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Resolution No. 485
4 :, :'~ '15 .HE$OL,UTION NO. 485 .,. ;,, , A RESOLUTION 0F THE .Bo~A~D :JbF:i~'D'ii~T6R.~i)5'~.j..J.'.i~:[ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC~'UTILITY:':DISTRICT'-~( --. "~ 'ING APPROPRIATION~/OF.: MONEY FOR"THE.S~w< ~'WAT~::POLL~ION -~CONTROL" FUND' '".' '-" ~': ~i ' .. , .he.-State'.~ater~:-PollUt~on ,ControI/.FUnd~'-i-S construction of ~ew~-~e',J'~~.~.''"~ .'."!' '~....'.(.':.'.~,...":.,.::..~(..' ymER~S, the.'remaining money '~ow Credited to'[the:. "'.:~. . . . k". '-.[ -.', '~..... Water Pollution Control'F~d is ins~ficient t'o ma['e['h~[.lOan'tb' - . - ... . . , · :. /.:....,.., . SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT for ~he ~o~*.~;,~.i~ of age fa cilitie, .s '.required' for the exportation~ off~.treate'd~' se~g~?.':~: effluent from th~ SOuth Lake' TahOe· basin; and ..'. '?~'[?~ or,th '. waters will require exportation from the South Lake.~.Tahoe :'basin..of rrzuent treated by SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC'~ILiTY DIsTRIcT;. : . .. . . . .~ . .. : .. , .'. -~ ,-.,,~. ~ ...... .-~., ¥~E~AS, the cost cfi treating efflue[~ 'f~r~:S. aid'.~xpor ticn, and the exportation of said effluent by. SOUTH~.TAHOE.:.pU~Icy-./, ~ILITY DISTi~CT is substantially greater(than the .c~st treatmen~ o~dinarily ~equimed .to p~ese~ve health standa~d~; and)..:,.'.. . :...:,: ': [.f:.:'?.:/ j ': ...j~. ~]{EF~AS, the sale o~ revenue, o~ general 'obligation'bonds th~'ough private financial institutions by SOUTH TAHOE puBLIo.j"'~.'.); UTILITY DISTRICT to finance the construction of . sewerage .. ~a~ili2[e for the treatment of efffluent for. exportation and said ef~[uent by SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC ~[LYTY DISTRICT. ~o~d'( an ~reasonable b,~den on said DiStrict; and '": "'" :7' kU~EAS, the prezervatiOn of the.~laritY"Of. Lake:.Tahoe::[: .... . .. ...... .. . : :.',..'~--. (,.. :. waters is necessary to the welfare of ~e)'inhabitantS.' of'the. Stat~ ~ ,..'.. ..... .... . .... ,... · of alifornia;, and ...-',.. . WHEREAS, sewerage facilities for. the treatment of fo~ exportation and exportation of said effluent by SOUTH - TAHoE ,--: )"~ PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT are necessary t° the welfare of the Ieffluent ~by SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC. . ?~-.~ ~, ~.~- ~. ..~ :-Lake. T~Oe.: waters; :~. - ..... ' -~ ~ NO~,~'T~FO~ ~d ;of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC~ UTILITY DISTRI~ :' . ' 1.".. That the. Governor: and.:,t~e.State.,Legislatur, e - ' ~ ~, ~ t certified '~'0~i<~'~ with forwarded to the Governor o£ the State of. Califo'r~u±a, State Water ~uality Control. Board~ and the" State .Senator from'.; -- .... '~'- .... ,, ,~:i -'-"':':.'.:'.'~; -' <' .... ""i :: .~:'-'-'~,~: ..... ,..: Ninth Senatorial District. ,~ .... · .::~?~.'..~-:/~ ; ~,~:·.i-, ~,-.'-.;:!? .. -~i~" ~'-'<"· ~.. .~'"' ~;'~·' ;:..: ...,. .-, .. ~.:-. ,.:- ,-!~i~:.~..:..~;- .~.-'~.?':;~ ./-.:~> ,/~:'~ ~ ~..~ ,. - ~a.dul~ held' regular, meeting of.thelBoard~of, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY, DIST~CT by the: following vote: ......... -.. .... · _ . .... . . ./.;'..~<.~ " At~: Directors ~akeman~-Fesler, St'ewart':a~Kor{es}':~.' ABSENT: Directo~i Clarke ' - '~., .:~-'. -_ -.' :~.,:;' :: .;;' - . ,... -. <,:......~ ::, Robert- Wakeman k-,-:?.":'::-:..'? ' '. Acting President ~°f<.the'.Board?&f.?~.~'~ - - , . ': ~ . Directors or,the-SOUTH'~.TAHOE'<'.P~BLIC of the Board of Directors.'-,.: ..', ,. ~"' ,': Secretax~ thereof :' ." :'< , ' · · -""; :.~..':' '",. - , .'"'.".,,.:':':,~",":" ~.':".~,"-~::';':"~':'" STATE 'OF ,C ALIFO RNI~ ':.i! 'i :%x' offi cio 'Se cretan'; Of~.".the,, BSa'rd ~'°~,',Dir;'~t'~ hereby certi~ that the.attaChed ~SOLWlON N~'~?[ ~':A'.~SOLUTIO~, OF THE BOARD-6F:' Di~CT0~:'OF'.S~'~H:-''TAH0~-'P~Li'6'.'~TiLISY'Di~T~ REQUESTiN'G' APPROPRIATION ~F ;~O'~Y:', FoR".THE.}'STATE'-' ..... : .... :':, .., .f. '(.,.. CONTROL F~D~ 't's a true, f~i-a~d"-~rr~ct.~:~-Opy-.-~-~· ..... ,'. ..... SOUTH .TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY'DISTRICT'.'~t ....... meeting on .Ja'n~rY_.16,. l~6$,/:and ~'ghag:'.-:.th~'~:: ~ri~inal:..:.of~/:.said -..~ .... Re~o!ution' i~ °n file-in': the':'6~i~:~: '°~-~'~id~;S0UT~:'~T'~i~'E'.-'p~B~:~' . . ,: . . .... . -: ,_.~.,,.:.:....~ ...:.,:-:., ~., ~ ,..~;.,: ... .... ,.. UTILI~ DiST~CT. - Said:'Re~iuti°~' wa:~'.'/~Se~':.':~.':~e':~ vote of the members of the Board of Directors Directors NOES: None '--::': - ~.~ "'[. ' ' ,"..' "-':' .~ ." :.-. :'. . . . , :... ,..,-.' j:.:.~.:..' A~T: Director Clarke '[ '-'~: .~:'.~'.%:':'.:[' ' ' '" ':"-~ and. ex:-offi~iO'. ' . . '" (.":'"'~ ":'.,)Board Of Directors ...... -. , . .,..:: '.. :.,:.::::-:).:-' ::?:'- .... : ' '..' - ~, - ' . ' .., ~ 'j.: : ." ~%j,;.;.([.-. :. : ' . "..:..- -. ,.:....-..-.'.-.::.:':,:..'.::::.-':-:..: