HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 506 1 4 5 ? 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 27 28 29 ~0 31 RESOLIJT~ON NO, ~06 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DENYING CLAIM FOR DAMAGES - MONTGOMERY DEVELOPERS, A CO-PARTNERSHIP ~HEREAS, the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT received a claim for damages from MONTGOMERY DEVELOPERS, a co- partnership, on May /+, 196/+, a copy of which is attached hereto marked "EXHIBIT A" and made a part hereof; and ~HE:.REAO, said claim for damages of said I~IONTGOMERY DEVELOPERS, a co-partnership, was considered by the Board of Directors at its regular meeting on May 7, !96~, and all matters pertaining thereto; NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors .~of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLYC UTILITY DISTRICT as follows: 1. That the claim for damages o£ MONTGOMERY DEVELOPi~RS, a co-partnership, received May ~, 1964, a copy o£ which is attache~ hereto, marked "EXHIBIT A" be, and the same is hereby rejected in total. 2. That the attorney for said District be, and he is hereby authorized to give notice o£ rejection to said MO~'~GTOME2Y DEVELOPERS o PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public 'Utilit.~ District on May 7, 196~, by the following vote: AYES Directors D~nald L. Clarke, Robert ~akeman, Thomas Lo S~ewart, Robert ~'~. Fesler and Donald H. Kortes NOES: None ABSENT: None 7 ,, , D6~'itd L. Clarke, President o£ the Board o£ Directors o£ SOUTH TAHOE ~ ~ ~' ~ ..... A%Tn~. / 2~:-:~:~ PUBLI UiILIi% DISIRI t '~~4~~V~~~A~E' J'~ : ' .... J"'? ;:: '~' PUBLIC UTILII~Y D!ST~I6I a~d ex officio o2 ~he Board oF Directors ~hereo$ " ( 1 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 31 ,J~HN C. W£1DMAN O:?'~rf"T~Tf~,"rP" "' ~'::; T z]' T,~ ." ~ OF CALiFOrNiA) ( SS. CON~iTY OF EL DORAD6 ) Clerk of the °¢'n';"~' ou~.~ TA>tOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County o£ E1 Dorado, State of California, and ax officio Secretary of th~ Board of Directors th=reo£, dc her~h.y, certify t~',~+.,~ the attached ~Lesolutio~. i".o 5~'~ ' .... ~' iS a itu. e, full. and correct copy tneroof, and that sa~.d resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors ofo'~'r'~;,.~n m:'z:'OE~.,-~,. [zUDLIC UTILITY DISTRICT at a regular meeti~:g duly held i. ~,l." 7, !76i~.., ~ the original oz samd resolutioz., is on fii~ ~_,_,~.~ bh~ o_~zzce ~uuin iAnt,~ zUo.L, Ib UTILII_~. DISTRICT a . o IO resolubior: was passed, and adopted by the following vote of the ?!_~;?bers of the Board of Directors thereof: Directors Donald L. u±arke~ i{otert Wakeman, Thomas L. Stewart, z~oo=rb F~slcr ,;.nc ~{ortes ABS~! T Y one SOU'IN TAHOE ?~UBI_,±C U;£ILIT!~ .: DIsTi~IO'r and ex officio / Secretary of the Board of DiPoc'bors th. oFec. f CLAIM FOR D'"~^'~r'° l'l~e undersJ?ned h.er,eby :')rez, ents the enci.--~, above nar:ed .~overnmenTai a{rer~cv ~urs,.::~:,- ~: the g.,vet,.mc,,r Code of 'the c-.+~ ~ Cali for,~ ..... . N,-',~ and address of c~air':anr: disposals, Col app Montzomerv/:Developers, a co-.~artner~.~.]- 4500 i:! c~mino'.Re.ai,, Los Alto~,~.ai.:c,:~ " .... NoTices to:'be'sent ~o: s Altos, and '>~ ~ - r~. ,ce. from ii: A~ril off 1963 Dorado County real pro?ertv i~;to :;,.~b-;.::,vision is Located immediately adjg---'* ~ . _eased bv the ut/l'i, ty district. Due to said s, cwage d~ , .-:. oTeration and sewage seeoaee the i{eaith De~artm'ent of E1 Dorado.'eounty,.refused to clearance for the ap~roval of claimant .~ad consented ?r°posed ~sub-division co neces$~ was ob1: additio~ o f ~nc'r~a to .t hi., ta't,Iation , f u-. -, ,. i: .--_.: pro,cee'dine ,v . :. of Montgomery Estates at Lake ChrisTopher, Unit _on~. as the matters complained of here.inabove con.tjn.~,~ exist, all to its further damage as set forth he:~c Claimant aLle~es tha~ as ion~ as sai~'~ ~;ewa~, system is so omerated by the ut]lirv district ~ condilions which have existed claimant will be una~ le ~-- sub- divide its remainin~ proper~v~ consisting, of t?~e iot area ordered stricken from its .... !visio:. No. 2 and claimant will continue Lc, suffer da?..~ hereinafter on accoun~ thereof. e. The name or names ot thc m~i~_c e~-,-.~v~ ~he damage: The names of emT, lovees are unknown 'v -_._ is asserted that all such per.son~ are emplove~s _~- Tahoe Public Utility District. f.. The amount of damages cza~mea: Claimant asserts ~nat ~he suffered and wi'Il continue to be suf.fered~bv claimant: (1) Loss of ~ne saie a.~d :use of t'hir't::,~-.. lets~'in'~'Mont~omer~. ~ta~e~,ar Lake Ch.rF~';~c,~?.e ~':0. 1, from Appil,:'1963 unri'i s,~id lots,, c',J~: :;c (estimated value of the, 'lots, $~: ,03( 2g ;~¢,r ' · per lot per y. ear.), which damaFe total.; 6.1u,O,,S .... ~c~:'{ .- ..... r. (2) Loss o'f.-the,sale and u:;e of ei~lht .... (3) Loss of use e' ~,ifteen in Unit No. 2 from Apr~ nti, ,~aid '- used ($280.00 pep lo~ per sum of $~,~00.00 pep (~) Ail costs of ?e-su~ v~on, re-. legal fees necessary to re-subdivide Unit accoun~ of thu delays crea%c~ unit by the 'mat"..,--~ ~et hePeina~ve, plus No. 2, which amounts are Time. CARi{,McCLELLAN,IN~~iF~OLL,T!tC)!~i:'p~'f, ~, F,, Bv a co-partnership ~.oRlel~v