HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/06/2015 �OVTH TqMO� _ =.�= sewer . 1950 .Ws�e� �e��UTILITY D►`�A� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Richard Solbrig, General Manager Shannon Cotulla,Assistant General Manager Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August 6, 2015 MINUTES The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in regular session at 2:00 p.m., at the District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Board of Directors: President Vogelgesang, Directors Cefalu, Jones, Sheehan, Wallace Staff: Ivo Bergsohn, Paul Hughes, Richard Solbrig, Shannon Cotulla, Gary Kvistad, Melonie Guttry, Jim Hilton, Chris Stanley, Randy Curtis, Linda Brown, Stephen Caswell, Julie Ryan, Chris Skelly, Trevor Coolidge, Guests: Jack Barnwell, Tahoe Daily Tribune CONSENT CALENDAR: Moved Cefalu /Second Wallace / Cefalu Yes / Jones Yes / Vocaelgesana Yes /Sheehan Yes/ Wallace Yes to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. a. GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist) Authorized staff to enter into a consulting agreement with the Desert Research Institute, Nevada System of Higher Education, in an amount not to exceed $50,000, for the initial phase of development of groundwater models and hydrologic modeling tools for implementation of the Tahoe Valley South Basin (6-5.01) 2014 Groundwater Management Plan. b. ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES. REGION 3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOMINATION RESOLUTION (Shannon D.Cotulla, Assistant General Manager) Adopted Resolution No. 2987-15 nominating Shannon Cotulla to the ACWA Region 3 Board of Directors. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-August 6, 2015 PAGE-2 c. AS-NEEDED SPECIAL LEGAL COUNSEL FOR PUBLIC CONTRACTS (Julie Ryan, Principal Engineer) Authorized Staff to execute Task Order 5 with Best, Best, 8� Krieger LLP. d. SURPLUS VEHICLES 8� EQUIPMENT (Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent) Authorized Baxtin's Management Group to auction District surplus vehicles and equipment at public sale. e. AMENDMENT TO BOARD POLICY MANUAL (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Board Clerk) Approved amendment to Board Policy Section 2101.40- Election of Directors and Orientation, to be consistent with Ordinance No. 562-15, adopted by the Board on June 18, 2015. f. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES: JULY 9. 2015 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Board Clerk) Approved July 9, 2015 Minutes g. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: Julv 16, 2015 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Approved July 16, 2015 Minutes ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Truckee Marsh Sewer Facilities Protection Project (ivo Bergsonn, Hydrogeologist) -Staff gave an overview of the project. Moved Sheehan / Second Jones / Cefalu Yes /Jones Yes / Voaelqesana Yes /Sheehan Yes/ Wallace Yes to accept the cost proposal from Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, in an amount of$122,349, to provide as-needed engineering and environmental monitoring services through July, 2016, for the Truckee Marsh Sewer Facilities Protection Project. b. Diamond Valley Ranch Irrigation Improvement Project (ivo aergsonn, Hydrogeologist) -StOff gClve an overview of the added services for Diamond Valley Ranch Irrigation Improvement Project. Moved Voaelaesanq /Second Wallace / Cefalu Yes /Jones Yes / Wallace Yes /Sheehan Yes / Vo4elqesang Yes to authorize an increase in the amount of$195,622 to Domenichelli and Associates (Purchase Order P2322) for added electrical engineering services. c. Ordinance No. 563-15- Reimbursement for Fire Hydrant Installations (Tim a�edsoe, Manager of CustomerService, Paul Hughes, cr,ief Financiai offcer)-Staff gave an overview of the reimbursement for fire hydrant installation process and the various associated codes. Moved Wallace / Second Cefalu / Cefalu Yes / Jones Yes / Wallace No /Sheehan Yes / Voqelgesana Yes to approve Ordinance No. 563-15 amending Ordinance Number No. 496-06, Ordinance No. 498-07 and Administrative Code Section 3.1.48 regarding reimbursement for fire hydrant installations. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-August 6, 2015 PAGE-3 d. 2015 Surveying Services for Waterline Replacement Projects �stepr,en casweu,Senior Engineer,Julie Ryan, Principai Engineer) -Staff gave an overview of the project proposals. After review, staff recommends splitting the project into two tasks, awarding Task 1 to Farr West Engineering for a contract price of$53,660 and Task 2 to Lumos and Associates for a contract price of$38, 520. Moved Sheehan /Second Cefalu /Cefalu Yes / Jones Yes /Wallace Yes /Sheehan Yes / Vogelgesang Yes to approve proposals from selected consultants for surveying services for waterline replacement projects. e. Approve Payment of Claims (�ebbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Moved Voqelaesanq /Second Sheehan / Cefalu Yes / Jones Yes / Wallace Yes /Sheehan Yes / Voqelqesanq Yes to approve Payment of Claims in the amount of$1,857,822.83. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS: Nothing to report BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Director Jones reported he attended a two day session with ACWA reviewing the headwaters issues, including the effects of global warming on the forests. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT: Director Jones reported the meeting will be held here at the District on August 12'h at 10 a.m. Staff is preparing a presentation regarding EI Dorado County Water Agency funding provided to the District and Tahoe City PUD will be giving a similar presentation. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT: Richard Solbriq reported on several items: • Consolidation Budget Trailer Bill -Met with Jennifer Lukins on Monday and because Lukins is connected to the District's intertie they are no longer viewed by the State as being in an emergency category. Lukins is hopeful to have their system fixed and in working order by next summer. • Water Service Leak on Muskwaki Drive -There was a recent, relatively small leak on the customer side of the meter. The leak was not causing major damage and the renters could not be relocated so the leak was fixed after the weekend. Had the leak been on the meter side, the District would have worked overtime to fix it. • July 2015 water savings is 27.5%. The District has received 120 complaints, 236 violations and issued 1 fine on a commercial property. The water conservation staff is issuing one written warning and then as a courfesy, providing one follow up warning indicating the next violation will result in a fine. This extra step has been positively received by District customers. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS: Staff reported on a few of items: • Historically the District's high flows for the 4th of July holiday are over 6 million gallons per day; this year the 4th of July holiday produced 4.93 million gallons per day. • The sewer line replacement on Osgood Avenue has roughly 500 feet where the bottom of the pipe is corroded. The clay soils have created a natural bottom for the pipe, but repairs are needed. Staff will visit the site August 7th to determine how to proceed and may come back to REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-August 6, 2015 PAGE-4 the Board at the next meeting on a quick order to get the project complete before the end of the construction season. • The District has been attempting to use the state's revolving loans due to low interest rates, but this year has been challenging and we do not have contracts in hand for the Luther Pass Power 8� Control Project nor the 2015 Meters Loan. The State has indicated our loan is not approved at this time due to the District's appeal on the 0% interest rate. Once they make a decision, they will fast track the contract. The State has also indicated that the drought is taking priority over all other issues. In the future, the District will research other financing for projects that are specificaily tied to the construction season. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION: 2:55 pm RECONVENED TO OPEN SESSION: 3:21 p.m. a. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al., County of EI Dorado, Superior Courf Case No. SC20010165. No reportable Board action. ADJOURNMENT: 3:21 p.m. � Randy Vogelgesang, Board President ' South Tahoe Public Utility District Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the B rd South Tahoe Public Utility District