HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 11-05-15 yo�TH TANOF -�. -:�.— . A(jeewe� • 1950 ' �9`�G' ��U1'ILI'TY��,�, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, November 5, 2015 - 2:00 P.nn. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbrig, General Manager Shannon Cotulla,Assistant General Manager Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Duane Wallace, Director 1. CAII TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING— PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE(At this time, please silence phones and other electronic devices so as not to disrupt the business of the meeting.) 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on any shorf non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No discussion or action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda, per the Brown Act. Each member of the public who wishes to comment shall be allotted five minutes,and no more than three individuals shall address the same subject.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes of the Brown Act,all Action and Consent items listed give a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed. Recommendations of the staff, as shown, do not prevent the Board from taking other action.) 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request.Comments and questions from members of the public,staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION /ACTION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Osgood Street Sewer Pipeline Emergency Replacement Project �Stephen Caswell,Senior Engineer) Pg 29 Terminate emergency action to replace 400 linear feet of sewer pipe on the former Osgood Street location. b. Primary Clarifier No. 1/Aeration Basin No. 2 Rehabilitation (Stephen Caswell,Senior Engineer) Pg 31 Authorize Task Order No. 7 to HDR, Inc., in the amount of $1 14,615 for engineering design for rehabilitation work on Primary Clarifier No. 2. c. Approve Payment of Claims (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Pg 41 Approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $2,856,388.44 7. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place;however, no action will be taken.) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA- November 5, 2015 PAGE-2 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place;however, no action will be taken.) 9. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT 10. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT (Discussion may take place;however, no action will be taken.) a. Water Meter Loans b. City's 50th Anniversary Gala 1 1. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 12. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS Past Meetings/Events 10/15/15-2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District Future Meetinas/Events 11/11/15-Veteran's Day Holiday-District Office Closed 11/16/15-3:30 p.m. Operations Committee Meeting at District 11/19/15-2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at the District 13. CLOSED SESSION (The Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss items identified below.Closed Session is not open to the public;however, an opportunity will be provided at this time if inembers of the public would like to comment on any item listed-three minute limit.) a. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CV06-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of California. Pg 6� b. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. Pg bs c. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al., County of EI Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165. Pg 65 ACTION REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION ADJOURNMENT (The next Regular Board Meeting is Thursday, November 19,2015 at 2:00 p.m.) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA- November 5, 2015 PAGE-3 The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month.A complete Agenda packet is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after Minutes of the meeting have been approved.Items on the Agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear.Designated times are for parficular items only.Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified,but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public participation is encouraged.Public comments on items appearing on the Agenda will be taken at the same time the Agenda items are heard;comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered.Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written materials presented at the meeting.Comments on items not on the Agenda can be heard during"Comments from the Audience;"however,action cannot be taken on items not on the Agenda. Backup materials relating to an open session item on this Agenda,which are not included with the Board packet,will be made available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed or made available to the Board,and can be viewed at the District office,at the Board meeting and upon request to ihe Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities.Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings.If particular accommodations are needed,please contact ihe Clerk of the Board at(530) 544-6474,extension 6203.All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA- November 5, 2015 PAGE-4 yo�TH rqMoF - .�.,.�,:. - - �-�.� �A(�e`k"Q� . 1 950 • we�` ��1T1LITY D�� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CONSENT CALENDAR November 5, 2015 ITEMS a. ANGORA CREEK SEWER RELOCATION PROJECT (Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist) Pg 1 Concur with issuance of a task order in an amount not to exceed $1,000 to Western Botanical Services for post-construction revegetation monitoring services. b. DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist) Pg 3 Accept the cost proposal from Sunrise Engineering in the amount of$24,992 to provide engineering support services for construction of Bid Alternate #1: C-line Hydroelectric Facilities. c. TRUCKEE MARSH SEWER FACILITIES PROTECTION PROJECT (Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist) Pg 9 Authorize staff to issue a purchase order in an amount not to exceed $5,000 to Liquid Innovations for the fabrication and installation of a Beaver Pond Leveler. d. APPLICATION FOR TREATMENT PLANT GENERATOR UPGRADES TO THE CLEAN WATER STATE REVOLVING FUND (Lynn Nolan, Grants Coordinator) Pg 13 Adopt Resolution No. 3004-15, Resolution No. 3005-15 and Resolution No. 3006-15 for application for treatment plant generator upgrades to the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. e. ALPINE COUNTY ANNUAL IMPACT/MITIGATION/COMPENSATION (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Pg 21 Authorize payment of District's annual mitigation fee to A�pine County in the amount of $1 13,700. f. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: October 15. 2015 (Eileen Eidam, Assistant Board Clerk) Pg 25 Approve October 15, 2015 Minutes venerai rwanager Richard H.Solbrig • 1950 • �.�8r �'�/� „1 t ,� w �� Director5 U � � ChriS Cefalu Jamea R.Jonee �' �F pubiic Utiiity DiStrict RandyVogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 f'hor�530 5G�4-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist MEETING DATE: November 5, 2015 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Angora Creek Sewer Relocation Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Concur with issuance of a task order in an amount not to exceed $1,000 to Western Botanical Services (WBSj for post-construction revegetation monitoring services. DISCUSSION: Special Condition 3C of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) Permit for the Angora Creek Sewer Relocation Project requires the District to conduct soil compaction and revegetation monitoring for up to two years following construc- tion. The District and WBS completed post-construction monitoring at the end of Year 1 in October, 2014. In order to complete the TRPA permitting requirements for this project, staff requested that WBS provide a cost estimate to perform post-construction monitoring at the end of Year 2. This will generally entail conducting a site assessment of the vegetative cover within the project corridor; photo-documenting the health and vigor of the vegetative cover; and preparing a technical memorandum documenting the findings of the site assessment. SCHEDULE: October, 2015 - November, 2015 COSTS: $1,000 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-7006 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: Unbudgeted item, will use contingencies ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES ��1� NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -1- v�n�i cn manaycr Richard H.5olbrig • 1950 • �.�1@t N/$j�r ^ �� + O� Director5 ; � �j ChriS Cefalu �� G/1 Jamey R.Jones '«-" Randy Vogelgeeang � public Utiiity DiStrict Kelly9heehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 54�4--64-74•Fax 530 54-1-06i4•www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist MEETING DATE: November 5, 2015 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Diamond Valley Ranch Irrigation Improvements Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Accept the cost proposai from Sunrise Engineering in the amount of$24,992 to provide engineering supporf services for construction of Bid Alternate #1: C-line Hydroelectric Facilities. DISCUSSION: Since 2012, Sunrise Engineering (Sunrise) has been providing engineering services to the District for the planning, permitting and design of the C-line Hydraulic Power Generation Project (CHYDRO). In May, 2015, the technical specifications and engineering plans for this project were included as Bid Alternate #1 in the contract documents for the Diamond Valley Ranch Irrigation Improvement Project-Phase 1 (DVRIIP-Phasel). On July 16, 2015, the Board awarded the bid for construction of DVRIIP-Phase 1 including Bid Alternate #1: C-line Hydroelectric Facilities. As Sunrise is the design engineer for Bid Alternate #1: C-line Hydroelectric Facilities, staff requested a cost proposal to provide engineering support during construction for this bid item. This generally entails assisting the District in responding to Contractor's Request for Information; reviewing Contractor submittals; conducting site visits to inspect the turbine 8� generator and equipment during installation and start-up and commissioning; and preparation of record drawings. Staff recommends that the Board accept the cost proposal from Sunrise Engineering as submitted. SCHEDULE: October, 2015, through December, 2016 COSTS: $24,992 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8161 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABIE: $8.9 Million ATTACHMENTS: Proposal for Professional Engineering Services (Sunrise, Oct 27, 2015) CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES /I V NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -3- ����SUNRISE �:`��L.N�is'�.�.l.i?6i•i(; October 27,2015 Ivo Bergsohn,P.G.,C.Hg. Hydrogeologist South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe,CA 96150 Re: Proposal for Professional Engineering Services Construction Support C-Line Hydraulic Power Generation Project South Lake Tahoe,California Dear Ivo, Sunrise Engineering is pleased to submit this proposal for engineering services for the above referenced project. We appreciate your interest in continuing a working relationship with our firm and look forward to a successful effort together. SCOPE OF SERVICES Sunrise Engineering proposes to assist South Tahoe Public Utility District(STPUD)with the following items as part of the basic Scope of Services, as related to construction support for the hydraulic power genexation portion of the project. 1. Review and respond to Contractor RFIs. 2. Review Contractor Submittals (including submittals associated with valves, flow meter, turbine & generator and equipment). 3. Project Site Visits (two trips) a. Turbine&Generator and equipment installation(one overnight ttip) b. Turbine&Generator Start-up&Commissioning(one overnight trip) 4. Prepare Contract Record Drawings. It is assutned that relarive to Contractor RFIs and Submittals,there will be coordination xequixed with STPUD, STPUD's engineer pomenichelli and Associates (D&A),and D&A's subconsultant Frisch Engineering. In order to assist you we would require the following information. 1. An electronic copy of Domenichelli&Associates'full bidding package. PROJECT TEAM The following Sunrise Engineering staff have been assigned to assist with this project. 1. Derek Anderson,P.E.,Principal Engineer and Project Manager(Engineer� 12227 SOti?'�i E�USIiJESS PAR�Cn;STE 2?3•DRA��ER.l�i,�,H 84���0�TEL�i0�5�3.0"O0•80�3.5?:3.�%21•FAX£�015[3.09;o www.sunrise-eng.com —5— I.Bergsohn October 27,2015 Page 2 of 2 2. Dao Yang, P.E., Project Engineer and Registered Pxofessional Engineer in the State of California (Engineer� 3. Randy Knapp,P.E.,Project Engineer(Electrical Engineer I� 4. Brandon Merritt,EIT(Electrical Engineer Intern n 5. Michael Smith(Engineering Tech I) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FEE Sunrise Engineexing proposes to complete the work highlighted in the scope of services for an estimated budget of Twenty Four Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Two Dollars ($24,992).Efforts shall be billed on a time and materials basis for work performed.Compensation shall be according to the hourly rates and fees given in the attached Exhibit A. Also attached is the Man-hour Estimate/Summary of Costs (Exhibit B)which provides a detail of the estimated hours and direct costs related to the scope of services. If additional assistance is required by STPUD that is either outside the scope of services or beyond the estimated budget,an amendment to the task order or a new task order will be required to address the additional efforts. SCHEDULE Sunrise Engineering expects to provide services as requested by STI'UD's project manager throughout the duration of the construction schedule for the project. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this important project. Please call me at (801) 523-0100 with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Derek S.Anderson,P.E. Principal Engineer Sunrise Engineering,Inc. Attachments 12227 SOl,7N 6�15lNESS PARK DR.S�'E=20•GRAr ER,U?Ai;84020•TEL 801.523A'00•888.5�3.Z12�•FAX BC�.�Z3.094C www.sunrise-eng.com —6— SUNRISE ENGINEERING FEE SCHEDULE EXHIBIT A Work Work Hourly Wark Work Hourly Code Classification Rate Code Classification Rate 101 Engineer Intern(E.I.T.)I $89 404 CAD Drafter N $95 102 Engineer Intern(E.I.T.)II $99 451 Training Specialist I $'7'7 103 Engineer III $125 452 Training Specialist II $91 104 Engineer N $139 455 Training Specialist $110 105 Engineer V $159 456 Training Manager $123 110 Principal Engineer $179 460 Training Director $154 121 Electrical Engineer Intem(E.I.T.)I $103 500 Funding Specialist $115 122 Electrical Engineer Intem(E.I.T.)II $113 510 Plan Reviewer $107 123 Electrical Engineer III $130 511 Building Inspector I $59 124 Electrical Engineer IV $150 512 Building Inspector II $82 125 Electrical Engineer V $165 513 Building Inspector III $102 126 Principal Electrical Engineer $185 525 Building Official $118 301 Engineering Tech I $69 604 GIS Tech $g3 302 Engineering Tech II $85 611 GIS Specialist $93 303 Engineering Tech III $99 51 Administrative I $41 304 Engineering Tech IV $121 52 Administrative II $51 311 Electrical Tech I $79 53 Administrative III $66 312 Electrical Tech II $89 721 Water Rights Specialist I $88 313 Electrical Tech III $99 722 Water Rights Specialist II $99 314 Electrical Tech IV $109 723 Water Rights Specialist III $113 315 Electrical Tech V $119 930 Survey CAD Tech $87 351 Construction Observer I $59 935 One Man Survey Crew $119 352 Construction Observer II $79 940 Survey Manager $129 353 Construction Observer III $89 945 Registered Surveyor $142 354 Construction Observer IV $99 950 Principal Surveyor $160 401 CAD Drafter I $61 402 CAD Drafter II $71 403 CAD Drafter III $gs REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE SCHEDULE Expense Rate Mark-Up Mileage $0.59 per mile N/A Field Vehicle(on site) $50 per day N/A Per Diem Meals $35 per day N/A Troxler Nuclear Density Gauge $40 per day N/A High Density Scanner $150 per hour N/A Material Testing Lab Work Actual Cost 15% Outside Consultants,Aerial Photography,etc. Actual Cost 1$% Lodging Actual Cost 1p% Other Expenses incurred Actual Cost 10°/a Fee schedule will automatically chauge once per yeaz in January,and is subject to change on other occasio�s. Base 01-2015 —7— ������� SLTNRISE EXHIBIT B ;_�'��������-�����p Man-hour Esrimate/Summary of Costs .�,a C-Line Hydraulic Power Generation Project-Construction Support Services South Tahoe Public Utility District Dcrek A. Dau Y. Randy K. Brandon M. Mika S. Elecrcical Eegineer V EnQlneer V ���el Bngiaeet Bngiveering EnQiveer TV lnum Tech I Dircet Cwt- Direct Coet• Direct Coet- Dircet Coat- Phase Taek WorkTaakDacd tlon B.I.T. I Fdght Lodging Vehick PetDiem M' (bou» S 00111 ConsWctlonSupportSetvicee 001 ContractorRFTs ]0 ? 12 2J 5J,708 002 c�„c���c��s�nm«e�s lU 2 1' �3 53,708 003 SueVisit-1'ticGlnstallunon 7N 1R $],500 $3.i0 3100 5740 ?106 $7,G3? 004 Sitc Vixit-T&G Sta�t-u &Commissmmn 1N 1N 51,500 5.130 �I00 5140 ?IOG 57,G3° Ut15 Cont�xct Recn�d Drawm s ? 3 N tl ^_2 S?,31? Snbwml S?A,992 Sub-rotal F[oucs/ntilen/Days 58 6 G? 8 B 0 143 524,993 IlourlyRJlingRate $1i9.U0 5159.W $150A0 $IU3.110 $69W 8U.59 'Cutal Uullxrs R9,?23 5954 57,300 $B?4 855? $3,OU0 SG(0 S?UO Y2tl0 SO TOTAL i � ' Sunrise Engineering,Inc. 10/27/2015 General Manager Richard H.Solbrig ♦ 1950 • w �� � Q / �� � ^ ^ Director5 u r j�V ChriS Cefalu --..�. �� JameS R.JoneS � �ublic Utiiity DiStrict RandyVogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 i'hone 530 544-6474•Fax 530 54T-0614•WWW.St�'lUG�.US BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist MEETING DATE: November 5, 2015 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Truckee Marsh Sewer Facilities Protection Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to issue a purchase order in an amount not to exceed $5,000 to Liquid Innovations for the fabrication and installation of a Beaver Pond Leveler. DISCUSSION: Sometime following construction of Year 1 Improvements (October, 2014), beavers established themselves within the Upper Truckee Marsh project area and are actively placing debris along Trout Creek. During Year 2 Improvements (August, 2015) the District constructed a pilot channel to activate a secondary channel using Trout Creek flows directed toward the center of the Upper Truckee Marsh. Opening this secondary channel to Trout Creek flows is one of the objectives to reduce flooding of the District's utility easement neighboring the Bellevue Sewer Pump Station. Within days of activating the secondary channel, beavers placed debris at the head of this channel significantly reducing the effectiveness of the Year 2 work. In order to maintain a minimum flow from Trout Creek to the secondary channel, the District received approval from the California Tahoe Conservancy, US Army Corps of Engineers, Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, and California Department of Fish and Wildlife to install a Beaver Pond Leveler (BPL) at the head of the secondary channel for the Upper Truckee Marsh Sewer Facilities Protection Project. District staff needs assistance to fabricate and install a BPL at the head of the secondary channel before winter. In order to complete this work, the District sent plans to Liquid Innovations (of South Lake Tahoe, CA) for their review and to develop a cost estimate for fabrication and assistance installing this custom item. During 2014, Liquid Innovations assisted the District with the custom fabrication and installation of equipment housings for two continuous turbidity monitoring instruments used for this project. -9- Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist November 5,2015 Page 2 Due to the urgency to complete this work before winter, staff is seeking permission to issue a purchase order to Liquid Innovations in an amount not to exceed $5,000.The purchase order would be used for all materials and labor costs required for fabrication of a BPL, as directed by the District. All work for this project would be performed on a time and materials basis. SCHEDULE: November, 2015 COSTS: $5,000 (NTE) ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8426 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: <$164,694> Requires use of reserves ATTACHMENTS: Proposal for Services (Liquid Innovations, October 28, 2015) CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES �11� ,6 NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -10- Proposal for STPUD October 28, 2015 I , Raph Townsend, will provide my assistance with the fabrication and installation of a beaver pond leveler at a site determined by STPUD. Design will be in general conformance with the TRPA-approved pond leveler sketch provided by STPUD. Some materials may be provided by STPUD. Any additional or out of scope work will be documented in written form and agreed upon prior to any work commencing. Based on our discussions and plans,the following is a labor break down of services to be provided. 1. Fabrication of beaver deceiver and related installation tools ..............................34hrs 2. Installation of beaver deceiver(STPUD will provide additional labor.) .... ........16hrs At a billing rate of$60.00 per hour, the above estimated 50 hours equates to $3,000 to get the beaver deceiver fabricated and installed to satisfactory levels. Construction materials will be needed for fabrication purposes but these will be covered by myself and added into the invoice as "Materials"."The work will be performed on a time and materials basis, with an estimated cost not to exceed$5,000; without prior approval by the District." Material invoices will be attached as supporting documentation to the invoice. Some of these materials may be supplied by STPUD and will result in a decreased cost. With a budget not to exceed $5,000 the above labor estimate combined with required fabrication materials will be satisfactory to achieve the objective. I look forward to working with you on this project. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Raph Townsend....................................................................................October 28, 201 S Z'�i��'�'`�. I.1 , ,� Raph Townsend ce11:530-386-2454 raph_townsend@yahoo.com Po box 8999, SLT, CA, 96158 -11- General Manager Richard H.5olbrig � �� � Director5 � w�@r O t ,� Ir'1 O /] ChriS Cefalu r� ��� `�� JameS R.Jones Randy Vogelge5ang �"'� �= p �j '/� ' � � � Kelly 5heehan 1 �V ��V Ut�iity D��trict DuaneWalllace 1275 Meadaw Crest Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 f'hone 530 544-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•WWW.S��'IL1GJ.115 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Lynn Nolan, Grants Coordinator MEETING DATE: November 5, 2015 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Application for Treatment Plant Generator Upgrades to the Clean Water State Revolving Fund REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 3004-15, Resolution No. 3005-15 and Resolution No. 3006-15 for application for treatment piant generator upgrades to the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. DISCUSSION: The State Water Resources Control Board has approved the submission of an application for a Clean Water State Revolving Loan not to exceed $3,730,384 for the Treatment Plant Generator Upgrades. The attached Authorizing Resolution No. 3004-15, Reimbursement Resolution No. 3005-15 and Pledged Revenues and Fund(s) Resolution No. 3006-15 are a requirement of funding and need to be submitted with the application. SCHEDULE: TBD COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 3004-15, Resolution No. 3005-15, Resolution No. 3006-15 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES � . NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -13- � RESOLUTION NO. 3004-15 2 AN AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 3 OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR THE TREATMENT PLANT GENERATOR UPGRADES (Project) 4 5 WHEREAS a determination has been made to seek funding to implement a 6 wastewater improvement project, 7 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Pubiic Utility District (the "District"), as follows: 8 9 The General Manager, Assistant General Manager and/or the Chief Financial Officer or their designee is hereby authorized and directed to sign and file, for and on 10 behalf of the District, a Financial Assistance Application for a financing agreement from the State Water Resources Control Board for the planning, design, and construction of 11 the Treatment Plant Generator Upgrades (the "Project"). 12 This Authorized Representative, or his/her designee, is designated to provide the 13 assurances, certifications, and commitments required for the financial assistance 14 application, including executing a Financial Assistance Agreement from the State Water Resources Control Board and any amendments or changes thereto. 15 The Authorized Representative, or his/her designee, is designated to represent 16 the District in carrying out the District's responsibilities under the Financing Agreement, �7 including cerfifying disbursement requests on behalf of the District and compliance with applicable state and federal laws. 18 19 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the 20 South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting duly held on the 5t" day of November, 2015, by the following vote: 2� AYES: 22 NOES: 23 ABSENT: 24 25 26 Randy Vogelgesang, Board President 2� ATTEST: 28 29 30 Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board -15- 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3005-15 2 A REIMBURSEMENT RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 3 OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR THE TREATMENT PLANT GENERATOR UPGRADES (Project) 4 5 WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District (the "District") desires to finance the costs of constructing and/or reconstructing cerfain public facilities and g improvements relating to its water and wastewater system, including certain treatment facilities, pipelines and other infrastructure (the"Project"); and, 7 $ WHEREAS, the District intends to finance the construction and/or reconstruction of the Project or portions of the Project with moneys ("Project Funds") provided by the State 9 of California, acting by and through the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board); and, 10 11 V1►HEREAS, the State Water Board may fund the Project Funds with proceeds from the sale of obligations the interest upon which is excluded from gross income for federal 12 income tax purposes (the"Obligations"), and, 13 WHEREAS, prior to either the issuance of the Obligations or the approval by the 14 State Water Board of the Project Funds the District desires to incur cerfain capital expenditures (the"Expenditures"J with respect to the Project from available moneys of 15 the District; and, 16 WHEREAS, the District has determined that those moneys to be advanced on and 17 after the date hereof to pay the Expenditures are available only for a temporary period and it is necessary to reimburse the District for the Expenditures from the proceeds of the 18 Obligations. �9 THEREFORE,THE DISTRICT DOES HEREBY RESOLVE,ORDER AND DETERMINE AS FOLLOWS: 20 SECTION 1. The District hereby states its intention and reasonably expects to reimburse 2� Expenditures paid prior to the issuance of the Obligations or the approval by the State 22 Water Board of the Project Funds. 23 SECTION 2. The reasonably expected maximum principal amount of the Project Funds is $3,730,384. 24 25 SECTION 3. This resolution is being adopted no later than 60 days after the date on which the District will expend moneys for the portion of the Project costs to be 26 reimbursed with Project Funds. 27 SECTION 4. Each District expenditure will be of a type properly chargeable to a 28 capital account under general federal income tax principles. 29 30 -i�- � SECTION 5. To the best of our knowiedge, this District is not aware of the previous 2 adoption of official intents by the District that have been made as a matter of course for the purpose of reimbursing expenditures and for which tax-exempt obligations have not 3 been issued. 4 SECTION 6. This resolution is adopted as official intent of the District in order to comply 5 with Treasury Regulation §1.150-2 and any other regulations of the Internal Revenue Service relating to the qualification for reimbursement of Project costs. 6 7 SECTION 7. All the recitals in this Resolution are true and correct and this District so finds, determines and represents. 8 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby cerfify that the above and foregoing 9 Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the 10 South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting duly held on the 5T" day of November, 2015, by the following vote: 11 �2 AYES: 13 NOES: 14 ABSENT: 15 16 17 Randy Vogelgesang, Board President �$ ATTEST: 19 20 2� Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Resolution No.3005-15 November 5,2015 -18- � RESOLUTION NO. 3006-15 2 PLEDGED REVENUES AND FUND(s) RESOLUTION 3 BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE 4 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR THE TREATMENT PLANT GENERATOR UPGRADES (Project) 5 6 WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District has adopted Clean Water State 7 Revolving Loan Fund Resolutions regarding intent, authority and procedure; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the South Tahoe Public Utility District (the "District") 8 hereby dedicates and pledges Sewer Enterprise Fund/Sewer Service Charge Revenues 9 to payment of any and all Clean Water State Revolving Fund Financing for Treatment 10 Plant Generator Upgrades (the "Project"). The District commits to collecting such 11 revenues and maintaining such fund(s) throughout the term of such financing and until �2 the District has satisfied its repayment obligation thereunder unless modification or 13 change is approved in writing by the State Water Resources Control Board. So long as 14 the financing agreement(s) are outstanding, the District's pledge hereunder shall 15 constitute a lien in favor of the State Water Reso�rces Control Board on the foregoing 16 fund(s) and revenue(s) without any further action necessary. So long as the financing �7 agreement(s) are outstanding, the District commits to maintaining the fund(s) and revenue(s) at levels sufficient to meet its obligations under the financing agreement(s). 18 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing �9 Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the 20 South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting duly held on the 5th day of 2� November, 2015, by the following vote: 22 AYES: 23 NOES: 24 ABSENT: 25 26 Randy Vogelgesang, Board President 2� ATTEST: 28 29 30 Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board -19- �.�����a��.�a��Ay„� Richard H.5olbrig ���--�--- Director5 � w8� � {./! V a o e Chris Cefalu JameS R.Jones Randy Vogelge5ang � �`` public Utili�y Di5-�ric-� KellySheehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544--6474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tp�d.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4e TO: Board of Directors FROM: Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager MEETING DATE: November 5, 2015 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Alpine County Annuai Impact/Mitigation/Compensation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize payment of District's annual mitigation fee to Alpine County in the amount of$113,700. DISCUSSION: The Second Amendment to the Agreement between the District and the County of Alpine, dated June 2, 1983, provides for an annual payment to compensate for and mitigate the impacts of Harvey Place Dam Project. The current year obligation is $113,700. This represents the $113,500 paid in fiscal year 2014/2015 increased by the percentage increase in the District's sewer system connections from 10/1/14 to 9/30/15. SCHEDULE: Amount due is indicated on this meeting's payment of claims COSTS: $113,700 ACCOUNT NO: 1028-6650 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: AITACHMENTS: Alpine County Mitigation Fee Reporf CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY:Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES /J�- NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES _2 NO ALPINE COUNTY MITIGATION FEE Annual difference Annual difference DATE SEWER UT MITIGATION ROUNDED in sewer units in dollars 11-1-89 74,855 100,000 100,000 11-1-90 75,722 101,158 101,200 867 $1,200 11-1-91 76,451 102,132 102,100 72g �942 10-26-92 76,976 102,833 102,800 525 $668 10-31-93 77,495 103,527 103,500 519 $667 10-31-94 78,808 105,281 105,300 1,313 $1,773 11-1-95 78,231 104,510 104,500 -577 ($781) 11-1-96 78,777 105,239 105,200 546 $690 11-1-97 79,235 105,851 105,900 458 $661 11-1-98 79,906 106,748 106,700 g7� �849 10-06-99 80,367 107,364 107,400 461 $652 10-19-00 80,890 108,062 108,000 523 $636 10-18-01 81,268 108,567 108,600 378 $538 12-5-02 81,948 109,476 109,500 680 $933 10/16/03 83,699 111,815 111,800 1,751 $2,324 10/21/04 84,423 112,782 112,800 724 $985 1 Q/20/05 85,038 113,604 113,600 615 $81 g 1�'19/06 85,962 114,838 114,800 924 $1,196 1 d/18/07 86,658 115,768 115,800 ggg �962 10/16/08 86,602 115,693 115,700 _5g ��68� 10/15/09 86,246 115,217 115,200 -356 ($493) 11/04/10 83,921 112,111 112,100 -2,325 ($3,117) 11/04/10 corrected 85,544 114,280 114,300 2,200 *'` 2,200 2,200 11/03/11 85,936 114,803 114,800 392 $520 11/01/12 85,102 113,689 113,700 -834 ($1,103) 11/07/13 84,737 113,202 113,200 -365 *'`'` -365 ($4gg) 11/06/14 84,935 113,466 113,500 �gg $298 11/05/15 85,136 113,735 113,700 201 $234 Please issue a check to Alpine County in the amount of $113,700 for their annual impact/mitigation/compensation fee. Based on 85,136 sewer units. This is provided for in the Second Amendment to Agreement between STPUD and the County of Alpine and the Alpine County Water Agency dated June 2, 1983 (Ref 1 D(5)). Account 1028-6650 VENDOR ID V45184 �o�TH rqHo F : - - --.,,.�.,�:= �p. � VeC�r . 19 5 0 ',�P�j UTILITY D��' SDUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Richard Solbrig, General Manager Shannon Cotulla,Assistant General Manager Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT October 15, 2015 MINUTES The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in regular session at 2:00 p.m., at the District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Board of Directors: Present: President Vogelgesang, Directors, Jones, Cefalu, Wallace Absent: Director Sheehan Staff: Randy Curtis, Jim Hilton, Tim Bledsoe, Julie Ryan, Stephen Caswe�l, John Thiel, Chris Skelly, Chris Stanley, Doug Van Gorden, Paul Hughes, Richard Solbrig, Shannon Cotulla, Liz Kauffman, Nancy Hussmann, Gary Kvistad, Eileen Eidam Guests: None CONSENT CALENDAR: Moved Cefalu/Second Wallace /Sheehan Absent /Jones Yes / Voqelqesang Yes /Cefalu Yes/ Wallace Yes to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. a. LUTHER PASS POWER AND CONTROL PROJECT (Julie Ryan, Principal Engineer) Authorized staff to issue a Grant of Easement to Liberty Energy for overhead electric. b. 2014 SADDLE KELLER WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT (Julie Ryan, Principal Engineer) (1) Approved Change Order No. 5 to Herback General Engineering in the amount of$1,425 and, (2) Approved project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for Herback General Engineering for the 2014 Saddle Keller Waterline Replacement Project. -25- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-October 15, 2015 PAGE-2 c. 2015 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT SURVEY (Trevor Coolidge,Associate Engineer) Approved Amendment #1 to existing Task Order #8 for Farr West Engineering to complete a topographic sunrey of the wastewater treatment plant facility in an amount not to exceed $28,500. d. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: October 1,2015 (Eileen Eidam,Assistant Board Clerk) Approved October 1, 2015 Minutes ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Osgood Street Sewer Pipeline Emergency Replacement Project �stepnen casweu,Senior Engineer) Staff reported the project at Osgood Street will be completed on Friday, October 16'h. Moved Vogelqesanct /Second Cefalu/Sheehan Absent / Jones Yes /Vo4elqesanca Yes / Cefclu Yes/Wallace Yes Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22050(c), to continue emergency action to replace 400 linear feet of sewer pipe on the former Osgood Street location. b. CSRMA Risk Control Survey Results (Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director) Nancy Hussmann discussed the California Sanitation Risk Management Authority Risk Control Practices' Questionnaire and the final report of findings and recommendations. The District scored well overall and in categories where the District did not score 100%, a thorough review of the findings will be performed over the next several months. New practices may be implemented in accordance with the best needs of the District. No Action Necessary b. Approve Payment of Claims (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Moved Cefalu /Second Vo4elgesana /Sheehan Absent / Jones Yes /Wallace Yes / Voqelqesanq Yes /Cefalu Yes to approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $1,400,975.46. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS: Nothing to Reporf BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Nothing to Report EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT: Director Jones stated the EI Dorado County Water Agency did not meet, however, the EI Dorado County Water and Power Lines Committee met. He reported there was group participation in a training course to re-educate the board regarding water rights, projection for population and the future of water demand. -26- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-October 15, 2015 PAGE-3 GENERAL MANAGER REPORT• Richard Solbrig discussed the following: - City Franchise Agreement- there has been no contact from the City regarding the City Franchise Agreement. Richard Solbrig also mentioned the the City's 50rh Anniversary Gala is November 7, 2015, at the Lake Tahoe Resorf Hotel and the Board purchased a table for$500. - 2015 Water Meter Project loan - it is anticipated that staff of the State Water Resources Board will be recommending the District be awarded the zero percent interest loan at their November 4, 2015, Board Meeting. - The District did not make the 20% reduction water conservation target for September, 2015, however, is hopeful for a 20%total savings by the end of February, 2016. - Tahoe Mountain News-staff addressed the Board regarding recent arficles in the Tahoe Mountain News relating to the problem of potholes. There is false information being conveyed in regards to what causes these potholes and the District's perceived role in these problems. Recognizing this is an important issue to the public, President Vogelgesang directed staff to reach out to the media to explain the actual facts. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS• Gary Kvistad reported on two recent bills (SB 13 and AB 617) that modified the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. A summary of the modifications will be provided to District staff. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION• Closed session was not held as there was nothing to discuss. ADJOURNMENT: 2:50 p.m. Randy Vogelgesang, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District Eileen Eidam, Assistant Clerk to the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District -27- 6eneral Manager Richard H.5olbrig � • 1950 • w@jet O ` .� � O� Director5 U ChriS Cefalu Jamey R.Jones "-~—" Randy Vogelge5ang `�` �'ublic Utility DiStric-t KellySheehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadaw CreSt Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 I'hone 530 544-6474•Fax 530 541-0694•www.stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Stephen Caswell, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: November 5, 2015 ITEM -PROJECT NAME: Osgood Street Sewer Pipeline Emergency Replacement Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22050(c), Terminate Emergency Action to replace 400 linear feet of sewer pipe on the former Osgood Street location. DISCUSSION: The Board declared this an emergency on August 20, 2015. Repairs to the sewer line are now complete. Public Contract Code Section 22050(c) requires the Board to review the emergency action at every scheduled Board meeting and determine by a 4/5 vote to terminate the action. Staff recommends termination of the emergency declaration as all work is now complete. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: Not to exceed $150,000 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-7018 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: Unbudgeted item, will use contingencies ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY:Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES //l� NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -29- venerai Manager Richard H.Solbrig �� • 1950 • w Director-5 �� ou-� a oe ChriS Cefalu JameS R.Jones —+�.-- Randy Vogelgesang �" �ub(ic Utifity Di�trict KellySheehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 C'hone 530 54�4-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Stephen Caswell, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: November 5, 2015 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Primary Clarifier No. 1/Aeration Basin No. 2 Rehabilitation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize Task Order No. 7 to HDR, Inc., (HDR) in the amount of$114,615 for engineering design for rehabilitation work on Primary Clarifier No. 2. DISCUSSION: In December, 2012, the Board authorized HDR to perform an evaluation of concrete structures and coating systems within the wastewater treatment plant and develop a prioritized list of improvement projects. High priority projects included the rehabilitation of Primary Clarifiers 1 and 2 (PCl and PC2), and Aeration Basins 1 and 2 (AB1 and AB2). In August, 2013, the Board authorized HDR to complete the engineering design for the rehabilitation of PC 1. During the course of this work, staff determined that the rehabilitation work on PC 1 and PC2 should be more closely coordinated in a cost- effective design effort. In March, 2014, the Board authorized HDR to complete the engineering design for the rehabilitation of PC2. Subsequent to the concrete and coatings evaluation, Plant Operations identified increasing failures with the fine bubble aeration systems in AB1 and AB2. These systems are more than 27 years old and have exceeded their 20-year life expectancy. This has required expedient repairs from Heavy Maintenance which are difficult because the pipe, which is predominantly PVC, has become weak and brittle with time, and because the system parts are not standard or readily available and must be custom fabricated or field adjusted. AB1 was in the greatest need, and repairs to that basin were, therefore, a higher priority than AB2. Hydraulic restrictions were also identified in AB 1 and AB2 as part of the evaluation process. In July, 2014, the Board authorized HDR to complete the engineering design for the rehabilitation and hydraulic improvements for AB 1, coordinate with the final design work for PC2, and prepare plans and specs to bid the consolidated PC2/ AB1 project. -31- Steve Caswell,Senior Engineer November 5,2015 Page 2 This project is currently under construction and is slated for completion in December, 2015. As discussed above, the PC1 and AB2 process units are still in need of major rehabilitation and hydraulic improvements; these are now the highest priority plant improvement capital improvement plan (CIP) projects and are planned for construction in 2016. Therefore, staff has requested a proposal from HDR to complete plans and specifications for PC1 and AB2 rehabilitation and hydraulic improvements. Staff has also identified other related high-priority plant improvements as cost-effective additions to the project including a piping bypass of the Mixed Liquor Splitter Box, RAS Sump Pits rehabilitation, and Condensate Pit rehabilitation. The Mixed Liquor Splitter Box bypass is necessary to facilitate the rehabilitation of that structure. Both the RAS Sump Pits and Condensate Pit rehabilitations were outlined in the coating and concrete evaluation and are small amounts of work. Combining these elements into one project will be more efficient in terms of consultant, staff, and contractor time. The attached proposal from HDR includes design work for these additional elements. The consolidated project plans and specifications will be completed for bidding with a projected May 1, 2016, construction start date. The proposed work does not include future construction support services which are estimated at $65,000. A proposed task order for these additional services will be brought to the Board when the scope of services has been finalized prior to the onset of construction in 2016. The construction cost estimate for the PC1/AB2 project is$2,600,000; Task Order No. 7 and future construction support services from HDR is estimated at $180,000; specialty coatings inspection services is estimated at$35,000; permitting and other project related costs are estimated at $15,000 for a total estimated project outlay of$2,830,000. These costs are included in the current 10 year CIP which has a total of$3,395,000 budgeted for the consolidated project ($1,351,000 for PC1; $1,093,000 for AB2; and $951,000 for Mixed Liquor Bypass). Staff recommends approval of Task Order No. 7 to HDR for$114,615 based on the attached Scope of Work and Cost Estimate. SCHEDULE: Complete plans by March, 2016; Bid in April, 2016; start construction in May 2016. COSTS: Not to Exceed $114,615 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-7023 / 1029-7024 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $243,000; $242,000 ATTACHMENTS: HDR Scope of Work, Cost Proposal CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY:Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES '1�� NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES _ 2N0 SCOPE OF WORK (October 2015) HDR Engineering, Inc. South Tahoe Public Utility District Primary C/arifier and Aeration Basin Rehabilitation Projects Effluent Piping Bypass to MLSB RAS Box Sump Pit/Condensate Pit The following scope of work involves engineering services during design of Primary Clarifier No. 1 and Aeration Basin Number 2 Rehabilitation Project—along with effluent piping bypass to the Mixed Liquor Split Box(MLSB), RAS Box Sump Pit/Condensate Pit Rehabilitation (PROJECT) for the South Tahoe Public Utility District(OWNER). TASK 1 - Project Management/Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) This task includes the management activities required to ensure the project is completed on time, within budget, and addresses the OWNER's concerns. A project guide will be developed to serve as a communication tool for OWNER and CONSULTANT staff. CONSULTANT will prepare invoices,progress reports, and decision log updates on a monthly basis. The monthly progress reports will summarize budget and schedule status in measurable terms. Deliverables: Monthly progress reports, invoices,project guide, and decision log. CONSULTANT will institute and maintain a QA/QC program for the work performed on this project. To ensure objectivity, senior technical staff, not involved in the project,will perform internal QA/QC upon completion of deliverables before they are sent to the OWNER. TASK 2 - Project Kick-off Meeting/Site Visit/Project Definition (AB2 and Bypass Piping, RAS Box Sump Pit/Condensate - Only) Project Kick-off was completed for PC1 during the previous contract. Meet with OWNER to introduce the project team, collect any additional background information, discuss OWIVER's project goals and objectives, and establish lines of communications. The kick-off ineeting will focus on getting the remaining issues to be considered, discussing potential alternatives and resolutions, and preparing a list of needed information and data, defined schedule, and list of participants with their assignments. Deliverables: Meeting agenda, minutes, action plan, and schedule. TASK 3 — Summary of Design Technical Memorandum (TM) for PC1 and AB2 This task includes the provision of a design summary TM for the PC 1 and AB2 work areas. This Design Summary TM will include the following items: 10/20/2015 A-1 -33- o Design criteria o Description of the equipment to be rehabilitated or replaced. o Description of inetal and concrete surfaces to be rehabilitated or replaced. Assumptions: 1. PC1 design to generally comply with previous rehabilitation work performed by HDR under Task Order 4 project with updates based on lessons learned in PC2 work. 2. AB2 design to generally match AB 1 rehabilitation work performed by HDR under Amendments A, B, and C to Task Order 4 project with updates based on lessons learned in AB2 work. Deliverable: PCI and AB2 Design Summary TM TASK 4- MLSB Bypass Piping Design Alternatives TM This task includes a MLSB Bypass Piping Design Altematives TM that will include the following items: o Design Criteria for bypass piping. 0 3 Alternatives for the bypass piping including plan layouts, cost estimates, and the advantages&disadvantages of each alternative. o Hydraulic analysis summary for up to 3 alternatives o Recommended Alternative Deliverable: Draft and Final Design Alternatives TM TASK 5.0 — Preliminary Design Services— Primary Clarifier 1 Plans, specifications,and cost estimates will be prepared for the following improvements to primary clarifier no. 1. Mechanical components may be replacement individually or as a larger package based on the decisions made in the preliminary design phase of work: • Concrete and ferrous metal coatings inside Primary Clarifier No. 1. The coatings inside Primary Clarifier No. 1 will generally match the coating locations installed in Primary Clarifier No. 2 under Task Order 4. Ferrous metal coating will be provided as recommended in HDRs Concrete Coatings Assessment(June 2013). • Replacing the rake arm assembly and scum skimmers in Primary Clarifier No. 1. • Replacement of the effluent weir and scum baffle in Primary Clarifier No. 1. Rehabilitation or replacement of the scum beach drawings and engineer's estimate of probable construction cost will be submitted to the OWNER for review and approval at the 50 and 90 percent design stages. 10/20/2015 A-2 -34- Drawings will be prepared in AutoCAD. Design plans will be developed utilizing industry standard scales, in English(not metric) engineering units. The following table shows a preliminary listing of drawings anticipated for the project. Preliminary List of Drawings • � . � - . . . General 1 G-1 Cover Sheet,Vicinity Map, and Index of Sheets 2 G-2 General Symbols and Abbreviations Demolition 3 D-1 Demolition Key Plan 4 D-2 Demolition Plans and Sections 1 5 D-3 Demolition Plans and Sections 2 Structural/Process 6 SP-1 Primary Clarifier No. 1 Modification Plan 1 7 SP-2 Primary Clarifier No. 1 Modification Plan 2 8 SP-3 Modification Sections and Details 1 9 SP-4 Modification Sections and Details 2 10 SP-5 Modification Sections and Details 3 11 SP-6 Miscellaneous Details Coating 12 Z-1 Primary Clarifier No. 1 Coating Plan 13 Z-2 Primary Clarifier No. 1 Sections and Details 1 14 Z-3 Primary Clarifier No. 1 Sections and Details 2 Electrical 15 E-1 Electrical Symbols 16 E-2 Electrical Power Plan 17 E-3 Electrical Sections and Details 18 E-4 Control Diagrams Deliverables: Five sets of half-size (11"x 17') SO and 90 percent drawings. TASK 5.1 — Preliminary Design Services -Aeration Basin 2 The following table shows the modified preliminary list for the addition of AB 2. Eight(8) additional sheets will be added to the PROJECT for the addition of AB 2 to the scope of work. The PC 1 drawings were completed to approximately the 50% level when placed on hold. 10/20/2015 A-3 -35- Preliminary List Additional Drawings . . . � - . . . Demolition 1 AB 2 Demolition Plans and Sections 1 2 AB 2 Demolition Plans and Sections 2 Structural/Process 3 AB 2 Modification Plans 4 AB 2 Modification Sections and Details 1 5 AB 2 Modification Sections and Details 2 6 AB 2 Modification Sections and Details 3 Coating 7 AB 2 Sections and Details 1 8 AB 2 Sections and Details 2 Deliverables: Five sets of half-size (11"x 17") SO and 90 percent drawings. TASK 6 — Preliminary Design Services - Bypass Piping This task includes the design of piping that will enable bypassing of the MLSB based on the recommended alternative in the MLSB Bypass Piping Design Alternatives TM. The following list shows a preliminary listing of drawings anticipated for the project. Preliminary Sheet List: -1 Demo Sheet -1 Plan Sheet -1 Piping Profile Sheet -1 Detail Sheet Deliverables: Five sets of half-size (11"x 17') the SO and 90 percent drawings. TASK 7 — Preliminary Design Services — RAS Box Sump Pit/Condensate Pit RAS Box Sump Pit Background Findings: RAS Box Clarifier 2 and 3 were inspected on February 25, 2013, and February 13, 2013, respectively. The accessible concrete of the structure was observed to have minimal craze cracking on the vertical surfaces in multiple areas. Concrete spalling around the pipe penetration was observed on the east wall. There were no visible issues with the concrete flooring. Leaking was observed at the 12-inch wall penetration due to inadequate sealing around the pipe. 10/20/2015 A-4 -36- Interior surfaces of the accessible piping had areas of blistered lining material with exposed and rusted steel substrate. Submerged piping was coated with a coal-tar material that is no longer providing adequate corrosion protection. Design Recommendations: -Apply an ultraviolet(UV)resistant 100% solids polyurethane coating material at 120 mils. This will require surface preparation and resurfacing of the concrete substrate. -Replace all valves and piping that are attached ar in the structure. Material shall be at the discretion of the District. Condensate Sump Pit Background Findings: The Condensate Sump Pit was inspected January 31, 2013. All existing coating material is delaminating from the pre-cast concrete substrate. Coating material has completely failed and is no longer providing protection to the concrete structure. The concrete floor could not be observed at the time of inspection due to excessive standing water, debris, and sediment. Design Recommendations: -Recoat concrete surfaces with a flexible 100% solids polyurethane material at 120 mils. -Ensure that PVC pipe penetrations extend beyond the wall by 1 1/2 inches. Deliverables: Five sets of half-size (I1"x 17") SO and 90 percent drawings. TASK 8 - Design Review Meetings Meet with OWNER personnel to discuss comments on the 50 and 90 percent design submittals. Design review comments will be encouraged and welcome from both OWNER's engineering and operations personnel. Deliverables:Meeting agenda and minutes. TASK 9 — Preparation of Final (100%) Bid Set Ptans— PC1, AB2, Bypass Piping, RAS/Condensate Pits. The bid set(100%Final) will include final drawings ready for advertising for bids in accordance with the OWNER's final review comments. Deliverables: One reproducible copy of the half-size and full-size (22"x 34') bid set drawings, and S sets of half-size bid drawings. Task 10 - Cost Estimates Engineer's opinion of construction cost will be prepared in Microsoft Excel. The construction cost estimate will include; PC1, AB2, Bypass Piping and RAS/Condensate Pits. Deliverables: Five copies of the engineer's opinion of construction cost at the S0, 90 and 100 percent design stages. 10/20/2015 A-5 -37- TASK 11 -Technical Specifications— PC1, AB2, Bypass Piping, RAS/Condensate Pits Specifications will be prepared in CSI format using Microsoft Word. OWNER will provide a set of General Conditions and Special Provisions, bid form, example agreement and other"front- end" sections for CONSULTANT to edit and incorporate into the bid set, and that CONSULTANT's master specifications will be used as a basis for the technical provisions. TASK 12— Bidding Services and Project Close Out Conduct pre-bid conference and job walk,provide clarifications of bid documents prepare and issue up to one addendum, and provide the OWNER with a summary of bid activities,including all questions and answers. Deliverables: Up to one addendum, and summary of bid activities. Provide conformed plans and specifications,which will include one master set of half-size drawings,one master set of construction specifications,two sets of full-size drawings, and CD containing electronic files of drawings and specifications. Deliverables: One master set of half-size construction drawings, two sets of full-size construction drawings, one master set of construction specifications, and CD containing electronic files of constrccction drawings and technical specifications. INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY OWNER This proposal assumes the following information will be provided to HDR by OWNER: 1. Detailed area topographic survey and accurate existing pipe locations (horizontal and vertical) for the project areas. 2. Plant hydraulic grade line information,maximum allowable water surface elevations, weir elevations and record drawings as required to performed MLSB hydraulic analysis will be provided by the OWNER. Assumptions: 1. Design of AB2 and PC1 to generally match existing rehabilitation work being performed in AB 1 and PC2 with the major difference being that the mechanism in PC 1 is being completely replaced and the mechanism and PC2 is being rehabilitated. 2. No surveying, geotechnical or potholing work is included in the scope of work. 3. Front end specifications to be provided by the Owner for inclusion into the technical specifications. 10/20/2015 A-6 -38- ��� South Tahoe Public Utility District Wastewater Treatment Plant-PC1/AB2,MLSB Bypass, RAS/Condensate Pit Rehabilitation Design-October 27,2015 ESTIMATE OF ENGINEERING LABOR HOURS AND COSTS .. . .�h,� �:.,.xxxMx�� :.��"�,i�`'�.*V�>5"">"�!:;�C�` `i�ir�w".�,;6,> ,�'���.. �.x#,r.��,.��:*�.v:�=#;s,;•�.-;�' ,�;sY V,�;wj..Haa �'�: ,;. �< x� -��, ����. ���,�.����. �,�'�°� "'-,��•:��,:��.r��,�;���I �`=��� . . . , . . 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Y' fi 5�.�.�" "'-'✓�y'.''}"s' �`�' �,.' � � _, �.,".�'�*.�` � �.�.;r � � � . _ ,;�.: ``f" -:�; �t,.'s,� ',�:;,.`,-a• -�.,,,,. �...."'�.�.:_;..�'�.t;�: � ..�;�L.^.r� '� .� �}�--�.n . . � �. � , .�,� .. .,.; .:+..62... r,�'r'::r'": ;�r£. _�'«.'.H�:i.xq ':?t <"e��,,. .; : :, r;,.. ..,.,_r::�a .�:�.' ,�;i; '�;�.:.:. � - ��"�µ �-�s�. ,�n ►: , ProjectKickOff 8 8 0 0 8 2 1 27 $ 100 S 100 S 5,680 Design SummaryTM 2 6 0 6 24 4 1 93 S 159 S - S 7,271 � PreliminaryDesign 8 20 100 24 80 2 1 235 $ 870 S 100 $ 39,374 W � Desi n Review Meetin s I 9 9 16 32 0 0 32 4 1 BS $ 315 $ 100 $ 16,937 Final Plan Design 6 14 60 10 90 2 1 133 $ 492 $ - s z2,Z�q Estimates 2 9 0 9 20 6 1 37 $ 137 $ - $ 5,9�-7 Specifications 2 4 0 12 30 12 1 61 S 226 S - g g,�Sq BiddinglCloseOut 9 8 10 4 8 8 1 93 S 159 S 100 $ 7,399 SUMMARYTOTAL 48 96 170 60 242 40 8 664 $ 2,457 $ 400 $ 114,615 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL November 5, 2015 Payroll 10/27/2015 424,185.32 Total Payroll 424 185.32 , ADP & Insight eTools 3,107.89 AFLAC/WageWorks claims and fees 1 525.08 BBVA Compass Bank ' 0.00 BHFS legal services 0.00 CaIPERS liability payment 30,582.00 CDS health care payments 9 937.40 , Total Vendor EFT 45,152.37 Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund 1,684,467.26 Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund 702 583.49 , Total Accounts Payable 2,387,050.75 Grand Total 2,856,388.44 Payroll EFTs & Checks 10/27/2015 EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 17,244.91 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 92,901.01 EFT CaIPERS Contributions 63,358.19 EFT Great West Deferred Comp 20,944.15 EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,453.44 EFT Retirement Health Savings 0.00 EFT United Way Contributions 190.00 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 221,027.60 CHK Employee Garnishments 1 806.98 CHK Em lo ee Pa checks � P Y Y 4,259.04 Total 424,185.32 -41- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvoe A-L SIERRA WELDING PRODUCTS LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 38.50 A-L SIERRA WELDING PRODUCTS LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 38.50 Check Total: 77.00 AP-00091704 MW AHERN RENTALS HEAVY MAINT SMALL TOOLS 1004-6073 11.87 AHERN RENTALS EQUIPMENT REP GENERATORS 1005-6013 140.40 AHERN RENTALS HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004-6041 2,359.10 Check Total: 2.511.37 AP-00091705 MW ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE GEN&ADMIN OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1000-6081 391.50 Check Total: 391.50 AP-00091706 MW ALPINE COUNTY ADMIN OFFICE DIAMOND VLY RNCH REGLTRY OP PRMTS 1028-6650 113,700.00 Check Total: 113.700.00 AP-00091707 MW AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY LABORATORY DUES/MEMB/CERT 1007-6250 83.50 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY LABORATORY DUES/MEMB/CERT 2007-6250 83.50 Check Total: 167.00 AP-00091708 MW A,JIERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES GEN 8�ADM�N UNIFORM PAYABLE 1000-2518 1,216.67 � [v Check Total: 1,216,67 AP-00091709 MW i ARETE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING-GIS SFTWR DEV CONTRACT SERVICE 1029-4405-GISSFT 3,220.00 ARETE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING-GIS SFTWR DEV CONTRACT SERVICE 2029-4405-GISSFT 3,220.00 Check Total: 6.440.00 AP-00091710 MW ASPEN HOLLOW NURSERY ENGINEERING-2015 METERS PROJ METERS PHASE II 2029-8660-15W002 214.90 Check Totai: 214.90 AP-00091711 MW ATBT/CALNET 3 GEN&ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000-6310 769.51 ATBT/CALNET 3 GEN&ADMIN SIGNAL CHARGES 1000-6320 33.51 AT&TlCALNET 3 PUMPS TELEPHONE 1002-6310 82.33 AT&T/CALNET 3 OPERATIONS TELEPHONE 1006-6310 35.93 ATBT/CALNET 3 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 1038-6310 8.82 AT&T/CALNET 3 GEN&ADMIN TELEPHONE 2000-6310 769.51 AT&T/CALNET 3 PUMPS TELEPHONE 2002-6310 23.52 AT&T/CALNET 3 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 2038-6310 8.81 Check Total: 1.731.94 AP-00091712 MW AVWVA BOARD OF DIR DUES/MEMB/CERT 2019-6250 3,680.00 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 1 Current Date: 10/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Descriution Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvoe Check Total: 3.680.00 AP-00091713 MW AWWA CAL-NEV SECTION LABORATORY DUES/MEMB/CERT 2007-6250 75.00 Check Total: 75.00 AP-00091'714 MW AXELSON IRON SHOP HEAVY MAINT PRIMARY EQUIP 1004-6021 25.92 Check Total: 25.g2 Ap-00091715 MW BARTLETT,BRIAN INFORMATION TECH TRAVEUMEETINGS 1037-6200 -44.50 BARTLETT,BRIAN INFORMATION TECH TRAVEUMEETINGS 2037-6200 -44.50 REVERSED Check Total: -89.00 AP-00091606 RV BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM UNDERGROUND REP SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1001 -6075 94.00 BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM PUMPS SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1002-6075 72.50 BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM OPERATIONS SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1006-6075 150.00 BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM PUMPS SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 2002-6075 72.50 Check Total: 389.00 AP-00091716 MW BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 7,500.00 Check Total: 7.500.00 AP-00091717 MW �NTLY AGROWDYNAMICS OPERATIONS SLUDGE DISPOSAL 1006-6652 7,147.42 w � Check Total: 7.147.42 AP-00091718 MW BEST BEST&KRIEGER LLP HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL LEGAL 1022-4445 453.75 BEST BEST 8 KRIEGER LLP ENGINEERING-LPPS PWR/CTRLS LEGAL-SPEC PROJ 1029-4475-LPPOWR 671.60 BEST BEST&KRIEGER LLP HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL LEGAL 2022-4445 453.75 BEST BEST&KRIEGER LLP ENGINEERING-2015 METERS PROJ LEGAL-SPEC PROJ 2029-4475-15W002 467.20 Check Total: 2.046.30 AP-00091719 MW BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL UNDERGROUND REP CONTRACT SERVICE 1001 -4405 7,715.00 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL DIAMOND VLY RNCH CONTRACT SERVICE 1028-4405 1,427.85 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING CONTRACT SERVICE 1029-4405 351.78 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING-SPILL PREV CTRL CONTRACT SERVICE 1029-4405-SPCC15 543.66 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEER�NG-LPPS PWR/CTRLS LPPS PWR/CTR UPG 1029-8330-LPPOWR 1,533.52 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL INFORMATION TECH CONTRACT SERVICE 1037-4405 1,201.95 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 1039-4405 94.35 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL UNDERGROUND REP CONTRACT SERVICE 2001-4405 10,978.18 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING CONTRACT SERVICE 2029-4405 366.25 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING-WTR SYS MSTR PLN CONTRACT SERVICE 2029-4405-WTRSMP 380.75 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 2 Current Date: 10/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2 q.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Descri to ion Acct#/Proj Code Amoun Check Num Tv�e BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING-2014 METER PRJ METERS 2014 2029-7013-METERS 4,716.95 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING-SIERRA I EROSION EROS CNTRL PROJS 2029-8359-ECSIER 399.75 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING-FIRE HYDRANTS FR HYD 6"LINES 2029-8560-HYDRNT 5,239.13 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING-2015 METERS PROJ METERS PHASE II 2029-8660-15W002 3,949.63 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL INFORMATION TECH CONTRACT SERVICE 2037-4405 1,201.94 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE 2038-4405 7,732.78 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 5,530.62 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 2039-4405 94.35 Check Total: 53.458.44 AP-00091722 MW BSK ASSOCIATES LABORATORY MONITORING 2007-6110 2,244.00 Check Total: 2.244.00 AP-00091723 MW CALIFORNIA TAHOE CONSERVANCY CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 5,000.00 Check Total: 5.000.00 AP-00091724 MW CARDINALE,JOE&SARAH CUSTOMER SERVICE MISC LIAB CLAIMS 2038-4520 300.00 Check Total: 300.00 AP-00091725 MW CAISWELL,STEPHEN ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1029-6200 91.50 � C4�tSWELL,STEPHEN ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 2029-6200 91.50 Check Total: 163.00 AP-00091726 MW CDS GROUP HEALTH GEN&ADMIN DENTAL SLF INS 1000-2536 813.50 Check Total: 813.50 AP-00091727 MW CDW-G CORP PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002-6071 61.16 CDW-G CORP INFORMATION TECH DIST.COMP SPPLIS 1037-4840 344.31 CDW-G CORP INFORMATION TECH DIST.COMP SPPLIS 2037-4840 344.29 Check Total: 749.76 AP-00091728 MW CH BULL COMPANY HEAVY MAINT SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1004-6075 393.94 Check Total: 393.94 AP-00091729 MW CONSERVATION STRATEGY PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-GOVT'L CONTRACT SERVICE 1027-4405-PREGOV 1,000.00 CONSERVATION STRATEGY PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-GOVT'L CONTRACT SERVICE 2027-4405-PREGOV 1,000.00 Check Totai: 2.000.00 AP-00091730 MW CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENG INC ENGINEERING-SWRLN OSGOOD RPL SWRLN,OSGOOD 1029-7018-15S011 9,256.00 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENG INC ENGINEERING-LPPS PWR/CTRLS LPPS PWR/CTR UPG 1029-8330-LPPOWR 5,647.00 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENG INC ENGINEERING-TRUCKEE MARSH TR CRK RESTORE 1029-8426-TMSFPP 6,484.50 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 3 Current Date: 10/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvoe CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENG INC ENGINEERING-REP LG WTR MTRS REP LG WT MTRS 2029-8539-14W115 6,527.00 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENG INC ENGINEERING-FIRE HYDRANTS FR HYD 6"LINES 2029-8560-HYDRNT 6,196.00 Check Total: 34.110.50 AP-00091731 MW CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE ENGINEERING CONTRACT SERVICE 1029-4405 51.00 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE ENGINEERING CONTRACT SERVICE 2029-4405 51.00 Check Total: 102.00 AP-00091732 MW DIVERSIFIED CONCRETE CUTTING INC HEAW MAINT BUILDINGS 1004-6041 310.00 Check Total: 310.00 AP-00091733 MW DIY HOME CENTER PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002-6071 4.36 DIY HOME CENTER UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 2001 -6052 18.73 DIY HOME CENTER PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 2002-6071 4.36 DIY HOME CENTER HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004-6041 7.27 Check Total: 34.72 AP-00091734 MW DOMENICHELLI�ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING-DVR IRRIG IMPRVS DVR IRR IMPRVMNT 1029-8161 -DVRIIP 15,481.50 Check Total: 15.481.50 AP-00091735 MW f�OUGLAS DISPOSAL GEN&ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000-6370 615.22 � � Check Total: 615.22 AP-00091736 MW E-FILLIATE CORP INFORMATION TECH DIST.COMP SPPLIS 1037-4840 282.35 E-FILLIATE CORP INFORMATION TECH DIST.COMP SPPLIS 2037-4840 281.00 Check Total: 563.35 AP-00091737 MW EL DORADO COUNTY CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 1038-6520 8.00 EL DORADO COUNTY CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 2038-6520 8.00 Check Total: 16.00 AP-00091738 MW ELK GROVE AUTO GROUP EQUIPMENT REPAIR REP TRK 15 2005-8553 22,956.07 Check Total: 22.956.07 AP-00091739 MW ENS RESOURCES INC PUBLIC OUTREACH CONTRACT SERVICE 1027-4405 7,319.88 ENS RESOURCES INC PUBLIC OUTREACH CONTRACT SERVICE 2027-4405 7,319.86 Check Total: 14.639.74 AP-00091740 MW ENVIRONMENTAL EXPRESS LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 402.46 ENVIRONMENTAL EXPRESS LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 265.68 Check Total: 668.14 AP-00091741 MW User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 4 Current Date: ]0/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvoe ETS LABORATORY MONiTORING 1007-6110 1,227.50 Check Total: �,227,5p AP-00091742 MW FARR CONSTRUCTION GEN&ADMIN-AERATION BASIN 1 CONST RETAINAGE 1000-2605-AB1 RHB -24,633.45 FARR CONSTRUCTION GEN&ADMIN-PR CLARIF 2 RHB CONST RETAINAGE 1000-2605-PC2RH6 -23,174.50 FARR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING-AERATION BASIN 1 AER BSN1 REHAB 1029-8502-AB1 RHB 246,334.47 FARR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING-PR CLARIF 2 RHB PR CLRF2 REHAB 1029-8521 -PC2RHB 231,745.00 Check Total: 430.271.52 AP-00091743 MW FARR WEST ENGINEERING INC ENGINEERING-REP WTRLNS ALOHA WTRLN,ALOHA 2029-7001 -15W001 11,131.61 FARR WEST ENGINEERING INC ENGINEERING-WTRLN PONDEROSA WTRLN,PONDEROSA 2029-7019-15W010 8,210.40 FARR WEST ENGINEERING INC ENGINEERING-WTRLN MARLETTE WTRLN,MARLETTE 2029-7020-15W011 3,867.37 Check Total: 23.209.38 AP-00091744 MW FEDEX FINANCE POSTAGE EXPENSES 1039-4810 2.90 FEDEX FINANCE POSTAGE EXPENSES 2039-4810 2.90 Check Total: 5.8p AP-00091745 MW FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PUMPS LUTHER PASS 1002-6048 98.81 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002-6071 22.82 �'RGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002-6073 11.93 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 1003-6041 7.68 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC HEAVY MAINT SECONDARY EQUIP 1004-6022 56.16 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 2002-6071 22.82 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002-6073 11.93 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004-6041 151.71 Check Total: 383.86 AP-00o91746 MW FISHER SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 8.88 FISHER SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 8.86 Check Total: 17.74 AP-00091747 MW FLOWSERVE PUMP DIV PUMPS REB MTPMPCV LPPS 1002-8503 287,900.90 Check Total: 2g7,g00.90 AP-00091748 MW FLYERS ENERGY LlC GEN 8 ADMIN GASOLINE INV 1000-0415 3,554.60 FLYERS ENERGY LLC GEN&ADMIN DIESEL INVENTORY 1000-0416 1,450.39 FLYERS ENERGY LLC HEAVY MAINT OIL&LUBE 1004-4630 670.62 Check Total: 5.675.61 AP-00091749 MW User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 5 Current Date: 10/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Descriution Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvoe GABELLINI,DENNIS CARL CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 96.00 Check Total: 96.00 AP-00091750 MW GARON,KIM ADMINISTRATION TRAVEUMEETINGS 2021 -6200 66.27 Check Total: 66.27 AP-00091751 MW GFS CHEMICALS INC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 69.58 GFS CHEMICALS INC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 69.58 Check Total: 139.16 AP-00091752 MW GHD INC ENGINEERING-LPPS PWR/CTRLS LPPS PWR/CTR UPG 1029-8330-LPPOWR 115,337.41 Check Total: 115.337.41 AP-00091753 MW GLOBAL DATA SPECIALISTS ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 2003-6041 436.00 Check Total: 436.00 AP-o0091754 MW GNOMON INC ENGINEERING-GRNDWTR MGT UPDT CONTRACT SERVICE 2029-4405-GWMPUP 594.00 Check Total; 594.00 AP-00091755 MW GOODALL,JANET CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG g7.1g Check Total: 87.18 AP-00091756 MW C�2AINGER HEAVY MAINT SECONDARY EQUIP 1004-6022 gp,22 J GRAINGER HEAVY MAINT BUILDINGS 1004-6041 766.15 Check Total: 846.37 AP-00091757 MW GREENFEST,GARY STEPHEN CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 96.36 Check Total: 96.36 AP-00091758 MW GREPO,CEASAR GEN 8 ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 1000-2002 256.62 GREPO,CEASAR GEN&ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 2000-2002 244,p2 Check Total: 500.64 AP-00091759 MW GROVER,BRITTANY CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 377.20 Check Total: 377.20 AP-00091760 MW HACH CO LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 85.56 Check Total: 85.56 AP-00091761 MW HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES LLC ENGINEERING-DVR IRRIG IMPRVS DVR IRR IMPRVMNT 1029-8161 -DVRIIP 3,020.00 Check Total: 3.020.00 AP-00091762 MW HDR ENGINEERING INC ENGINEERING-AERATION BASIN 1 AER BSN1 REHAB 1029-8502-AB1RH6 2,565.64 HDR ENGINEERING INC ENGINEERING-PR CLARIF 2 RHB PR CLRF2 REHAB 1029-8521 -PC2RHB 2,565.63 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 6 Current Date: 10/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvoe Check Total: 5.131.27 AP-00091763 MW HENDERSON,DEBBIE FINANCE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1039-6200 122.90 HENDERSON,DEBBIE FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 2039-6200 122.90 Check Total: 245.80 AP-00091764 MW HERBACK GENERAL ENGINEERING GEN&ADMIN-WTRLN,PIONEER TR CONST RETAINAGE 2000-2605-PIONER 11,333.37 HERBACK GENERAL ENGINEERING GEN&ADMIN-WL,SADDLE CONST RETAINAGE 2000-2605-SADLWL 76,443.08 HERBACK GENERAL ENGINEERING ENGINEERING-WL,SADDLE WTRLN-SADDLE/KEL 2029-7011 -SADLWL 1,425.00 Check Total: gg,201.45 AP-00091765 MW HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION SERVICE CONTRACT 1021-6030 44.22 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING SERVICE CONTRACT 1029-6030 152.36 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS FINANCE SERVICE CONTRACT 1039-6030 84.50 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION SERVICE CONTRACT 2021-6030 44.22 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING SERVICE CONTRACT 2029-6030 152.36 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS FINANCE SERVICE CONTRACT 2039-6030 84.50 Check Total: 562.16 AP-00091766 MW F�OLDEN,DANNY L CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 62.54 � Check Total: 62.54 AP-00091767 MW IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 152.19 IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 152.20 Check Total: 304.39 AP-00091768 MW INFOSEND INC CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 1038-6030 226.45 INFOSEND INC CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 2038-6030 226.45 Check Total: 452.90 AP-00091769 MW INTEGRITY LOCKSMITH CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES 2038-6071 193.75 Check Total: 193.75 AP-00091770 MW J8L PRO KLEEN INC FINANCE JANITORIAL SERV 1039-6074 1,603.50 J8L PRO KLEEN INC FINANCE JANITORIAL SERV 2039-6074 1,603.50 Check Total: 3.207.00 AP-00091771 MW JM SQUARED ASSOCIATES INC HEAVY MAINT RAS PUMP 1004-8621 12,510.39 Check Total: 12.510.39 AP-00091772 MW JOHNS SPRING SERVICE EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6011 59.62 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 7 Current Date: 10/29/2015 Report: BK:Paytnent of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Deoartment/Proj Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Type Check Total: 59.62 AP-00091773 MW KAESER COMPRESSORS INC DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS&MNTC 1028-6042 1,791.36 Check Total: 1.791.36 AP-00091774 MW KELLY MOORE PAINTS PUMPS BUILDINGS 2002-6041 122.06 KELLY MOORE PAINTS PUMPS WELLS 2002-6050 117.73 Check Total: 239.79 AP-00091775 MW KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS INC ENGINEERING-INT RGNL WTR MGT CONTRACT SERVICE 2029-4405-IRWMPL �,7zg,75 Check Total: _ 1.728J5 AP-00091776 MW KIMBALL MIDWEST HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 625.70 KIMBALL MIDWEST EQUIPMENT REP SHOP SUPPLIES 1005-6071 32.80 KIMBALL MIDWEST EQUIPMENT REPAIR SHOP SUPPLIES 2005-6071 32.80 Check Total: 691.30 AP-00091777 MW KOSCIOLEK,LINDA CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEUMEETINGS 1038-6200 �g,97 KOSCIOLEK,LINDA CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEUMEETINGS 2038-6200 16.96 Check Total: 33.93 AP-00091778 MW I�fiHO AM 590&96.1 FM PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 1027-6620-PREEXT 562.50 I�j HO AM 590 8�96.1 FM PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELAT�ONS 2027-6620-PREEXT 562.50 Check Total: 1.125.00 AP-00091779 MW KUMAR&GERCHICK FINANCE AUDITING 1039-4470 306.25 KUMAR&GERCHICK FINANCE AUDITING 2039-4470 306.25 Check Total: 612.50 AP-00091780 MW L A PERKS PLUMBING&HEAT INC HEAVY MAINT GROUNDS&MNTC 1004-6042 650.00 Check Total: 650.00 AP-00091781 MW LAKE TAHOE COMMUNITY COLLEGE CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 115.00 Check Total: 115.00 AP-00091782 MW LAMENDOLA,REGINA CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 3,000.00 Check Total: 3.000.00 AP-00091783 MW LEDESMA,CAROL CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 2,232.00 Check Total: 2.232.00 AP-00091784 MW LEE,RYAN CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1038-6200 215.14 LEE,RYAN CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEUMEETINGS 2038-6200 215.14 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: S Current Date: 10/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Degartment/Proj Name Descri tA ion Acct#/Proj Code Amo n Check Num Tv�e Check Total: 430.28 AP-00091785 MW LENSTROM,VICTORIA ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1029-6200 65.67 Check Total: 65.67 AP-00091786 MW LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6011 388.44 Check Total: 388.44 AP-00091787 MW LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN 8 ADMIN ELECTRICITY 1000-6330 74,787.82 LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN&ADMIN ST LIGHTING EXP 1000-6740 1,699.80 LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN 8 ADMIN ELECTRICITY 2000-6330 26,277.00 Check Total: 102.764.62 AP-00091788 MW LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6011 266.60 LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005-6011 266.60 Check Total: 533.20 AP-00091789 MW LOHMEIER,MICHAEL CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 2,598.00 Check Total: 2.598.00 AP-00091790 MW MABE,ELLEN GAGE CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 200.00 � Check Total: 200.00 AP-00091791 MW MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS LUTHER PASS 1002-6048 1,037.28 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002-6073 119.85 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO HEAVY MAINT SECONDARY EQUIP 1004-6022 258.91 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO HEAVY MAINT GROUNDS&MNTC 1004-6042 1,808.72 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2002-6054 523.49 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002-6073 119.86 Check Total: 3.868.11 AP-00091793 MW MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS BUILDINGS 1002-6041 1,288.31 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS BUILDINGS 2002-6041 1,288.30 Check Total: 2,576.61 AP-00091794 MW MESA LAB LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 213.25 MESA LAB LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 134.46 Check Total: 347.71 AP-00091795 MW METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS GEN&ADMIN OFFICE INVENTORY 1000-0428 78.96 Check Total: 78.96 AP-00091796 MW User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 9 Current Date: 10/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Description Acct#I Proj Code Amount — Check Num Tvoe MID MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS UNDERGROUND REP RADIO-RPRS/RPLCM 2001 -6056 48.50 Check Total: 48.50 AP-00091797 MW MOTEL 6 PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 1002-6083 98.65 MOTEL 6 PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 2002-6083 98.65 Check Total: 197.30 AP-00091798 MW MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 505.07 Check Total: 505.07 AP-00091799 MW NEWARK IN ONE ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 1003-6051 343.03 Check Total: _ 343.03 AP-00091800 MW NEXLEVEL INFORMATION TECH INC INFORMATION TECH CONTRACT SERVICE 1037-4405 5,031.25 NEXLEVEL INFORMATION TECH INC INFORMATION TECH CONTRACT SERVICE 2037-4405 5,031.25 Check Total: 10.062.50 AP-00091801 MW NIXON'S HEATING/AIR CONDIT INC ENGINEERING-2015 METERS PROJ METERS PHASE II 2029-8660-15W002 280.36 NIXON'S HEATING/AIR CONDIT INC CUSTOMER SERVICE MISC LIAB CLAIMS 2038-4520 �g2.19 Check Total: 412.55 AP-00091802 MW �OORDA,DEBORAH ADMINISTRATION TRAVEUMEETINGS 1021-6200 36.61 I�OORDA,DEBORAH FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 1039-6200 7g.22 NOORDA,DEBORAH ADMINISTRATION TRAVEUMEETINGS 2021 -6200 36.61 NOORDA,DEBORAH FINANCE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2039-6200 7g.21 Check Total: 219.65 AP-00091803 MW NORTHWEST HYD CONSULT INC ENGINEERING-TRUCKEE MARSH TR CRK RESTORE 1029-8426-TMSFPP 22,748.32 Check Total: 22.748.32 AP-00091804 MW ONTRAC LABORATORY-IND CRK RES MONT POSTAGE EXPENSES 1007-4810-INDIAN �9,78 ONTRAC LABORATORY POSTAGE EXPENSES 1007-4810 15.50 ONTRAC LABORATORY-ARHD3 TRTMT EXP POSTAGE EXPENSES 2007-4810-AH3EXP 14.96 ONTRAC LABORATORY POSTAGE EXPENSES 2007-4810 157.06 Check Total: 207.30 AP-00091805 MW PAC MACHINE CO OPERATIONS GROUNDS&MNTC 1006-6042 473.60 Check Total: 473.60 AP-00091806 MW PDM STEEL PUMPS BUILDINGS 1002-6041 381.10 PDM STEEL PUMPS BUILDINGS 2002-6041 378.14 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 10 Current Date: 10/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Tlme: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Deoartment/Proj Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Amoun Check Num TXPe Check Total: 759,24 AP-00091807 MW PETTY CASH GEN 8�ADMIN SUPPLIES 1000-6520 8.64 PETTY CASH PUMPS DUES/MEMB/CERT 1002-6250 21.00 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029-4820 50.00 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING GROUNDS&MNTC 1029-6042 6.00 PETTY CASH FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 1039-6200 12.37 PETTY CASH GEN&ADMIN SUPPLIES 2000-6520 35.95 PETTY CASH PUMPS DUES/MEMB/CERT 2002-6250 21.00 PETTY CASH HUMAN RESOURCES ADS/LGL NOTICES 2022-4930 45.00 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING-DROUGHT FUNDING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029-4820-NORAIN 50.00 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING GROUNDS&MNTC 2029-6042 6.00 PETTY CASH CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WfR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 5.00 PETTY CASH FINANCE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2039-6200 12.36 Check Total: 273,32 AP-00091808 MW PICKINGS,RICHARD ENGINEERING-2014 METER PRJ METERS 2014 2029-7013-METERS 2,750.00 � Check Total: 2.750.00 AP-00091809 MW RkiAXAIR 174 PUMPS LUTHER PASS 1002-6048 199.07 � PRAXA�R 174 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002-6071 143.11 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002-6073 167.95 PRAXAIR 174 HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 320.04 PRAXAIR 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 29.22 PRAXAIR 174 UNDERGROUND REP SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 2001 -6075 61.38 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 2002-6071 143.10 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002-6073 167.94 PRAXAIR 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 29.21 Check Total: 1.261.02 AP-00091810 MW PROCESS MEASUREMENT&CONTROLS PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002-6051 1,516.70 Check Total: 1.516.70 AP-00091811 MW PURCHASE POWER GEN&ADMIN POSTAGE PPD 1000-0304 1,000.00 PURCHASE POWER GEN 8 ADMIN POSTAGE PPD 2000-0304 1,000.00 Check Total: 2.000.00 AP-00091812 MW QUEST GEN&ADMIN HYDRANT PERM►TS 2000-3529 2,993.60 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 11 Current Date: 10/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims RepoR(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Deaartment/Proj Name Descri tion Acct#/Proj Code Am un Check Num Tvue Check Totai: 2,gg3.60 AP-00091813 1�IW RANGEL,LANNETTE CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 434.13 Check Total: 434.13 AP-00091814 MW RATTO,CHRISTOPHER CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP-00091815 MW RED WING SHOE STORE UNDERGROUND REP SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1001-6075 348.84 RED WING SHOE STORE PUMPS SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1002-6075 2g2,zg RED WING SHOE STORE PUMPS SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 2002-6075 2g2.2g Check Total: 913.40 AP-00091816 MW REDWOOD PRINTING CUSTOMER SERVICE PRINTING 1038-4920 227,�g REDWOOD PRINTING PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027-6620-PREEXT 211.63 REDWOOD PRINTING CUSTOMER SERVICE PRINTING 2038-4920 227.15 REDWOOD PRINTING CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 817.04 Check Total: 1.482.98 AP-00091817 MW RENNER EQUIPMENT CO DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS&MNTC 1028-6042 43.11 � Check Total: 43.11 AP-00091818 MW R�EY PLUMBING&HEATING ENGINEERING-2015 METERS PROJ METERS PHASE�I 2029-8660-15W002 2,286.50 Check Total: 2.2g6.50 AP-00091819 MW RIVA,JUDITH CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP-00091820 MW RODERICK,GLENN PUMPS DUES/MEMB/CERT 1002-6250 -43.25 RODERICK,GLENN PUMPS DUES/MEMB/CERT 2002-6250 -43.25 REVERSED Check Total: -86.50 AP-00091443 RV RODERICK,GLENN PUMPS DUES/MEMB/CERT 1002-6250 43.25 RODERICK,GLENN PUMPS DUES/MEMB/CERT 2002-6250 43.25 Check Total: 86.50 AP-00091821 MW RUIZ,JOSE OPERATIONS DUES/MEMB/CERT 1006-6250 86.00 Check Total: 86.00 AP-00091822 MW SCOTSDALE PLUMBING 8�EXCAVATION GEN&ADMIN HYDRANT PERMITS 2000-3529 2,880.96 Check Total: 2.880.96 AP-00091823 MW SEVEN SPRINGS LP CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 7,500.00 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 12 Current Date: 10/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department I Proj Name Description Acct#I Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvue Check Total: 7,500.00 AP-00091824 MW SHERW�N-WILLIAMS HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004-6041 199.63 Check Totai: 199.63 AP-00091825 MW SHIELDS,KATHLEEN CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 290.62 Check Total: 290.62 AP-00091826 MW SHRED-IT GEN&ADMIN OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1000-6081 64.00 Check Total: 64.00 AP-00091827 MW SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 1003-6051 3,221.05 Check Total: 3.221.05 AP-00091828 MW SIERRA CHEMICAL CO OPERATIONS ITYPOCHLORITE 1006-4755 3,153.29 Check Total: 3.153.29 AP-00091829 MW SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY-IND CRK RES MONT MONITORING 1007-6110-INDIAN 258.00 Check Total: 258.00 AP-00091830 MW SIERRA SPRINGS PUMPS SUPPLIES 1002-6520 15.41 SIERRA SPRINGS DIAMOND VLY RNCH SUPPLIES 1028-6520 15.41 �RRA SPRINGS CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 1038-6520 7.94 � SIERRA SPRINGS CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLtES 2038-6520 7.94 Check Total: 46.70 AP-00091831 MW SIERRA TAHOE READY MIX UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 1001-6052 582.40 Check Total: 582.40 AP-00091832 MW SIGNS OF TAHOE ENGINEERING-DVR IRRIG IMPRVS DVR IRR IMPRVMNT 1029-8161 -DVRIIP 691.20 Check Total: 691.20 AP-00091833 MW SILVERS HR,LLC HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1022-6200 3,143.50 SILVERS HR,LLC HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2022-6200 3,143.50 Check Total: 6.287.00 AP-00091834 MW SNAP ON TOOLS EQUIPMENT REP SHOP SUPPLIES 1005-6071 41.31 SNAP ON TOOLS EQUIPMENT REPAIR SHOP SUPPLIES 2005-6071 41.31 Check Total: 82.62 AP-00091835 MW SOUNDPROS INC PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 1027-6620-PREEXT 49.00 SOUNDPROS INC PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027-6620-PREEXT 49.00 Check Total: gg,pp AP-00091836 MW User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 13 Current Date: 10/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<I.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Descrintion Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvne SOUTH TAHOE CHAMBER ADMINISTRATION DUES/MEMB/CERT 1021 -6250 12.50 SOUTH TAHOE CHAMBER ADMINISTRATION DUES/MEMB/CERT 2021-6250 12.50 Check Total: 25.00 AP-00091837 MW SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE GEN&ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000-6370 2,417.20 SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE PUMPS GROUNDS 8�MNTC 1002-6042 6.50 SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE GEN&ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 2000-6370 362.40 Check Total: 2.786.10 AP-00091838 MW SOUTHWEST GAS GEN&ADMIN NATURAL GAS 1000-6350 72.98 SOUTHWEST GAS GEN&ADMIN NATURAL GAS 2000-6350 137.68 Check Total: 210.66 AP-00091839 MW STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL UNDERGROUND REP DUES/MEMB/CERT 1001 -6250 70.00 STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL PUMPS DUES/MEMB/CERT 2002-6250 70.00 Check Total: 140.00 AP-00091840 MW STEEL-TOE-SHOES.COM UNDERGROUND REP SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1001 -6075 193.49 STEEL-TOE-SHOES.COM ELECTRICAL SHOP SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1003-6075 76.50 STEEL-TOE-SHOES.COM OPERATIONS SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1006-6075 2�1.49 � 31�EEL-TOE-SHOES.COM UNDERGROUND REP SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 2001 -6075 161.99 STEEL-TOE-SHOES.COM ELECTRICAL SHOP SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 2003-6075 76.49 Check Total: 719.96 AP-00091841 MW STEPHEN,CHAD&AMBER GEN&ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 2000-2002 4,556.00 Check Total: 4.556.00 AP-00091842 MW SWRCB CUSTOMER SERVICE DUES/MEMB/CERT 2038-6250 300.00 Check Total: 300.00 AP-00091843 MW SWRCB UNDERGROUND REP DUES/MEMB/CERT 2001 -6250 120.00 Check Total: 120.00 AP-00091844 MW SWRCB UNDERGROUND REP DUES/MEMB/CERT 2001 -6250 90.00 Check Total: g0.00 AP-00091845 MW SWRCB OPERATIONS DUES/MEMB/CERT 1006-6250 340.00 Check Tota�: 340.00 AP-00091846 MW SWRCB ACCOUNTING OFFICE PUMPS REGLTRY OP PRMTS 2002-6650 9,812.63 Check Total: g,g�2.63 AP-00091847 MW User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 14 Current Date: 10/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Pro�Name Descri tp ion Acct#/Proj Code Amoun Check Num Tvoe TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE GEN&ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000-6370 312.50 TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE OPERATIONS SLUDGE DISPOSAL 1006-6652 12,900.16 Check Total: 13.212.66 AP-00091848 MW TAHOE BLUEPRINT ENGINEERING-DVR IRRIG IMPRVS DVR IRR IMPRVMNT 1029-8161 -DVRIIP 272.95 Check Total: 272,g5 AP-00091849 MW TAHOE MOUNTAIN NEWS CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 170.00 Check Total: 170.00 AP-00091850 MW TAHOE OUTDOOR LIVING ENGINEERING-2015 METERS PROJ METERS PHASE II 2029-8660-15W002 185.28 Check Total: �g5.2g AP-00091851 MW TAHOE PARADISE CHEVRON UNDERGROUND REP DIESEL 1001 -4620 415.50 TAHOE PARADISE CHEVRON UNDERGROUND REP DIESEL 2001-4620 248.88 Check Total: 664.38 AP-00091852 MW TAHOE RESOURCE CONS DISTRICT ENGINEERING-INT RGNL WTR MGT CONTRACT SERVICE 2029-4405-IRWMPL 2,547.87 Check Total: 2.547,g7 AP-00091853 MW TAHOE SAND&GRAVEL UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 2001 -6052 238.10 T�HOE SAND&GRAVEL ENGINEERING-2015 METERS PROJ METERS PHASE II 2029-8660-15W002 76.68 O1 Check Total: 314.78 AP-00091854 MW TAYLOR,KAY CUSTOMER SERVICE MISC LIAB CLAIMS 2038-4520 224.28 Check Total: 224.2g AP-00091855 MW THOMAS HAEN CO INC GEN&ADMIN-DVR IRRIG IMPRVS CONST RETAINAGE 1000-2605-DVRIIP -22,687.14 THOMAS HAEN CO INC GEN&ADMIN-LPPS PWR/CTRLS CONST RETAINAGE 1000-2605-LPPOWR -27,498.90 THOMAS HAEN CO INC ENGINEERING-DVR IRRIG IMPRVS DVR IRR IMPRVMNT 1029-8161 -DVRIIP 226,871.45 THOMAS HAEN CO INC ENGINEERING-LPPS PWR/CTRLS LPPS PWR/CTR UPG 1029-8330-LPPOWR 274,989.00 Check Total: 451.674.41 AP-00091856 MW U S BANK CORPORATE UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 1001 -6052 10.00 U S BANK CORPORATE UNDERGROUND REP SMALL TOOLS 1001 -6073 265.70 U S BANK CORPORATE UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEUMEETINGS 1001-6200 647.60 U S BANK CORPORATE PUMPS OFFICE SUPPLIES 1002-4820 60.14 U S BANK CORPORATE PUMPS SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1002-6075 59.40 U S BANK CORPORATE ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 1003-6071 42.29 U S BANK CORPORATE ELECTRICAL SHOP TRAVEUMEETINGS 1003-6200 100.00 U S BANK CORPORATE HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 292.40 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 15 Current Date: 10/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvne U S BANK CORPORATE HEAVY MAINT SMALL TOOLS 1004-6073 265.70 U S BANK CORPORATE OPERATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 1006-4820 68.51 U S BANK CORPORATE OPERATIONS SERVICE CONTRACT 1006-6030 160.00 U S BANK CORPORATE OPERATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES 1006-6071 g,gg U S BANK CORPORATE OPERATIONS TRAVEUMEETINGS 1006-6200 1,646.32 U S BANK CORPORATE LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 51.84 U S BANK CORPORATE LABORATORY OFFICE SUPPLIES 1007-4820 17.63 U S BANK CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1021 -6200 169.93 U S BANK CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION INCNTV&RCGNTN 1021 -6621 33.98 U S BANK CORPORATE HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY PROGRAMS 1022-6079 175.50 U S BANK CORPORATE HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENS 1022-6670 13.49 U S BANK CORPORATE DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS&MNTC 1028-6042 �2.81 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING SUSPENSE 1029-2504 1,906.88 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING SHOP SUPPLIES 1029-6071 251.05 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1029-6200 28.04 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING-LPPS PWR/CTRLS LPPS PWR/CTR UPG 1029-8330-LPPOWR 23.76 i d'S BANK CORPORATE INFORMATION TECH SUBSCRIPTIONS 1037-4830 �g.g� v S BANK CORPORATE INFORMATION TECH DIST.COMP SPPLIS 1037-4840 43.61 U S BANK CORPORATE INFORMATION TECH SERVICE CONTRACT 1037-6030 25.00 U S BANK CORPORATE INFORMATION TECH TRAVEUMEETINGS 1037-6200 388.17 U S BANK CORPORATE INFORMATION TECH DUES/MEMB/CERT 1037-6250 210.00 U S BANK CORPORATE CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1038-6200 516.96 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039-4820 59.59 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 1039-6200 721.15 U S BANK CORPORATE UNDERGROUND REP STANDBY ACCOMODA 2001 -6083 626.10 U S BANK CORPORATE UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2001 -6200 4.98 U S BANK CORPORATE PUMPS OFFICE SUPPLIES 2002-4820 60.13 U S BANK CORPORATE PUMPS SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 2002-6075 59.40 U S BANK CORPORATE PUMPS TRAVEUMEETINGS 2002-6200 511.75 U S BANK CORPORATE ELECTRICAL SHOP TRAVEUMEETINGS 2003-6200 100.00 U S BANK CORPORATE LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 51.83 U S BANK CORPORATE LABORATORY OFFICE SUPPLIES 2007-4820 17.62 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 16 Current Date: ]0/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvae U S BANK CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2021 -6200 169.92 U S BANK CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION INCNN 8�RCGNTN 2021 -6621 33.98 U S BANK CORPORATE HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY PROGRAMS 2022-6079 175.50 U S BANK CORPORATE HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENS 2022-6670 13.49 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING SHOP SUPPLIES 2029-6071 251.05 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 2029-6200 630.08 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING-2015 METERS PROJ METERS PHASE II 2029-8660-15W002 4.54 U S BANK CORPORATE INFORMATION TECH SUBSCRIPTIONS 2037-4830 19.97 U S BANK CORPORATE INFORMATION TECH DIST.COMP SPPLIS 2037-4840 43.60 U S BANK CORPORATE INFORMATION TECH SERVICE CONTRACT 2037-6030 25.00 U S BANK CORPORATE INFORMATION TECH TRAVEUMEETINGS 2037-6200 388.16 U S BANK CORPORATE INFORMATION TECH DUES/MEMB/CERT 2037-6250 210.00 U S BANK CORPORATE CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2038-6200 516.95 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039-4820 59.58 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 2039-6200 721.13 Check Total: 12,989,16 AP-00091859 MW i I�NE FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039-4820 51.88 UIINE FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039-4820 51.88 Check Total: 103.76 AP-00091860 MW USA BLUE BOOK OPERATIONS BIOSOL EQUP/BLDG 1006-6653 858.60 Check Total: 858.60 AP-00091861 MW V&C CONSTRUCTION INC GEN&ADMIN-TRUCKEE MARSH CONST RETAINAGE 1000-2605-TMSFPP 19,227.84 CheckTotal: �g,227,g4 AP-00091862 MW VINCIGUERRA CONSTRUCTION GEN&ADMIN-2015 METERS PROJ CONST RETAINAGE 2000-2605-15W002 -24,348.00 VINCIGUERRA CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING-2015 METERS PROJ METERS PHASE II 2029-8660-15W002 243,480.00 CheckTotal: 2�g.�32.00 AP-00091863 MW WAUGH,JEFFREY L CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 2,305.50 Check Total: 2.305.50 AP-00091864 MW WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY GEN&ADMIN OFFICE INVENTORY 1000-0428 338.52 Check Total: 338.52 AP-00091865 MW WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 1003-6071 15.96 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP SMALL TOOLS 1003-6073 13.23 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 17 Current Date: 10/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims RepoR(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Deoartment/Proj Name Description Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tyce WEDCO INC DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS&MNTC 1028-6042 38.12 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP RPR/MNTC VYTR TKS 2003-6054 512.93 Check Total: 580.24 AP-00091866 MW WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY GEN&ADMIN PIPE INVENTORY 1000-0408 162.39 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY PUMPS LUTHER PASS 1002-6048 100.72 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS&MNTC 1028-6042 �g,29 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY GEN 8 ADMIN BOXES/LIDS/INV 2000-0403 19,675.97 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 2001 -6052 362.45 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY UNDERGROUND REP SMAL�TOOLS 2001-6073 615.97 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY HEAW MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004-6041 438.83 Check Total: 21.375.62 AP-00091867 MW WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION GEN&ADMIN-REP LG WTR MTRS CONST RETAINAGE 2000-2605-14W115 -6,142.50 WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION GEN&ADMIN-FIRE HYDRANTS CONST RETAINAGE 2000-2605-HYDRNT -8g2,1p WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING-REP LG WTR MTRS REP LG WT MTRS 2029-8539-14W115 122,850.00 WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING-FIRE HYDRANTS FR HYD 6"LINES 2029-8560-HYDRNT 17,842.00 � Check Total: 133.657.40 AP-00091868 MW BbIAO,JIANZHOU CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 100.00 i Check Total: 100.00 AP-00091869 MW Grand Total: 2,387,050.75 User: THERESA-Theresa Sherman Page: 18 Current Date: 10/29/2015 Report: BK:Payment of Claims Report(With RV)V2<1.03> Current Time: 09:08:06 General Manager Richard H.Solbrig � . ,sso . w� � Director5 O � V � ChriS Cefalu � ah O� JameS R.Jones ��F ������ ������ D������ t_ Randy Vogelgeeang y � Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•South Lake Tahos•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 54•q--6q-74•Fax 530 5q-1-0614•WWW.5�pUG�.US BOARD AGENDA ITEM 13a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: November 5, 2015 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CVO6-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES � H NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -61- vonc�a�manayc� Richard H.Solbrig � 1� � Directors �� �$tgr ( � Chris Cefalu � U� � JameS R.JoneS � h � O� Randy Vogelgesang � `� I'u b 1 i c U ti 1 i-�y D i�tri ct Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 5�W--6474•�ax 530 541-0614•www stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 1 3b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: November 5, 2015 ITEM -PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -63- General Manager ,�� Richard H.5olbrig �� ♦ 1950 • w � �r � �+ a a e Director5 �� Chris Cefalu -...�.� JameS R.JoneS ',� �u b 1 i c U ti I ity D i 5t�i��t Randy Vogelge5ang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 9615�-7401 1'hone 530 5q�4-6474•Fax 530 54-1-0614•www.stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 13c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: November 5, 2015 ITEM-PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al., County of EI Dorado, Superior Courf Case No. SC20010165. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -65-