding/scanning of inventory (optional)
2.8.7 Manages inventory at multiple warehouses
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2.8.8 Reconciles inventory at year-end, at other specified intervals, and on -demand
2.8.9 Automates inventory replenishment at pre -defined reorder points with associated
notification/workflow/approval support
2.8.10 Allows electronic form requests with workflow enabled review and approvals
2.8.11 Maintains a stock re -order history including vendor, PO number, quantities, and unit price
2.8.12 Allows for preferred vendor information including catalog numbers
2.9 Contract Management
The solution should provide functionality to support bid requests, negotiation, and management of
vendor contracts. It must track and manage contract status information (e.g. milestone payment
schedule, payment terms, payments, incentives, amendments, renewal status, expiration dates or
dollars, insurance certificates, etc.). Additional requirements are listed below:
2.9.1 Associates contracts to projects and purchase orders
2.10 Grant Management
The solution should support the establishment of grant budgets and the recording of expenditures
against grants. It must capture the type of grant (local, state, and federal), grantor information, match
terms, grant begin and end date, and drawdown activity. Additional requirements are listed below:
2.10.1 Allows users to establish budgets, track activities, and manage reimbursements/billings related
to Capital Improvement Project (CIP) grants and to associate those grants with projects as
2.10.2 Allows real-time access to grant costing details
2.10.3 Ensures overhead allocations are consistently and accurately applied
2.10.4 Supports cost allocations
2.10.5 Tracks grants over multiple fiscal years
2.10.6 Supports grant application and funding request processes
2.10.7 Provides reporting on grant activity by period and over the life of the grant award
2.10.8 Provides reporting on grant activity in conformance with Code of Federal Regulations 200.302
2.10.9 Provides link for cost of position posting and tracking
2.10.10 Provides link to fixed asset record by project
2.10.11 Provides link to Maintenance Connection equipment use information
2.11 Project Management
The solution should provide functionality to manage CIP including tracking funding sources and budget
to actual expenditures. It should also provide the ability to associate projects into multiple categories
and subcategories. Additional requirements are listed below:
2.11.1 Supports multi-year projects
2.11.2 Allows multiple funding sources for a single project
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2.11.3 Provides real-time project budget balances with the option to include pending staff time or
pending invoices in process
2.11.4 Tracks actual, committed, and estimated (or budgeted) costs
2.11.5 Distributes costs and units (including labor hours) to as many projects (job phases) and sub-
divisions (job -sub -phases) as the user wishes to establish
2.11.6 Captures staff time and associates it directly to a project using a blended hourly rate (or actual
rate) based on defined project rules
2.11.7 Reports on project activity by period and over the life of the project
2.11.8 Supports collecting of reimbursements at a project level
2.11.9 Provides link for cost of position posting and tracking
2.11.10 Provides link to fixed asset record by project
2.11.11 Provides link to Maintenance Connection equipment use information
2.12 Position Control
The solution should provide position control functionality linking HR, payroll, and budget data to
facilitate managing the organizational structure, positions, and financial budgeting for the positions.
Additional requirements are listed below:
2.12.1 Associates positions with funding source
2.12.2 Provides reporting by position type
2.12.3 Provides reporting by position allocations
2.12.4 Provides reporting by filled, frozen, and vacant positions
2.12.5 Provides for upload of information from ADP
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3 Technical (Mandatory)
3.1 Maintenance and Support
RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
The solution should be a commercially available product with regular, vendor -scheduled maintenance
and software releases. Additional requirements are listed below:
3.1.1 Provides regular upgrades to accommodate changes in laws, regulations, best practices, and
new technology
3.1.2 Provides a mechanism to support near -time or real-time mirroring to a disaster recovery site
3.1.3 Provides comprehensive technical documentation (including updates as it relates to new releases
and upgrades) in regard to installation, operation, and system maintenance
3.1.4 Provides support and tools for District staff to update the system with patches and new releases
3.2 Configuration
The solution should provide the ability for system administrators to create and apply 'custom' business
rules to various processes throughout the system. Additional requirements are listed below:
3.2.1 Provides the ability to create user -defined fields, screens, and hot keys
3.2.2 Provides the ability to configure workflows, codes, report parameters, and other elements to
meet specific business needs using configuration and operating parameters provided by STPUD
and without the assistance of the software vendor
3.2.3 Provides the ability to customize help text
3.2.4 Provides the ability to customize common error messages
3.3 Audit and Security
The solution should be designed to protect all data from unauthorized access or alteration using Active
Directory (AD) Single -Sign -On (SSO). Additional requirements are listed below:
3.3.1 Ensures compliance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Security
3.3.2 Enforces the District's password policy:
s Must be non-printing/displaying
Must be a minimum length of 15 characters
s Must allow system administrator to define password expiration timeframe (one year)
* Must allow system administrator to prohibit reuse of last three passwords
3.3.3 Allows the system administrator to:
♦ Configure control access to the application, modules, transactions, and data
Define data access rights (e.g. create, read, update, delete) by user ID or functional role
a Define functional access rights (e.g. processes, screens, fields, and reports) by user ID or
functional role
♦ Restrict access to sensitive data elements (e.g. social security numbers, banking data, etc.)
by user ID, user groups, or functional role
3.3.4 Maintains audit logging to record access activity:
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♦ Login/logout attempts by user and workstation
♦ User submitted transactions
♦ Initiated processes
♦ System overrides
a Additions, changes, or deletes to application maintained data
3.3.5 Allows the system administrator to define what transaction types are audited
3.3.6 Allows the system administrator to query the audit log by type of access, date/time stamp range,
user identification, and terminal ID
3.3.7 Integrates with Active Directory
3.3.8 Captures defined transaction details and the ability of authorized staff to view the details
3.3.9 Provides object, row, and field level security
3.3.10 Restricts access to specific screens or processes
3.3.11 Provides user group security
3.3.12 Extends security settings to reporting tools/layers
3.4 Infrastructure Support
The solution should support the existing technology infrastructure. Specific technical requirements are
listed below:
3.4.1 Virtualization - VMWare 5.5
3.4.2 Server - Microsoft Windows Server
3.4.3 Database - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 64bit or higher
3.4.4 Storage Area Network - Nimble
3.4.5 Desktop - Windows 7 professional
3.4.6 Email Client - Microsoft Office Outlook
3.4.7 Desktop Productivity Software - Microsoft Office 2010 or higher
3.4.8 Desktop Browser- Internet Explorer 11
3.4.9 Remote Access - SSL VPN
3.5 Integration
The solution should provide the ability to import and export data to and from external systems and/or
integrate real-time with external systems. Additional requirements are listed below:
3.5.1 Includes Web APIs necessary to accept data generated by common external applications (i.e.
CMMS, Payroll, HR, etc.)
