HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/17/2015 Cyou% H TANOIc ::-' %'a ,p. c 64 r • 1950 •1 i' UTILITY O• SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Richard Solbrig, General Manager Shannon Cotulla,Assistant General Manager Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT December 17, 2015 MINUTES The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in regular session at 2:00 p.m., at the District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Board of Directors: President Vogelgesang, Directors, Cefalu, Jones, Sheehan and Wallace Staff: Paul Hughes, Richard Solbrig, Gary Kvistad, Melonie Guttry, Brian Bartlett, Brian Chernago, Julie Ryan, Ryan Lee, Chris Stanley, Donielle Morse, Liz Kauffman, Nancy Hussmann, Tim Bledsoe, Doug VanGorden, John Thiel, Shannon Cotulla, Steve Caswell, Cuz Cullen, Lynn Nolan, Trevor Coolidge, Brian Bartlett, Ivo Bergsohn Changes to Agenda: Item 5 b, shall be changed to read: Extend contract with Blue Ribbon Personnel Services in the amount of$15,000 for seasonal Water Meter Installation Coordinator, rather than "temporary" Water Meter Installation Coordinator. CONSENT CALENDAR: Moved Cefalu /Second Sheehan/ Vogelgesang Yes / Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes /Sheehan Yes / Wallace Yes to approve the Consent Calendar with changes. a. TRPA MITIGATION PAYMENT (Debbie Henderson,Accounting Manager) Authorized Payment to TRPA in the amount of$37,064 for 5% mitigation fee on new sewer connections. b. WATER METER INSTALLATION PROJECTS (Julie Ryan, Principal Engineer) Extended contract with Blue Ribbon Personnel Services in the amount of$15,000 for a temporary Water Meter Installation Coordinator. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES- December 17, 2015 PAGE-2 c. LIABILITY CLAIM AGAINST SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT RECEIVED FROM NORMAN AND BETTY HAGEN (Tim Bledsoe, Manager of Customer Service) Rejected claim against the District in the amount of$10,000+ for damages to Norman and Betty Hagen's driveway at 1086 Nottaway Drive. d. PRIMARY CLARIFIER 2 / AERATION BASIN 1 REHABILITATION PROJECT (Stephen Caswell,Senior Engineer) Approved Change Order No. 1 to Farr Construction California, dba Resource Development Company in the amount $68,688.94. PRESENTATION President Vogelgesang was acknowledged for his past year as President. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Election of Board Officers (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Director Wallace nominated Randy Vogelgesang as President for the 2016 calendar year. Moved Wallace /Second Cefalu / Vogelgesang Yes /Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes /Sheehan Yes / Wallace Yes to elect Randy Vogelgesang as Board President for the 2016 calendar year. President Vogelgesang reported he will have committee appointments to report at the January 7th Board meeting. b. Election of Board Officers (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) President Vogelgesang nominated Kelley Sheehan as Board Vice President for the 2016 calendar year. Moved Vogelgesang /Second Cefalu / Vogelgesang Yes /Cefalu Yes /Jones Yes /Sheehan Yes/ Wallace Yes to elect Kelly Sheehan as Board Vice President for the 2016 calendar year. c. Water System Reliability, Fire Flow and Water Quality Improvement Project (John Thiel, Engineering Department Manager) Staff gave an overview of the project plans and provided a system wide look at hydrant and water improvements. This project is funded by El Dorado County Water Agency and a requirement of this funding is that the District uses a consultant for services. The project budget is $120,000, of which $60,000 must be paid to a consultant per the funding requirements. Moved Jones /Second Sheehan / Vogelgesang Yes / Cefalu Yes /Jones Yes /Sheehan Yes/ Wallace Yes to authorize Task Order No. 4 to West Yost Associates in the amount of$96,400, for engineering consulting services. d. Keller-Heavenly Water System Improvements Project (Trevor Coolidge,Associate Engineer) Staff gave an overview of the Keller-Heavenly project. This project is also partially funded through the El Dorado County Water Agency, requiring the use of consultant services. Moved Jones /Second Sheehan / Vogelgesang Yes / Cefalu Yes /Jones Yes /Sheehan Yes/ Wallace Yes to approve the contract for Farr West Engineering to provide engineering services to complete an alternatives evaluation for the Keller-Heavenly Water System Improvements Project for an amount not to exceed $100,000. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES- December 17, 2015 PAGE-3 e. Customer Service Department Staffing (rm Bledsoe,Manager of Customer Service) Staff reported that in the past the Customer Service Department has hired three temporary employees throughout the year to assist with the workload. In order to maintain quality, consistent and well trained employees, staff is proposing to convert three temporary positions to two full-time, limited term, four year positions: a meter technician and a customer service representative. Staff feels this will be a more effective and efficient use of temporary help. Moved Cefalu / Second Sheehan / Vogelgesang Yes /Cefalu Yes /Jones Yes /Sheehan Yes/ Wallace Yes to authorize staff to hire one full-time, limited term meter technician and one full- time, limited term customer service representative. f. Self Insured Dental Plan Renewal for 2016 (Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director) Staff gave a report regarding the self-insured dental program. The