HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 11-19-15 �o�TH TqHpF .�,..�._. - - - :�= �Y 0� A(/�`�r ' 19 5 0 • �� ��- UTILITY� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, November 19, 2015 - 2:00 P.nn. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbrig, General Manager Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Duane Wallace, Director 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING— PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE(At this time, please silence phones and other electronic devices so as not to disrupt the business of the meeting.) 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (This is an opporfunity for members of the public to address the Board on any short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No discussion or action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda, per the Brown Act. Each member of the public who wishes to comment shall be allotted five minutes, and no more than three individuals shall address the same subject.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes of the Brown Act, all Action and Consent items listed give a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed. Recommendations of the staff,as shown, do not prevent the Board from taking other action.) 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request.Comments and questions from members of the public,staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION /ACTION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Engineering Department Staffing (John Thiel, Engineering Department Manager) Pg 5 Authorize staff to continue the utilization of temporary engineering personnel as follows: 1) Hire one full-time, limited-term Junior Engineer; and 2) Hire one full-time, limited-term Meter Installation Coordinator. b. Ordinance No. 564-15 Specifying Acceptable Forms of Payment (Tim Bledsoe, Manger of Customer Service) Pg 1 1 Adopt Ordinance No. 564-15, adding Section 6.2.6 to the Administrative Code regarding acceptable forms of payment for District services. c. Approve Payment of Claims (�ebbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Pg 15 Approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $1,247,164.79 7. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA- November 19, 2015 PAGE-2 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place;however, no action will be taken.) 9. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT 10. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT (Discussion may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. Meter Loan Appeal 1 1. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS �Discussions may take place; however,no action will be taken.) a. Offering Discounts to Customers with Disabilities 12. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS Past Meetin s Events 11/OS/15-2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District 11/11/15-Veteran's Day Holiday-District Office Closed 11/16/15-3:30 p.m. Operations Committee Meeting at District Future Meetinas/Events 11/24/15 and 11/25/15-Thanksgiving Holiday- District Office Closed 12/03/15-2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District 13. CLOSED SESSION (The Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss items identified below.Closed Session is not open to the public; however, an opportunity will be provided at this time if inembers of the public would like to comment on any item listed-three minute limit.) a. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CVO6-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of California. Pg 29 b. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal co�nsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. Pg 31 c. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al., County of EI Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165. Pg 33 ACTION REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION ADJOURNMENT (The next Regular Board Meeting is Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA- November 19,2015 PAGE-3 The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month.A complete Agenda packet is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after Minutes of the meeting have been approved.Items on the Agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear.Designated times are for particular items only.Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified,but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public participation is encouraged.Public comments on items appearing on the Agenda will be taken at the same time the Agenda items are heard;comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered.Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all writien materials presented at the meeting.Comments on items not on the Agenda can be heard during"Comments from the Audience;"however,action cannot be taken on items not on the Agenda. Backup materials relating to an open session item on this Agenda,which are not included with the Board packet,will be made available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed or made available to the Board,and can be viewed at the District office,at the Board meeting and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities.Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings.If parficular accommodations are needed,please contact the Clerk of the Board at(530) 544-6474,extension 6203.All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA- November 19, 2015 PAGE-4 y��TH Tq/ipF _ _.,,,�,;. _ _ =.�-= � e� �A`�r . 1950 • �� 11i7LITY D��' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CONSENT CALENDAR November 19, 2015 ITEMS a. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: November 5. 2015 (Melonie Guttry, Board Clerk) Pg 1 Approve November 5, 2015 Minutes �OVTH TqHp� _ � •�,,: �pa� ec AGe�r . 1950 ��e� ��� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT . . . _ _ _ Richard Solbrig, General Manager Shannon Cotulla,Assistant General Manager Randy Vogeigesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT November 5, 2015 MINUTES The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in regular session at 2:00 p.m., at the District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Board of Directors: President Vogelgesang, Directors, Jones, Cefalu, Sheehan, Wallace Staff: Tim Bledsoe, Stephen Caswell, Paul Hughes, Richard Solbrig, Shannon Cotulla, Gary Kvistad, Melonie Guttry, Brian Chernago, Julie Ryan, Randy Curfis, Ivo Bergsohn, Linda Brown, Cuz Cullen, Brian Barflett, Lynn Nolan Guests: Marla Sharp CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR: Action Item 6 b, should read: "Authorize Task Order No. 7 to HDR, Inc. in the amount of $114,615 for engineering design for rehabilitation work on Primary Clarifier No. 1" rather than Primary Clarifier No. 2. This change should also be made on the Agenda write up on Page 31 under Requested Board Action. CONSENT CALENDAR: Moved Cefalu /Second Sheehan /Vogelgesang Yes / Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes /Sheehan Yes / Wallace Yes to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. a. ANGORA CREEK SEWER RELOCATION PROJECT (Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist) Concur with issuance of a task order in an amount not to exceed $1,000 to Western Botanical Services (WBS) for post-construction revegetation monitoring services. b. DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT �Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist) Accept the cost proposal from Sunrise Engineering in the amount of $24,992 to provide engineering support services for construction of Bid Alternate #1: C-line Hydroelectric Facilities. -�- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES- November 5, 2015 PAGE-2 c. TRUCKEE MARSH SEWER FACILITIES PROTECTION PROJECT (Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist) Authorize staff to issue a purchase order in an amount not to exceed $5,000 to Liquid Innovations for the fabrication and installation of a Beaver Pond Leveler. d. APPLICATION FOR TREATMENT PLANT GENERATOR UPGRADES TO THE CLEAN WATER STATE REVOLVING FUND (Lynn Nolan,Grants Coordinator) Adopt Resolution No. 3004-15, Resolution No. 3005-15 and Resolution No. 3006-15 for application for treatment plant generator upgrades to the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. e. ALPINE COUNTY ANNUAL IMPACT/MITIGATION/COMPENSATION (Debbie Henderson,Accounting Manager) Authorize payment of District's annual mitigation fee to Alpine County in the amount of $113,700. f. REGULAR BOARD MEETING_MINUTES: October 15. 