3.5.2 Ensures transactions submitted through integrations are subject to the same business rules as
transactions submitted via the user interface
3.5.3 Provides a notification to users of transactions that fail edits and provide a way for users to view,
update, delete, and automatically resubmit transactions for processing
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RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
3.5.4 Integrates with the systems below real-time, through scheduled two-way file exchanges and/or
manually processed imports:
Springbrook Utility Billing
ADP Payroll and HR
Maintenance Connection
U.S. Bank SinglePoint
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4 Human Resources and Payroll (Optional)
4.1 Employee Master File
RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
The solution should maintain an employee master file that includes data elements such as employee ID,
basic demographics, address information, emergency contacts, survivor/beneficiary information,
dependent information, history of salary changes (effective start and end dates), training and
certification requirements, and history and history of personnel actions. Additional requirements are
listed below:
4.1.1 Maintains employee photo
4.1.2 Provides employee directory functionality
4.1.3 Provides Seniority Listing
4.1.4 Provides Federal and State Government Mandated HR reporting:
Federal HR Reports:
* IRS Report/Extract (Quarterly)
SSA W-2 Report/Extract (Annual)
EEOC EEO -4 Report/Extract (Odd Years)
DOL VETS 100 Report/Extract (Annual)
State HR Reports:
s EDD New Hire Report/Extract (Every Pay Period)
s EDD PIT, SDI, UI Report/Extract (Quarterly)
4.2 Recruitment
The solution should provide functionality to manage the recruitment process from position request
through to hiring. It must track the history of candidate submissions and vetting results (interview,
testing, reference checks, drug testing, background checks, etc.). Additional requirements are listed
4.2.1 Transfers applicable data elements obtained during recruitment to HR modules and applicable
external systems (e.g. EDD, CaIPERS, 3rd Party Benefit Providers, etc.)
4.2.2 Provides automated workflow for new position request/approval process and recruitment
4.3 Onboarding
The system should provide functionality to manage processes and procedures for employee onboarding.
This includes the initiation of the process and a checklist of tasks that need to be performed to
successfully educate an employee on the organization and its culture and prepare them with the
necessary knowledge, skills, access, equipment, etc. to become effective and contributing members of
the organization as quickly as possible.
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4.4 Benefits Administration
The solution should provide flexible, rules -based benefits management functionality to manage public
employee benefits such as medical, dental, disability, and life insurance. Additional requirements are
listed below:
4.4.1 Complies with current and future Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements including automatic
notification to employee when a dependent is approaching coverage discontinuance at age 25
4.4.2 Complies with Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) requirements
4.4.3 Complies with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements
4.4.4 Supports California Public Employees Retirement System (CaIPERS) to manage pension, health,
and retirement benefits for California public employees and retirees, including public safety
4.4.5 Supports California Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS) to manage benefits for part-time,
seasonal, and temporary employees including tracking and notification of employees nearing
1,000 hours to move from PARS to PERS
4.4.6 Maintains eligibility dates for different plans based on different rules and which may differ from
hire dates
4.4.7 Updates employee benefit records and reflect changes in pay in HR and payroll systems/modules
and applicable 3rd party benefit providers whenever there are changes due to life event, changes
in eligibility rules or requests for benefit
4.4.8 Provides 3rd party benefit administrator reports
4.5 Leave Administration
The solution should manage available leave balances, leave taken, payments and balances for various
types of leaves (e.g. paid time off (PTO), vacation, sick, Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), disability,
worker's compensation, donated leave for recipients and donors). Additional requirements are listed
4.5.1 Allows for flexible rules for taking leave when balances are at zero, but accrual is pending
4.5.2 Notifies employees of leave that will be lost or automatically paid
4.6 Training & Certification
The solution should track required position -specific job certifications, licenses, and mandatory training.
It must also track employee history of training results, certifications, licenses, and expirations. Additional
requirements are listed below:
4.6.1 Provides automated notification of expiring certifications to supervisors and employees based on
user -defined rules
4.6.2 Associates certifications with applicable pay codes such that employees are paid or not paid
based on the status of their certification
4.6.3 Updates employee records in HR and Payroll Systems/Modules such that changes in pay can
occur based on completion of training/certification events
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4.7 Personnel Actions
The solution should provide the functionality to manage personnel actions from initiation, review,
authorization, and approval for actions such as promotions, demotions, salary increases, disciplinary
events and suspensions, separations, CAPERS reportable incidents, and leave. Additional requirements
are listed below:
4.7.1 Updates employee records in HR and payroll systems/modules to reflect changes in pay if needed
4.7.2 Uses end dates to automatically stop the action at a specified time (discontinue administrative
leave without pay, leave of absence, etc.)
4.8 Performance Reviews
The solution should provide the functionality to manage performance reviews/evaluations including the
tracking of notification, initiation, review results, and approvals. Additional requirements are listed
4.8.1 Updates employee records in HR and payroll systems/modules to reflect changes in pay if needed
4.8.2 Provides workflow to manage electronic employee performance review/evaluation
4.8.3 Provides automated notification of performance reviews to supervisors and managers based on
user -defined rules
4.8.4 Provide the ability to define and manage electronic forms within the workflow
4.8.5 Provide the ability to attach external forms and documents throughout the workflow
4.8.6 Provides alerts on past due evaluations and escalation notification
4.8.7 Provides workflow to initiate the appropriate personnel action if needed
4.9 Separation/Offboarding
The system should provide functionality to manage processes and procedures for employee separation
due to termination, retirement, resignation, or transfer. This includes the initiation of the process and a
checklist of tasks that need to be performed to successfully exit an employee based on type of
separation. Additional requirements are listed below:
4.9.1 Updates employee records in HR and payroll systems/modules and applicable external systems
such as CaIPERS, 3rd Party Benefit Providers, etc.
4.9.2 Provides electronic employee separation workflow
4.9.3 Provides workflow to track progress of employee offboarding/separation checklist
4.10 Employee Self -Service
The solution should provide employee self-service functions such as paycheck history and personnel
actions, W-4 changes, leave, cash -outs, update benefits during open enrollment or due to life changes,
and change profile data (e.g. address, phone number, emergency contact, and beneficiaries). Additional
requirements are listed below:
4.10.1 Updates employee records in HR and payroll systems/modules and applicable external systems
(e.g. Ca1PERS, 3rd Party Benefit Providers, etc.)
