HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 484~2 . _ RESOLUTION NO. 484 A oOL~TION. OF TIlE BOARD :OF.'.;Di~C TIlE STATE' WATER" POLLUTION"CONTROL -.. . :.. ....... '~ U.D'.'.,v, -. :'...;.~:"' effluent by SOUTff TAHOE PUBLiC. UTIL~TY..-DtSTRICT. from?' I~,tE~EAa~ the sale o~.~eVenue or~':.geneca~'[o · .i, iv WfZEAS,- said sewerage' facilities :are nec, ' welfare of the inhabitants of~ ~ttER~S, preliminary coot estimates for sa~d"treatme: ~REAS, there is-in' ex'istence~'the'.St~e:':Wat Control F~:d available for ex~nditUre'.by~the.'state.':,:.wa{er.{Q~it,~]::~:~ Control Board in making loans .t~ district~:.~0r."~he",c°ns~uctiO~?'.Of:' WlmR~S~ the Governors of'.the'stateS....of. Neva~a'an~,].."["~:~ ...... "~ California have reco~ended that t~abe'd'.sewage,:efflUe~t': '" ' exported from the South Lake Tahoe basin'by.the..fa'll':of':1965 ~IE~AS, the gra tin f.' ~e" ~.' '- - ' ' . ,' ~, .: ~ , -. ·" . ' :.L'. ~'-~ Quality Control Board for the constrdction cf.'seWerage- facilil necessary for the treatment of" effluent:and'exportatio~ . . . ..- [.. ~.. : .:-.~... , .... . .... ,., .. ,. Lake Tahoe basin wo~d be 'in the'interests of. the inhabitants' ~he '~is~ric~,. a~d .would help.i, th~ recommendations of.:the G0ve: with::~.t or SOUTH TAHOE' PUBLIC: UTILITY :~iSTP~CT 1. That.an application' f0p.i-a:.:-l¢~n..:,in?.t,fi~-~...~am~u~:, _ -. otate. Water ' Pollution' Conbrot' ~d ':: of sewerage facilities for ghe greatm~nt ?6f efflueng..~'~d from %ne South Lake Tahoe Basin.~ ".;- :..'.-:' ,--'.:~.~.:.,.,~. :,... · ,.?~.::,:':-:.-.:-.. :;-. :....:: )::,:?:::. 2~ That the General mnager,:.'~ginee):and-.ltt0rnel SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILi~ ~ " '"" ....... '~' "'" '~'::~'":" DIoT~CT are 'authorized-,to "f0rth~ take the necessary ac~-~n''~,~ ~' ' ~'" ':~'" .... '" .... "-" '"' :' '"""~"~ required- go '.prepare.~ and.. submig: said ...... ..,.~_ ...::,.., ~.~'.~... .- : ... '~j.. ~ ~.., ::~.. ;- ~.,~. loan application ~o the state r ii: ' Gove~mor oi' the State of. California, and the State' Senator from the Ninth ~enator~al District. . ..... '~'~ ''':/ /~'""'~'-'~ :'}:"'-'c'~'~"'~':". . '. :...'[.. :.'... ... -: :...:'-~. .... ... · .'::,' PASS~ ~D ADOPT~ this 16th day of a duly held reg~ar meeting of the Board of Directors of the AYES: NOES: ABSRRtT : -~2 · 20 2], 22 2;$ 24 25 29 SO ex officio' Secreta~ of.'the-Boa~'d.}~'bf::Di~'~t6rs'-"th~r'~'~f:~ hereby certi~ that the attached: ~SOLUT!ON. NO:"'. OF TI~ BOA~ 0F DI~CTOP~ OF TttE SOUTtt TAHOE PUBLIC'UTILITY DIST~CT AUTtlO~ZING T~ P~PA~TION AND SU~SSION.'.OF TION }~R LOAN FROM .Tt~ STATE,WA~' ~uTION'"coNTRoL.FUND?~'~'?/.'~:':~' d~y. adopted bY the Board of D~rectors o~ SOUTH TAHOE-PUBLIC,.,,.,,::.,~-:'.~.'.,:~ UTILITY DISTRICT at'a d~y held':reg~ar' meeting:on office of said SOUTH TAHOE PUBIC UTILITY: DIST~CT.: Said Resolution was passed by the follo~ng ,vote of:the'-;membe'rs'~f.:~.':~.. ~: Directors Wakeman~ Fes~er~.-Seewar~-:an~..K6r~e~ NO~: None : ' . . :...:.: .~ .....'~ .. ,.'?.~ (SEAL) .SOUTH-' TAH£ and. ex": offi'ciO . ~.tary.-:',of Board 'of~ Direct ors.: .the