2015 (Eileen Eidam, Assistant Board Clerk) Approved October 15, 2015 Minutes ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Osgood Street Sewer Pipeline Emergency Replacement Project (stepr,en caswe��,Senior Engineer) Staff reported the work is now complete and recommends terminating the emergency action. The project total is $108,200, which includes everything except the final paving; staff is waiting for this final invoice. Moved Voqelqesanq /Second Sheehan /Voqelqesanq Yes / Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes / Sheehan Yes /Wallace Yes to terminate emergency action to replace 400 linear feet of sewer pipe on the former Osgood Street location. Primary Clarifier No. 1/Aeration Basin 2 Rehabilitation (Stephen casweu,Senior Engineer). Staff gave an update on the project and provided an estimated timeline. Moved Sheehan /Second Wallace / Voqelgesang Yes /Cefalu Yes/Jones Yes /Sheehan Yes /Wallace Yes to Authorize Task Order No. 7 to HDR, Inc. in the amount of$114,615 for engineering design for rehabilitation work on Primary Clarifier 1. b. Approve Payment of Claims (�ebbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Moved Wallace /Second Sheehan / Vogelqesang Yes /Cefalu Yes /Jones Yes /Sheehan Yes/Wallace Yes to approve Payment of Claims in the amount of$2,856,388.44. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMIITEE REPORTS: Nothing to report BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Director Wallace reported he attended the October 19fh Special City Council meeting where Council adopted the Resolution to censure Councilmember Conner. Richard Solbria reporfed the District has censuring procedures outlined in Board Policy. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR RE ORT• REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES- November 5, 2015 PAGE-3 Director Jones reported the meeting has been rescheduled for November 18, 2015. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT: Richard Solbriq reported the following: - Water Meter Loan -The District received a letter from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) staff indicating they will not be taking the District's appeal for the 0% loan to the Board for recommendation.The District has submitted a written appeal to the SWRCB requesting they review the appeal, which they have the discretion to grant the appeal or not. Gaines and Bigelow's offices have been copied on the letter. Director Wailace recommended reaching out to contacts that may help with this appeal process. - City's 50'h Anniversary Gala -A mixture of Board Members and staff are planning to attend. The City has planned a film presentation for the event and District information will be included. - The District did not meet our water conservation goal for October. The winter goals will be completely dependent on winter weather and conditions. It will take approximately 17% through November, December, January and February in order to meet our goal. President Vogel eq sang reported there have been reports in the media that some agencies have been fined for not meeting their goal. Staff explained the determining factors for fining and further reported that the District's request for lower conservation targets was denied by the SWRCB. - Snowmaking-a complaint has been received by the District stating that conservation efforts are in place and yet, the District is providing water for snowmaking. Richard Solbriq reporfed a press release will go out soon to address this issue. - November 12t" the Tahoe Chamber is having their ann�al Blue Ribbon Awards dinner and the Conservation Department has been nominated for an award. Please let Richard know if you are interested in attending. - Staff announced that the Integrated Regional Water Management planning proposal was approved and the group is anticipating receiving $644,000 to continue conservation/grant efforfs. Some of these funds could offset the expenditure for turf buyback in the amount of $250,000. - Staff reported the District received a request for a change in sewer units and meter rates for a properfy on Fountain Avenue. The properfy is being converted from a triplex to a single-family dwelling and staff reported the customer is happy with the outcome. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS: Attornev Garv Kvistad reported he will provide a report regarding legislation once ACWA provides their comprehensive legislation reporf. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION: 2:44 p.m. RECONVENED TO OPEN SESSION: 3:27 p.m. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of -3- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES- November 5, 2015 PAGE-4 Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CVO6-0055-GW, United States District Courf for the Centrai District of California. No reportable Board action Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. No reportable Board action Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al., County of EI Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165. No reportable Board action ADJOURNMENT: 3:27 p.m. Randy Vogelgesang, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District -4- General Manager Richard H.5olbrig � • 1950 • w � � �� a o e Director5 r Chris Cefalu James R.JoneS ' Randy Vogelge5ang � �F �ubiic Utiiity DiStrict KellySheehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 5Q�4-6474•Fax 530 541-06i4•www.ytpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiei, Engineering Department Manager MEETING DATE: November 19, 2015 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Engineering Department Staffing REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to continue the utilization of temporary engineering personnel as follows: 1) Hire one full-time, limited-term Junior Engineer; and 2) Hire one fuil-time, limited-term Meter Instailation Coordinator. DISCUSSION: The Engineering Department is currently experiencing a high volume of Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects in the design and construction stage and is forecasting continued high volume next year and for the next four years. Notable projects include the Diamond Valley Ranch (DVR) Irrigation Improvements, Luther Pass Pump Station (LPPS) Power and Controls, Water Meter Installations, Primary Clarifier and Aeration Basin Upgrades, Emergency Generator Replacement and other Wastewater Treatment Plant projects, Keller/Heavenly Zone Improvements, Fire Hydrant Service Expansion, and other