4.10.2 Provides electronic employee separation workflow
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4.10.3 Provides workflow to track progress of employee offboarding and separation checklist
4.11 Time and Attendance
The solution should provide functionality to collect time, perform exception -based time entry, and time
adjustments to multiple work schedules. Additional requirements are listed below:
4.11.1 Provides ability to define and validate business rules at time of collection (i.e. prevent employees
from entering adjustments that will cause employee leave balances to be exceeded)
4.11.2 Prevents employees from entering invalid data (i.e. earnings or pay codes for which they are not
authorized to use)
4.11.3 Allows payroll management employees to enter prior period leave
4.11.4 Includes notes or comments associated with hours submitted at the project level
4.11.5 Allows employee to associate project codes with each line of time entered
4.11.6 Allow multiple pay periods to be open for time entry purposes
4.11.7 Provides workflow in order to collect time, perform exception based time entry, and time
adjustments to multiple work schedules including approval and submission to payroll
system/module at the department level
4.12 Pay Administration
The solution should provide functionality to manage employee pay including:
+ Wages based on flexible, user defined rules (e.g. pay status, overtime rules and eligibility,
out of class, premium pays, multiple work schedules, retroactive and manual payments, Fair
Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime, etc.)
+ Special pay and employee loans
+ State and Federal taxes
+ Accruals including, but not limited to, comp time, leave, workers compensation, vacation,
and other pay -outs
4.12.1 Supports multiple earning/pay codes including, but not limited to, acting pay and special pays
that may change between pay periods
4.12.2 Supports flexible definition of shift work and work schedules
4.12.3 Supports setup of earning codes, deduction codes, contribution codes, and others at the district
4.12.4 Supports multiple employee groups with different Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
requirements and benefits (e.g. differing leave accrual level, differing premiums, etc.)
4.12.5 Supports multi -rate positions
4.12.6 Provides flexibility to define what salary and benefits apply to CaIPERS within multiple plans and
employee groups
4.12.7 Provides ability to apply pay increases across employee groups (e.g. bargaining units, classes,
4.12.8 Tracks when employees are eligible for automatic pay raises (i.e. seasonal workers reaching
threshold of hours) and provides workflow when the following threshold or trigger occurs:
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♦ Automatically notifies employees and their supervisors
♦ Automatically updates employee records in HR and payroll systems/modules to reflect
changes in pay
4.12.9 Provides ability to do 'what -if' analysis and modeling for salary increases, benefit changes, etc.
4.12.10 Calculates step, increment, and percentage pay increases for all or a group of employees
4.13 Payroll Processing
The solution should support:
♦ Importing and entering of time from multiple sources
s Calculating employee payroll, deductions, and accruals based on components managed in
an HR benefits and pay administration module
e Payments for government and 3`d party agencies (e.g. benefits, retirement, etc.) and
supports State and Federal tax filings
Additional requirements are listed below:
4.13.1 Supports multiple, concurrently open payrolls (e.g. vacation, sick or comp time cash outs, etc.)
4.13.2 Provides and enforces rule-based validation and prevents duplicate earning codes at employee
level, etc.
4.13.3 Provides user -defined hours exception analysis
4.13.4 Supports multiple 're -runs' of payroll prior to final payroll run
4.13.5 Generates paychecks, direct deposit (supporting deposits across multiple accounts on a single
check), EFT files, and related positive pay files
4.13.6 Identifies all elements used to calculate pay on the paystub
4.13.7 Identifies key information for employee (leave balances, allocation of direct deposit accounts,
employee vs. employer pay benefits, etc.) on the paystub
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5 Utility Billing (Optional)
5.1 General Functionality
The solution should provide for the general and specific functionality listed below:
A Meter Reading: must have an automated interface to obtain water meter readings
Billing: water and sewer services are billed quarterly
♦ Billing Rates: the District's water and sewer rates are identified at
http://stOud.us/customers/rates-water-and-sewer .
Collections: delinquent notices are sent, and/or a penalty for late payment calculated
s Access: provide a public portal for customer self-service to view account balance, make
payments, updated billing address, etc.
♦ Integration: interfaces to cash register, general ledger, meter reading, remittance
processing software, parcel inventory and mapping, work order management, and web
Additional requirements are listed below:
5.2 Customer Account and Location Management
5.2.1 Provides the ability to manage change of account responsible party to default account owner
(e.g. apartment, tenant rentals, business leases, etc.)
5.2.2 Provides the ability to override or adjust with security permissions
5.2.3 Provides the ability to view payment history while in the payment entry screen
5.2.4 Provides robust key word inquiry that searches the entire Utility Billing database (i.e. "lien,"
"irrigation," etc.)
5.2.5 Provides the ability for unlimited notes on accounts with the ability to assign alert flags to
accounts with notes
5.2.6 Accommodates new customers at an existing service change of address through an automated
transfer function
5.3 Meter Reading and Inventory
5.3.1 Maintains meter readings and dates independent of customer or account changes
5.3.2 Generates work orders based on meter reading exception messages and actions entered along
with meter reading
5.3.3 Provides the ability to view a history of all meters that have been installed at the service location
5.3.4 Provides the ability to change out meters at any time. Where meters have been changed out,
provides the ability to show separate individual meter readings and consumption and total