Human Resources Department is consistently checking rates against other plans for comparisons. Moved Wallace /Second Cefalu /Vogelgesang Yes / Cefalu Yes /Jones Yes /Sheehan Yes/ Wallace Yes to 1) approve renewal of the self-insured 2016 dental plan with a funding level of $148.14 per employee per month; and 2) approve the 2016 COBRA Dental rates at $54.15 Single; $108.30 Employee +1; and $184.10 Family. g. ACWA-JPIA Medical Insurance Renewal Rates (Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director) Staff gave an overview of the Anthem Blue Cross PPO Premium Plan. BB&H Benefit Designs recently reported that the median industry trends are showing a 9.2% increase. The District's program increase is below this trend. Staff further reported on the new Castlight Program, which is now available to staff in order to shop prices for medical services. h. 2016 Washington, D.C. Legislative Advocacy (Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager) Staff reported on the District's federal lobbying activity, accomplishments and plans for the coming year. The District has benefitted from $300,000 in fire funding alone due to lobbying efforts, which would not have been possible without ENS in place. The Board would like to see more communication from ENS, which Cotulla will ensure happens. The Board discussed the appropriate number of attendees for the upcoming ACWA/CASA Conferences, which includes lobbying efforts. The Board decided Cotulla should attend along with at least one elected official. President Vogelgesang requested information on travel costs for the conference, which Hughes will provide. Moved Jones /Second Wallace /Vogelgesang Yes / Cefalu Yes /Jones Yes /Sheehan Yes/ Wallace Yes to authorize extension of the contract with ENS Resources, Inc., in the amount of $81,794, for the Calendar Year 2016. I Approve Payment of Claims (Debbie Henderson,Accounting Manager) Moved Sheehan/Second Cefalu / Vogelgesang Yes / Cefalu Yes /Jones Yes /Sheehan Yes/ Wallace Yes to approve Payment of Claims in the amount of$1,314,257.36. j. General Manager Contract Renewal (Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director) This Action Item was voted on after Closed Session. Moved Cefalu /Second Sheehan / Vogelciesang Yes / Cefalu Yes /Jones Yes /Sheehan Yes/ Wallace Absent to approve the three-year contract for the General Manager. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES- December 17, 2015 PAGE-4 STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS: Nothing to report BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Director Jones reported he attended the ACWA Conference with Cotulla and Bergsohn and gave a report on several sessions he attended. Director Wallace reported he attended the City Council meeting and it continues to be interesting. 3:15 p.m. - Director Wallace excused himself from the meeting at this time. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT: Director Jones reported an additional contract for state funding is moving ahead on the water conservation program. The next meeting will be January 13, 2016. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT: Richard Solbrig reported on several items: • The ACWA annual membership has been renewed in the amount of approximately$22,000. • The District has not received further information from the state regarding the meters loan. Solbrig has contacted John Mills regarding lobbying efforts of which a contract will be brought to the Board in January for consideration. In addition, the Board needs to discuss an overall approach for lobbying efforts regarding the zero percent loan from the state. Receiving this loan will save the District approximately $5 million. • There are several water bonds being discussed at the state level. • The District issued a press release on snow making, which received some comments. The Board does not wish to respond to the comments. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS: a. Water Conservation Program Update (Donielle Morse,Water Conservation Specialist) Staff provided an overview of services offered by the Water Conservation Department over the past year and provided a PowerPoint Presentation. b. Tahoe Valley South Basin Groundwater Management Plan Update (Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist) Staff provided an update on three items 1) Groundwater Sustainability Agency Designation, 2) Potential MOU with the County, and 3) A brief review of the Stakeholders Advisory Group Workshop #2, on December 16, 2015. Attorney Kvistad added there has been some discussion regarding changing boundaries. BREAK AND ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION: 4:05 p.m. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: 4:56 p.m. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES- December 17,2015 PAGE-5 Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CV06-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of California. No reportable Board action Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. No reportable Board action Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held regarding public employee evaluation for unrepresented employee position - General Manager. No reportable Board action Action Item j- General Manager Contract Renewal: Action took place, please see Action Item j. ADJOURNMENT: 4:57 p.m. de („bw • 0k, T Randy %gelgesang, Board President /27110.4„:4 South Tahoe Public Utility District Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the oard South Tahoe Public Utility District