tank, booster station, waterline replacement and water system improvement projects- more than $66 million in CIP projects now in progress and planned over the next fo�r construction seasons. Implementation of the planned CIP projects along with the other ongoing Engineering project and planning workload requires elevated levels of staffing. The DVR and LPPS projects are unique in that construction activities are in progress and will continue throughout the winter season and well into 2016. Therefore, our two permanent, full- time Engineering Techs will remain in the field and unavailable for new project design support, as typically occurs in the winter. The Meter Projects are unique in that they require an extensive amount of construction inspection, observation, and coordination as it consists of over 7,500 individual construction locations with extensive customer contact requiring personal service from the District. The Fire Hydrant Service Expansion projects require similar attention as the Meters Project, but on a smaller scale. -5- The Board has previously approved three temporary positions in the Engineering Department consisting of the Meter Installation Coordinator, and two Engineering Interns. Staff appreciates the Board's support and has found these three support positions to be valuable and extremely cost effective for the District. We have been able to fill these temporary positions with talented people that provide effective supporf in many areas including construction oversight and coordination, public outreach and customer service, water and sewer system modeling, data collection and general assistance in contract management and other engineering functions. Our ability to appropriately train and utilize these resources has certainly resulted in many benefits to the District: • reduced construction change order claims; • increased customer service and satisfaction and, reduced claims; • reduced impacts on other District crews and staff; • increased productivity from senior engineering staff as they are able to focus on planning, design, and other high-value work; and, • significantly reduced needs for costly consultant and third-party inspection services at �125/hour to $165/hour Staff is requesting continued Board approval for these temporary positions to meet continued staffing needs along with a modified procurement method as detailed below. The three temporary employees are currently procured through Blue Ribbon Personnel Senrices (Blue Ribbon) and are limited to 1,000 hours per fiscal year under the District's pension program requirements, and are recruited at pay levels established by the District for temporary hires across multiple departments. As a consequence of the hourly limitations, the Engineering Department either goes without this valuable support for a portion of the year, or must refill these positions every 6 to 12 months with new temporary personnel. This approach requires significant effort from senior staff to support ongoing recruitment, starfup training, as well as other costs and inefficiencies. Most importantly, by holding to the 1,000 hour limit for these positions, and paying a less than competitive wage for a full-time position, the District loses the talented staff that we have trained, that have gained unique system and agency knowledge, and that have proven themselves to be highly effective support resources. Therefore, in order to keep good workers and limit the recurring fulfillment process, we are proposing to converf two of the temporary positions that are currently filled by Blue Ribbon to four-year, full-time, limited-term positions (Junior Engineer and Meter Coordinator) hired directly by the District with the third position (Engineering Intern) remaining a temporary hire through Blue Ribbon. The four-year term is proposed to coincide with the completion of the meter installation projects and when the CIP is expected to return to more normal spending levels. The two proposed limited-term positions will be District Union employees during the four-year term with all standard conditions, benefits, and pay schedules as per the existing Union Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Staff will advertise and incorporate all other standard District procedures for the fulfillment of these positions. We propose that fulfillment of the third position, Engineering Intern, remain with Blue Ribbon with temporary employee status, the current rate structure and the 1,000 hour limitation per person. -6- As detailed on the attachment, the additional cost for two limited-term positions will be approximately$40,000/year ($29,000/year plus $11,000/year based on the midpoint of the pay ranges). Again, as previously discussed, staff contends these additional costs are well justified given the benefits of retaining effective workers and avoiding consultant and 3�d parfy inspection costs. This additional cost represents less than 1/4 % of the CIP spending over the four year period ($40,000 x 4 years / $66 million) while the total cost of these two positions represent about 1% of the CIP spending over the four year period ($173,000 x 4 years / $66 million). Staff recommends the Board approve the District hiring of two full-time positions (Junior Engineer and Meter Installation Coordinator) on a four-year limited-term basis to begin upon the actual employee starf date - approximately 3/Ol/16 to 3/O1/20. Staff will continue to bring the Blue Ribbon contracts to the Board for fulfillment of the Engineering Intern position as needs are identified moving forward. SCHEDULE: Upon Board Approval. COSTS: Approximately$96,000 for the Junior Engineer and $78,000 for the Meter Coordinator, per year, for the four-year term. ACCOUNT NO: Use specific CIP project accounts as applicable BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: NA ATTACHMENTS: Cost Details for Temporary Positions CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water/Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES C NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -7- Attachment-Cost Details for Temporary Positions Junior Engineer Position -This proposed f�ll-time, limited-term position will be a District Union employee with a four-year term. The compensation would follow the existing structure for the Junior Engineer position (the starting engineering position at the District appropriate for new graduates) along with all normal District benefits and in compliance with the existing Union MOU. As a limited-term employee, there would be no progression beyond Junior Engineer, unless the employee is the candidate selected to fill a vacancy within the Department. The fully burdened cost of a full-time limited term position is estimated here based on the midpoint of the relevant District-Union MOU pay range. The estimated cost for the Junior Engineer is $95,827/year and $46.07/ho�r (Jr. Engineer, $34.38/hr., 2080 hours/year). For reference, the cost of a Blue Ribbon intern is $31.98/hour res�lting in an annual difference of$29,000. In addition, this limited-term position provides a fair wage scale for an engineering graduate. Through Blue Ribbon, an engineering graduate earns $19/hour with no benefits with a limited term. It's difficult or impossible to build and retain a high performance employee on this basis. Furthermore, we expect the limited-term employee could stay for perhaps the entire four-year term, providing increased competency and productivity over that period, and perhaps progress into a permanent engineering position at the District should that become