HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 427WHJH: JHH: lm ~[/12/63 8c RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION DZRECT.YNrG MA~[IHG OP A~vtE}FDED ASSESS~EENT RE CERTAIN ASSESS}~NT UNDER RESOLUTION OF N,~ENTION HO. 239, AS AP~N~ED SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT 1960-4 RESOLVED~ by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that W~g£REAS~ an assessment a~d diagram was made and filed with the Secretary of the Board of Directors of the South Ta~oe Public Utility D~.s~,zict pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 239, adopted by this Board on September 29, 1960~ as amended, and said Resolution was confirmed by said Board on March 23, 19~1, and FecoPded in the office of the County Surveyor of 2[ Dorado County on Apri'l 6, 1961~ and W~:REAS, certain lots or parcels of ]and upon whi~ there ape unpaid assessments against which bonds have been issued under the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, have been divided so that they no longer conform with the original parcel boundaries as shown on said assessments; NOW~ T~REPORE, IT IS O~ERED: 1. The District Engineer shall cause to be pz'~.~paPed and filed with the Secretary of said District a report and amended assessment and diagram of the lots and parcels so divided, said parcels as listed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference made apaPt l~ereof. 2 T~lat the unpaid ~ ~-~ · ~n. so~llments of said original assess- ment shall be segresated and apportioned in accordance ~,~ith the benefits to the several parts of the original lot or parcel and the total ai~ount of the assessment for the several portions of the original lot or parcels s~aali be equal to the unpaid assessment upon said original lot or parcel of land. 3. That Thursday, the 16th day of May, 1963, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the regular meeting place of said Board, Tahoe Valley Fire House, South Tahoe, California, are hereby fixed as tl~e time and place for hearing said amended assessments before said Board. 4. That the Secretary of said District shall advertise the time and place of such hearing before the Board of Directors by publishing a~notice of said amended assessment twice in the ._. , a newspaper published in said District, the first publication being not less that 15 days be- fore said hearing. ATTEST: Clerk and ex-offic'io Secretary President of the South Tahoe Public Utility District I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution duly and regularly passed and adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a meeting thereof held on the _/~] _ day of ~z~_~ , 1963, by the following vote: AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors: Wakeman, Fesler, Stewart, Clarke, Kortes NOES, Directors: ABSEnt, Directors: None No ne Cle~k ahd ex-ofSici~ ~e~aFy Tahoe ~blic Utility District Bxhibit "A" Sanitary Sewerage project 1962 - 63 Changes 1960-4 Old Asst. No. 60-4-1697 60-4-2255 2329 911 583 914 581 1257 898 899 900 905 904 1315 1316 1323 1324 333 332 2168 2132 Old Assessor's Old Asst. New Asst. New Assessor's Parcel No. No. Parcel No. 23-070-12 23-080-01 23-372-05 23-411-04 23-281-14 23-411-06 23-281-15 23-492-18 23-521-Ol 23-521-o2 23-521-o3 23-522-Ol 23-522-02 23-611-01 23-611-02 23-611-09 23-611-10 23-643-04 23-651-01 32-141-05 32-173-01 New Asst. 2971 23-643-05 -0- 439.00 2972 23-643-06 439.00 2973 23-651-05 -0- 439.00 2974 23-651-06 439.00 2975 32-141-19 1137.00 1486.00 2976 32-141-20 349.00 2977 32-141-21 -0- 2978 32-173-06 788.00 1486.00 2979 32-173-07 698.00 2956 23-071-16 2887.50 2887.50 2957 23-430-22 -0- 2958 23-081-02 439.00 ~39.00 2959 23-081-03 -0- 2960 23-372-09 703.50 1142.50 2961 23-372-10 439.00 613.50 2962 23-411-10 613.50 613.50 2963 23-281-19 613.50 2099.50 2964 23-411-09 2099.50 788.00 2965 23-281-18 788.00 2966 23-492-19 349.00 788.o0 2967 23-492-20 439.00 166o.50 2953 23-522-08 22.74 1137.00 2955 23-522-09 698.00 1137.00 2968 23-522-07 1137.oo 1486.0o 2954 23-522-10 2274.00 962.50 349.00 2969 23-611-15 788.00 439.O0 439.00 2970 23-611-14 878.00 439.00 Old Asst. No. 2252 2060 2059 2085 2O84 1876 1877 1878 ':788 Old Assessor's Parcel No. 32-191-09 32-241-21 32-241-22 32-251-25 32-251-29 32-282-18 32-282-19 32-282-20 32-284-01 Old Asst 2189.50 529.00 529.00 439.00 439.00 439. O0 439. O0 439. O0 1666.00 New Ass$. No. 2948 2949 298O 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 3000 3001 New Assessor's ~, parcel Ng. 32-191-16 32-191-17 32-241-23 32-241-24 32-241-25 32-241-26 32-251-30 32-251-31 32-282-57 32-282-58 32-284-03 32-284-04 32-284-05 32-284-06 New Asst. 878.00 1311.5o 264.50 264.50 264.50 264.50 439.00 439.00 703.50 613.50 439. o0 349, OO 439. oo 43q oo Affidavit of Publication Lake Tahoe News RECEIVEU ..... L~eaL..Kg_t_Lc_~ ...................................................................... .... 5L~_aoX~ t ~_ mq_.~.4_2~ ............................................................. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ ss. County of E1 Dorado ~ Valley, at (:pl. David BIi ~ting in. September~ includ: I~Jacksonville, ., orado'COunty J bovril o~ equ~ll~ttofi~ re~o~ed ;due~ ~57,~0 :'In ~er Cent sales tax,~ ~ey brough{ · e total taxable I all of 1962. [ '.StateWlde iou~h~u~er [ totaled ~7,~3,000,000, a [ of 9 per cent 0ver~ ~e pre~ou [~ ~ear. Sales lorthe ye~. J bffiton. Only sk of~t~ $8 cou~ [~es had, lower:~:~es 'Auto ~ sales (~Panded; faste~ than ~y, o~er'~se~ent of. ecOnomy d~lng 1~2.. New s~eS 'topped the Previous re cord set ~ 1955 b~ 15 p~ cent and were up more ~an t ~m 1961 N~c~ s~es up'0 per. C. F. BRANDI, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says: THAT he is and at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States over the age of 21 years and that he is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter; that he is the printer of LAKE TAHOE NEWS, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, duly adiudicated by the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of E1 Dorado, in proceedings No. 8805 by decree filed July 26, 1956, to be a newspaper of general circulation in the Judicial Township of Lake Valley and in the County of E1 Dorado and in the State of California. That the notice annexed hereto was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper in type not smaller than nonpareil, preceded with words printed in blackface type, not smaller than nonpareil, describing or expressing in general terms the purpose or character of the notice intended to be given, and said notice has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: ...... i~p_ri L_24_,___. lfi -6_3_ .................................................................. ..... M-a~---L,-,1._g~,% .......................................................................... Subscribed and Sworn to before me this ....... __-~------~------ ..... .day Of Notary Public in and for the County of E1 Dorado, State of California ~mm~mmm~~~m~ m mm