consumption and billing amount on the same bill
5.3.5 Provides the ability to display average consumption by month for an account
5.3.6 Allows user to flag individual accounts for which zero consumption is not considered to be an
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5.4 Billing Management
5.4.1 Supports bill generation, reprints, delinquent bills, closing bills, closed and delinquent bills, and
shut-off notice(s) and reminders
5.4.2 Provides the ability to create payment arrangements for past -due statements and generates
reports to ensure compliance with the agreed upon payment schedule
5.4.3 Provides the ability to generate a final bill for real-time print and mail, and flag to exclude from
the next bill generation
5.4.4 Provides the ability to credit refunds for closed accounts in accounts payable
5.4.5 Provides a complete or exception only billing pre -list for review prior to bill printing
5.4.6 Allows printing of multiple cycles in one billing run
5.4.7 Generates one utility bill covering all services and charges, and itemizes charges separately
5.4.8 Provides the ability to produce statements for customers with multiple utility accounts
5.4.9 Provides the ability to prorate bills for new and closed accounts
5.4.10 Calculates final bills during any cycle based on the internal issuance of a turn off service order or
closing a customer account
5.4.11 Supports billing adjustments such as read errors, and automatically adjusts billing amounts and
5.5 Financial Management and Delinquencies
5.5.1 Supports E -billing
5.5.2 Accepts and processes Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments
5.5.3 Accepts all payments, including full, partial, pre -payments, pro -rated, etc.
5.5.4 Provides the ability to establish automatic payment plans
5.5.5 Supports monthly fixed fees, special charges, etc.
5.5.6 Provides the ability to reconcile revenue to the General Ledger
5.5.7 Provides the ability to generate aging reports by date range (including prior periods) to identity
delinquent accounts
5.5.8 Provides the ability to place an account on hold or legal dispute and write off balances as bad
5.5.9 Provides the ability to define, add, change, and delete an unlimited number of rate code types
and amounts
5.5.10 Provides automatic allocation of payments to billed service with the ability to adjust or override
the default distribution
5.5.11 Accepts over -payment or credit adjustment with amount maintained as unapplied credit balance
or be applied to the next service bill
5.5.12 Provides the ability to generate a counter invoice detailing charges and balance due
5.5.13 Provides the ability to accept full, over, partial, and pre -payments
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5.5.14 Provides the ability to distribute partial payments based on user -defined preference (e.g. due
date, service type, or percentage)
5.5.15 Provides for auto -pay option for customers to pay from customer's bank account or credit card
5.5.16 Provides the ability to support payment arrangements for customers to schedule payments for
outstanding balances
5.5.17 Provides the ability to recognize pending payments to prevent customers from being included on
the shut off list
5.5.18 Provides the ability to transfer customer balance, deposits, and other occupant -related
information to a new account when a customer transfers to a new service address
5.6 Service Order Management
5.6.1 Provides flexible service requests for work order assignment
5.5.2 Supports back flow device inspection record for annual notice and tracking
5.6.3 Maintains a history of all service orders related to a service address and provides the ability to
drill down for details of actual service order
5.6.4 Provides the ability to define a workflow for each service order type with automatic email
notification to responsible parties
5.6.5 Provides the ability to automatically update customer, location, meter, and account information
upon completion of service order actions
5.7 Reporting
5.7.1 Provides the ability to generate an exception report to identify billing anomalies before bill
5.7.2 Provides a report of accounts with months of zero consumption
5.7.3 Provides water usage reports for residential and commercial accounts
5.7.4 Provides the ability to generate a report to identify accounts with a credit balance
5.7.5 Provides the ability to export reports to Microsoft Excel and Word
5.7.6 Provides the ability to generate a list of accounts, customers, or meters based on user defined
selection criteria
5.7.7 Provides the ability to generate analysis reports with user -defined parameters with flexible
selection criteria and grouping options
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Appendix B — Special Response Requirements
RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
As previously mentioned, the District has manual process performed outside IFAS using various
spreadsheets, ad-hoc databases and/or Word templates to manage financial, payroll and HR functions.
Most of these processes, while disjointed and manual, follow relatively standard practices that most off-
the-shelf ERP systems can support. This section documents those processes which are problematic for
the District and may require an ERP vendor to take a creative configuration approach or use 3`d party
solutions to successfully address the business problem.
For each requirement, the vendor must provide a concise, clear narrative response that describes how
the proposed solution (the combination of software functionality and proposed services) will meet the
high priority requirement. Proposers should provide the narrative in Section 5 of the proposal. Each
narrative should be no more than two (2) pages.
B.1 Chart of Accounts
The District's chart of accounts (COA) includes an eight -digit fund, department, and object; a six -digit
project code; and a four -digit activity code. The District is constantly reviewing the chart string for
opportunities to improve, although the current structure is meeting business needs. If the District were
to upgrade the current system or implement a new system, it would provide an opportunity to complete
an in-depth analysis to ensure the system's COA capabilities are fully leveraged to provide the level of
detail required and maximize the use of the reporting tools for information sharing. There is a need to
extend the amount of information tracked and reported on projects. Please discuss how the proposed
solution will change the existing chart of account, and in turn, improve the District's reporting
Vendor Narrative Response:
B.2 Purchasing
The District's purchasing function generally aligns with industry practices. Currently all purchasing is
managed using IFAS and includes validation functionality. For example, if a request exceeds budget, the
system will provide an alert, but does not block the authorization. Purchase Orders are used for about
60% of District's payments. The District uses open purchase orders. Funds are encumbered when the
purchase order is printed by the Purchasing Department.
Because of the unique environmental challenges and the level of construction/maintenance performed
in a short window of time due to weather-related constraints, the District allows departments to make
purchases prior to proceeding through the approval process. All purchases are ultimately put through
the system and approvals obtained, but some activity is done after the fact. If the District selects a new
system, there may be opportunities to improve these processes without adversely impacting the
efficiency of the field and maintenance crews. Please describe how the proposed solution will affect
purchasing, and in turn, how processes may be improved while still considering the Districts weather-
related constraints.
Vendor Narrative Response:
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The integration between the ADP and WAS is limited, and the District seeks increased integration between the
payroll system and the finance system. Since payroll represents a significant portion of the District's
budget, it is important that detail level payroll information (employee time, pay, benefits, project
activities, etc.) is made available to the finance system.
The District currently manages employee data, salary information, and dependents in IFAS. Employees
currently use ADP's Enterprise eTime for timecard entry. Other payroll/human resources (HR) activities
are tracked in Excel spreadsheets and Word documents including: personnel salary and benefits,
performance evaluation notices, physicals, DMV points, medical certifications and expirations, and staff
train ing/certifications.
In FY 2016-2017, the Human Resources department is expected to Go -Live on Workforce now. This will
transfer the management of employee and dependent data, benefits, and salary information from IFAS
and will also allow all employees to access their timecards via Workforce Now.
By tightly integrating payroll and HR, the District would streamline processes, improve access to
information, and reduce duplicate data entry. Please describe: 1) how the new ERP solution could be
integrated with ADP and how this would change/improve existing, associated processes; and 2) how the
new ERP could be used to replace the functionality currently provided by ADP, and how this would
change/improve existing payroll and HR processes.
Vendor Narrative Response:
The Engineering Department has standard processes to manage the District's assets, projects, and
contracts. Assets include wastewater treatment plant and instrumentation and electrical equipment and
machinery, recycled water irrigation storage and distribution system, water and sewer infrastructure
(manholes, pump stations, fire hydrants, water lines, etc.) and heavy equipment, generators and
vehicles needed to support maintenance services.
While Finance staff tracks capital assets for accounting purposes in IFAS, Engineering staff track assets
for maintenance purposes using Maintenance Connection. They are also building the ability to track the
life cycle cost of an asset into Maintenance Connection.
The District's investment in Maintenance Connection, both in terms of money and resource time, is
significant. Maintenance Connection appears to provide the District with a long-term asset management
solution, with features and functionality that would typically not be supported by ERP solution providers
focused on mid -market public sector agencies. Please describe how the new ERP solution could be
integrated with CMMS and how this would change/improve existing, associated processes.
Vendor Narrative Response:
13.4 Vendor Insurance and License Information
The District must be able to verify that service providers are licensed, registered (if performing a public
works project), and insured prior to authorizing work for the vendor. The District would like to
understand how the information is stored in the vendor's ERP solution, and if the expirations of the
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requirements are tracked or stored, and if/how their system contributes to the process of notification to
the requisitioners and/or purchasing employees.
Vendor Narrative Response:
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Appendix C — Professional Services Agreement
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the day of _ by and between South
Tahoe Public Utility District, hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT" and INSERT NAME OF FIRM, hereinafter referred
A. DISTRICT periodically makes improvements to its water, wastewater and ancillary facilities, for which it may
require the services of a consultant.
B. DISTRICT proposes to provide a MASTER AGREEMENT for consulting services which will be required by
DISTRICT in general support of projects under separate titles (Task Orders). The general scope of services
outlined in this MASTER AGREEMENT will be further defined by a series of Task Orders which will set forth
the services to be performed (detailed scope), costs, and time for completion.
C. DISTRICT desires to secure professional consulting services for said projects and CONSULTANT
represents that CONSULTANT possesses the professional qualifications to provide such consulting
D. DISTRICT and CONSULTANT agree to enter into this MASTER AGREEMENT for the performance of
consulting services on the terms and conditions stated in this MASTER AGREEMENT.
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of their mutual promises and subject to the terms, provisions and
conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows:
A. Upon execution of this agreement and subsequent Task Orders by both parties, and upon receipt of written
authorization from DISTRICT, CONSULTANT at CONSULTANT's sole cost and expense (to be reimbursed
as outlined in ARTICLE IV) and to the satisfaction of DISTRICT, shall perform the services (Services) set
forth in each Task Order and represented by a separate proposal for each Task Order. The Services shall
be assigned to CONSULTANT by DISTRICT for the various projects as planned and developed by
DISTRICT. Each Task Order shall specify the Services to be performed, the time schedules for completion
of the Task Order and for completion of all tasks (Tasks) within the Task Order, and the cost (Cost Ceiling)
including all fees, costs and expenses, both direct and indirect, of the Task Order, but shall otherwise be
governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as modified by the individual Task Orders. Task
Orders shall be in writing, signed by both parties in advance, and shall be attached to this Agreement as
consecutive exhibits beginning with Task Order 1.
B. CONSULTANT agrees to comply with the schedule as set forth in each Task Order, and to provide Services
in a timely manner to allow DISTRICT's project(s) to be constructed as planned by DISTRICT.
In the event CONSULTANT is not able to comply with the project schedule, a written statement from
CONSULTANT will be required showing CONSULTANT's plan to bring schedule back into compliance to
meet completion date. In the event of delays due to causes beyond the control of CONSULTANT, an
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extension to the schedule for performance shall be negotiated.
C. CONSULTANT shall provide DISTRICT with a review of the budget amount when 75% of the Cost Ceiling of
each Task Order has been expended, CONSULTANT shall be entitled to reallocate costs among subtasks
within a Task. DISTRICT shall have the right to transfer Tasks and costs within the same or other Task
CONSULTANT may request a revision in the Cost Ceiling for performance of the Task Order, and will relate
the rationale for the revision to the specific basis of estimate. Such notification will be submitted to
DISTRICT at the earliest possible date. The Cost Ceiling will not be exceeded without approval by
DISTRICT and written amendment to the Task Order.
D. In the case of changes affecting project scope resulting from new findings, unanticipated conditions, or other
conflicts or discrepancies, CONSULTANT shall promptly notify the DISTRICT of the identified changes and
advise the DISTRICT of a recommended solution. Additional Services shall not be performed without prior
written authorization of DISTRICT.
DISTRICT may order, via a written amendment signed by each party's authorized representative, changes
in scope or character of Services, either decreasing or increasing the amount of CONSULTANT'S services
associated with a given Task Order. An order for additional services constitutes a change to the Task Order
and shall be made in writing, dated, and appended to that Task Order.
Compensation for Additional Services shall be on the basis of Time and Materials or Lump Sum, to be
agreed upon at the time of request for Additional Services. The estimated amount of compensation for
Additional Services will be determined at the time the Additional Services are requested.
A. DISTRICT shall furnish to or make available for examination by CONSULTANT, as it may request, all data
and information which DISTRICT may have available, and CONSULTANT may rely upon such data and
information developed exclusively by DISTRICT in the performance of CONSULTANT's services.
B. DISTRICT shall secure and pay for all permits and licenses (other than permits and licenses under any
patent or invention) and furnish all deposits and bonds necessary in connection with the Projects, except
licenses required to permit CONSULTANT to do business at the place where its services are to be
performed. CONSULTANT will assist DISTRICT in procuring necessary licenses or permits if required by
DISTRICT to do so.
C. In order that DISTRICT may meet its obligations with respect to the technical quality of the services to be
performed under this Master Agreement, the services performed by CONSULTANT under this Agreement
shall be under the general supervision and direction of the DISTRICT's General Manager/Engineer
(DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE), who shall be Mr. Richard H. Solbrig. CONSULTANT and its officers,
employees, agents, affiliates, and subcontractors shall act in complete harmony and coordination with the
CONSULTANT during the duration of the Task Orders and shall be the authorized medium of
communication for and with District matters pertaining thereto. DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE may from
time to time delegate any or all of his supervisory responsibility to appropriate staff members, and the
DISTRICT shall so inform CONSULTANT before the effective date of each such delegation.
A. In rendering the professional services, CONSULTANT is an independent contractor, the DISTRICT being
interested only in the result obtained, and the manner and means of conducting such professional services
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will be under the sole control of CONSULTANT, except that nothing herein shall be deemed to negate
DISTRICT's right to direct the nature of the Services requested and to direct the work in terms of timing and
coordination with the Projects.
B. CONSULTANT shall secure approval of DISTRICT prior to executing contracts with subcontractors and
prior to retaining subcontractors for any portion of services for DISTRICT.
C. CONSULTANT shall be as fully responsible to DISTRICT for the negligent acts, errors, and/or omissions of
its subcontractors, as it is for the negligent acts, errors and/or omissions of persons directly employed by it.
CONSULTANT will be responsible for review and billing accuracy and for the direct payment for Services
completed or equipment/materials supplied by all of its subcontractors.
D. Nothing contained in the Agreement shall create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor
E. Indemnification
CONSULTANT shall perform Services in a manner commensurate with prevailing professional
standards of qualified and experienced personnel in CONSULTANT'S field.
2. CONSULTANT agrees to defend, indemnify and hold DISTRICT and each of its officers,
employees, agents and representatives harmless from any claims, damage, liability or costs
(including reasonable attorney's fees and costs of defense) stemming from Services under this
Agreement to the extent such claims, damage, liability or costs are caused by CONSULTANT'S
negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct or by the negligence, recklessness or willful
misconduct of CONSULTANT'S subconsultants, agents, or anyone acting on behalf of or at the
direction of CONSULTANT.
3. DISTRICT agrees to defend, indemnify and hold CONSULTANT and each of its officers,
employees, agents and representatives harmless from any claims, damage, liability or costs
(including reasonable attorney's fees and costs of defense) stemming from Services under this
Agreement to the extent such claims, damage, liability or costs are caused by DISTRICT'S
negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct or by the negligence, recklessness or willful
misconduct of the DISTRICT'S subconsultants, agents, or anyone acting on behalf of or at the
direction of the DISTRICT.
4. The provisions of this section survive the completion of services under or the termination of this
Insurance: The following are the basic requirements that CONSULTANT shall be responsible for at
CONSULTANT's sole cost and expense, and for the full term of this Agreement and before commencement
of services hereunder:
CONSULTANT shall carry or require that there be carried Worker's Compensation Insurance for all
of its employees and those of its subcontractors in accordance with the laws of the State of
2. CONSULTANT shall carry or require that there be carried Commercial Liability Insurance, including
Automobile Coverage, in an amount not less than 5 0007 00 for each person, in an amount not
less than5 g�00 on account of one accident, and E[gpgrty Dama a Insurance in an amount
not less than5� aosingle limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage Insurance per occurrence.
CONSULTANT shall carry Errors and Omissions Insurance in an amount not less than $5,000,000
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South Tahoe Public Utility District RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
with a deductible of not more than $500,000 for the life of the Agreement which shall include one
year beyond completion of Services.
4. Before commencing services, CONSULTANT shall submit evidence of the coverage required to
DISTRICT for review and approval. All such coverage shall be subject to approval by DISTRICT;
approval of which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Such insurance shall be carried with
financially responsible insurance companies, licensed in the State of California, and approved by
DISTRICT; approval of which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Evidence of coverage shall
insure that such policies will not be canceled without 30 days prior written notice to DISTRICT.
Commercial Liability policies, including Automobile Coverage and Property Damage Insurance,
shall name DISTRICT, its officers, officials, volunteers, and employees as Additional Insured and
as such persons, shall be Primary coverage.
5. It is the responsibility of the CONSULTANT to provide to the DISTRICT updated insurance
certificates within 30 days after renewal or changes to insurance policies.
6. CONSULTANT shall grant to the DISTRICT a waiver of any right to subrogation which any insurer
of said CONSULTANT may acquire against the DISTRICT by virtue of the payment of any loss
under such insurance. CONSULTANT agrees to obtain any endorsement that may be necessary to
affect this waiver of subrogation, but this provision applies regardless of whether or not the
DISTRICT has received a waiver of subrogation endorsement from the insurer.
CONSULTANT shall require and verify that all subcontractors maintain insurance meeting all the
requirements stated herein, and the DISTRICT shall be named as an additional insured on
insurance required from subcontractors.
8. The District reserves the right to modify insurance requirements, including limits, based on the
nature of the risk, prior experience, insurer, coverage, or other special circumstances.
G. CONSULTANT shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and codes of the Federal, State of
California, and local governments. CONSULTANT shall hold DISTRICT harmless with respect to any
damages to the extent arising from any tort committed in the performance of any of the services embraced
by this AGREEMENT due to CONSULTANT's negligence.
H. CONSULTANT is responsible for the health and safety of its employees, subconsultants, agents or anyone
working on behalf or direction of Consultant in the course of Services. CONSULTANT shall ensure that its
employees, subconsultants, agents or anyone working on behalf of or under the direction of Consultant shall
have experience and knowledge of Federal, State and local Health and Safety regulations and
CONSULTANT and its associates and employees involved in projects covered under this Master Agreement
covenant that they presently have no interest and that they will not acquire any interest, direct or indirect,
during the term of this Agreement which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of
services required under this Agreement,
CONSULTANT will name the supervisory and staffing levels in the performance of CONSULTANT's
services for each Task Order. CONSULTANT shall not replace supervisory or staffing levels without the
prior written consent of DISTRICT. In the event a change is required by reason of resignation or similar
circumstance, DISTRICT shall not deny consent to a change, but shall have the right to review and approve
or disapprove the particular person proposed as a replacement. Any proposed replacement shall have
substantially the same experience and qualifications as the person being replaced.
K. CONSULTANT shall furnish, at its own expense, all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and
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services necessary for the successful completion of the services to be performed under this Agreement.
CONSULTANT shall give its full attention and supervision to the fulfillment of the provisions of this
Agreement and each Task Order by its employees and subcontractors and shall be responsible for the
timely performance of the Services required by this Agreement.
L. CONSULTANT shall furnish DISTRICT with reasonable opportunities from time to time to ascertain whether
the Services of CONSULTANT are being performed in accordance with this Agreement. All work done and
materials furnished shall be subject to final review and approval by DISTRICT. DISTRICT's review and
approval of the Services shall not, however, relieve CONSULTANT of any of its obligations under this
M. The DISTRICT participates in the CalPERS retirement system. It is the responsibility of CONSULTANT to
ensure that staff working on DISTRICT projects and receiving CalPERS pension benefits do so in
accordance with CalPERS rules and regulations. DISTRICT shall incur no cost associated with pension
benefits of a person receiving pension benefits from CalPERS.
A. CONSULTANT is employed to render professional services only, and any payments made to it are
compensation only for such Services as it may render and recommendations it may make in carrying out the
CONSULTANT shall submit to DISTRICT an estimate of costs for the authorized Task Order. Said estimate
shall include a breakdown of estimated job classification with corresponding man hours, hourly rate, and
estimated fee, together with estimated expenses. Upon approval by DISTRICT, said total estimate shall
become a Cost Ceiling, and total compensation for said Services shall not exceed said amount without
further authorization by DISTRICT. DISTRICT shall be obligated to pay only such hourly rates and expenses
as are actually incurred by CONSULTANT subject to the Cost Ceiling.
The rates of compensation in the Task Order are agreed to in anticipation of the orderly and continuous
progress of the Project through completion of the Services contained therein. CONSULTANT'S obligation to
render services thereunder will extend for the period set forth in the associated schedule, and required
extensions thereto. If such dates are exceeded through no fault of CONSULTANT, then all rates, measures
and amounts of compensation provided in the Task Order shall be subject to equitable, negotiated
adjustment, but not otherwise.
B. DISTRICT agrees to pay CONSULTANT for and in consideration of the faithful performance of all services
and duties set forth in this Master Agreement and subsequent Task Orders, and agreed to be performed by
CONSULTANT, CONSULTANT agrees to accept payment from DISTRICT as and for full compensation for
the faithful performance of all said services and duties as the amount set forth for consulting services for
each Task Order.
C. The DISTRICT will not approve any additional compensation unless a change in the scope of the Services
has occurred due to conditions that the parties could not have reasonably anticipated at the time entering
into this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall notify DISTRICT immediately if the scope of services under the
lump sum Task Order is changed substantially, as required in Article I, Paragraph D.
D. CONSULTANT shall submit to DISTRICT a monthly, itemized invoice for services completed during the
preceding month. The invoice should also include the purchase order number and task order number for
each Task Order. Payment by DISTRICT to CONSULTANT shall be made within 45 days after receipt and
approval by DISTRICT of CONSULTANT's hereinabove described invoice.
E. Should the DISTRICT dispute any portion of any bill, the DISTRICT shall pay the undisputed portion within
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South Tahoe Public Utility District RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
the time frame stated above and, at the same time, advise the CONSULTANT in writing of the disputed
portion. The DISTRICT shall promptly notify CONSULTANT of the dispute and request clarification and/or
remedial action. After any dispute has been settled, CONSULTANT shall provide a special invoice that
accounts for the resolution of the disputed item.
F. The costs for professional services and direct expenses shall be in accordance with the rates and amounts
set forth in the applicable Task Order. In addition, the DISTRICT reserves the right to request from the
CONSULTANT a breakdown of costs associated with the rates for professional services, including but not
limited to direct salary, total overhead, and profit.
G. CONSULTANT shall be solely responsible for the payment of all federal, state or local income tax, social
security tax, worker's compensation insurance, state disability insurance and any other taxes or insurance
which CONSULTANT is responsible for paying as an independent contractor under federal, state or local
law. CONSULTANT shall procure and maintain all licenses necessary for the performance of the Services,
all at the sole cost of CONSULTANT. All of the above shall not be reimbursable under the Agreement.
A. Any Services subcontracted hereunder shall be specified by written contract or agreement and shall be
subject to each provision of this Agreement.
Notice to Proceed - CONSULTANT will not begin services on any Task Order until DISTRICT directs it in
writing to proceed.
C. Submittal of Work Product and Written Notice - All reports and documents which CONSULTANT is required
to furnish to DISTRICT (Work Product) and any other writing which CONSULTANT desires to give
DISTRICT shall be delivered to DISTRICT or by depositing same in the United States mail, postage prepaid,
addressed to:
General Manager
South Tahoe Public Utility District
1275 Meadow Crest Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Any legally operative documents shall be copied to:
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLC
21 E. Carrillo Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101-2782
Any notices or other writing which DISTRICT desires or is required to give or furnish to CONSULTANT shall
be delivered to CONSULTANT by delivering in person or by depositing same in the United States mail,
postage prepaid, addressed to:
The effective date of such written notice shall be the date of personal delivery of such notice or the receipt of
same in the United States mail. The address to which any notice or other writing may be delivered may be
changed upon written notice by such party as above provided.
D. Ownership of Documents - All documents prepared by CONSULTANT and required to be furnished to
DISTRICT in electronic and hard copy format, shall be the property of DISTRICT after payment to
CONSULTANT. All electronic documents shall be provided to the District in an editable format. Any use of
Work Product for other projects and/or any use of uncompleted documents without specific written
authorization from CONSULTANT will be at DISTRICT's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
RFP for ERP System and Implementation Services
CONSULTANT and DISTRICT shall indemnify and hold harmless CONSULTANT from all claims, damages,
losses and expenses, including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting therefrom.
E. Audit of CONSULTANT's Records - The books, papers, records, and accounts of CONSULTANT or any
other consultants retained by CONSULTANT insofar as they relate to charges for services, or are in any
way connected with the work herein contemplated, shall be open at all reasonable times to inspection and
audit by the agents and authorized representatives of DISTRICT. Said records shall be retained for a
minimum of five (5) years after completion of services on the individual Task Orders.
Discrimination - During the term of this Agreement, CONSULTANT agrees in accordance with Section 1735
of the Labor Code of the State of California not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment because of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical
condition, sex, or marital status. CONSULTANT will take affirmative action to the limits prescribed by law to
ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to
their race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, sex, or
marital status.
G. Assignment - Neither party shall assign any interest in this Agreement, nor transfer any interest in the same
(whether by assignment or novation), without the prior written consent of the other party; provided, however,
that claims for money due or to become due CONSULTANT from DISTRICT under this Agreement may be
assigned to a bank, trust company or other financial institution without such approval. Notice of any such
assignment or transfer shall be furnished promptly to DISTRICT.
Attornev s Fees - If any legal proceeding is brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of the Agreement,
the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover actual attorneys' fees and costs, which may be determined
by the court in the same action or in a separate action brought for that purpose. The attorneys' fees award
shall be made as to fully reimburse for all attorneys', paralegal and experts' fees, costs and expenses
actually incurred in good faith, regardless of the size of the judgment, it being the intention of the parties to
fully compensate for all attorneys', paralegal and experts' fees, costs and expenses paid or incurred in good
Confidential Information - During and after the term of this Agreement, CONSULTANT shall not, directly or
indirectly, use, exploit, disclose or divulge to anyone, except appropriate representatives of DISTRICT, any
of CONSULTANT'S engineering Work Product, except as otherwise authorized with DISTRICT's express
Authorization - All officers and individuals executing this and other documents on behalf of the respective
parties certify and warrant that they have the capacity and have been duly authorized to execute said
documents on behalf of the entities indicated.