available. The increased rate is a great value to the District since the Junior Engineer directly or indirectly limits the amount of consultant and third-party inspection time, at $125/hour or more, which would become necessary to advance the many District projects. Meter Coordinator Position -This proposed full-time limited-term position will be a District Union employee with a four-year term which directly coincides with the projected completion of all phases of the Water Meter Installation Projects. The compensation would follow the existing pay structure for the Customer Service Inspector (Level 1) position (at a step relevant to the candidate selected) along with all normal District benefits and in compliance with the existing Union MOU. The fully burdened cost of a full-time limited term position is estimated here based on the midpoint of the relevant District-Union MOU pay range. The estimated cost for the Meter Coordinator is $77,554/year and $37.29/hour (Inspector 1, $26.69/hour, 2080 hours/year). For reference, the cost of a Blue Ribbon intern is $31.98/hour resulting in an annual difference of$11,000. In addition, this limited-term position provides a fair wage scale for a customer service employee who typically has a college degree and/or advanced training and experience. Through Blue Ribbon, the temporary employee earns $19/hour without benefits with a limited term. We will be unable to build and retain a high performance employee on this basis. Furthermore, we expect the limited-term employee could stay for perhaps the entire four-year term, providing increased competency and productivity over that period, and perhaps progress into a permanent position at the District should one become available. Again, the increased rate is a great value to the -9- District since the Meter Coordinator directly or indirectly limits the amount of consultant and third-party inspection time, at $125/hour or more, which would become necessary to advance the many District projects. Enqneerinq Intern Position -Staff proposes to extend our existing contract with Blue Ribbon on an as-needed basis for the continued provision of one Engineering Intern position for up to 2,000 hours per year total (1,000 hours per person per fiscal year). The current cost to the District for an experienced intern is $31.98 per hour. Blue Ribbon contracts will be brought to the Board separately for approval as needed during the four-year period. -io- General Manager Richard H.Solbrig � • 1950 • �,�, o u-� a o e Director5 � �r Chris Cefalu Jamee R.JoneS _..�.� �� Randy Vogelgesang pu b(i c U ti I i ty D i 5tri ct Keliy 5heehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive•5outh Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-64-74•Fax 530 541-0614•www.stpucl.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: Board of Directors FROM: Tim Bledsoe, Manager of Customer Service MEETING DATE: November 19, 2015 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Ordinance No. 564-15 Specifying Acceptable Forms of Payment REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 564-15, adding Section 6.2.6 to the Administrative Code regarding acceptable forms of payment for District services. DISCUSSION: Currently, the District accepts cash, check and credit cards as forms of payment for District services. In the past, District staff has periodically encountered customers paying for District services in large quantities of coins. Counting large quantities of coins to verify the amount paid takes a significant amount of staff time. Staff is recommending the Board adopt Ordinance No. 564-15, adding Section 6.2.6 to the Administrative Code regarding acceptable forms of payment for District Services. Administrative Code Section 6.2.6 will preclude customers paying for District services in large quantities of coins, which results in an inefficient use of staff time that is inconsistent and unfair to the District's other customers. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY:Water and Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES ��, NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -11- ORDINANCE NO. 564-15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADDING SECTION 6.2.6 TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE REGARDING ACCEPTABLE FORMS OF PAYMENT FOR DISTRICT SERVICES BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of El Dorado, State of California, as follows: SECTION 1 —POLICY AND PURPOSE The purpose of this Ordinance is to adopt a new provision to the Administrative Code regarding acceptable forms of payment for District services. SECTION II—DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Ordinance, the terms used herein are defined as follows: A. The District—The South Tahoe Public Utility District. B. The Board—The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. C. Administrative Code—The compilation and codification of all of the Administrative, Water, Sewer, Street Lighting and Groundwater Management Plan Ordinances of the District, which establish the authority and the principles for the decisions of the District, and provide the public with guidelines applicable to District operations. SECTION III—FINDINGS T'he Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of El Dorado, State of California, make the following findings: 1. The Administrative Code does not currently specify acceptable forms of payment or restrict unacceptable forms of payrnent that the District will accept for payment of services. 2. The District periodically encounters customers that make payments for District services in large quantities of coins. 3. A customer paying for District services in large quantities of coins results in an inefficient use of staff time that is in inconsistent and unfair to the District's other customers. 4. The Board has determined that it is in the best interest of the District to adopt an Ordinance to add a new provision to the Administrative Code to specify acceptable forms of payment. -13- SECTION IV—ADD SECTION 6.2.6 TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Section 6.2.6 is added to the Administrative Code to read as follows: 6.2.6 Acceptable forms of qavment. The payment for District services shall be paid in legal tender of the United States of America. Cash, checks, and electronic payments from MasterCard,Visa, Discover Card, debit card, or bank account are acceptable forms of payment. Payments must be made payable to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. The District has the right to refuse any payrnent tendered in coin. SECTION VI—SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, subdivision,paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or the Administrative Code. The Board of Directors declares and determines that it would have passed section, subsection, subdivision,paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof of this Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations and the Administrative Code irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases may be determined to be unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION VII—EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance amending the above referenced sections to the Administrative Code shall take effect thirty(30) days after its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held regular meeting on the 19th day of November, 2015,by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Randy Vogelgesang, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District -14- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL November 19, 2015 Payroll 11/10/2015 441,896.98 Total Payroll 441,896.98 ADP & Insight eTools 461.35 AFLAC/WageWorks claims and fees 1,242.40 BBVA Compass Bank 0.00 BHFS legal services 0.00 CaIPERS liability payment 30,582.00 CDS health care payments 4,336.76 Total Vendor EFT 36,622.51 Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund 552,876.75 Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund 215,768.55 Total Accounts Payable 768,645.30 Grand Total 1,247,164.79 Payroll EFTs & Checks 11/10/2015 EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 18,043.22 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 94,211.16 EFT CaIPERS Contributions 63,528.39 EFT Great West Deferred Comp 20,994.15 EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,474.66 EFT Retirement Health Savings 11,937.68 EFT United Way Contributions 190.00 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 224,631.01 CHK Employee Garnishments 1,818.93 CHK Employee Paychecks 4,067.78 Total 441,896.98 -15- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Descri tion Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvne A-L SIERRA WELDING PRODUCTS LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 38.50 A-L SIERRA WELDING PRODUCTS LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 38.50 Check Total: 77.00 AP-00091870 NJW ACWA/JPIA GEN 8�ADMIN ACWA MED INS PAY 1000-2514 193,354.39 ACWA/JPIA GEN&ADMIN VISION INS 1000-2530 2,744.56 Check Total: 196.098.95 AP-00091871 MW ADP SCREENING/SELECTION SERV HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENS 1022-6670 17.50 ADP SCREENING/SELECTION SERV HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENS 2022-6670 17.50 Check Total: 35.00 AP-00091872 MW AERVOE INDUSTRIES INC UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 2001 -6052 653.58 Check Total: 653.58 AP-00091873 MW AFLAC GEN&ADMIN SUPP INS W/H 1000-2532 611.94 Check Total: g��.gq AP-00091874 MW AHERN RENTALS UNDERGROUND REP REPL WACKER 2001 -8641 2,921.40 i Check Total: 2.921.40 AP-00091875 MW � l�l.'.PEN SIERRA COFFEE GEN 8 ADMIN OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1000-6081 261.00 Check Total: 261.00 AP-00091876 MW ALPINE COUNTY DIAMOND VLY RNCH LAND TAXES 1028-6651 32,521.28 Check Total: 32.521.28 AP-00091877 MW ALSBURY,MARY INFORMATION TECH TRAVEUMEETINGS 1037-6200 107.72 ALSBURY,MARY INFORMATION TECH TRAVEUMEETINGS 2037-6200 107.73 Check Total: 215.45 AP-00091878 MW AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES GEN 8 ADMIN UNIFORM PAYABLE 1000-2518 1,885.84 Check Total: �.gg5,g4 AP-00091879 MW APPLIED INDUSTRIAL TECH INC HEAVY MAINT GROUNDS&MNTC 1004-6042 3,724.55 Check Total: 3.724.55 AP-00091880 MW ARETE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING-GIS SFTWR DEV CONTRACT SERVICE 1029-4405-GISSFT 776.25 ARETE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING-GIS SFTWR DEV CONTRACT SERVICE 2029-4405-GISSFT 776.25 Check Total: 1.552.50 AP-00091881 MW ASCHENBACH,JARED L ELECTRICAL SHOP TRAVEUMEETINGS 1003-6200 117.50 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 1 Current Date: 11/10/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<].03> Current Time: 15:02:07 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Am un Check Num Tvoe ASCHENBACH,JARED L ELECTRICAL SHOP TRAVEUMEETINGS 2003-6200 117.50 Check Total: 235.00 AP-00091882 MW ASHMORE,SHANDI CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 1,350.00 Check Total: 1.350.00 AP-00091883 MW ATBT MOBILITY PUMPS TELEPHONE 1002-6310 41.50 ATBT MOBILITY ELECTRICAL SHOP TELEPHONE 1003-6310 4.99 ATBT MOBILITY ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 1029-6310 17.42 ATBT MOBILITY INFORMATION TECH TELEPHONE 1037-6310 20.75 ATBT MOBILITY UNDERGROUND REP TELEPHONE 2001 -6310 41.50 AT&T MOBILITY PUMPS TELEPHONE 2002-6310 41.50 ATBT MOBILITY ELECTRICAL SHOP TELEPHONE 2003-6310 4.98 AT&T MOBILITY ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 2029-6310 19.07 AT&T MOBILITY INFORMATION TECH TELEPHONE 2037-6310 20.75 Check Total: 212.46 AP-00091884 MW ATBT/CALNET 3 GEN 8 ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000-6310 330.77 AT&T/CALNET 3 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 1038-6310 8.87 � !�1'&T/CALNET 3 GEN 8�ADMIN TELEPHONE 2000-6310 330.76 AT&T/CALNET 3 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 2038-6310 8.87 Check Total: 679.27 AP-00091885 MW AW DIRECT EQUIPMENT REPAIR REP TRK 15 2005-8553 531.44 Check Total: 531.44 AP-00091886 MW AXELSON IRON SHOP HEAVY MAINT SECONDARY EQUIP 1004-6022 32.40 Check Total: 32.40 AP-00091887 MW BARSAMIAN,BETTY PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027-6620-PREEXT 258.75 Check Total: 258.75 AP-00091888 MW BAY AREA COATING CONSULTANTS ENGINEERING-AERATION BASIN 1 AER BSN1 REHAB 1029-8502-AB1 RHB 6,404.75 BAY AREA COATING CONSULTANTS ENGINEERING-PR CLARIF 2 RHB PR CLRF2 REHAB 1029-8521 -PC2RHB 6,404.75 Check Total: 12.809.50 AP-00091889 MW B68H BENEFIT DESIGNS HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 1022-4405 116.00 B68H BENEFIT DESIGNS HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 2022-4405 116.00 Check Total: 232.00 AP-00091890 MW BERTS CAFE GEN 8 ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 1000-2002 142.72 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 2 Current Date: 11/10/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims RepoR(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 15:02:07 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department I Proj Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tv�e Check Total: 142.72 AP-00091891 MW BEST BEST 8 KRIEGER LLP ENGINEERING LEGAL-REGULAR 1029-4480 277.40 BEST BEST&KRIEGER LLP ENGINEERING-WL,SADDLE LEGAL-SPEC PROJ 2029-4475-SADLWL 4,380.00 BEST BEST&KRIEGER LLP ENGINEERING LEGAL-REGULAR 2029-4480 277.40 Check Totai: 4.934.80 AP-00091892 MW BI STATE PROPANE PUMPS WELLS 2002-6050 213.09 Check Total: 213.09 AP-00091893 MW BING MATERIALS UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 2001 -6052 1,041.46 CheckTotal: 1.041.46 AP-00091894 MW BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL UNDERGROUND REP CONTRACT SERVICE 1001 -4405 4,108.00 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL DIAMOND VLY RNCH CONTRACT SERVICE 1028-4405 501.00 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING CONTRACT SERVICE 1029-4405 79.95 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING-WTR SYS MSTR PLN CONTRACT SERVICE 1029-4405-WTRSMP 395.98 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING-WINPLANT MSTR PLN CONTRACT SERVICE 1029-4405-WINTPMP 287.82 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING-LPPS PWR/CTRLS LPPS PWR/CTR UPG 1029-8330-LPPOWR 391.76 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL INFORMATION TECH CONTRACT SERVICE 1037-4405 205.68 � �UE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 1039-4405 158.17 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL UNDERGROUND REP CONTRACT SERVICE 2001 -4405 5,986.96 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING CONTRACT SERVICE 2029-4405 259.67 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING-2014 METER PRJ METERS 2014 2029-7013-METERS 735.54 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING-SIERRA I EROSION EROS CNTRL PROJS 2029-8359-ECSIER 111.93 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING-FIRE HYDRANTS FR HYD 6"LINES 2029-8560-HYDRNT 2,086.51 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING-2015 METERS PROJ METERS PHASE II 2029-8660-15W002 1,726.92 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL INFORMATION TECH CONTRACT SERVICE 2037-4405 205.68 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE 2038-4405 1,744.40 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 776.40 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 2039-4405 158.18 CheckTotal: �g.g20.55 AP-00091895 MW BSK ASSOCIATES LABORATORY MONITORING 2007-6110 8,976.00 Check Total: 8.976.00 AP-00091896 MW BURDICK EXCAVATING CO GEN 8 ADMIN HYDRANT PERMITS 200�-3529 5,663.10 Check Total: 5.663.10 AP-00091897 MW User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 3 Current Date: ]1/10/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 15:02:07 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Deaartment/Proj Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tv�e CALIF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION ENGINEERING REGLTRY OP PRMTS 2029-6650 1,589.38 Check Total: 1.589.38 AP-00091898 MW CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL FINANCE ADVISORY 1039-4440 175.00 CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL FINANCE ADVISORY 2039-4440 175.00 Check Total: 350.00 AP-00091899 MW CARBON ACTIVATED CORPORATION OPERATIONS CARBON 1006-4740 11,803.06 Check Total: 11.803.06 AP-00091900 MW CARSON PUMP PUMPS SUT WELL#3 REPR 2002-7017 25,075.00 Check Total: 25.075.00 AP-00091901 MW CASA BOARD OF DIR DUES/MEMB/CERT 1019-6250 15,600.00 Check Total: 15.600.00 AP-00091902 MW CASHMAN EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6011 25.04 Check Total: 25.04 AP-00091903 MW CHAPEL OF THE BELLS ENGINEERING EROS CNTRL PROJS 2029-8359 13,472.75 Check Total: 13.472.75 AP-00091904 MW �IARTER BUSINESS GEN&ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000-6310 139.70 �o QHARTER BUSINESS GEN 8 ADMIN TELEPHONE 2000-6310 139.70 Check Total: 27g.4p AP-00091905 MW CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE UNDERGROUND REP CONST/EXCAV PRMT 2001 -6648 16,296.00 Check Total: 16.296.00 AP-00091906 MW CLEAN HARBORS ENVIR SRVCS INC LABORATORY OTHER SUPPLIES 1007-4790 445.46 CLEAN HARBORS ENVIR SRVCS INC LABORATORY OTHER SUPPLIES 2007-4790 445.45 Check Total: 890.91 AP-00091907 MW COTULLA,SHANNON ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2029-6200 168.00 Check Total: 168.00 AP-00091908 MW CSRMA CUSTOMER SERVICE CSRMA LIAB CLAIM 2038-4521 13,690.65 Check Total: 13.690.65 AP-00091909 MW CWEA HEAVY MAINT DUESlMEMB/CERT 1004-6250 164.00 Check Total: 164.00 AP-00091910 MW DIY HOME CENTER ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 1003-6041 4.85 DIY HOME CENTER HEAW MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 8.74 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 4 Current Date: 11/10/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 15:02:07 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proi Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvoe DIY HOME CENTER PUMPS WELLS 2002-6050 27.45 DIY HOME CENTER PUMPS RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2002-6054 37.35 Check Total: 78.39 AP-00091911 MW DOUGLAS COUNTY GEN 8�ADMIN-FIRE'15 GR ADMN SUSPENSE 2000-2504-SMOKY7 8,023.69 Check Total: 8.023.69 AP-00091912 MW DOUGLAS DISPOSAL GEN&ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000-6370 20.02 Check Total: 20.02 AP-00091913 MW ED COOK TREE SERVICE PUMPS GROUNDS 8 MNTC 2002-6042 280.00 Check Total: 280.00 AP-00091914 MW ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CO INC HEAVY MAINT VFD,RAS PUMP#1 1004-7522 6,945.13 Check Total: 6.945.13 AP-00091915 MW EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL INC LABORATORY MONITORING 1007-6110 240.00 EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL INC LABORATORY-ARHD3 TRTMT EXP MONITORING 2007-6110-AH3EXP 40.00 Check Total: 280.00 AP-00091916 MW FEHRMAN,RICHARD GEN 8 ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 1000-2002 14,790.00 N Check Total: 14.790.00 AP-00091917 MW F�RGUSON ENTERPRISES INC HEAVY MAINT SECONDARY EQUIP 1004-6022 2g,gg FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC HEAVY MAINT SMALL TOOLS 1004-6073 74.98 Check Total: 104.87 AP-00091918 MW FLYERS ENERGY LLC GEN&ADMIN GASOLINE INV 1000-0415 6,377.20 FLYERS ENERGY LLC GEN&ADMIN DIESEL INVENTORY 1000-0416 1,703.93 FLYERS ENERGY LLC HEAVY MAINT SECONDARY EQUIP 1004-6022 619.38 F�YERS ENERGY LLC EQUIPMENT REP OIL 8 LUBE 1005-4630 394,60 FLYERS ENERGY LLC DIAMOND VLY RNCH OIL&LUBE 1028-4630 667.52 FLYERS ENERGY LLC EQUIPMENT REPAIR OIL 8�LUBE 2005-4630 394.59 Check Total: 10.157.22 AP-00091919 MW FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS DIAMOND VLY RNCH TELEPHONE 1028-6310 304.95 Check Total: 304.95 AP-00091920 MW GARON,KIM FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 1039-6200 126.46 GARON,KIM FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 2039-6200 126.46 Check Total: 252.g2 AP-00091921 MW User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 5 Current Date: 11/10/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 15:02:07 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Descriotion Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvoe GENERAL AMERICAN GAS GEN 8 ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 1000-2002 489.65 GENERAL AMERICAN GAS GEN&ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 2000-2002 489.65 Check Total: 979.30 AP-00091922 MW GRAINGER ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 1003-6041 54.26 GRAINGER ELECTRICAL SHOP SMALL TOOLS 1003-6073 83.59 GRAINGER HEAVY MAINT BUILDINGS 1004-6041 228.36 GRAINGER EQUIPMENT REP GENERATORS 1005-6013 1,527.55 Check Total: 1.893.76 AP-00091923 MW HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES LLC ENGINEERING-DVR IRRIG IMPRVS DVR IRR IMPRVMNT 1029-8161 -DVRIIP 2,404.00 Check Total: 2.404.00 AP-00091924 MW HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION SERVICE CONTRACT 1021 -6030 15.33 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE CONTRACT 1022-6030 142.96 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING SERVICE CONTRACT 1029-6030 98.46 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 1038-6030 34.74 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS FINANCE SERVICE CONTRACT 1039-6030 93.03 I-�IGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION SERVICE CONTRACT 2021 -6030 15.33 N hHGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE CONTRACT 2022-6030 142.95 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING SERVICE CONTRACT 2029-6030 98.46 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 2038-6030 34.74 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS FINANCE SERVICE CONTRACT 2039-6030 93.03 Check Total: 769.03 AP-00091925 MW HILTON,JIM DIAMOND VLY RNCH TRAVEUMEETINGS 1028-6200 134.00 Check Total: 134.00 AP-00091926 MW INDUSTRIAL COMPRESSOR SUPPLIES PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002-6051 533.60 Check Total: 533.60 AP-00091927 MW KHACHOONI,LINDA GEN 8 ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 1000-2002 234.83 KHACHOONI,LINDA GEN 8�ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 2000-2002 234.83 Check Total: 469.66 AP-00091928 MW KOPE,ROBERT CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 100.00 Check Total: 100.00 AP-00091929 MW KOSCIOLEK,LINDA CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEUMEETINGS 1038-6200 35.65 KOSCIOLEK,LINDA CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEUMEETINGS 2038-6200 35.65 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 6 Current Date: 11/]0/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 15:02:07 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Deoartment/Proj Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvae Check Total: 71.30 AP-00091930 MW LAKESIDE NAPA GEN&ADMIN VEH FLTRS EQ RP 1000-0490 323.07 LAKESIDE NAPA PUMPS MOBILE EQUIP 1002-6012 77,2p LAKESIDE NAPA PUMPS LUTHER PASS 1002-6048 159.17 LAKESIDE NAPA PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002-6051 15.25 LAKESIDE NAPA HEAVY MAINT BUILDINGS 1004-6041 16.03 LAKESIDE NAPA HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 g.g7 LAKESIDE NAPA HEAVY MAINT SMALL TOOLS 1004-6073 172.52 LAKESIDE NAPA EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6011 2,086.69 LAKESIDE NAPA EQUIPMENT REP GENERATORS 1005-6013 159.19 LAKESIDE NAPA EQUIPMENT REP SHOP SUPPLIES 1005-6071 166.12 LAKESIDE NAPA UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPLIES 2001 -6071 69.77 LAKESIDE NAPA UNDERGROUND REP SMALL TOOLS 2001 -6073 9.63 LAKESIDE NAPA PUMPS MOBILE EQUIP 2002-6012 77.20 LAKESIDE NAPA EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005-6011 1,164.16 Lf4KESIDE NAPA EQUIPMENT REPAIR GENERATORS 2005-6013 120.40 �,KESIDE NAPA EQUIPMENT REPAIR SHOP SUPPLIES 2005-6071 166.11 I Check Total: 4.791.48 AP-00091931 MW LEAGUE TO SAVE LAKE TAHOE CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 7,500.00 Check Total: 7.500.00 AP-00091932 MW LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6011 1,040.63 Check Total: 1.040.63 AP-00091933 MW LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN&ADMIN ELECTRICITY 1000-6330 65,398.99 LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN&ADMIN ST LIGHTING EXP 1000-6740 30.47 LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN&ADMIN ELECTRICITY 2000-6330 19,946.81 Check Total: 85.376.27 AP-00091934 MW LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6011 805.54 LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005-6011 833.04 Check Total: 1.638.58 AP-00091935 MW MAHNKE,PATRICIA CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 179.93 Check Total: 179.93 AP-00091936 MW MATTHEWS,TROY CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 1,113.00 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 7 Current Date: 11/]0/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 15:02:07 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Deaartment/Proj Name Description Acct#I Proj Code Amoun Check Num Tvoe Check Total: 1.113.00 AP-00091937 MW MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002-6073 402.43 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2002-6054 �g2,�7 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002-6073 402.53 Check Total: gg7,�3 AP-00091938 MW McLELLAND,BUCK UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEUMEETINGS 2001 -6200 188.00 Check Total: 1 gg.00 AP-00091939 MW MCNAMAR,PHIL UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEUMEETINGS 2001 -6200 188.00 Check Total: 188.00 AP-00091940 MW MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS BUILDINGS 1002-6041 10.96 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS LUTHER PASS 1002-6048 121.87 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 1003-6041 21.62 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER ELECTRICAL SHOP SMALL TOOLS 1003-6073 31.07 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINT BUILDINGS 1004-6041 46.16 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 41.02 INEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINT SMALL TOOLS 1004-6073 439.28 N RAEEKS BUILDING CENTER DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS 8�MNTC 1028-6042 62.84 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS BUILDINGS 2002-6041 10.96 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS WELLS 2002-6050 28.97 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2002-6054 123.58 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER ELECTRICAL SHOP SMALL TOOLS 2003-6073 188.78 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004-6041 726.29 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER ENGINEERING-2015 METERS PROJ METERS PHASE II 2029-8660-15W002 30.76 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES 2038-6071 32.62 Check Total: 1.916J8 AP-00091941 MW MID MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS DIAMOND VLY RNCH SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1028-6075 484.18 MID MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRICAL SHOP RADIO-RPRS/RPLCM 2003-6056 204.25 Check Total: 688.43 AP-00091942 MW MOTEL 6 PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 1002-6083 98.65 MOTEL 6 PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 2002-6083 98.65 Check Total: 197.30 AP-00091943 MW NELS TAHOE HARDWARE PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002-6071 27.00 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 8 Current Date: 11/10/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<].03> Current Time: 15:02:07 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Descriction Acct#/Prqj Code Amount Check Num Tvoe NELS TAHOE HARDWARE HEAVY MAINT SECONDARY EQUIP 1004-6022 14.02 NELS TAHOE HARDWARE HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 1.06 NELS TAHOE HARDWARE DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS 8 MNTC 1028-6042 1g.g6 NELS TAHOE HARDWARE PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 2002-6071 27.00 Check Total: 89.04 AP-00091944 MW NIXON'S HEATING/AIR CONDIT INC HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004-6041 2,931.20 Check Total: 2.931.20 AP-00091945 MW OFFICE DEPOT GEN 8�ADMIN OFFICE INVENTORY 1000-0428 298.74 Check Total: 298.74 Ap-00091946 MW ONTRAC LABORATORY POSTAGE EXPENSES 1007-4810 15.48 ONTRAC LABORATORY POSTAGE EXPENSES 2007-4810 64.15 Check Total: 7g,g3 AP-00091947 MW OUTSIDE TELEVISION PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 1027-6620-PREEXT 1,005.50 OUTSIDE TELEVISION PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027-6620-PREEXT 1,005.50 Check Total: 2,011.00 AP-00091948 MW �/IVO USA LLC HEAVY MAINT PRIMARY EQUIP 1004-6021 2,863.32 � I Check Total: 2.863.32 AP-00091949 MW P K SAFETY SUPPLY PUMPS SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1002-6075 394.20 P K SAFETY SUPPLY PUMPS SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 2002-6075 394.20 Check Total: 788.40 AP-00091950 MW PALIN,MARY GEN 8 ADMIN-T8M UB CASH BRD MISC INCOME 2000-3540-TMCBUB 455.50 Check Total: 455.50 AP-00091951 MW PATTERSON,JESSE CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 326.87 Check Total: 326.87 AP-00091952 MW PDM STEEL PUMPS RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2002-6054 108.81 Check Total: 108.81 AP-00091953 MW PRAXAIR 174 HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 160.66 PRAXAIR 174 EQUIPMENT REP GENERATORS 1005-6013 377.87 Check Total: 538.53 AP-00091954 MW RED WING SHOE STORE DIAMOND VLY RNCH SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1028-6075 224.91 Check Total: p24.g� AP-00091955 MW User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 9 Current Date: 11/10/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 15:02:07 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvpe RELIANCE STANDARD GEN 8 ADMIN LIFE INS UN/BD 1000-2512 1,514.88 RELIANCE STANDARD GEN&ADMIN LIFE INS MGMT 1000-2525 538.10 RELIANCE STANDARD GEN 8 ADMIN LNG TRM DIS,MGMT 1000-2531 1,339.43 RELIANCE STANDARD GEN 8 ADMIN LTD,UNION 1000-2539 1,628.84 Check Total: 5.021.25 AP-00091956 MW RICE,WILLIAM CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WfR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 