K. Time of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement and each Task Order.
Any breach of any time deadline or schedule by CONSULTANT is agreed by the parties to be a material
breach of this Agreement, providing DISTRICT with termination rights under this Agreement, in addition to
its rights to recover damages, regular, consequential or otherwise. The failure on the part of CONSULTANT
to perform the Services within such time deadline or schedule when such failure is caused by acts beyond
the control of CONSULTANT shall not be considered a breach of this Agreement and CONSULTANT shall
be entitled to an extension of such time deadline or schedule accordingly.
A. This Master Agreement and/or subsequent Task Orders may be terminated in whole or in part in writing by
either party for any reason, providing that no such termination may be effected unless the other party is
given not less than thirty (30) calendar days written notice (delivered by certified mail, return receipt
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South Tahoe Public Utility District _ RFPfor ERP System and Implementation Services
requested) of intent to terminate.
B. This Master Agreement and/or subsequent Task Orders may be terminated in whole or in part in writing by
DISTRICT for cause, effective immediately upon written notice of srIch termination to CONSULTANT, based
upon the occurrence of any of the following events:
1) Material breach of this Agreement, Task Order or Task by CONSULTANT;
2) Cessation of CONSULTANT to be licensed, as required by law;
3) Failure of CONSULTANT to substantially comply with any applicable federal,
state or local law or regulation;
4) Filing by or against CONSULTANT of any petition under any law for the relief of
debtors; and,
5) Conviction of CONSULTANT's principal representative or personnel of any crime
other than minor traffic offenses.
C. In the event the Master Agreement or subsequent Task Order(s) are terminated in whole or in part,
CONSULTANT is to be fairly compensated for all approved Services performed under the terminated Task
Order as of the termination date, provided that the total amount of compensation paid to CONSULTANT
does not exceed the Cost Ceiling set forth in the Task Order, and provided that the CONSULTANT delivers
to the District all Work Product due for the Services completed through the termination date.
D. Upon receipt of a Termination Notice by CONSULTANT from DISTRICT, an equitable adjustment shall be
negotiated to provide payment to CONSULTANT for termination settlement costs reasonably incurred by
CONSULTANT relating to obligations and commitments as a result of entering into this Master Agreement
and the affected Task Order.
E. Upon receipt of a Termination Notice, CONSULTANT shall (1) promptly discontinue all services affected
(unless the Notice directs otherwise), and (2) deliver or otherwise make available to DISTRICT, copies of
data, design calculations, drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries, and such other
information and materials as may have been accumulated by CONSULTANT in performing the services
under the affected Task Order.
A. All disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement or subsequent Task Orders, or the professional
services rendered hereunder, shall be determined by arbitration in EI Dorado County, California, before a
sole arbitrator, in accordance with the laws of the State of California.
B. The arbitration shall be administered by JAMS® pursuant to its Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and
Procedures. Judgment on the Award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction.
C. Costs and attorneys fees in said arbitration shall be borne in accordance with the terms set forth in Article
V.H., above.
A. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid and unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement
shall be valid and binding upon the parties, provided that the remainder of the Agreement can be interpreted
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to give effect to the intentions of the parties.
B. Any waiver at any time by either party hereto of its rights with respect to a breach or default, or any other
matter arising in connection with this Agreement, shall not invalidate this Agreement or be deemed to be a
waiver with respect to any subsequent breach, default or matter.
A. This Master Agreement and the subsequent Task Orders contain the entire understanding between the
parties with respect to the subject matter herein. This Agreement may not be amended except pursuant to
a written instrument signed by all parties.
B. This Master Agreement is to be binding on the heirs, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto and is
not to be assigned by either party without first obtaining the written consent of the other party, subject to the
terms of Article V.G.
C. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon the date first written above and shall continue in full force
and effect for a period no longer than 10 years, unless sooner terminated as provided herein. Any
subsequent Task Orders that are scheduled to exceed the aforementioned duration shall require that this
Agreement be renegotiated and executed prior to adoption of the Task Order.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto each herewith subscribe the same in duplicate on the effective date first
written above.
Richard H, Solbrig, General Manager/Engineer
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Clerk of Board
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to: Board of Directors
from: Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer
subject:: Payment of Claims Report
date: June 28, 2016
To facilitate an accurate year-end expense cut-off, Accounts Payable has extended the
deadline for submitting invoices to Friday, July 15. As such, the Payment of Claims
report will be delivered to you on or about Tuesday, July 19.
Your cooperation with our once -a -year accommodation is appreciated.
outh Tahoe
Aic Utility District
General Manager
Richard H. 5olbrig
Chris CePalu
Jamey K. Jones
Randy Vogelgeyang
Kelly 5heehan
Duane wallace
1275 Meadow Crest Drive • 5outh Lake Tahoe • CA 96150-7401
Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 541-0614 • www.5tpud.u5
TO: Board of Directors
FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager
MEETING DATE: July 21, 2016
ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation
DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code,
Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing
litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware,
Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and
Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J -M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics
Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CV06-0055-GW, United States District Court for
the Central District of California.
General Manager
Richard H. Solbrig
i1 Directors
Outh h Chris Geralu
o James R. Jones
���/// Randy Vogelgesang
2uKelly Sheehan
ubjic Utility District
Duane Wallace
1275 Meadow Crest Drive- South Lake Tahoe- CA 96150-7401
Phone 530 54446474 - Fax 530 541-0614 - www.5tpud.us
TO: Board of Directors
FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager
MEETING DATE: July 21, 2016
ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation
DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session
may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County
Superior Court, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J -M Manufacturing, et al.
South Tahoe
Public Utility District
General Manager
Richard H. 5olbrig
Chris Cefalu
James K. Jones
ndy Vogelgesang
Kelly 5heehan
Duane Wallace
1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe a CA 96150-7401
Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 541-0614 • www.5tpuAus
TO: Board of Directors
FROM: Tim Bledsoe, Customer Service Manager
MEETING DATE: July 21, 2016
ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation
DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code,
Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing
litigation: EI Dorado County Superior Court Case SC20120227 GRCLT
Condominium vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District.