85.86 Check Total: g5,gg AP-00091957 MW SCOTTYS HARDWARE EQUIPMENT REP GENERATORS 1005-6013 60.09 SCOTTYS HARDWARE ENGINEERING SHOP SUPPLIES 1029-6071 20.51 SCOTTYS HARDWARE PUMPS RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2002-6054 38.97 SCOTTYS HARDWARE HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004-6041 g.22 SCOTTYS HARDWARE ENGINEERING SHOP SUPPLIES 2029-6071 20.51 Check Total: 149.30 AP-00091958 MW SHERMAN,THERESA FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 1039-6200 126.73 SHERMAN,THERESA FINANCE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2039-6200 126.73 i Check Total: 253.46 AP-00091959 MW N 3FIERWIN-WILLIAMS HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004-6041 226.44 Check Total: 226.44 AP-00091960 MW SIANO,CHRIS OPERATIONS TRAVEUMEETINGS 1006-6200 76.36 Check Total: 76.36 AP-00091961 MW SIERRA CHEMICAL CO PUMPS ITYPOCHLORITE 2002-4755 1,018.43 Check Total: 1,018.43 AP-00091962 MW SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY-IND CRK RES MONT MONITORING 1007-6110-INDIAN 258.00 Check Total: 258.00 AP-00091963 MW SIERRA FUND,THE ENGINEERING-INT RGNL WTR MGT CONTRACT SERVICE 2029-4405-IRWMPL 7,615.21 Check Total: 7.615.21 AP-00091964 MW SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP HUMAN RESOURCES ADS/LGL NOTICES 1022-4930 252.78 SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP HUMAN RESOURCES ADS/LGL NOTICES 2022-4930 252.78 Check Total: 505.56 AP-00091965 MW SIERRA SPRINGS PUMPS SUPPLIES 1002-6520 25.30 SIERRA SPRINGS DIAMOND VLY RNCH SUPPLIES 1028-6520 25.30 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 10 Current Date: 11/10/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims RepoR(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 15:02:07 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvoe SIERRA SPRINGS CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 1038-6520 13.03 SIERRA SPRINGS CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 2038-6520 13.03 Check Total: 76.66 AP-00091966 MW SMITH POWER PRODUCTS INC EQUIPMENT REP GEN STAN CAMP 1005-8215 18,104.44 Check Total: 18,104.44 AP-00091967 MW SOUTH SHORE GLASS&DOOR INC HEAVY MAINT BUILDINGS 1004-6041 219.60 Check Total: 21g.60 AP-00091968 MW SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE GEN 8�ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000-6370 2,869.00 SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE GEN 8 ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 2000-6370 gg.g2 Check Total: 2.967.92 AP-00091969 MW SOUTHWEST GAS GEN 8 ADMIN NATURAL GAS 1000-6350 2,167.04 SOUTHWEST GAS GEN 8 ADMIN NATURAL GAS 2000-6350 503.07 Check Total: 2.670.11 AP-00091970 MW STEEL-TOE-SHOES.COM UNDERGROUND REP SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1001 -6075 134.99 Check Total: 134.99 AP-00091971 MW S�UPERIOR ASPHALT MAINTENANCE UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 2001 -6052 24,715.02 � Check Total: 24.715.02 AP-00091972 MW SWRCB ACCOUNTING OFFICE OPERATIONS REGLTRY OP PRMTS 1006-6650 111,183.00 SWRCB ACCOUNTING OFFICE PUMPS REGLTRY OP PRMTS 2002-6650 2,088.00 Check Total: 113.271.00 AP-00091973 MW TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE GEN&ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000-6370 312.50 TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE OPERATIONS SLUDGE DISPOSAL 1006-6652 8,930.88 Check Total: g.243.38 AP-00091974 MW TAHOE DIESEL SERVICE EQUIPMENT REPAIR REPL ENG/TR TBD 2005-8515 2,744.81 Check Total: 2.744.81 AP-00091975 MW TAHOE SAND 8 GRAVEL UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 2001 -6052 1,878.30 Check Total: 1.878.30 AP-00091976 MW TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 2001 -6052 396.90 TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY ELECTRICAL SHOP WELLS 2003-6050 18.14 TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY ELECTRICAL SHOP RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2003-6054 281.78 Check Total: 696.82 AP-00091977 MW User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 11 Current Date: 1 I/]0/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 15:02:07 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Prqj Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvoe TMI CONSULTING INC HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY PROGRAMS 1022-6079 250.00 TMI CONSULTING INC HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY PROGRAMS 2022-6079 250.00 Check Total: 500.00 AP-00091978 MW USA BLUE BOOK OPERATIONS GROUNDS 8�MNTC 1006-6042 1,016.22 USA BLUE BOOK UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 2001 -6052 180.67 Check Total: 1.196.89 AP-00091979 MW WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY GEN 8�ADMIN JANIT/SUPPLY INV 1000-0422 617.76 Check Total: 617.76 AP-00091980 MW WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 1003-6041 633.43 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAI SHOP PUMP STATIONS 1003-6051 52.65 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 2003-6051 11.44 Check Total: 697.52 AP-00091981 MW WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY HEAVY MAINT SECONDARY EQUIP 1004-6022 21.62 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY GEN 8 ADMIN BOXES/LIDS/1NV 2000-0403 1,363.27 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY GEN 8 ADMIN SADDLES FTNG INV 2000-0407 4,824.77 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY GEN&ADMIN PIPE INVENTORY 2000-0408 434.16 N V�STERN NEVADA SUPPLY GEN&ADMIN FIRE HYD&PARTS 2000-0409 4,665.77 Check Total: 11.309.59 AP-00091982 MW WOODWARD,LYNN CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 82.08 Check Total: g2,pg AP-00091983 MW Grand Total: 768,645.30 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 12 Current Date: 11/10/2015 Report: BK:Payment oFClaims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 15:02:07 General Manager Richard H.Solbrig � • 1950 • �'V� �� � Director5 � o h a O� ChriS Gefalu ;�l James R.Jones �- . , , � � Kandy Vogelgesang � pub[ic Utllity D15trict KellySheehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-74-01 Phone 530 544-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•WWW.5�p1JG�.U5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: November 19, 2015 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufact�ring Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CVO6-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -29- General Manager Richard H.5olbrig � ��r � ^ Director5 �H�� WQtgr („�.�, t , T ChriS Cefalu `.� O U� f James R.Jonee s � � �� Randy Vogelgesang �� =`� public Utility DiStrict KellySheehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 54�4-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•WWW.5��7UGI.U5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: November 19, 2015 ITEM-PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct Staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATiACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES C1 NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -31- General Manager Richard H.5olbrig • 1950 • ��� w� O �� a o e Directory GhriS Cefalu JameS R.Jones _"" ,�.,� p��1[V V��(I�y ����! ��� Randy Vogelge5ang Kelly 5heehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 54�4-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: November 19, 2015 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al., County of EI Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES �L NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -33-